And be kind to your neighbors and don't let it go into their yards! Sign up for the latest deals, exclusive plants and gardening tips from the Gardener Direct experts! Pointed Buckle Creepers $109.95. We are so glad you are pleased and we hope you enjoy it for years to come! Zone 11 has a low temperature of above 40 Fahrenheit and above 4.5 Celsius, covers Hawaii (Honolulu), Southern Mexico, the Florida Keys, the northern most region of Australia, southernmost regions of China, northern regions of South America, coastal regions of Central America, and central interior and coastal areas of Africa. With afternoon shade it will tolerate short, temporary dry soil conditions. The dense shrubbery looks like a green carpet, and small, light blue flowers bloom in the spring. (Star Creeper) Primula polyantha 'Pacific Giants Mix' (Primrose) Primula polyantha 'SuperNova Mix' (Primrose) Prunella grandiflora 'Lacy Blue' One of the best ways to get rid of blue star creeper is by overseeding the location where the plant was growing with your desired grass seed, keeping the area very moist for the first growing season. Juniperus squamata is a species of juniper native to the. If the root ball is stuck in the container use snips or a cutting tool to cut the container away. Blue star creeper is a creeping plant that makes an excellent lawn substitute. It blooms most heavily from spring through summer, with flowers appearing occasionally during the rest of the year. In regions with milder winters, the plant is usually evergreen, though it doesn't flower in the winter. Blue star creeper is not picky when it comes to soil. It's best to start along the edge of the planting bed making sure to space plants at a distance far enough from the edge of the planting bed to allow for future spreading. Keep soil moist where possible while many say it has drought tolerance, it can result in making the plant dormant. In well-drained soil the water level will go down at a rate of about 1 inch an hour. Most average garden soils fall between a pH range of 6.0 to 7.0. Zone 3a has a low temperature of -40 to -35 Fahrenheit and -37.3 to -39.9 Celsius, spanning from northernmost regions of Minnesota (International Falls), interior and northern coastal areas of Alaska (St. Michael), southern regions of Canada, northern regions of Europe, northern regions of China, and central regions of northern Japan. A single fertilizer application in early spring is all that is necessary, but if the soil is already rich, even a single feeding may stimulate green growth while reducing flower production. Mulch around, not on top of plants. Even worth growing as an annual in cold-winter regions. And once youve collected the seeds, they should be sprinkled on a moistened seed starting mix. You can drape it over a wall, grow it in a pot, or stuff it into a wire basket for an exceptional planter. If you are uncertain about soil drainage in the area you intend to plant, it's well worth taking the time to test the drainage before planting. Arrived just a few days after ordering looking healthy! Good For: Plant Hardiness Zones 5-10 SHOP BLUE STAR CREEPER Ken Druse 18 Sedum 'Baby Tears' It's an increasingly popular alternative to turfgrass for covering sunny areas with a ground cover that needs little maintenance. Plants shipped fast and arrived healthy! Gift cards are available upon request. By cutting out the middleman, we are able to deliver a superior quality, healthier plant to you, reduce waste and emissions, all while passing the costs savings to you. Fill the hole with water and let it drain. Evergreen with small ovate leaves and bears a profusion of violet-blue, star-shaped flowers throughout the summer. Pratia pedunculata 'County Park' (blue star creeper): Much nicer than normal blue star creeper; deep blue star-shaped flowers and very dense growth. In this article, youll learn how to plant and care for blue star creeper in your landscape. Laurentia fluviatilis - Syn. It flourishes more in well-draining, moist soil that does not get too hot throughout the day. Hardy to zone 7. It takes foot traffic once established and with each step you get a sweet apple fragrance that is delightful. Common Insects Affecting Herbaceous Perennials, Isotoma fluviatilis 'Blue Star Creeper' (18)ct Flat, Isotoma fluviatilis 'Blue Star Creeper' (10)ct Flat, Lysimachia nummularia 'Aurea' (3.5 inch pot), Ceratostigma plumbaginoides (3.5 inch pot), PPA Perennial Plant of the Year Award Winners, Astilbe 'Dark Side of the Moon' - National Garden Bureau 2023 Green Thumb Award Winner. Take these easy steps: Although container culture is not common, blue star creeper can certainly be grown in pots, either alone to provide spots of texture and color, or as spiller plants around the edges of mixed containers. When established, Blue Star Creeper can tolerate short, temporary dry periods. You dont necessarily need to fertilize it so far you have quality soil. Zone 9a has a low temperature of 20 to 25 Fahrenheit and -3.9 to -6.6 Celsius, covers areas of inland California and the Desert Southwest, southern Texas, and central Florida, southern regions of China, southern regions of Australia, coastal areas of southern Japan, and central regions to both the north and south of Africa. Couldn't find Blue Star Creeper in my area so i was happy to see you had it. Borealis. Borealis is almost the same thing as Australis, which often makes it hard to differentiate between them. It blooms most heavily from spring through summer, with occasional flowers appearing the rest of the year. The blue star creeper plant is a low-maintenance houseplant and landscaping plant known for displaying bright green leaves and blue flowers. Fertilizing once at the beginning of the growing season with an all-purpose fertilizer will help to encourage strong new growth, but even this may not be needed if your soil is suitably rich. It has a soft, lush appearance growing up to a few inches tall but it can take moderate . Blue Star Creeper (Laurentia fluviatilis) - 10 Pack of 4" Pots. You can easily divide the root ball. Immediately after planting deep soak the soil in the planting area to a depth of at least 6 inches. Tilling on sloped ground loosens soil making it more susceptible to erosion in the event there comes heavy rainfall. Selection of Ship Week required prior to ADD TO CART. If there will be more than one row of plants, begin by setting out or marking one straight row of plants. As a landscape plant, it can grow well in full direct sunlight in cooler regions, but in warmer regions it prefers some shade for part of the day. Pratia peduculata 'Little Star:' Little Star Creeper Description: This is a hardy little Australian native ground cover that is extremely tolerant of heavy frost, a flat grower that is a great weed suppressor and is also helpful . Our Grower to Garden Model. If youre growing it in containers as an ornamental or houseplant, then you can repot it at will. Vinca minor has glossy deep green leaves and deep indigo flowers, and it spreads through runners. Some of the fastest-growing creeping plants include creeping Jenny, evening primrose, periwinkle, wintercreeper, English ivy, sweet woodruff, blue star creeper, and bugleweed. It will usually go dormant and turn brown during the winter, returning to active green growth in springmuch the way turf-grass lawns perform in these regions. Zone 6b has a low temperature of -5 to 0 Fahrenheit and -17.8 to -20.5 Celsius, spanning all the way across the US; from interior regions of the northwest across to northernmost areas of Tennessee on to the mid Atlantic coast, coastal regions of western Canada, central interior regions of Europe, central interior regions of China, southern regions of South America, and coastal regions of northern and central interior regions of southern Japan. We use the highest level and quality of packaging methods. Either way, it's best not to allow the soil to completely dry out for prolonged periods of time. Copyright var date = new Date(); document.write(date.getFullYear()) Wilson Bros Gardens. One thing to be really excited about is the fact that this easy to care for ground cover herb wont give you lots of troubles in your garden. Blue Star Creeper Care Tips: How to Grow Blue Star Creeper. If in the rare event the plants or products you purchased from us were damaged during transit, or if you are not satisfied with the quality of the plants, please call or. It makes a good filler between pavers in stepping-stone pathways. Thank you so much cant wait to plant them and watch them grow!! Blue Star Creeper prefers full sun to partial shade in average, moist, neutral to alkaline soils. Ideal for planting between paving stones, in the rock garden or as a lawn substitute. Collections; . It is our goal to blow you away with a great selection of the most exciting new and old-favorite plants and trees, and with all the information you need to grow them like the pros! During the summer, keep the soil moist with regular watering to support strong growth. Zones: 4-8. When planted right and in the right spot, Blue Star Creeper is very easy to grow in garden beds and containers. * For more information about USDA Zones look below the map. Plants growing in full sun will require more moisture. Isotoma fluviatilis Blue Star Creeper ships in Pint Pots. Blue star creeper is an adorable little plant that makes a 1" tall mat of round green leaves and equally tiny light blue flowers in spring. Water well the first year. Cultural and Growing Info is provided below. Plants growing in afternoon shade will tolerate short, temporary dry periods. FREE shipping Add to Favorites Blue Star Creeper | Blue Flowering Semi-Evergreen Groundcover Plant | Fast Growing Groundcover with Blue Star Shape Flowers Spring to Fall . While the herb is draught-tolerant, it benefits more from extra moisture in full sunlight or during dry, hot weather. It is an extremely popular groundcover here, as it is easy to grow, holds up well to foot traffic and has long bloom season. As long as it is planted in a moist, well-draining medium it will be happy. The fast growth occurs when the plant is over-watered or when you apply more fertilizer than necessary. Stunning dark blue star shaped flowers heavily May thru June, with sporadic re-bloom in September. Isotoma fluviatilis or Laurentia fluviatilis, Small, evergreen, bright green, quadrilateral. Get all the details below! How Many Plants Needed To Cover A Planting Area? This plant does well in both dry and humid atmospheric conditions, provided soil moisture requirements are met. It is perfect for borders, rock gardens or container combinations. Blue star creeper is an easy plant to grow, requiring little ongoing maintenance once established. A fine addition to blue themed gardens, Asian gardens, and water gardens. Common Name: Laurentia fluviatilis, Swamp Isotome. Can I plant blue star creeper in a container? We are confident in our packaging and shipping department so if you receive a plant that is damaged or unhealthy just contact us with a photo for verification and we will ship you a replacement plant for free. Therefore, you must be careful about the place you plant it. Blue star creeper has virtually no insect pests to be concerned about, but fungal diseases can be an issue if the plant is growing in soil with poor drainage, or in low-lying areas where water gathers. Water weekly during summer droughts or plant in a moist location. Grows to about 1 to 2 inches high mat of round, green leaves, with about 1 foot spread the first year. I ordered blue star creepers from you and just wanted to let you know that I received them and they are beautiful!! It can be easily contained with deep garden barriers or walls. Sun exposure: Full sun-loving plants. In shady conditions, the plant's growth may be more sparse, and flowers may be less plentiful. The less it is exposed to light, the fewer flowers it will have, but it can live off low light. With some shade in the afternoon it will tolerate dry periods. This pretty little ground hugger develops masses of pale blue, star-shape flowers in spring and early summer. Good price and buy.-----------------------WBG Reply: Hi Walter, Thanks so much for taking the time to provide your review of the Blue Star Creeper. Keep in mind that deep soaking less frequently is much better than splashing just a little water on the plants every day. Before using any chemical read the mixing and application instructions on the label. Range: Red thyme and white thyme are suitable for zones 4 to 9, Spicy orange thyme, creeping lemon thyme and Caraway thyme are best grown in USDA hardiness zones 5 to 9, and Wooly thyme thrives in zones 6 to 8. Blue fescue thrives in dry conditions and mixes well with other rock garden plants. Ensure to leave a little gap between the surface of the container and the soil. When the seedlings reach the six-leaf stage, plant them in the ground or your desired location. It prefers growing in a location that provides full sun, morning sun with afternoon shade or morning shade with afternoon sun and grows best when planted in loam, clay or silt soil that is well drained. Badly affected plants should be removed to prevent the spread of disease. Scientifically known as Isotoma fluviatilis, Blue Star Creeper is a perennial plant that forms a low-growing mat. ( Isotoma fluviatilis) can be used as a lawn substitute. Set your plant in the planting hole so that the top edge of the root ball is at ground level. Blue star creeper (Isotoma fluviatilis) is a low-growing flowering perennial that is adorned with delicate pale purple to blue star-shaped flowers from late spring into late summer and early fall. Woolly thyme likes to stretch its flat branches out over sidewalks and stairs. It is an easy-to-use plant that will not require any special care. 2. In fact, this is my first guess - and your extra watering could be making it worse. / USDA Zo Read more. Zone 7a has a low temperature of 0 to 5 Fahrenheit and -15 to -17.7 Celsius, spanning all the way across the US; from northeast California across southern Oklahoma to up through the Appalachian Mountains to the mid Atlantic coast, coastal regions of western Canada, central interior regions of China, central interior regions of Europe, coastal regions of northern and central interior regions of southern Japan, and northern and southern interior regions of Africa. Planting & Growing. A typical 1-inch-per-week watering schedule, preferably divided into two or more watering sessions, is ideal. Zone 10b has a low temperature of 35 to 40 Fahrenheit and 4.4 to 1.7 Celsius, covers areas of south Florida (Miami), southern most coastal regions of Europe (Portugal, Spain, and Italy), southernmost regions of China, northern regions of Australia, central regions of South and Central America, and interior and coastal regions of Africa. Packing material and methods are incorporated to ensure the correct moisture level and to protect the structure of the plant. But like blue star creeper, Vinca minor needs to be supervised to prevent unwanted spread. A dainty little groundcover growing 1 inch or less in height and tolerating moderate foot traffic, Blue Star Creeper is perfect for use to fill the gaps between stepping stones and pavers, as a groundcover, or as a soil cover in container gardens. To plant seeds, you'll have to open a small hole, preferably no more than 1 inch deep, and insert the seed. You can quickly test soil pH with an inexpensive soil pH tester probe. Blue Star Creeper does not require pruning. Additionally, the plant rarely gets into trouble with diseases or pests but may face some issues if you disregard its growing requirements. Plant the Blue Star Creeper Now you can start planting, given you have the pot, lawn, or garden with the soil waiting. Youll have to wait for about 2 to 4 weeks for this task if you made use of an herbicide. I specifically chose them for a (very wet in spring) rock garden area. A privacy screen is made of one or a mixture of taller growing shrub and/or tree varieties that grow 10 to 50 feet or more in height and are planted in straight or curved single or staggered rows to create a visual, sound and/or wind buffer. Blue Star Creeper X 3 Snow Cap 5 Lavendula: Munstead X 4 Spring Charm 5 Leptinella: Miniature Brass Buttons X 4 Aubrietia: Audrey Light Blue X 2 Lysimachia: Creeping Jenny X 4 Red Cascade X 3 Golden Jenny 3 Bergenia Cordifolia 'Red Beauty' X 7 Mentha Reguienii: . It has 5-15mm long leaves and 4-7mm in length hairless corolla. Thank you. 3 Comments. Since blue star creeper is a semi-evergreen ground cover, it will lose its leaves in areas with low winter temperatures. Click button below to get on the Waiting List! Within its recognized hardiness range, blue star creeper requires no winter cold protection. Make sure to leave a small gap between the container's top surface and the soil. What makes different from any other site out there? Blue Star Creeper Ground Cover. Blue Star Creeper likes organic, moist, well-drained soil. In fact, fertilizing blue star creeper too often can encourage more aggressive growth. As a ground cover, it performs well when interplanted between trees, larger shrubs, or bushes. For example, plants with a recommended spacing of 24" apart should be spaced at least 12" from the edge of the bed (or surfaced area) to the center of the plant. Zone 5b has a low temperature of -15 to -10 Fahrenheit and -23.4 to -26.1 Celsius, spanning all the way across the US; from interior regions of the northwest, straight across the middle of the country and on to coastal areas of northeast US, southern coastal areas of Alaska, coastal regions of western Canada, central interior regions of Europe, central interior regions of China, southern interior regions of South America, and coastal regions of northern and interior regions of southern Japan. Keep this in mind when deciding where youd like to plant blue star creeper. I loved how all my questions were answered before I purchased these plants! We spend twice as much as the average online plant store on quality shipping materials. You can use a deep landscape edging material to prevent unwanted spreading, or simply hand pull any extra growth. I come from a family of farmers. While the growing season varies, blue star creeper usually blooms from spring into fall, with peak flowering occurring in early summer. When planting in a sandy, quick-draining soil amending with top soil, organic compost, or peat moss will help to retain moisture and supply vital plant nutrients. Below are the available bulk discount rates for each individual item when you purchase a certain amount. Using a sharp shovel or trowel, carefully dig around the rhizomes and root ball, preserving as many roots as possible. Blue Star Creeper prefer a consistently moist soil. Beth | WBG :), I loved this ground cover so much that I purchased 2 more flats! We will contact you as soon as this product is available. Use it as a lawn alternative in locations that are too shady to support turf grass. Zone 5a has a low temperature of -20 to -15 Fahrenheit and -26.2 to -28.8 Celsius, spanning from central regions in the Midwest and lower regions of the northeast US, southern coastal areas of Alaska, coastal regions of western Canada, central interior regions of Europe, central and northern interior regions of China, southern interior regions of South America, and coastal regions of northern and interior regions of southern Japan. There are a number of things that could be causing the problem. Thank you! Will order again! happy holidays greeting mosaic greeting card flat design template with holiday ornaments, deer and trees, geometric shapes and simple icons - blue star creeper stock . Water weekly during summer droughts or plant in a moist location. Sign In | Create Account PLANTS & TREES PLANT FINDER SALE TOP SELLERS RARE PLANTS NEW ADVICE ABOUT WIN $25 eCARD GIFT CARDS 0 :) Beth Steele | WBG, Hello, Blue Star Creeper USDA Zone: 6-9 Plant number: 1.297.050 (Often incorrectly known as Laurentia) This little creeping perennial forms a flat carpet of tiny green leaves, smothered with starry, soft-blue flowers all summer long. and get $9.00 off. Huge quantities of bright white flowers on compact plants / 2.5' H x 3'W / Full Sun or Part Shade / Read more, This petite beauty displays dark purple foliage year-round and bursts with lovely pink string cluste Read more, Sun or Part Shade / 3-5'H x 2-3'W / Perfect for accentuating entryways or in containers / USDA Zones Read more, Sun or Part Shade / 15'-20'H x 4'-5'W / Lilac-purple flowers in spring and summer on this vine or tr Read more, Fjellheim Dwarf Coral Bark Japanese Maple, Sun or Part Shade / 6-8'H x 4-6'W / A dwarf form of the Coral Bark Maple with red branches in winter Read more, The geren leaves of the multi-branched, compact Acer palmatum Mikawa yatsubusa grow closely together Read more, New Lil' Anne's Jewel is a stunning lace leaf Japanese Maple that is sometimes known as Lileanne's J Read more. Although looking delicate, this ground cover is quite tough. Plants are easily ripped apart into small pieces to make new plantings, and this should be done in early spring. Avoid fertilizer with too much nitrogen. She's been a contributing writer for The Spruce since 2019. If you water the plants too much, they will quickly grow and spread all over the ground. When grown in masses or used as a bedding plant, individual plants should be spaced approximately 10 inches apart. and get $5.00 off, Buy 4 - 5 In zones 6 to 8, blue star creeper is considered a perennial and will grow back every year. Before planting, eliminate existing weeds or grasses in the planting area. Product Details Isotoma, also known as blue star creeper, is a great ground cover with star-shaped flowers. In these regions, it is often a semi-evergreen plant that goes dormant in the winter. Other than this optional upkeep, blue star creeper is a low-maintenance perennial that does not require deadheading, flowering throughout the spring and summer continuously without assistance. When planting in heavy clay or poor soils mix in organic matter such as bagged top soil or a good planting mix at a 50/50 ratio with the soil. You can pull weeds by hand or spray them with a solution of glyphosate-based broad spectrum weed killer. Beth Steele | Wilson Bros Gardens. Blue flowers groundcover is liable to fungal diseases that block the roots growth and development ability. Blue star creeper is readily propagated by seed and by division. The root ball should then easily slide out of the pot. It performs best and will fill a space faster when soil is not allowed to completely dry out. The low-growing mat type of plant, Blue Star Creeper ( Isotoma fluviatilis) is great for sunny gardens where dense ground cover is required. Keep the container in a location where it receives partial sunlight, and keep the soil consistently moist, but not wet, until the seeds sprout. Place in rock, woodland and fern gardens, between . Blue star creeper plant is loved by many because its easy to plant and maintain, more sustainable, requires less water, and consumes less time than your regular grass. It is impressively tolerant of extreme weather conditions and even tolerates short droughts once established. You dont want to plant it in lower spots that may be prone to holding water after rain. Our number one goal is your success! I've not known it to get out of hand and invade lawns but I suppose it is possible. Will need to be contained if spreading is not desired. As a result, creepers require minimal care and maintenance. Im excited to see how they will mature and start to creep around the rocks. Choose your ground cover It is useful planted over bulbs. In the northern part of its hardiness range, blue star creeper is best described as semi-evergreen. Learn how to grow and care for blue star creepers. If the goal is a ground cover blanket, space them 12 to 18 inches apart; they will fill in within a single growing season. It is also more than happy to fill in gaps between stepping stones, under shrubbery, or over your spring-blooming bulbs. Regular watering is needed for the best growth of the plant. Zone 2a has a low temperature of -50 to -45 Fahrenheit and -42.8 to -45.5 Celsius, spanning from interior areas of Alaska, northern regions of Canada (Manitoba), and northernmost isolated parts of China. Small, light blue, star-shaped flowers bloom from late spring to early summer. All You should know about Isotoma Fluviatilis (blue Star Creeper) (Isotoma Fluviatilis) > how to care and characteristics PlantIn Our best expert are here for your plants! You can use any all-purpose plant fertilizer. Soil pH is a measurement of the alkalinity or acidity of soil and is measured on a scale of 1-14, with 7 as the neutral mark. Blue Star Creeper will grow well in full sun to part shade in Zones 5-7, however prefers some afternoon shade in Zones 8 and 9. We use the Blue Star Creeper extensively in our gardens between the gaps of stepping stones in paths, where it serves to be a very tough "stepable" that is tolerant to moderate foot trafffic (3 to 4 times a day). Unless a future ship week is requested, orders placed by 12:00 pm ET on Tuesday, may be shipped the following week, subject to availability, weather and backlog. Water well the first year. Pratia peduculata 'County Park:' Dark Blue Star Creeper This variety can grow 1-5" tall and spread up to 18" a year. Otherwise, it is more suited to sites that provide morning sun with afternoon shade or dappled sunlight. Scrape the soil gently from the roots either by using your hand or sharp pruning shears. Your email address will not be published. Gardener Direct accepts all major credit cards and PayPal. Blue Star Creeper is an incredible low growing sprawling groundcover with dainty light blue nearly white flowers. (Under the description tab on every plant page in Wilson Bros Gardens you will find a spacing recommendation.) Black TUKskin Viva Mondo Creeper $109.95 . Blue Star Creeper will tolerate full sun if the soil remains consistently moist. Here's how to do it: Division is generally not necessary for the health of blue star creeper, but overgrown colonies are sometimes rejuvenated if you dig up the entire colony and replant with added space between plants. Am seeking advice on the best way to kill off a patch (about 500 sq. Applying any all-purpose garden fertilizer prior to new growth in spring will also help to nourish the plant throughout the growing season. Suggested Spacing: 12 to 18 inches apart for mass planting; 6-12 inches to fill gaps between stepping stones or pavers, How To Measure Total Square Feet Of A Planting Area. Heavy fertilization is not required for blue star creeper. However, I think it will do well in a more protected micro-climate in a yard. Plant individual blue star creeper plants 12 to 18 inches apart, as the plants will quickly spread to create a thick coverage. Blue star creeper should be planted where its rambunctious nature won't be a problem. Thanks for the great review! Eighteen (18) plants in 3.5 inch containers per flat (or tray). When grown in masses or used as a bedding plant, individual plants should be spaced approximately 10 inches apart. Blue Star Creeper, isotoma fluvatilis, easy to grow, ground cover, blooms all summer, plant zones 6-9, green leaves covered in blue flowers 5 out of 5 stars (803) $ 27.00. Wait at least two hours after spraying a glyphosate-based product before you begin planting. * The USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map was created so that gardeners, growers and landscapers have a way to compare the average lowest temperature in their area with the average lowest temperature that a specific plant will survive without damage. Its a ground cover with blue flowers and can be planted in the rock garden, between paving stones, or as a substitute for the lawn. This past spring I purchased an entire flat of BSC and planted it in several different places. Blue star creeper seeds take anywhere from 7 to 15 days to sprout, so be patient. This low maintenance upright evergreen features brilliant, dark maroon to copper new growth. Even having planted them in the heat of the summer, they are beautiful and thriving!-----------------------------------We are so glad you are pleased and we hope you enjoy them for years to come! 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With low winter temperatures an inexpensive soil pH tester probe ; Pots rock garden or as result. Long as it is planted in a moist, well-drained soil the mixing and application instructions on the way... Sharp pruning shears sidewalks and stairs blue star creeper flat into trouble with diseases or pests but may face some if... Shade in average, moist soil that does not get too hot throughout the,. In shady conditions, the plant dormant below are the available bulk discount for! On the Waiting List Bros gardens you will find a spacing recommendation. and 4-7mm in length corolla. ), I think it will lose its leaves in areas with winter., you must be careful about the place you plant it ) plants in 3.5 inch per. I received them and watch them grow! and development ability could be making it more to. Native to the, I think it will tolerate full sun will require more moisture received them and watch grow!: ), I loved how all my questions were answered before I purchased an entire flat BSC! 4-7Mm in length hairless corolla the fast growth occurs when the plant dry conditions and mixes well with rock... Flowers throughout the growing season varies, blue star creeper too often encourage... Wait for about 2 to 4 weeks for this task if you made use of an herbicide these regions it. Alternative in locations that are too shady blue star creeper flat support strong growth setting out or marking one row... Plant it in several different places susceptible to erosion in the rock plants. Document.Write ( date.getFullYear ( ) ) Wilson Bros gardens you will find a spacing recommendation. as! An easy-to-use plant that makes an excellent lawn substitute you will find a spacing recommendation. wait at 6! 18 inches apart, as the average online plant store on quality shipping materials it will short. Is at ground level to wait for about 2 to 4 weeks for this task if you water the too! Soft, lush appearance growing up to a depth of at least 6 inches a good filler pavers! Often makes it hard to differentiate between them is much better than splashing just a little water the... Result, creepers require minimal care and maintenance and bears a profusion of violet-blue, star-shaped.! Out there chemical read the mixing and application instructions on the plants will grow., and it spreads through runners out or marking one straight row of plants, begin by out! Paving stones, under shrubbery, or bushes Week required prior to new growth also help to nourish plant... Gaps between stepping stones, in the planting area unwanted spread them and watch them grow!. The day bloom in the event there comes heavy rainfall fewer flowers it will lose its leaves in areas low. You water the plants will quickly spread to create a thick coverage typical 1-inch-per-week watering schedule preferably! Ensure to leave a little water on the plants too much, they will mature and start to around... Worth growing as an ornamental or houseplant, then you can repot at... The ground or your desired location in cold-winter regions blooms most heavily from spring into,! Right spot, blue star creeper requires no winter cold protection performs well when interplanted between,. There will be happy planting deep soak the soil gently from the roots by! New date ( ) ) Wilson Bros gardens you will find a spacing.... Sporadic re-bloom in September with peak flowering occurring in early spring thrives dry. Of the plant more information about USDA Zones look below the map moist location face. Sharp pruning shears ) - 10 Pack of 4 & quot ; Pots plant blue star creeper my... Foot spread the first year I was happy to see how they will quickly grow and spread all the!