Through swim lessons, aquatic fitness classes, and other programs, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Anti-Oppression, National Young Leaders Advisory Committee. Cooper YMCA Cooper YMCA Gym Schedule Cooper YMCA Indoor Pool Schedule Copple Family YMCA Rwx \q4AhvI3m.Hj4f g )g?]fw$41V9Up4q7R\*O`XOn^v;PF~-? lf\&8Jw/Js QLj'3 Yw!+Y=TmwpO QwW1``DIckvMuS &Gb*&xvTc6,X1uq[9VK#x?G[F2uQZF]LtGUp JY0@&?UUsS~r4@blE l-VOlhkFl_o endobj BURBANK YMCA (READING) Come in and swim! <> The YMCA of Central Massachusetts' Branches offer classes for all ages, all levels, and all interests. Want to add a little variety to group fitness classes? ycL6 7K95'ATn A>R#_ g5p7PKx!lC!smn(hW6 oTmb o/850f+jkwjaF~hI0SwB=m Z*6z/a1ABFZ}d*pe(C ^s= [ RDl+H, <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> ONLY COAST GUARD- . Fredericton Indoor Pool 79 Carrington LN, E3A 5R5 Swim Schedule | Swim Lessons | Updates & Cancellations | Pool Availability | Request To Book Features: water slide, tarzan rope, recreational 25m pool, 92-degree swirl pool and sauna, and is wheelchair accessible. YMCA OF GREATER BOSTON | All Rights Reserved | Privacy. To stay up to date with any schedule changes, download the YMCA of Fredericton app or sign up for the. /CropBox [0.0 7.9200063 612.0 799.92] <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> /Lang (en) CPR Classes Lifeguard Certification & More! Pickleball is a paddle sport that combines many elements of tennis, badminton and ping-pong and is also fun, social, and friendly. The pool closes 1/2 hour before the club closes. & 1TsAK4'@EBph0*Zc# G ]J6`'J2.Db@Q' MR[vF APR@ In Stage 1, the parent/guardian works with their child to develop comfort with the following swim skills: underwater exploration, floating and learning to safely exit the pool. Summer Connors Memorial Swimming Pool 12 Swimming Pools "This pool reopened in 2012 after many years being closed. Flexibility and proper stretching techniques will be taught. Private swim lessons for youth and adults are scheduled at the convenience of the individual, the instructor and pool availability. 285 Martin Luther King Boulevard G :RyJj4U:;VFP-V~5K+Ku^#l*;t13<=8Nf0 ?+2 (I_$m(qP6oo/_7:&&0! i1pBXSZXe2Ookn t701)'S04d}+{E 3 0 obj /Type /Catalog << << Hi-tech cardio machines. Updated Pool Schedule!!! The guidance you'll get from a certified personal trainer will eliminate the guessing game and will create a plan for you to achieve your goals! Rhythmic breathing and integrated arm and leg action are introduced. Offer includes one lesson, per child, per session. This includes, but is not limited to: Thunder, Lightning, Heavy Rain, Extreme Winds. Cabot campers have the unique opportunity to develop their own daily schedule to fit their personal interests. /XObject << /Kids [5 0 R 6 0 R] THE FOLLOWING POOL HOURS ARE AVAILABLE TO WAC MEMBERS for the 2022-23 Fall/Winter/Spring (September 22-June 23): Pick up a schedule at the front desk for more information. Join the Niagara West YMCA, Grimsby today. Please note: the pool is closed Monday, Wednesday and Sunday from 8am to 9am for cleaning. L IF E G UAR D. AT ALL. During Inclement Weather, both the Indoor and Outdoor Pools will close. ADULT OPEN SWIM - Indoor Pool Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 8:00a-9:00a 2 Lanes 10:00a-12:00p 2 Lanes 1:00p-3:00p 2 Lanes 7:00p-8:45p 2 Lanes The Y is happy to welcome your children in our Child Watch program while you work out. Waltham Athletic Club 39 Gyms Tennis Swimming Pools "I love the swimming pool here. <> Rhythmic breathing and integrated arm and leg action are introduced. 2 0 obj <>>> /BleedBox [0.0 7.9200063 612.0 799.92] In Stage 2, the child work to develop the following swim skills: body position and control, directional change, and forward movement in the water. Exceptions on age may be made based on swimming skills. 4 0 obj 7 ~K1KC,g. 8 Xr!LhD&n:o:iHW^+U1 :3iX7C|;x11T&k-y;%8,3M;y;& XvArwr4u \dd&HA'.4 AwX4I3pqWb %=2o Instructor may use multiple lanes if they are not being used by members. Introduces children 6 months to 5 years old to the water and teaches foundational skills. 4 0 obj This class will teach the fundamentals of soccer. . Taught by certified YMCA instructors, our swimming lessons develop lifelong skills to help you be safe in and around the water. ^v R%j0 Swimmers will enjoy exercising, swimming, stretching and/or playing. Certified personal trainers on staff. Classes will focus on improving the players ball control skills, learning game rules and teamwork, and then playing a game. Download Schedule Our pool locations Cobourg YMCA Pool 339 Elgin St. W., Cobourg 905 372-0161 Year Round Get directions Centennial Pool % >> View times/days online or inquire at the pools. << endobj This class teaches youth the fundamentals of T-Ball including fielding, throwing, swing form and hitting while incorporating teamwork and good sportsmanship. Our Outdoor Pool is large and accessible for a variety of activities. Develop climbing, balance, and agility and coordination class in this physical play class. Surrey has five indoor pools and offers a variety of aquatic programs and drop-in swimming for all ages and abilities. Lap Pool: 40 85 depth 80 82 F 6 0 obj 17.5m, 4-lane Temperature: 30 - 32C Zero-depth entry Various spray features including mushroom and water curtain Leisure Pool Depth - Shallow 1.2m | Middle Section before the drop 1.35m | Deep End 1.5m Leisure Tot Zone Zero-depth entry Max. /Length 21262 Child Watch is available for members enrolled in an active Family membership. 1. ALL CH ILDRE N. SHORTE R THAN 6 5" MU S T PAS S A SAFETY. This class helps children develop fundamental skills and incorporates teamwork through instructional play. Updated Pool Schedule!!! Look no further. x=|DJ(%0}H#YXyKynaDSX].V7_4_R7>O?ac7=M/oO?Ov7^'rJ5_4}I/fFyeMV5} 89-+1i:]^k.?#6G+5kl^5"q4LV Mt;!oJ1{%wkd\=y'gGy:_7'_&[8)c)b;fJ \e\E#_O6eJ1"1OGxt-fht '?/@=A_n7A\9o7w v|vyx$.^C3`Pv{ FgYGJ?\^nDJ.[!h?DgT@*O@Y;J'aGjBvf#|i6=pe~)KvDYe~\hG{NF~;WeGOX'E3H6oo/_7:L|9=g"LAicO4j4Ien`i_RO7Ga D8O3,VkgE4O/ZrNM&v3^uNA{+Dhq^^.VU[0 )( &]Gc@1R@,cmrZ; ?G[uE9 8Z 3-@/IDg- _{2! Massive renovation." more 3. In Stage 1, the parent/guardian works with their child to develop comfort with the following swim skills: underwater exploration, floating and learning to safely exit the pool. 380 Chestnut Street /Author (Waltham) << Swimming lessons These classes are for all ages and levels of ability. /TrimBox [0.0 7.9200063 612.0 799.92] /Parent 2 0 R View Schedule Swim Lessons We offer swim classes for infants, kids, teenagers, and adults. Water Fitness classes are an excellent choice to give your heart and muscles a great workout. FAMILY SWIM - Indoor Pool Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 3:30p-6:45p 3 Lanes 1:00p-4:45p 3 Lanes 1:00p-4:45p 3 Lanes YOUR SAFETY IS OUR PRIORITY. stream Water Fitness classes are an excellent choice to give your heart and muscles a great workout. In Stage 5, students work on integrating arm and leg actions for the breaststroke and butterfly strokes, and refine swim stroke skills and techniques for all other swim strokes. 13 0 obj <> endobj In Stage 3, the child will work to develop the stamina needed to swim 25 yards unassisted, and introduces the following new skills: rhythmic breathing, and integrated arm and leg actions. Roxbury, MA 02119, THOMAS M. MENINO YMCA (HYDE PARK) 2 0 obj endobj YMCA OF GREATER BOSTON | YMCABOSTON.ORG. Fri: 3:30 6:30pm x]",2tg`Qlg6-in:Wm(Q6n$MI$E,^>//__?DMp6 /~-?_.w/\vB"4rtAi3\z6?Ir?yMnt`~~.^^oH. It is home base for family aquatics fun, hanging out in the sun, lap swimming, and swim team. YMCA OF GREATER BOSTON | All Rights Reserved | Privacy. 3OHqA[ef}D. Sign up for our Sports and Swim classes! <>/Metadata 802 0 R/ViewerPreferences 803 0 R>> endobj Swim and/or perform vertical exercises at your leisure in the open area of the pool. 1 0 obj {sH*}nP`'(@(x~:0!-")H3y.x|v]FSg+g#HyFs^ATA4*?w-yx*G0A1L*'"`Ri.K J\00Q+8ZaUgg99etIrO=FKi9 H,i$22A([SlCo+6P(#+zyisw[Q&VFKA,P=dV2c,Rn h,dt0qKF62/6^x AY9(e3p0HBd$2* . The camp runs in 1 and 2 week sessions, and offers activities like archery, arts and crafts, dance, sports, swimming and more. 3 0 obj They include practice in technique, stroke development, and endurance. Leisure Pool: 38 depth 86 88 F, YMCA of Fredericton 2020 | Registration Number 11893 1351 RR0001, Leaving a Legacy Gift through Planned Giving, Pool Admission Standards (0 11 years old), Early Years Registered Programs (2-5 yrs. %PDF-1.7 % Come in and swim! % people are friendly. Quadrant Amenities and Services Fitness Centre Pool Child Minding Fieldhouse/Indoor Turf Gymnasium Hot Tub Indoor Court Indoor Playground Indoor Running Track Outdoor Court Outdoor Running Track Personal Training Steam Room Reset ACT Aquatic and Recreation Centre 2909 113 Avenue Bonnie Doon Leisure Centre 8648 81 Street You must shower before entering pool and jacuzzi. 137 Lexington Street 0cE|j.OvXK- -}S# "8OA-C}|2\%A&0"Qhp_cW[h"! "$_# q } endobj #LK(&F0K'9*(Qmfsl2!UquveBT45l~NmJ,$07||sugr\:WlLlZ Sx1c?lj>@^Elfo4(v/l}*[BLdglyIJP'4 Sq u//ALUGy)f|?(dHa\ ctJj`! In Stage 6, students work on refining swim stroke technique for all major competitive strokes and building stamina to perform each stroke for greater distances. A place to socialize with other parents and their babies while you help your child develop their gross motor skills and creativity. The YMCA of Greater Boston is centered around making your family stronger and our Adult/Child swim lessons offer a unique activity for you and your child to have fun, learn to swim and spend quality time together. <>/Metadata 572 0 R/ViewerPreferences 573 0 R>> /Creator (Canva) /Annots [] t\K{ph*D\|A2U7]9O}mlAbl/%!}5a*Q.Q,:fx^|Om-3EaV Zv.7my?Kx-&F`B)8(\6wbR% /Annots [] % Waltham, MA 02452, WANG YMCA OF CHINATOWN And, because it is heated to 80 degrees, you can swim year-round. <>/Metadata 760 0 R/ViewerPreferences 761 0 R>> This engaging program focuses on the skills and drills essential to learning the fundamentals of a variety of sports including basketball, baseball/t-ball, floor hockey, and soccer while having fun. x=|DJX-D3\oWs],v( :Uuy_?M6Eo/uO~6}s*\kg?/~/TM4_=ifD'jh)ZkUwn-_/#9032nPko__[#AhJn^W}gYY>?>y'yq~H^4/#~:w~a;H*s9()oncF4 Generations of children have learned to swim at the Y. This class teaches youth the fundamentals of soccer including ball control skill, passing, and shooting while incorporating teamwork and good sportsmanship. %PDF-1.7 hbbd``b`z$'`I@2Hk Y !v a9T 4 0 obj 863 Great Plain Ave .si7uA?M_@_V+mCo.{78 E$2M?sPzna_G{]tBeyL{H68@WjXT%x Select toys and Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs) are available for use. <>/Metadata 548 0 R/ViewerPreferences 549 0 R>> Students are introduced to the concept of, competitive swimming, and discover how to incorporate swimming into a healthy lifestyle. VN+JIlly&6di)`A\rzyCNl5 "6amdU(v/l}*[BLdglyIJPb'; Sq e//ALUGy)f|?(dVJa\ ctJj`! p#Tr F /CreationDate (D:20221212195025+00'00') 1010. Pickleball is a paddle sport that combines many elements of tennis, badminton and ping-pong and is also fun, social, and friendly. >> <> Zw{9URl.q4vO9#asn.kf=zZw|r2~cO=es w[]5m[bg)V*@W1v1m <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> %PDF-1.7 Check pool schedules to find a time that works for you and your family, reservations are required. 316 Huntington Avenue Swimmers focus on body position and control, directional change, and forward movement in the water. 4 0 obj 615 Washington Street MON THU: 5:30am-10:00pm UIxdV9K&T;jD/D [ VM"VF8xe /]~fC+-Xkjz?1IG [`)|X 16IIf|-:dUc|ZvM}n76 8QHES.8 Ov4q:apHd0HrS`G/Z Kg8/swAg3c}l>;*AQJ-19]6y"Owtt.CWtYDvjHQpy\[f6x(WhA[y{Rc;\P )F AFwge#+> ?>7:=5mebwh2*L23V+@W >C6u?%KJ}^Ewdb`bnpsI]7`~6>I$uF's8#Y(:iHCW^+UaXLYF1GyMU3`JBw]Vk>ZQRw]W&ME+sf~p Family YMCA of St.Thomas-Elgin | YMCA SWO Back to all locations Family YMCA of St.Thomas-Elgin 519-631-2418 20 High St., St. Thomas, N5R 5V2 Directions Today's hours: 8am-2pm All hours Family YMCA of St.Thomas-Elgin Home Branch Programs Group Exercise Schedule Swimming Register Financial Assistance Facebook Instagram Family YMCA of St.Thomas-Elgin 73 0 obj <>stream w=KMGic>x6x\-S{ut&6]iT,z_>jI0v$|pu|@^tM|`7VDt3uwFh``/^-~HU,%yX^k"Dm?8LkiiU{x*d$o3jtm_/L" \40Sdd/Sp);A`qOy}JF7{J)e$M TIMES . Dorchester, MA 02124, EAST BOSTON YMCA << View our pool schedules for lap swim, open swim, and family swim times below! Sun Valley Swim & Tennis Club 4 Swimming Pools Tennis Sat: 8:00am 12:00pm, Dru BelliExecutive Directordbelli@ymcaboston.org781-966-3620, Melissa HinckMembership Directormhinck@ymcaboston.org781-966-3628, Rich DroserSenior Aquatics Directorrdroser@ymcaboston.org781-966-3621, Megan ReardonAquatics Directormreardon@ymcaboston.org781-966-3640, Jonathan ArnoldSenior Program Directorjarnold@ymcaboston.org781-208-6236, Amanda WalshMultisite Director of School Age, Julie TusaRegional Early Education, Tim Jones Regional Facilities Directortjones@ymcaboston.org781-516-6569, General InquiriesWalthamY@ymcaboston.org781-894-5295. <> 3 0 obj "+(6t~fHG&*0FL!v5g{p;p2nP'['uw sHY(>ayLfLlk%ifi8"bMf# AWZ}c%zhG^ q:3e%w$'U$C"OgZqKY('Ai)sE96t\^t`qC2nFQ\9*\?S#LIcy-#SUKhQI[6r~SA@aBzY(ay2af{vm&y }>jO;Opq7:pkI 6"3Mc~$3oDtWJS3voX * .zRvZt;wz:Nm#-)jBFM , +BOZ1JpF,w)~g^m,!a7(w AEwBl=` SUN: 7:00am-6:00pm. SAT: 6:00am-6:00pm Every day, we work side-by-side with our neighbors to make sure that everyone, regardless of age, income or background, has the opportunity to learn, grow and thrive. /MediaBox [0.0 7.9200063 612.0 799.92] 4 0 obj 7 0 obj Preschool Swim Lessons Introduces children 6 months to 5 years old to the water and teaches foundational skills. ;{Gk Child Care We emphasize the four core values: caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility. When your children are done swimming, enjoy more play time on our Outdoor Sports Court and Playground. Due to the high demand during Recreational Swims (Early Years, Family, Tween & Teen), members will be required to sign up for those swims. stream The Indoor Pool is open year-round so you can stick to your exercise routine no matter what the weather conditions. <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Develop climbing, balance, and agility and coordination class in this physical play class. Jump in at the YMCA and discover the many benefits to being active in the water! Charitable Registration Number 11924 6460 RR0001 Our indoor pools are open with convenient hours for all YMCA members. hb``a``Z >1F fah7f f3qslpmxs0 M%KN4W`yb3a Tp03PV fg`832 Thousands of Canadians have learned to swim at the Y. YMCA Northumberland's Indoor Pool is located at our Cobourg Health and Fitness Centre. Classes are free with membership. Additionally, the leisure pool will be set up for pick up basketball in the water. OBEY THE. /Type /Page In Stage 2, the child works to develop the following swim skills: body position and control, directional change, and forward movement in the water. %PDF-1.7 WALTHAM YMCA. Our Team-Y Coaches can train you in-person or virtually, whatever works best for you and your schedule. View schedules and register at 2020 YMCA of Southwestern Ontario. Come in and swim! >> In Stage 2, the child works to develop the following swim skills: body position and control, directional change, and forward movement in the water. /Version /1.4 Swimmers focus on body position and control, directional change, and forward movement in the water. endobj An open swim to enjoy the pool with family and friends. 0 Classes will focus on improving the players ball control skills, learning game rules and teamwork, and then playing a game. Swim and/or perform vertical exercises at your leisure in the open area of the pool or stay focused on laps in the lane area. /Producer (Canva) #my^7qng%7aD7n86t\wk%|MJ=@p?^Jt~ ]!D=)G} sw}Jh$2Sj,J#-UH) 1(t_VH6#Y! Unlimited classes: Yoga, Cycling, HIIT, Dance, Boxing & more. To reserve a spot, members are asked to call the Welcome Desk (462-3000) the day before the swim starting at 1:00 PM. The properties of water will bring a new dynamic to your workout. `x)q:^;hozH}W /Keywords (DAFUAaWeXOQ,BAEphKxHj9Y) >> Needham, MA 02492, CHARLES RIVER YMCA (POOL SITE AND SCHOOL AGE CHILD CARE) endobj Introduces youth to sports at the Y while fostering the values, skills and relationships that lead to positive behaviors, better health, and good sportsmanship. << Thank you for your patience and understanding. Pool Admission Standards (0 11 years old) 5 0 obj i0Mj4Xj5L# l4Udi}=B~TnuTlC0?N6 *Pg;k}LM[k@Q\#`V@Q*a/qy6&? ,'P@;{mCV5:ac>L0P/\0~{;$R[v/Wcp:!UjUf0Agi`n[pOQvs*!Yl2D\6>+Dbf+Ky(xg"&D6EsYb_b3hDRx.s Y%;RdedS z]n>TRj]ERNXff$euM{>~fX"X:f1g5IX9(;/3}-)\/ J4>+-.h5^w&L'enj 4Be6AztrrJmN#!g',El'e|,CLg?9`sqY`1W{'*SupJut\CO_3MdK]t@**'92Jt=@H*e)Cz* xi6i|qSxbc|k?#'_[vwrqFR Q|n9A[m_sEl/^w2z~."tG13SQLEhvj0Hz:x08agvq{!ew%5^nQ(eN9)DqHGI;nRR';Yr\4AZ$R\4Ars Y8yCL$G_>GN6 %MVt0S2S>y:G@7cb}^8h8zGH)>Q0#q q-otG'M"E!l$m-Pio9w Spring Schedule I (April 10 April 30) Please check with the Front Desk for more information. In Stage B, the parent/guardian works with their child to learn the fundamentals of safety and swimming skills. 1 0 obj t`qu[R$c[QhY =8Eod-f#HlWWu(SvI,4h.Sd[t~e2PXLj~$+c1\TFA 6RJTQcY+f&iksLc]| [4f hxM33B`aVck[)DY)j Indoor Pool (kept at 85-87 year round), Outdoor Pool (with "bubble" in the winter months, kept at 78-82 year round), and Splash Pad (open Memorial Day to Labor Day) Caine Halter Family YMCA Indoor Pool Schedule - Spring 2023. A combination of recreational and lap swims. Certification as a lifeguard or swimming instructor can lead to employment opportunities at the YMCA and elsewhere. endobj /Type /Page Learn basic gymnastics skills like forward rolls, handstands and cartwheels. If you enjoy swimming and would like to practice your moves and keep progressing, consider joining one of our swim teams! $.Aq\w:iHCW^+U1:3pWUqUn$:uD8m}yKK&|dB"%@BQ$L*qc1N@>\I ; Qtp}NJUvX!4YgFR;q7Mtw%p'b ;n\O;-AIC,oSZ$S giQN9. During Inclement Weather, both the Indoor and Outdoor Pools will close. /Filter /FlateDecode WANG YMCA OF CHINATOWN 6:00am-12:30pm 6:00am-12:30pm 7:00am-12:30pm CLOSEDRESERVE SPACE INDOOR POOL SCHEDULE Reservations will be required for all indoor pool use. Thousands of pounds of free weights & kettlebells. endobj << 2022 Project: TEAM YMCA Launch Into the New Year Start Strong Finish Strong Lift Strong for LiveSTRONG Turkey Burn Jingle All The Weigh Group Exercise Classes Group Exercise Class Schedule & Descriptions Water Fitness LiveSTRONG at the YMCA Military & Veteran Wellness Programs Pedaling for Parkinson's Personal Training Semi-Private Training VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES 150 3rd Avenue <> :{6;ytqp7~H^ /Count 2 Brighton, MA 02135, PARKWAY COMMUNITY YMCA (WEST ROXBURY) 3 0 obj %PDF-1.5 To ensure a smooth and fun experience for you and your family, please read and follow the pool rules & admission standards: Pool Rules Spring Programs are here! << For children 6-12 years old to continue to develop their swimming skills. Camp Cabot is a co-ed daycamp run out of the Waltham YMCA for children entering Grades 2- 5. 54 Ashley Street From low-impact exercise and chair classes, stretching, and strength training to indoor cycling, water exercise, and yoga, you'll find a group class that's fun, supportive, and keeps you moving. Gym & Pool Schedules | YMCA of Lincoln, NE Gym & Pool Schedules Find Your Pool or Gym Schedule by Location: Due to recent changes in programming, some of these scheduled may be slightly altered. Find A Pool Open Swim Drop in to one of our pools for lap swim, family swim, or recreational swim. In Stage 3, the child will work to develop the stamina needed to swim 25 yards unassisted, and introduces the following new skills: rhythmic breathing, and integrated arm and leg actions. 8 0 obj /Tabs /S Our indoor pools are open with convenient hours for all YMCA members. Get your blood pumping with classes like HIIT and Zumba or tap into your mindfulness with yoga, Barre or Pilates. These classes offer a host of benefits for all fitness levels, and youll appreciate the ability to control the intensity by modifying surface area, speed and force of movements. stream In Stage 4, students work on developing swim stroke techniques for the front and back crawl and introduced to the breaststroke and butterfly kick. Closed Monday, Wednesday and Sunday from 8am to 9am for cleaning Stage... Teamwork, and shooting while incorporating teamwork and good sportsmanship your heart and muscles a great workout social and., family swim, or recreational swim? ac7=M/oO? Ov7^'rJ5_4 } I/fFyeMV5 } 89-+1i: ] ^k /Author. Our Sports and swim team ) ` A\rzyCNl5 '' 6amdU ( v/l } * [ '! T PAS S a SAFETY D. sign up for our Sports and swim team Street /Author ( Waltham ) O? ac7=M/oO? Ov7^'rJ5_4 } }. Swim team Outdoor pool is large and accessible for a variety of.. # x27 ; Branches offer classes for all YMCA members water will bring a new dynamic to exercise... 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Our Pools for lap swim, family swim, or recreational swim and coordination class in this play...

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waltham ymca indoor pool schedule