2. You have to grab the blow torch out of the locker, match the symbols to get the code for the brief case in the other room. The game is quite good, with a good story and objectives. In Chapter 3 when rotating the dials according to the numbers when finished with the 3 rotations to the right and so on, do you reset dial after right rotation and before left rotations etc.? You should be able to get your piece back, if you keep to the assumption that its somewhere at the bottom of the screen. 1. On chapter 8, dont know if anybody has gotten that far yet but Im stuck on a puzzle involving coloured wires, but they dont match in color so I dont know what the goal is, and theres no clues for the solution. All the pieces should be there. Next we move on to chapter 6, if you have any questions for this game please head to the Answers Page to ask there. The Adventure Escape: Asylum has an interesting storyline. This theme is escaping from the Asylum! Solution: Show. Doing this will reveal 8 more music sheets, collect them all. Star: on the right next to some lockers. very nice story must play for me its a 5 star or it is also less so 50000. Tap the draws to open the top one and find a notebook with the name Adam. Escape Game Walkthrough. A cocktail with an essence of both Puzzles and . Then go back to the starting room with the rubble on the floor and use the shovel to dig through this. 7:33. Take the tray of food and give it to the woman on the floor. I cant find the good gear can anyone help me? Open the right of the two locker and collect a flamethrower. ): Walkthrough Guide October 25, 2015 Adventure / iPad Game / iPhone game / point-and-click / Puzzle / Room Escape / Walkthrough 84 Comments Chapter 3, The Warning: 1. Walkthrough: Use the key card in the card reader in the red doors to open them and go through to the music room. Use the matches to light the fire under the mixing beaker. Work your way through the buildings rooms to make your escape and try to find out why you have been there at all. Take the tray of food that you gain and give it to the woman on the floor. Your email address will not be published. 8. Investigate the environment and interpret clues to solve the puzzles! How do you make the color green with the? 9. They have been created by Haiku Games and there are quite a few different themes. Play this premium escape game! Hint: ShowThere are 5 colours and 4 types of item. Pick up the gem and then continue on towards the purple glow. Features. http://www.melting-mindz.com/Exlex-As. Place all the bottles on the shelf with the one that is already there. Some of the butterflies cant move to assist where to place them. Adventure Escape Asylum: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 Walkthrough Guide & iOS / Android Gameplay App Unwrapper 78.9K subscribers 5.5K 1.4M views 7 years ago See full walkthrough here:. So, X = 3 Explore the asylum and help Anna recover her lost memories. I can only have them all facing up or left which is no good when I want them to connect around the lake and move to left of map. - Beautiful graphics bring haunting scenes to life! Your email address will not be published. A remake of the 2007 adventure of the same name, Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened has been rebuilt using the same engine that powered Chapter One, and its plot has been retooled slightly in order to . For the combination we need to combine the paper and clues found so far. 6. Adventure Escape: Asylum Guide Last Updated: Oct 16th, 2019 Having acquired a key card from the nurse in chapter 2 of Adventure Escape Asylum you can now proceed through the crumbling hallways of the Byers Institute. Orange: red and yellow I have finished all chapters and now it doesnt show more chapters. Tap each train to rotate it or move it. There are a total of 11 comments in our general Adventure Escape: Asylum chat. Adventure Escape Mysteries CURSED CROWN Chapter 4 5 6 Walkthrough. Having acquired a key card from the nurse in chapter 2 of Adventure Escape Asylum you can now proceed through the crumbling hallways of the Byers Institute. And the message on the wall that reads: Tap to go through the door to the right into a hallway. Well, this doesnt bode wellI got up from the bed and made my way to the puddle and electrical wire. Starting with opening the entrance using a magnetic key. A mysterious curse has fallen over Tempus Island. You now have to crack the safe using the music sheet. Games2Jolly - G2J Escape The Notoungulata is a point and click escape game developed by Games2Jolly Team. This theme is escaping from the Asylum! It has lots of hints, tips . Adventure Escape: Asylum Walkthrough Guide 2023 Adventure Escape: Asylumis a mobile game released on both Android and iOS (iPhone/iPad) platform. Tap on the food counter to reveal a tray and plated food. - Beautiful graphics bring the luxurious but creepy. Collect from the floor a box of matches then check the clues that are written around he room. Take note of the heart pattern in the picture on the wall to the left. That completes chapter 7 of Adventure Escape Asylum. Its 2854 (from the certificate on the wall). Sorry not to be of any help, but I just thought Id reply to tell you Im in exactly the same boat: 2 secret achievements to go. Learn how your comment data is processed. 7. We have questions and answers related to this topic which may also help you: Show all. Adventure Escape Time Library: Chapters 1, 2, 3 Walkthrough Guide (Haiku Games) terrynorman8887. Solve the crime and investigate a puzzling murder. Mix K6 and A to get a red mixture. Then tap the dial controls to move the pointer to the correct positions. Pick up the two music sheets. Tap the train set board on the floor in the center to view it and then place all the 5 toy trains on it. Tap on the desk to collect a film strip fragment then find a second one on the shelf unit in the center. users following Adventure Escape: Asylum this month. Finally you have to use an ax to get out to another room. Uncover the secrets of Adventure Escape: Asylum. It should go broccoli in the top left corner, then carrots, then French fries. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Look at antennas and wing colors. -There is no cheese in the special. Pick up the box of matches and look at the note on the table that says x=3. Also, notice the writing on the wall: There is no Alpha and no Omega. Solution: ShowTop row: Broccoli in the top left corner, then carrots, then French fries. 2. There can only be 1 of each type in a row and column. 10. Follow the tutorial. Go back to the green room and tap on the chemistry set. Take the gear. Look at the note on the wall to get a clue, 2854. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Please, Dont Touch Anything (PDTA): iOS Bonus Content Walkthrough Guide and Endings, Adventure and Puzzle Games on iPhone and iPad, 4 Seasons logic of nature: Walkthrough Guide, Starman: Tale of Light Review: Reach for the Stars, Valleys Between Review: Nature is Hard to Nurture, https://www.appunwrapper.com/2015/10/25/adventure-escape-asylum-murder-mystery-room-doors-and-floors-point-and-click-story-walkthrough-guide/6/. Return to the music room and place the stool to the left of the room below a rusted gear that is in the top left of the curtains. Your email address will not be published. If you get stuck then have a look at our walkthrough videos. The table in the 1st room had a paper saying x=3. Chapter 3 ,dont how to get the old man meal . 16:13. Now to put the puzzle together. Go back to the movie room and place all the film strips in the projector. To reveal a paper that says x, teeth, several signs, and 3. How do you solve the order of the folders in chapter 6; the seasons and years? Then, use the gloves to pick up the exposed wire. Feel free to ask for extra help in the comments section. Then open the closed door to the right and go through (the doorway is green). The good gear is behind the violin. The seasons and year one? I am stuck with the folders as well please help me ? 5. Finally tap on the 2 posters in the room with faces. Ive tried every logical combination while following the rules, and Ive met no success. -An orange dish is adjacent to a green dish. Go back to the first room and use the acid to break open the lock on the door. Bitte klicken sie auf das gewnschte Level, um die Losung zu erhalten. Then tap the cottage in the distance to move to it. 6. Tap on the large unit to the left of the back wall. Required fields are marked *. The coin with the star on it is what you need to put attention to. Tap on the music stand on the stage to view some more music puzzle pieces. What happens is that sometimes a piece gets stuck right at the edge of the screen, usually at the bottom, where you cant see it! Is there anyway to reset the game when you are done. Use the key card with the card reader and go through to the music room/theater. Can you remember your past and escape the Asylum?Anna wakes up one day in an asylum with hazy memories of her past. For more details on the app, check the app reviews. So here are all the Adventure Escape walkthrough guides I have: Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Scroll down on this page of the walkthrough: https://www.appunwrapper.com/2015/10/25/adventure-escape-asylum-murder-mystery-room-doors-and-floors-point-and-click-story-walkthrough-guide/6/. Your email address will not be published. Tap here to take a look. Exlex Asylum Walkthrough selfdefiant 1.48K subscribers Subscribe 16 Share Save 13K views 6 years ago Play here! Now. Hint: ShowTap each piece until it resembles the black heart shape on the plain background. Now, to count up everything and use all the clues to get the solution. They have been created by Haiku Games and there are quite a few different themes. 1. Then tap on the cubbies to the left and arrange the colored instruments by type. 5. Place the gems in the sockets on the wall and then continue through. Then, mix b42 and Ti to get a blue mixture. Adventure Escape Asylum. 6. Then take another music sheet. Now tap on the large door at the end of the room. 3. Then go through the door to the right. Your email address will not be published. Use the key to unlock the padlock on the trap door in the floor. No alpha or omega, so 0 + 4 + 3 + 0 = 7 Use the key card with the card reader and go through to the music room/theater. Go back to the room with all the apples and bananas. Go back to the music room and use the axe to break down the boards blocking the left door. The code for cabinet is 31373. Then go back and use the rock to break open the floor and get a battery. This is a complete step-by-step walkthrough with help, hints, tips, tricks, solutions and answers for the iOS and Android game Adventure Escape: Asylum by Haiku Games. By: Haiku Games. Exit from the bedroom and use the key to unlock the door to the right. Join millions of happy Adventure Escape players and see if you can solve the mystery of Asylum! This opens a door in the back to go through to a childrens bedroom. You mean at the beginning? Adventure Escape: Asylum Guide Last Updated: Oct 16th, 2019 You have escaped the music room and are now in a living room and need to find a way to get upstairs. Where do i find that screeshot of the folders? Open the back and get the key. Hey when I was putting together the article I realised a piece is missing..I am not able to go back and I searched all over the screen but the missing isnt there. Aileenbagshaw84. Thanks for helping your fellow gamers! They have been created by Haiku Games and there are quite a few different themes. Tap on the music stand and add all the music sheet pieces to the rest. We have questions and answers related to this topic which may also help you: Show all. In the operating room find the scissors on tray. This was a great escapeuntil the end . Collect a toy train from the ground on the far left. of users think this is useful. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Still left 2 more achievement not achieved, Im stuck at the chainsaw part how to fill it up? Work your way through the buildings rooms to make your escape and try to find out why you have been there at all. Join hundreds of thousands of happy Adventure Escape players and see if you can crack the case and escape! No, its not supposed to be part of the game. See your trophies and reputation in the page header. Theres a green puzzle on the floor, though. The game is quite good, with a good story and objectives. I already have the music sheet. There are three more chemistry bottles to collect. Adventure Escape: Asylum Guide Added: Oct 15th, 2019 You have solved the clues of the strange medical rooms and are now in an office, how do you move on from here. Next use the scissors on the teddy bear in the center to open it and collect a key. The smiling little boy one day unexpectedly stuck in a house there. Then use he scissors to cut open the bear and get a key. Use the battery with the flashlight and pick it up. Go back to the dark area and use the flashlight to find the other three gems. Have you or anyone reached and passed this point in the game? How to play more after chapter 10. I cant find the good gear! Appreciate the assist. They have been created by Haiku Games and there are quite a few different themes. Drag and drop the food items from the selecting onto the tray following the rules. Adventure Escape: Asylum is a mysterious escape room puzzle game from Haiku Games. Is the girl a figment of Annas delusions? Then open the door under the sink and get the chemicals list. users following Adventure Escape: Asylum this month. If you get stuck then have a look at our walkthrough videos. Guide Cheat. -An orange dish is adjacent to a green dish. Chapter 5 - The Mad Scientist - Adventure Escape Asylum Walkthrough .. Also, move all the apples to the bowl, the cookies to the jar, the bananas to another bowl, and the garlic to the garlic rope. 4. Adventure Escape Time Library: Chapters 7, 8, 9 Walkthrough Guide (Haiku Games) Jamescasement11. 6. 7. Adventure Escape: Asylum. But every time i touch the broom disappears. Is it supposed to mean 3 kids in the teeth pictures? You start in the same location as the last chapter. Light blue one: blue and white document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); These Adventure Escape games are pretty great. Go back to the first room and use the shovel to dig through the rubble and get another chemistry bottle. As Anna tries to escape, a mysterious girl begins to appear with helpful warnings. 8. Use the lock pick set to open the door and continue to the next chapter. 8. 5. A smiling little boy is living in that place. 3. Haiku Games has been making quality free adventure games for a few years now and since I have walkthroughs for all of them, I thought I should collect them all in one easy-to-access list. The game has 10 chapters with a wide range of clues and items to find and a ghostly figure to encounter. Star: to the left at the bottom of the steps. Thats the password for the door in the other room enter it into the combination lock and complete the chapter. This theme is escaping from the Asylum! Second row: Jello and meatballs in the large section. How do you get the screw driver in chapter 9? There are a total of 11 comments in our general Adventure Escape: Asylum chat. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()). How to combine the main meal be desert. I found 4 trains but there are only 3 on the floor and you need 8. The left one just contains a surprise. I am on the wire puzzle in chapter 9. Use the information you found to match the jars to their chemical names. FULL Game Walkthrough - Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. thias Lhs 69.5K subscribers 256K views 4 years ago Can you remember your past and escape the Asylum? Then take the blue and yellow and mix them to get a green acid. Thanks! Its a puzzle and there are instructions that say: -The special consists of a main dish, three side dishes, and a dessert. This theme is escaping from the Asylum! ? Help Aila take control of the elements and learn the truth about her past as she battles towering Stone Gods in this epic adventure! Open the mirror and place the list with the bottles. The green one: blue and yellow You play Anna who wakes up one day in the Asylum, but not only do you need to escape, but there is a serial killer out there too! You need to load the five cargo crates onto the ship at the dock. We have questions and answers related to this topic which may also help you: Show all. 2854 or whatever the bottom right corner says! Pick up the two film strip magnets, then go through the door to the left. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Adventure and Puzzle Games on iPhone and iPad, Adventure Escape: The Scottish Castle Walkthrough Guide, Adventure Escape: Murder Manor Walkthrough Guide, Adventure Escape: Asylum Walkthrough Guide, Adventure Escape: Cult Mystery Walkthrough Guide, Adventure Escape: Hidden Ruins Walkthrough Guide, Adventure Escape: Time Library Walkthrough Guide, Adventure Escape: Framed for Murder Walkthrough Guide, Adventure Escape: Starstruck Walkthrough Guide, Adventure Escape: Allied Spies Walkthrough Guide, Adventure Escape: Murder Inn Walkthrough Guide, Adventure Escape: Haunted Hunt Walkthrough Guide, Adventure Escape: Midnight Carnival Walkthrough Guide, Adventure Escape: Space Crisis Walkthrough Guide, Adventure Escape: Christmas Killer Walkthrough Guide, Adventure Escape: Dark Ruins Walkthrough Guide, Adventure Escape Mysteries Trapmaker: Walkthrough Guide, Adventure Escape Mysteries Cursed Crown: Walkthrough Guide, Adventure Escape Mysteries Trapmaker 2: Walkthrough Guide, Adventure Escape Mysteries Trapmaker 3: Walkthrough Guide, Adventure Escape Mysteries Paradise Mystery: Walkthrough Guide, Adventure Escape Mysteries Pirates Treasure: Walkthrough Guide, Adventure Escape Mysteries Painted Worlds: Walkthrough Guide, Adventure Escape Mysteries The Covenant: Walkthrough Guide, Adventure Escape Mysteries Puzzle Pack: Walkthrough Guide, Adventure Escape Mysteries Picture Perfect: Walkthrough Guide, Adventure Escape Mysteries Legend of the Sacred Stones: Walkthrough Guide, Adventure Escape Mysteries: Psychic Squad The Italian Affair: Walkthrough Guide, Adventure Escape Mysteries The Sultans Inventor: Walkthrough Guide, Adventure Escape Mysteries The Echo Bay Murders: Walkthrough Guide, Adventure Escape Mysteries Lost Ruins: Revenge on Atlantis Walkthrough Guide, Adventure Escape Mysteries Mirror Man: Walkthrough Guide, Adventure Escape Mysteries Legend of the Time Stones: Walkthrough Guide, Adventure Escape Mysteries On Thin Ice: Walkthrough Guide, Adventure Escape Mysteries Clue: The Murder of Mr. Black Walkthrough Guide. 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adventure escape asylum walkthrough