PLEASE NOTE: If you send any HOA communications to a Board Member's address, It will be RETURNED UN-OPENED. Our neighborhood consists of 2 gated communities and 1 non-gated community. 2South Fork Estates No. We have had quite a few cars that have been ransacked recently. Peaceful country living, great location. This helps create and maintain the highest level of excellence where you live. Meeting Minutes Meeting Minutes for the Master Association are available for review by all residents. The average commute in Eagle Creek takes about 30 minutes. Eagle Creek HOA is a neighborhood association serving more than 600 homes in the. SOLD MAR 15, 2023. Granite kitchen and or. Log in, The Lakes at Indian Springs HOA Broken Arrow, OK, Lochmere Ii at Forest Ridge HOA Broken Arrow, OK. The Laundry Room provides Storage Cabinets plus a newer Washer and Dryer that can stay with the home. Broken Arrow school system and a short distance from excellent shopping, dining and entertainment. Let's all work together to keep our neighborhood beautiful by keeping up with our own yard! Below you can find information for the homeowners association including HOA fee includes, community features and amenities. Loving what you see? Eagle Creek is a neighborhood located in East Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. Within the last Four Years, this home has had a New Roof, New Water Heater, New Dishwasher, and New AC Condenser. 2023 MLS Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Rental is located in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma in the 74012 zip code. Industrial CenterPart AA.E.S. Welcome to the Turtle Creek HOA of Broken Arrow, Oklahoma 74012 This is YOUR Web Site.. (Updated 4-11-2023) Please take the time to visit, please visit often. Cn Sang Gp 3 Tim Nail Tiu Bang OK Tim 1 6434 S Elm Pl, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma 74011 rng 2200 sqft, c 10 bn, 12 gh ngi ln, 2 gh con nt Tim 2 1226 E Kenosha St Broken Arrow, OK 74012. ft. This browser is no longer supported. We can connect you with an agent with no commitment. Shawn Swensen True North Realty LLC. Log in, The Villages at Birchwood HOA in Broken Arrow, OK, Union Station South HOA in Broken Arrow, OK. SOLD APR 4, 2023. Commercial Addition 2ndD&D EstatesDarr AdditionDawn EstatesDawn Estates CenterDeek Creek At Forest RidgeDeek Creek At Forest Ridge BDeek Creek At Forest Ridge IIDeerCreek At Forest Ridge IIBDeer Creek AtForest RidgeIIIDeek Creek At Forest Ridge III BDeer CreekEstatesDeer CreekExt.Deer CrossingDeer Crossing IIDeerCrossing IIIDeerfield At Forest RidgeDeerfieldEstatesDel Ray EstatesDewee's Road Easements SurveyDishman EstatesDoc's Container StorageDon WellsAutoSalesDonatoDonato COVDukes Country SubdivisionDuplexes At Oak CreekDuplexes At Oak Creek Declaration of Covenant, EagleCreekEagle Creek BEagle Creek IIEagleCreek II BEagleCreek IIIEagle Creek III BEagle Creek IVEagle Creek IV AmendedEagle CreekIV BEagle CreekVEagle Creek V BEagle Creek VI Replat of Blocks 10 &12Eagle Creek VI Replat of Blocks 10 &12 AEagle Creek VIIEagle Creek VII COVEagle Point IEagle Point ICovenantEagle Point IIEagle Point II Declaration of CovenantEagle Point IIDeclaration ofCovenant 2Eagle Point IIIEagle Point III Covenant 1Eagle Point III Covenant 2Eagle Point III Covenant 3Eagle Point IVEagle Point IV COV 1Eagle Point IV COV 2Eagle Point IV COV 3Eagle Ridge IEagle Ridge IIEagle Ridge IIIEagle Ridge III CovenantEast 71st Street Mini Storage 1East 71st Street Mini Storage 2EastBoroughEastBorough IIEastBorough IIIEastBorough ResubEastBorough XEast Side School AdditionEast Village Blocks 1-4East Village Blocks 1-4 COV 1East Village Blocks 1-4 COV 2EasternHeightsEast-O-LakeElementary School AdditionElmwood EstatesElmwood Estates 2ndElmwood Estates 3rdElmwood Estates 3rd AmendedElmwood Estates 4thElmwood Estates 4th Commercial ReplatEmerald FallsEmerald Falls Declaration ofCovenantEmerall Falls East HalfEmerald Falls West HalfEmerald Valley EstatesEnglewoodEstatesEnglewood Estates AEvergreen HillsEvergreen Hills COVExpressway Country EstatesExpressway CountryEstates AmendedExpressway Country Estates 2nd AdditionExpressway Country Estates No. Please feel free to, Glen Eagles III are the duplex/townhomes on the east side of N 33rd St, Glen Eagles Amended are the homes off of S201st E Ave. Glen Eagles IV are the homes in between N 31st and N 33rd and E Emmitsburg to E Jersey St. Central, gas, multiple heating units, zoned. Glen Eagles IV HOA. Thank you! Sq. The hoa policies can change with time for Eagle Creek so if you see an error please contact us so we can fix it. Hi Neighbors! 1 AmendedSouth Fork Estates No. Please be considerate of your neighbors and send the mail where it belongs: P. O. (at last with many months and hours of hard work) The Eagle Creek Homeowners Association representative is President Terry Stover. 3 Beds. Eagle Point offers many options to choose from when looking for Broken Arrow Homes for sale. 20001 E 46th St S, Broken Arrow, OK 74014 For sale Zestimate : $299,000 Est. Welcome Welcome to your new website! Eagle Creek Homeowners Association Broken Arrow, OK - Events | Facebook Block Page Send Message See more of Eagle Creek Homeowners Association Broken Arrow, OK on Facebook Log In or Create new account Upcoming Events Share Events Eagle Creek Homeowners Association Broken Arrow, OK does not have any upcoming events. Eagle Creek, Broken Arrow, OK neighborhood | Nextdoor See what Eagle Creek neighbors in Broken Arrow are talking about & more. 2Flat Rock SubdivisionFleming Replat of Block 246Fleming AdditionFleming AdditionBFlint Hills Phase 1Flint Hills Phase 1 COVFort GibsonReservoirForest GlennFox TrailsFox Trails COVFranklin EstatesFryson AcresFrysonAcres BFryson Acres SouthFryson Acres South B, G T E EastGertner AdditionGibson StationGlen EaglesAdditionGlen Eagles AdditionAGlean Eagles Addition AmendedGlen Eagles IIAdditionGlen Eagles II Addition BGlen Eagles IIIGlen Eagles III Declaration of CovenantGlen Eagles III Declaration ofCovenant 2GlenEagles IV NorthGlen Eagles IV SouthGlen Eagles IV Declaration of CovenantGlen Eagles IV Declaration of Covenant 2Glendale AcresGolden OaksGolden Oaks Declaration ofCovenantGoodnightAcresGovernment Club Site 22 AmendedGrand View Acres(Yeager's Grand View)Grant EstatesGreen AcresGreenAcres Amended AGreenAcres WestGreen Bryor AdditionGreen Country EstatesGreen Country Estates AGrey Oaks Crossing, Hackberry Hill AdditionHaner's SubdivisionHappy HollowHaralson's Mallard Bay AdditionHarbor CliffCondo AHarbor CliffCondo BHarbor Cliff AHartford ParkHeath EstatesHenco AdditionHenley AcresHeritage United Methodist ChurchHidden HillsHidden Hills Estates AHidden Hills EstatesBHighland Acres EastHighland Creek Phase IHighland Creek Phase IIHighland Creek Phase II CovHighland Creek Phase II Cov 2Highland Creek Phase IIIHighland Creek Phase III LotsHighland Creek Phase III COV 1Highland Creek Phase III COV2Highland Creek Phase 4Highland Creek Phase 4 LotsHighland Creek Phase 4 COV 1Highland Creek Phase 4 COV 2Highland ParkHighland Park COV 1Highland Park COV 2Highland Park COV 3HighlandsI at Forest RidgeHighlands IIat Forest RidgeHighlands IIIat Forest RidgeHighlands IVat Forest RidgeHillView AcresHillView Acres IIHillTop AcresHoliday CoveHoliday HeightsHoliday Heights IIHomestead MiniStorageHomesteadMiniStorage ReplatHunt's Shady AcresHunt's Subdivision Amended Block 287, Indian Creek AdditionIndian Creek IIIndian Hills II AmendedIndustrial Park, Jackson Bay EstatesJackson Country EstatesJackson Country Estates COVJefferson HillsJefferson Hills IIJefferson Hills IIIJefferson Hills VIJefferson Hills V & AmendedJefferson Hills IVJoe Rutherford AdditionJohanna Woods AmendedJohanna Woods Amended BJohanna Woods AJohanna Woods BJohanna Woods IIJohanna Woods II COVJohnsonAddition IJoice SubdivisionJordan OaksJordan Oaks II, Kennedy's SubdivisionKensington RidgeKensington Ridge Declaration of CovenantKensington Ridge IIKensington Ridge IICOV1Kensington Ridge IICOV 2Kensington Ridge II COV AMDKonklin Acres IKonklin Acres IIKountry Fair PlazaKountry Fair Plaza AmendedKozak AcresKum & Go #837 Covenant, Lake CrestLake Crest Deed of DedicationLake Crest 2Lake Crest 4Lake Crest BlocksLake Crest IIILake Crest EstatesLake Park Addition Blocks 1-3 &1A-2ALake Park Addition Blocks 1-3 & 1A-2A CorrectedLakePark Addition Blocks 4-7Lake ParkAddition Blocks 8-10Lake Park AdditionBlock 11Lake Park Addition Blocks 12-18 & Commercial AreaLake Park AdditionBlock 19Lake Park AdditionBlocks 20-22 & Commercial AreaLake Park AdditionCertificate of Blocks 4-10Lake Park Mobile Home AdditionLake Park Mobile Home Ext.Lake Shore Drive AdditionLakeview Cottage SitesALakeview Cottage SitesBLakeview EstatesLakeview Estates 2nd AdditionLakeshore Home Sites - Mallard BayLakeshore Home Sites -Mallard Bay 2LakeshoreHome Sites 2Lakeview Cottage SitesLamb SubdivisionLancasterSubdivisionLaner HeightsLatsos AdditionLatshaw AdditionLatshaw Addition CovenantLeeAcres SubdivisionLee AdditionLee AdditionIILee SubdivisionLeisure AcresLeonard's AutomotiveLochmere AtForest RidgeLochmere II At Forest RidgeLochmere III At Forest RidgeLochmere III At ForestRidge Declaration of CovenantLochmere IV At Forest RidgeLois-Frances AdditionLouann SubdivisionLouann Subdivision IILuper's 1st AdditionLuper's 2nd Addition, Madison SquareMadison Square COVMallard Bay Plumley's SubdivisionMallard Bay Plumley'sSecondSubdivisionMarlborough Country EstatesMcCarty's Development AdditionMcClintock Acres & EstatesMeadow Crest Addition IMeadow Wood Estates IIMeadow Wood Estates IIIMeadows AdditionMeadows At SteelyFarmMeadowsAt Steely Farm COVMeadows At SteelyFarms Phase IIMeadows At SteelyFarms Phase II COV1Meadows At SteelyFarmsPhase II COV2Meadows ofWinwoodMeadows of Winwood Amended PlatMeadowWood EstatesMegan FarmsMegan Farms Declaration of CovenantMekko Village AdditionMidway AcresMidway EstatesMidway RidgeMidway Ridge COVMiller's Long Bay SubdivisionMissionAcres EastMission Acres WestMobile Acres SubdivisionMobile Acres SubdivisionIIMobley 2nd Addition AMobley Subdivision AMolded ProductsMorgan AdditionMortonSubdivisionMountainViewMullin PlumbingMurry Hill Subdivision, Natural SpringsNatural Springs IINatural Springs IIAmendedNatural Springs II Amended Declaration of CovenantNewBedfordNew Bedford IINew Bedford II Declaration of CovenantNew Bedford II ExtendedNew Bedford II Extended Declaration of CovenantNew Bedford IIINew Bedford III Declaration of CovenantNew BixbyEstatesNewCoweta Creek NationNewHeart FellowshipChurchNew Heart Fellowship Church CovenantNewTulsa EstatesNew Tulsa Estates AmendedNoble EstatesNorth Bay EstatesNorth Bay Estates AmendedNorthMuskogee (Okay)North Muskogee (Yonkers)North Tullahassee SubdivisionNortheast CrossroadsNorthridgeNorwood AdditionNSU BrokenArrow Campus, Oak Cliff AcresOak Creek Estates AdditionOak CreekParkOak Creek ParkExtOak CreekPark IIOak Creek SouthOak Creek South ExtendedOak Creek South Extended -COVOak Creek South Phase II AmendedOak Creek South Phase II Amended-COVOak Creek South Phase IIIOak Creek South Phase III COVOak CrossingOak FallsOak Falls ReplatOak GroveOak Grove AcresOak Grove Acres 101st StreetOak Grove Acres AOak Grove AdditionOak Grove Commercial TractOak Grove EstatesOak Grove NorthOak Grove SouthOak Grove South AmendedOak Lane AOak Lane BOak Lane Amended AOak Lane Amended BOak Park EstatesOak Point Lake SitesOakPointLake Sites Replat Block 1Oak Ridge EstatesOak Ridge EstatesIIOakRidge EstatesII AmendedOakdale AdditionOakmont At CatoosaOakmont At Catoosa Declaration of CovenantOakmont At Catoosa Declaration ofCovenant 2Oakmont At Catoosa Final PlatOaks SubdivisionOil Capital Outing ClubOkay (North Muskogee)Okay AcresOnetaOneta AcresOneta Acres Replat of Block 1Oneta EstatesOneta Farms Phase 1Oneta Farms Phase 1 COVOnetaFarms Phase IIOnetaFarms Phase II COVOneta Farms Phase IIIOneta Farms Phase III COVOneta Farms Phase IVOneta Farms Phase IV COVOneta Road & State Highway 51 CenterOneta Road &State Highway 51 Center CorrectedOneta SelfStorageOne Sixty EstatesOneta SquareOneta Square Declaration of CovenantOneta Square Declaration of Covenant 2Orcutt Addition, Palisades IPanda Oneta PlantPark At AlbanyPark At CowetaPark At Coweta Declaration of CovenantPark Place Phase IPark Place Phase I COV 1Park Place Phase I COV 2Park View AdditionPark View AdditionAmendedPark View Addition to WagonerPark View Addition toWagoner Resub Block 211Park View EastPark View East AdditionParklane EstatesParklane Estates 2ndParklane Estates 3rdPatrician Mobile Home ParkPecan BendPecan Bend COVPecan CovePecan Creek Ext.Pecan Creek Ext. The Risk Factor models are designed to approximate risk and not intended to include all possible scenarios. We need the HOA to function even when the members change! Our HOA President, Terry Stover, meeting with Ethan Hutchins, Broken Arrow PD Liaison Officer, about the vandalism that has been happening in our neighborhood. It is in violation of Broken Arrow ordinance to ride off-road vehicles (dirt bikes, mini bikes, pocket bikes, three wheelers, four wheelers, etc) within and on the streets of Seven Oaks Addition. payment: $1,789/mo Get pre-qualified Request a tour as early as today at 12:00 pm Contact agent Likely to sell faster than nearby. You must contact us either by email or mail, along with sending a $25 Admin fee payment to our P.O. In Amended Glen Eagles Addition, we are giving families the ideal combination of master-planned amenities and peaceful Eagle Creek Homeowners Association Broken Arrow, OK | Broken Arrow OK $1,545 11724 Jude Way 11724 Jude Way, Yukon, OK 73099 Northwest Oklahoma City 4 Beds 2 Bath 1459 Sqft Managed by ResiCap Contact Property Learn more, take a tour, and get one step closer to your new home. It is no coincidence that Amended Glen Eagles Addition looks as beautiful and as manicured as a golf course. You can also visit our Facebook Page by clicking on the Facebook icon in the top right hand corner of this page. $56,000 Last Sold Price. The HOA asked to be notified related to the results of the review. We hope you can bring your kids by and participate in the contest. 2, Cambridge EstatesCamino VillaCanyonView AcresCasey's General Store 1Cash AdditionCash Addition CovenantCardinal HillsCarefree HeightsCarefree Heights AdditionAmendedCarefree Heights ReserveA AmendedCarefree Heights Resubdivision ReserveACarl's Addition to Wagoner CountyCarriage Crossing EstatesCarriage Crossing Estates ACarter Valley Mobile Home ParkCassidy Acres AdditionCat CreekCove AcresCedar AdditionCedar AdditionAmendedCedar Creek EstatesCedar Creek Estates AmendedCedar Creek VillageCedar CreekVillage Declaration of CovenantCedar Heights SubdivisionCeejay AcresCelebration At The Woods ICelebration At The WoodsDeclaration ofCovenantCelebration At The WoodsDeclaration ofCovenant 2Celebration At The Woods ReplatCenter Valley East & WestCentral Addition to Red BirdChannel View SubdivisionCharles O. Rowland EstatesCharleston Country EstatesCharleston Country Estates CovenantCharleston Country Estates Covenant IICharleston Country Estates Covenant IIICharleston Country Estates IICharleston Country Estates II COV1Charleston Country Estates II COV2Charleston Country Estates SW NE PartCherokee StripSubdivisionCherokee VillageChildress SubdivisionChissoe Addition toCowetaChisso Subdivision Block 89Chisso Subdivision Block 89 A & BClaxton, AlbertClaxton, Albert 2nd SubdivisionClaxtonSubdivision of Block 89, CowetaClearview Acres 1st AdditionClearview Acres 2nd AdditionClearview Acres 3rd AdditionCliffview EstatesCliffview EstatesReplat of Block 2 &5Cloverleaf AdditionCoach PortCoach Port CovenantCobb Subdivision, Block 258Cobb Subdivision, Block 290Cocke AdditionColonial MeadowsContinental IndustriesCountry CrossingCopper FoxCopper Fox Addition Phase ICotton Mill AdditionCowboy RidgeCorp of Engineers SurveysCorporate Greens At Forest RidgeCorporate Greens At ForstRidge BCottages At Forest RidgeCottonwood AcresCouch AdditionCountry Club Addition To SunriseEstatesCountry Gentleman EstatesCountry Lane EstatesCountry MeadowsCountry Meadows CovenantCountry View EstatesCountry Village AdditionCountry Village Addition 2ACountry Village 3rd AdditionCountry Village 4th AdditionCounty LineBranch Addition ACounty Line Branch Addition A-1County Line CenterCounty Line CrossingsCounty Line Crossings CovenantCoursey's Subdivision Block 51CourtyardsAtForest RidgeCourtyards At Forest Ridge BCourtyards II AtForest RidgeCourtyards IIAtForest Ridge ACovington EstatesCoweta 51 AdditionCoweta 51 Addition CovenantCoweta 51 Addition Covenant 2Coweta Senoir VillaCoweta Senoir Villa CovenantCoweta Crossing, North 20Coweta Crossing, South 45Coweta Crossing, South 45 CovenantCoweta, New Block 8Coweta AcresCoweta ChissoSubdivisionCowetaFarmCoweta Farm COVCoweta HeightsCoweta Heights AmendedCoweta Heights ReplatCoweta Warehouse No. Residence wanting access to the pool or club house located in Glen Eagles IV should contact them directly One and a half miles from Northeastern State University (BA campus) and the Creek Turnpike. Box 140425. 8 myths about renting you should stop believing immediately, 6 ways home buyers mess up getting a mortgage, 6 reasons you should never buy or sell a home without an agent, Difference between agent, broker & Realtor, Real estate agents reveal the toughest home buyers they've ever met, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. serenity. 2,479 Sq. Industrial Center Part BAcreage Addition to Redbird, OKAdam's Creek EstatesAdam's Creek Estates 2ndAdam's Creek Estates 2nd AmendedAdam's Creek Estates 3rdAdam's Creek Estates 4thAdam's Creek Estates 5thAdam's Creek Estates 5th AmendedAdam's Creek Estates Corrected & ReplatAdam's Creek Shopping Center Lot 1Adam's Creek VIAlbert Claxton AdditionAllison EstatesAllison Estates 2ndAngus AcresAngus Acres 2nd Addition AAngus Acres 2nd AdditionBAngus Acres 2nd AdditionAmended AAngus Acres 2nd Addition Amended BArrow East Industrial Park Ext.Arrow HeadClubArrow Head Point ClubArrow Village Mobile CityArowVillage Mobile City Deed of DedicationArrowwood Country EstatesArrowwood Country Estates AmendedArrowwood Country Estates ShowingEasementArrowwood Estates 1Arrowwood Estates 1 AmendedArrowwood Estates 2 AmendedArrowwood Estates 2 Resurvey Plat AmendedAshbrook IAshbrook IIAshleigh Park - Phase IAshleigh Park - PhaseIIAshleigh Park - Phase II CovenantAshleigh Park - Phase II Covenant IIAshleigh Park - PhaseIIIAshleigh Park - Phase III Covenant1Ashleigh Park - Phase III Covenant2Ashtonat Forest RidgeAshton atForest Ridge B, Baker's Acres 1st SubdivisionBasin Angle RanchEstatesBay View Sites SubdivisionBeacon Addition(Now BrookFarms)Bel LagoBel Lago Phase IIBel Lago BBelmeade AdditionBelmeade 2nd AdditionBelmeade 2nd Addition AmendedBelmeade IIIBentreeBig Hollow Cabin SitesBig ValleyBixby Ranch Estates ABixby Ranch Estates BBixby RanchEstates AmendedBixhoma LakeEstatesBlackBass Club SubdivisionBlock 660 ReplatBlue Bell CreameriesBlue Bell Creameries RestrictionsBluebird GardenBlue Ridge (Blue Springs)Blue Ridge (Blue Springs)BBlue Springs Blocks 1 & 2 ReplatBlue Springs Closing PlatBlue Springs WestBlue Stem EstatesBluebill EstatesBol AdditionBol Addition CovenantBox Valley RanchBox Valley Ranch COV 1Box Valley Ranch COV 2Bollinger AdditionBonnie Dean SubdivisionBowline AcresBowline Acres IIBowline Acres 4thBriarwood EstatesBrid Le Trails EstatesBrid Le Trails Estates Complete AmendedBrid Le Trails SouthwestBrid Le TrailsReplatting Lots of Blocks 2 &3Brid Le Trails Replatting of Blocks 4 & 5Brid LeTrails Replatting of Block 6 SoutheastBrid LeTrails Replatting of Block 7 of Revision ABrid LeTrails RevisionABrighton Oaks EstatesBrighton OaksEstatesUnit IIBrighton Oaks Estates Unit IIIBrighton Oaks Estates Unit IVBrokenArrow Baptist TempleBroken Arrow Public SchoolsBroken Arrow Public Schools Elementary 16Broken Arrow Public Schools Elementary 16COVBroken Arrow - WF AdditionBrook FarmsBrookshire Mobile Home AdditionBrookside Estates AdditionBrookside Lions DenBrookwood FarmsBrookwood Farms IIBrookwood Farms IIIBrookwoodFarms III CovenantBrookwoodFarms III Covenant IIBrookwoodFarms III Covenant IIIBrookwoodFarms III Lots 8-15BlkIBrown's 1st Best View SubdivisionBrown's SubdivisionBrown's Subdivision of Block 234Bukey AcresBukey Acres No. Ft. 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eagle creek hoa broken arrow