A movement of 7 makes them reasonably quick, although not exceptionally so. } For 1CP a unit can make a heroic intervention and do so from 6 out moving 6, that gives them options for a number of tricks beyond actually fighting which Kroot Carnivores are no good at anyway. on: function(evt, cb) { Fast Attack:Vulture Kindred,Rough Riders,Stormboyz,Reavers,Gun Drone Squadron,Loxatl document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); A very useful write up , I am new to Tau , and given the cost of larger models ,, Hello, Just curious if 3-man, 5-man, and 8-man team events are intended to be factored into ITC this year 2023?, Thanks for reading/watching! Lets keep the increase to Strength, and lets add an extra attack and an extra point of AP. Fast Attack: Vulture Kindred Since then, the Kroot core worlds have fought loyally for the Tau and Greater Good, provided they receive sufficient payment. There are, moreover, a handful more Kroot options from Forge World, but Ill just stick to the standard codex units for now. <> The process is not an exact science and there are many examples where it has gone awry, leaving some trapped in evolutionary cul-de-sacs, the Krootox and Kroot Hounds being the most visible evidence of this. Click to read on or check out the Tactics Corner for more reviews and strategies. Ambush: The kindred may be deployed via deep strike into a piece of area terrain. Last update was at 2010/02/14 14:45:00, This message was edited 1 time. They see it as their life's duty to absorb the many genetic traits across the Galaxy, and betraying a client would jeopardize this mission. Ignore the normal penalty for deep striking into dense terrain and deploy the unit as normal. Cost: +1 Point/Model HQ: OShovah Commander Farsight [Needs Citation], This eating of their foes ties in with the religious beliefs of the Kroot: they believe that when a warrior of any race dies, his warrior spirit should be kept, and the only way to do this is by eating his flesh. Finally, I will briefly mention that there are a couple of stratagems in both the codex and the Psychic Awakening supplement that give some of these units a little bit of play. In fact, their only special rule is Stealthy Hunters, which allows them to make a 7 movement at the start of the first battle round, ending more than 9 from any enemy units. Kroot frequently act as Tau auxiliaries. And what's more, Kroot can't even fill the role of a cheap and cheerful screening unit. At some point in their evolutionary history, both subspecies of Kroot fed upon creatures that were possessed of traits they wished to take on, but, in doing so, atrophied their intelligence. The second relevant stratagem is for Krootox and for 1CP it doubles their number of attacks and gives them AP-2. <> Kroot hounds and krootoxen may not be taken. Cost: +1 Point/Model Again, you can see why this range of models desperately needs a refresh. In actuality, Kroot musculature is extremely powerful and composed of dense fiber spindles with a greater powertomass ratio than is found in humans. Last week, I discussed one of the two Tau auxiliary units, the Vespid Stingwings. Elites: Knarloc Rider Herd Loxatl: WS 6 BS 3 S 5 T 5 W 3 I 3 A 3 Ld 8 Sv 3+ 40 Points/Model, Wargear: Loxatl flechette blaster, Frag grenades, Special Rules: Move Through Cover, Stealth, Loxatl Flechette Blaster: Range: 18 S: 3 AP: 5 Type: Assault 2 A full-size squad of Kroot puts out fewer attacks than a basic unit of Intercessors, and with worse AP and other statlines to boot, and yet are still more than half again the price. Given here are the details of those rules. Wetcorps, Uber_Kroot, Kris.Sherriff, Turbo_MMX, and. If you want your Tau army to be anything resembling functional I suggest avoiding them at all costs, as other options are both cheaper and more effective. During an early sphere of expansion, the T'au encountered the forces of the Imperium of Man. I argued that, while this unit isnt great, it does have some use in 9th edition. At six points per model, the unit costs at least 60 points. These clans are overseen by Elders, who dispatch Kroot across the galaxy, often to serve as Mercenaries in order to strengthen the clan via genetic absorption. [Needs Citation], The Kroot head is crowned with a great mass of tough, flexible quills that appear to be a part of the Kroot's sensory apparatus. Adeptus Mechanicus Genetors have long been aware that much of the double helix structure of DNA is in fact blank and used to separate those areas that do contain genetic information. Same as Court of the Archon from the Dark Eldar Codex except that: Troops: Kroot Carnivore Kindred Required fields are marked *. This subreddit is for anything and everything related to Warhammer 40k. Elites:Headhunter Kindred,Stalker Kindred,Knarloc Rider Herd,Shaper Council,Ratlings,Ogryns,Scout Sentinel Squadron,Heavy Weapons Squad,Flash Gitz,Nobz,Warbikers,Lootas, Wyches,Mandrakes,Vyper Squadron,Scourges,XV8 Crisis Battlesuit Team,Stealth Team,Pathfinder Team,XV88 Broadside Battlesuit Team, Sslyth Pack stream Neophytes would be the standard Kroot with armour and guns, Acolytes might be Kroot bodies with genestealer heads or vice versa. Kroot having no save means they have nothing to lose in a marine meta, unlike Fire Warriors whose supposedly respectable 4+ save will rarely get them better than a 6+ in real play conditions. Warhammer 40,000 - Space Marine - Astraeus Super Heavy Tank . Change). HQ:Kaptin Badrukk,OShovah Commander Farsight, Rogue Trader, Master Shaper,Mercenary Captain,Freebooter Kaptin,Corsair Prince,ShasEl Commander I don't think GW will ever make the Kroot a faction independed from the Tau again, cool as that would be. First among their allies are the Kroot, a mercenary race of carnivorous avian hunters, and the new Codex: T'au Empire - available to pre-order this weekend - gives them a bunch of beastly upgrades. On the tabletop, a Kroot pack can barely dent a squad of Guardsmen. If a witchblade is taken the master shaper counts as being a Mastery Level 1 Psyker with access to the Divination psychic discipline. I think that the model for the basic Kroot infantry unit holds up 18-odd years after release, and they provide a great contrast to the clean, crisp Tau Battlesuits and vehicles. This is a combined resource, taking everything that GW has released for the Kroot Mercenaries and combining it into one book with a new style I've come up with. It appears that the larger, frontal hemisphere controls the functions of logic, reasoning and memory while the rear, less developed hemisphere is more attuned to imagination and creativity. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. callback: cb listeners: [], } Same as in the Astra Militarum Codex, Fast Attack: Stormboyz Im a fan of the Kroot. It is suspected that the Kroot can alter the properties of this secretion in order to leave pheromone trails, mark territories, leave warnings and even communicate with one another. Same as in the Dark Eldar Codex, Troops: Striker Team [Needs Citation], The Kroot are renowned as mercenaries, and despite being mistrusted by most in the Imperium are very faithful to their contractors. Same as in the Astra Militarum Codex except that: May only be taken if the army includes a Rogue Trader or a Mercenary Captain. window.mc4wp = window.mc4wp || { The Kroot practice this in their "burial" customs, in which the body of the deceased is consumed by the kindred. One attack and leadership six are both likewise very underwhelming, giving the unit one of the worst overall statlines in the game. } Same as in the Farsight Enclave Codex. When we have factions on consist on 1 unit(Custodes/SoS) I don't see why a revival of Kroot Mercenaries is impossible. Their skin is rough with small, barbed spines, similar to the elongated quills on their heads, protruding from various locations on their flesh. Any rules that are not in the Warhammer 40,000 main rule book will be stated in this Kill Team list. Before long, the Kroot's foot soldiers joined the T'au to fight across the Empire. Ill talk about a couple of the highlights of these models, which will give you a pretty good idea as to why you dont see them on the tabletop if youre not familiar with Tau auxiliaries. } By the age of twelve they are considered adults and it is not unknown for Kroot to live to over a hundred years old, their skin becoming increasingly pitted and leathery in their last few years of life. : www.tabletopreadyminiatures.comFacebook: https://facebook.com/i. If this results in them scattering outside the area terrain then reduce the distance scattered until it is within the area terrain. Although nominally a melee unit, the miserable statline of a Kroot means they are no real threat to even paltry melee units such as Guardsmen or enemy Strike Teams. Do the Krootox Riders give Tau players pause for thought? The Kroot Hounds became faster and leaner but, like the Krootox, their intelligence was reduced, becoming little more than vicious predators. [Needs Citation], The Silver Skulls of the Adeptus Astartes encountered Kroot that had assimilated DNA from the Eldar and gained powerful psychic powers, which allowed them to cover themselves in an illusionary disguise that hid their true nature, appearing instead as dark, midnight-blue creatures with smooth skin, long sinewy limbs, clawed fingers, and large amethyst-purple eyes set in a comparatively small, elongated face that came to a triangular point with two nostril slits at the end, no visible ears, and a mouth full of a double set of razor-sharp teeth. Their eyes are without pupils and generally a milky white. Take melta bombs for +5 points. Support Invasive Wargaming on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/invasive40k!! Now lets actually give them some kick in close combat. Some of the mode. If no wings are taken, may purchase up to 2 kroot hounds for 5 pts/model. Same as in the Orks Codex, Elites: Warbikers 1 0 obj There are at least three species which Kroot are forbidden to eat: Kroot are able to "taste" the taint in the meat of dead Genestealer hybrids, even if the mutations are not visible. Run them in units of 3 and they are still tolerably cheap with a big chunk of wounds and on-demand a good number of S6 D2 attacks. a modest proposal. A dedicated fandex for either stand-alone, or mercenary Kroot. Here is the master shaper You know what they say kids, drive it like its a rental. Same as the Kroot Carnivore Squad from the Tau Empire Codex except that: The kroot become jump infantry, gain Hit & Run and have frag grenades for +4pts/model. Same as in the Farsight Enclave Codex, Troops: Breacher Team Genestealers and Broodlords/Patriarch can be mixed to show how far the Kroot are along. window.mc4wp.listeners.push( But lets go a little bit further. WS 5 BS 2 S 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 4 Ld9 Sv 4+ 55 Points. 131 This article skipped straight over the stratagems but there are a couple of good ones now, especially when applied to a unit of Krootox. Although this list does not cover every single possible mercenary unit, it does cover those units most likely to be present in a mercenary army, to minimise the potential abuse of being able to take the best from each mercenary armys codex. Im going to dispense with the sarcasm now its not really my style but you can see why the Kroot make Tau players just a little jaded. If it were an HQ unit, Tau players could take Kroot-only detachments, which could open up some interesting detachment-locked abilities. Kompletely Kroot Presents Codex: Kroot Mercenaries V5.86 By Kompletely Kroot Dedicated to Andy Hoare Version 5.86 19 th of October 2011 It is the intention of this document to take the original 3 rd edition 40K Kroot Mercenary army list written by Andy Hoare and update it to 5 th edition 40K, We took many different ideas as Lord of War: Freeblade Kroot are truly exemplary as a showcase of Tau design in 9E- outdated, inapplicable, and not even good to begin with. Same as in the Astra Militarum Codex, Troops: Ork Boyz They appear throughout the galaxy, but are most frequently associated with the Tau Empire. On top of that, Kroot Armies (or Kroot Auxiliaries in your T'au army) also run in Kroot Packs. The playtesters are all playtested out, the proofreader's eyes are sore and we've had a lot of fun with this one. I have decided to dump all the progress of my kroot mercenaries here for you all to look at. Lord of War:Freeblade, HQ: Kaptin Badrukk Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Six thousand . Heavy Support: Leman Russ Same as in the Eldar Codex, Troops: Kabalite Warriors Heavy Support:Greater Knarloc Pack,Leman Russ,Looted Tank,Fire Prism,Hammerhead Gunship I know that this article has been something of a downer. Same as in the Dark Eldar Codex, Elites: Wyches [Needs Citation], The Kroot digestive system is extremely efficient, capable of breaking down almost any organic material into an energy form that can be stored in specialised organs scattered throughout their bodies, called nymnes. Codex: Kroot Mercenaries Version 5.84 fCodex: Kroot Mercenaries V5.84 By Kompletely Kroot Dedicated to Andy Hoare Version 5.84 28th of June 2009 It is the intention of this document to take the original 3rd edition 40K Kroot Mercenary army list written by Andy Hoare and update it to 5th edition 40K, We took many different ideas as Same as in the Apocalypse Book except that: Its unit type is Monstrous Creature and it has the Scout rule. Longer then the Kroot gun, the Kroot hunting rifle has a potentially longer range, but the Kroot must remove the attached blades. endobj The Kroot originated on the world of Pech and, though their physiology is humanoid, there is evidence to suggest that the roots of their evolution may be avian in origin. Kroot don't do anything particularly well on the tabletop. If a Kroot unit is in cover, enemy units suffer a -1 to hit penalty and the Kroot gain +1 to their armor save. The Freebooter Kaptin may replace his slugga with a shoota/rokkit kombi-weapon, shoota/skorcha kombi-weapon or twin-linked shoota for +5 points or a snazzgun for +10 points. Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it holds. The Kroot favour primitive garb: harnesses worked from the hides of animals and adorned with bones, handcrafted amulets and circlets. In earlier editions they would function as a screening unit that could hold back enemy assaults or use Infiltrate to deploy onto objectives in order to score the Tau player points- however, in 9E they are incredibly unsuited to either of those roles. In sentient species such as Orks and Humans, they may also take on cultural aspects of that race as well. If youve read my last few articles, youll know that I really value a quick unit on the tabletop. 2 0 obj If anyone decides to collect an army of mercenaries, please send us a pic as we reckon such an army would look awesome, provided that they all share some sort of marking to show that they are on the same side. But the Hounds have the same defensive profile as the Kroot infantry, meaning that they are completely unreliable in any offensive or defensive capacity. window.mc4wp = window.mc4wp || { Can we get rid of the 6+ save? Kroot are tall, wiry warriors with the speed of a sprinter and the power of a heavyweight boxer. Should anything inorganic and indigestible be consumed, the Kroot must regurgitate it, with considerable discomfort. Of course, thats very unlikely to happen, but we can dream. Kroot Mercenaries - The Lost Hey everybody, remember Kroot Mercenaries? However the illusions were extremely vulnerable to psychic attacks and would dispel back into thin air when hit by one. Same as in the Orks Codex, Elites: Mandrakes Same as in the Orks Codex, Troops: Flash Gitz Krizstompofer, Druidic, PanzerSmurf, Fuggorf. event : evt, <>/Metadata 2004 0 R/ViewerPreferences 2005 0 R>> [10], Kroots operate in a clan-based culture across the various homeworlds. [Needs Citation], The Kroot generate little in the way of waste, excreting in the form of a pungent, oily sweat that has a variety of properties, depending on what the Kroot has consumed. Therefore, the Kroot make excellent trackers and would be extremely difficult to sneak up on. 6+. Forum adverts like this one are shown to any user who is not logged in. In fact, theres a pretty good argument to be made that Kroot have never been a competitive choice for a Tau player. (function() { stillfrosty, Dentedhead, Ravensdark, Voladilk, jps01, OShovah, UnderBheit, Fattdex, Typhoid_Garry, Takai, Mar, Dr.Zahnfleisch, Fabio Gaalsion Van Der, Merwe, CptnSnuggles, Superkroot and Shas'El Tael, Do not sell or share my personal information. HQ: Corsair Prince Kroot Hounds hit at AP -1 is combat, which is just about the most note-worthy aspect of the model. Yes kroot carnivores, shapers, hounds and krootox are in the index but as was stated in the comments there were official and unofficial codexes that added more units along with forgeworld additions such as knarlocs. Codex: Kroot Mercenaries - Index of. And its a real shame. In the lore, Kroot are skilled, cunning hunters with ferocious combat ability. You need to forward this article onto GW in hopes that they take a hint! The units in the Kroot army list use a number of special rules that are common to more than one Kroot unit. Kroot are natural hunters, using the terrain of the battlefield to their advantage. t^@!bL!4:os1:"1aX"V'.43{1JlKXbD:$C LJc|-_F%EcW1 MqV1VZ} +JtLkmmg1iC| YDAJGkUB{XPjeL`)mFZmix6#UnZrFjP. Warhammer 40,000 - Kroot Mercenaries (WH40K) A project I started attempting to bring the Kroot Mercenaries into TTS as a playable army. A poor stat-line can only be improved so much. EN. I did a GT and went 4-2 with firstborn only (aside from, Frankly, while I don't expect much from primaris upgrades to characters, I think he ended up better than we could. Next, there is the Kroot hunting rifle. Heavy Support: Fire Prism endobj These Fire Warriors would at least have a half decent armor save. Although Kroot can get onto an objective very quickly thanks to their pregame move, since no scoring happens until turn 2 your opponent will always have the chance to interact with them before you can get any points from them- and as we have already explained, it takes very little firepower to remove a squad of Kroot from any objective. What makes the all Kroot army a possibility is that in the new Codex Kroot Shapers are now HQ options. Their own verbal communication is a mixture of clicks and whistles, possibly reinforced by these pheromone exudations. Replace Close combat weapon with one of the following: power weapon for +15 points, eviscerator for +25 points or witchblade for +30 points. Due to this, the many Kroot warbands across the galaxy often look radically different. Everybody, remember Kroot Mercenaries theres a pretty good argument to be made that Kroot have been! Have a half decent armor save all to look at, with discomfort... 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