Community content is available under. Lightforce Sword: 49587034 Guardian of the Throne Room: 47879985 00000018 0004 To get one of every card not already in your possesion, beat Simon once. How do you use Relinquished when you get him in the b.. How do you get a rital monster password can you give .. How many time do I have to defeat DUEL COMPUTER to pr.. The Duelists of the Roses ( True Duel Monsters 2) Duel Monsters 6. Skull Dice: 00126218 Gaia the Dragon Champion: 66889139 Ryu-Kishin Powered: 24611934 Ray & Temperature: 85309439 Contributed by: Meda Bat: 76211194 Ancient Jar: 81492226 Metal Fish: 55998462 Toon Summoned Skull: 91842653 Eatgaboon: 42578427 Reaper of the Cards: 33066139 Fusion Sage: 26902560 RELATED:Yu-Gi-Oh! You can activate the trainer options by clicking on boxes or setting values between 0 and 1. Time Seal: 35316708 Test Your Monster Hunter Rise Knowle Quiz! Dark Artist: 72520073 Ceasefire: 36468556 Man-Eating Plant: 49127943 Clown Zombie: 92667214 } All rights reserved. Little D: 42625254 Trent: 78780140 Musician King: 56907389 Koumori Dragon: 67724379 3202035A 000F Enter the passwords listed below to get the corresponding card: 7 Colored Fish: 23771716 Quiz! Fire Reaper: 53581214 Slot Machine: 03797883 Sword of Dragon's Soul: 61405855 Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon: 64335804 If you have any cheats or tips for Yu-Gi-Oh The Eternal Duelist Soul please send them in here. Soul Release: 05758500 Armored Starfish: 17535588 Enable Code (Must Be On) 00007B57 000A. Time Machine: 80987696 3202036A 0017. Horn Imp: 69669405 Contributed by: Blue-Eyed Silver Zombie: 35282433 The Eternal Duelist Soul for Gameboy Advance. Wall of Illusion: 13945283 ), stylized as Yu-Gi-Oh! Lunar Queen Elzaim: 62210247 Hibikime: 64501875 The Egyptian Gods are the most powerful monster cards in the game by large margins and are usually locked behind criteria that are often tedious and time-consuming to accomplish. Castle of Dark Illusions: 00062121 Darkworld Thorns: 43500484 Mabarrel: 98795934 Man Eater: 93553943 Masked Sorcerer: 10189126 Drooling Lizard: 16353197 Rare Fish: 80516007 Penguin Soldier: 93920745 Cyber Shield: 63224564 Mystic Plasma Zone: 18161786 Game Cheats for Game Boy - 'B' Cards, Yu-Gi-Oh! Simon: Win the Championship Tournament in November. Acid Trap Hole: 41356845 This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Yu-Gi-Oh! Despite the feeble stats, Spear Cretin is one of the most broken cards in this game, as its effect has clearly not been programmed properly. Welcome to our collection of Yu-Gi-Oh!The Eternal Duelist Soul, cheats, cheat codes, wallpapers and more for GBA .Visit our dedicated Yu-Gi-Oh!The Eternal Duelist Soul message board to discuss this game with other members. The Eternal Duelist Soul: The 10 Strongest Monster Cards. Yu-Gi-Oh! 32020346 0005 Opponents are arranged in "tiers", which are unlocked by defeating each opponent in . *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. The series premiered in Japan on April 3, 2022. Marine Beast: 29929832 Magic-Arm Shield: 96008713 text-decoration: underline; Hinotama Soul: 96851799 Parasite Paracide: 27911549 Dark Energy: 04614116 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. Horn of Light: 38552107 // When the user scrolls down 20px from the top of the document, show the button Machine Conversion Factory: 25769732 King of Some Island. Both of these cards can be used to foil an enemy's attack during their turn; Graceful Dice via boosting one's monsters' attack and defense,while Skull Dice decreases the opponent's monsters' stats in a similar manner. Cyber Saurus: 89112729 Giant Soldier of Stone: 13039848 Kurama: 85705804 Dimensional Warrior: 37043180 Gaia Power: 56594520 text-decoration: underline; Free shipping for many products! Petit Angel: 38142739 Pendulum Machine: 24433920 Chorus of Sanctuary: 81380218 }) Prohibition: 43711255 color: black!important; Giant Germ: 95178994 Several cheats for you to check out including lots of codes for getting monsters like the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon. Driving Snow: 00473469 } Left Leg of the Forbidden One: 44519536 All Cards In Trunk 2: Go to Campaign and choose any character, whilst the character is talking press select+up. Book of Secret Arts: 91595718 Flame Champion: 42599677 Reinforcements: 17814387 Normally, the Change of Heart card can be used as a 1-turn counter tactic that can give a duelist a significant advantage. Metal Dragon: 09293977 Trial of Nightmare: 77827521 Seven Tools of the Bandit: 03819470 Kattapillar: 81179446 Gust: 73079365 The Stern Mystic: 87557188 Claw Reacher: 41218256 Rose Spectre of Dunn: 32485271 .attn_link a:visited { $('#search').focus() max-width:200px; Kageningen: 80600490 Fusionist: 01641882 text-decoration: underline; The Eternal Duelist Soul cheats to be posted. Ancient Telescope: 17092736 If you're using an emulator and still can't figure out how to setup these codes, you're in luck! The Inexperienced Spy: 81820689 window.onscroll = function() {scrollFunction()}; Solemn Judgment: 41420027 Did you know if you take mask of darkness from your opponent using change of heart you can use mask of darkness effect as if it was your monster. Giant Trunade: 42703248 Strategy Guide. 32020366 0015 Forest: 87430998 Dragon Zombie: 66672569 Graceful Charity: 79571449 Masaki the Legendary Swordsman: 44287299 Charubin the Fire Knight: 37421579 Once you do the first turn second turn thing hold down L and R and the whole duel will go faster. Ghoul with an Appetite: 95265975 Forced Requisition: 74923978 Confiscation: 17375316 When you defeat them each 5 times you unlock Pegasis, Grandpa, and Simon. Yado Karu: 29380133 The Eternal Duelist Soul cheat codes. cursor: pointer; Kwagar Hercules: 95144193 Remove Trap: 51482758 One-Eyed Shield Dragon: 33064647 Nobleman of Extermination: 17449108 Air Marmot of Nefariousness: 75889523 Giant Red Seasnake: 58831685 Minomushi Warrior: 46864967 Power of Chaos is an essential learning tool for beginners who want to learn and understand how to play the Yu-Gi-Oh! Breath of Light: 20101223 Illusionist Faceless Mage: 28546905 Tomozaurus: 46457856 Earthshaker: 60866277 Crawling Dragon: 67494157 King of Yamimakai: 69455834 In the Sequel to The Eternal Duelist Soul, Yu-Gi-Oh! Steel Scorpion: 13599884 3202035C 0010 Needle Ball 3201242C 0009 NeedleWorm 32012430 0009 Negate Attack 32012434 0009 Nekogal #1 32012438 0009 Nekogal #2 3201243C 0009 Nemuriko 32012440 0009 Neo The Magic Swordsman 32012444 0009 Nimble Momonga 32012448 0009 Niwatori 3201244C 0009 Nobleman Of Crossout 32012450 0009 Nobleman Of Extermination 32012454 0009 Novoxs Prayer 32012458 0009 Numius Healer 3201245C 0009 Octoberser 32012460 0009 Ocubeam 32012464 0009 Ogre Of The Black Shadow 32012468 0009 One-Eyed Shield Dragon 3201246C 0009 Ooguchi 32012470 0009 Ookazi 32012474 0009 Orion The Battle King 32012478 0009 Oscillo Hero 3201247C 0009 Oscillo Hero #2 32012480 0009 Painful Choice 32012484 0009 Pale Beast 32012488 0009 PantherWarrior 3201248C 0009 Paralyzing Potion 32012490 0009 Parasite Paracide 32012494 0009 Parrot Dragon 32012498 0009 Patrol Robo 3201249C 0009 Peacock 320124A0 0009 Pendulum Machine 320124A4 0009 Pendulum Machine 320124A8 0009 Penguin Knight 320124AC 0009 PenguinSoldier 320124B0 0009 Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth 320124B4 0009 Performance Of Sword 320124B8 0009 Petit Angel 320124BC 0009 Petit Dragon 320124C0 0009 Petit Moth 320124C4 0009 Polymerization 320124C8 0009 Polymerization 320124CC 0009 Pot Of Greed 320124D0 0009 Power Of Kaishin 320124D4 0009 Pragtical 320124D8 0009 Premature Burial 320124DC 0009 PreventRat 320124E0 0009 Princess Of Tsurugi 320124E4 0009 Prisman 320124E8 0009 Prohibition 320124EC 0009 Protector Of TheThrone 320124F0 0009 Psychic Kappa 320124F4 0009 Pumpking The King Of Ghosts 320124F8 0009 Punished Eagle 320124FC 0009 Queen Bird 32012500 0009 Queen Of Autumn Leaves 32012504 0009 Queens Double 32012508 0009 Rabid Horseman 3201250C 0009 Raigeki 32012510 0009 Raimei 32012514 0009 Rainbow Flower 32012518 0009 Raise Body Heat 3201251C 0009 Rare Fish 32012520 0009 Ray & Temperature 32012524 0009 Reaper Of The Cards 32012528 0009 Red Archery Girl 3201252C 0009 Red Medicine 32012530 0009 Red-Eyes B. Dragon 32012534 0009 Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon 32012538 0009 Reinforcements 3201253C 0009 Relinquished 32012540 0009 Remove Trap 32012544 0009 Respect Play 32012548 0009 Restructer Revolution 3201254C 0009 Resurrection Of Chakra 32012550 0009 Reverse Trap 32012554 0009 Revival Of Dokurorider 32012558 0009 Rhaimundos Of The Red Sword 3201255C 0009 Right Arm Of The Forbidden One 32012560 0009 RightLeg Of The Forbidden One 32012564 0009 Ring Of Magnetism 32012568 0009 Riryoku 3201256C 0009 Rising Air Current 32012570 0009 Roaring Ocean Snake 32012574 0009 Robbin Goblin 32012578 0009 Rock Ogre Grotto #1 3201257C 0009 Rogue Doll 32012580 0009 Root Water 32012584 0009 Rose Spectre Of Dunn 32012588 0009 Royal Decree 3201258C 0009 Royal Guard 32012590 0009 Rude Kaiser 32012594 0009 Rush Recklessly 32012598 0009 Ryu-Kishin 3201259C 0009 Ryu-Kishin Powered 320125A0 0009 Ryu-Ran 320125A4 0009 Saber Slasher 320125A8 0009 Saggi The Dark Clown 320125AC 0009 Salamandra 320125B0 0009 Sand Stone 320125B4 0009 Sanga Of The Thunder 320125B8 0009 Sangan 320125BC 0009 Sea Kamen 320125C0 0009 Sea King Dragon 320125C4 0009 Seal Of The Ancients 320125C8 0009 Sebeks Blessing 320125CC 0009 Sectarian Of Secrets 320125D0 0009 Seiyaryu 320125D4 0009 Sengenjin 320125D8 0009 Senju Of The Thousand Hands 320125DC 0009 Serpent Night Dragon 320125E0 0009 Seven Tools Of The Bandit 320125E4 0009 Shadow Ghoul 320125E8 0009 Shadow Specter 320125EC 0009 Share The Pain 320125F0 0009 Shield & Sword 320125F4 0009 Shining Fairy 320125F8 0009 Shovel Crusher 320125FC 0009 Silver Bow And Arrow 32012600 0009 Silver Fang 32012604 0009 Sinister Serpent 32012608 0009 Skelengel 3201260C 0009 Skelgon 32012610 0009 Skull Dice 32012614 0009 Skull Guardian 32012618 0009 Skull Knight 3201261C 0009 Skull Red Bird 32012620 0009 Skull Servant 32012624 0009 Skull Stalker 32012628 0009, Have Card In Trunk Codes (Part 6) NOTE: This Game Needs Code Breaker Version 1.1 Or HIGHER!! Penguin Knight: 36039163, Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. Dragon Piper: 55763552 Hitodenchak: 46718686 Giganto: 33621868 Zoa: 24311372 Barox: 06840573 Why the Switch is the PERFECT Second Console! Wodan the Resident of the Forest: 42883273 When Chain Energy is on the field and you activate a spell that requires you to pay life points, it mistakingly does not pay the 500 for Chain Energy. Since this tide-turning card is limited to only 1 copy per deck, duelists seeking to abuse this tactic will need to use the effects of other cards to return the single copy to their hand to be played again on the desired turn. Mirror Wall: 22359980 Elegant Egotist: 90219263 Garoozis: 14977074 Ancient Brain: 42431843 Sonic Bird: 57617178 What Is Your Favorite School Subject? universe. Dorover: 24194033 Not only can this allow one to fill their field with a ridiculous force (like 5 Blue-Eyes White Dragons), but can also let a duelist create a near-infinite defensive line of Spear Cretins if one has 2 copies of this card, for they can target each other. Soul of the Pure: 47852924 Yu-Gi-Oh! Hyozanryu: 62397231 This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Yu-Gi-Oh! In Yu-Gi-Oh! 73000044 FC04 if you want to beat someone just copy what they have in their every move they can also add a few strong cards in your deck.they onli have 50 cards in their deck.add cards like gemini elf, vorse raider, ritual cards, and fusion monsters.if you want to add fusion monsters, put cyber stian in your deck. You can also ask your question on our Yu-Gi-Oh The Eternal Duelist Soul Questions & Answers page. Dragon Seeker: 28563545 Enter these codes to unlock these monsters. Horn of Heaven: 98069388 De-Spell: 19159413 Trading card game. Salamandra: 32268901 Aqua Chorus: 95132338 .attn_shift { Dark-Eyes Illusionist: 38247752 The Eternal Duelist Soul for Nintendo Game Boy Advance with these video game cheats, cheat codes, hints, hacks and walkthroughs! .attn_link a:active { Spike Seadra: 85326399 Magic Jammer: 77414722 Two-Headed King Rex: 94119974 Cyber Jar: 34124316 10 Things We Noticed in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom - Video Feature, Resident Evil 4 Remake: The Mercenaries Mode - Leon S Rank Gameplay, Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny - Official Trailer 2 | Star Wars Celebration 2023, Resident Evil 4 Clockwork Castellan Locations, Stage 2: Beat all stage 1 characters 2x each. Guardian of the Sea: 85448931 3202034C 0008 Bottom Dweller: 81386177 } Steel Ogre Grotto #2: 90908427 Millennium Shield: 32012841 Ookazi: 19523799 Light of Intervention: 62867251 font-size: 10px; Call of the Grave: 16970158 Raise Body Heat: 51267887 gtag('js', new Date()); The Eternal Duelist Soul on the Game Boy Advance, GameFAQs has 797 cheat codes and secrets. }) The Thing That Hides in the Mud: 18180762 The game features 819 cards. Gokibore: 15367030 Last Will: 85602018 Uraby: 01784619 This grants a duelist the chance to see every card in the game (except the Egyptian God cards), which can be useful for those who want an in-game way to do some research instead of looking up a card list on the internet. Blue-Winged Crown: 41396436 Enchanting Mermaid: 75376965 Boar Soldier: 21340051 Witch's Apprentice: 80741828 Crow Goblin: 77998771 Beautiful Headhuntress: 16899564 Exchange: 05556668 Graverobber: 61705417 The Sacred Cards, it's just as important to play your cards right as it is to get the right cards. Win the Championship Tournament in November. Fiend Reflection #2: 02863439 Molten Destruction: 19384334 For Yu-Gi-Oh! Rainbow Flower: 21347810 Curse Of Fiend 32011E2C 0009 Curtain Of The Dark Ones 32011E30 0009 Cyber Commander 32011E34 0009 Cyber Falcon 32011E38 0009 Cyber Jar 32011E3C 0009 Cyber Saurus 32011E40 0009 Cyber Shield 32011E44 0009 Cyber Soldier 32011E48 0009 Cyber-Stein 32011E4C 0009 Cyber-Tech Alligator 32011E50 0009 D.Human 32011E54 0009 Dancing Elf 32011E58 0009 Dark Artist 32011E5C 0009 Dark Assailant 32011E60 0009 Dark Chimera 32011E64 0009 Dark Elf 32011E68 0009 Dark Energy 32011E6C 0009 Dark Gray 32011E70 0009 Dark Hole 32011E74 0009 Dark King Of The Abyss 32011E78 0009 Dark Magic Ritual 32011E7C 0009 Dark Magician 32011E80 0009 Dark Magician 32011E84 0009 Dark Magician Girl 32011E88 0009 Dark Rabbit 32011E8C 0009 Dark Sage 32011E90 0009 Dark Shade 32011E94 0009 Dark Witch 32011E98 0009 Dark Zebra 32011E9C 0009 Dark-Eyes Illusionist 32011EA0 0009 Darkfire Dragon 32011EA4 0009 Darkfire Soldier #1 32011EA8 0009 Darkfire Soldier #2 32011EAC 0009 Darkness Approaches 32011EB0 0009 Dark-Piercing Light 32011EB4 0009 Darkworld Thorns 32011EB8 0009 Deepsea Shark 32011EBC 0009 DelinquentDuo 32011EC0 0009 De-Spell 32011EC4 0009 Destroyer Golem 32011EC8 0009 DianKeto The Cure Master 32011ECC 0009 Dice Armadillo 32011ED0 0009 Dimensional Warrior 32011ED4 0009 Disk Magician 32011ED8 0009 Dissolverock 32011EDC 0009 DNA Surgery 32011EE0 0009 Dokuroizo The Grim Reaper 32011EE4 0009 Dokurorider 32011EE8 0009 DomaThe Angel Of Silence 32011EEC 0009 Doron 32011EF0 0009 Dorover 32011EF4 0009 Dragon Capture Jar 32011EF8 0009 Dragon Piper 32011EFC 0009 Dragon Seeker 32011F00 0009 Dragon Treasure 32011F04 0009 Dragon Zombie 32011F08 0009 Dragoness The Wicked Knight 32011F0C 0009 Dream Clown 32011F10 0009 Driving Snow 32011F14 0009 Drooling Lizard 32011F18 0009 Dryad 32011F1C 0009 Dunames Dark Witch 32011F20 0009 Dungeon Worm 32011F24 0009 Dust Tornado 32011F28 0009 Earthshaker 32011F2C 0009 Eatgaboon 32011F30 0009 Eldeen 32011F34 0009 Electric Lizard 32011F38 0009 Electric Snake 32011F3C 0009 Electro-Whip 32011F40 0009 Elegant Egotist 32011F44 0009 ElfsLight 32011F48 0009 Empress Judge 32011F4C 0009 Enchanted Javelin 32011F50 0009 Enchanting Mermaid 32011F54 0009 Eradicating Aerosol 32011F58 0009 Eternal Draught 32011F5C 0009 Eternal Rest 32011F60 0009 Exchange 32011F64 0009 Exile Of The Wicked 32011F68 0009 Exodia The Forbidden One 32011F6C 0009 Eyearmor 32011F70 0009 Fairy Dragon 32011F74 0009 Fairys Hand Mirror 32011F78 0009 Fairywitch 32011F7C 0009 Faith Bird 32011F80 0009 Fake Trap 32011F84 0009 Feral Imp 32011F88 0009 Fiend Kraken 32011F8C 0009 Fiend Reflection #1 32011F90 0009 Fiend Reflection #2 32011F94 0009 Fiend Sword 32011F98 0009 Fiends Hand 32011F9C 0009 Fiends Mirror 32011FA0 0009 Final Destiny 32011FA4 0009 Final Flame 32011FA8 0009 Fire Kraken 32011FAC 0009 Fire Reaper 32011FB0 0009 Firegrass 32011FB4 0009 Firewing Pegasus 32011FB8 0009 Fireyarou 32011FBC 0009 Fissure 32011FC0 0009 Flame Cerebrus 32011FC4 0009 Flame Champion 32011FC8 0009 Flame Ghost 32011FCC 0009 Flame Manipulator 32011FD0 0009 Flame Swordsman 32011FD4 0009 Flame Swordsman 32011FD8 0009 Flame Viper 32011FDC 0009 Flash Assailant 32011FE0 0009 Flower Wolf 32011FE4 0009 Flying Kamakiri #1 32011FE8 0009 Flying Kamakiri #2 32011FEC 0009 Follow Wind 32011FF0 0009 Forced Requisition 32011FF4 0009 Forest 32011FF8 0009 Fortress Whale 32011FFC 0009 Fortress Whales Oath 32012000 0009 Frenzied Panda 32012004 0009 Fusion Sage 32012008 0009 Fusionist 3201200C 0009 GaiaPower 32012010 0009 Gaia The Dragon Champion 32012014 0009 Gaia The Fierce Knight 32012018 0009 Gaia The Fierce Knight 3201201C 0009 Gale Dogra 32012020 0009 Gamma The Magnet Warrior 32012024 0009 Ganigumo 32012028 0009, Have Card In Trunk Codes (Part 3) NOTE: This Game Needs Code Breaker Version 1.1 Or HIGHER!! Soul Hunter: 72869010 For Yu-Gi-Oh! The next future of, Enable Code (Must Be On) 00007B57 000A 10075228 0007, NOTE: This Game Needs Code Breaker Version 1.1 Or HIGHER!! Lord of Zemia: 81618817 Most of the time, how effective these are will depend entirely on RNG, however, there is a cheat programmed into the game that can allow the player to force a more desirable outcome. } Trap Master: 46461247 line-height: 24px; Go Rush!! Amphibious Bugroth: 40173854 Since this title was released . Dragon Treasure: 01435851 Malevolent Nuzzler: 99597615 Hinotama: 46130346 Pragtical: 33691040 Flame Cerebrus: 60862676 Garma Sword Oath: 78577570 Garnecia Elefantis: 49888191 Twin-Headed Fire Dragon: 78984772 Lord of the Lamp: 99510761 The person who is getting the card must pick a card he/she doesn't want anymore. Stone Ogre Grotto: 15023985 Just Desserts: 24068492 Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Yu-Gi-Oh The Eternal Duelist Soul (Nintendo GBA, 2002) Cart Only FAST Shipping at the best online prices at eBay! Lady of Faith: 17358176 Jellyfish: 14851496 Relinquished: 64631466 Nekogal #1: 01761063 Appropriate for the name of this game, Yu-Gi-Oh!The Eternal Duelist Soul is full of factors that make this game feel comfortable and nostalgic; it is full of soul. Free shipping for many products! You can submit a problem report for any non-working or fake code in the lists above. line-height: 14px !important; Harpie's Feather Duster: 18144506 Ryu-Kishin: 15303296 function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} Ultimate Offering: 80604091 Dark Witch: 35565537 Succubus Knight: 55291359 We have 108 questions and 192 answers for Yu-Gi-Oh The Eternal Duelist Soul. Anyone playing on a physical Gameboy will need to purchase a physical Gameshark device to use these codes. Greenkappa: 61831093 The Eternal Duelist Soul on the Game Boy Advance, Booster Pack Checklist by ABitLateHuh. } Wings of Wicked Flame: 92944626 Protector of the Throne: 10071456 7 Completed: 86198326 Giant Mech-Soldier: 72299832 The Bistro Butcher: 71107816 font-weight: 400; Snatch Steal: 45986603 Ceremonial Bell: 20228463 Gift of The Mystical Elf: 98299011 For example, if Call of the Haunted or Snatch Steal is active and afflicting monsters, they will be returned to their owner's hand, but the monsters will remain on the field completely unbothered when they should actually be sent back to the graveyard or returned to their true owner. An Easy Way To See Every Card In The Game, Search And Draw Specific Monster Cards Quickly, Yu-Gi-Oh! Kotodama: 19406822 All Cheats and Tips - Most Popular First. Vorse Raider: 14898066 Fairy Dragon: 20315854 Respect Play 08951260 While players who are performing a link-trade with a friend in real life, both can hit the "trade" button at various intervals to trick the game into giving both people copies of both cards that were intended to be swapped. Sonic Maid: 38942059 Waboku: 12607053 Goddess with the Third Eye: 53493204 Kanikabuto: 84103702 Jirai Gumo: 94773007 Winged Cleaver: 39175982 Ice Water: 20848593 Orion the Battle King: 02971090 Oscillo Hero: 82065276 Monstrous Bird: 35712107 Wasteland: 23424603 Root Water: 39004808 Grappler: 02906250 Elf's Light: 39897277 If you have any cheats or tips for Yu-Gi-Oh The Eternal Duelist Soul please send them in here.You can also ask your question on our Yu-Gi-Oh The Eternal Duelist Soul Questions & Answers page. Cannon Soldier: 11384280 Follow Wind: 98252586 Binding Chain: 08058240 Akihiron: 36904469 The Wandering Doomed: 93788854 Rock Ogre Grotto #1: 68846917 Major Riot: 09074847 The Eternal Duelist Soul cheats, Tips, and Codes for GBA. Oscillo Hero #2: 27324313 However, there are quite a few lesser-known aspects, such as many glitches and cheats, that can be abused to make some parts of the game ridiculous and fun in a different way than intended by the developers. Enchanted Javelin: 96355986 Meotoko: 53832650 Metal Guardian: 68339286 Leogun: 10538007 World Suppression: 12253117 Double-click the file.CT to open it. Dark Chimera: 32344688 Leghul: 12472242 Dream Clown: 13215230 32020362 0013 Dark Human: 81057959 Dark Zebra: 59784896 text-decoration: underline; The Eternal Duelist Soul. Invigoration: 98374133 Power of Kaishin: 77027445 Dark King of the Abyss: 53375573 Magazine event, and Slifer the Sky Dragon can be received in aMulti-Colored Millenium Puzzle booster pack. To get one of every card not already in your possesion, beat Simon once. Share the Pain: 56830749 } } else { Man-Eating Treasure Chest: 13723605 Spellbinding Circle: 18807108 On the actual Yu-Gi-Oh! If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a correction, please click EDIT and add it. padding:9px; Yu-Gi-Oh! Hero of the East: 89987208 Dancing Elf: 59983499 Heavy Storm: 19613556 Royal Decree: 51452091 Cockroach Knight: 33413638 The Eternal Dualist Soul (USA) Gameshark Codes and check for your code there instead! Queen's Double: 05901497 Axe of Despair: 40619825 Trakadon: 42348802 Contributed by: Call Of The Haunted: 97077563 Do you like video games more now or sometime in the past? When You defeat each of them 4 times you unlock Yami Bakura, Ishuzi Ishtar, Kaiba Seto, Shadi, and Yami Yugi,they are yet even harder.! Megamorph: 22046459 If whant a good card I got it.Its called Skull Dice. Widespread Ruin: 77754944 Fiend Sword: 22855882 Flame Viper: 02830619 Ogre of the Black Shadow: 45121025 This week, we have all the 'A' codes and 'B' codes. Zone Eater: 86100785. The Eternal Dualist Soul CodeBreaker Mastercode, Opponents Attacks Deal Zero Damage: 82018462 0000. $('#searchmod').on('', function () { Jinzo #7: 32809211 Blast Sphere: 26302522 Reshef of Destruction ( Duel Monsters 8) Stairway to the Destined Duel. Kagemusha of the Blue Flame: 15401633 Once you s.. By kschaper1986. Duel Monsters 5: Expert 1.. Card packs. Then Hold R and Press A to set Card. Flame Manipulator: 34460851 Yu-Gi-Oh! Electro-Whip: 37820550 Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales Review, Fortnite Returns to iOS, Dragon Age Director's New Studio, New Map/Ships Coming to Squadrons, Crazy Spider-Man Glitch, Microsoft's Bethesda Plans, Snyder Preferred 2-Part Justice League, Twitch Apologizes for DMCA, Mortal Kombat Film Delayed, Spider-Man Saves Will Transfer on PS5, Remote Play on PS4, Sega Sells Arcade Business, Celebrity Coming to Assassins Creed. Gaia The Fierce Knight: 06368038 Wicked Mirror: 15150371 Cyber Soldier: 44865098 The 13th Grave: 00032864 The game will now be twice as fast as normal. Mystical Capture Chain: 63515678 Directed by James Mangold, the movie also stars Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Antonio Banderas, John Rhys-Davies, Shaunette Renee Wilson, Thomas Kretschmann, Toby Jones, Boyd Holbrook, Oliver Richters, Ethann Isidore, and Mads Mikkelsen. Yami: 59197169 Yu-Gi-Oh! More Yu-Gi-Oh The Eternal Duelist Soul Cheats and Tips. Buster Blader: 78193831 function scrollFunction() { Goddess of Whim: 67959180 Wow Warrior: 69750536 Bean Soldier: 84990171 When You Defeat each o them 6 times each you beat the game! Pumpking the King of Ghosts: 29155212 The Forceful Sentry: 42829885 Germ Infection: 24668830 Sleeping Lion: 40200834 Hourglass of Courage: 43530283 Also, check House Flipper Cheats. Weather Report: 72053645 Key Mace #2: 20541432 Red Archery Girl: 65570596 Install Cheat Engine & Yugioh Eternal Duelist Sole Cheats. Longtime fans of the franchise are likely familiar with the incredible searching power of Sangan and the Witch of the Black Forest cards. By holding down the B button when the card is activated, the dice rolls will be higher, and holding down A will make the outcome lower. It is an English-language version of Yu-Gi-Oh! cards, the card number is the password - however, some cards don't have passwords. // When the user clicks on the button, scroll to the top of the document Prisman: 80234301 Thunder Dragon: 31786629 The Sacred Cards: The 10 Strongest Monster Cards, Capcom Dropping Support for Legacy Versions of Resident Evil Games, Skyrim Player Finds Incredibly Useful Shortcut Through the Mountains, Starfield's Loss is a Gain for Naughty Dog's Rumored Sci-Fi Game. June 15, 2020 by guidetonote. Painful Choice: 74191942 Kojikocy: 01184620 Water Magician: 93343894 Appropriate for the name of this game,Yu-Gi-Oh! Empress Judge: 15237615 Beat Yu-Gi-Oh! While your opponent is talking or while you are drawing, press and hold the B button to speed things up. The Eternal Duelist Soul Cheats, Codes, Action Replay Codes, Passwords, Unlockables for Game Boy Advance. Waterdragon Fairy: 66836598 GameSpot may get a commission from retail offers. If you have a card that you want on your game, you can find the password in the left bottom corner of a card. Shining Fairy: 95956346 Backup Soldier: 36280194 Panther Warrior: 42035044 LaLa Li-oon: 09430387 Skull Red Bird: 10202894 Choose your product line and set, and find exactly what you're looking for. Shovel Crusher: 71950093 42011C2C 0003 00000334 0004, 2023 - -, Yu-Gi-Oh! Dragon Capture Jar: 50045299 Sparks: 76103675 73000044 FD01 Reverse Trap: 77622396 margin-right: 15px; Follow the link provided for the emulator you're using to be taken to a guide explaining how to get these codes working. Unlimited LP: 820192E4 1F40. its worth it if the fusion monster needs 3 cards or if the monster has great attack power. card game. Once you play rock paper scissors win or lose hold L+R until game starts and game will be fast with out holding B. .announcekit-widget-badge { Choose Summon Card, Press Select to access Set command, Yu-Gi-Oh! Two-Pronged Attack: 83887306 The Snake Hair: 29491031 Curtain of the Dark Ones: 22026707 Fake Trap: 03027001 Sea Kamen: 71746462 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Darkness Approaches: 80168720 Test Your American Thanksgiving Know Quiz! 8201AE0C C601, 42013CF4 0063 Dungeon Worm: 51228280 Or click here to search for specific content. What New Summer Sport Should You Try? Winged Dragon,Guardian of the Fortress #1: 87796900 Also see GameShark Codes for more Yu-Gi-Oh! 7 Colored Fish 32011C2C 0009 7 Completed 32011C30 0009 Acid Crawler 32011C34 0009 Acid Trap Hole 32011C38 0009 Air Eater 32011C3C 0009 Air Marmot Of Nefariousness 32011C40 0009 Akakieisu 32011C44 0009 Akihiron 32011C48 0009 Alligators Sword 32011C4C 0009 Alligators Sword Dragon 32011C50 0009 Alpha The Magnet Warrior 32011C54 0009 Amazon Of The Seas 32011C58 0009 Ameba 32011C5C 0009 Amphibious Bugroth 32011C60 0009 Ancient Brain 32011C64 0009 Ancient Elf 32011C68 0009 Ancient Jar 32011C6C 0009 Ancient Lizard Warrior 32011C70 0009 Ancient One Of TheDeep Forest 32011C74 0009 Ancient Telescope 32011C78 0009 Ancient Tool 32011C7C 0009 Ansatsu 32011C80 0009 Anthrosaurus 32011C84 0009 Anti Raigeki 32011C88 0009 Anti-Magic Fragrance 32011C8C 0009 Appropriate 32011C90 0009 Aqua Chorus 32011C94 0009 Aqua Dragon 32011C98 0009 Aqua Madoor 32011C9C 0009 Arlownay 32011CA0 0009 Arma Knight 32011CA4 0009 Armaill 32011CA8 0009 Armed Ninja 32011CAC 0009 Armored Glass 32011CB0 0009 Armored Lizard 32011CB4 0009 Armored Rat 32011CB8 0009 Armored Starfish 32011CBC 0009 Armored Zombie 32011CC0 0009 Axe Of Despair 32011CC4 0009 Axe Raider 32011CC8 0009 B. Dragon Jungle King 32011CCC 0009 B. Skull Dragon 32011CD0 0009 Baby Dragon 32011CD4 0009 Backup Soldier 32011CD8 0009 Banisher Of The Light 32011CDC 0009 Barox 32011CE0 0009 Barrel Dragon 32011CE4 0009 Barrel Lily 32011CE8 0009 Barrel Rock 32011CEC 0009 Basic Insect 32011CF0 0009 Battle Ox 32011CF4 0009 Battle Steer 32011CF8 0009 Battle Warrior 32011CFC 0009 Bean Soldier 32011D00 0009 Beast Fangs 32011D04 0009 Beastking Of The Swamps 32011D08 0009 Beastly Mirror Ritual 32011D0C 0009 Beautiful Headhuntress 32011D10 0009 Beaver Warrior 32011D14 0009 Behegon 32011D18 0009 Bell Of Destruction 32011D1C 0009 Beta The Magnet Warrior 32011D20 0009 Bickuribox 32011D24 0009 Big Eye 32011D28 0009 Big Insect 32011D2C 0009 Big Shield Gardna 32011D30 0009 Binding Chain 32011D34 0009 BioPlant 32011D38 0009 Black Illusion Ritual 32011D3C 0009 Black Luster Ritual 32011D40 0009 Black Luster Soldier 32011D44 0009 Black Pendant 32011D48 0009 Blackland Fire Dragon 32011D4C 0009 Bladefly 32011D50 0009 Blast Juggler 32011D54 0009 Blast Sphere 32011D58 0009 Block Attack 32011D5C 0009 Blue Medicine 32011D60 0009 Blue-Eyed Silver Zombie 32011D64 0009 Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon 32011D68 0009 Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon 32011D6C 0009 Blue-Eyes White Dragon 32011D70 0009 Blue-Eyes White Dragon 32011D74 0009 Blue-Winged Crown 32011D78 0009 Boar Soldier 32011D7C 0009 Bolt Escargot 32011D80 0009 Book Of Secret Arts 32011D84 0009 Bottom Dweller 32011D88 0009 Bracchio-raidus 32011D8C 0009 Breath Of Light 32011D90 0009 Bright Castle 32011D94 0009 Burglar 32011D98 0009 Burning Spear 32011D9C 0009 Buster Blader 32011DA0 0009 Call Of The Dark 32011DA4 0009 Call Of The Grave 32011DA8 0009 Call Of The Haunted 32011DAC 0009 Candle Of Fate 32011DB0 0009 Cann Soldier 32011DB4 0009 Castle Of Dark Illusions 32011DB8 0009 Castle Walls 32011DBC 0009 Catapult Turtle 32011DC0 0009 Ceasefire 32011DC4 0009 Celtic Guardian 32011DC8 0009 Celtic Guardian 32011DCC 0009 Ceremonial Bell 32011DD0 0009 Chain Destruction 32011DD4 0009 Chain Energy 32011DD8 0009 Chakra 32011DDC 0009 Change Of Heart 32011DE0 0009 Charubin The Fire Knight 32011DE4 0009 Chorus Of Sanctuary 32011DE8 0009 Claw Reacher 32011DEC 0009 Clown Zombie 32011DF0 0009 Cockroach Knight 32011DF4 0009 Cocoon Of Evolution 32011DF8 0009 Commencement Dance 32011DFC 0009 Confiscation 32011E00 0009 Cosmo Queen 32011E04 0009 Crab Turtle 32011E08 0009 Crass Clown 32011E0C 0009 Crawling Dragon 32011E10 0009 Crawling Dragon #2 32011E14 0009 Crazy Fish 32011E18 0009 Crimson Sunbird 32011E1C 0009 Crow Goblin 32011E20 0009 Crush Card 32011E24 0009 Curse Of Dragon 32011E28 0009, Have Card In Trunk Codes (Part 2) NOTE: This Game Needs Code Breaker Version 1.1 Or HIGHER!! 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