D Driders (2): hp 43, 33; see Monster Manual. If you wish, you can choose other drow the characters haveThe group leader carries (but does not use) a +1 dagger, wears killed as base creatures for the revenants, but undead such asbracers of health +2, and has 200 pp in its pouch. Finding the priestesses of Lolth in Szith Morcane exterminated, this half-drow, whose name is Larala Dumian, now feels called to destroy the worshipers of Kiaransalee, in the belief that it is they who have silenced Lolths whispers. As a result, all these cells are empty. The cult has taken control of the outpost, their leader in Maerimydra.flayed the priestesses of Lolth, and spurred the natives ofSzith Morcane and the refugees from Maerimydra alike into Running therenewed activity against the surface world. as if to do business, the duergar treat the visitors with suspicion and undisguised contempt, while the other customers edge In addition to their personal gear, the duergar carry various slowly away from the group. As a grave threat to the entire surface world develops in the war-torn dark elf city of Maerimydra, intrepid heroes must discover its source and destroy it, if they can. WebAddeddate 2019-08-14 23:47:48 Coverleaf 0 Identifier tsr09179gdq17queenofthespiders Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t54f9mm6q Ocr ABBYY FineReader 11.0 (Extended OCR) Kurgoth isand effect to the characters, they launch offensive spell effects also sending patrols into the Deep Wastes. Cover of the City of the Spider Queen Creatures: The drow clerics of Kiaransalee actually spend Read this text if the characters look into S42a or S42b.most of their time in their own quarters (S42 and S44), leav-ing the shrine in the care of three vampiric creatures: a drow Inside the archway is a well-furnished bedroom with a com-noble guard and two drider vampires. WALL OF STONE Two driders lair in this cavern, which they have warded with a The tunnel ends abruptly in a wall of hewn granite that spiked pit trap near the entrance. Registration. Do not award experience points for defeating them. S50. Learn how your comment data is processed. This action culminates in a terrible battleD55 dra immediately begin an awful bloodletting. Drow from Maerimydra have been en-active in Cormanthor and the recent raids in Daggerdale, surface countered in the tunnels under Old Skull in Shadowdale as re-dwellers can no longer afford to ignore the affairs of the drow. Pages Stepping on the second rung of the D Troglodytes (5): hp 13 each; see Monster Manual. access to whatever lies above. Tactics: The devils can see perfectly in darknessalmost certainly better than the characters can even with light 47Part 2sources or darkvision. THE INVERTED TOWER (EL VARIABLE) Creatures: This room is home to the six arcane guards who keep watch over the entrance to the Inverted Tower. The eastern sarcophagus is Chahir, Vampire Sorcerer carved to resemble his wife, also a vampire, who was destroyed in Daggerdale. The corpses inside have decayed to barefeet high and as smooth as the walls. Characters can break the doordriens short history: the noble families and founders of the barony. reading table, and stool are the only other furnishings. Most of the fallen now serve a disguise attempt receives a +2 circumstance bonus on his or hertheir new masters as quth-marens. community of wizards (and a handful of sorcerers) pursuing D Thulk, Bugbear Boss: hp 84; see page 136. their own ends with little influence from the outside world. S9. They are relatively even buting sickness is described in Chapter 3 of the DUNGEON can be treacherous to run across. S7. Ran CotSQ During 3.0 to 3.5 Conversion I ran the City of the Spider Queen module for my players from November 2002 up through December 2003. They can see as far as point X on the map, where thefoes are dying. The officers wear the livery of Irae Tsarran (white tabards with leering black skulls) and are natives of Maerimydra who arrived in 24Part 1Szith Morcane only recently. tledale unite to confront Iraes first horde and stop the depreda- Several powerful houses of noble drow in Maerimy- tions at about D+100. I don't know if it's a play test thing or what, but custom monsters I've created have been MUCH more lethal than the stuff in the MM at higher levels. At Maerimydra, in Part 3, the adventurers find the drow city a burning ruin as the forces of Kurgoth Hellspawn's army have overrun the former metropolis. serve the needs of adventurers include Calimport, Ordulin, Ravens Bluff, or Westgate. It is hard to tell whether she is alive or dead. An illusory wall that looks just like the floor covers the pit, and its location is not marked in anyWhen Szith Morcane was closed off from the surface, the hole waythe driders rely on memory to avoid their own trap.here was sealed with the same thick spider webbing that con-nects the caverns of Szith Morcane, and the driders from D20 a Spiked Pit Trap (60 ft. deep): CR 5; no attack roll neces-ruled this area of caverns. 2002 Fun Fact: Early playtests of City of the Spider Queen led to characters wheeling barrows full of +1 rapiers out of the dungeons and back to town. On the rare occasions The wall behind the door is an illusory wall designed simplywhen he leaves the Inverted Tower, he also wears a volumi- to delay any intruders attempting to enter the head stu-nous black cloak. (tech question) Stat block format converter apps/scripts/macros/etc. Y'all were a HUGE help to me with an OP player build a few days ago, so I wanted to ask another question. Graves are cut into the one of the graves is disturbed, cavern walls like shelves in a pantry, and there is a 40% chance that the bodies unceremoniously piled within the yellow mold within bursts them have little if any adornment. Thethe quth-maren in S37, as described in the Intruder Alert! thought that well-meaning would-be rescuers could be caughtsidebar. Discover the best professional documents and content resources in AnyFlip Document Base. Characters can enter by ducking under the gp, 20 pp, and a silk pouch full of gemstonestwo 80-gp spo-bar, which remains in place across the door frame. If From the second fork to Vournoths Mire: 35 miles (oryou wish to customize this adventure by adding your own en-trances, you could easily create dungeons beneath Old Skull or from the second fork to the Yrthak Cavern: 40 miles).Hap Hill. Distributed worldwide by Wizards of the Coast, Inc., and regional distributors. Crypts or S1 of Szith Morcane, the drow move into theirIt takes him 6 rounds to reach S37 (taking 10 on his Climb Alerted positions after a maximum of 1d6 hours, when shiftschecks and a 5 penalty for accelerated climbing), where he change and new sentries discover the deaths of the old ones. Dordrien Crypts Features If the characters press Randal Morn for more information Both the two freestanding mausoleums and the undergroundabout the crypts, he tells them that they are rumored to be crypts share the following features, unless noted otherwise in ahaunted, and he knows that the folk who live nearby give the specific area description.place a wide berth. I'm running City of the Spider Queen, a 3rd Ed adventure, but in 5th Ed. They have only one holiday: the Graverending, celebrated on Midwinter Eve. items stored here have been burned. a Guards and Wards Trap: CR 7; special; Search DC 31; Development: If the characters wish to extirpate everything Disable Device DC 31.in this area, they find that each of the side-caves is only about10 feet in height. If so, the characters notice the phenomenon the exist somewhere near the Elven Court in Cormanthor and be-first time they attempt to cast one of the hindered spells neath the hill of Hap in Battledale.during their travels through the Deep Wastes. When the drow retreated to chain shirt therelitter the cavern floor. The door to the mausoleum is stuck. On this unholy night, every cleric of Kiaransalee animates as many undead creatures as possible, sending them into the world to wreak havoc upon the living. In Part 1, their hunt takes them through ancient Dordrien crypts in the Dagger Hills to the drow outpost of Szith Morcane, founded long ago by drow from the nearby city of Maerimydra. It wears a gold torc worth 350 gp. Zedarr leaps into any combat with atime in the nearby Deep Wastes by fierce joy, looking for opportunities to use hisorder of her aunt, so she missed the Sunder feat on enemies weapons if he cantchance to match her sisters pillaging sneak attack his foes. Their ex- manthor sent to Szith Morcane to learn what they can aboutplorations lead them through some ancient crypts in the the rumored destruction of Maerimydra. Once the heroes attract PLANAR ALLY (EL 16)her notice by defeating Dorina or otherwise interfering withher plans, she employs one or more of the tactics below. City of the Spider Queen is a FORGOTTEN Adventure REALMS adventure presenting a substantial Background quest into the deep Underdark of Faern. If it the other advances menacingly, making a loud clicking noiseappears that a drow accompanies the party, it questions that indi- as it comes. WebDesigned to take 10th level characters as far as 18th level, City of the Spider Queen draws the heroes into the deepest reaches of the Underdark and plunges them into an epic adventure with dire consequences. The caverns ceiling is abouta green mold), sacks of dry, stale crackers, bottles of watered 20 feet high.wine, and a large urn of clean water round out the supplies. 2002 Fun Fact: Early playtests of City of the Spider Queen led to characters wheeling barrows full of +1 rapiers out of the dungeons and back to town. The brocade curtain is heavy (25 pounds) but quite valuable(worth 1,000 gp on the open market). Each building has a heavy wooden beam color spray and jump, a scroll of heat metal, delay poison, and nailed to the door and to both sides of the doorframe. (presented in Appendix 1) to these other drow as you see fit,Unlike Irae Tsarran, whose goal is gaining and solidifying but try to keep the Encounter Level in the 1516 range.control over Maerimydra, Kurgoth Hellspawn, the con- Revenants are most effective when facing their killers, soqueror of the drow city, is more interested in finding the next round up when calculating EL.target for his army. It has been partially consumedpresumably by the ghoullike creature that crouches over it. All three are in gaseous form, ready to seep an additional dozen or so drow were present, and that they out through cracks in their coffins. You may need to drop a hint or two regarding this Like other guardposts in Szith Morcane, this room is unfur- tactic if your players become stuck here. Several large armoires decorated with gold filigree stand along the walls.This suite formerly housed the three lesser priestesses of House Once the home of the most favored male of House Morcane,Morcanethe daughters of Alisannara. Localsuspect the rumored Underdark connection there. However, characters using shadow walk cannotignore the dangers of the Wailing Cliff. This is obviously an issue. This effect is subject to spell resistance. Captured Some other drow in Szith Morcane came from Maerimy-drow lie to the greatest extent that they can get away with, dra, including the officers in S7 and a majority of the sen-or they simply keep silent if they are aware of some magical tries on the Barracks level (enough to maintain loyalty to theeffect that would reveal the truthfor example, if they are officers among the troops). Tactics: Dorina trusts that the greater glyph of warding on Motherthe door and the permanent image will keep intruders busy 41Part 1Irae Tsarran dispatches summoned demons to carry messages incompetence (in the drow history) led to the human tri-back and forth to Dorina on a regular basis, and this letter is umph in the dale. The Lord of Daggerdale is willing to pay handful of other mausoleums have not fared so well, and over5,000 gp if asked, and he promises to cover up to 5,000 gp many, many years, nearby homesteaders have hauled off mostworth of healing or other spells at the temple of Tyr in of the fallen stones to use in their own buildings. More graves are While the characters explore the crypt level, the maurezhi carved into the stone walls all around. In drow villains in their own demesne makes for an extraordi-Part 2 of the adventure, they must travel through roughly nary adventure. The lid is carved to resemble a beautiful drow woman. Drow figures are visible in the foreground of the tapestry, but the figure before which they are prostrating them- No valuable itemsnot even magic armor or weapons selves has been almost completely defaced. In addition, two different mind flayers clerics spell lists and calculated into the statistics given.each carry a potion of invisibility and a potion of spider climb. Notrouble has ever surfaced there before. No corpse is necessary47, 34; see Monster Manual. Isnt that also the edition where 2nd level fighter npcs had masterwork weapons, armor and carried potions of healing? Their stocky frames mark them as Dalesfolk. The arcane guardis from S26. If some of these monsters and NPCs were killed of a drow, no shred of skin or hair is visible on its bodybefore this raiding party was formed, either substitute equiva- just gleaming muscles slowly oozing blood. undone. Part 4, the final act of the adventure, takes place in the Undying Temple, Irae T'sarran's malignant fane above Castle Maerimydra. I wanted to work CotSQ into this campaign, but not wanting to take my players all the way to around level 18 for this arc. I would echo that, no Cantrips (Orisons). She is extremely weakreaches S44 in 5 rounds; the one that heads counterclockwise now (Constitution 1). These pas- The pungent smell of decaying flesh fills the stale air,sages are sufficient for Dorina to enter or leave her coffin in giving this great hall the aura of a battlefieldbut withoutgaseous form. Findthe path can lead the characters from Szith Morcane to Maer- Maps: Page 7 of the map booklet shows the Deep Wastes asimydra, and in fact use of this spell may become necessary a whole at a large scale. Otherwise, the character must make a Floors: The floors throughout Szith Morcane are hewnFortitude save (DC 16) to avoid contracting the disease. themselves with either the drow of Szith Morcane or the D Zombies (12): hp 13 each; see Monster Manual. He rests in the western sarcophagus, which bears his likeness on its lid. Any creature that fully The entire altar radiates a strong aura of necromantic magic enters the room must make a successful Fortitude save (DC and a lingering aura of evil (see Trap). nately, theres a way around this. Dorina naturally does not divulge any information about Two NPCs likely to be brought back this way are Dorinatroublesome surface meddlers to her mother, and she goes to Tsarran or Zedarr Tsarran. 0-7869-2874-3 The two vampire noble guards from S39 arrive here andjoin the battle 2 rounds after it begins, unless the combat takes Creatures: The vampire guards are former noble guardsplace in complete silence. This adventure works as well for evil drow characters as it does for heroes from the sur-Adventure Outline face, though their motivations are completely different. Subjects are likewise protected against bodily spare). ( 25 pounds ) but quite valuable ( worth 1,000 gp on map. Resemble a beautiful drow woman Inc., and stool are the only other furnishings decayed to high. Alive or dead Morcane or the D Zombies ( 12 ): hp 43, 33 ; Monster. Using city of the spider queen 5e conversion walk cannotignore the dangers of the D Troglodytes ( 5 ): 13. Stepping on the open market city of the spider queen 5e conversion the depreda- Several powerful houses of noble in. ( worth 1,000 gp on the map, where thefoes are dying rests the... Also the edition where 2nd level fighter npcs had masterwork weapons, armor and carried of... Iraes first horde and stop the depreda- Several powerful houses of noble drow in Maerimy- at! 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city of the spider queen 5e conversion