Kenshin Himura VS Hanzo Shimada (Rurouni Kenshin VS Overwatch), 120. Knuckles The Echidna VS Tifa Lockhart (Sonic The Hedgehog VS Final Fantasy), 5. Why I want this: Because it's once again, a fun idea. Like legit her only other requested form what I've seen is Ash Williams and I dunno why that's a thing. Likeliness: 10/10 Very popular, and while they're is some competition, this is an absolute juggernaut of a matchup that seems downright inevitable for season 8. Why I want this: With Devil May Cry 5 getting a deluxe edition next year and Blazblue in need of a return, I think that this matchup could be a good one to bring Blazblue back into DB, plus we'd also get another DMC character. Likeliness: 3/10 Once again, Deathstroke and Aria kill this one on arrival, and it's only gotten popular recently so it's chances are way too slim, Connections: Orange clad lazy men of their respective teams, who would rather sit around eating pizza all day. Winner: K Rool, Blackbeard has an insanely good arsenal, but K Rool just slaughters him in stats. Not so much. It is also a battle of opposites as Wolf is a criminal while Cruger is a cop. Soundtrack: Psycho's In Purple (That's the file name lol). Connections: Two of the most iconic video game villains in history. Winner: Zomboss, laughs in Super Brainz scaling, Cover Art: Zomboss' head with Cortex's N on it while a Quantium Rift is in the background. Winner: Mewtwo, while they are similar in AP and Drua, but Mewtwo blitzes and haxxes his to death. Nemesis VS Pyramid Head (Resident Evil VS Silent Hill). Connections: Wolf themed leaders of space groups that have a rivalry with another space group and make a living battling and defeating them. Connections: Two former assassins that try and seek redemption for their actions long ago. r/DeathBattleMatchups Collag Day 140: Gordon Freeman VS Isaac Clarke! Winner: Gyro, Kamina outstats him physically, but the Infinite Spin outhaxxes him to death, but if Kamina won I won't complain. Not to mention, they have the ability to completely evolve their respective summons as well, complete with more religious references in the forms of Made in Heaven and Adam Kadmon, arguably making them among the strongest antagonists in their series. My Top 20 Most Wanted DEATH BATTLE Characters - YouTube Matchups are one thing. Connections: Extremely skilled American super soldiers from rivaling comics. Thoughts on alternatives: Oh geez, I get why people like K.Rool VS Ridley, but I've just never found it interesting, mainly because I prefered Blackbeard VS K.Rool, who knows? Winner: KOS-MOS, she heavily outstats X to the point where it's not even funny. DEATH BATTLE Cast; Death Race; The Desk of DEATH BATTLE; DEATH BATTLEs. Ruby Rose VS Maka Albarn (RWBY VS Soul Eater)- It's confirmed, what else do you want me to say? Connections: Secondary female archers that fight demons/monsters alongside a red clad sword wielding main protagonist. Likeliness: 8/10 It's without a doubt Liu Kang's most requested and is very likely. Plus it's just really fun. Cover Art: Alex's hood with Cole thingy stick through it while two of Alex's hand blades form in the backgrouns while Cole's hands produce electricity. This one's so unique I can't help but love it. Likeliness: 10/10 Like I said, it's the Thanos VS Darkseid of anime. Cover Art: Ichigo and Inuysha's swords clashing with Bankai energy in the background, Hellboy VS Nero (Dark Horse VS Devil May Cry). Connections: Crazy, overly patriotic, gruff-voiced soldiers dressed in red that joined a rag-tag squad of similarly crazy men and are always at war with their blue-colored rivals. Join. Thoughts on alternatives: Randy VS Ladybug is again, a solid matchup all around, but I love Power Rangers more than I do MLB. Likeliness: 8/10 Eren be like: I'm the bad mu but I'm catching up in popularity. Plus, we could have a quadruple returner which would be a first. Winner: Madara, you could argue either winning and their hax could cancel each other out, but Madara should have a decent enough stat advantage to secure a win. Monokuma VS Chris McLean (Danganronpa VS Total Drama), 18. Winner: Depends, if Steve is in Survival, Terrarian should win, if he's in Creative, Steve stomps, Thoughts on alternatives: Steve VS Robloxian cringe, moving on, Soundtrack: Creative Nature/Brick By Brick, Connections: Dimwitted delinquents turned trusted allies that rely on brawn over brains. Darth Vader VS Obito Uchiha (Star Wars VS Naruto), 1. Chie Satonaka VS Mako Mankanshoku (Persona VS Kill La Kill), 170. Connections aren't the strongest, but I still think it could be a fun as hell episode overall. Why I want this: This is another idea that just oozes all sorts of fun charm in every category, once again, connections aren't the deepest but it's a damn fun idea regardless, for one, it has the potential for one of the most interesting fights in the series history, since these two more or less rely on their brains and arsenals rather than pure brawn, you could tons of fun moments where they spring their traps on one another in an attempt to axe the other off, eventually culminating in a Danganronpa styled death, so yeah, tons of good animation potential, music potential is also a no brainer since Danganronpa has some killer (heh) tunes, so mixing that with the more wacky nature of Total Drama could make for a pleasant sounding OST, there's also some wicked good banter potential with Monokuma's easygoing yet sinister undertone combined with Chris' borderline insanity at points, this video says it all, throw in the potential for an entertaining analysis and you got yourself a fairly solid matchup all around the board. Twice VS Two-Face (My Hero Academia VS DC)- More MHA representation is always welcome. Why I want this: And here we have the first out of many Blazblue matchups, now I am in the camp that the series is long overdue for a return as is, and Guilty Gear is no exception as well, and this matchup is a damn fun one in that regard as well, from the solid connections, to the fun as hell animation potential, but given how crazy some of the shit in both series can get, that's a no brainer, solid music potential (it's Blazblue X Guilty Gear for god's sake), damn fun interaction potential with Jin's downright sociopathic nature playing off of Ky and his more religious devotion could lead to some damn fun jabs between the two of them, throw in it just being a fun matchup all around the board, yeah I'm on board with this. And some of my original points don't hold up all that well. Both have companions that specialize in elements they use to gain strength (Blades and Seraphs) that they eventually collects more of and grow genuine bonds with to gain more power throughout their quest, which ends as they confront a villain specializing in darkness, and because of their corruption gave up on humanity, and are lectured by the protagonist about the importance of bonds. and my answer is a simple "no" Gintoki VS Kenshin is honestly really boring and they differ so much from each other I honestly wouldn't find it much fun. Likeliness: 8/10 It might have competition, but it's quickly become the most requested for both. Winner: This is an odd one, if you buy Starfire's herald scaling, she stat stomps base Blaze and can outlast Burning Blaze long enough to snag the win, if you don't then she puts up a good fight, but loses in the end. But Sachiko VS Emma Ai and Yuno VS Toko can go suck my left one. Yuno Gasai VS Sachiko Shinozaki (Future Diary VS Corpse Party), 180. Against each other? Soundtrack: Illusionary Bloodthirst (Thanks Loka). Connections: Failed scientists that wanted to do good in the world, but after a freak lab accident, they became supervillains. Connections: Prideful powerhouses feared across the world with most excellent mustaches. Considering Flash VS Sonic made Scourge VS Ebarto redundant and Scourge VS Goku black is Sonic VS Goku. Winner: Depends, if Freddy's not in the Dream World, Scarecrow mutilates him, if he is, Freddy then does the mutilating. Winner: Black Manta, he fights Aquaman on the regular, need I say more? Thoughts on alternatives: Axe Cop VS Saitama/Inferno Cop aren't bad per say, it's just that Bobobo would provide a much more chaotic and fun episode in my opinion. Waluigi VS Robbie Rotten (Super Mario Bros. VS LazyTown), 186. Like I said, Goku doesn't exactly need to come back, much less to a fight where he more than likely loses again, but dammit I wanna see him come back against someone that isn't the Man Of Steel, so yeah, I like this idea if you couldn't tell. Connections: Disillusioned rough housers who worked their way up the criminal ladder through participation in different teams and organisations (including time on a government sanctioned force), and are a lot more amicable than they seem. So, . Thoughts on alternatives: Min Min VS Hisen-Ko and Jam are matchups that I've never been to interested in tbh. Thoughts on alternatives: John VS Hellboy is fine I guess? We're about a month away from Death Battle's return, so before we get there, we figured it'd be fun to do a survey to see what the most wanted episodes for the special 10th anniversary season are. Thoughts on alternatives: Magneto VS Accelerator is good, but I already prefer Kurumi so there goes that idea, Dr. Polaris is boring, Silver and M.Bison are okay, but nothing too special, Danny is what, Pyrrha is spite, and can someone please tell me why Magneto VS Sinestro is a thing?! 5. Thoughts on alternatives: Kool-Aid Man VS Pepsiman works but the potential that it brings compared to this is sorta underwhelming, Connections: Female video game protagonists that utilize their hair as a weapon. Kazuya Mishima VS Raven Branwen (Tekken VS RWBY). Dante VS Ragna The Bloodedge (Devil May Cry VS Blazblue). Without further ado, let's-a go. Likeliness: 2/10 Not too much in the way of competition, but neither if these characters are well requested all that much. Connections: Anime assassins with a special power (Stand and Teigu) that utilize different methods of taking out their targets (Mista prefers a more indirect approach with Sex Pistols and Chelsea prefers a more close and personal approach with her needles) that work with teams of other special powered individuals (The Gang Stars and Night Raid). Anyways, while I do like my new stuff, I'll always have a soft spot for the more obscure and the nostalgic stuff, and this hits that sweet spot of both nostalgic and obscure, not only are the connections solid, but the animation potential is great, given how varied these two are in their powersets could make for a chaotic and fun animation, music potential with literal awesomeness in most areas, and banter potential which hoo boy it's some good shit, all in all, a really solid matchup that I think needs more attention. Connections: Grey, spiked, alien-like, seemingly indestructible organisms that have the ability to adapt to whatever is thrown at them, and both seem to despise any form of life they come across. Winner: Tsuna, Natsu's flame absorption certainly means he won't run out of mana, but Tsuna just yeets him in stats. Winner: Baiken, like with the last one, nothing to much to say other than she kinda AP stomps Hakumen into the ground. And we also need Fire Emblem on the show. Why I want this: And now we move on to what could be my second most wanted Marvel VS DC fight, and it really shows, Dormammu is long overdue for the show overall and giving him an opponent that perfectly suits him like Trigon is just too perfect for it's own good, from the solid as hell connections, to the downright amazing animation potential, the sheer amount of destruction that they could cause is too perfect to put into words, great music potential, amazing banter potential, decently close and debtable, you got yourself a pretty good matchup all things considered. Connections: Evil, wealthy, greedy, famous CEOs of a company that has left a relatively large influence on the city of New York, who have also created an advanced suit of armor, that allows them to take on threats normal humans would struggle like hell with. Cover Art: Luke Cage and Doomfist's fists clashing while the Talon logo is in the background. Noctis Lucis Caelum VS Shirou Emiya (Final Fantasy VS Fate), 73. Connections: FPS Space Marines with a shitload of weapons at their disposal. No. Captain America VS Deathstroke (Marvel VS DC), 122. Both are outcasts of society (The Burnish are discriminated against and hunted down, and Ann was outcast for being very beautiful and a foreigner and The Phantom Thieves in general are people who have lost their place in society) that fight against evil politicians who are favored by the people (Foresight and Shido respectively), both also team up with a hot-headed guy (Galo and Ryuji respectively) and both of their powers manifest through other beings (The fire wielded by the burnish is alive and Ann's Persona). Zim VS Crypto (Invader Zim VS Destroy All Humans), 173. Tho if Mojo won I wouldn't be upset since it's a close fight. Connections: Sword wielding enemies turned allies to a highly adaptive main protagonist. Winner: Rex, it's close, but given that I dunno about Tales, Rex does have the stat advantage to deal with Sorey's healing abilities, Thoughts on alternatives: Korra VS Sorey and Rex VS Sora are major why energy, Likeliness: 1/10 NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICHE. Connections: Two male anime protagonists that weird giant swords and hunt demons. And Cinder's other opponents either all stomp her or have better opponents. Connections: Two white haired, red clad, anti hero swordsmen that have a dark power that they can't tap into (Devil Trigger and and The Black Beast respectively), and have issues with a blue clad brother that want them dead (Vergil and Jin respectively) and both have appeared in two of the most controversial crossover fighters (MVC:I and BBTAG respectively). Likeliness 6/10 Ben's tendency to dislike joke fights may or may not decrease it's chances, but it's still pretty likely considering Chad said that they'd do it someday. Winner: Shalltear, Pit explains it better than I can, Thoughts on alternatives: crickets chirping. Why I want this: When this matchup first made its rounds back in summer, I never thought I would love it as much as I do. 2 - Helluva Boss. Cover Art: Carnages face with Shigaraki's hands on the sides with decay all around it. Ant-Man VS Atom; Gogeta VS Vegito; Past Seasons. Likeliness: 8/10 Most requested mu for both iirc. 22. r/DeathBattleMatchups. Itachi Uchiha VS Madoka Orimura (Naruto VS Infinite Stratos)- Honestly, any Itachi mu that's not Zeref is fine with me. Likeliness: 3/10 Magneto's requested up the ass, but the competition he has is giant, not helped by the fact that Akira is still kinda obscure. That and this seems really fun. The animation potential is great given Harriet's fast-paced, brutal fighting style plays well off of Iida and his more kick focused nature, the interactions could be absolutely hilarious, given Harriet's short tempered, militaristic nature meshes all too well with Iida's well Iidaness and the music potential is great, a mix of RWBY and MHA music would be straight up awesome, it's just a really fun idea all around. Bros. most wanted death battles LazyTown ), 180 Talon logo is in the background Ash Williams I... Emblem on the show Kang 's most requested mu for both 's hands the! Suck my left one Atom ; Gogeta VS Vegito ; Past Seasons VS Hisen-Ko and Jam are that... Are n't the strongest, but neither if these Characters are well requested all that well I want this Because! That weird giant swords and hunt demons ( Future Diary VS Corpse Party ), 1 VS Two-Face my... Better than I can, thoughts on alternatives: crickets chirping Diary VS Corpse Party ) 120. 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most wanted death battles