My boss got fired today. 74.) 66.) Whether you're looking for pet jokes or silly animal jokes, we've collected the best animal jokes to keep you and your furry friends entertained. Horses that have been tamed usually live to be around 25 years old. 1K. Because they cant achieve full horse power without gas. How long should a horses legs be?Long enough to reach the ground. How did the cowboy ride into town on Friday, stay for three days, and ride out on Friday?His horses name was Friday! Who rode a horse up the hill to fetch a pail of water?Jockey and Jill. What do you call a horse that never loses a race? 143 Hilarious Horse Jokes That Will Have You Rolling in Laughter. I provide direction on the most important math concepts you need to focus on with your children. The cowboy wipes the sweat off his forehead. The bartender, full of shock, says, Holy pony! Q. As a trained teacher and now private tutor, I help children learn math every day, and I use this blog to share some tips and tricks with parents like you. A: Tails of whoa. 87.) Q: What NFL football matchup is always a win-win for horses? The man throws some money on the bar puts on his coat and starts to leave. Why was the horse really proud of his school test results?Because he got a Hay-plus! Where do horses go when they hurt themselves? Get EVERY Halloween joke youll ever need right now and access them anytime on your PC, phone, tablet, Kindle or other device forever! What happens if there is a close finish in a horse race? Your name is written inside the cover.What do you use to tie a horses ankles together?Fetlocks!What does it mean when you find a horseshoe on the ground?Some poor horse is walking around in socks.What did one horse say to the other horse?The pace is familiar but I cant remember the mane.Did you see how good that new blacksmith was at fitting horseshoes?He absolutely nailed it!Whats the difference between horses and zebras?Zebras are just horses that have escaped from prison.Favourite Def Leppard song?Pour Some Shergar On Me.How do you turn a dinosaur into a horse?Use an internal combustion engine.Why did the farmer give his pony a cough drop?Its throat was a little hoarse. Were not trying to cause a disturbance, but we believe these are the best horse jokes available. How many horses does it take to build a barn?None, as they dont have hands. Here are 65 funny horse jokes and the best horse puns to crack you up. How do you make a small fortune on horse racing? Riddle: A man rode his horse into town on Friday. are a type of wordplay involving two meanings of the same word, often created for comedic effect. 1. Have you heard of the neigh-metal band, The Foals? The owner says, "Well, he's flat out a liar! What street do horses live on. Q: What did the waiter say to the horse? This Florida city was just named best place to live in the U.S. Miami isn't even close 23.) He took the precious book out of the horses mouth, raised his eyes heavenward and exclaimed, Its a miracle! Not really, said the horse. If she doesnt wake up on time, she smells foal because she couldnt shower. A: Mane St. Q: When do vampires like horse racing? 68 Hilarious Santa Jokes for the Holidays (Ho, Ho, Ho! The waiter says, "Hey.". ***. Q: Why did the man stand behind the horse? If it were a real joke and the _____ is a horse, the horse would probably talk and do other human things. What kind of dog has a bark but no bite. A. What do you call a pony with a sore throat?A little hoarse. Q: What did the horse say in the hundred acre wood? The cowboy wipes the sweat off his forehead. Ahorsewas arrested and brought to the police station for questioning. Cheer up with these food jokes that everyone will find funny. I heard it from my brother The other boy was curious so he agreed and said yes. Why did the horse get an award?It was out standing in its field.How was the horse after the accident?In a stable condition.What do you call a horse thats a world traveler?A globe-trotter!Why did the foal go to the doctors?He was a little hoarse.What animal can you always rely on?Horses, cause their always stabled!What kind of vacuum cleaner do horses prefer?A Hoofer.Whats the quickest way to send a horse mail?Using the Pony Express.A man rode his horse to town on Friday. You cant go wrong with a horse joke for animal lovers. A: Why the long face? Have fun having a laugh! Q: How do you hire a horse? 4. A: Thorough-bread. Whos there?Horsp. When you tell your child the answer to the joke, be sure to neigh as you say the word neighborhood. 23 funny horse jokes to enjoy 1. Where do horses live. December 2008 (1) November 2008 (4) October 2008 (5) September 2008 (1) August 2008 (3) If you love animal humor, check out these deer puns that really make the heart grow fawnder. Its cuz I got chapped lips. The bartender was even more confused; Horse manure helps with chapped lips?Nah, says the cowboy. He stayed there for 3 days and then he came back on Friday. All; Latest Episodes; Fiction; Non-fiction; Kids; Gimlet. Here is our top list of horse dad jokes. 2.When you hear gossip about a horse, you are basically listening to a neigh-sayer. 6.) So what have you done with your life? he asks the horse. Each night the kid balloon would get nightmares and go into the parents bed when they were asleep. Hey buddy you cant just leave that lyin there To which the man replies. What street do horses like to live on? How do you get a ponys attention?Shout Hey!. 65.) Q: Which football team do horses always cheer for? What do you call the horse who lives next door? Horse Reacts To Donkey In The Funniest Way Possible, Meet Microdave: A Tiny Horse With Boatloads Of Personality, Shania Twain's Horse Demands To Be Seen During Home Performance, Listening to the Horse - The Documentary by Elaine Heney & Grey Pony Films, Shoulder In & Out Training for better balance, bend & topline development with your horse, Over 110+ Polework Exercises & Challenges to Download, Dancing at Liberty & Creating Connection with Your Horse (11 lessons) - Grey Pony Films, 17 Magnificent Colorado Ranger Horses (Unique Photos), 7 Beautiful Russian Horse Breeds (with Photos), 7 Royal-Worthy Horse Breeds (With Photos), 9 Types of Horse-Drawn Carriages (with Images). From animals one-liners to food puns and anything gross in between, this list covers all bases on what kids find hilarious. Australian Brumby inhabits open grassy plains but is also found in semi-arid desert regions. How do bees brush their hair. Q: How is an egg like a young horse? It is the second equine death this year at Britain's biggest racing meeting following the death of Envoye Special on day one. 98.) Where do you find a horse with no legs?Where you left him. Q. Horses require tons of care. The bartender says, "Hey." A: At Old Neighvy. What do we call a pony who has a sore throat? Dont miss these unfunny anti-jokes that youll still laugh at anyway. Why did the pony yell?He wanted to be herd. These are appropriate for any age, so you dont need to be wary of sharing them with a broad audience. What is a frogs favorite year. . 48.) Find out the funny answer in today's jokes! A little hoarse. Fortunately, one of the best things we can do is laugh at all of the amusing horse racing jokes that occur along the way. What do you call a horse with two legs?A horse without two legs. If youre a horse nut like us, you love talking about horses all the time. jokes for kids, What do you call a horse that likes to stay up late? #1 for Parents and Teachers! What was it? I showed up to school, but I was neigh-ked.. Giddy-up, partner! Q: How are clouds like horse jockeys? The tireless helpers of humans, on whose backs civilizations were built. Its not that stable of an income! A. 142 Funny Horse Puns That Are Just Oat-Standing. Q: What did the horse grow in her garden? A: In Maine. Kids will laugh out loud when they hear these jokes about horse. 17. Did these horse puns give you a hoof and a holler! A: The Broncos. A talking dog!, Sam said to Fred, I put 20 on a horse last week, and he came in at twenty-five to one., Not really, said George. 96.) Whos there? The second dog replies with Thats nothing, Ive won fourteen of my last twenty races. What does it mean if you find a horseshoe? A: They both hold the reins. Make sure to check out our other posts for more hilarious content and entertainment! A: In the bridle suite. Q. Why is Dick Whittington a horses favourite panto?Because he was mare of London.Why did the horses always miss the support acts at gigs?They are only interested in the mane attraction.Is Nelson Mandela popular amongst horses?Not as much as his wife, Winnie.Why do horses queue up so badly?Theyre always jockeying for position.Did you hear the joke about the horse that was hobbled?Its a bit lame.Which seats do horses book at the theatre?Anywhere in the stalls.How do hip young horses casually greet each other?Hay.What boxing technique does a horse prefer?The pommel.Did you hear about the horse that doubted everything?He was a neighsayer.What did the Italian horse say when he heard there was a speed between trot and gallop?I canter believe it!What do horses see right before it thunders?Lightning colts!A horse walks into a bar.Hey, says the bartender.The horse neighs excitedly and says, My friend, you read my mind!Youre being chased by a Lion, youre on a horse to the left of you is a Giraffe and on the right a unicorn what do you do?You stop drinking and get off the Carousel.Why did the horse run away in the middle of its wedding?It got colt feet! A: I can't take your order. One-one won one race, and One-two won one too. (ie: mayor), Q: Where did the pony family go for their summer vacation? A race horse who has never won is told by his jockey that if he doesnt win that day, hes going to have to start pulling the milk wagon early next morning. Whos there?Quiet horse. A: Perform an exhorsist. Posts about horses written by That Blue Girl. These 65+ Horse Puns And Jokes Are Hay-larious. Knock knock. These jokes are perfect for a quick party joke or just for a few laughs. These jokes arent just for fun; theyre well worth the price of admission. Suddenly the horse falls over dead. Q: What is the best type of story to tell a runaway horse? 86.) Its no surprise that horses are one of the most popular animals on the planet; theyre an incredible combination of strength and beauty. How do bees brush their hair. jokes, Check in every week for a terrible teaser! The best horse jokes always include a pun. It goes: 1: THE HORSE (S) 2: DADDY'S MONEY 3: YOUR MONEY 4: YOU. Horses have been domesticated for over 5000 years. Need help? These jokes about moose are great moose jokes for kids and adults. 64.) Q: What do you name a horse you root for? You may even find that some of them will have you laughing out loud. Q: Why did the horse go to the doctor? Read More 45 Funny Minecraft JokesContinue. Q: How did the cowboy know which horse was everyones favorite? What disease was the horse scared of getting?Hay fever. Q: What do you call an Amish guy with his hand in a horses mouth? A horse-pital! A: Stop horsing around. vocabulary, Previous post: Idiom of the Week: Its raining cats and dogs. Q: Why did the horse miss the jousting event? He ran out of sham-pony! Q: What type of horse has trouble keeping track of its Ipad? A: Fast food restaurants. Q: Which kind of horse likes to eat baked beans? Do you know the hardest part about horse racing? Where do horses go when they're sick? Where do newly married horses sleep?In the bridle suite. A. 14.) Riddle jedwardcooper 600 am. So 24 hours pass with the senator joining a group of contented souls moving from cloud to cloud playing the harp and singing. multiple-meaning words, Years later, I joined the mounted police force in New York and helped keep the city clean. 8.) A woman asks her vet if she will be able to race her horse again. A: In a LanceLot, Q: Why did the man call his horse poison ivy? A: It was a mudder. He tried to stir up a lot of equestrians! These elephant jokes will get you a ton of laughs! The next day he rode back on Friday. Financially stable! The vet said, Yes, of course and I think you will probably win. Not only are these horse jokes silly and fun, but they are kid friendly and safe for all ages. Do you have any funny horse jokes that we forgot to include? 51.) Hay fever. Why did the pony have to gargle?Because it was a little hoarse. The cowboy couldnt believe his eyes. Race it, replies the jockey, surprised. He rides all day and starts to nod off in the saddle when he notices he is about to ride straight over a cliff. Horse racing is a centuries-old practicein most countries, with its own distinct world. A: To get to the bale of hay. Youll find more funny jokes for kids here: 2017-2023 Michael & Gabriel, Inc. - All Rights Reserved. We had a substitute today. A horse sits down in a movie theater, and the woman next to him asks, Excuse me are you a horse?, The horse says, I really liked the book.. The horse says, "Dude you read my . Jokes for Happy Harry. Searching his memory, he yells to the horse, Hallelujah! Power 99.1 - Dad Joke time! Q: Where do horses stay at night when they travel? What does it mean if you find a horseshoe? The horse replied, You read my mind!, A horse walked into a therapists office looking upset. A: Because he was scratched so often. What did the waiter say to the horse?I cant take your order. A bunch of ponies were foaling around in a classroom. The one that you won? asks the other horse. He had to ask me how to pronounce my neigh-me. Do you ever have difficulty keeping up with the math concepts and math strategies that your kids are learning these days? Why did the horse eat with its mouth open? I did, but they used too much mayo-neighs! What is a horse's favourite sport? A. When it comes to horses, having a good sense of humor comes in handy, but whether your life spend around your equine companions or not, there are some hilarious horse jokes that we can all appreciate. 91.) How is this possible? Why did the horse run away in the middle of its wedding?It got colt feet! A. What did the horse say when he wouldnt eat his hay off the ground? 9.) If you have a great Dad Joke you can submit it on Facebook or Instagram. 7.) Required fields are marked *, You need to agree with the terms to proceed. A: The other half! Well, by the look of it, the man says, Youll win!Have you ever heard of the band Foals?They have a colt following.How did the horse with the speech impediment feel after corrective surgery went wrong?A bit filly.What do you call an Amish guy with his hand in a horses mouth?A mechanic.What does it mean if you find a horseshoe?Some poor horse is walking around in his socks.I recently bought a female Horse that I was hoping to ride daily, but she only sleeps during the day.Shes turning out to be such a Nightmare.I put a bet on a horse to come in at 10 to 1 and it did! Thats nothing, Ive won fourteen of my last twenty races it were a real joke and the best jokes. Grassy plains but is also found in semi-arid desert regions the bridle suite hay..., & quot ; a: to get to the horse? I cant take your order football. May even find that some of them will have you Rolling in.... My mind!, a horse with no legs? a little hoarse keep the city clean bartender was more... 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