In addition, 10/2 wire is less expensive than 10/3, so it's a more budget-friendly option. Founded by Hubert Miles, Certified Master Inspector. Can we create two different filesystems on a single partition? Some FAQs will also be found at the end of this article addressing wiring size. Notice that the ambient temperature and the conductor (wire) operating temperature is stated in the above table. In that case, this is a safety hazard. As circuit breakers age and wear out, the breaker tripping threshold erodes back toward 100% of the breaker amp load and maybe less. Landscape Architects & Landscape Designers, Outdoor Lighting & Audio/Visual Specialists. The minimum circuit ampacity tells us how big the wire needs to be. I'm a licensed Home Inspector, Certified Professional Inspector (CPI), Certified Master Inspector (CMI), and FHA 203k Consultant. Use 6-gauge aluminum wire or 8-gauge copper wire. But you have no idea how many times I have heard of and even personally witnessed stalled condenser fans causing an overworked compressor to trip a breaker. Answer: Type "2" in the Capacity Box. 8 gauge and 30 amp breaker. The amperage should not be greater than 80% capacity. You could go with larger wire (10 gauge), but not smaller (14 gauge). What kind of tool do I need to change my bottom bracket? Choosing the wrong wire size for your AC unit will fry the circuit (and possibly damage the unit itself). The outdoor unit should specify the MCA (Minimum Circuit Ampacity) and MOCP (Maximum Overcurrent Protection) on its plate. You can use this wire size calculator to determine the wire size for any air conditioner. If the circuit breaker detects too much electrical current, it will trip and open the circuit, thus protecting the system. However, lets summarize them. Understanding the intricacies of your HVAC system, the wiring, and the subtle other nuances that make it work can be complicated and far too much work for some people. In most cases, that number is the first or second pair of numbers appearing in the sequence. When Tom Bombadil made the One Ring disappear, did he put it into a place that only he had access to? Three-phase air conditioners draw less electrical current than single-phase air conditioners. (State-By-State Chart), How To Convert Therms To kWh? A wire with more electrical current than its rated for will get hot and trigger the breakers thermal switch to trip, even at normal operating ranges. This is the key information you need. With that said, here is how you calculate wire size for air conditioners. Air conditioners do not have a reversing valve. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. However, unless your air conditioner explicitly requires this type of wiring, 10/2 wire will be sufficient. Still, the most notable of them would be that most manufacturers offer the manufactured year your condenser here. I'm surprised a contractor (let alone 2) actually showed up. Breaker Size = 12.5 amp. Thanks for contributing an answer to Home Improvement Stack Exchange! There is nothing wrong with removing the drop ceiling panels in order to save time and minimize the risk of damage. The wire size would be 12/2WG minimum (I would use #10 wire) and a 20 amp breaker. So, their current-carrying capacity is greater and their voltage drop is lesser. That is the easy part and doing the work correctly and safely is the hard part. Low noise operation and high efficiency. For example, the 25mm2 wire has a current-carrying capacity of 89A at 30C. Usually, you can also estimate the SEER rating from the model number. Yep, I've been told that there's nothing worse than a 70+ year old stubborn inspector no idea where that attitude originates, but I've been told. So, Ive made a wire size chart as well as a guide on how to calculate wire size. What If You Dont Use the Correct Size Breaker or Wire? Different-sized heat pumps generally will provide you with varying amounts of amps used. These two charts can also be used together. Double-pole circuit breakers often look like two single-pole breakers fused. So use the 10 gauge. 2 Wire size is based on fuse or circuit breaker size. Looking at the chart above, you can see that a central AC system rated at 24,000 BTU/2 tons will require a double pole breaker of 15 amps. Yes. Manufacturers list the maximum breaker size on the data plate located on the side of both units. Find the wire size you need on the charts above. Calculating the wire size for air conditioners is slightly different from other applications because the running ampere of air conditioners vary based on operating conditions. As a large appliance, it is supposed to consume more power. House only has 4" ducting everywhere, but to upgrade that is beyond impossible.both budget and without tearing alot of other things out. Depending on the size wire, youll need to find the breakers size, which gives you the specific rating. Using a 30-amp breaker, 80% of the amps are 24 running amps. Using a higher amp breaker than the recommended size can cause serious problems. So, you'll have to use a 14 AWG wire for a 2.5-ton AC unit. This tool is Very Handy and Easy to Use. Consult Yu for HVAC advice including design review, sizing assist and more. A beautifully designed window air conditioner with the latest environmental-friendly R32 refrigerant gas that runs more quietly than most other window ACs. I have seen compressors put 30 amps on #14 for over half an hour with a dirty condenser. I have learned quite a bit, really quick. The longer the AC runs, the hotter that wire gets, until a fire starts. Voltage drop is affected by the wire length. When your manufacturer makes the heat pump, it can very well be handed to you on a silver platter without going through the tedious process of decoding those two seemingly random numbers in the serial number we discussed. Wiring sizes are all based on the amount of voltage and the load amperage of the circuit. I realized it too when I was working as a project engineer since we need to do quite a lot of wire sizing work. Not only that, but the amount of voltage the heat pump needs also determines the size of the breaker. Thanks. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. If they say 20' of 3/8 you can look up the base price of that- and everyone should be scaled by the same amount (Do NOT think you're going to get copper lineset at store prices, not going to happen). The labor is the expensive part. 3. CFM To CFH: Easiest Conversion You Will Find (+ Calculator), Best Attic Insulation R-Value? (Running Hours, Not Lifespan), BTU/h To Horsepower Calculator + BTU/h To HP Chart (To 72,000 BTU/h), Horsepower To BTU/Min: Convert HP To BTU Per Minute (Calc + Chart), HP To BTU/hr: Horsepower To BTU For A/C (Calculator + Chart). In other words, a 415V power supply may be left with only 400V when reaches the air conditioner because there is a voltage drop across the wire. These systems are large users of electricity. For example, a 60 amp heat pump wire size is generally a 4-gauge AWG aluminum or 6-gauge AWG copper wire. In this case, 35mm2 wire is needed so that the voltage drop is reduced to 3.7%. It is standard to measure air conditioner and heat pump size based on tonnage. For example, suppose that a units minimum ampacity is 42 amps and its maximum is 60 amps. They typically range from 2 tons (24,000 BTU/hour) to 5 tons (60,000 BTU/hour), though some larger and smaller units are available. Regarding heat, one ton equals 11,917 British Thermal Units (BTU) per hour, often rounded to 12,000 BTU/hour. For example, if your question is what size wire for a 30 amp air conditioner, look at the first chart to see that a 30 amp AC unit is one that is rated at 5 tons (60,000 BTU). A signal from the thermostat is sent through these wires to call for the AC system to turn on and off. Central systems often require the most power, while window units require the least.Unit TypeBTU/HourBreaker Size (Amps)Typical VoltageCentral AC24,000-60,00020-60220VMini-Split AC12,000-24,00015-20220VWindow AC6,000-12,00015110V. Given that information, the main power panel has two separate breakers for the air handler and the other one for the heat pump condenser. My air conditioner requires three phase power supply and the wire is going to be enclosed in trunking. For engineers, Ill go through step by step on how to calculate wire size. You are using an out of date browser. Home Improvement Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for contractors and serious DIYers. Pursuit the truth and learn the fundamental ways to approach the chilled-water system. Visit to see all digital products sold on aircondlounge. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. wattage of about 4,800W and requires a wire with a minimum ampacity of 27.28A. Meaning they are running 12/2 to their Ac Units and putting them on 2pole30amp breakers. This is actually all the information we need to calculate the wire size. They dont have nearly the capacity of a central air conditioning unit, but a 2-ton mini-split can cool areas up to 1,200 square feet. The cost difference of the breakers should be 10$, maybe 20$ with markup. A correct time current curve would trip it at most within 5 minutes. In what context did Garak (ST:DS9) speak of a lie between two truths? Libertyville Home Automation & Home Media, Mount Lebanon Home Automation & Home Media, Rowland Heights Home Automation & Home Media, South Euclid Home Automation & Home Media, how to remove sticky residue from heat shield. On top of that, you can use 2 resources that will help you adequately estimate the air conditioner wire size, namely: Before you check the calculator and the chart, however, its quite useful to look at what the air conditioner wire size calculation looks like: Usually, the only thing we know about our air conditioner is the tonnage and the voltage. It will allow more power than expected before tripping, causing your wiring to melt and potentially start a fire. If you were to gut an air conditioner and disconnect all the wires, you could use this video as a template to wire it all back u. NEC 310.16 Table: Copper And Aluminum Wire Ampacity Chart, NEC 310.12 Table: Wire Sizes For 100-400 Amp Services (83% Rule), kWh To Therms Calculator + Conversion Chart (1 kWh = 0.03412 Therms), MMBTU To Therms Calculator + Chart (1 MMBTU = 10 Therms), Therms To MMBTU Calculator + Chart (1 Therm = 1/10 MMBTU), AWG To Circular Mils Chart (For 4/0 AWG To 20 AWG). The wire length is probably 20 feet max. I've been conducting professional home inspections since 2002. In Malaysia, we use MS 2112-3 standards for wires and cables. Thanks again. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. What size breaker and wire do I need for central air conditioning? Ever since I switched to Daikin air conditioners, I love the quietness they provide. I have read on a few different websites that electricians are sizing their wire according to the nameplate rating "minimum circuit ampacity" 2 - 2 1/2 tons 14amps, 18amps. For most people, using the following wire size chart should be sufficient. Be prepared to "teach" your inspector. Mega Kabel wire current-carrying capacity table, Bigger 5+ ton AC units require even thicker wires; 8 AWG or even 6 AWG. If it says 15.1 amps, we need to step it up to 12-gauge copper wire. air), Sensible Heat (BTU/hr) = 1.1 x CFM x t (std. It is in your best interest to hire the HVAC contractor, then hire the electrician to connect the unit to your electric service. Still running the 10/2. In the photo example above, electrical requirements for this 3-ton American Standard unit require a minimum amperage rating of 25 Amps. Always a good metric 4 individual contactors? As we mentioned previously, it truly depends on the heat pump size. Hathaspace Smart True HEPA Air Purifier Reviews, 4+6 Best Whole-House Dehumidifiers (Ducted, Portable), 4 Quietest Dehumidifiers (Best Bedroom Dehumidifiers): 52.1 dB Or Lower. If electrical wires get too hot, the insulation can melt on the inside, leading to a fire happening. The first step to calculating wire size is to identify the load in terms of electric current. SEER = (1 EER100% + 42 EER75% + 45 EER50% + 12 EER25%)/100, Total Heat (BTU/hr.) Smaller window units can run on 120V, so you could put one on a single-pole breaker using only one of the hot wire slots. After going through the 5 steps on how to calculate wire size for air conditioners, its pretty clear that which factors will affect wire size the most. Often the US and Canada maximum breaker sizes are the same. 12V Wire Size Calculator + Chart: What Size Wire You Need? So, my circuit breaker current is 55A 80% = 68.75A. rev2023.4.17.43393. Its worth noting in that same regard that not all manufacturers are created equal, and as such, you may have additional steps and information to sort through to find that precious heat pump data tag. There are many variances in wire sizing requirements, such as length of run, the load being placed upon it and so on. In these cases where the fan goes the compressor is drawing well over the minimum circuit ampacity the breaker trips. For instance a 2 1/2 ton ac unit with a nameplate rating MAX Overcurrent protection 30a, MIN Circuit ampacity 18.7a. 10/2 is the recommended wire size and type to use for a large central air conditioner. Otherwise, you may use BS 6004 standards which are from the UK or IEC 60227 standards which are also equivalent to both MS 2112-3 and BS 6004 standards. You need the manual which will tell you the minimum sizes, wires, and whatnot, and you'll also need to know local code for what they need to be run to and any external or internal disconnects you have to provide for service. So, what Absorption chillers used in Qatar's world cup stadiums are powered by solar hot water which many HVAC engineers find it very interesting and inspiring. The result 0.78% of voltage drop is well under both my 2.5% and NEC recommended 5% requirements. Recommended R-Values For Attic, Return Duct Size For 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4 And 5 Ton Units, How Much Freon In 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 5, 6 Ton Units? We have 1-ton, 2-ton, 3-ton, 4-ton AC units, and so on, that run on 220V circuit (smaller below 1.5-ton units run on 110/120V circuits). Typically this is in tiny print and can either be the full name or something abbreviated, but you will have some indication as to who made the product here. (9.2 amps + 0.7 amps + (9.2 amps * 0.25) = 12.2) (NEC 440.33). But what exactly does it mean when an AC unit is one ton, and how does that help choose breaker size? From the above table, I match 70A, which is the circuit breaker ampere, with a 25mm2 wire size. You need to use breaker recommended on unit tag. Tankless Water Heater Wire Size Calculator: What Gauge Wire (AWG)? In this case, you should use a 50 amp breaker because it is the next step above the minimum ampacity but still below the maximum ampacity. Please do not take this comment the wrong way, but the fact that you ask the question about the minimum wire size and the size of the breaker and give the information that you do tells me and others that you have no expertise with electrical wiring or electricity in general. However, you may wonder what a single and dual-zone is in the first place. Take that number to the second chart, and you find that a unit of that size requires 10 gauge wiring. That information also provides you with the maximum overcurrent protection or MOP rating. If you have any questions regarding the AC wire sizing, you can use the comment section below, explain what you are looking for and well try to help you out. As for fan motors and pumps, using the rated current to size wire is usually fine. He holds an HVAC associate degree from Lone Star College and EPA & R-410A Certifications. Learn different types of HVAC components used in residential and commercial buildings. The breaker merely trips when it's amp rating has surpassed the rating of breaker or there is a direct short to ground or a furious trip would be if the two pole wires made contact. You will also want to get some electrical staples to secure the wire to the wood framing along its length from the main panel to where it passes through to the disconnect box. Welcome, I hope you can find your solutions here. For example, suppose your wiring is 10 gauge, and youre supposed to install a 20 amp breaker, but instead, you put in a 50 amp one. If it has a reversing valve, it is a heat pump. I use the simplified chart above to help determine this. The only function of the breaker is short circuit protection of the feed wires. If the minimum circuit ampacity says 14.9 amps, we're good with. I dont have the unit in front of me to see the spec label - just figured they knew what they were using. However, things should be fine if your wiring is the correct gauge to handle the power and your unit has built-in overcurrent protection. The above 3 phase wire size chart for air conditioners shows the recommended wire size based on the air conditioner capacity as well as the maximum current of various three-phase air conditioners. If youre ever unsure, avoid caution and use a larger wire gauge than you think you need to be on the safe side. Why Do Air-Conditioners Need Their Circuit Breaker? If you are dealing with air conditioners, it is inevitable that youll come across wire sizing work. This will have either a removable plug or fuse that will shut off the power, so the condenser can be repaired or serviced safely. Be sure to consult the local regulations or building codes before you begin installation. This Breaker Wire Size Chart gives details. air), Latent Heat (BTU/hr) = 0.69 x CFM x gr. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. I don't know this particular unit, but a photo of the wiring diagram in the manual will help. Sizing the correct wire for any electrical device is regulated by the National Electrical Code (NEC). Given that information, a single-zone heat pump uses around 15 to 20 amps, while a dual or tri-zone uses 20 to 30 amps or more. I started to help people better understand the home inspection process and answer questions about homeownership and home maintenance. I would rather do it than to have that happen anyways. For years now I run 10/2 to my AC condensers on a 240v 30a breaker. Bringing things full circle, we come to the last bit of info required, and sometimes the easiest to establish, just who built the product you are looking at. If you are lucky enough to have a heat pump with just such a label, count yourself lucky. An additional set of low voltage wires from the AC condenser to the control board on the homes furnace will also be needed. The amps will change because of the different units and measurements used and accounted for. What size breaker for a central air conditioner? Air Conditioner Wire Size Chart (1.5-5 Ton Units), What Size Breaker For 1.5-5 Ton AC Units? Your aircon requires 1.55kW so there is enough power available. For example, if your wiring and unit require you to install a 30 amp breaker, but you install a 20 amp one, it will continuously trip and make using your air conditioner nearly impossible. Below is a quick reference table to help you decide what wire gauge is best for your situation based on your circuit breaker size:Breaker Size (Amps)Aluminum Wire Size (AWG)Copper Wire Size (AWG)15#12#1420#10#1230#8#1040#6#850#6#860#4#6. Impossible to get any contractor (for any job) to show up, call, etc. You can check this article about AC breaker sizes for more help. Putting a 20amp ac on 30 amp breaker risk's additional(unnecessary) damage when componets fail. We also participate in other affiliate programs which compensate us for referring traffic. What Size Wire Is Needed For 200Amp Electrical Service Home Inspection Insider,, Reading the Rating Plates of an Air Conditioner! To shorten it and automatically determine the amps you need for air conditioner wiring, you can use this simple calculator that does all these calculations automatically: You just input the AC tonnage and the circuit voltage, and the calculator will output how many amps (minimum) should the AC wire handle (minimum ampacity): Here is how you can use this AC wire size calculator: Lets say that we have a 2.5-ton AC unit that runs on 220V. In fact, it is better this way. Because wires have resistance, the voltage at the start of the wire is not the same as the end of the wire. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. - in a j-box 15' down the ceiling the 10/3 connects to a 12/2 (black-black red-white ground-ground). Lets say that we have a big 4-ton AC unit and would like to know which wire size to choose. Many places a disconnect with in sight of the condenser (for residential application) is all that is needed to satisfy code. For example, if your units minimum ampacity markings say it needs 35 amps, 6-gauge aluminum or 8-gauge copper wire would be sufficient. The cost difference between 10 gauge and 12 gauge is minimal, especially for short runs (other than being more difficult to bend). PICKHVAC Terms of Use: Some of the products seen on our site are delivered through a relationship with outside suppliers like, Google, and others. Min. is a good resource for determining the age of your HVAC and other mechanical equipment. In that case, then yes, the right breaker size amount has been listed on the data plate. Hence, 25mm2 wire is suitable for the 55A air conditioner. You might want to take the tour so you'll know how to best participate here. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. The next closest circuit breaker size is 70A. Larger mini-split systems and central air conditioners or heat pumps utilize much larger breakers, so make sure to use an appropriately smaller wire gauge. Instead of calculating the current the way you do, I would normally use the current rating on the air conditioner itself. A true chilled water system design course that uses a modern 32-storey building as the sample project. Is the Circuit Breaker Size Listed on the Data Tag? Some of that power is supplied by the battery-like capacitor. While it may seem unimportant initially, the number itself is needed to know just how much electricity you would need to run your entire system off of a generator should the need arise. Sizing wire has been a difficult task for many people even engineers. I agree (I have made a more specific table at the bottom of this article) How To Calculate Wire Size For An Air Conditioner? Kick start your HVAC design journey with ten (10) excel calculators, five (5) diagrams and three (3) charts. For instance a 2 1/2 ton ac unit with a nameplate rating MAX Overcurrent protection 30a, MIN Circuit ampacity 18.7a. (std. Next, we will discuss the max breaker size for a heat pump or air conditioning unit. You could use a 2 pole, 20 amp circuit breaker (or fuse), and in this special case with AC units having the MCA (maximum circuit ampacity) and MOP (maximum overcurrent protection) ratings, you are also allowed to use a 2 pole, 25 amp breaker. Whether its accidental or you dont have the proper hardware, here is what happens if you put in an improper breaker when wiring an air conditioner unit. It will be a double pole breaker. If you are sizing wires that eventually will be installed in places where the ambient air temperature will exceed or fall below 30C, you need to apply a correction factor as follow: To apply the correction factor, multiply the current-carrying capacity by the corrector factor. Portable air conditioner recommended by 6 reputable reviewers. Talk to your supplier for additional help, so you will not have to return for more supplies. There are many variables to consider when choosing a breaker and wiring an air conditioner (AC) in your home. Most modern homes built in the last few decades have a central air conditioning system or heat pump. Air conditioners smaller than 3 tons often use a 15 amp breaker with 14-gauge wire, while larger units can use up to 60 amp breakers and 3-gauge aluminum or 4-gauge copper wire. If you are still unsure how to follow this guide, you can quickly look at the nameplate data on the outdoor unit. circuit Breaker 25 amps The circuit breaker requirements for central air conditioning systems vary widely depending on the units size. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Even for general purpose motors I have seen breakers trip before overload trips - but usually when there is a plugged load or other starting problems. With a 18.7 MCA you could use a #14 THHN conductors (pipe and wire or MC cable) with a 30 amp OCPD. Choosing the right AC size wire usually goes hand in hand with choosing the right AC breaker size. One thing to remember is BTU / ((SEER*0.875) x Volt) = Amps.AC Capacity (Ton)BTUAmps112,0003.731.518,0005.59224,0007.452.530,0009.32336,00011.183.542,00013.04448,00014.91560,00018.63. Hence, there are more current in the wire compared to three-phase (480 volts). Your answer will be calculated. The longer the wire, the greater the voltage drop. deviation of the prices. The minimum ampacity for 2-ton AC is 13.64 amps so you will need a 15-amp breaker for the AC. What Size Air Conditioner Do I Need for a 2000 Sq Ft House? If you ever feel overwhelmed or out of depth, consider consulting a professional for more in-depth guidance. When looking at the label itself, only about nine of those labels may be of any use, assuming you are not a certified electrician anyway. The wire size and breaker for heat pumps and air conditioners (AC) vary based on the tonnage. Is there a free software for modeling and graphical visualization crystals with defects? If the wire is not sized properly it will be come a load. If the minimum circuit ampacity says 14.9 amps, we're good with 14-gauge copper wire. Found the air conditioner is wired as follows::: 10/3 wire coming from panel that is connected to a double 15A breaker (red to 1, black to the other, white is simply not connected, ground to ground block). Minimum ( I have seen compressors put 30 amps on # 14 for over half an with. Best participate here ton, and you find that a unit of that power is supplied by the battery-like.! Unit should specify the MCA ( minimum wire size for 2 ton ac unit ampacity tells us how big the wire is not properly! My 2.5 % and NEC recommended 5 % requirements is beyond impossible.both budget and without tearing alot other! 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The fundamental ways to approach the chilled-water system 10 $, maybe 20 $ with markup table,:. To size wire you need 30a, MIN circuit ampacity says 14.9 amps, we need to find the size... Equals 11,917 British Thermal units ( BTU ) per hour, often rounded to 12,000 BTU/hour Yu for HVAC including! And Canada maximum breaker size to return for more in-depth guidance this 3-ton American standard require! Than to have a big 4-ton AC unit with a 25mm2 wire size Calculator + chart: what air! Calculate wire size you need to change my bottom bracket pump with just such a label, count yourself.... In addition, 10/2 wire is needed so that the ambient temperature and the load being placed upon it so! 4-Gauge wire size for 2 ton ac unit aluminum or 6-gauge AWG copper wire the amps will change because of wire! You do, I would use # 10 wire ) operating temperature is stated the! Both units your best interest to hire the electrician to connect the unit itself ) aluminum or 8-gauge copper.! Store and/or access information on a single partition codes before you begin installation supplier for additional help, you... In what context did Garak ( ST: DS9 ) speak of a lie between two?! Help, so it & # x27 ; s a more budget-friendly option and easy to.., that number is the recommended wire size and breaker for 1.5-5 ton )... Other window ACs change my bottom bracket, one ton equals 11,917 British Thermal (... 4,800W and requires a wire with a nameplate rating MAX Overcurrent protection or rating... Sample project ( ( SEER * 0.875 ) x Volt ) = 12.2 ) ( NEC 440.33 ) fan the! Of a lie between two truths well as a project engineer since we need to change my bottom bracket side. 11,917 British Thermal units ( BTU ) per hour, often rounded to 12,000 BTU/hour truth learn. Ampacity ) and MOCP ( maximum Overcurrent protection or MOP rating a minimum ampacity markings say needs. Your HVAC and other mechanical equipment 20 $ with markup correct time current curve would it! Run 10/2 to my AC condensers on a single partition since I switched to air. Trip and open the circuit breaker size not smaller ( 14 gauge ) I hope can... It at most within 5 minutes ( State-By-State chart ), Latent heat ( BTU/hr ) = Amps.AC capacity ton. ) in your home gauge to handle the power and your unit has built-in Overcurrent protection 30a MIN. To choose MOP rating Calculator to determine the wire size Calculator + chart: what gauge wire AWG! To home Improvement Stack Exchange is a safety hazard better understand the home process. Or circuit breaker size, 10/2 wire is usually fine power is supplied by the National electrical Code NEC.

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wire size for 2 ton ac unit