In each place the poor and disenfranchised are usually the ones bearing environmental burdens. But many of them will come back, unfortunately, to this -- Anderson. (voice-over): Official says more than 1,000 people have died in the past 20 years in battles over the Amazon's resources. The carbon naturally stored in trees is released when they're cut down. We'll be on it throughout the night. PLANET IN PERIL continues in a moment. It also has to continue to do a little bit of damage in that area just where I'm pointing right now. That's exactly what l was gonna tell you. Brazil is the number one soy producer in the world. They may have just found it. She never could have guessed where she'd find them. SCHMIDT: Yes. Right now in Greenland, it is eight degrees warmer than it was just about 10 years ago. Either I was in a different place or the place where I was had completely changed. A tribal elder tells us they fight hard to protect their land and keep their traditions alive. It's about the front lines, the. This is a peninsula that became an island because the ice fields that connected it to the mainland of Greenland melted and structurally destabilized and broke away. It's 114 degrees in the desert, and things take a turn for the worse. (voice-over): But all of that is in jeopardy. STEFFEN: Hey. The disenfranchised usually bear the bankrupt of environmental degradation. Our world is in peril. CORWIN: So as the apex or top predator in the ecosystem, polar bears sort of integrate. CORWIN (on camera): Oh, my goodness, look at that. There's actually no law, no ambient air standards, either state or federal, requiring companies to limit the amount of hazardous air pollutants they pump out. As the earth gets warmer, moisture in the atmosphere that used to fall as rain, instead evaporates. Most of those strike teams, as we've seen them working in the area with the battalion commander. Details Release Date March 2021 Genre Collectible Miniatures/Figures (non-game) Ages 14+ Buy Local Buy Wizkids Coming Soon! STEFFEN: But it's filled with fish and some steaks. IMDb. At the top of the hour, we'll have a special edition of 360. Chief Bernard (ph) takes us out by boat to the coral reef. (END VIDEOTAPE) (COMMERCIAL BREAK) COOPER: Here in Rancho Bernardo, California. So once this moulin fills with water -- and water is heavier than ice -- it's possible that to lift up the ice. Step up. They want to go in and give us local names, names in their language, and also give us tribal markings. In recent years, we had a gap of sometimes as much as 200 miles north of the Alaska coast. (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) ANDERSON. STEFFEN: First, we slept in the station at the beginning. What we see is startling, a gray landscape with little marine life. Or "Mom, when I'm this age." As she closed the Bible and turned to go, the gunmen opened fire. The five islands that make up the Carterets are just five feet above sea level at their highest point. (on camera) Every day Ibama agents go out on patrol and stop anyone they come across and question them about what they're doing in this biological preserve. The Spirit of Earth, Gaia, is woken from a century-long sleep at Hope Island to discover that Earth is dying because of humans' carelessness in deforestation, pollution, over-hunting, and . This is an issue of timing. COOPER: Tamara Carter (ph) is the founder of the Sustainable South Bronx, an organization that fights environmental racism in New York and around the country. THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. COOPER: Struggles for land, fights over resources, people drink from polluted rivers in China and die in broken villages invisible from the gleaming towers of Beijing. If the entire ice sheet dissolved, sea levels would rise by 23 feet -- spurning a global catastrophe that would flood coastal cities and displace tens of millions of people. We're going to go home now. It's called Deer Horn Valley. Let's check it out. All this land is appearing and the water is disappearing. I'm Anderson Cooper. CORWIN: So, basically, it's providing this layer of viscosity to the ice to slide on. But Inhofe questions the motives of those who say man is responsible for global warming. Step up. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No. We should not just think for ourselves. Libby; Sora; Kanopy; Help; Markets Served. It doesn't take long for them to pick up one of the illegal roads made by poachers. She refused, however, to be intimidated. And, in fact, I'm a good example of that, because when I first spoke out about this in 1981, I ended up losing my funding. Going to have a special hour on the fire, starting at 11 p.m. Eastern Time. STEFFEN: Yes, this is a moulin. Amstrup has been studying the polar bear for the past three decades. COOPER (voice-over): The world's newest island, discovered because of the world's warming temperature. Prince William Unveils Ambitious New Environmental Mission: 'The Earth Is at a Tipping Point and We Face a Stark Choice'. Skeptics, believers, liberals, conservatives; it all seems so theoretical. PLANET IN PERIL will continue in a moment. In all these places, all these problems are interconnected. CORWIN: Clearly, their motivation was a bit more insidious. (on camera): This documentary is the result of a year long investigation. For IBAMA, secrecy is key. (on camera): So is this island an example of global warming? GUPTA: They say that the water is actually going to cover this entire island. What's going to happen to you? Some evacuees here are getting their first look at the damage. A $70,000 reward has been announced for information leading to the arrest of whoever may have set that blaze. Computer models had one million square miles of it melting by the year 2050. For even as we celebrate tonight, we know the challenges that tomorrow will bring are the greatest of our lifetime: two wars, a planet in peril, the worst financial crisis in a century. Number of episodes: 3. These are the men bent on stopping that. CORWIN: Our helicopter hugs the ground as we trace the footprints through the snowy expanse over the rubbled ice, until finally we spot them. west ridge academy utah tuition; aerie offline cropped tank What we saw from above the islands was a coral reef that appeared bleached and dying. She sends five magic rings CORWIN: Under nutritional stress because it's simply getting harder for bears to eat. It's the fire that did some of the power outage damage. quizlette5241082 Plus. I want to update you, though, on tonight's breaking news. COOPER (voice-over): Last year, Konnie and his team actually lowered a camera inside a moulin, capturing the first video from deep inside this icy tunnel. Witness the planet's breathtaking diversity -- from seabirds carpet-bombing the ocean to wildebeests eluding the wild dogs of the Serengeti. Scientists say that is happening because of what we're putting into the air -- tons and tons of carbon dioxide. The series will launch on Monday across the network's platforms, led by senior national and environmental correspondent Ben Tracy, senior foreign correspondent Mark Phillips, foreign correspondent. That water absorbs the sun's heat and causes more ice to melt. MAN 3065 CHAPTER 9. This journey around the globe is an investigation into the reasons our planet is changing. R. MARROQUIN: It was a stinky neighborhood, but we'd gotten so used to it that we don't know. Why is it happening? That means the smoke is going to get thicker and not going to get blown way. Boosters Step into your powered armor and grab your Gases released warm the world. SCHMIDT: No one has ever been here before. That doesn't mean these people can relax, however. Healthy coral reefs act as protective barriers to islands, helping slow destructive storm surges while providing food and shelter for marine life. Do you feel like the people here have been forgotten? Watch your head here. I will grab it. Crews have largely contained many of the fires north of San Diego. Then we can go over to the work tent. They continue to rage around Lake Arrowhead. This is basically the pathway for which the timber comes out. I'm Anderson Cooper. $1.00 + $0.75 shipping. The truck slows, and guns are drawn. COOPER (voice-over): Dr. Konrad Steffen of the University of Colorado has spent 17 seasons here, 300 miles north of the Arctic Circle. COOPER: Health costs? But despite all of that, the rain forest is being pillaged at a rapid rate. It's a sort of natural medicine chest, as well. Even though this land hasn't been cleared, it's going to be affected, and the animals living on it are going to be affected by the fact that there are people living just a few feet away. She was a powerhouse of decision. It's clear the weather patterns here have changed. In San Diego County alone, the damage already tops an estimated $1 billion. We continue our journey, a bumpy ride for another few hours. The lake has dried up before. It did exactly the opposite. This is our work center, as we call it, the computing room. So far, getting there is proving anything but easy. This buildup of gases prevents heat from escaping to space, acting like the panels of a greenhouse -- warming the entire planet. Somewhere there's no animals or no people who live there. That's slash and burn. HANSEN: We conclude that there is evidence that the greenhouse effect increases the likelihood of heat wave drought situations. Journey Into Space is a BBC Radio science fiction programme written by BBC producer Charles Chilton.It was the last UK radio programme to attract a bigger evening audience than television. And maybe in two, three years, this whole area will be just completely washed out. STEFFEN: Yes. Fifteen separate wildfires are now burning in California. Gaia, the spirit of the Earth, can no longer stand the terrible destruction plaguing our planet. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, it will. We all are. And after two long days of driving in the sand, we are closing in on the source of Lake Chad and hopefully to the answer as to why exactly it's disappearing. Words were exchanged, and one of the men took out a gun. Are they bringing it in now?" President Bush today declared a major disaster area here in California. Jungles and rainforests are home to an incredible variety of species . They're an indigenous people here in the Amazon rain forest. Flames from the Harris fire threatened the power lines. 1978 Topps Battlestar Galactica #24 Leveling a planet. They have just found a truck with some people. I believe it is. CORWIN: That data is part of Amstrup's annual field study. And the IBAMA agents know that. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yeah, I think so. We decided to go there and try to get some answers along the way. Castro Theatre plan in peril after S.F. COOPER: Illegally logged, for the most part? CORWIN: Simply put, the survival of our species of human beings is directly dependent upon the survival of rain forest habitat. Some estimates do have the Earth warming more than it currently is. And these are vast resources we are losing. They're agents with IBAMA, the Brazilian government's environmental protection agency. What's going to happen to you? And here, as you can see, we don't have healthy fish. SCHMIDT: They were continuous, yes. Public Libraries; K-12 Schools; Business & Law; Toggle mobile menu. They are all here, more than 200 of them, to try to put a stop to the animal poachers and loggers who are tearing this forest apart. AL GORE, FORMER VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: If I could complete my answer. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You think you're making the argument that, you know, it's better to have it up here the because real estate values are so low. Scientists call it a positive feedback loop, and it's causing Greenland's ice to disappear. We need to give us some time to drop (INAUDIBLE) rather quickly. Sand all around me. Water held in the soil and in lakes is also disappearing. COOPER: Where water is poisoned. First an update on the California fires. (on camera): They have just found a truck with some people. COOPER (on camera): Does it surprise you that new islands are cropping up in Greenland? COOPER (voice-over): Even the map of Greenland is changing. Some are harvested by small farmers eking out a meager living. And, as we heard from the fisherman himself, he said, water will come. STEFFEN: No, I would not be surprised because we know the ice is retreating. He agreed to sit down with us. Eighty percent of it covered by ice. And I pointed to the area of open water at the edge of the face of the glacier and I said that's the world's newest island. Main Menu. Anchorage Alaska USA 995071 907-360-4503 So they started going door to door and trying to get the people out. Usually these channels are up to 20, 30, 40 feet deep. And this is what it looks like here on the ground. COOPER: Climate change isn't just having an impact here in the interior of Greenland. It's not a theory. Words are exchanged. Commentary: Animal agriculture's 'water footprint' is putting the planet in peril. Police used a reverse 911 calling system to order hundreds of thousands to leave their homes. It's that imbalance which concerns scientists the most. We're going to travel to the east coast of Greenland, where a new island emerged because of the retreat of ice. There is an effort under way to get a law passed in Texas, but Professor McGarity (ph) says it's going to be an uphill battle, because when it comes to the oil industry here, old habits die hard. COOPER: Oh, nice. BILL WHITE, HOUSTON MAYOR: Nobody has the right to chemically alter the air that somebody else breathes without that person's consent. It's a fact. Finally, we put down. What's happening here is a sobering glimpse into what scientist says the future will look like even if modest sea level rise predictions prove true. COOPER: At just 6 years old, her oldest child and only son, Valentin, was diagnosed with leukemia. Jessica_Roberson5. They are moving to yet another island. (END VIDEOTAPE) COOPER: Investigating our PLANET IN PERIL has taken us to 13 countries on 4 continents. COOPER (voice-over): Four-and-a-half degrees Celsius is eight degrees Fahrenheit. Polar bears are probably the most important symbol of the Arctic from the standpoint of a measure of the health of the Arctic ecosystem because they are entirely dependent on the surface of the sea ice on catching all of their food and the food that they eat, the seals and other marine mammals, are entirely dependent on the ecosystem below them. The top of the shoulder. Plus if we have fish from the sea, then we have fish. And that's what's happening to the lake. COOPER (voice-over): In case you're wondering, there is a bathroom. Ecological Issues for Local Citizen Action. Climate change; deforestation; species loss. Scientists are generating data all the time. And it's an illustration on the difficulty of deciphering the debate. STEFFEN: Oh, yes. (voice-over): Even the Chari River, the source for this once great lake, is evaporating. Planet in peril chemicals and Greenland. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh, look at that! Planet in Peril, filmed across four continents and 13 countries, airs over two nights on CNN/U.S. This is a small fire set by a man who is cutting down a couple of acres of land. Everything that's going on in the ecosystem underneath them, 56 even. What should be done? UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They thought that killing her would end it. I'm Anderson Cooper in Rancho Bernardo, California. We've arranged to visit one small tribe, the Kraho Indians in the Tacantin state of Brazil. People also ask. PLANET IN PERIL continues after this break. Amazingly, there's no shortage of food or diapers or even toilet paper. GUPTA: We're going to take you next from a place that suffers not from too much water, but from not enough, Lake Chad. COOPER: Nothing to do with science and everything to do with money. The ice is melting fast and this island is warming. (on camera): That's a glacier over there and these two glaciers used to be connected by an ice shell? But above and beyond that, beyond the environment, beyond the impact on wildlife, human beings can be negatively impacted from climate change. We press on. The film takes a close look at the world's changing eco-system, focusing heavily on four environmental issues . Action & adventure 2002 1 hr 38 min In this classic installment in the series that inspired the 'Star Wars' saga, Flash Gordon matches with Ming the Merciless while saving the Earth from. But that's not what is happening today. So without the climate change, this would still be a peninsula. Written by an award-winning historian of science and technology, Planet in Peril describes the top four mega-dangers facing humankind - climate change, nukes, pandemics, and artificial intelligence. Eight degrees. COOPER: That was far more unpleasant than it needed to be. Of course, we don't want mom and the cubs to separate. (on camera): This is really the front line of deforestation. The danger is hard to see with the naked eye. (on camera): But you still are optimistic, despite everything that we talked about this today, that water is going to cover all this once again? Every day they go out on patrol armed with bows and arrows, just making sure no one is cutting down trees. As we sailed into the base of it and we kept finding open water, I became disoriented. STEFFEN: But during the cold years, we had some water that froze in the middle tent, which was our sleep tent, which was not very comfortable. Primitive, but they figured out how to keep the bread maker working. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You know, the impact is really obvious. There are no easy solutions. Her children were safe; at least, that's what she thought. GUPTA: We're hearing people are getting cancer from drinking water. And of course as you can see, of course, we are not alone. But, today, he's brought the vast majority of the scientific community to his side. It's of great concern to scientists who are studying it. (on camera): It's so disturbing to see this. Out here it's an igloo. Because it is, quite simply, under assault. COOPER (voice-over): When you discover an island here, pending approval, you get to name it. Now, there was some evidence of live coral, but it was interesting that some of that appeared to be dying in the process as well. Sponsored. Lakes are evaporating. It outlines the solutions that have been tried, and analyzes why . Pat Michaels was Virginia's state climatologist for more than a decade and a professor at the University of Virginia. So to welcome us, they want to baptize us. By 2050, there will be 50 percent more people on the planet than there are right now. Good deal. COOPER (voice-over): And that adds up. role of forests in an ecosystem. Written by an award-winning historian of science and technology, Planet in Peril describes the top four mega-dangers facing humankind - climate change, nukes, pandemics, and artificial intelligence. We're told that the fire area is under control. And when she decided, she decided. Amstrup aims and then fires the dart. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The female cub. This reef is dying, which means less protection from storms and fewer fish to eat. Four of the five men involved have been convicted in her murder, but the rancher who's believed to be the mastermind behind the plot remains free on bail. COOPER: Houston Mayor Bill White has pledged to reduce the level of air toxins for those communities, even if it means playing hardball. The summer rains no longer able to replenish the lake so many people have come to depend upon. COOPER: Dr. James Hansen does not believe scientists are simply chasing funding. INHOFE: I don't want to be rude, but, from now on, I'm going to ask COOPER: James Inhofe, Republican senator from Oklahoma, is the loudest voice with probably the biggest platform who questions whether man is responsible for climate change. Schools were closed for a decade. In this decade, the urban environment is predicted to grow by nearly 30%. In the Arctic, the polar bear finds its habitat shrinking. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The purpose of the proposal that the Fish and Wildlife Service has is not to lift bears because of their present status, because of their present population, but because of their anticipated future status if the sea ice continues to change the way climate models project that it is likely to change. Global eorts and . But while we were on the way up the mountain, that warning changed, and it turned into an evacuation order. COOPER (voice-over): If you thought the debate over what's causing the Earth to warm was settled, think again. This used to be a mega-lake, one of the biggest lakes in the world. Most often, it's: "Well, look, it's cheaper to have plants in this neighborhood than it is anywhere else in this very expensive city." So the melt season got much larger. And it takes land to grow soy, land without trees. His explorations have led to discovery. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So here's the plan. That was the beginning of the movement discovery, where I realized something was wrong. River Oaks is the area where all the millionaires live. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes. (voice-over): Cutting down and burning trees not only clears the land; it releases nutrients into the soil, making the ground more fertile. But this has something to do with it. And now we're going to move in. And that, it seems, is what's happening to the Carterets. When we talked to the companies in the ship channel, they pointed out that they've started voluntarily limiting their emissions, and they haven't broken any laws. Few periods in our nation's history have been more challenging or difficult than the one we're in now. Jeff and I are now heading to Brazil's Amazon to see firsthand the battle for the world's greatest rain forest. I'm honored by that. (END VIDEO CLIP) COOPER: They don't know what's happening to their homes, miles away in the line of fire. COOPER: Climate science is clearly complicated and often controversial. But none of those reasons mean very much to Rose. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When the ice melts in the summer, it used to be that it only withdrew from the Alaska coast a little ways. From the CNN documentary Planet in Peril (2007), clip on animals being bought and sold in the JJ Market in Thailand. Let's check it out. No food for people. 16 juin 2022 why do babies clap their feet. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) GUPTA: We're flying back to the Carteret Islands in the South Pacific to try and solve the mystery, why the islands here are disappearing. We have seen declines in the survival of cubs and we have seen adult males and cubs a little bit smaller in recent years than they used to be. Earlier this year the University of Texas released a study showing kids living within two miles of the ship channel had a 56 percent greater chance of getting leukemia. So we go down a ladder here? Full text of President Joseph. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I will have to stay. U.S. Geological Survey scientist Steve Amstrup loads his tranquilizer gun. We'll be following it for you, Anderson. When we come back -- trying to break free from Africa's sinking sand. Episode 1 Planet In Peril, Pt. Sister Dorothy came to Anapu from her native Ohio in 1983. (voice-over) They name Jeff Running Deer. (on camera): Here's one of the best examples of what's happening to the water here. You have got to let me COOPER: This year, 2,000 scientists on the U.N.-sponsored Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change concluded, with 90 percent certainty, that man is responsible for global warming. The latest satellite picture showing still blowing offshore, although lightly now. What's the situation there -- Ted? (voice-over): The vast ice sheet of Greenland -- 1,500 miles long and more than a mile deep, the world's largest island. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes. But it's also something that's having a major impact on people and animals right now. We'll wake up any minute in Dark Harbor and laugh about this. Reefs serve as natural barriers to heavy storm surges that can swamp low- lying lands. Yet due to its dry climate, scientists say it's the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change. And she would, you know, work to make it happen, her way. COOPER (voice-over): A projection range based on computer models. COOPER: Rick, thanks very much. That's just how we smell. l agree completely. Just days later, these two men confess to the murder. Our helicopter lowers just over the running sow. And all five fires in Los Angeles County are about 50 percent contained or more. 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planet in peril transcript