Chair If elected, Calcutt said that her first priority would be to repair relationships between teachers, staff and parents by making greater use of district-level parent advisory councils representing various demographics, as well as involving more parents in each schools improvement team. This is an attempt by the chair to ensure reading proficiency, Hensley said. By placing more affluent students in troubled schools, she and the current Board of Education hope to artificially raise the test scores of these poorly rated schools. When they say we need to save money, lets talk about how much weve already trimmed off our budget. Your real name will be displayed next to your photo for comments, blog posts, and more! Board of Education of the Town of Boonton, Morris County, 11/29/2021, (#300-21) Alfonso Mastrofilipo v. Board of Education of the Borough of Lodi, Bergen County, 11/29/2021, (#302-21) In the Matter Of Deborah Anderson, High Point Regional Board of Education, Sussex County, 11/29/2021, (#303-21SEC) Mervin Rose v. I obtained my Juris Doctor from the University of the San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles. Teen court had an increase of two, and there were 10 more referrals to the Juvenile Justice System. The legislature did give teachers raises over the past few years but did so by cutting other funding. This includes access to the electronic replica edition of The Pilot. As a military spouse she thrust herself into advocating for students and community youth organizations wherever she lived. I was all over the county and served in different capacities, so I had so much variety I didnt feel the need to move and go anywhere else.. Examples of some of the tough issues Moore County Schools faced over the last five years include: Aging and Overcrowded Facilities after adopting a 10-project Master Facility Plan in 2015, I led the Board through successful Bond and cent sales tax campaigns, both overwhelmingly approved by voters in 2018 to finance the plan. Chair Robert Levy recommended revisions to policies under the Parents Bill of Rights, which is under the United States Constitution's 14th Amendment. Moore County Schools is committed to open dialogue with our community. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Levys original policy revision read that students must read four books to progress to the next grade, with allowances for special needs students. [emailprotected], Sonya Potter The attitude of my opponent is that Moore is doing well. SUBMITTED PHOTO An attorney and civil servant has joined the race for a District 4 seat on the Charles. At many schools, a much lower proportion of minorities perform at grade level than their white peers. Smithton R-VI School District 505 South Myrtle Smithton, MO 65350 660-343 5316 660-343-5389 Fax I dont care. As a print subscriber, you also have unlimited digital access. Though she was a part-time non-certified employee, Sampson worked with administrators as well as school-level staff to build programs and resources for the children of service members. I understand that every amount of energy needs to be directed toward traditional education. Your e-mail address will be used to confirm your account. I would also hold our superintendent personally accountable when any school is rated poorly. Chair, Appeals Committee Legislative Liaison. He decided to mount his own campaign for school board to take part in what he sees as a struggle between Judeo-Christian values and totalitarian ideology., Across the nation theres going to be a life-and-death fight at those critical junctures, and the winner gets to control our children, said Benway. That criticism evolved into debates over everyday classroom teachings which Calcutt says her former colleagues interpreted as a vote of no confidence from some board members and residents. The revision states that parents, not the state, have the power to decide on preferred pronouns and nicknames and whether a student receives social transitioning or gender counseling for incongruent biological sex identity conditions. That goes from trying to recruit more male teachers to potentially bringing in a consultant with a military background to start a staff leadership program. View the draft of the early-release calendar here. COUNTDOWN TO ELECTIONS. Shes planning to leave the position by the fall, or as soon as the district hires a replacement. Bruno held certification as a special education teacher in Connecticut before moving to Pinehurst in 2008. 910.280.8079 Calcutt decided to run for school board when the district came under fire for how it handled reopening during the pandemic. Tobacco-Free Schools. Our students also earned 42% more in college scholarships than five years ago. Paid for by the Moore County Democratic Party. Alcohol & Drugs in the Workplace. Im going to be clear about what I know and try to help educate, she said. Moore County Schools creates a supportive, engaging, and safe learning environment that builds knowledge, skills, and abilities needed for future success. Its a public school, theyre paying for it, she said. Currently based in Innisfil, Ontario, William Moore is an advocate, planner and strategist in the arts, culture and heritage sector. It consists of five elected members, one from each of the five zones that comprise the district, who each serve five-year terms. Email: 4 Year Degree. Until now, I think weve done a whack-a-mole kind of thing, but weve got some policy and structure kinds of things that can take care of those things ahead of time.. When asked what motivates him to be a board member, he states, "to continue my service for our . Bruno and Calcutt received the most votes in that election, each receiving 26 percent of the vote but with Bruno garnering 83 more votes. Then use that money on what you said you were asking for, she said. They dont understand that when somebody comes to the Board of Education, and its backed up by the superintendent, theres been hours of work to make sure that it is top of the line, its the best price for the dollar, she said. 100236 [email protected] Board Terms and Districts . Our Services may display content that does not belong to Emerald Data Solutions or its affiliates. JOIN THE CAUSE. Moore and her husband Koye have three children who attend Hatch Elementary School. As military family liaison, Sampson has helped the district identify its military-connected students, receive more federal aid and allocate resources accordingly. Were hoping its going to be us, certainly, on the Judeo-Christian side, because the trophy is the kids. The Board of . His term expires in 2027. Sandhills Sentinel spoke with those pursuing Moore County Board of Education seats in November. I think if you really want to see improvement in the classroom, you go to the person that is the subject matter expert and ask them what they need, she said. Levy said he did not want to wait for the legislature, and the schools needed to partner with parents and be proactive. We need a program of teacher and faculty development that integrates leadership at every level.. MOORE v. BOARD OF EDUCATION(1971) No. MNTC's district encompasses Norman and Moore public school districts, which includes part of south Oklahoma City. "They are listening to these grownups more than the students that they are representing, and they are representing this community that only makes up 0.7% of the students and they shouldn't be antagonizing this group that is so small, and it's so not fair," said Norah Beamguard, a student. Our system has been updated, if you are a current print subscriber and cannot obtain your unlimited access, please contact customer support 910-693-2490. Your account has been registered, and you are now logged in. Supreme Court has voted to overturn abortion rights, draft opinion shows, National Democratic Redistricting Committee, By MARY KATE MURPHY ||, 2023 9th Congressional District Convention. Each member resides within the geographical boundaries of an election district. Even student teachers, who were no longer allowed into the schools, had to pinch hit to put together packets to send home and help transition to virtual learning. Home; About Us. Sampson herself previously served, leaving active duty as a first lieutenant after an injury. Mrs. Melanie Goodman. Even as the former chairman of the Moore County Republican Party and the President of the 2012 North Carolina Electoral College, I am motivated to represent all citizens, Democrat, Republican Independents and members of minor parties. Most school board members saw no reason to question the state's decision. [emailprotected], Elizabeth (Libby) Carter CARTHAGE, N.C. (WNCN) - Moore County school board members needed to be escorted out of Wednesday's meeting after discussions over masking became contentious. Robin Calcutt grew up in Pinehurst, the daughter of an elementary school teacher and a fireman, and now lives in Southern Pines. The board will further discuss the reading policy with the teacher advisory council and discuss it at the May 1 work session. 910.391.4199 [emailprotected], Appeals Committee PO Box 5588 | Pinehurst, NC 28374-5588 Board Member District 4 Email. 4 talking about this. Southern Pines, NC 28387 Clearly hes got the background, he knows where all the skeletons are hidden and I think hes a reasonable person, Benway said. I have a Bachelors degree in International Relations from Claremont McKenna College and a Masters in Public Policy from Georgetown University. Weve got to keep our public schools. Regular meetings of the Board are scheduled the second Monday of the month. For incumbents- What would you have done differently if you had the chance? Board of Education District 3. May 10, 2022 Yonelle Moore Lee is making her first run for Charles County school board. Search results are not intended as legal advice for you or your organization and are not a substitute for obtaining legal advice from a qualified attorney in your jurisdiction. The Moore County Schools Board of Education on Monday passed the Parents Bill of Rights policy, which requires faculty members and teachers to notify a students legal guardian about a name or pronoun change before calling that student by the requested change. Calcutt holds a doctoral degree in education leadership and now teaches at St. Andrews University in Laurinburg, where shes chair of the education department. As an immigrant born in . All Rights Reserved. However, the Board rejected the hearing officer's finding that Moore's version of events was credible and issued a Warning Resolution to Moore. Article by Sandhills Sentinel Journalism Intern Stephanie M. Sellers. Supervising college students getting their first teaching experiences in public schools around the region gave her a front-row seat to what happened when the pandemic set in two years ago. 910.315.9315 Benway was third with 23 percent of the vote, followed by Sampson with 18 percent. Contributed photos: L, R; Helena Wallin-Miller and Robert Levy. Economically disadvantaged students, taken as a group, tend to lag behind their peers in grade level proficiency. Ext. Angelia Moore, the deputy director of the Fay Biccard Glick Community Center, did not face any challengers and is now the new at-large member, replacing current board member Susan Collins. The Board is the official representation of the people on all matters of public concern. The Board is responsible for adopting rules, regulations, policies, and by-laws while alsomanaging and governing the school district. Calgary Board of Education Location 1221 8 St SW, Calgary, Alberta, T2R 0L4, Canada Description Industry Education General Education Discover more about Calgary Board of Education School board races are nonpartisan, but Benway and Bruno are running as a slate in alignment with current board members David Hensley, Philip Holmes and Robert Levy who have been the self-professed conservative minority on the board since being elected in 2020. Sampson, 51, became the districts first military liaison in 2017. Moore County voters this month will eliminate one of the five Board of Education candidates running for two at-large seats in a race that could ultimately shift . WHY YONELLE? Vass, NC 28394 Pauline Bruno, the head of the Moore Republican Women, presented what she said were 900 letters during the public comment period at the board meeting. Parents must be notified in writing of any changes, formal or informal, to names or pronouns used by the staff or the student. The special meeting of the Moore Board of Education will be held at 8:30 a.m. in Room 122 of the MPS Administrative Service Center. I think our teachers are phenomenal, she said. As a board member, Sampson pledged to thoroughly research matters that come before the board and listen to all perspectives before making a decision or even offering an opinion. Additional meetings may be scheduled if necessary. 90 - 100 - A. Bruno views the districts overall proficiency rating the proportion of students who are performing on grade level in state-tested subjects as unacceptably low at 56.6 percent. Why are you the best candidate for the office? I am not for any of that gender stuff, said Bruno. Moore County Schools Police officers Chris Coleman and TJ Hawthorne issued clear and concise commands to the shooter: Drop your gun! Contact her at[emailprotected], 2023 Sandhills Sentinel, Inc. All Rights Reserved, School board reviews parental rights over sexual identities, View the draft of the early-release calendar, Student held without bond after threat at SCC, Body discovered on train tracks near Lakeview, Obituary for William B. Spence Jr. of Taylortown, Pinebluff man charged with murdering his uncle, Hudson visits Moore 911 facility, receives leadership award, Moore Regional nurse recognized with DAISY Award, Pinehurst Police officers receive certifications, S.P. ~George Washington~ I think were missing those conversations at the school board level.. Meetings of the Board The school board holds regular meetings on the 2nd Monday night of each month. Wake County provides about 27% of the Wake County Public School System's budget. Pinehurst, NC 28374 My published works include a law review article entitled Bakke and Affirmative Action,an exploration of the legal issues surrounding race in college admissions and the book Divorce, A Cynical Experience, exploring the complications of child custody and property settlements during episodes of divorce and domestic violence. Barbara Moore Allyson Fox-Crump. School Board Facilities Liaison, PO Box 263 Copyright 2023 WTVD-TV. Students not on grade level by that point are more likely to remain behind for the remainder of their schooling. 70 - 79 - C. 60 - 69 - D. 59 - - F . He is now retired from the US Army. The change means teachers in Moore County Schools can no longer keep a student's decision to change gender pronouns a secret unless informing the parent puts the student in danger. After feedback on the traditional year and the early-start year, the board will change the early release day to Friday, Oct. 4, 2023. I hear comments made before somebody has taken the time to do their due diligence as a board member to really ensure they have all the facts. Lets take care of our people. Incumbents Ed Dennison and Enola Linebergerran against Daniel Armstrong, Susan Black, Scott Caddell and Becky Carlson for three at-large seats. For the time being, I think we can work with him, no question.. Weve got to make sure that our teachers feel supported, that we continue to do good work, she said. The MNTC Board of Education encourages the community to express its will. Beta Club State Competition, About 45 Minutes in the Spotlight: High School Thespians Compete in State Festival, About Emerging From Pandemic, Schools Report Record Enrollment, About School District Mounts Attendance Campaign, About MCS Accountability Results Released, About MCS Police Officers Train for Campus Crises, About Elementary Teachers Undertake New Reading Program, About Literacy at Home: NC Digital Children's Reading Initiative, The Community Learning Center at Pinckney, Security Protocols and Public Gathering Guidelines, Academically and Intellectually Gifted Program, Career and Technical Student Organizations, North Carolina Standard Course of Study - Curriculum Document Site, Math Options Chart for Graduation Requirements, NC Standard Course of Study - Curriculum Document Site, NC Essential Standards - Curriculum Document Site, NC Essential Standards - Unpacking Documents, N.C. Standard Course of Study Task Analysis/Pacing, Communicable Diseases Guidelines - Parents, Parent Information About Medication Administration, Required Health Assessment for School Entry, Student Wellness Policy Triennial Assessment, Student/Parent Handbook and Code of Student Conduct, Connect! Your donations go to teachers & programs that have a direct impact on students. Youve got to pay attention to the parents. The board is composed of seven members elected within districts throughout the county. 2020Moore Norman Technology Center All Rights Reserved. Box 58, Southern Pines, NC 28388 If anybody should be pounding the doors down at the public schools, it should be the Black community. I think theyre putting too much of a burden on our teachers to teach all the social stuff when the teachers need to teach the core subjects.. 125 Horseshoe Rd. Moore County's Board of Education page. 1.803. United States Supreme Court. I had such a variety of opportunities and jobs within Moore County Schools, I wasnt bored, said Calcutt. " We also thank the . Benway points to Moore Countys low-performing schools, and the overall decline in performance during the COVID-19 pandemic, as evidence that the districts operations need an overhaul. I do understand that we graduate great kids, and they have great careers, and they get great scholarships, but its not everybody. Whitfield County Board Of Education employed 1,884 people in year 2016. MNTC is governed by a Board of Education. . Dr. Locklair served as the MCS interim superintendent since February 1, 2002. 225 N. Bennett Street Southern . Those board members Robert Levy, David Hensley and Philip Holmes opposed face mask requirements, waged debates over social studies curriculum and Critical Race Theory and obstructed social-emotional learning surveys with allegedly communist leanings over the last 18 months. In order to provide continuing support for North Carolinas youngest readers, The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Office of About N.C. Jr. They cut teachers in grades 4-12; cut lottery funding for facilities; cut textbook funding; and did not raise salaries for mechanics, bus drivers, nutrition staff, and other non-teaching personnel. Im tired of the political party and the corporations they represent driving the narrative of the public school. I think that school boards across the country have become flashpoints where Judeo-Christianity and Marxism are facing off toe-to-toe, and only one is going to win, said Benway. For challenger of an incumbent- What is one thing your opponent did while in office that you would have done differently? Its the taxpayers money, and we do need more teachers, and if we can find a way to squeeze more money out of the system to get more teachers, well do that, he said. When I hear about a controversial situation, I have a responsibility to make sure I engage with parties on both sides of the issue before making a public statement which may not have all the correct information, she said. {{item . Our best deal: Get all the news of Moore County delivered to your home each Wednesday and Sunday and receive unlimited digital access to The mission of the Trotwood-Madison City Schools is to graduate all students prepared to excel in a global society with a commitment to lifelong learning by guaranteeing a challenging curriculum facilitated by an innovative and dedicated staff, community participation and state-of-the-art resources in a stimulating atmosphere. Moore Countys Tier 3 status as a wealthy county means less state funding necessitating reliance on county funds. Leach, a Seven Lakes resident, did not respond to multiple requests by The Pilot for an interview. The districts reading scores were slightly better, but overall last springs testing showed that students across North Carolina fell behind in reading and math during the pandemic. Today is the last day to submit feedback . Vying to replace them are five newcomers: Ken Benway, Pauline Bruno, Robin Calcutt, Forrest Leach and Rollie Sampson. Menu. Use of Electronic Mail (email) If elected, she says she would advocate for measures that would give teachers more time and latitude to connect with students and inspire them to love learning. I would have spent more time in Raleigh aggressively advocating for more funding to support our students and staff. From her experience working with student teachers in schools throughout the area, Calcutt says those concerns are unwarranted and have contributed to eroding morale among educators. Id love to make the persona of a public school absolutely terrific so that people have faith in our public schools.. They include holding the superintendent responsible for multiple D rated schools, her position against school choice, her support of experimentation with social justice supported by critical race theory and her defense of placing our newest elementary school near a Superfund toxic waste dump. Moore County ranks 108 in state funding for K-12 out of 115 districts. Early voting in Moore County begins on Oct. 20 and runs through Nov. 5 at the Moore County Agricultural Center in Carthage and the Pinehurst Community Center. This content is the sole responsibility of the entity that makes it available. Illinois State Board of Education Dr. Steven Isoye Chair of the Board Facility Management Dave Moser Project Management Jeremy Mehochko Legal Jeremy Duffy Finance Scott Harry (Interim) Operations Melissa Oller . Most recently she approved the use of psychological surveys questioning childrens sexual practices and sexual preferences without first obtaining the permission of their parents and guardians. Southern Pines, NC 28388 100236 Even if there are facts that align with what I believe, I have a responsibility to leave my personal preferences outside of that board.. The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) today released the Moore County Schools School Performance Grades and other acco MCS Police Officers Train for Campus Crises. Moore Board of Education: Incumbent Staci Pruett will face challengers John Branum, Sonya Fergeson, and Jimmy Schiner in the primary for Moore Public Schools Board of Education District 4. captain graduates Administrative Officers. She holds a bachelors degree in special education and a masters in reading education. After moving to Moore County, Sampson saw her childrens schools lose teacher aides and popular programs as the district dealt with reductions in how the state allocated staff and funding to local districts. He said if the legislature passed a different policy, the board could later make revisions. She holds a bachelors degree in special education and a masters degree in reading education. The Board adopted the hearing officer's recommendation and declined to dismiss Moore. To that end, its his goal to reduce the number of students on each teachers roster. In District 3, Charles Lambert faced Pam Thompson . My student teaching was completed at Union Pines High School. Unfortunately, this will not help children whose challenges created the poor school rating in the first place. William's passion for the arts has driven him to focus on telling authentic stories about "place". Additional meetings may be scheduled if necessary. Ashley Moore, who was elected and began serving on the Stillwater Board of Education in June, is stepping down. Local Government, Local News | April 12, 2023 The Moore County Board of Education discussed new and revised policies at its April 10 work session. $10.17 Hensley said people in the trades, such as plumbers, use handwriting, and so do the U.S. Marines, and that handwriting, cursive or print, needed to be mandatory or a sector of the community would not be served. But the three have routinely found themselves in a minority voting bloc against the other board members. To that end, she would advocate for a shift away from the use of technology and digital learning activities for younger students, especially struggling readers. A native of Massachusetts, Ken Benway moved to Whispering Pines in 2004 from Fayetteville after retiring from a 27-year career as an Army officer and Green Beret. I think we want to create the conditions where kids can excel to the extent of their potential, he said. Board of Trustees at Children's Bureau . The board also discussed adding Wi-Fi to yellow buses and using the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Emergency Connectivity Funds (ECF) to provide the internet to students. Theyve got to make the money that their neighbors are making.. Bruno and Benway maintain that Moore County Schools could make better use of the funding it already receives. Pinehurst, NC 28374 910.295.5570 [email protected] Bruce Cunningham District V. Appeals Committee School Board Facilities Liaison. I am the best candidate because I am focused and determined. She started teaching in 1984 at Elise and Westmoore, dividing her time between multiple schools like many electives teachers still do. Mary Kaiser Secretary to the Board Coalition commends Governor Wes Moore for signing this legislation ( SB202; HB279) into law, confirming the authority of Maryland's landmark Prescription Drug Affordability Board to place upper payment limits on what state and local governments pay for high cost drugs," said Vincent DeMarco, president of the Coalition. The Board must be nonpartisan, nonsectarian, and represent all the people of the community; and, consequently, the school administrators by a Board selected and elected by the people through the process of representative government. Dr. Steve Burak . 910.725.0965 Improving student achievement and access to quality teachers. I started hearing that cry for help and I started seeing the sad faces on our teachers and hearing they were planning on leaving, then I started to see my friends take jobs in other districts, she said. Helena Wallin-Miller Sampson also earned a masters degree in counseling while working for the schools. The board sets educational policies and guidelines for public and private schools, preschool through grade 12, as well as vocational education. No vote was taken on the proposal at the joint meeting but Middletown Board of Education member Todd Moore had concerns, including questions on whether the project would be the best use of. She said that she isnt the only school staff member who feels that the boards newer members are out of touch with whats actually happening in the schools. including several dozen vacant teaching positions and the effect of budget cuts on the day-to-day workings of the schools. Academics and Student Support Services; Career and Technical Education; Child Nutrition; . There are a whole bunch of stacked issues and functions that come into play and we need to look at it that way. IT IS THE POLICY OF THE MOORE SCHOOL DISTRICT TO PROVIDE EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR EMPLOYMENT, RETENTION, TRANSFER, REASSIGNMENT, ADVANCEMENT, AND REHIRE OF ALL PERSONS REGARDLESS OF AGE, GENDER, RACE, COLOR, CREED, NATIONAL ORIGIN, POLITICAL AFFILIATION, PHYSICAL/MENTAL DISABILITY OR RELIGION. If you forget it, you'll be able to recover it using your email address. Mrs. Ruthanne McCaig. I understand that I can opt out at any time. We use the support from individuals, businesses, and foundations to help ensure a sustained investment in children and youth and to foster programs that educate the public about Brown v. The final vote was 6-1. The Wesleyan Physics Department provides cutting-edge education and research at Bachelor, Master, and Ph.D. levels. My graduate teaching degree was awarded from UNC Charlotte with a 4.0 GPA. Is the kids into play and we need to look at it that way superintendent accountable... 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