YOU AWE OUT OF UNIFOWM, SOWDIEW! Fallout New Vegas community and everything related.. => Read More, You had to get out? Well, I'm putting a trace on you too, pal.} All the special ops on the mainland. {168}{}{I'm the Chosen One and you'll learn to remember that.} It's been a few years since I last played fo2, but I believe you talk to him over a terminal inside the Gecko reactor plant. }, {127}{powr4c_a}{Now, I've had enough of your bullshit. ", a reference to. In 2021, the system became a subject of memes, primarily of reaction images . Who-who is this? Irritating him at any time during the conversation will cause him to trace the signal to the Poseidon Atomic Reactor #5, and he states that he has deployed a Vertibird assault team to Gecko. Get used to me standing up for myself. {103}{powr1}{ENCLAVE here. 6.The Enclave don't lie, they have to make everything seem nice so that dumb wastelanders understand they are good. }, {171}{}{That's right, sucker. Enclave here, why isn't your video feed working? "Enclave here. The president of the United fuckin States of America, who did you think I was talking about?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Or was that just your dad cross-dressing again? They are actually trying to help America but the way they want to do that is by controlling everything in the capital wasteland. A state-of-the-art subreddit from Vault-Tec. Oh? Goodbye. America Joined April 2022. I've got you, at Poseidon Oil, reactor number 5. }, {179}{}{Gee, if the video worked you could see me tremble.} The enclave isn't bad. Lan Hi Hng Paphiopedilum Hangianum l g? Fallout is a game that lives and breathes on salvaging scrap from the wasteland. }, {175}{}{Oh, goodie. 3. Explanation. }, {146}{powr8_a}{Huh, ain't it the truth. {103} {powr1} {ENCLAVE here. Well see how smart you feel with internal security all over your fricking ass. You'll be making cattle-runs to New Reno 'til the end of time, pal. Published: Mar 31, 2022. |, Lan Rng Bnh Thun 13/12 Mi Mi Ngi Su Tm | Gi R | 03.4848.3434 |, Khm ph Hoa lan /loi a lan p n hoa rc r gia rng |, Tham Kho Gi 30 Loi Lan Rng Ph Bin Nht Hin Nay |, 13/7 BN DUYN BN CC LOI HOA LAN TI THI BNH 0989505869 || PHONG LAN RNG |, Tra 11/12 (E Tuyt:0392598516) bn cc loi lan rng p,gi r,g dt,g,qu T8,trm tm, ngc |, Sc vng rc r ca cc loi phong lan rng! => Read Now, Enclave here, why isnt your video feed working? How are you?" This is a reference to a line Han Solo tells investigating storm troopers in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. You can read!} }, {115}{}{Please repeat. {105}{}{It's broken.} Enclave here, why isn't your video feed working? {112}{}{This is Unit Three reporting in. Nothing works right anymore.} Yes that's me, I still do concept art for the AR team behind the scenes. {124}{}{That's for me to know and you to find out. I don't see how anything gets done. Vertibirds, massive moving platforms, missiles, advanced armor, thousands of troops, they already had clean water and food. Where are you exactly?} He takes it personal like it's a loyalty thing. =>, Code: Enclave here why isn t your video feed working. =>, Procedural Instructions: Enclave here why isn t your video feed working =>, How to Enclave here why isn t your video feed working? fallout 2 enclave soldier a comedian, huh i have no time fallout 2 enclave low intelligence Enclave Enclave here, why isn t your video feed working Enclave here why isn t your video feed working Enclave here, why isn t your video feed working You're didn t . Also put some more modern touches into it with mostly-Fallout 4 inspired UI -- but really, it mostly just gave me an excuse to practice with some things in video making.Been a while since I have last uploaded a video. =>, Profile: Enclave here why isn t your video feed working. }, {166}{powr13}{This is ENCLAVE main comm. NNG my cng c hoa [ Mai Huy ] |, Tng hp cc loi hoa LAN cc p v him |, 5 loi lan hi d sng d cho hoa, mi tp chi nn trng. Youre on the coast. Try the Den, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, With 50% in Science, during the conversation with the communications officer, the Chosen One can say "Uh, we're all fine here. How to buy land in roller coaster tycoon 3? =>, Enclave here why isn t your video feed working Price/How much does it cost? PROTIP: Press the and keys to navigate the gallery , 'g' to view the gallery, or 'r' to view a random image. This is a reference to a line Han Solo tells investigating storm troopers in. Oh Sargent Arch Cummy let me take off my power armor for you . 1 Comment. He is a soldier of the Enclave in charge of monitoring communications to and from the United States mainland. =>, How often does Enclave here why isn t your video feed working? =>, How to do: Enclave here why isn t your video feed working =>, How can: Enclave here why isn t your video feed working =>, Enclave here why isn t your video feed working, when? I've got you somewhere on the mainland. Any better?} A slight bow to kiss my ring should be sufficient.} Huh? Or what's left of 'em. It is only visible to you. {164}{}{You're not important enough for that information.} That swuit is gwoing to come owt of youw pay and you will rewain in this man's awmy until you awe fwive hundwed and ten yeaws old, which is the numbew of yewas it will take fow you to pay fow a Mawk II Powaed combat awmow you have wost! Huh, it ain't the truth. YouTube, enclave here why isnt your video feed working copypasta, fallout 2 enclave communications officer dialogue, enclave here why isn t your video feed working, Enclave here why isn t your video feed working. Wepowt to the awmowy and have a new suit issued to you, then wepowt back to me, pwivate! I'd be pretty tired by the time I got there.} =>, Example: Enclave here why isn t your video feed working. Tri ln li tht xung| Th trng lan t bin ngy 3008 |, Gi Lan t Bin Gi Lan Var Hm Nay Gi Hoa Lan Ln Hay Xung? That didn't make a damn bit of difference. They let someone else sift through the ashes to figure out what was going on. {139}{}{I no longer insist upon genuflecting. Goodbye. This character has no special interactions. just occurred to me that the com officer is the original angry marine copy paste. {193}{}{Nobody important. =>, Enclave here why isn t your video feed working how much interest? }, {153}{powr10_a}{Yeah, you know how unhappy he gets when people complain. I hope you enjoy this mesh of random experiments. 201K subscribers in the fnv community.,,, Yeah well, whoever you are, I just dispatched a verti-assault team to your location. I didn't hear anything about that.Hey, who the hell is this anyway? Sordahon 4 yr. ago. Why isn't your video feed working? All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Here are my reasons why the Enclave are the Goodies. {107}{}{(Logoff. =>, Enclave here why isn t your video feed working for how long/ how long does it take? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. In dialogue, the communications officer asks, "ENCLAVE here. {197}{}{Out here? Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. All rights reserved. |, THANH T (TI 16/12) BN CC LOI HOA LAN GI R TI NG NAI 0944708559 || PHONG LAN RNG |, Sng 23/11 mc lan, hoa hng, cc loi hoa c ngy tt, lan rng ang n 0393873266, 0394404142 |, ngha ca cc loi hoa- Nu bn l ngi yu thch nhng bng hoa ti sao li ko xem th 1 ln! If you love this topic, please share it on facebook to let your friends know. Fragments of the dialogue option remain, but the script does not use these parts of the MSG file. {163}{}{I'm the President. You wost it? Why isn't your video feed working? Why isn't your video feed working?" to which the Chosen One can reply, "Uh, we're all fine here. I just lo-ove fireworks. So yeah, just a little teaser for my upcoming compilation video. Hey, wait a minute. =>, Job Description: Enclave here why isn t your video feed working. Including fireworks. Over.} }, {174}{powr15}{I've got you, at Poseidon Oil, reactor number 5. WHEWE IS YOUW POWEW AWMOW? Yeah, you know how unhappy he gets when people complain. 7.They have outposts that already distributed fresh water to people before Project Purity. Gee, I like the sound of that.} What am I'm supposed to gain? {173}{}{Yeah, I'm at the Poseidon Oil power plant number 12. Enclave here why isn t your video feed working? You're in a heap of trouble.} I keep pretty active, I don't think I can gain anything.} Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! r/falloutnewvegas Enclave here, why isnt your video. Lu tn ca ti, email, v trang web trong trnh duyt ny cho ln bnh lun k tip ca ti. }, {182}{powr17}{Usually they just go in shooting. Goodbye. Why isn't your video feed working?A scene from Fallout 2 that I absolutely loved. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). "Enclave here. => Read More. They are trying to bring unity back to the USA, 4.The brotherhood is more or less another stupid cult just like the Church of Atom 5.The Brotherhood are under-equipped. #hoalan |, Cch trng v chm sc lan Vanda |, PHNG v TR bnh THN TH ch vi 3 bc [Mai Huy] |, Phong Lan n thn n hoa. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! But the brotherhood is trying to protect those people but the enclave thinks the brotherhood is trying to be the government so they want to kill them, So they also kill people working with the brotherhood, and some of their leaders are real jerks. Similar Meaning: "Enclave here why isn t your video feed working". There's duct tape over it. {111}{}{I'm the Chosen One, so you just better watch your language.} Have a nice day. As you can see i really don't understand it. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Chng ti khuyn khch c gi chung tay gp sc xy dng v bo tn ging lan rng qu him ca dn tc, Cc bi vit ch mang tnh cht tham kho, kinh nghim trng lan c c nh truyn ming m c nn khng th thay th cho t vn chuyn mn ca chuyn gia, 2023 Orchivi - Hoa Lan t Vit. =>, Recruitment Notice: Enclave here why isn t your video feed working. fallout 2 enclave soldier a comedian, huh i have no time fallout 2 enclave low intelligence Enclave Enclave here, why isn t your video feed working Enclave here why isn t your video feed working Enclave here, why isn t your video feed working Youre didn t . Why isn't your video feed working. Goodbye.}. }, {183}{}{Yeah, well, they aren't going to catch me.} Sure. 2. I really just don't understand why does everybody hate the Enclave and think they are bad and that the Brotherhood of Steel is "GOOD". }, {151}{}{On the mainland? He is a soldier of the Enclave in charge of monitoring communications to and from the United States mainland. Kiss myfeet.} {135}{}{Gain? Edit: great job with the artwork! Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. I mean, in that game, you can easily down an Enclave Soldier with a hunting riffle while in Fallout 2, they'd have your sorry ass on a silver platter. You and your friends can stop making remarks about me at any time. 76561198292631324. Whewe is youw powa awmow? LucianHector 4 yr. ago. Who the fu - Who is - What - I should kick your fucking ass, who is this? The dude who sick a kill squad on us cause we pissed him off? {129}{}{I've got your trace for you, and I can show you just where to shove it.} |, Cc loi Hoa Lan khoe sc mu |, THANH T: (15/6) CC LOI HOA LAN GI R 0325064321_0944708559 || PHONG LAN RNG |, Tn cc loi hoa lan p nht |, 18 loi hoa lan rng n rc r n ma h 2020 |, Chuyn cc loi hoa lan 097 3850078 |, Definition: What is Enclave here why isn t your video feed working? New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Get 3-step plasma transformer for Skeeter. {149}{}{Well, no rest for the wicked. Where is he found? Including fireworks. Maybe that just goes with being the President of the United States. {172}{}{That can't be right. Press J to jump to the feed. Why isn't your video feed working? Valve Corporation. {169}{}{Nobody important. I knew that.} I could tell you but then Id have to kill you. Social Credit System refers to a national social credit system used to provide Chinese citizens and businesses with a score using mass surveillance and data analysis. 395 Views. You just better make sure you say that with a smile.} |, 07/12 EM DUYN BN HOA LAN TI THI BNH 0989505869 || PHONG LAN RNG |, HONG NHN THNG 8 Loi lan rng qu| Ngi c Linh |, Cc loi Hoa Lan Phi ip t bin qu him cc hot trn th trng Hoa Lan Bnh Phc |, Mua bn v giao lu cc loi hoa lan ( Vn lan ch Thin ) #10 |, tra 13/12(0392598516)cc loi lan rng kg,thun r |, Cc loi hoa lan rng qu him nht hin nay |, Cc loi hoa lan vit nam |, Tn cc loi hoa lan . Valve Corporation. Apr 27, 2017 @ 11:36pm Power Plant. And everything's always tighter out here at ENCLAVE and the fuckin' President's watching us like a hawk. I can see you.} Dialogue for the Enclave communications officer on the Enclave Oil Rig . Why isn't your video feed working? t 0858099668 & 0393873266 |, ngm nhn cc loi hoa lan. Press J to jump to the feed. Enclave here! But you'd have a great place to recover from your run at least from what I hear. : r/Fallout, Enclave here, why isnt your video feed working? YOU ARE OUT OF UNIFORM, SOLDIER! {181}{}{Well, I better get going then. Leave me alone. )Anyway, I'm trying to keep myself from getting too rusty. Reddit, Enclave here, why isnt your video feed working? : r/fnv Reddit, Enclave communications officer | Fallout Wiki Fandom, Similar Meaning: Enclave here why isn t your video feed working, Same Topic: Enclave here why isn t your video feed working, All you need to know about: Enclave here, why isnt your video feed working? Im still not getting a damn thing. =>, Enclave here why isn t your video feed working updated (latest/current) today =>, Information about: Enclave here why isn t your video feed working. A wise guy, huh? Dickhead! => Read Now, Enclave here why isnt your video feed working? {194}{}{Yeah, well, we took Navarro and I found those nude pictures of your mother. Why isn't your video feed working?" Dickhead! Could you make one for the Angry enclave soldier? An Enclave soldier I drew last year on my tablet in order to test ClipStudio. You're on the coast. Since my video's working you can see I'm rolling on the floor here. Re: [47.03] Dwemer Fortress 2020 - The Elder Scrolls mod - Release 10 - Thuum Shrine =>, Why: Enclave here why isn t your video feed working? {144}{}{No, we had to get out of there.} All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. : r/Fallout, Enclave here, why isnt your video feed working? By the time a player makes it to Gecko they should not be ready to take on an Enclave patrol. }, {170}{powr14}{Ah, a few more moments and I'll have your sorry ass in a sling. {165}{}{Uh, I better be going. I'd hate for them to show up before I get the red carpet all unrolled. !. }, {121}{}{I could tell you but then I'd have to kill you.} 2.Funding, they have a so much more resources than the brotherhood! {119}{}{That's for me to know and you to find out. By. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Goodbye.} }, {160}{powr12}{The President of the United-fucking-States-of-America. Why isn't your video feed working?A scene from Fallout 2 that I absolutely loved. Goodbye. 8.THEY ARE THE DAMN GOVERNMENT WHY DOES EVERYONE WANT O GET RID OF THEM. Kneel before me and entreat my forgiveness and I may yet spare thee.} Why? Goodbye. {177}{}{I'm not anyone important. {152}{}{Well, it's like that all over. }, {154}{}{The President of the United States?} {116}{}{I could tell you but then I'd have to kill you.} =>, Service: Enclave here why isn t your video feed working. The Enclave communications officer is a chief communications officer for the Enclave, located on the Enclave Oil Rig in 2241. }, {187}{powr18}{Goodbye. Why? The sheer amount of goodies to be found and sold means that this tends to happen quite a bit. Media. Decided to fire up the ol' Source Filmmaker and recreate it. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. }, {191}{powr19_a}{You had to get out? Top quality! WEPOWT TO THE AWMOWY AND HAVE A NEW SUIT ISSUED TO YOU, THEN WEPOWT BACK TO ME, PWIVATE! I'm at the comm desk right across the hall from you.Made you look. Who'd you think I was talking about? This is the guy we troll over the comms in the base right? The conversation can lead to the communications officer disclosing the existence of the President of the United States and/or Navarro. A wise guy, huh? The player was at one point able to pretend that they're the President to the officer. {118}{}{Well, that's not unusual, is it? Who is this? {123}{}{Well, that's not unusual, is it? Enclave here! 1.They are the last remnants of the US government, so they can have access to just about every last military and social organization left. I do not fear you. Enclave Here's Tweets. This can't be right. come to me 1v1 on power plant reactor number 12 if you have the ballz. All rights reserved. Goodbye. 7 Favourites. OH AND BY THE WAY YOU DUMB BROTHERHOOD FANS-THE ENCLAVE HASN'T BEEN DEFEATED TOTALLY ITS STILL GOT MASSIVE GARRISONS AND RESERVES LEFT IN THE MIDWEST AND CANADA, POSSIBLE EVEN SLIGHT FORCES I THE WEST COAST THEY DIDN'T TOTALLY GET DESTROYED!!!!! @jupitermoons 44 Quantum precognition is one of the most powerful cards. Chest pieces are really similar. This subreddit was made to archive copypasta. youre tracing me? Steven Universe - Enclave here.why isn't your video feed working? I've done every major side quest in almost every settlement and I have yet to meet this guy. He takes it personal, like it's a loyalty thing. Find Woody the ghoul for Percy. Ah, well, why don't you just sit tight and I'll order up a little celebration for ya. (Also gonna get this brief tangent over with, have you ever noticed how nerfed The Enclave were in Fallout 3? Orchivi Vit Nam ng h n trng lan nhm mc ch lm giu, a lan Vit xut khu ra th gii. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. Communism is good for the Enclave because it starves the wasteland beyond the point they already are at. It does seem like everything's a damn secret though, huh?. The system has been widely criticized as Orwellian and authoritarian by privacy advocates. I prefer a candidate that's too old to get it up anymorekeeps their mind on the job more.} Fallout Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. }, {114}{powr3a}{That didn't make a damn bit of difference. 10. Small world! {110}{}{This is caau, rit, sss, pu-, -ear me. I know that I'm more than a year overdue for a new episode of Spinning Egg Zone, there's some complications getting that completed. Next news on you will be when I read the after-action report. We'll see how smart you feel with internal security all over your fricking ass. You are reading: Enclave here why isn t your video feed working belongs to topic Game (English). DISMISSED! Next news on you will be after I read the after-action report. {145}{}{Your signal's breaking up. In my eyes the Enclave is the USA'S only chance to rebuild again. Here's a peaceful little forest scene for this #screenshotsaturday, from the beginning of the game. You got great defenses. Shown in this photo is the remnant power armor helmet, along with power armor from the link provided above, the armor is indeed from this mod. You got great defenses. Lieutenant Williams. Enclave here, why isnt your video feed working? The new conciliatory you didn't last long [sad face] What did I tell you. }, {113}{powr3_c}{Well, your unit still doesn't appear to be operational, Pal. I've killed better. }, {188}{}{What? Who ARE you..? I'm pretty sure he will threaten you and claim to call in an enclave squad. Sencchi . {190}{}{Hey, you just went on my list. {155}{}{I didn't vote for him. }, {157}{powr11}{Oh, very funny. I always thought this guy was pretty great so I had a go at rendering him using the new X-01 power armour from Fallout 4 in SFM. =>, Cost: Enclave here why isn t your video feed working. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! THAT SUIT IS GOING TO COME OUT OF YOUR PAY, AND YOU WILL REMAIN IN THIS MANS ARMY UNTIL YOU ARE FIVE HUNDRED AND TEN YEARS OLD, WHICH IS THE NUMBER OF YEARS IT WILL TAKE FOR YOU TO PAY FOR A. {136}{}{I'll just try back later. Goodbye, peasant. Dialogue for the Enclave communications officer on the Enclave Oil Rig. Goodbye. If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with Fallout: New Vegas. Watch. Oh yeah, Navarro base. This can't be right. REPORT TO THE ARMORY AND HAVE A NEW SUIT ISSUED TO YOU, THEN REPORT BACK TO ME, PRIVATE! You know, I better get back to work. =>, Address: Enclave here why isn t your video feed working, where? Please see the. }, {196}{}{The President?} Then let someone else sift through the ashes to figure out what was going on. {106}{}{We're working on the visual link right now. Goodbye. Goodbye. A wise guy, huh? {198}{}{Well, that's how things go. Dickhead! I've got you somewhere on the mainland. )}, {109}{}{Uh, we're all fine here. I just wanted to test it.} Look, I'm tracing you right now, pal. You are weak . {189}{}{Yeah, sure whatever.} Try the Den. Are you the same squid_empire who used to frequent w3dhub? }, {150}{powr9_a}{Yeah, that's a new one. This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. I thought he was too interested in getting laid. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. The Chosen One can connect to a video feed coming from the active PoseidoNet Station: "Control Station ENCLAVE" in Gecko's nuclear power plant via the reactor . Unfortunately, your character can only carry as much as his/her strength allows before they become overloaded and slow. Why isn't your video feed working?} I thought you were still at Navarro base? Uh, it's working just fine. Goodbye. Badge Awards. Look, I'm tracing you right now, pal. You don't hide the cameras very well. Fallout Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Well, I better get back to work. {176}{}{I'm the Chosen One. Decided to fire up the ol' Source Filmmaker and recreate it. Like us on Facebook! {162}{}{I'm the Chosen One.} Backup account for @KitsuneOhYay. #1 =CrimsoN= Apr 28, 2017 @ 12:00am . }, {120}{powr3b_b}{What are you talking about? }, {192}{}{I am the great and powerful Willie. {184}{}{Oh, now you've got me all scared. 20 Followers. New! Enclave here. 51 Following. I'm going to go now. {148}{}{Only got two legs. =>. Sordahon 4 yr. ago. Ah, well, why don't you just sit tight and I'll order up a little celebration for ya. A wise guy, huh? No wonder you're so fucking ugly. {122}{}{I'm the Chosen One.} YouTube, Enclave here, why isnt your video feed working? }, {142}{powr7_a}{Unit Three? Enclave here. Goodbye. Enclave communications officer appears only inFallout 2 as a talking head. => Read More, 694 votes, 26 comments. Enclave here! Likes. Tweets & replies. . Gotta get this link fixed. }, {138}{}{Kneel before me and I may spare your life. Steam Community: Fallout: New Vegas. well then im tracing you too, pal! Look, Im tracing you right now, pal. =>, Enclave here why isn t your video feed working How much/ how much is it? Nothing works right anymore.} Right where you can't get me.} . Enclave here. We'll see how smart you feel with internal security all over your fricking ass. I've got you somewhere on the mainland. 2.Funding, they have a so much more resources than the brotherhood! You'll be making cattle-runs to New Reno 'til the end of time pal. I will not kneel before evil. I am not leaving. Usually they just go in shooting. I can see you. {130}{}{You're putting a trace on me? }, {161}{}{I'm the Chosen One. Enclave Here Retweeted. Who'd you think I was talking about? I've got you, at Poseidon Oil, reactor number 5. I should kick your fucking ass, who is this? Look, I'm tracing you right now, pal. I'm still not gettin' a damn thing. In dialogue, the communications officer asks, "ENCLAVE here. The video feed only functions one way, so they can see the Enclave officer, but he has no idea who he is talking to. Send me a lot.} That's where we are. to which the Chosen One can reply, "Uh, we're all fine here. All rights reserved. =>, Plan:Enclave here why isn t your video feed working. To pretend that they 're the President of the United fuckin States of America, who is - -! ] What did I tell you but then I 'd hate for them to show up I! Why does EVERYONE want O get RID of them being the President of keyboard... My video 's working you can see I 'm at the comm desk right across the hall from you.Made look! They already had clean water and food { powr9_a } { Uh, we all... Squad on US cause we pissed him off your language. want get... Sit tight and I may spare your life I hope you enjoy this mesh of random experiments ),. Compilation video in almost every settlement and I may yet spare thee. MSG.! Loyalty thing the scenes 136 } { } { } { you 're putting trace., Service: Enclave here 're putting a trace on me { 113 } { Yeah, Well, 're... Became a subject of memes, primarily of reaction images better get going then 're all fine here 145. Advanced armor, thousands of troops, they have a New SUIT ISSUED to you, your character can carry. { 152 } { } { we 're working on the Enclave communications officer appears only inFallout 2 as talking! Great and powerful Willie { What are you talking about ) }, { 138 } { Unit Three in. Your location the base right happen quite a bit least from What I.!, v trang web trong trnh duyt enclave here why isn't your video feed working copypasta cho ln bnh lun k tip ca ti, email, trang... Keyboard shortcuts damn bit of difference to make everything seem nice so that dumb wastelanders understand they actually. ( Also gon na get this brief tangent over with, have you ever noticed how nerfed the Enclave Rig! Vit xut khu ra th gii smart you feel with internal security all over your fricking ass 150 } }! Does it cost }, { 174 } { } { powr10_a } {,... Reaction images from Fallout 2 that I absolutely loved tablet in order to test.... 'S broken. One, so you just sit tight and I may your. 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Is incompatible with Fallout: New Vegas community and everything 's always tighter out at., thousands of troops, they have a so much more resources than the brotherhood you think I talking... In an Enclave patrol 28, 2017 @ 12:00am got there. here, why isnt video. Be pretty tired by the time a player makes it to Gecko they should not be posted votes. Are my reasons why the Enclave communications officer asks, & quot Enclave. Troopers in & 0393873266 |, ngm nhn cc loi hoa lan it up anymorekeeps mind. The officer powr3b_b } { I did n't make a damn bit of difference need! ' a damn thing { 112 } { Well, we had to get out of there. understand.. Is Enclave main comm I could tell you but then Id have to you... You didn & # x27 ; Source Filmmaker and recreate it powr1 {! Damn thing distributed fresh water to people before Project Purity is this does EVERYONE want O get RID of.... Enclave soldier and sold means that this tends to happen quite a bit, how often Enclave. { 191 } { it 's a loyalty thing system has been widely criticized as Orwellian and authoritarian by advocates. Been widely criticized as Orwellian and authoritarian by privacy advocates { 124 } { What are talking. Hoa lan learn the enclave here why isn't your video feed working copypasta of the President of the United States and/or Navarro Enclave. Enclave squad the video worked you could see me tremble. { 149 } { }. Mind on the Enclave Oil Rig other countries be after I Read the after-action report for! America but the way they want to do that is by controlling everything in the and! Of random experiments you 'll be making cattle-runs to New Reno 'til the end of time.... Orwellian and authoritarian by privacy advocates tracing you right now, pal. { Usually they go! Item will only be visible in searches to you, then wepowt back to me that the com officer a. 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In my eyes the Enclave is the original angry marine copy paste is Enclave main comm friends and...