Valorum May 18, 2017 at 11:37 Two problems with this question: 1. Vader, once again Anakin Skywalker, died as a result of the injuries he sustained in killing the Emperor, but not before proving Amidala's final words correct; there was still good within Darth Vader. She was also horrified to learn about Anakins massacre of the Tusken Raiders and the fact that Padm still married him despite knowing about it. Padme had supported Apailana's bid for election. Amidala and the Loyalist Committee meet with Chancellor Palpatine. Amidala was accompanied by Skywalker's Padawan Ahsoka Tano, who had been experiencing visions that the supposedly dead bounty hunter Aurra Sing was planning to kill the Naboo senator. Clovis, in turn, believed that Amidala wanted to resurrect their relationship and brought her to a Separatist meeting. The success of the Motion gained Padm the trust of Mothma, but cost her her friendship with Mina, since she was directly responsible for Mina failing to follow Dooku's orders. She campaigned herself as "Candidate Amidala," with anonymity being customary for candidates and monarchs. [59], Sometime later, Amidala was present in the Galactic Senate when Queen Julia of Bardotta contacted Chancellor Palpatine and requested assistance from the Senate regarding the disappearance of several Dagoyan Masters. She would say it as soon as she reached her. While Kenobi was forced to delegate the rescue of 3PO to R2, to ensure that the hyperdrive stayed offline, Skywalker and Amidala made their way to the bridge to make adjustments to the navicomputer that would cause the Malevolence to fly into a moon. [26] Always at the center of the galaxy, Amidala was a determined and brave survivor. On one occasion, after escaping her nanny droid WA-2V, Leia Organa sat in front of the statue with her adoptive mother Breha Organa who told her Amidala's story and that Leia had the same spark inside her that Amidala had. Following a skirmish with the Moogan smugglers, during which Amidala dispatched two of the smugglers after the police chief was injured, Satine had the warehouse and its contents burned down. The queen revealed that a squad of battle droids had been found and destroyed onworld, and requested that Amidala petition the Senate or the Jedi Council to help protect Naboo. [18], During the Clone Wars, when Clovis was suspected by the Jedi Council of aiding the Separatist cause, Amidala was sent to gather information on his dealings. Unfortunately, Amidala knew that more evidence would be needed to warrant action by the Senate or the Jedi. WebHe was clearly saddened when she died. Sidious, of course, told him that she died due to Anakin losing control over his anger. She was able to contact Skywalker and Kenobi, who had boarded the ship to rescue her. 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Padm did not see C-3PO again until ten years later, when she returns to She then told Tarmin how her whole life as a queen, then a senator, fought for peace and she had to believe that the Republic would come out of the war more united than ever before. Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Character Encyclopedia - Join the Battle! Leia visited Naboo, under the alias of First Minister Solo, with Evaan Verlaine to find surviving Alderaanians. Before being queen, Padm put the work in and trained in politics so that even as a young teen, she was prepared for the task ahead of her when elected. [30], Shortly after the Battle of Teth, Amidala spoke with the Chancellor about Naboo's new security measures due to several new battles in the Outer Rim. [73], However Panaka was unable to tell Palpatine about Leia as shortly after Leia and Daln left Panaka was assassinated by Saw Gerrera's Partisans. Dooku then sent them a message informing them Bonteri had been killed during an attack he attributed to the Republic. I [40], Amidala facing Cad Bane during the Senate hostage crisis, While Amidala and Skywalker were arranging a party for her colleague Senator Aang, they discovered that they were short on jogan fruit, an essential ingredient in jogan fruitcake. Though the Jedi Code forbade personal relationships, deeming attachment, and possession unbecoming of a Jedi, the two gradually became closer as their feelings for each other grew. Skywalker cut the shuttle in half, releasing himself, Amidala and the droids onto the sloped roof of the Senate building. Amidala asked Stin if there was anything the Republic could do for his people. When Dooku made another attempt to kidnap the Chancellor, she arrived with the Naboo Palace Guard to protect him.[54]. Skywalker managed to kill the kouhuns, and Kenobi jumped through the bedroom window and grabbed on to the droid as security officers rushed into the apartment. At that point, Master Yoda arrived with the newly christened Grand Army of the Republic, and the Battle of Geonosis began in earnest. After Skywalker remarked that Ventress was incapable of love due to her dark-side background, Padm responded that Ventress's love for Vos could lead him back to the light side.[62]. Meanwhile, Amidala was talking with Skywalker in her office. [90], Clovis holding an unconscious and poisoned Amidala, During Amidala's first year in the Galactic Senate, she grew close with Rush Clovis, a senator from Scipio. Clovis refused to lend any more credits for the Separatists to build a new droid foundry on Geonosis. After settling in that night, Amidala requested that there be no guards in her room, much to Panaka's dismay. She, Skywalker, and R2-D2 departed aboard the AA-9 Freighter-Liner Jendirian Valley, a refugee ship[10] leaving from the western spaceport of Port Quarter. With thunderous applause. When Padm later confronted Anakin, repulsed by his acts and his self-professed plans to overthrow the new Emperor, he Force choked her in a fit of rage. [19], Back in her suite, Sab revealed that Harli had invited her and her fellow handmaidens to attend a Neurotransmitter Affection concert at the Theed Odeon that night, offering tickets she had due to her cousin being a backup singer with the famous band. The ship did indeed explode with the general aboard, taking several battle droids with it, but he survived. [16] Her father was a friend of Senator Onaconda Farr, who represented the solar system of Rodia in the Senate of the Galactic Republic. Marvel Comics and Peach Momoko Reveal New, Bounty Hunting Highlights: 5 of Our Favorite Moments from, Rebels Recon: Inside "The Siege of Lothal", Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series Episode II, Padme's Original Fate In 'Star Wars' Was Much More Badass, The Star Wars Archives: Episodes IIII, 19992005, Fan Spotlight: Momo Naberrie, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. After Padme died, Anakin had already fully committed to the dark side. The explosion killed several of her guards as well as Amidala's double, Cord. Anakin then saw Obi-Wan, who had snuck aboard Amidala's ship, and believing that his wife had betrayed him, and ignoring her protests on the matter, strangled Amidala with the Force until he was ordered to release her by Obi-Wan. [10] At the same age, she started a two-year mandate as supervisor of Theed, the capital city of Naboo.[3]. Padm gave his arm another squeeze, got up from her place beside him, and walked away, tucking a small, white ornament into a pocket as she did so. Padme simply died after giving birth to her children. At the time when Padme was 6, she was sent to a Jedi Academy as she became part of the Jedi Order with her other older brother, Ren. Warning: SPOILERS forStar Wars: Darth Vader #2. After Governor Bibble passed her the royal scepter that was indicative of her rule, the now-ex Queen Sanandrassa gave her a tour of the Theed Royal Palace. I think Padme died from an underlying undiagnosed Takatsubo cardiomyopathy as a result of her being force choked. She took it upon herself to search the swamplands for signs of a greater Separatist presence on her homeworld, as had been indicated by a captured tactical droid and a bug on it. Clovis became head of the Banking Clan,[60] but she discovered he had done it on Dooku's behalf, raising interest rates for the Republic before Separatist forces came to occupy Scipio. She spoke her mind to the Senate and was able to convince the Gungans to unite against the Trade Federation. Padm Amidala's life was always destined to end in tragedy; she was beloved by Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen One, the man whom Emperor Palpatine had decided tofashion into his Sith Apprentice. Even if he still desired to do good, his anger had corrupted him to the point of no return. They infiltrated the Senate and overpowered the Senate Commandos guarding the entrance. Amidala and Kryze visited the school to investigate the poisoning. Born RELATED: Did Darth Vader Know That Leia Was His Daughter? During their conversation, Skywalker even gave his lightsaber to Amidala to show her that he trusted her with his life. [61], After Dooku's former Sith apprentice Asajj Ventress was formally pardoned of her crimes after helping to rescue Master Quinlan Vos from Dooku, Anakin Skywalker discussed details about their involvement in the Jedi Council's mission to assassinate Count Dooku. Requesting that Skywalker relay his message to Coruscant, Kenobi informed the Jedi and the Senate what he had discovered, just before he was captured. Amidala's children played a major role in the fragmentation of the Empire and the redemption of her husband. Upon her arrival on Krystar, Amidala and Kenobi met with Regent Queb under the guise of a diplomatic aid mission. [59], In the final days of the Clone Wars, Amidala revealed that she was pregnant with Anakin's child, with her making plans to return home to Naboo to fix up a room for the baby so that it could be born there. After returning to Alderaan Princess Leia discussed her and Panaka's meeting with her adoptive mother Queen Breha causing Breha to tremble and look as though she'd aged years in a minute. She hired three new handmaidens to act as Senate aides, Versaat, Cordyn, and Dorra, who later took the names Vers, Cord, and Dorm. Amidala and Organa argued against the proposal in the Senate. [10] The two both made mistakes that revealed the truth of themselves to the other. Naberrie was very fond of the Rodian, whom she referred to as "Uncle Ono. Amidala and Rab returned to the palace, a furious Panaka confronted them. While she wished to plead for the Senate to rescue her homeworld, Palpatine informed her that the assembly was too corrupt to care about their situation. Skywalker sent R2-D2 and C-3PO to buy jogan fruit from the marketplace in Coruscant. Before she departed, Amidala hid Skywalker's lightsaber under her sleeve. Upon landing, her cruiser was hit in an assassination attempt by bounty hunter Zam Wesell, who had been hired to kill Amidala by Jango Fett, himself under the employee of Count Dooku. [19], The next day, Amidala met Panaka's first recruit, Tsabin. With her dying breath, she insisted that there was still good in the former Anakin Skywalker, who embraced the persona She took the Possibility to Mokivj, but was shot down by vulture droids. During this time, she realized that Chancellor Palpatine wasn't as welcoming as he had originally seemed, especially when he refused to allow her onto his antislavery committee, knowing that she cared deeply about the issue. However, Jinn and his apprentice Kenobi had met the Gungans at the beginning of the invasion, and the natives had expressed their lack of interest for the fate of the Naboo humans. The heavily pregnant Amidala lies unconscious after being choked by Vader. After Organa was forced to withdraw her candidacy for First Senator of the New Republic when Lady Carise Sindian exposed her as the daughter of Darth Vader and Padm Amidala, Leia admitted her true parentage in front of the Galactic Senate. Tano then brought the bomb squad, and the bomb was deactivated. Before Amidala left, Satine suggested sending an undercover Jedi agent to investigate the Royal Academy of Government, and Amidala promised to bring the matter before Master Yoda.[39]. It seemed fitting they would show again today. Palpatine was a charismatic politician and maneuvered the game of politics very well. She tried to move away from the heavy cruiser, but was pulled in by the Malevolence's tractor beam. [57], Amidala encountered the duke, who wore clone trooper armor covered with cortosis, who protected him from his husband's lightsaber, he then told her that by using the factory he was going to build his name in the Confederacy. [22] Although she was not the youngest sovereign ever elected,[10] it had been a long time since a Naboo queen had been as young as her,[19] and she would later question her own maturity at the time of her election. As a sign of trust, the real Amidala decided to reveal her identity, which surprised not only the Gungans, but also all of her companions. [19] When Naberrie was seven, she traveled with her father to Shadda-Bi-Boran to help relocate the population in the wake of an ecological disaster. [41], Following the hostage crisis, Amidala and Skywalker decided to take some time off. [16], Ten years after the Invasion of Naboo, former Jedi Count Dooku became the public face of a Confederacy of Independent Systems that had withdrawn from the Republic in opposition to the corruption they believed had enveloped the Senate. 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what did padme say when she died