Fishing spots and depth contours layers are available in most Lake maps. N 34 50 34.7 W 85 49 57.1 - Go up to Mud Creek and in past the boat ramp. Start fishing the bank across from the ramp working toward the back of the creek. Featured Listings for your fishing business. WebA pattern for catching 2- to 3-pound crappie from late fall through winter on Lake Guntersville. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. [SiteName] Fishing Forum. How it We use information from clubs to help better manage your lakes for fishing. Work Traps and Spots as well as a lipped crankbait across this area. Water will seldom vary more than two feet in depth which is good since vast areas of the lake are very shallow flats. The river channel splits and goes on both sides of the grass and drops off 35 feet deep but the top of the island is only three or four feet deep. Camper is sitting on a nice level lot in Clear Creek Cove RV Resort. Historically, about two-thirds of the anglers on Guntersville target largemouth bass, although bream (bluegill, redear sunfish, and longear sunfish), crappie, saugerand catfishattract their fair share of anglers. We provide top of the line equipment for our guests. 3.

lake guntersville fishing map
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