To use ammonia to repel slugs: Dilute 1 part ammonia with 10 parts water in a sprayer. Since it gets rid of the slugs, your hostas can also be healthier as a whole, and youll see this as the season goes on. This remedy may also be effective as a natural bug spray for garden pests. The spray literally melts the pests before your eyes. Remember that household ammonia is water and ammonia. The cost of ammonia is not prohibitive, and spraying is much easier than manually collecting and disposing of the pests. All else is too iffy. Predators can get rid of slugs rather quickly, but when you dont have that option, you can use slug pellets. Others spray plants so slugs stop eating them. Other herbs and plants which may deter these critters include garlic, fennel, and even geraniums. Mix the ingredients and spray the soil with it. My 10,000 spare pennies might work, assuming they still contain enough copper! Your plants will absorb ammonium and nitrate through the assimilation process. Caffeine sometimes kills snails when they ingest it. earthworms before I try DE- on the plants they've already demolished. Once you spot the slugs chewing away at your plants, sprinkle some salt on them, and theyll die almost immediately. Thanks for sharing. The proper plant selection coupled with healthy plant enviroment solves most all of my gardening problems. Hi Phil; love all the forwards theyre fun and informative. The result, is that we are no longer battling slugs. #3. Arguably, one of the fastest ways to get all of your hostas is to spray them. Take it outside or in a well-ventilated area. thank you so much, Phil always so informative!! I had that many snails I decided to race them I made a 6 lane track with copper sides so they would not climb over as they do not like copper. My hostas are my pride and joy, so Im always hesitant to spray any type of chemical on them. Apparently the straw is making the soil conducive for the slug. Take the same care using this chemical outside as you would in your home. Just make sure you bury the cup in the ground. If you did, please share our homemade snail killer recipes and tricks on Facebook and Pinterest for your friends and family to see. Then, for maintenance, I go back a few times during the summer and drench it again with 15 or 16 parts water to 1 part ammonia. If wikiHow has helped you, please consider a small contribution to support us in helping more readers like you. Wormwood tea, made from steeping artemisia cuttings in warm water for 24 hours. Since ammonia doubles as a fertilizer, you can get a light bonus dose of fertilizer. There are lots of people here who use ammonia and water at between 10 and 15%. Coffee 2. Alternatively, you can encourage wild beetles to stay near your plants by providing dry refuges under stones, grass, or straw. Ammonia also works well to kill bacteria. Painted numbers on the shells but could not get any speed out of them so the race took a long time. If this method sounds too cruel, consider that pesticides cause a much slower death. It also works on contact with slugs. Coffee grounds does also repel squirrels. But, as to why we use it again, because we are human and are intelligent enough to figure out that if we value our flower gardens more than the slugs eating them. Kills them in seconds and does no harm to my grass or plants. But, being intelligent enough to realize these uses does not, necessarily, mean we are making the smart, healthy, or even the best alternative. If these breeds are in your immediate area, allow them to stalk the slugs in your garden soil. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. Earth Angel Hosta: Beauty in a Giant Package, Explore the World of Giant Hostas: Growing Tips and Tricks, Growing the Beautiful Stiletto Hosta Plant in Your Garden, Cheatin Heart Hosta: A Miniature Beauty with Radiant Foliage. To make garlic spray for aphids, chop many cloves of garlic; add to mineral oil and . Diatomaceous earth, also known as insect dust, kills different types of insects, such as roaches and fleas, and is even an excellent way for how to kill grubs in your lawn. I do wish youd mention it. For the same reasons we, as humans, use perfume, saps, shampoos, body wash, chemicals to process our food supply (including LOTS of ammonia, toilet bowl cleaners, car wash chemicals, sun block and the lotions, hair products and makeup that are all lade with chemicals that, if misused, cam be deadly to us, others, and other living things. Since slug larvae appear in early spring and summer, its important you get out and catch them early. Apparently soapy water also works. The disease is serious and can sometimes be fatal to humans. Encourage birds to nest in your garden by providing hedges or dense shrubbery, bird feeders, and a bird bath. Coffee grounds may have mild effects on the health of your garden. Frogs need a pond to survive, but toads only desire to be surrounded by dark and moist soil. If this happens, the seaweed will become rough, and slugs will avoid coarse seaweed, too. I spray them, and they dissolve. If you dont have any ingredients or traps lying around the house, and you want to get rid of the snails as soon as possible, head to the soil with a flashlight and pick the little pests out yourself. Honestly, people who want to control slugs without wasting money on ineffective home remedies or worse, harming their plants or their soil with high-pH concoctions, should use a product containing spinosad. Make an Ammonia Spray. Lydia Patubo is the Manager at Flowercraft Garden Center in San Francisco, California. Grind up. So you can ask for advice, but always test everything out before you spray entire areas to kill the slugs. ", butternut squash and pumpkin plant, they ate overnight. Interesting about the nettles and the method from Sepp Holzer. Most are in low concentrations compared to the ammonia so the effect is probably small. My Hostas used to be devoured every year leaving me just the ribs, now I have beautiful hostas with not a bite on them. Try baiting the slugs with a dollop of peanut butter surrounded by salt. I like growing petunias; so beautiful, but they are slugs' favorite plant. Having mixed your solution, spray around affected areas. Will Ammonia Kill Bugs Yes. Water your plants and veggies during the day. It is a deadly chemical to slugs and many other living organisms, including humans. This is not a bait. It would be worth a try to spray the leaves with it. You can also leave a cup of beer in your garden. If youre like me and youre interested in learning how to save your hostas and kill slugs with ammonia, this quick and dirty guide will fill you in. High concentrations of this chemical are extremely dangerous, and you should take steps to protect yourself with the proper safety equipment. Seaweed helps you in two ways; first, it helps vegetation grow in the garden. They were everywhere in this complex! Also, if your hostas are surrounded by other types of plants, be very careful. Its bad in the sense that if you use it improperly, you can kill your plants or even harm you. All of the techniques for getting rid of slugs suggest a dilution ratio but the product being used is not often clear. i mean the sugar lol. The copper foil idea sure did not, "Setting the cornmeal trap and the beer were both helpful. If youre trying to keep the snails away from your flowers, wrap copper strips or copper tape around the bottom of the pots. If the slugs are not dying or staying away, increase the number of eggshells you are dispersing over the soil. Over the years Ive designed my landscape using snail and slug resistant woody plants and ornamental grasses that are not seriously affected or at least result in very limited if any damage. Sprinkle the grounds on top of the soil youre protecting and watch the slugs run away. The mixture of 50% water with 50% ammonia will kill slugs instantly. While vinegar is an acid, ammonia is a strong base and will also kill any snails or slugs it contacts. Ive never heard of this. Ended up selling the ducks and went back to salting the slugs. The reason for this is because seaweed is salty, and slugs do not like salt. Luckily, ground beetles can live almost everywhere that slugs can also live. Death is instantaneous. Always remember, natural slug control will ensure your good home stays chemical-free; not only will you create an inexpensive recipe, but youll also protect your garden and surrounding wildlife with our homemade snail killer advice. Using Ammonia To Kill Slugs On Hostas This is a very common way to kill slugs. Of course, it sti-i-i-i-inks! Admittedly, my noise is not the most sensitive analytical instrument, but even the water evaporated in a few minutes. Its best to let them get rid of your slug problem in the early spring before you start planting. Because this trap will feed the slugs and it will give them a damp environment, which they love so much, theyll likely stay inside for the remainder of the night. Im not sure what you mean by limited effect but for a start most slugs natural predators are at risk if/when eating poisoned slugs. Do these methods work? Typically, the slug repellent fence runs off a nine-volt battery. There must be something. It does have a lot of tannins. To make a slug beer trap, use a takeout or storage container that is about 6 inches deep. "I hadn't realized that my straw bales were the perfect environment for slugs. He sprays the hostas with a dilute (4:1 [25%]or even weaker) solution of water and household ammonia in the evening once a week-more often in the spring or with a lot . Others spray plants so slugs stop eating them. I also prepared a video where you can see my slug actors reacting in real time to the effects of spraying soil, leaves and directly spraying the slugs. Look for low-dose metaldehyde products with less environmental impact. The slugs will eat the comfrey and leave the protected plant alone. This is for slug control. Use human hair to repel slugs. To kill slugs with ammonia when theyre larvae, youll want to drench yoursoil around your hostas. In fact, theres your most important clue right there for how to get rid of slugs and snails in the garden they like it wet. Spinosad has been certified for use in organic agriculture since 2003 by the USDA National Organic Program (NOP) and is OMRI listed. Will ammonia kill your plants? Use them to form a barricade around your plants or planting beds. Thanks for sharing Carol. You can also sprinkle some coffee grounds or coarse sand around your garden to deter the slugs. This article is not about metaldehyde and was not mentioned until YOU interjected it into the conversation. I live in a small townhouse community in southern Los Angeles near the coast. If you want to debate someone, stick to the topic instead of changing it to fit your argument. However, slugs are the bane of my hosta plants, so Im willing to make an exception in order to ensure that I have healthy and thriving plants all season long. At a loss. Going to go and collect all of the. Make sure to spray all the way to the stems. It gets dissolved easily in water to turn into an ammonium hydroxide solution. Next you must spray the tiny bodies of the slugs directly with the ammonia spray, so pay attention to when the slugs are out in full force after a rain or early in the morning. If we take a literal interpretation, you should use household ammonia right out of the bottle since its already a 5-10% solution of ammonia. Smell is gone by next day. Blessings. The simplest way to use ammonia is to prepare a bucket with a concentration of around 1:4 and just pick off the snails, throwing them into the bucket. They follow me around as I overturn mulch and check under plants. However, this is true of many garden chemicals available in stores. Note that all of these methods work just as well for snails. Slugs can be a nasty pest in your garden or yard, especially if you have hostas. Allow the solution to sit in the sprayer for 18 to 24 hours. If youre looking for a non-toxic method to get rid of your garden slug problem, try using an electric shock fence. Calcified seaweed meal is better, if you can find it. By using our site, you agree to our. The squirrels and opossums came back and so did the rats. The slugs will dissolve over time, and the plants will increase their nitrogen intake from the ammonia. Slugs are afraid of one active ingredient: Iron phosphate. Reading Maries comment on the tannins in oak leaves makes me wonder it tea would work. Can snails navigate them? This article was quite extensive and full of great ideas. Its oily and keeps a lot of pests away, and fertilizes gently at 5-1-1. Like you, we dont have any magic cures. Setting beer traps has been productive, but I feel like it is, "I saved my coffee grounds and covered the soil around the plants. You can spray this on snails and slugs to kill them directly. They dont change the pH much, but they can be a worthwhile mulch, especially in pathways. LOL Is Tea a Good Fertilizer for Houseplants? The holes they leave on my hostas and lillys are terrible and ugly. Garlic 7. Remember, what works for one person may not work for another. To get rid of garden slugs, set out some bird feeders and perches near your garden to attract birds, which are slugs' biggest natural predator. On the unharmed newest plants, going to dig them up, rinse them off, as traumatic as this will be, replant them in old nursery tree pots I have from getting new trees this year. Several studies show that metaldehyde finishes in drinking water and its impossible to clean the water from it. Knowing this information will put you at an advantage, as youll be able to work around their schedule. Have you done any searching to see if there are vegetables (or fruits, or herbs) they wont touch? If youve made it this far and you learned something new, I invite you to bookmark it and check back regularly to see new tips to keep your hostas thriving and the slugs away. To learn how to make slug traps, keep reading! By using this service, some information may be shared with YouTube. 3 Make a copper strip barrier. I havent applied that much, so it will probably just wash away. One source suggested that you should Test a plants sensitivity before spraying. The only drawback with this is that you need to reapply after a heavy rain. Thanks Marie, I hadnt heard of oak leaves as a solution before, although I do use them often in my garden. Spray WD40 around bases of patio tubs about 2 or 3 inches up sides. You cant say it doesnt work if you are not dedicated. I fought with the snails all spring and was losing the battle, but then I remembered that salt kills snails. Ducks are born slug predators, specifically the Indian runners and khaki Campbells. It takes very little. Table of Contents Removing snails and slugs From Your Garden 1. Other than the first one in this list, they have to be refreshed regularly. Within two days, the slugs should die. When hit with the spray, they died within minutes. May be worth trialling for those with access to oak leaves in Autumn. Unsurprisingly for my regular readers, my favorite strategies for how to get rid of slugs and snails in the garden center around fixing the root cause of the problem instead of using ingredients that annoy or kill the offenders: Slugs and snails love organic matter, so: The following are products that need to be purchased, but they all generally provide other benefits too: There are many things you can put on the soil. Wooden Skewer 10. If there isnt any reaction, your most likely safe. I found out that if people learned to repair the outside air vents and any holes around their sink areas in the kitchen and put stripping around their garage doors, the rats wont get in! So he made up a spray bottle of isopropyl alcohol and water (about 1/3 alcohol to 2/3 water) and went out at night with a headlamp and sprayed them wherever he saw them. I have no doubt this works. I expect this would only work with the naturally fallen leaves, rather than the green. You could see larger leaves on each plant that helps to fill in any blank spaces in your yard. Use "granule" form instead. If you have the option, start planting your garden near a frog or toad habitat. Many thanks. Over time, the ammonia can get converted to nitrate to increase your soils acidity. For the best results, monitor the soil during the early hours of the day or late at night when they come out of hiding. Ammonia can come in handy as a snail and slug killer. Moreover, it is also a helpful fertilizer as it adds nitrogen to your garden. Receive the latest Home & Garden Tips by entering your email below: We respect your privacy and take protecting it very seriously. Frogs and toads love to snack on slugs. Then, as you might have guessed by now, the rats and the opossums eat the snails, and viola`! These two methods will kill most slugs and their eggs in your garden. Don't get it on yourself. She studied Environmental Horticulture at the City College of San Francisco and has over 10 years of experience with Environmental Horticulture. Spray the repellent around your hostas and reapply as needed. Although it takes a couple of days, this product does seem to be an interesting one that Ill, probably, look for. Will putting a ring of pure Dawn around the top of the planter work? Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 2,025,048 times. No spam! Once they do, they convert them into organic molecules with nitrogen. They couldnt open their mouths as the slime is so thick. There is a gardener here in Austin that puts out a box of corn meal to feed them so they get big & plump and sells the to restaurants. Ammonia is incredibly deadly to slugs and snails, however, it must be applied directly to work. I tried to buy some of this a few months ago and couldnt find it. Except for the other ingredients in household ammonia, nothing remains after it evaporates so it cant prevent slugs from crossing the ground or traveling on plants. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. Slugs are tiny, creepy crawly creatures. Slugs can be stubborn little critters, and slug control methods can be challenging to find at a moments notice. Hi Phill, sorry about the off topic but do what would be your advice on heavy metals contaminated soil? Then, simply fill the container about 3/4 with beer. I would be interested in reading comments of others on control of slugs, including any experience on using ammonia [or other methods] to eradicate the eggs. But to me, worth the caution of adding a small free pour to a gallon jug of water. I did with three different dilutions and found that some definitely worked better than others. Are you planning having a similar article for leafminers? The pH of household ammonia is between 11 and 12, depending on concentration. What does ammonia do to soil Diluted ammonia will turn your soil more alkaline when you first apply it. How about pinecones as mulch? There are 10 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. Thanks! Thanks for the support Phil. Ive tried pestaside and salt. Getting rid of slugs for an extended period can be tricky, but using nematodes makes the problem easier to solve. Many of the slug baits that are advertised as safe do contain toxins that hurt or kill a variety of invertebrates including earthworms. Because they work and they have limited effect on the environment. If they arent snacking on the corn bran, you may have to blend it to make sure it becomes more powder-like. Another all-natural way to ensure slugs dont keep coming back to your soil is to hoe the areas you see them in regularly. With a variety of techniques including lures and traps as well as using natural predators to rid you of slugs, you'll be slug-free in no time. Glad coffee grounds worked for you. I checked several government sites and got a range of 5% to 80% household ammonia. It came at just the right time for me. Why do we use it? So, how to get rid of slugs in the garden? This deterrent may also repel unwanted insects. Affiliate Disclaimer: is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, Effective Slug Deterrent: Diatomaceous Earth, Natural Slug Repellent: Change Your Watering Schedule, All-Natural Beneficial Insect Slug Repellent, Getting Rid of Slugs using Frogs and Toads, Privacy Policy GDPR Medical Disclaimer DMCA. Sprinkle some of the natural needles in the soil you want to protect, and the slugs will get away as fast as they can. Strain and combine with soapy water, then spray onto soil or slugs. I tried a quick test. Just be aware that it has an extremely sharp odor and never mix it in a closed space. After reading about it, I wins impressed. Advertisement. Itll kill the larvae and stop the slugs lifecycle. Ive even heard of people using 1:18 or 1:20. Store the metaldehyde somewhere dogs cannot get to it. Keep in mind, if youre trying to attract natural predators, slug pellets will not help with this task, as they will deter them instead. Many of the suggested mixtures on the internet suffer from this problem. .. thanks so much. Im hoping youll analyze it for us! Metaldehyde works best on warm, dry days, but cannot be used in sunlight. When they do, they go directly to the leaves and kill your plants defense mechanisms. Just hope nobody in the future ever decides to remove the gravel and plant lawn. Would be neat to do an experiment on some plants with tea and on others with coffee. I guess companies are trying to make a better cleaning product that does not smell so badly. Carefully sprinkle this dust over flower beds or plants to get rid of slugs and pests in the garden. It's caustic stuff, so just a small spray is needed. Along with working on slugs and aphids, ammonia is a great bug deterrent because it has such a sharp and strong odor. Another great article Phil! Ive seen people use ammonia as a fertilizer, but I wanted to use it as a pesticide to get rid of the slugs without pouring nasty chemicals into my hostas like Id get with some commercial-grade pesticides. Household ammonia is reported to be great for controlling slugs. The kids ran around with shakers at night looking for as many as possible, so that cut down on them a lot. Thanks for this really helpful site.Thankyou for opening this new door. You can also create a fence with the copper at the top of the flower pots by placing the strips in the soil, on edge. Especially in potted plants! We'll take a closer look at all the ways to stop slugs from eating your hostas. Petroleum jelly works best when its set up along the edge of a flower pot, container, or plant stalk. Ammonia also doubles as a fertilizer that can help yourhostas grow bigfor long-term results. (Sorry no vegetable garden here)A light sprinkling of compost, mulch and EM makes gardening almost effortless. Typically, they are spread over the soil, then watered in. We have a severe snail problem. Youre really playing the long game when you use ammonia to kill slugs around your hostas. Im going to try the wood ash + sawdust as well as bran and cornmeal this summer. Do not keep fish in the pond, as these may eat the tadpoles. It's pretty simple as you only need to mix 1 part of ammonia with ten parts of water. As for speaking engagements, I've been offering gardening programs at my local Senior Center from March through October, and am not . They wont be all that interested in crossing that, but you may want to also include some of the strategies in this article, and of course you still need to get rid of the existing slugs and snails and their eggs from inside the perimeter. If you like this post, please share . April 18, 2023 20 comments, household ammonia and it contains 5-10% ammonia, 1 part household ammonia to 9 parts water. Ive been using this method for a few years now. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Bury a tall cup with steep sides into the soil. Combine the coffee and water in the bottle. ", taught us not to use raw straw again. What Kind of Ammonia to Use in the Garden? However, I suspect they are using the term ammonia incorrectly, and that they mean you should dilute the household ammonia by 90%. Ammonia works on snails and adult slugs. It is added to some slug products to control insects. Very informative and well written.Thank you for this! A good old fashioned approach to getting them one at a time. Vegetables: bitter greens are generally less appealing to slugs than sweet greens. I never let them spray around my unit. thanks a lot. The next time you see a slug, put it in your driveway, spray it, as instructed in the article, observe the consequence and THEN come back and report on the effectiveness. One other deterrent for snails and slugs is electricity. However, dont make the mistake of spraying straight ammonia on your hostas or youll end up with dead or dying plants. Alternate hosts: Comfrey can be used as a decoy by placing the leaves around plants to protect them. Im trying out EM this year for the first time, and will let you know how it all goes, at the end of the season.You asked for other ideas on controlling slug damage: I came across this a good few years ago: a keeper of a large collection of hostas (part of the UKs National Hosta Collection) used oak leaves as a thick mulch around all the hostas, which are so prone to slug attacks. , California protect them isnt any reaction, your most likely safe have the,. For garden pests show that metaldehyde finishes in drinking water and its to! With nitrogen but they can be stubborn little critters, and even geraniums to. Read 2,025,048 times effective as a decoy by placing the leaves with it are ammonia spray for slugs safe! Most slugs natural predators are at risk if/when eating poisoned slugs reason for this is a very common to. Of invertebrates including earthworms many other living organisms, including humans so much, so just a free! 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ammonia spray for slugs