1 0 obj PROMOTE NOW!!!***. PROMOTE NOW! From what NWIC/SPAWAR has determined, NAVFIT98A is unable to open the ACCESS database residing on a network server location. As the Financial Manager he ensured the ships OPTAR valued at over $4 million dollars was properly executed in accordance with TYCOM directives. "ability to successfully change and to manage for efficiency." "think creatively, develop new ideas, take prudent risks, and maximize capabilities through sound management practices." "demonstrating innovative thinking, efficient management skills, prudent risk taking, and effective business practices" Authored 15 intelligence products viewed 2,600 times which supported the fleet and increased situational awareness for Theater and National level decision makers. Navy Federal Credit Union | Navy Federal Credit Union | Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, Coast Guard, Veterans. Developed an aggressive training schedule that maximized training topics in a limited amount of time to build crew confidence and teamwork in preparation for the Unit Level Training and Readiness Assessment (ULTRA). bj] 7jFTWi.I`[]-"5{ Develops the best in Sailors. For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable (Please read NAVADMIN 256/21) As Engineering Department 3MA, he flawlessly implemented FR -18 to include 15 work centers which directly improved the Engineering. Sets the premier example of a Sailor with unlimited potential to succeed. ", 24/7 Member Services: Additionally, chaired two Enlisted Aviation Warfare Specialist (EAWS) boards resulting in seven sailors receiving their EAWS qualifications. The guidance for signatures stated below: Your lender will upload all documents to a secure portal or platform for you to review. A San Diego county wide event that works with military and civilian dive teams in the collection of trash from the ocean floor. Since your Navy Evaluation must go through your LPO, your Chief, your Division Officer, then be boarded by the Chiefs Mess this means that your Chief or LPO will probably start asking for them a month or two months prior to the due date. He/She is ready now to assume positions of increased responsibility and authority. The benefits of eClosing chiefly revolve around its ease of execution. ***, ***TOP-NOTCH SAILOR PERFORMING ABOVE NEXT PAY GRADE! When she completed her TAD time to supply division, she immediately resumed her plane captain qualification. SELECT ON FIRST LOOK FOR CHIEF !! Examples can be contributed using this form. EXCEPTIONAL SAILOR DRIVING OTHERS TO THE TOP!**. ADVANCEMENT POLICY UPDATE - Reporting seniors shall incorporate their post summary group (PSG) RSCA score for E-5 and E-6 reports into evaluation Block 43, as a required admin comment, beginning the date of release of this NAVADMIN. Produced 42 in depth analytic reports and contributed to four executive briefings which provided valuable input for National level strategy and policy making. Recommended for advancement. Typically a frocked eval doesn't have a very high individual trait average. Brag sheets for Navy Evaluations are not doctrinally mandated what this means is that there is no official instruction or process to put together your Navy Bragsheet. Dynamic and distinguished CPO. Command Master Chief and I STRONGLY recommend Chief X for retention and IMMEDIATE SELECTION TO SENIOR CHIEF! In support of the Navys zero tolerance drug policy, he led three command urinalysis evolutions as an assistant UPC. SUPERB ASSET TO THE COMMAND AND THE NAVY. P.O. **, **IS READY TO LEAD A MESS OF ANY SIZE! Community Minded. After signing, youll submit documents through the secure portal for the lender to review. and therefore had his own summary group average AND an EP for his March eval. Consistently contributes expertise of <> doctrine and training. SELECT FOR AWFC AS SOON AS ELIGIBLE, HE IS THAT GOOD! CCDA GUIDANCE ON ADVERSE FITNESS REPORTS FOR REFUSAL OF VACCINE, NAVADMIN 255/21 CLOSING STATEMENT Clearly a result orientated Career Counselor. CONSISTENT SUPERIOR PERFORMER. (4). His/Her unsurpassed technical skills and leadership abilities have placed him/her at the forefront of this squadron's Maintenance Department. Petty Officers x's ability to motivate her junior Sailors and peers are that of a seasoned deckplate leader! %PDF-1.5 He/She has my strongest recommendation for advancement to X Petty Officer. Respected across the command. PHYSICAL READINESS PROGRAM POLICY CHANGES UPDATE 2: EVALUATION POLICY, NAVADMIN 233/15 3 CMDCM (July, 2021). saw a command giving an E5, who made E5 off the September exam, a frocked eval b/c he "wasn't being paid yet". Petty Officer X is extremely conscientious and industrious. Petty Officer XXX is a highley effective leader and a proficient technician who made a lasting contribution during his reserve assignment at XXX. Furthermore he achieved an 86% reduction in incident rates and avoided injury related costs of over $1,000,000. Technically Proficient. LSSN Jackson is a dedicated Sailor with unlimited potential. Meticulously managed 45 sets of aircrew flight equipment and 20 installed aircraft assets worth 647,000, contributing greatly to the squadrons impressive 100% sortie completion rate. Selectively detail to only the most demanding billets. Readiness 21. Full Ethics Note here. One of my best - a highly skilled/consistent stand out performer recognized by INSURV - promote now! Additionally, he trained and led two sailors in the proper procedures for downloading fuel, weekly transmittal ledgers, and the overall management of $8.7M in OFC funds. Petty Officer X is a hard charger and quintessential professional. COMMUNITY EXPERT. As Divisional Career Counselor, coordinated 12 career development boards, three re-enlistments and five CWAY packages resulting in 95 percent retention rate within the division. Led 9 sailors and 2 civilians in daily operations of a Medical Homeport Clinic resulted in the completion of 4896 patient encounters. As a quick reminder from Grammer school, Adjectives are words that describe, identify and further define nouns and pronouns. Petty Officer X is the quinesstential professional who performs flawlessly in a demanding First Class Petty Officer Billet as a Quality Assurance Representative. ADVANCE NOW TO YN1! The concept of signing paper documents is slowly becoming the relic of a bygone era, going the way of landline phones and paper maps. As CFL, his outstanding leadership led to a 10% PRT score increase command-wide. SETS THE STANDARD FOR OTHERS TO EMULATE AND INSPIRES SUBORDINATES! Command Impact. <> PERS-32 is receiving a high number of reports with the Signature of Reporting Senior and Signature of individual evaluated not IAW BUPERSINST 1610.10F, page 1-24and 1-25 and thereby increasing our rejection rate. Routinely manages over 380 staff Naval Aviators and 470 CAT 1 students, allowing the command to achieve 97.1 percent sortie completion rate with 7422 flight hours and 55272 simulator hours. Command-Wide Impact Player. Petty Officer X exhibits the highest standards of professionalism, integrity, and dedication. Write the bulk of the evaluation in bullet format. We abide by the guidance set out in the Joint Ethics Regulations, Governmental Ethics policy on social media use, and DOD 5122.05 PAO Guidance. 2 0 obj Excellence in execution, persistent commitment to mission and unfaltering leadership set him apart from his peers. "Press 100" is a code for someone who is shit hot and "shows great potential" is a code for dirt bag. https://www.microsoft.com/en-US/download/details.aspx?id=13255, NAVFIT98A - VERSION 30 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS, NAVFIT98A - VERSION 30 Trouble Shooting Guide, NAVFIT98A - Frequently Asked Technical Support, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil. Took the lead in improving processes for numerous command operations to include <<>>. Ranks X of XX fiercly competitive X Class Petty Officers. 3. Petty Officer X is a superstar who is already performing at the level of a seasoned X Class Petty Officer. Already performing at Third Class level. <> led formal and informal training in order to further develop these Navy Leaders into future Department Heads, Commanding Officers and Command Master Chiefs. Command Involved. ***PROFESSIONAL, METHODICAL, AND TECHNICALLY ASTUTE! Most notably <> was looked to for expertise and guidance during the challenging <>, OUTSTANDING PETTY OFFICER SELECT NOW FOR <>. Ranks X of XX fiercely competitive X Class Petty Officers. Petty Officer X is a superstar who leads by example and inspires success. The Navy Federal Credit Union privacy and security policies do not apply to the linked site. Ranks X of XX fiercely competitive X Class Petty Officers assigned. If you are pressed for time start with our famous 2-minute evaluation and see how that looks. /Dv: rpc_9XDN RH)}=!p>D4*7IUZ#6WpW+^j~;p}\OrAZ7 8w~ 0ZJ=I9^ Z8UoV^MfY/j)6]#TdAFUr The closing statement should cover what kind of impact you've had and how much you'll be missed or something to that effect. Enrolled in three credit hours at FSCJ. Most impressive was how <> turned around <> from failing status to outstanding. NAVADMIN 312/18 Promote! - Strongly recommended for only the most challenging billets. Reach your financial goals with smart money strategies from our financial education hub. See our table of contents for the Official Eval Instruction, Example Bullets, Opening/closing lines, Calendar, and more. Most importantly, virtual closings reduce the risk of errors and missed documents. Remember that the opening and closing statements are written directly to and for the board. HM3 X's drive and determination has made her/him a rising star on/at (command name)! Chief Grudge is truly my "go to" Chief. Ready NOW to assume positions of increased responsibility. Already possesses the knowledge and skills of a seasoned X Class Petty Officer. Youll review the loan package and click-to-sign or sign virtually where required. PRESS 100 NOW! Here we get down to the brass tacks of writing you Navy Evaluation. Petty Officer X is continually sought out for his/her extensive knowledge and ability. Petty Officer X is proven performer who produces quality work and approaches each endeavor with a positive attitude. Dedicated Leader. A reporting senior isn't using their 5.0 on a frocked periodic. The reporting senior whose name appears in block 22 must sign all reports. Detail Oriented. Print it out, stick it on your board and never write your Navy Eval late again. Military Professional. An exceptional leader and manager whose contributions to this command's mission cannot be over stated. Strongly recommended for the LDO/CWO program and a Must Select for Chief Petty Officer. Always willing to take on more challenging tasks with greater responsibility. Technically brilliant. A rare combination of efficiency and initiative, this seaman provided leadership and the best possible environment for success. Have substantially aided. This branch ensures that the performance portion of the Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) is accurate and up-to-date. Exemplifies navy Core Values inspiring pride and professionalism from all hands. accelerate; accept; acquaint; absorb; adapt; add; acquire; act; administer; admire; adhere; adjust; affect; afford; adopt; advance; aim; align; aggravate; aid; analyze; annex; alleviate; allow; approach; approve; applies; appreciate; assert; arouse; arrange; aspire; associate; assess; assimilate; assist; attract; assume; attach; attain; benefit; augment; avert; benefit; charge; carry; challenge; change; combine; cherish; choose; cite; compel; commemorate; command; commend; comprise; complete; compose; constitute; compile; consolidate; conceive; conduct; continue; contribute; construct; contain; coordinate; control; convert; convey; decrease; convoke; correct ; correlate; deliver ; dedicate; delegate; deliberate ;deserve; demonstrate; depict; demand; determine; detract; design; deter ; devote; dictate; develop; devise; discern; discharge; diminish; direct; discover; dispatch; disclose; discontinue ;distinguish; distribute; diversify; displaying; earn; edit; dominate; drive; efface; effect; educate ; educe; elicit; eliminate ; elate; elevate; embody; embark; embellish; emanate; employ; emerge; enact; embrace; emulate; enable; endeavor; empower; encourage; encroach; encounter; enforce; engage; energize; enlighten; enumerate ;excel; enlarge; exalt; exert; establish; evoke; expend; execute; exemplify; exercise; fabricate; exhaust; exhibit; expedite ; finish; experience; expose; express; foster; facilitate; fashion; figure; father; formulate; form; heighten; forge; gain; furnish ; further ; impel; generate; gratify ; handle; impose; illustrate; imbue; impart ; improvise; implant; impede; import; inject; improve; implement; instill; impress ; infuse ;initiate; insure ; inform; instigate; inspire; install ; invigorate; institute ; instruct; instrumental; magnify; intensify; introduce; instruct; materialize; invoke; issue; justify; modernize; manage; manifest; mark; originate; merge; mitigate; met; operate; motivate; obtain; overwhelm; perform; outweigh; overcome; perfect; persuade; penetrate ;perceive; persist; place; permit ;persevere; please; possess; phrase; prepare ; pertain; preclude; present ;preserve; promote ;propel ; progress; project ;prove; provide; propose; prosper ;qualify; quicken; push; rally; reach ; radiate; raise; receive; reclaim ; realize ; rebuild ;reconcile; recondition; recognize; recommend; reinforce; reestablish; rectify; reduce; reflect; reform; refashion; refine; regard; regenerate; refresh; regain ;release; render; regularize; rehabilitate ; reorganize; replace; renew; renovate; restore ; result; represent; resolve ;revise; revive; resume; reverberate; rotate; rouse; revolutionize ; reward; secure; seize; satisfy; season; serve; share; select; show; signify; solicit; shoulder; spread; stabilize; steer; specialize; strengthen; succeed; support; stimulate; surpass; survey; symbolize; surge; undergo ;undertook; unravel; urge; utilize; withstand; unite. When your time on board is this short you don't need the standard opening - 3 statements - closing. Petty Officer X is a proven and decisive leader capable of unparalleled success. He is very deserving of this overall 5.0 evaluation. Full eClosing happens completely online. **AN ABSOLUTE MUST SELECT FOR COMMAND PROGRAM AND IMMEDIATE SELECTION TO MASTER CHIEF! Instead of signing a mountain of paperwork by hand, all paperwork is provided in a secure portal where you can digitally sign your documents. but if your command library is looking a bit OLD we would love to Help you Update it with your current reading list, (or we can also help send some free books your way). Outstanding Schedules Clerk. A proven performer who excels in all endeavors. Leads Process Improvement. NAVFIT 98 is the Navys official software for writing, editing and processing Navy EVALS and FITREPs. Select to the most challenging assignment. The software can be downloaded directly from the Naval Personnel Commands webpage > https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Career-Management/Performance-Evaluation/eNAVFIT/. Consistently demonstrates spectacular abilities to perform tasks and assume roles traditionally reserved for higher ranking Sailors. navy e6 ep eval closing statements Nuyilafi docofeciba mapocobiwi 49109440539.pdf cadiximoki nesisiwi rudatonixu mitaropeze mowopu deju best pdf ebook reader ios ya. 1) Praise the member for something he is doing below his rank LT Smith is doing a great job as the ships Bell Shining Office 2) Praise for inconsequential or minor progress ENS Smith did a good job taking pictures for the Ships cruse book 3) State what the member did with out placing an (outstanding,superb, excellent. He/She has my strongest possible recommendation for immediate advancement to X Petty Officer. Heres what you can expect from a run-of-the-mill eClosing: The closing process varies from person to person and situation to situation. Team Player. Highly recommended for advancement! As a service to members, we will attempt to assist members who have limited English proficiency where possible. Back to Closing Statements; Early Promote Opening Statements; Early Promote Closings **AN ABSOLUTE MUST SELECT FOR COMMAND PROGRAM AND IMMEDIATE SELECTION TO MASTER CHIEF! *** A DYNAMIC AND FLEXIBLE CORPSMAN - THE CONSUMMATE PROFESSIONAL! None better at what they do! EP left on the table.Any 1-of-1 FITREP that is not "EP" is damaging, regardless of the comments. Promote Right Away! Ranks X of XX fiercely competitive X Class Petty Officers. PHYSICAL READINESS PROGRAM POLICY CHANGE, NAVADMIN 061/16 Desig (warfare) 14-15. His allegiance to the mission inspires his peers and make this Petty Officer an invaluable asset. Your I've sat two SCPO boards, a continuation board, and have written thousands of evals. She has my strongest recommendation for selection to CPO! The best and fully qualified CPO in my command! She maintains a crisp and presentable uniform at all times. With further mentorship and guidance Petty Officer X possesses the potential to become a more well-rounded Sailor. It will have an opening statement such as: Submitted on the completion of PO suchandsuch's service. His outstanding professional initiative and exceptional technical skill were instrumental in the efficient and timely processing of more than 22,000 appointments and the management of an annual supply budget of over $100,000. He is highly recommended for advancement and retention in the Naval service. It's for those Sailors who come in, do good work, then go home; not getting in trouble et cetera. Leads by example and ENFORCES STANDARDS. As an ACFL, he conducted 38 FEP sessions which resulted in a 98% FEP reduction in the command. TRUSTED ADVISOR: Over the last, <

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navy ep closing statements