Northwest 3. class 3. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. The "mass" of both of these mountains is owned by the BLM, however, there is at least one subdivision of 35-40 acre properties at the foot of them bordering on the BLM. You'll want to get up early and do as much glassing as possible before the terrain becomes impossible for glassing longer distances. The difficult part is hoping they are solid and not going to shift. Use the images below to explore related GeoTopics. Fold mountains are created where two or more of Earth's tectonic plates are pushed together. Stone sheep can be hunted in the following areas. Were still talking sheep right? The River Tees landforms of erosion and deposition, Case Study Ganges/Brahmaputra River Basin, Geological time is on a different time to human time, Different rocks create contrasting landforms and landscapes. How are Nigerias trading and political relationships changing? and more. 3..Folds - Williamsport, PA. wild sheep In my travels around these mountains the only road that seems to get regular maintenance is Pass Creek Road on the west side. The Himalayas in Asia are good examples of fold mountains. Some areas are you might be able to hunt from the highway or a logging road, but the majority of Stone sheep are found deeper within the mountains. Yet, what we might think we know about them, we quickly find out isnt as much as we think once we first decide to hunt them. This past season, my words came into practice and it showed myself just how hidden and elusive stones can be. Using the fold axis and the map pattern of the rock units at the Problem 22 placemark, what is this type of fold and which direction is it plunging? Fold mountains are often associated with continental crust. What does scenery formed by erosion look like? Another big challenge is being mentally prepared to stalk a ram multiple times after getting into range and glassing him for hours to make certain he is legal in the region youre hunting. 66 0 obj<> endobj What are the differences in global calorie intake and food supply? VmHo?liE-MUv/MMv) There are two types of fold mountains: young fold mountains (10 to 25 million years of age, e.g. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Fold mountains are mountains formed by the folding of the Earths crust. To the inexperienced eye, female sheep, especially Dall sheep, may be confused with mountain goats. Anak Krakatau & Sunda Strait Tsunami Indonesia Case Study 2018. The most striking feature of the Dall Sheep is their nearly all white color. Not every terrain where Stone sheep live is like this. Rocky Mountain Bighorn. At one time, there were an estimated 2,500 sheep in this population; today, there are about 750. You can start hunting Dall sheep in the Northwest Territories July 15 and in the Yukon on Aug. 1. 0 image. You might turn on theGeologic Map of Quail Creek SP, UToverlay and make it semi-transparent to assist your interpretation (check out the cross section in the map legend as well). Climbing on them is climbing mostly on boulders and loose talus slopes. Once a sheep locks onto you, they don't forget. I hiked off the highway about seven miles and got into some big long valleys. Sheep can pick you out so quickly and efficiently that, sometimes, it blows your mind and makes you so frustrated. What is migration and why do people migrate? Desert Bighorn ewes also typically have longer horns than other North American wild sheep females. 18 rams! Weathering and mass movement in river valleys. 702.847.8747 How can the impacts of climate change be managed? How has demand for water in the UK changed? 10..Folds - Bolivia. What challenges are associated with the growth of Rio? 0000009932 00000 n Large rams usually weigh under 220 pounds. Fold mountains can be categorized into three categories based on their age of origin - very old fold mountains, old fold mountains, and Alpine fold mountains. Print/PDF map. To describe the tectonic and geologic setting of the area surrounding Sheep Mountain Anticline, Bighorn County, Wy-1 . The Andes is a mountain range which stretches about 4,300 miles in length and has a maximum width of 430 miles. Sheep or domestic sheep (Ovis aries) are domesticated, ruminant mammals typically kept as livestock.Although the term sheep can apply to other species in the genus Ovis, in everyday usage it almost always refers to domesticated sheep.Like all ruminants, sheep are members of the order Artiodactyla, the even-toed ungulates.Numbering a little over one billion, domestic sheep are also the most . Large rifts or valleys, which can often have very large [normal] faults, are created by tensional forces. How have plants adapted to cold environments? 5..Folds - Hurricane, UT. He spiked out day after day and hunted his hot spots; he had learned where the rams hung out over the years. I hope all of you enjoyed the last article; it was great reading all of your comments. The herd continues to stay below the desired population size primarily because lamb survival is very low. The development of HEP in The Alps led to the establishment in the lower valleys of electricity-dependent industries, manufacturing such products as aluminium, chemicals, and speciality steels. [1] Rock can fold either symmetrically or asymmetrically. Our work in education at the Center, in classrooms, and in the field helps connect people to these opportunities and learn about what can be done to help wild sheep populations now and in the future. The Problem 24 placemark points to a prominent flatiron of Triassic Shinarump Conglomerate on a fold limb. Folds are classified by a wide range of names, depending on their geometry anticlines, synclines, domes, basins, and monoclines (ook those up in your textbook to learn their characteristics). [3] Aerial view of Elk Mountain (left) and Sheep Mountain (right) I have the least amount of experience hunting Desert sheep, but the time I have spent hunting them I will remember for a long time. B?eq; ]%Ic.3zQK~s_f._mwnU.,egq/wa#v UB52 6-8iOyzs{UQUc=!NCO) They are extremely hardy and are live on many of the commons in the Lake. One such threshold is age whereby fold mountains are classified into young fold mountains (aged between 10 and 15 million years) and old fold mountains (aged 200 million years and above). How has urbanisation helped Nigeria to develop? The Wyoming Game and Fish Department simply doesnt have all the answers to turn this important bighorn sheep population around. Goats horns average 10 in length. What type of fold is this? Surprise, surprise: another sheep that easily qualifies for the saying a needle in a haystack. Starting to see some similarities? Sheep Mountain is a relatively small block uplifted during Laramide time and is connected at its southern extremity to the main mass of the Medicine Bow Mountain uplift (fig. The number indicates the angle of dip(e.g., the NE fold limb has dips to the NE ranging from the 40s to the 80s, whereas the SW fold limb has dips to the SW from the high 20s to the 40s). endstream endobj 79 0 obj<>stream Dall Sheep primarily inhabit Alaska and the Yukon Territory but are also found in British Columbia and the Northwest Territories. 2022 GOHUNT, LLC. They are 50 million years old, which is actually quite new! That story has stuck with me from day one of pursuing bighorns myself and while I guided. Now, looking back, I wish I had a recording of my thoughts while I was entangled in that hell hole. Hopefully, my insight into each individual sheep species and my experiences will give you some advantage to take with you when you pursue one of these amazing animals yourself. Another characteristic of Fold Mountains is based on their location as these mountains are predominantly situated along the margins of continents with the margins being close to oceans. With keen senses, these rams challenge the best of us! Bighorn Sheep throughout North America, including our local Whiskey Mountain herd, struggle with habitat difficulties, diseases, and other challenges. The significant number of tourist visitors to The Alps has led to them becoming the most threatened mountain chain in the world; this is regarding its fragile ecological and physical system. This is because the thickest deposits of sedimentary rock are usually found along the edges of continents. It's an experience unlike any other sheep hunt; it has such a different approach to it. The Black Hills in South Dakota and the Uinta Mountains in Utah are excellent examples of upwarped mountains. "qr/*`8de,>bwl8v%6M$VLjUcY)T]zWhCVS'bpC3Tt>\tk"-~x00n C^?q3a|N;O27uY ]vg=T7O/N5gSh~QVN]1]:[[j:vk/^5.A&1']g The plane has left you, and you can be 100-200 miles from the nearest town. xb```"V&Ad`0ptp08w9{a`h_Y Ve0p+>*2%[w(w. Herdwick sheep are the native breed of the central and western Lake District. The tectonic plates push forward slowly over the years, making more and more folds. 0000001286 00000 n ]`,MaoVEGsMTmHu*'V4)y! a Problem 30a placemark = dome, whereas Problem 30b placemark = anticline, b Problem 30a placemark = anticline, whereas Problem 30b placemark = dome, c Problem 30a placemark = basin, whereas Problem 30b placemark = syncline, d Problem 30a placemark = syncline, whereas Problem 30b placemark = basin, Explore over 16 million step-by-step answers from our library. I've experienced 6 of snowfall in July as well as 100 degree temperatures. ARCO was drilling in this area a number of years ago, looking for natural gas. The most famous mountain range in the world, the Himalayas in Asia, is an example of fold mountains. Desert bighorns can be hunted in the following areas. Youll sit there and think about the few options you actually have to get close. All of it is etched into a landscape that you can sit and look at and almost see the story being told. Most of the British Columbia Stone sheep country is only accessible by plane or horses. Las Vegas, NV 89113. Wild sheep and mountain goats (Oreamnos americanus) are close cousins, both belonging to the Family Bovidae, but they are distinctly different species. These days there is a pipeline running from this area down to the Permian Basin in west Texas carrying that CO2 to be pumped down injection wells to force more oil out. This video shows a model of an avalanche is created using flour and sugar layers to represent the different types of snow fall during a season. What are the economic and environmental issues of energy production? Human activity in fold mountains - The Alps I've definitely had days in the mountains where I've wished the day would end and I would be laying in my tent. Desert Bighorn Sheep are generally smaller and lighter colored than their cousins, the Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep. What are the relative ages of the rocks exposed in the Circle Cliffs area (Problem 28 placemark)? a NW-plunging anticline Ob, NW-plunging syncline OG SE-plunging anticline od, SE-plunging syncline QUESTION 23 A1123) Folds - Williamsport, PA. They have a rounded appearance (due to denudation). If it's not the ram youre after that spots you, it will be the ewe on the ridge beside him or the young ram that was intentionally put up higher than the rest of the band to watch out for predators. deposits). startxref I must have only walked 200 yards when I stopped and did my usually routine of waiting for my hunter and in the process glassing the country. For example, the Himalayas, the world's highest mountain range, were created when India's plate collided into . Mestas, Silver Mountain, Rough Mountain, and the Spanish Peaks. Opportunities and Challenges in the Sahara Desert, Opportunities and Challenges in the Thar Desert, Opportunities and Challenges in the Western Desert. Sustainable development in the Temperate Deciduous Woodland. I became content that I had glassed everything and with my hunter next to me, we dropped down into the basin and across it to the next pass. Another example of Fold Mountains is the Andes Mountains in South America. This stream valley exposes a continuous cross section through the East Kaibab Monocline. It seemed they always had the upper hand. The results of the ____ ____ are perhaps most strikingly apparent in Earth's mountain belts. That is pretty standard information. A ewe (a female sheep) will have smaller, shorter horns that curve only slightly. 0000001448 00000 n a Problem 29a placemark = tilted strata of the monoclinal fold limb, b Problem 29b placemark = uplifted sub-horizontal strata within the fold, c Problem 29c placemark = relatively undeformed sub-horizontal strata beyond the fold. 68 0 obj<>stream Ive sat and wondered why in the heck is a sheep bedded in the worst spot possible, where just a few miles away is a nice grassy hillside. Mountain sheep are sought after by thousands of hunters every year. Then, the challenge of finding the sheep comes into play because they are a dusty brown, and they hide incredibly well in the rock, cactus and sand. He tried multiple angles of attack to hike into the thunderous hits, but with so much timber and the disadvantage of his eyesight versus theirs, not to mention that he had to make the judgement of whether or not it was a legal ram, it took many attempts to hunt those rams. Farming is the main primary activity but often only cattle and sheep rearing is possible . #>Ll What challenges have been caused by urban growth in Mumbai? The map legend identifies the types of fold axes and the colored rock units from oldest (Mm, bottom) to youngest (Kmr, top). I don't do too well in high heat and, if youre like me, I'm sure this will be a big challenge. 8..Folds - Circle Cliffs, UT. Access to over 100 million course-specific study resources, 24/7 help from Expert Tutors on 140+ subjects, Full access to over 1 million Textbook Solutions. In which direction do the beds at the Problem 26 placemarkdip? Looking at a valley or bowl for that lone ram can become almost impossible with the heat waves formed by the sun during the heat of the day. At times youre truly a prisoner to the mountains. Its the ultimate game of patience and persistence. . Which placemark corresponds to thesteep forelimb? Using the fold axis and the map pattern of the rock units at the Problem 22 placemark, what is this type of fold and which direction is it plunging? Landforms in the middle course of a river. But some find that hunting and eventually taking just one sheep isnt enough and soon find themselves pursuing whats called the Grand Slam of North American Wild Sheep(Four North American Wild Sheep - FNAWS). It is an area of excess water and deep U-shaped valleys. To do this, we must consider a different approach that includes all who are interested in and passionate about this herd. The University of Wyoming has provided the basic data collection form in the bottom link below, and the public is encouraged to help provide observational data through this form to the University. Photos (769) Directions. What is chemical and mechanical weathering? Sheep Mountain (Flathead County, Montana), List of mountains and mountain ranges of Glacier National Park (U.S.),,_Montana)&oldid=1050138744, Mountains of Glacier National Park (U.S.), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 16 October 2021, at 01:07. Our verified expert tutors typically answer within 15-30 minutes. Before the development of the theory of plate tectonics and before the internal architecture of thrust belts became well understood, the term was used to describe most mountain belts but has otherwise fallen out of use. Sheep Mountain (8,537 feet (2,602 m)) is located in the Lewis Range, Glacier National Park in the U.S. state of Montana. And trust me this is not light. How Is Climate Change Impacting The Water Cycle? Protection of cold environments as wilderness areas. Water can add 40Ibs very quickly on top of your already 50Ibs of gear. tectonic activity. Turn on theGeologic Map of Circle Cliffs, UToverlay and locate the flatirons of Jurassic Kayenta (Jk) and Wingate (Jw) on the west and east sides of the Circle Cliffs area (Problem 27a and 27b placemarks highlight two representative flatirons on the different limbs of the fold). Like anywhere, you have your rolling green hills and you have your steep rugged peaks. How is a cold environment interdependent? What are the effects of economic development in Nigeria on quality of life? Question: 1. . HUK85@`0\v[ikd[ )qO4T*Cgy Often, I found rams at the end of a valley or in a bowl. They are created at convergent plate . 1. The site is self-funded and your support is really appreciated. Since the less dense continental crust "floats" on the denser mantle rocks beneath, the weight of any crustal material forced upward to form hills, plateaus or mountains must be balanced by the buoyancy force of a much greater volume forced downward into the mantle. In the times Ive hunted Stone sheep, I know Ive missed spotting sheep. Im hoping to get another chance to chase them this winter! The downward sloping, springy branches allow the snow to slide off the tree without damaging them. Forest fires bring great habitat for sheep and new growth, but with that brings hours of frustration when trying to hike or travel with a pack string or backpack. Crustal movements of a few meters occur along faults during major ____. 2..Folds - Sheep Mountain, WY. The Problem 21 placemark takes you to Sheep Mountain, WY. 1 Johnson et al. All Rights Reserved. My experiences are coming from Canadian hunts and Mexico, I have yet to hunt the states but soon hope to. But Ill tell you, it's the most fun you can have! They are generally a dark brown to gray/brown color with a white rump patch, muzzle, and back of legs. Some areas are so thick with brush and dead timber that it can take a backpack hunter hours to cover just a few short miles. How has the growth of Lagos caused inequality? Between June and September, The Alps are popular with walkers, cable-car riders and paragliders. Sustainable development in the desert The Great Green Wall. Hundreds of square miles of Stone sheep country is covered in old forest fire burns and plenty of blow down. How is urban planning improving the quality of life for the urban poor in Rio de Janeiro? First things first: Let's take a peek into each sheeps environment and find out what we can expect to experience on a hunt. Be sparing and dont spill it, or youll be hiking down sooner than desired. Quat. b Younger rocks are exposed in the center and older rocks in the flanking flatirons. What is the impact of humans on the savanna? All fold mountains also feature the shape on an arc where one slope is concave shaped while the other slope being convex shaped. What are the different types of weathering? Which of the following is true? I've had some shoot at 20 yards, others at 500 yards; all were within the hunter's own personal limits. Explore over 16 million step-by-step answers from our library. Fold mountains include some of the biggest and mightiest mountain ranges in the world. The Alps in Switzerland are an example of fold mountains. Folding; folds are bends in layered rock that form by shearing and or by slow plastic flow. Hours past by and no sheep, so I continued to my desired location for the night. The Stone Sheep is another thinhorn sheep and a darker subspecies of the Dall Sheep. He used to spend the whole six week bighorn season in the mountains hunting. I hunted Desert sheep in the Baja area of Mexico and I will base my insight from there. The mountain ranges which are made up of numerous peaks rise over 23,000 feet above sea level, which include the worlds tallest mountain of Mount Everest. We saw rams everyday and made at least one to two stalks a day. How did I miss it? You also need to be prepared to glass for an endless number of hours into timbered and cliffed slopes in hopes of that one ram flashing you with his white backside or the sun gleaming off the crown of his horns. Ancient River Channel & Sheep Mountain - Geology of Wyoming Ancient river channel located on a large geologic fold called Sheep Mtn Anticline. There are several thresholds used to distinguish different types of Fold Mountains. Ewes typically weigh 125-150 pounds. a Older rocks are exposed in the center and younger rocks in the flanking flatirons. Scottish Blackface (Blackface) The Scottish Blackface is by far the most important blackface sheep in all of Great Britain. Ovis canadensis canadensis. WHISKEY MOUNTAIN BIGHORN SHEEP UNDERSTANDING AND SOLUTIONS THROUGH COLLABORATION Usually in Dall sheep country youre hiking in very little vegetation and the only thing holding you back is your own personal fitness. Sheep hunters run the gamut: some are planning for their first ever hunt and others have been hunting sheep for over 40 years. Expect hot arid climates where it seems like everything wants to bite and sting you. In the more extreme upland areas, goat herding is the primary type of agriculture. HtUKs8WQ5NNd0d,loZVMj!/ "=-z\qD'RFr| 2)|mBEKM)3-g %bwq{ Miles are covered on a backpack desert hunt and most of the contents of your pack that you might take on a different sheep hunt are emptied and replaced by Gatorade and water. Mestas, Silver Mountain, Rough Mountain, and the Spanish Peaks. Genus: Ovis. The Dall Sheep is actually a thinhorn sheep. WHAT! What are the physical characteristics of cold environments? Fold Mountains primarily exist as mountain ranges, and the majority of the earths well-known mountain ranges are examples of Fold Mountains. Deformation then shortens and thickens the material. Fold Mountains are also characterized by their arcuate shape whereby the mountains length greatly exceeds the width. HEP schemes often involve many different watersheds. From high mountain peaks and plateaus to glaciers and the low buck brush and timbered creek bottoms, Stone sheep wander the north and claim home in all types of terrain. Water is almost nonexistent. Note: All of my experience with this particular type of bighorn comes from hunting bighorns in British Columbia and Alberta. Fold Mountains are formed as a result of the compression of tectonic plates, which leads to the formation of large fold-like structures on the earths crust. Fold Mountains primarily exist as mountain ranges, and the majority of the earth's well-known mountain . The mountains are usually a single feature or a few small features. Coastal Environments CPD Erosional Landforms, Coastal Management and Fieldwork on the Holderness Coast, Coastal Environments CPD Erosional Erosion, Coastal Management, Deposition and Fieldwork on the Holderness Coast, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Internet Geography Plus Terms and Conditions. Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep be hunted in the following areas. Fold mountains are formed as a result of a process known as orogeny. The weather will always keep you on your toes and try to slow you down. If I could give you any type of advice, all Id say is slow down, sit down and glass. The beauty about sheep hunting is that every new hunt experience, is one more to learn from. Hunting Stone sheep can probably go down as the most remote and true backpack hunt a guy can do for sheep. Geologic Mapoverlay. Ski resorts such as Val dIsere and Les Deux Alps have been purpose-built. 0000008867 00000 n Then once darkness finally shows up, you shiver all night waiting for daylight to break. Castleton A tourist honey pot in The Peak District, Case Study Inner City Redevelopment Londons Docklands. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' $ ( %+ 0' 0' g E' 8 , A , ' m m " *lk%':Y2BJ'Qj|eH=d ;0PtE How does geology affect the formation of river landforms? Since the end of the second world war, The Alps have become the winter and summer playground of European urban dwellers. Fold mountains length greatly exceeds the width. I was on the left hand side of the basin and my goal was to get to an area to the right, but would have to make a big u shape to get there. Urals and Appalachians of the USA). From oceanfront mountains to high elevation peaks, these sheep can be found picking their way through the desolate landscape. The number indicates the angle of dip(e.g., the NE fold limb has dips to the NE ranging from the 40s to the 80s, whereas the SW fold limb has dips to the SW from the high 20s to the 40s). Both of these mountains are composed of the same granitic stock materials as Mt. I sat for an entire afternoon and the first few hours of the next morning glassing a basin that I was camped on. I may be biased, but in my eyes, Rocky Mountain bighorns are the most challenging of the four sheep species. What are the impacts of industry on the physical environment? Mestas. Sheep (10,635') and Little Sheep (9,679') Mountains are in a line heading northward from Mt. If you have hunted sheep, you know the blood boiling addiction that takes you captive. a) Which way do the beds dip on the north-side of the mountain? What are Mumbais social and economic opportunities? What name best describes the overall fold? Family: Bovidae Ewes horns are usually under 12 inches long. What factors affect population density and distribution? The Bighorn River dissects the fold approximately perpendicular to the fold trend. 0000010931 00000 n What are the effects of deforestation in the Amazon? You'll seem to drink your weight in water quickly and feel like you still want more. Take our human use of fold mountains quizto test your knowledge. What Are the Differences Between a Mountain and a Hill? Tunisia Case Study. Which of the following best describes the area around the Problem 21 placemark? In my eyes, sheep are one of the most majestic mountain animals on this planet. Zagros Mountains, seen from space. When feeding and bedding areas are challenged, goats will usually become more aggressive than sheep and push sheep out of contested territory. ' : V% , % M* % If a rock undergoes folding and is compressed to form an upward arch, this is a (n) [anticline] type fold. The most obvious differences between wild sheep and goats are hair color, horn color and structure, and hair length. How reliable are economic indicators of development? Request PDF | Fold geometry at Sheep Mountain anticline, Wyoming, constructed using airborne laser swath mapping data, outcrop-scale geologic mapping, and numerical interpolation | Constraints . What factors influence the effects and response to tectonic activity? What problems are caused by global warming? }9K_[x=dn/C1X+ kb3+j\'?%c NPES6MU1Pp4s')~;5>z@8RspX` ,P What is the impact of humans on the Taiga? 0000014735 00000 n earthquakes. Moderate 4.3 (477) Viestenz Smith Mountain Park. The upwardly convex folds are referred to as anticlines. 0000005805 00000 n Anticline 2. Which of the following best describes the area around the Problem 21 placemark? Small populations found in other states, including Wyoming, exist because of transplantation. The Problem 21 placemark takes you to Sheep Mountain, WY. While down in Desert sheep country the last time, we were chasing Desert rams with a bow. c) What type of fold is Sheep mountain? Why Is Biodiversity Critical To Life On Earth? Question: QUESTION 22 A022) Folds - Sheep Mountain, WY. This is a hunt that must be planned well in advance for both gear and cost. Dall sheep can be hunted in the following areas. Extreme weather in the UK Beast from the East, Extreme Weather in the UK Summer Heatwave 2018. The theme that ties them all together is that all of these hunters carry the same passion. Read it Here: NATIONAL BIGHORN SHEEP CENTERProviding education and outreach for the national conservation of wild sheep, wildlife, and wildlands, USEFUL LINKS - Request an EcoTour- Schedule a program for your school- About us, CONTACT USP.O. They are ideally suited to the Alpine environment. 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Ranges in the center and older rocks are exposed in the center and rocks... Quite new another example of fold mountains quizto test your knowledge thinhorn sheep a. Usually found along the edges of continents every terrain where Stone sheep country the last,!, Case Study 2018 note: all of it is etched into a landscape that you have... Hunters run the gamut: some are planning for their first ever hunt and have... To turn this important Bighorn sheep be hunted in the world while other. All the answers to turn this important Bighorn sheep be hunted in the Cliffs! As possible before the terrain becomes impossible for glassing longer distances East, extreme weather the! 0 obj < > endobj what are the most famous Mountain range which stretches about 4,300 miles in and. The first few hours of the Dall sheep can be Bighorn River dissects the fold trend during ____. 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Indonesia Case Study Inner City Redevelopment Londons Docklands. anticline od, syncline... The Peak District, Case Study Inner City Redevelopment Londons Docklands. ],...

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what type of fold is sheep mountain?