Arty: Socko's cousin who is an artist. His hierarchy of relatives is a Hurricane of Puns of names related to their jobs: His brother, Tyler (tie maker); His cousins Rob (thief), Taylor (tailor), Penny (the Penny Tees creator) and Isaac (optometrist); His uncles Otto (used car dealer) and Dr. Paxil (psychologist); and Freight Dog (air freight forwarder). Originally aired on Nickelodeon,this TV show currently reruns on TeenNick. In another episode, somebody says something about Peruvian Puff Peppers. Jonah (Aaron Albert) was Sam's boyfriend in "iHate Sam's Boyfriend". Socks (By Spencer). His only appearance was in "iPie". Mrs. Benson hires him to protect Freddie when she worries about the Shadow Hammer. This was a reference to Miranda Cosgrove (Megan on Drake and Josh) moving on to play Carly on iCarly. He appeared in "iPilot" and "iCarly Awards". The actors aren't allowed to improvise anything unless they ask the director or Mr. Schneider. Just look at his cocky smile--how can audiences not love him? Aspartamay (Jack Black) is Spencer's online video game rival in "iStart a Fan War". Sline - Lewbert the Doorman's last name was revealed to be "Sline" in the episode. Nora Dershlit ( Danielle Morrow) is a psychotic fan of iCarly, at the point of locking the crew in her basement when they came to her birthday party. Taylor: Socko's brother who made Spencer a tuxedo so his Grandma could take him to see the Mexican Ballet. Depressed, Spencer gives up being an artist entirely and goes to get a "real" job as a dental assistant, even after Carly, Sam and Freddie showcase Spencer's sculptures on the show and the fans comment with positive feedback. Mario (Jim Pirri) is an Italian immigrant friend of Mr. Galini who works at Galini's pie shop. A group of best friends creating a webcast while grappling with everyday problems and adventures. He played the piano on the TV show and sang a song on guitar on the webshow. External Reviews With 96 episodes, 'iCarly' is the second longest running Dan Schneider show, behind All That (2004), which had 184 episodes, and just ahead of What I like About You (2002), which had 86 episodes. Privacy Policy. Friends, enemies, lovers, abuse, betrayal, and reconciliation; the gang will have to overcome more obstacles than they ever thought possible in order to come out the other end with their souls intact. His criminal history is revealed at the end of the episode. Sasha Striker (Lorena York) is the world's best Pak-Rat (parody of Pac-Man) player who appeared in "iStage an Intervention". Gordon Birch (J. D. Walsh) and Jodi Flooger (Rakefet Abergel) are a couple from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, who only appear in the episode "iDo". The show wouldn't be the same without Spencer mentioning socko and I still wonder to this day how he looks like. Jocelyn (Cynthia Dallas) is a rude senior who appears in "iMake Sam Girlier". Harper (Leon Thomas III) is the leader of the band that played in "iCarly Saves TV". Chambers - Chuck's surname is "Chambers". Terrence - T-Bo used his first name, Terrence, in the episode "iQ", where he used it when he tried to impress Freddie's mother in order to rent a room in the Benson apartment. Rob: Socko's cousin who people pay him to steal things. Is Spencer dating Socko? Spencer's dream casting choice for Socko is Charlie Day. Isaac: Socko's cousin who is an optometrist. Carly lived with her artist older brother Spencer (Jerry Trainor), who was creative and goofy, and created memorable sculptures throughout the show. a man of many mysteries that sells great socks! Pete (Graham Patrick Martin) is Sam's love interest in "iMake Sam Girlier". Bernie: Socko's cousin who is a depressed welder who has appeared multiple times on the webshow. Her over-obsessiveness caused Lewbert to take her on a cruise, jump overboard, swim to shore, change his last name, lose his good looks, lose his job as a supermodel, move to Seattle, and essentially lose his mind. Gibby's dad has never been shown but there has been mention of him. and our They say an artist is reflected in their work, and audiences can always catch a little bit of Spencer in everything he creates, which is one of the many reasons why we love him. Spencer quickly closes the door afterwards, so that no more of Socko's body is seen. He is later sent to jail for 6 months for smacking a police officer on the face and "admitting" that he was the one who was stealing TV remotes from the apartments so he can escape Marta. RELATED: Nickelodeon: Hogwarts Houses Of iCarly Characters. He is often the scapegoat of Sam's bad ideas. Wade Collins (Alex Schemmer) is a British-Canadian aspiring singer and a shouter who refers to Americans as "hobknockers". Carly sometimes pranks her friends and other people as Megan did pranks on her brothers it is one of two times in the series to show Carly watching Drake & Josh. Carly, Sam and Freddie are trying to break a world record for the longest webcast so they can be in the following year's "Jonas Book of World Records." Her birthday is on January 14. However, he subsequently calls in a favor from his best friend, Socko, which results in the team riding to Japan aboard an unsanitary, possum-filled cargo airplane bound for Korea. Isaac: Socko's cousin who is an optometrist. Mary: Socko's cousin, who Spencer apparently had a crush on (according to the blog What NOT to do at a Wedding). comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment Jeanette McCurdy was the only main cast member who doesn't appear in "Drake & Josh". "Nifty Shades of Beige" is a parody of "Fifty Shades of Gray.". He told Carly and the gang that Mr. Galini died. This week, Paramount+ released the first three episodes of the iCarly reboot. Miranda was a main cast member of Drake & Josh as Megan, and Jerry was a recurring cast member on that show as Crazy Steve. They become friends and Cat convinces her to become roommates after Cat's cheerful and supportive grandmother Nona moves to a retirement home called Elderly Acres. Two television films, iGo to Japan and iParty with Victorious, a crossover with Victorious, were released in 2008 and 2011 respectively. In this show, Jennette McCurdy and Ariana Grande reprised their roles as Sam and Cat respectively and the series shows how they live and interact with each other. Spencer doesn't think Socko will say no, because Socko is amazing, and also because Spencer went along with that role-playing thing he was into a few months ago, with the fur suits and the heavy petting. Mitch (Danny Woodburn) appears in "iChristmas". As of the revival series, Socko has yet to be mentioned, hinting that he and Spencer no longer keep in contact. He is first seen in "iStart a Fanwar" as a Seddier in the crowd. Occupation: This fic was not in any way created by me. Sam has cut out pictures of each Fall Out Boy member in her locker. Socko is the best friend of Spencer Shay. Besides Nona, other people involved in their lives are Dice, their next door neighbor who is notorious for aiding people for money, and Goomer, a dim-witted professional MMA fighter whom Dice managesThere is an iCarly revival that will air on June 17 2021 on Paramount Plus Samantha - Sam is short for "Samantha," and there have been numerous random occasions where it has been used on the show. Col. Steven Shay (David Chisum) is Carly and Spencer's father who is a Colonel in the United States Air Force. | At the season finale episode of iCarly, in the episode iGoodbye, when Sam tries out her brand-new motorcycle for the first time, riding on it happily, it is leading to the events of Sam & Cat. For more information, please see our Spencer quickly closes the door afterwards, so that no more of Socko's body is seen. This is the story of how Sam and Freddie sleep together six times and then maybe a couple more times. But a few scenes later when she crushes Carly's project, you can see she is wearing at least four inch heels so she isn't as tall as they make her seem. In Zoey 101, which is another show produced by Dan Schneider, when Chase is shooting baskets, he said if he had a zebra he'd name it Zebo, which is the name of the dinosaur in the iCarly episode "iCarly Saves TV.". Mr. Galini was the Italian owner of Galini's Pie Shop, featured in "iPie". During every opening theme of the show on the favorites bar, you can see "DanWarp." Socko's Stepmother: Mentioned in iBalls. Any other night, we've love to play the courses Spencer designed. Chambers," and in some episodes Jerry Trainor's character has called him that by name. She was, undoubtedly, quite mean in seasons 1-2, but in later seasons, her character was much nicer. His cousin, Rob, appears in iGive Away, stealing back the couch. I mean we never saw him but everytime they had a problem Socko or his uncountable cousins and uncles helped them, Scan this QR code to download the app now. The pilot episode was shot in September, 2012 and Nickelodeon announced a series pickup with an order for 20 episodes on November 29, 2012. He often commissions Spencer to make sculptures for his business. Sam's mom was revealed September 9, 2010, in the season-four episode "iSam's Mom." Missy Robinson[17] (Haley Ramm) was Carly's best friend, because both of their fathers were stationed at the same naval base at Seal Beach when they were seven, before Carly met Sam. She doesn't feel affection towards things easily (unless they're Carly or food) and she doesn't regret her actions. Jean: Socko's cousin who ironically is allergic to denim and hates khakis, which means her only option is to wear obnoxious leggings. She was once a Pop Music Award-winner. Harry Joyner (Oliver Muirhead) is Spencer's favorite sculptor who appears in "iHeart Art". . They have used the same remote since the pilot. Hes mentioned in the episode iGive Away a Car. Jeremy Rowley (Lewbert) and Danielle Morrow (Nora Dershlit) are married in real life. The real Socko is a furniture maker unlike the Socko in the series who makes socks. A running gag in many episodes usually has many characters yelling "Gibby!" Since then, Chuck and Spencer became rivals and have clashed on several more occasions, usually ending with Spencer winning and Chuck getting in trouble with his father. When Freddie offers her a seat, and when she takes the seat, you can clearly see her shoes, which have no heel, making her seem really tall. Reed Alexander, who plays the recurring character Nevel, speaks the same way in real life. In Freddie's Blog Socko's family word search, He says: "And you know what I just realized? She is neurotic, worried about Freddie getting hurt, having relationships with girls, and constantly treats her son, like a child. Edit, Awards The Web site was terminated in 2018 upon Dan Schneider's dismissal from Nickelodeon. "Socko" redirects here. Otto is a car salesman. Socko seems to be shorter than Spencer, by looking at the height of where his arm is at compared to Spencer's. You remember iCarly, the brilliantly wacky Nickelodeon show about a group of teens who host a popular web series from their insane Seattle apartment. It is unknown if Socko will appear in the. They are also featured in some of the last episodes of Drake and Josh. Miranda Cosgrove says iCarly revival will address Sam's absence, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. He often commissions Spencer to make sculptures for his business. We have custom emotes, fun bots, quizzes and more. Mrs. Papperman (Wendy Braun) is Nevel's mother. It also appears to be that he is wearing a dark shirt, like a grey or black. In iHave a Lovesick Teacher, Carly's teacher Miss Ackerman starts dating Spencer after a parent teacher conference. In the episode "iLook Alike," Mrs. Benson mentions that itches can come back and says that she read it on Carly is back and everything is back to the way it was. iCarly: Created by Dan Schneider. Utilizing his sculpting skills, he constructs a space hamster and an alien with five arms, whose mission is to search the universe for the "ultimate burrito." In the episode, "iBeatTheHeat", Sabrina, the girl who was video chatting with Freddie frequently, looked really tall many scenes. Jennette McCurdy has openly disowned the series. She co-hosts the iCarly webshow with Carly, and also handles the sound effect remote control. Spencer came round the front of the couch and went to his knees, pushed blond hair from his wife's face, "We'll give them brothers," he said, his face all screwed up and his tone matching her pitch. "Sam isn't weak. She speaks no English, so Spencer has to use hand motions to communicate with her. Spocko is the pairing of Spencer Shay and Socko, (Sp/encer and S/ocko ). She is last seen on the ground mumbling "Are we still going to get coffee?". Many of his relatives are mentioned too, also having a name referencing their occupations. Unfortunately, his electric sculpture uses so much power to work that he causes a power failure, which ruins the trio's attempt to break a world record. In the final episode, Freddie began to explain it but was interrupted. Although he was never seen on screen entirely, he has been mentioned in many episodes. Hes mentioned in iPromote Tech-Foots. Gibby also has a pet cat which he apparently likes to film, mentioned by his girlfriend Tasha in "iEnrage Gibby". In the 2021 revival, it is revealed that a month after Carly left for Italy, Lewbert had abruptly left the apartment building, and spent 9 years trying to build a plan to get back at the Carly gang by going to law school and becoming a lawyer in order to sue them for $2.4 million. In different episodes, they say Carly and Spencer's dad is in the Navy. Like Freddie, he is also fascinated with electronics, and was the tech-producer and cameraman for iCarly. Yes, she was cruel and aggressive, but I think that's what makes her interesting and probably has something to do with her upbringing. (see: Spocko). User Reviews Steven Carson (Cameron Stewart) is Carly and Tori's ex-boyfriend on "iParty with Victorious". Boomer: Socko's cousin, mentioned in iQ. NEXT: 5 Things ICarly Did Better Than Drake And Josh (And 5 Things Drake And Josh Did Better). (Also calling her a psycho & abusive is quite a stretch compared to someone like nora dershlit?) Carly, Sam, and Freddie try to reunite Marta and Lewbert to put an end to Lewbert's attitude in "iFind Lewbert's Lost Love", only to find out that they broke up after 5 weeks of dating because of Marta's obsessiveness and that she is the presumed cause of Lewbert becoming an irritable person. Cal was actually a criminal because he built illegal nuclear projects using black market uranium. Carly's dad makes his only physical appearance in "iGoodbye" (he makes a brief appearance in "iMeetTheFirstLady" via video chat but only his face is shown). This is because there is (if you look close enough) a little shape that seems like the edge of a shirt near the border of the door to the apartment. He is also mentioned in iFind Spencer Friends as being on Safari with Socko. There are a couple things we can always count on from Spencer Shay - he will go above and beyond for his sister Carly, he can't go more than one week without somehow starting a fire, and he has. In any case, it's an awesome cake, and it's clear how much Spencer values his friendship with Socko. When Carly's dad was called overseas, she went to live with Spencer, who turned their loft into both a workspace and gallery for his wacky sculptures. Fredward - Freddie Benson has been called "Fredward" by his mother on random occasions. Spencer makes a dish called spaghetti tacos that is liked by all. Freight Dog: Socko's uncle who travels the world delivering freight (such as possi) around the world. Socko's Grandma: Socko's grandma is the only member of his family who does not have a mentioned name related to her occupation. He has a large, noticeable wart on his left cheek. Lvl 1 . She had a minor role in "iSpeed Date" and a major role in "iEnrage Gibby". She is a parody of singer Britney Spears. Writer Franchesca Ramsey tweeted in response, "[Mosley]'s character Harper isn't replacing Sam [McCurdy's character from the original]. He often appears on iCarly to assist Carly, Sam, and Freddie. was a real Web site, and if you typed any other Web site domain mentioned on the show or on the show's Web site, it would take you to These foods are always skewered on a stick. [6] Gibby has a little brother named Guppy, played by Munck's younger brother. To name a few, the hanging monkeys on the large window, the lamps, and the various colored gummy bear lamps were all designed for the show. Nickname(s) Jennette was in an episode of Zoey 101 as Trisha Kirby, and Nathan made his first appearance in an episode of Drake and Josh as Thornton's brother. Doug Toder (Daniel Samonas) is Spencer's old archrival who only appears in "iFence". Griffin steals Spencer's motorcycle and Spencer takes him under his wing. The original title of the show was "Starstruck" and the plot followed Carly, a regular girl, who is cast on her favorite TV show. He is known for making all of Spencer's brightly colored, light-up socks, first seen in "iWant More Viewers". He later re-appears in the reboot series' second season's second episode "iObject, Lewbert! Pam Puckett (Jane Lynch) is the mother of Sam Puckett and her sister Melanie. Socko double looked him, shoved him, "That doesn't work on me," she said, but she was laughing. Rob is a thief. Template:ICarly Appearances/S2 According to Freddie, he is snotty and very strict to his students. For the chess player, see. In "iFind Lewbert's Lost Love", he reveals that the wart developed from stress caused by his abusive ex-girlfriend, Marta. She performs well at school. It is noticed in a couple of episodes that Sam had a crush on Spencer but it was never explained if or why. He was first mentioned in the episode, iScream On Halloween (but his socks were first seen in iWant More Viewers ). He first appears in "iPsycho" when he visits Gibby, who is staying with Spencer and Carly. Simon Kendall[19] (Simon Bernal) was a boy who could squirt milk out of his eye. This is because there is (if you look close enough) a little shape that seems like the edge of a shirt near the border of the door to the apartment. RELATED:5 Reasons Why Disney Channel Is The Definitive Childhood Network (& 5 Why It's Nickelodeon). Penny gives Spencer his logo shirts, which she calls Penny T's. Almost every other girl in Carly's school has a crush on Jake. A reboot of Nickelodeon 's hit comedy show iCarly is set to release on Paramount+ in June. She had a very odd personality and is a skilled magician. Spencer had to shorten it significantly, and we're still disappointed we never saw the film Spencer originally had in mind, given Spencer's imagination and talent. He has a large family, and most of his family member's names are related to their jobs (Taylor's a tailor, Rob's a burglar, Otto's a car salesman, Bernie's a welder, Isaac's an optometrist, Tyler makes ties, etc.). .mw-parser-output .vanchor>:target~.vanchor-text{background-color:#b1d2ff}Melanie Puckett (Jennette McCurdy) is Sam's identical twin sister who appears in "iTwins". She wanted Carly to love Freddie in "iWill Date Freddie", but later came to resent her for changing Freddie's "boy chemistry". Guppy Gibson[5] (Ethan Munck) is Gibby's younger brother. This website redirects to Socko is the best friend of Spencer. Gibby started off as an occasional recurring character of the show, but was promoted to a main character by season 4. They dated for a short time in iSaved Your Life and broke up at the end of the episode. His last year as a high school student was filled with double-dates, laughs, patented dance moves, and his landscape sketching phase. Shelby Marx (Victoria Justice) appears only in "iFight Shelby Marx". User Ratings [9], Millicent Mitchell[10] (Jaidyn Triplett) is Freddie's snarky and social media-obsessed adopted daughter. Mr. Stern (Joseph Buttler) is a teacher at Ridgeway Middle School. Socko's family consists of many people, almost all of whom have names related to their occupations. Jennette McCurdy confirmed on her podcast in Feb. 2021 that she has quit acting to focus on writing and directing so she won't be appearing in the iCarly revival. He challenged Freddie to a fencing competition, only to be beaten by him and Ms. Benson. In the series finale, "iGoodbye", Sam and Carly take a break from their web show while Carly moves to Italy. Officer Carl (Christopher Michael) is a police officer that appeared in "iWant More Viewers" and "iMove Out". Template:StubSection Nathan Kress (who played as Freddie Benson) and Mary Scheer (who played Marissa Benson,Freddie's mom) would later guest-star in the "Sam & Cat" episode #CrazyTunaJump. Socko is Spencer's friend who makes cool socks. Nevel Papperman [ edit] Who is Socko's family and what does it do? Griffin (Drew Roy) is a bad boy that Carly dates in "iDate a Bad Boy". do you have to wait 6 months after probate, what does lovely lady mean, cream of asparagus soup rachael ray, Can audiences not love him been mention icarly spencer's friend socko him Sam had a very personality. Recurring character Nevel, speaks the same way in real life creating a webcast while with... 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icarly spencer's friend socko