Terms & Conditions
We are committed to complete compliance with FDA regulations and as such, because these products have not been evaluated by the FDA, we make no claims as to any benefits for products containing CBG (cannabigerol). If you decide to purchase our products, you are purchasing these products with the understanding that the present status of CBG (cannabigerol) products and are drawing your own opinions as to any additional benefits or use these products may provide.
We are committed to complete compliance with FDA regulations and as such, because these products have not been evaluated by the FDA, we make no claims as to any benefits for products containing CBG (cannabigerol). If you decide to purchase our products, you are purchasing these products with the understanding that the present status of CBG (cannabigerol) products and are drawing your own opinions as to any additional benefits or use these products may provide.
Your acceptance of the terms of purchase means you agree to and understand the refund policy. Please call or email Hempseed SoCal at info@hempseedsocal.com if there are any issues with the product you received, missing, wrong or damaged; and we are more than happy to speak with you.
Please check your shipment carefully upon arrival to ensure it has not been damaged during shipping. All claims for damaged products must be made within 72 hours. Please contact us and provide detailed information for any damaged product during shipping.
If you have any questions about whether your product is eligible for Returns, please feel free to email us.
**Please also note that we do not have a money back guarantee, as CBG does affect everyone differently. We are not able to accept back any product that has been opened or used**