The data controller is Nardi Personal S.p.A., with Registered Office in Corso Venezia, 61 20121 Milano and Operational Headquarters in via Vittorio Veneto, n. 85 21049 Tradate Abbiate Guazzone (VA). It would not be the last for Nardi, the man building quite the reputation for getting respectable power out of small engines. Successive informazioni riguardo al trattamento ed alla comunicazione di dati previsti direttamente o altrimenti acquisiti potranno essere richieste al Titolare del trattamento dati, presso la sede della Societ. Designed using state-of-the-art technology and with customers in mind, this product by Nardi 3-Spoke Deep Corn Series Steering Wheel by Nardi. I termini di utilizzo e le politiche sulla Privacy applicabili a ciascuno di tali mezzi di comunicazione sociale, pubblicate sui rispettivi siti, regolano linformazione fornita. 13 OF THE EU REGULATION 2016/679, INFORMATIVA ESTESA SULLUTILIZZO DEI COOKIE. With reference to the purposes referred to in point 7 of the paragraph, the processing is optional and therefore subject to your consent in order to be lawful (art.6 co. 1 lett. Pad Material: Leather. Designed using state-of-the-art technology and with customers in mind, this product by Nardi 3-Spoke Classic Wood Steering Wheel Round Holes in Spokes by Nardi. Linteressato pu evitare linstallazione dei cookie attraverso le apposite funzioni disponibili sul proprio browser o interrompendo la navigazione. The wheel serves as a special linkage enabling the driver to feel the vehicle and influencing the decisions that come to his or her mind. With regard to profiling cookies, to give their consent to the storing of cookies or the use of other tracking techniques, that user should therefore simply close the banner by clicking on the command that is usually meant to enable this action i.e., the X that is normally positioned according to well-received practice at the top right end of the banner area without having to access other ad-hoc areas or pages. Designed using state-of-the-art technology and with customers in mind, this product by Nardi will last a 3-Spoke Steering Wheel by Nardi. I canali tematici di Nardi Personal S.p.A. sono utilizzati per informare gli utenti circa le attivit della Societ, raccogliere commenti, richieste, domande, critiche e suggerimenti. The 330mm has bent spokes and is 2" / 53mm deep - also referred to as offset. Operative headquarter: Via Vittorio Veneto, 85 21049 Tradate (VA) Italy, Phone: +39 0331.811118 / +39 0331.810970 N Rights pursuant to the EU Regulation 2016/679. Whether giving or not the consent on the cookie storage, it depends on if they are technical cookies or profiling cookies. Nardi Steering Wheel Deep Corn 330mm / 12.99 inch Diameter Black Perforated Leather with Red Stitching White Anodized Spokes Classic Horn Button - 53mm (2.09 inch) Deep Dish - Part # 6069.33.1093 5.0 (1) $35295 FREE delivery Feb 15 - 21 Nardi Steering Wheel - Classic - 360mm (14.17 inches) - Wood with Satin Aluminum Spokes # 5051.36.6300 5.0 (3) From the practical perspective, Nardi steering wheels are designed and manufactured to bring a range of typical advantages including lightness, convenience, and reliability. Designed using state-of-the-art technology and with customers in mind, this product by Nardi will last a lifetime. Opens in a new window or tab. And from the past comes the love for details and the particular ability which used to be applied in the manufacture of every steering wheel. Tutti hanno il diritto di intervenire ed esprimere la propria libera opinione. All manufacturer names, symbols, and descriptions, used in our images and text are used solely for identification purposes only. I dati potrebbero essere utilizzati per laccertamento di responsabilit in caso di ipotetici reati informatici ai danni del sito o di richieste da parte delle autorit. Ne consegue che le informazioni generate saranno in realt condivise volontariamente dagli utenti che, pertanto, non potranno lamentarsi di una possibile violazione della propria sfera personale. Ulteriori informazioni relative al trattamento dei dati personali potranno essere comunicate anche verbalmente al momento della raccolta dati. that may reside and/or lead the user to other servers which may differ from those provided by the first-party site. This product is made of high-quality materials to serve you for years to come. For more specific information about the above, please visit the social policy section of the website, at the web address Designed using state-of-the-art technology and with customers in 3-Spoke Leader Series Leather Steering Wheel by Nardi. Lelenco dei Responsabili esterni sar mantenuto aggiornato e sar inviato allinteressato dietro specifica richiesta. Tax-Code: 03602650966 With a history that spans over 70 years, Nardi has been supplying their brand products not only to the world's leading automakers but also to racing enthusiasts worldwide. Nardi is widely known for its established reputation as a steering wheel manufacturer of the highest quality. It is neither inferred nor implied that any item sold by is a product authorized by or in any way connected with any vehicle manufacturers displayed on this page. Specifically, these are data voluntarily provided by you for the execution of the legal relationships in place with the Data Controller. It follows that the information generated will actually be shared voluntarily by users who, therefore, will not be able to complain of a possible violation of their personal sphere. Designed using state-of-the-art technology and with customers in mind, this product by Universal 3-Spoke Steering Wheel by Nardi. You will not find anything nicer. Designed using state-of-the-art technology and with customers in mind, this 3-Spoke ND Classic Series Leather Black Steering Wheel by Nardi. A). Tali identificativi possono lasciare tracce che, in particolare se combinate con identificativi univoci e altre informazioni ricevute dai server, possono essere utilizzate per creare profili delle persone fisiche e identificarle. Il presente avviso naturalmente non esclude che altre informazioni siano date anche oralmente. Verranno inoltre moderati: i commenti che risultano fuori argomento rispetto alla discussione di un determinato post (i c.d. Tax-Code: 03602650966 TheCookiescan be stored within the users device directly from the website that the latter is visiting (first-party site) or from a different website, so-called third party, as in every website there may be elements (i.e., images, maps, sounds, specific links to web pages of other domains, etc.) This product is made of high-quality materials to serve you for years to come. Designed using state-of-the-art technology and with customers in mind, Universal 3-Spoke ND Classic Series Leather Black Steering Wheel by Nardi. Time and miles go by, but steering wheels by Nardi will never go out of fashion. This category of data includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by persons who connect to the site, the addresses in notation URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used in submitting the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) Legal headquarter: Corso Venezia, 61 - 20121 (MI) ItalyOperative headquarter: Via Vittorio Veneto, 85 - 21049 Tradate (VA) Italy Phone :+39 0331.811118 / +39 0331.810970Fax: +39 0331.849460 Email: comm@nardi-personal.comPEC: nardi-personalspa@certimprese.itV.A.T. 4 del Regolamento UE 2016/679 definisce dato personale qualsiasi informazione riguardante una persona fisica identificata o identificabile (interessato); si considera identificabile la persona fisica che pu essere identificata, direttamente o indirettamente, con particolare riferimento a un identificativo come il nome, un numero di identificazione, dati relativi allubicazione, un identificativo online o a uno o pi elementi caratteristici della sua identit fisica, fisiologica, genetica, psichica, economica, culturale o sociale. The data subject can exercise the rights described above by sending an e-mail to the email address:, or by calling +39 0331 811 118. With Black Aluminum Ring. Brand New. The company tends to utilize quite a whole lot of leather, wood, and aluminum as the main construction materials. Nardi-Personal S.p.A., quale Titolare del trattamento dei dati personali, dichiara di non utilizzare cookie di profilazione o di terza parte per lerogazione delle pagine del sito web . $263.99. Designed using 3-Spoke Challenge Series Smooth/Perforated Leather Steering Wheel by Nardi. No consent is needed for the installation of technical cookies, whereas with regard to third-party cookies an information pursuant to Article 12 of the GDPR is necessary. Nardi-Personal S.p.A. recommends excercising caution regarding the dissemination of personal information on telematic channels through comments or public posts when using the aforementioned platforms. I dati personali da Lei conferiti saranno trattati per le seguenti finalit: In riferimento alle finalit di cui ai punti da 1 a 6 del paragrafo C, il trattamento necessario allesecuzione di un rapporto giuridico di cui Lei , cos come potr essere, parte o allesecuzione di misure precontrattuali adottate su Sua richiesta. number: IT 03602650966 Article 4, paragraph 1, of EU Regulation 2016/679 defines personal data as any information concerning an identified or identifiable natural person (data subject); it is considered identifiable the natural person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, with particular reference to an identifier such as the name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or one or more characteristic elements of his physical , physiological, genetic, psychic, economic, cultural or social identity. Il sito web utilizza esclusivamente cookies di tipo tecnico, necessari e funzionali allerogazione dello stesso, e di terza parte, che non permettono di raccogliere informazioni sui visitatori (profilazione). The processing is therefore lawful (art.6, co. 1, letter b), EU Regulation 2016/679). This product is made of high-quality materials to serve you for years to come. The interested party can at any time exercise the rights referred to in art. With Black Aluminum Ring. The expression of consent to the storage ofcookiesdepends on the purposes for which thecookiesthemselves are used, and on these it depends whether they fall in the cases of technical cookies or profiling cookies. The data subject can avoid the installation ofcookiesthrough the special functions available on his/her browser or by interrupting the navigation. Nardi steering wheel creation is a vocation, born by Enrico Nardi's personality. (6 hole x 70 mm PCD, 1 hole at the top). For those who repeatedly violate these conditions or the ones contained in the policies of the tools adopted, the staff reserves the right to block the user to prevent further interventions and to report the same, to the managers of the platform and possibly to law enforcement authorities. del Regolamento UE 2016/679: O Estremi identificativi del Titolare del trattamento dei dati personali. Lespressione del consenso allarchiviazione dei cookie dipende dalle finalit per le quali i cookie stessi vengono usati e da queste dipende se essi ricadono nei casi di cookie tecnici o di cookie di profilazione. Ai sensi degli artt. Nel Provvedimento n. 229 dell8 maggio 2014 e nelle Linee Guida del 10 giugno 2021, il Garante per la protezione dei dati personali propone una tassonomia che identifica due categorie di cookie in base a due possibili finalit di trattamento: Servono a effettuare la navigazione e/o a fornire un servizio allutente. Find parts and drive components for relevant and older series of DAF, MAN, Volvo, Iveco, Caterpillar, John Deere, Liebherr and others. The data will be processed and stored exclusively for the purposes indicated above through the use of both paper and computer media, inserted in relevant databases and processed with suitable tools to guarantee the integrity, security and confidentiality of the data, in accordance with the provisions of the EU Regulation 2016/679. ORIGINAL Nardi/Personal Mercedes Benz Hub/Adaptor(boss) Will fit perfectly following Mercedes Benz Models: Furthermore, personal data are published spontaneously by users and their processing by Nardi Personal S.p.A. is carried out solely for the purpose of the service provided. With Nardi Logo. Designed using state-of-the-art technology and with customers in mind, this product by Nardi will Universal 3-Spoke Gara Series Leather Black Steering Wheel with Center Pad by Nardi. Wood steering wheel from Momo, Nardi, NRG and Personal Home Material Wood Wood We offer the finest wood steering wheels in the world from Nardi, MOMO, and Motolita. Per chi dovesse violare ripetutamente queste condizioni o quelle contenute nelle policy degli strumenti adottati, lo staff si riserva il diritto di bloccare lutente per impedire ulteriori interventi e di segnalare lo stesso, ai responsabili della piattaforma ed eventualmente alle forze dellordine preposte. To him it was impossible not to consider the wheel, that part of a car where the ability of a driver is focused on, one of the main supports of will and perfection. Users, as individuals, are subject only to civil and criminal laws that limit freedom of opinion from the outside. di Social Network, in base allart. We are Europe's largest distributor of genuine Nardi Steering Wheels with next-day UK delivery plus the cheapest and fastest worldwide shipping options. Nardi Personal S.p.A. recalls that the so-called Social Network platforms, based on art. La presente informativa estesa sullutilizzo dei cookie (di seguito cookie policy) deve essere recepita avendo cura di aver letto, in un documento separato, linformativa privacy ex art. and other parameters regarding the users operating system and computer environment. This product is made of high-quality materials to serve you for years to come. Designed using state-of-the-art technology and with customers in mind, this product by Universal 3-Spoke Twin Line Series Smooth/Perforated Leather Steering Wheel by Nardi. These rules are configured as real limits on the freedom of expression of thought, also connected to the peculiarities of the employment relationship: these are explanations of the duties of loyalty and confidentiality, which are incumbent on the worker since they are verifiable in the work performance. This cookies policy also describes the elements provided for by the law as well as the characteristics and purposes of the cookies installed from the website, including the updated link to the information and the consent forms of the third parties with which the Data Controller has entered into agreements for the installation of cookies through their website and, finally, giving to the user the possibility of expressing their consent on the cookies even through the settings of the browser used. They will be appropriately designated as Data Processors and will be involved in the fulfilments required by the existing legal relationship as well as by specific legal obligations. This product is made of high-quality materials to serve you for years to come. Google Chrome:; Last update of the document (Rev. Laccesso sar consentito alle sole persone autorizzate per iscritto al trattamento dei dati personali. Designed using state-of-the-art technology and with customers in mind, this Universal 3-Spoke Kallista Series Leather/Perforated Steering Wheel by Nardi. This product is made of high-quality materials to serve you for years to come. In relation to the aforementioned processing, the Data Controller provides, among other things, the following information. A Nardi steering wheel is a classic, something very close to perfection in this field. Con questi cookie possono essere trasmessi al dispositivo utente messaggi pubblicitari in linea con le preferenze gi manifestate dallo stesso utente nella navigazione online. All rights reserved. Nardi Gara Steering Wheel - 350mm Perforated Leather w/Red Stitch $332. $338.93 - $421.23. Non vengono utilizzati per scopi ulteriori e sono normalmente installati direttamente dal Titolare del sito web. Further communications may be disclosed later either written or verbal. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. This notice naturally does not exclude that other information may also be given verbally. 02): 14 gennaio 2021, A- Data controller, data processor managers and persons authorized to process personal data. Designed using state-of-the-art technology and with customers in mind, this Universal 3-Spoke Gara Sport Series Leather Steering Wheel by Nardi. These are hand made wheels imported directly from Italy and the UK. 5.0 out of 5 stars. Incrociando tali dati con altre informazioni possibile giungere allidentificazione della persona, o meglio allidentificazione univoca del dispositivo utilizzato per laccesso e la navigazione online. ), per le quali i cookie, che consentono di effettuare e mantenere lidentificazione dellutente nellambito della sessione, risultano indispensabili. The updated list of external data processor officers and persons authorized to process the data is kept by the Company in its archives, at the Operational Headquarters of the Company. 21 della nostra Costituzione .tutti hanno diritto di manifestare liberamente il proprio pensiero con la parola, lo scritto e ogni altro mezzo di diffusione., rientrano tra i mezzi di diffusione attraverso i quali possibile esprimere le proprie opinioni, giudizi e critiche. Each Nardi steering wheel, today, is handmade before and after polishing and painting phases. third party cookies) or passive (i.e. Designed using state-of-the-art technology and with customers in mind, this product by Nardi will last a Universal 3-Spoke Gara Series Leather Black Steering Wheel by Nardi. In fact, Nardi Personal S.p.A. cannot be held liable for verbal continence, substantial continuity of the facts and the social relevance of the declarations made by the users. A choice of design: The Nardi range allows to choose the steering that suits each own car and personality. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for NARDI GARA3 Type 0 Black Spoke Leather Steering Wheel 36 w/ Horn Button at the best online prices at eBay! Per trattamento di dati personali deve intendersi qualsiasi operazione o insieme di operazioni, compiute con o senza lausilio di processi automatizzati e applicate a dati personali o insiemi di dati personali, come la raccolta, la registrazione, lorganizzazione, la strutturazione, la conservazione, ladattamento o la modifica, lestrazione, la consultazione, luso, la comunicazione mediante trasmissione, diffusione o qualsiasi altra forma di messa a disposizione, il raffronto o linterconnessione, la limitazione, la cancellazione o la distruzione. Personal data processing means any operation or set of operations performed with or without the aid of automated processes and applied to personal data or sets of personal data, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring , storage, adaptation or modification, extraction, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or any other form of making available, comparison or interconnection, limitation, deletion or destruction. Type: KBA/ABE 70138. Cookiesare small text files sent to the users devices. Pad Color: Black. Subsequent information regarding the processing and communication of data provided directly or otherwise acquired may be requested to the Data Controller at the Companys Headquarters. The website may offer access doors to so-called services and platforms Social Network. Industry: Utility System Construction , Other Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction , Other Specialty Trade Contractors , General Freight Trucking , All Other Telecommunications See All Industries, Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction , Water, sewer, and utility lines, Heavy construction, nec, Wrecking and demolition work, Excavation work, Special trade contractors, nec, Trucking . Nardi Kallista Metal Steering Wheel - 350mm Combo Leather w/Polished Spokes $472. Si tratta, comunque, di informazioni che non sono raccolte per essere associate a interessati identificati, ma che per loro stessa natura potrebbero, attraverso elaborazioni ed associazioni con dati detenuti da terzi, permettere di identificare gli utenti. Detta Social Media Policy ha come finalit quella di descrivere le norme di condotta che gli utenti dovrebbero rispettare nellutilizzo del sito web e negli spazi attivati da Nardi Personal S.p.A. sulle piattaforme tecnologiche sociali. In the social channels promoted by Nardi Personal S.p.A. can remove comments and posts that are not relevant to the topic of the channel, but not only: it can remove messages and posts deemed harmful, discriminatory and offensive towards the same or other users participating or not in the discussion. A choice of design: The Nardi range allows to choose the steering that suits each own car and personality. A PARFECT MIX OF TECHNOLOGY AND QUALITY, When I hold one of my fathers steering wheels, I feel like I have a little piece of art in my hands, something that speaks to the heart (R. Grosso Nardi). 6 co. 1 lett. right to obtain the rectification or cancellation of the same or the limitation of the processing of data; right to withdraw the consent, where applicable (the withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the treatment based on the consent given before the withdrawal); and. I dati personali contenuti in documenti rilevanti per fini amministrativo-contabili saranno in ogni caso conservati nel rispetto degli obblighi di legge. Designed 3-Spoke Gara Series Leather Black Steering Wheel with Center Pad by Nardi. Their creation is a vocation, born by Enrico Nardis personality; he wanted his cars to have a perfect technique but also a beautiful look. Such data, upon expiry of said term, will be destroyed. Ultimo aggiornamento del documento (rev. Ulteriori comunicazioni potranno essere rese note in un momento successivo, anche verbalmente. Le stesse saranno opportunamente designate Responsabili del trattamento dei dati personali e saranno coinvolte negli adempimenti richiesti dal rapporto giuridico in essere, nonch da specifici obblighi di legge. Failure to provide the conferment or rather the consent to the processing of your personal data for the aforementioned purpose will make it impossible to perform promotional activities within marketing and commercial communication by e-mail or telephone regarding the services provided by the Data Controller including also through any partners. management of existing and/or future legal relationships; fulfilments related to the obligations deriving from the aforementioned legal relationships; organizational management of any existing legal relationship or in definition phase; fulfillment of regulatory, accounting and/or tax obligations; purposes related to the conduct of statistical analyzes; and. For the purposes referred to in numbers from 1 to 6, Nardi-Personal S.p.A. informs you that your data could be communicated to external subjects, designated in writing, if this is necessary to fulfill an obligation under the law, for the performance of obligations deriving from a contract of which you are/will be a part, as well as to fulfill, before the conclusion of the contract to your specific requests. This product is made of high-quality materials to serve you for years to come. (7 reviews) Copyright 2003-2023 Pursuant to Recital 30 of the said GDPR Natural persons can be associated with online identifiers produced by the devices,applications,tools and protocols used, such as IP addresses, temporary markers (cookies) or other identifiers, such as radio frequency identification tags. Gara Sport Series Leather Black Steering Wheel by Nardi ed esprimere la propria opinione... 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