All times are GMT-6. The letter X preceding the serial number I have an M1 carbine, serial 45168, .30 cal, stamped i have an M1 carbine, serial 45168, .30 cal, stamped "universal, Hialeah, Fla" that i really know nothing about. to date. Here is a great shooting USGI M1. The first was produced and delivered from late 1942 through until October 1943. Dating m1 carbine. Jacksonville, AR M1 CARBINE MANUFACTURES, SERIAL AND PRODUCTION NUMBERS. Serial number 5158xxx, dates to 1944. Here is what you need to know to have a coherent M1 at a given date. M1A1s produced during this run will have early production features, such as flip sights, type 1 barrel bands, high wood etc. User name: Dawn Patrol Serial Number: 131,123. to date1992AA73377 highest s/n obs. subcontractors, suppliers, members of the military or government, and others to show appreciation for their assistance and cooperation The M1A1 was manufactured in two main production runs, both of approximately 70,000. He passed away recently without much in savings. Operation: Semi-automatic by gas borrowing The first was produced and delivered from late 1942 through until October 1943. The add states the barrel is a but the serial number is one I can't find on the data sheet anywhere. The X after the serial number denotes that the serial number was accidentally duplicated. Copper has been known to kill tomato plants if placed directly into the stem or base, but placing copper wire around the wound may not have the same effect. very good condition for age of firearm, serial number 542814 dates rifle to 1944 according to online sources, keep in mind that date is approximate, barrel is marked Inland Mfg. to date, switched to EF prefix. Post WWII, the Office of the Chief of Ordnance (OCO) assigned replacement numbers to armories, arsenals, and depots SG on left side of some receivers, not all. M1A1s produced during this run will have early production features, such as flip sights, type 1 barrel bands, high wood etc. ATF files a yearly report to U.S. Congress on the number of firearms manufactured by each manufacturer. Also, during an Arsenal re-fit, M1s produced by other manufacturers could be fitted to M1A1s. -The 2nd model (1944-??) All original M1A1s are made of walnut. I bought it new while stationed at Eglin AFB Florida in 1974. The OI stands for Overton Inland, who were the manufacturer of the stocks. Announcements, Comments, News, And Questions relating to the site. Serial Number PrefixesPrefixModelFinishAAMilitary & Paratrooper blued steelBAEnforcerblued steelBSEnforcerstainless steelCAM2 Select FirevariousDDD-Day Commemorativeblued steelEA5.7mm Johnsonblued steelEAAEnforcerblued steelEFEnforcerblued steelES5.7mm Johnsonstainless steelFFFrench Shortblued steelJM1 Carbineblued steelJJ9mm Parabellumblued steelSSMilitary & Paratrooperstainless steelWWWWII Commemorativeblued steel, (especially in the months prior to a bankruptcy). They are a specialty that It is an exciting read about the history of the M1 Carbine, the battle between manufacturers to produce the best possible rifle and the details and different models of the M1 Carbine. Underwood had receivers in various stages of completion left over when their contract ended. Production was based on each order received and completed before Iver Johnson filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy October 21, 1986. OK, I know just a wee little about these but I do have a book that states July '43 thru Dec '43 is approx. Discovering the Best Bi-Color Tomato Varieties for Pacific Northwest Gardeners: From Orange Russian 117 to Amish Yellow and Gold Medal Hybrid, In Search of the Perfect Bi-Color Tomato The Quest for a Great Tasting, Productive Bi-Color Tomato in the PNW Jacksonville, AR I delves into the the countries that used the M1 carbine. These receivers were purchased by Winchester. The green light was given in 1941 to the various arms manufacturers to launch the competition. During the first half of production the barrels were often mounted on a receiver within 1-2 months of when the barrel was made. Barrel length: 18". The OI stands for Overton Inland, who were the manufacturer of the stocks. It was not until 1940 that the Ordnance Corp. accepted the request. Middlesex, New Jersey From my list of Inland carbines from 400,000 (4-43 date) to 500,000 (7-43 date) I have 47 with a date and 7 without a date, or 13%. Middlesex, New Jersey MKL Entry of the Month; Australia; Austro-Hungarian Empire The serial number is What I can find starting within the "8's" are dated M1 Carbines. Inland even picked up serial numbers ranging after original production numbers in Gov. This Inland built M1 Carbine is on display at Fort Macon State Park in North Carolina. Think of each serial number block as a separate contract. Underwood name removed, Winchester name & s/n, Underwood name not lined out, Underwood s/n, Inland s/n'd receivers sent to National Postal Meter, Inland s/n'd receivers from SI subcontract sent to Underwood, Inland s/n'd receivers from SG subcontract sent to Underwood, Irwin Pedersen s/n'd receivers sent to Underwood, Underwood s/n'd receivers sent to National Postal Meter, IBM s/n'd receivers from AO subcontract sent to National Postal Meter, IBM duplicated some of s/n's they assigned to AO, Overrun into unassigned s/n block & Winchester s/n's, Machine error duplicating Winchester s/n's. 1983AA41127AAA44090ANJ receivers & s/n, sold by AR1983AA44763lowest s/n obs. Some manufacturers used more than one Using Natural Predators Magazine capacity: 10. requires each be assessed individually to determine its historical significance. but most likely it would be in the 1943/44 range, as that is the biggest era of production. Class: Curio & Relic Long Gun. We can be contacted at the following e-mail address. The only ones built after the war were civilian copies.My research indicates that your serial number was assigned to the Inland division of general motors for the time span of Jan.1944-Aug.1944.The serial number range was 4,875,526-5,589,820.All serial numbers were assigned to blocks of serial numbers by the War department,and then issued to . AB779 Make: Inland Manufacturing Model: M1 Carbine Serial # - Firearms: 5493712 Caliber: .30 Barrel Length: 18 Low Estimate: 500 High Estimate: 900 Excellent as modified with notched stock to clear Lyman peep sight. M1A1s produced during this run will have early production features, such as flip sights, type 1 barrel bands, high wood etc. Serial numbers were added by Jacksonville, AR in 1986. S/n 5002004 was never assigned to Standard-Products. to date User name: downeastah The second production run, started in April 1944 and finished at the end of 1944. Thank you. Jacksonville, AR In this book, you will find a lot of information you won't find anywhere else. block in the same time frame. Inland M1 Carbine Serial Number Date Of Manufacture. During the later stages of WWII, the General Motors Company designated a specific serial number block of M1 . There are a variety of reasons things may have been changed or simply ignored. Founded in 2019, has established itself as the go-to site for militaria collectors. numbers (i.e. As solutions to old problems were learned, some of the same All times are GMT-6. The info you seek for the carbine isn't available, unlike the Garand (WWII serials). Correct me if Im wrong but I gathered my information from what I believe to be a reputable source. over the years has sometimes conflicted with the information in these documents. 1987EF00338lowest s/n obs. Developed by William Estler in the 1940s, this tomato is known for its large size, sweet flavor, and disease resistance. Shortages were common Appears to be original, as manufactured. Cannon: 457.2 mm 4 stripes on the right side Any thoughts on that particular serial number, when made, etc.? The underside of the pistol grip should have a marking of OI and a crossed cannons emblem. The cost to manufacture an M1 carbine in 1945 was about $45; those 1945 dollars equate to $594 in 2015. Carbines have been, and still are, Knowledge Library. to date Magazine capacity: 15 shots It is not known what happened to the breeder of Rebel Starfighter Prime or why Galactic Magic Seeds is no longer available. The Inland barrel date is 11-43. 1983EF00001198419851986EF00364 highest s/n obs. Features of the WW2 M1 Carbine Operation: Semi-automatic by gas borrowing Length: 905 mm Unloaded weight: 2.48 kg Cannon: 457.2 mm 4 stripes on the right side Weight with ammunition: 2.5 kg Magazine capacity: 15 shots Speed : 607 m/s Rate of Fire: M2 on full auto, 650-700rpm Effective range: 275 m The serial numbers assigned to Saginaw Gear(Saginaw) were 2 groups.Your group was serial numbers 3,250,020-3,691,519.These numbers were used for M-1 Carbines assembled from May-1943,thru Feb-1944.with that said I would conclude that your M-1 carbine was assembled in the year 1943. All originals are manufactured only by the Inland Division of General Motors. to date, year could be 2006, YearStartEndNotes would be used for the U.S. Carbine Models M1 or M1A1, and some of the M2's, were made well after the receiver was completed as all of these models used the same receiver. In the butt-plate number B257614* should be cast with a logo of a sunburst in a circle completed by a drawing number between 3 and 12. Dating a carbine by its serial number alone is difficult and not always accurate given the circumstances inherent with manufacturing and the logistics situation There are many details, but here are the main things to look at:-. g_Division. Inland M1 Carbine. Inland M1 Carbine - WWII General Motors - 1944. Owing to the scarcity of original M1A1 carbines, here are a few essential things for collectors to look out for. Owing to the scarcity of original M1A1 carbines, here are a few essential things for collectors to look out for. The one attributed to Arkansas has the Middlesex, NJ markings and can be identified as one Jacksonville, AR obtained from New Jersey by the A suffix. The Discussion Forum also serves as a reference desk for the more advanced material that could easily overwhelm a website and is often subject to opinions that may vary It wasn't unusual for contractors to make the major parts of t. Jacksonville, AR During WWII the M1A1 stocks and parts in the possession of Springfield Armory, whether made by Springfield or another manufacturer, were for use as replacements. can you tell me about it and where to get more info? Early sweet peppers are a great addition to any garden. I have an Inland Div M-1 carbine (inherited) that is serial number 5372179. Answer (1 of 5): It appears that an M1 Carbine with that serial number was made by Winchester who was assigned the serial number blocks by the government of 1000000 to 1349999. M1,Carbine,M1 Carbine, US Carbine Cal 30 M1, A M1 CARBINE rifle is currently worth an average price of $2,111.34 new and $1,235.21 used . Answer (1 of 6): It is nearly impossible to nail it down to an exact date, however, using the serial number stamped by the rear sight on the receiver, you can get an approximation as to the year. contact us using the forum. Adobe Print Driver Plug In Download For Mac, How To Plot In Autocad 2014 Mac. Hi, I keep looking for answers on this serial number for an Inland M1 Carbine. Rate of Fire: M2 on full auto, 650-700rpm Should you own one of these carbines we may have additional information on your carbine that is beyond the scope of this website. Remember Me? Inland Manufacturing Division of General Motors was the only manufacturer of the M1A1 and manufactured approximately 140,000 by the close of the war. Effective range: 275 m. Some pieces have evolved over the period 1941-45. I am trying to track down information on my M1 Carbine made by Inland Division. We will first discuss the basic concepts, then we will see in more detail the characteristic elements of the M1 carbines of the second war. 1986EAA62848EAA63659. Data collected With a unique climate and growing conditions, some popular bi-color tomatoes like Pineapple, Striped German, Big Rainbow, and Old German tend to underperform in terms of production or taste. The first was produced and delivered from late 1942 through until October 1943. It was inspected by an employee of the Rock Island Auction company and his opinion is that it is original and correct with the possible exception of the unmarked hammer. A few of the manufacturers used subcontractors to manufacture their receivers. I read on one site that the "X" designation at the front of the serial number . YearStartEndNotes -Approximately 2,632,097 total Carbines were made by Inland: About 43% of all M1 Carbines made. The ebb and flow of mass production created parts surpluses and shortages for all the prime contractors, barrels included. The underside of the pistol grip should have a marking of OI and a crossed cannons emblem. 806K serial number BTW. Caliber: .30 carbine. Iver Johnson Arms All are built using the same receivers and parts. In a goal of simplification the first models were deprived of it (1941-44). XA through XD was assigned for use by their Engineering Section on carbines built for testing and evaluation by their engineers. For Windows 10, drivers must be signed by the Windows Hardware Dev Center Dashboard, which requires an EV certificate. Serial Numbers Below Reflect the Final Serial Number Recorded for the end of that Month. While the plant continued to produce machine guns, the facility took on a series of contracts for M1 Carbines. 1982SS000011983SS04465 highest s/n obs. Welcome to! In personally examining real examples both in hand and from pictures, I have noted some of the serial numbers and barrel dates used. All parts of a carbine, and all other firearms, are manufactured separately and completed at different times. Serial Number: 11386 First production Block Inland, Underwood 7-44 barrel (until I can score a 42 dated one) Would have been produced between July and September 1942. Warwick, Vermont Copyright 2012-document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) The serial number is What I can find starting within the "8's" are dated M1 Carbines. FOR SALE ONLY. (Only Inland and Winchester Manufactured these) Furthermore, there is evidence that suggests that plants grown in cement blocks do not suffer from BER (blossom-end rot), which c, This website uses cookies for functionality, analytics and advertising purposes as described in our, Specific M1 Carbine Contractor Discussions, Serial number blocks assigned by the government. A little history of Inland and its Carbines. Reassembly required the use of new rivets. Up for grabs is an Inland M1 Carbine semi-automatic rifle in .30 Carbine. to date, YearStartEndNotes to date19881988EF00754 highest s/n obs. to date198419851986AA64781 highest s/n obs. This source says any serial number below 999,999 is from 1942 or earlier. Inland Manufacturing .30 Caliber Carbines Inland Manufacturing initially offered three carbine models along with several 1911 style handguns. Fake or reproduction stocks often get this wrong. This M1 carbine was manufactured by the Inland Division of General Motors Corp in 1944 during WWII, and appropriately has "Inland MFG DIV General Motors 5-44" stamped on the barrel. Aj, Fighting Fungal Diseases on Plants - Exploring the Use of Copper, Daconil & Copper Fungicides, The use of copper to fight plant diseases is an intriguing concept that has been around for some time. The commissioning will be done from June 1942. Early Sweet Pepper Varieties: Which is Best for Your Climate and Taste? Reassembly required the use of new rivets. YearStartEndNotes Windows device installation uses digital signatures to verify the integrity of driver packages and to verify the identity of the vendor (software publisher) who provides the driver packages. None of the companies that have used the Iver Johnson name have provided any of the information you see on this entire website, this page included. CMP Forums,, Mfg Dates Inland.pdf ( And finished at the front of the stocks designated a specific serial number block as separate. Mm 4 stripes on the number of firearms manufactured by each manufacturer to highest. To have a marking of OI and a crossed cannons emblem which an... That is serial number Below 999,999 is from 1942 or earlier a coherent M1 at a given date carbines for... 2019, has established itself as the go-to site for militaria collectors 2,632,097 total carbines made. 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Calling On All Silent Minorities Analysis, Kenmore Stove Serial Number Lookup, Articles I

inland m1 carbine serial numbers date