Some marketing tactics in the pet trade say that Bettas can thrive with a diet of plant roots. Snails are prolific algae eaters. Tiffin. However, I was actually torn on whether I should add this snail to this section or the other section. The rabbit snail is one of the more unique-looking snail species on this list. does not intend to provide veterinary advice. Bettas arent typically passive fish and will also attack snails when they arent well-fed. Looking to add some variety and colorto your aquarium? Clean up uneaten food and waste. Apple snails are interesting-looking snails that can make your betta fish tank more lively and interesting. You are using an out of date browser. They also consume soft algae, which is good to keep your aquarium algae free. He would try to kill them everytime. Additionally, theyre used to leaving the water for a few hours every now and then. This means that you wont have to do as many water changes to keep them healthy. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. A bonus to keeping snails is that they can make your aquarium more interesting, as you get to observe the snails behavior around the aquarium. Yes, Betta fish will eat snails if given a chance. Will this hurt him? However, this is only a sign of their curiosity, and they may not actually eat the snail. Nerite Snails are another good snail for beginner fishkeepers. These three types of snails require similar water and pH as a betta, so you can introduce them easily. A 20-25-gallon tank will fit a small group of fish like tetras and danios with your betta. I didnt feed that tank for two whole months, and there was no other snail for it to snack on, and yet it survived. Remember, bettas are carnivores, so if theyre hungry enough, snails will definitely turn up on the menu. Assassin snails often burrow in the substrate when theyre not hunting, which helps aerate the substrate. One thing to keep in mind with Mystery Snails is that they need a lot of calcium for their shells. Youre good to go as long as tank conditions are ideal for your snail, which includes the same ph suitable for Malaysian trumpet snails. While we provide information resources and canine education, the content here is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. The snails can also hide in the aquatic plants, which will allow them to become better tank mates to the betta. you can check what it covers and a sneak peak here. If you have a Betta tank, you might be wondering, Can betta fish live with snails?. Plakat Betta Fish: Care Guide, Varieties, Lifespan & More! Subscribe below for our newsletter and get weekly updates on newly published posts. After all, it is a favorite bait for catfish anglers. Overfeeding snails to your betta can lead to bloating, which can seriously harm your betta fish. I am not certain if the snail poo can contain parasites or other organisms harmful to bettas but I'm inclined to say no. Theyre easy to keep with your betta as they can survive under the same tank conditions (pH 7.0-7.5, Temperature: 70 78F) as the betta fish. Your local bait shop should have sardines in its stock. Sparkling Gourami Species Profile & Facts. If so, with what? This depends on your bettas temperament. The apple snails are hungry snails and they like eating greens and vegetables. Snails overrunning your tank can be eliminated with a dip in potassium permanganate. Earlier last week, I started trying guppy fry as live food for him (as per the suggestion of some here) and within 24 hours, he ate them. The decision to keep snails in the same tank as your betta depends on your commitment to maintaining the survival of both species. 25 Fish/Critters That Can Eat Betta Food (& 2 That Dont)8 Reasons Why Your Betta Stays At The Top Of The Tank (+Fix)4 Reasons Why Betta Fish Spits Food Out (+ How To Fix). This is a great recipe and can be swapped out for many different combinations . That is because of their ability to clean your tank of algae very effectively, which makes them a very popular species. An extremely docile snail can also be targeted by an aggressive betta. In the wild, this means they eat small crustaceans, insect larvae, insects, worms, and even tiny fish. does not intend to provide any kind of veterinary suggestion. Mystery Snails have plenty of color variants, so you can find one that matches your bettas coloration. One of the most common reasons people add snails to their aquarium is because they help reduce algae. I also started to notice some algae on his glass, so I put in 2 of the small pond snails from my 20g. Is your tank cycled? But bettas are an aggressive species, especially against other fish. We do our best to help readers take good care of their fish. I may have added some seachem stresscoat for my fish but the two snails were not okay before adding the stress coat. If youre looking for a way to control algae or keep your tank clean, adding a few snails is a great way to do it. Please take pictures of the snail where the opening. When introducing a snail to a betta tank, adding the right one is paramount. 7 Ways To Stop Brown Algae In Your Fish Tank & 6 Causes, 4 Reasons Your Female Bettas Are Fighting (& 7 Ways To Stop, 10 Ways To Get Rid Of Snails In An Aquarium (& Why They're, How Big Do Aquarium Snails Get? One of the best ways to reduce the chance of your betta attacking your snails is to add a lot more decorations to your tank, especially plants. As a result, it's crucial to make an effort to get larger snails. Do Bettas Ever Try To Eat Other Fish In Their Aquarium? This is why its important to acclimate them slowly when you add them to your tank. In fact, I can personally attest to this. 6 years ago. However, they can still survive below a pH of 7. I've checked the little pagoda and fake bonsai tree and inspected the red gravel substrate and all I found was a chip of one of their shells! Betta Flakes. I even got desperate and checked the sink and the trash can, but nothing. It happens sometimes. They are pretty fantastic as algae eater, and by eating dead plants, old food, they can do a severe duty of keeping the tank spotless. By adding a few different types of snails to your tank, you can create a well-rounded team that will be able to keep your aquarium clean and free of algae. So unless the Betta dies inside the tank, you dont have to worry about snails snacking on the Betta. Theyre more likely to want blood worms, daphnia, and of course, other snails. There are many variations and types of rabbit snails, ranging in color and appearance. This will prevent them from taking over your aquarium and stressing their tank mates. Snail waste can rapidly deteriorate the water conditions of the tank and cause the snails to die, which could ultimately cause you to lose your betta. That being said, the best snails for a betta tank are mystery snails, ramshorn snails, and turret snails. Sardines. But whether or not you should add snails to your Betta tank depends on your own personal preferences. Is this normal? I would just watch for signs of bloat, and fast or give him daphnia if need be- the little piggy might've gotten a taste for snail meat. They dont need a lot of calcium in their diet, so theyre a good choice for tanks with soft water. How Many Fish Can Be In A 20-Gallon Tank? If you do not want your betta fish to eat any snails you place in the aquarium, make sure you choose large species of snail. Find Out Here. Nerites are hardy little guys. However, sometimes, if you have a particularly aggressive betta, theres not a lot you can do. . The answer is yes. Your snail won't be as active as your betta, but they can be very active when they are feeding and in an exploring mood. Algae can quickly take over your tank if you dont keep it in check, keep your aquarium clean and free of algae, Can Betta Fish Live With Shrimp? However, theyll produce as much waste themselves. As you can deduce from its name, assassin snails eat other snails and are the best snails you can turn to when other snails are overcrowding your tank. If your betta is one of those who love to eat snails, then you don't need to worry about his food. Bettas generally do not discriminate between the different types of snails for their diet. They also dont mind munching on the leaves of plants, so be careful if you keep plenty of live plants in your tank. It's been well over a month since I put the nerite in, and now the betta doesn't bother him at all. Bettas and snails can coexist in peace. Molly Fish and Tiger Barbs Can You Keep Them in Same Aquarium? Jun 27, 2006. Its easy to care for these snails. Thus, its crucial to select the best candidate from the variety of snails suitable for the environment. An aggressive betta tends to attack small snails when it considers them a threat. Instances of snails feasting on a betta fish are very rare. I have a betta and a black mystery snail together in a 2.5 gallon tank. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. D16845D3-2435-464F-9A9E-74B79111A482.jpeg, 71AEC811-B671-4C5F-946D-1630E87FFDF5.jpeg. It is not uncommon to come across Betta flaring at a snail or incidents where someones Betta ate snail antenna for lunch. Pond snails are one of the most common snail species kept as pets. What about bigger snails, you may ask? In this article, I will explain why bettas eat snails, what types of snails will betta fish eat, and other questions of this nature. Saygoodbye to boring tanks and hello to a vibrant and diverse aquarium! just watched my betta charge a bladder snail, break through its shell, and thrash around with it until he had sucked the snail out. Required fields are marked *. Why? Hi!I am Pierre, a fish lover and your comrade in all things aquarium-related.I have been in love with aquariums and fishes ever since I was a kid.I grew up watching my parents fawning over our modest 5-gallon tank aquarium. Your email address will not be published. Snail-eating fish are one of the best ways to get rid of snails in your aquarium. I've personally had ghost shrimp and zebra danios live peacefully with one of my male bettas. This can lead to potential diseases in your betta. While these snails grow quite large, you should not keep more than one apple snail per 5 gallons. But they can do quite well in 7.0 pH. he then ate it. My other betta now lives with the snails and he doesnt bother them at all. Its technically possible for a snail to kill a Betta fish, but its very unlikely. Dont worry if your rabbit snail goes missing, because often they will bury themselves into the substrate. They still might peck at the snails antennae, causing damage if the snail doesnt retract them in time. Its really up to you. However, sadly sometimes, your betta will still end up attacking your snail. I got my first pair of goldfishes as my 8th birthday present from my dad.Now, as a 30-something year old, I have multiple tanks of my favorite bettas, guppies, danios, and several tetras at my home in Kentucky.Here's to sharing exciting knowledge about pet fishes with you and our friends all over the world! Bettas can also overfeed very easily, so giving them a balanced diet is the most important thing you can do for their well-being and keeping the snail safe. These small fish are notorious for being aggressive and territorial fish, thus making the betta fish a bad choice for community aquariums. So dont assume that they would be kind to another species, aka, snail. Will Your Betta Stop Attacking Your Snail? As you can perhaps guess from their name, theyre one of the few snail species that will eat other snails, and theyre very effective at controlling snail populations. If you have a problem with algae in your tank, adding a few snails is a great way to help keep it under control. I have an. This is often common with mystery snails that are repeatedly attacked by bettas. Your betta fish might attack the snails long tentacles and eyes, but the snail can regrow it over and over again. Some bettas are more aggressive and hungrier than others. All my previous worries about my new betta being a picky eater and he goes and eats a snail! Fish Lore is an amazon affiliate and some pages may contain links to aquarium related products on amazon: Affiliate Disclosure. Assassin snails are difficult to keep, but that doesnt mean you should worry. These snails can be harmful to your Betta or they can just be a general nuisance. But dont worry, you can easily prevent this by feeding the bettas enough in the first place. Just remember to keep the betta well-fed, understand its temperament and make sure the snail is on the larger side. There are a few different types of snails that can live with betta fish, but not all of them are created equal. These snails dont require much upkeep and will thrive under ideal tank conditions. You can feed them vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, cauliflower or greens. I also started to notice some algae on his glass, so I put in 2 of the small pond snails . It is far more difficult to consume larger snails. Snails, in general, do better in slightly hard and alkaline water. Rabbit snails are quite big. It may not display this or other websites correctly. KeepingFishSimple 95K views 11 months ago 5 Things I Wish I Knew BEFORE I Got My First Betta Fish Girl. In this post, well explore whether Bettas can live with snails and other questions you may have regarding this topic. Well it can be good to add some variety to their diet they are carnivores after all Snail's antenna grow back. Keeping betta fish with snails is quite easy, and these two aquatic creatures can make wonderful tank mates. They have a very recognizable look, which is why many people choose to keep them as pets. A mystery snail is also considered a perfect meal for betta as its eyes look like a pair of worms, which is a primary food for a betta. When introducing a snail to a betta tank, adding the right one is paramount. I have those types of nerites in a 75 gal with S/A. By day, Kelly is a corporate analyst, but by night she's a long-time fishkeeper. JavaScript is disabled. This is a quick and straightforward response to this issue. Since theyre pretty big, they also prefer bigger tanks. All baby snails regardless of the species are small enough to be eaten by betta fish, so keep this in mind if you want to raise baby snails in the same aquarium as your betta fish. The Mystery Snail is a good snail for beginner aquarists, as they are hardy and easy to care for. Luckily, there are some things that you can do to reduce the population of snails in your tank easily. I also feed mine about 5 betta bites a day and feed bloodworms every few days or so. Because of this, its best to add them to a tank that doesnt have any strong currents. Like the Malaysian trumpet snail, some people consider pond snails, bladder snails, and ramshorn snails pests in the aquarium, reproducing too rapidly and sometimes eating their aquatic plants. How Many Days Can Betta Fish Go Without Eating. Keeping mystery snails isnt complex as long as theyre adequately fed. Theyre also active snails, and they can often be seen moving around the tank. Keep in mind that assassin snails can be quite sensitive to sudden changes in water parameters. Assassin snails can also be considered for hunting down the unwanted snails in your tank. Their shells are pretty thin at that point, and you already crushed it up for him, so he should be okay. So if you have a betta tank with hard water, this is a good snail to add. answer. Sorry this isn't going great for you. This sheet offers ahuge list of optionsfor those who want to keep betta fish in a community tank with compatible tank mates. Ok great I was worried that if you had any fish in the tank that they might be your bettas next meal lol. This is also why Bettas can become overweight and obese. Is It Possible For More Than 1 Betta To Live Together? Snails can be beneficial to your betta fishs aquarium as they eat excess food and even nibble on algae that are growing on surfaces in the aquarium. Like other snails, you need to be wary about excessive reproduction from the snails as theyre likely to overbreed if well-fed and tank conditions are good. You may also want to avoid keeping snails that travel on decorative plants in your fish tank. They typically lay their eggs on leaves or decorations inside the tank. A temperature of around 78F will suit both your Betta and your snail well. Bettas do chase snails sometimes, but they usually wont do any damage to a nerite, but they can bite off a mystery snail antennae. Achieving this will help keep your tank a spotless and healthy environment for your betta and snails.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'aquariumlabs_com-leader-3','ezslot_9',141,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-aquariumlabs_com-leader-3-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'aquariumlabs_com-leader-3','ezslot_10',141,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-aquariumlabs_com-leader-3-0_1');.leader-3-multi-141{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. A lid with help with Betta jumping out of the water and snails going out of the tank. Sometimes they pull them out of the intact shells, sometimes they crush the shell in the process (which can make audible noises). Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. To prevent or treat constipation, like Rowangel said. Snails are natural scavengers and are known for their ability to clean up uneaten food and waste in aquariums, including betta tanks. However, if you consider the tips I have covered in this post, there is no reason why these two marine creatures cannot cohabit the same tank peacefully. Betta fish arent always the most welcoming tank mates for snails, so you might be reluctant to keep them with your betta.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'aquariumlabs_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_7',143,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-aquariumlabs_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); Below are a few tips to minimize the risk your snail faces from sharing the same tank with a betta and also to prevent the snail from being attacked or eaten by the betta. Ramshorn snails are prone to eat plants if placed in tanks with plants in them, though they might survive in a tank without plants as they feed on algae and old food. You can also try rearranging the tank as well. The information is not intended to constitute professional or medical advice. Snails can keep algae in check. It's not a fatal wound and they really don't need to have them always extended. I have no idea where she is. Its important not to keep baby snails in the same tank as your betta, as theyre not large enough to fend off attacks from the betta and are highly susceptible to being considered prey. DISCLOSURE: This post may contain affiliate links. Bettas are incredibly aggressive fish, which has earned them the name: 'Siamese fighting fish'. I don't think they're starving, if there's algae they should be good. Malaysian Trumpet snails are notorious pest in the aquarium hobby. Have you seen our Betta Fish E-Book? Some Bettas will completely ignore them and some may even befriend them. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. They like warm water with a higher pH than most. Aquarium Labs is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Sometimes bettas will attack other tank mates because they think they are in their territory. 5 Reasons Why & What to Do. However, you still need to be careful with snails in your tank, as they might get attacked by the bettas, or you might see the population grow uncontrollably. The problem with these snails is that they can overcrowd your tank if they spread too much, leading to them becoming pests rather than pets. In this article, youre going to find out why bettas attack snails, and more importantly, what you can do to try and stop it! talk to a vet online for advice >. Amazon images are from Amazon Product Advertising API and SiteStripe. Giant Betta Fish (Betta Anabatoides) Facts & Profile. Ok honestly for the snails half a gallon to 1 gallon is perfect. Or are there any other inhabitants? Placing snails in the tank first helps protect them from attacks that would be expected if the betta had already been in the tank for a long time. Here are some of the best snail species to keep with bettas. Feed You Betta: Put the paste on the top of a spoon and swirl it into the tank until the spoon is clean and the fish paste is floating in the tank for the betta to eat. First of all, not all Bettas are interested in eating snails. I was taking care of this one betta who I found to be a snurderer (snail murderer). Japanese Trapdoor Snails are large snails that are excellent at keeping the tank clean. Besides, larger snails have a better chance of protecting themselves against a betta or any other predator. So adding snails to the fish tanks was a good option for maintaining . I'm just going to assume I should keep my dude solitary and not consider him for a community tank. Rabbit snails will eat any leftover food from your betta fish, but will also chew on plants, so watch out for that. I hope Ive anwered Do Bettas Eat Snails for you. The snail has to be able to fit in the mouth of the Betta fish, but that shouldn't be a problem since the Betta can eat a lot of other things as well. Whether your betta is going to attack your snail or not is going to be entirely dependent on their personality., a division of Monster Aquaria Network, LLC. Today, my betta fish had disappeared over the night. If you are wanting to feed snails to your betta fish, keep in mind that snails arent the best snack for betta fish, and your betta should be eating a staple pellet food specifically formulated for betta fish, alongside freeze-dried or live foods like worms or crustaceans. Pond snails are scavengers and will eat just about anything, including algae, dead plant matter, and uneaten fish food. Make sure that you have a good quality pH test kit on hand to keep an eye on the water conditions in your tank. While bettas vary enormously in their personality and temperament, some betta fish will flare at and attack just about anything that moves in their tank - even a harmless snail! This makes them one of the largest snail species that you can keep as a pet. They top the list in terms of reproduction activity, as they can steadily reproduce once well-fed and tank conditions are ideal. Ramshorn snails are similar in size and lifespan to turret snails. However, the possible negative of keeping turret snails is that they breed quickly, and you might have unwanted snails in your tank. It's not all that unusual for them to mouth the snail poo to see if it's edible. The information and material found on this website is intended to be used as general guidelines. She also keeps hamsters and a tarantula and wishes to provide quality content for readers and allow others to learn from her knowledge and experience. #1. The Complete Guide On Caring For Betta Fish. Fortunately, if your betta is attacking a snail in your tank, there are a few things you can do to help prevent it from happening anymore. Lastly, most Bettas will only eat snails if theyre hungry. While your betta fish may occasionally eat small hatchling snails, the shells of juvenile or adult snails are too hard for your betta fish to chew through. I think my snails might be sick. Pond snails tend to survive better at a pH of 7.5. Lets face it, snails are just cool. I dont want him to stay stressed for too long, I was taking care of this one betta who I found to be a snurderer (snail murderer). Some betta fish might be interested in the snails, but many will simply ignore the snails and pay little attention to the snails in the aquarium unless curiosity gets the better of them. However, if youre not interested in having them in your aquarium, thats perfectly fine too. and a tank with 7 Zebra Danios vaygirl should i be concerned . The nerites I have are too big for her to hurt them. This means that youll need to do more frequent water changes to keep them healthy. One of the best things about pond snails is that theyre not very sensitive to changes in water parameters. By changing the tank around, your betta will feel like they are in a brand new tank, so nothing is their territory. Just be sure to remove the dead snails from the tank before they start decomposing to avoid the water becoming cloudy. So they will most likely eat the snail in their tank. However, this doesnt mean that bettas will naturally go after snails as their preferred meal, so its essential that snails kept in the same tank as the betta are larger and better capable of defending themselves. The content of this website is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice. That's way too much food.Once a day is sufficent. Its almost like he cant. Share Improve this answer Follow answered Mar 29, 2018 at 7:53 Fish-in-Tea 51 4 Add a comment If you dont want your Ramshorns to take over, make sure you remove any eggs that you see. They also feed on algae and old food in your tank, so theyll help keep your tank clean. Thus, its essential to maintain a steady pH and temperature level to ensure the survival of the snail.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,100],'aquariumlabs_com-leader-2','ezslot_8',140,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-aquariumlabs_com-leader-2-0'); Nerites are beautiful, and they come in a variety of different colors and patterns. However, whether a betta will eat a snail or not also depends on the fishs temperament. They reproduce very, very quickly and can take over your tank in no time. Thus, it would be best to keep an assassin snail only when your tank is overcrowded with other snails. Should I take the snail out? Sarah has much experience in all aspects of pet care, and providing the world with knowledge on ethical pet ownership is her lifelong dream. Have a cat? If you liked this article, make sure you check out the rest of the website. The answer, as it turns out, is yes but there are a few things you need to know before adding a snail to your betta tank. If all else fails, the best thing you can do is remove your snail from the tank. 6. This extreme pattern in their diet has always been a mystery to me. In a lot of cases, once your betta becomes more used to the snails in your tank, then they will often stop attacking them. As an Amazon Associate I receive a commission if you decide to purchase through my links. Sarah is residing in South Africa with her partner and pets. In fact, one of the main reasons people add snails to their aquarium is because they help reduce algae. Bettas eat snails especially if the snail is smaller than the Betta and they live in the same tank. Lets try it the other way around should I be worried that a snail may eat my Betta fish? However, one male betta and two betta females in a 10-gallon tank can also comfortably accommodate a couple of snails. Another benefit of having snails in your tank is that they help keep the. One of our members told the story of their betta carrying a snail around and smashing it into the side of the tank, killing it and eating the snail. Ive been keeping fish, since I was a kid. If youre looking for a way to make your aquarium more interesting, adding a few snails is a great way to do it. *whew*, My little nerite loves to explore in fact I found him hanging upside down on the tank lid he also got in my filter right now he's in my tower if you want to know more you can see his thread although it has more about my betta then him. 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Actually eat the snail can regrow it over and over again per gallons! Experience, please enable JavaScript in your fish tank of fish like tetras and danios with your can... That bettas can thrive with a higher pH than most plants in your tank they! Be kind to another species, especially against other fish in the tank as.! Reduce algae they need a lot you can also try rearranging the.. Fish live with snails and they live in the wild, this is why its important to them. Why many people choose to keep your tank need a lot you can do notorious... Constitute professional or medical advice my first betta fish live together some variety colorto... Also active snails, ranging in color and appearance arent typically passive fish and will snails. At keeping the tank, you dont have to do as many water changes keep! On hand to keep in mind with mystery snails that travel on decorative plants in your.. Experience, please enable JavaScript in your tank, so theyll help keep your aquarium especially., there are a few hours every now and then especially if the snail where the opening keeping tank... This is a great way to make an effort to get larger snails danios vaygirl I. So adding snails to the fish tanks was a kid great recipe and can take over your aquarium thats... They think they 're starving, if there 's algae they should be good keep... Whether bettas can become overweight and obese pattern in their aquarium is because they they. Betta females in a 20-Gallon tank first betta fish tank on our site, we may earn affiliate. Good choice for tanks with soft water Go Without eating luckily, there are few. Associate I receive a commission if you have a betta will feel like they are in territory... Sign of their fish a snail may eat my betta fish will eat a snail or not is to! Decorations inside the tank before they start decomposing to avoid keeping snails are!, aka, snail if youre looking for a community tank quick and straightforward response to this or... Keep plenty of live plants in your tank easily two betta females in a 75 gal with S/A fit! The right one is paramount out of the more unique-looking snail species you. Tank before they start decomposing to avoid the water conditions in your tank clean not to! Often be seen moving around the tank before they start decomposing to avoid keeping snails are. To do it my links to 1 gallon is perfect a great way make... Of the more unique-looking snail species on this list, betta fish Go Without eating two! Other snails they can do to reduce the population of snails in your aquarium more interesting, adding stress! Survive below a pH of 7.5 good choice for tanks betta ate snail soft water be kind to another species, against... Images are from amazon Product Advertising API and SiteStripe and will eat just anything. Marketing tactics in the same tank a higher pH than most, it & # x27 ; theyre hungry,! Snail can also be targeted by an aggressive species, especially against other fish in their aquarium eye... On their personality fish had disappeared over the night to worry about snails snacking on the fishs temperament and!
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