We have 52 CESSNA 206 SERIES Aircraft For Sale. Also, the width of the gear is the same as a Cessna 172, but the wing span is quite a bit longer. The landings went well after the first one when I confirmed Chelseas reminder about that last notch of flaps, making me realize Id probably not add full flaps after breaking out at IFR minimums. Wheel P/N 40-75AA & Brake P/N 30-52N Assy Used On Cessna 180, 185, 206 Series. Cessna has incorporated a small gap at the wing root that allows the forward door to be opened far enough that the rear door can be fully opened, allowing emergency egress. The engine was a 260-HP Continental IO-470 . Every backcountry airplane should be equipped with this versatile tool from the bronze age. The Cessna 205, 206, and 207, known variously as the Super Skywagon, Skywagon, Stationair, and Super Skylane are a family of single engine, general aviation aircraft with fixed landing gear used in commercial air service and also for personal use. Saddling up six adults and tossing some weight in the rear cargo area could do it, but just barely. Even the most hardened bush pilot would be impressed with the luxurious new T206's performance. Our ramp weight this June afternoon worked out to 3,270 pounds with two people on board, measured against a maximum weight of 3,809 pounds. Aided by a quartering headwind of about 15 kt, I estimated that the airplane used no more than 500 feet of asphalt. or via https://cessna.txtav.com/en/piston/cessna-turbo-stationair-hd. All specifications are based on manufacturer's calculations. Answer: FAA refers to the Federal Aviation Administration, and PMA means Parts Manufacturer Approval. 1974-75 MODEL. Currently, David flies twin retractables, notably the Pa44 Seminole and Pa30 Twin Comanche. 2023 Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, Aircraft valuation for older models and your trade in, https://cessna.txtav.com/en/piston/cessna-turbo-stationair-hd. Cessna Cessna 206 Technical Specifications Exterior Exterior Height: 9 ft 4 in Wing Span: 36 ft 0 in Length: 28 ft 3 in Interior Cabin Volume: 102 cu ft Occupancy Crew: 1 Passengers: 5 Operating Weights Max T/O Weight: 3600 Lb Max Landing Weight: 3600 Lb Operating Weight: 2116 Lb Fuel Capacity: 552 lbs Lb Payload W/Full Fuel: 932 Lb Because there is greater drag, the glide angle will be slightly steeper. In other words, if you're renting a Skylane, you can expect to pay a . On any given day I would carry loads consisting of passengers, critical medical patients, medical supplies, coal, wood, sheep, pigs, chickens, and anything else we could squeeze through the cargo doors. The IO470 seems like a really good engine from the research I've done. VNO = Safe Structural Cruising Speed: VNO is the top limit . landing gear extended speed) VLO: 140 KIAS (Max. I feel like going the turbo-charged route with either would be a smart choice although I do realize . Online Pilot Ground School and Checkride Prep:https://fly8ma.com/commercial-pilot-asel-checkride-prep-lpClick here to Check out the VLOG #Adventure: https://. The number of single-engine airplanes capable of hauling a ton of cargo or six people around are pretty limited these days. After running the engine up to full throttle with the brakes held, we had the T206 off the ground before the intersection of Runway 5/23, a distance of no more than 250 feet. The T206 likes 39 inches of manifold pressure for takeoff and climb, pulled back to 30 inches for cruise. Cessna was always ready with something bigger and better, and the 170 was born in 1948. . The modification has been available for previous 206 models, and AOPA installed a set on last year's Aero SUV Sweepstakes airplane. An STC is an approved modification to an aircraft, engine, or component. Airspeed Limitations, Manoeuvring Speedsand Performance. It's my understanding that there is no baggage space behind the seats in the 205, but maybe I'm wrong in that understanding. Cessna U206G Stationair Checklist Pre-Flight Cessna U206G Stationair Checklist EMERGENCY 802.11a Pros And Cons. Aircraft have been lost due to the pilot seat shooting aft while rotating at takeoff. Instead, the cruise speed is 188 kts, which is still significant, especially when there is a tailwind. Non-turbo models from the mid-1970s range in total airframe hours from as low as 2,700 to almost 10,000. In terms of new airplanes, the only competition is the larger Colombian-designed Gavilan (see " Bring on the Box," June 1999 Pilot), which has yet to be certified in the United States. Let's cut right to the numbers. Very little can be taken for granted when landing off-airport, so use every. Not pretty. Exterior options available for all Stationairs include a float provision kit (hoist rings, windshield brace, and reinforced firewall and main gear box), cargo pod, propeller anti-ice, and oversized wheels and tires. Also, I would now think twice before loading it up with sheep, pigs, and coal like I did in Lesotho! Unsurprisingly, many of the modifications to the 206 enhance the load-carrying and STOL performance. Base price for the T206 is $347,700. Stall Speed (Clean configuration); 48 knots: Term. Cessna 205/206/207; Cessna 208; Cessna 210; Cessna 350/400; Cessna Other; Cessna Twins; Cessna 303; Cessna 310; Cessna 320; Cessna 336/337; . Those V Speeds are derived from data collected during flight testing and then verified during the type certification of the aircraft type. 185 has a much shorter take-off run and is a good float plane "right out of the box", just don't use 2960s. Earlier models did have issues with fuel vapor locking issues, particularly when starting; however, modified fuel selectors have addressed that issue. After breaking ground, the T206 quickly accelerated to 90 and I added back-pressure for the climb, retracting the flaps through 200 feet. Suddenly the inefficient concept of an airborne SUV begins to look a little more practical. #k_IF"3OTd + Iu24Iv#%RCvJme8FDK-4' A9{R'*]P 5NAo|Eh[7O. Aircraft V-Speeds:** Note: All Speeds are for Gross Weight (2300 lbs) aircraft. If two of those passengers happen to be slightly less meaty, thered be enough fuel for a two-and-a-half-hour IFR trip with reserves based on a 20 gph fuel burn. To legally fly an NDB, this airplane was equipped with an NDB receiver. It increases wing camber and coefficient of lift, allowing the aircraft to approach around at a slower speed while still generating adequate lift. There are countless more V speeds in . Like most Stationairs, it's hard to load the new T206 out of its center-of-gravity limits. The airplane is a bit heavy on the controls, but not overly so. Find them at cessna.org/. For our next departure, the flaps were lowered to 20 degrees to simulate a soft-field takeoff. Theres been many a 206 damaged through heavy nose-wheel landings. That's likely what I'm going to end up in because I'm trying to keep my purchase under $100K and would like some decent avionics. Another important change was the redesign of the electrical system with higher quality components. << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> Thankfully, there is rudder trim to counteract the forceful torque of the 540-cubic-inch Lycoming and 79-inch-diameter propeller. You may recall that Cessna originally certified the 206H with the new Lycoming IO-580 engine. Maintenance Manual. A turbocharged version of the H series was also provided, with the Lycoming TSIO-540-AJ1A engine producing 310hp. Cessna Caravan Overview Exterior Interior Avionics Specifications Maximum Range 1,070 nm Maximum Cruise Speed 186 ktas Maximum Occupants 10 - 14 Useful Load 3,305 lb Takeoff Ground Roll 1,160 ft THE ORIGINAL TRAILBLAZER The CESSNA CARAVAN aircraft is known for its rugged utility and flexibility. Cruise speed is 142 knots (163 mph, 263 km/h), stall speed is 54 knots (63 mph, 100 km/h), and maximum speed is 151 . The previously mentioned cracking around the door frames is one to watch, although not a critical safety issue. Cessna even included mud flaps on the wheel fairings. Finally, for cargo operations, you dont have the wing spar running through the cabin as with the Pipers, making loading easier. Thanks to turbocharging (and the built-in oxygen system) we continued to race upward, passing 10,000 feet eight minutes after takeoff and 15,000 feet only 13 minutes after takeoff. I spent 4 years in Lesotho, Africa, flying the T206 into some of the most rugged mountain airstrips in the world. I flight plan out at 120kts and 16 GPH to be conservative. For example, with the normally aspirated 206H trimmed at 4,500 msl and setfor about 75-percent power - at the lowest RPM available on the charts, thankyou - and lightly loaded to about 2,900 pounds (including about 60 gallons offuel), the Stationair settled out at 147 knots true on 16 gallons an hour.Cessna's book specifications call 150 . There are few comparisons, namely the Piper PA-32 Cherokee Six/Saratoga. Heavy on the flight controls in pitch and lighter in roll, the aircraft is an ideal instrument platform. Cessnas Caravan is a top choice, but that $2.2 million price tag often puts it well out of reach for many pilots. In spite of Cessna's best efforts, it doesn't quite match the capabilities of the passenger compartment. It's real world experiences like yours that I'm hoping can keep me out of the poor house. Every owner commented on the reasonable maintenance cost, outstanding STOL characteristics, and stability as an IFR platform. Okay so sometime in the future I'd like to own an airplane. I have friends that really like larger rudders for crosswinds, but I can't really say I notice a difference. It is equal to 55 kn or 63 mph. landing gear extend/retract speed) Stall speed, full flaps: 61 KIAS The first notch of flaps can go down at 140 knots, making this a sweet machine to fly where jets might be nipping at your tail feathers. Chelsea told me to rotate at 56 knots and climb at 90 knots. Performance specifications Horsepower: 1 x 310 HP Best Cruise Speed: 164 KIAS Best Range (i): 570 NM Fuel Burn @ 75%: 19.0 GPH Stall Speed: 54 KIAS Rate of climb: 1,050 FPM Ceiling: 27,000 FT Takeoff distance: 910 FT Landing distance: 735 FT Takeoff distance over 50ft obstacle: 1,740 FT Landing distance over 50ft obstacle: 1,395 FT Weights In contrast, a constant-speed McCauley for a 230 hp Cessna Skylane costs $7,505 ($10,601 for the three-blade version) and weighs about the same. Legendary ruggedness and reliability for the single engine Cessna 206 'Stationair' aircraft. With moderate braking we made the first turnoff and headed back for some short-field work. The more generic components such as filters, wheels, tires, and brakes are off the shelf and stocked by large aviation suppliers like Aircraft Supply, Aircraft Spruce & Specialty, or Wag Aero. Start your free trial today! Such is the case with Cessna's new T206 Turbo Stationair. I spent 4 years in Lesotho, Africa, flying the T206 into some of the most rugged mountain airstrips in the world. Ah, the Cessna 206, what an amazing machine. Aircraft Specifications Type: Cessna 206 Cruising Speed: 120 Knots Max Passengers: 4 Max Payload: 700 pounds - winter 800 pounds - summer Number of aircraft in fleet: 2 Amphibious Equipped: Yes All Aircraft Pilatus PC-12 - Landplane Cessna 208B Grand Caravan - Landplane Cessna 208 Caravan - Landplane & Seaplane DeHavilland Beaver I went with the Bonanza. How fast does a Cessna fly? Millennium Editions (available for the 172SP, Skylane, and Stationair) are all outfitted in leather with the logo embossed into the seat backs, yokes, and floor mats. Still at 17,500 feet and backed off to a 75-percent power setting of 30 inches and 2,400 rpm, the T206 managed an impressive 176 kt on 20 gph. The most popular plane ever, the Cessna 172 Skyhawk, has a top speed of 188 mph. Cessnas largest piston-powered airplane also adds a door to the right rear of the fuselage to ease entry to the rear cabin, although that extra door comes at the loss of the traditional entryway on the right front of the fuselage. All rights reserved. One discussed the need to use full aft trim upon landing to aid the flare and avoid damaging the nose gear or propeller. An impressive load hauler coupled with a forgiving flight envelope, the 206 can carry between 1,500 and 1,800 pounds depending on the variant. The new cowling has large cowl flaps that do a good job of keeping engine temperatures within limits. Today, Cessna still manufactures the 206 Turbo Stationair HD with the -AJ1A 310hp Lycoming and integrated cockpit avionics utilizing dual Garmin 1000NXi displays. Cessna 206 Owner Reviews Owners report that the aircraft is easy to fly, climbs above 1,000 feet per minute with light loads, and all flights plan between 145 and 150 knots for the cruise. There are a few that require Cessna SBAI 206-57-01 accomplished before it is eligible for the gross weight increase. Typically, if someone is described as two-faced, it's a derogatory remark. The mod also increases wing area, improving lift and allowing lower operating speeds, particularly on landing. These move the center of gravity forward while taking smelly or wet cargo out of the main cabin. Hello, Daniel! Ours all have the seaplane braces, 8.50 10's and either the add on cuffs or the wing tip extension, and cargo pods. V: S1 . The cowl flap selector sits just to the right of the fuel selector value and could take a little getting used to in order to keep it in the pilots scan. 85kts or 90kts across the ground bucking headwinds from Michigan to Colorado will make one drool over 210 speeds. Users browsing this forum: No registered users and 0 guests. Leaned to peak TIT, the speed dropped to 172 kt on 16.5 gph. pilot117 offline Level. Cessna Conquest vs Beechcraft King Air 200: King or Conqueror? 101 km/h. However, we like to to take vacations westward and the turbo sure becomes advantageous when we head that direction and also seems like it would be helpful when climbing thru weather to find the clear air on top. The Stationair was originally introduced in 1963 as the 205, a fixed-gear 210, technically known as the 210-5. Kt, I estimated that the airplane is a tailwind like most Stationairs, it 's a derogatory.. Engine temperatures within limits and 16 GPH to be conservative most popular ever! Aircraft is an approved modification to an aircraft, engine, or.. Kts, which is still significant, especially when there is a tailwind Speeds are for Gross weight 2300! The flight controls in pitch and lighter in roll, the T206 quickly to! Or wet cargo out of reach for many Pilots, notably the Seminole! Browsing this forum: no registered users and 0 guests and Pilots Association, aircraft for! 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