2 people found this helpful. The Flesch-Kincaid readability score is calculated with the following formula (Kincaid et al., 1975): where nw is the number of words, nst is the number of sentences, and nsy is the number of syllables. With an increasing stream of contradictory information coming at us on a daily basis, it can be hard to determine what misinformation is and whether its actually dangerous. However, the fingerprints can be used to automatically analyze every URL being shared in social media. Indeed, there is experimental evidence that engaging in analytic thinking reduces the propensity to share fake news (Bago et al., 2020; Gordon Pennycook et al., 2015; Gordon Pennycook & Rand, 2019). Further research is needed to understand the complex interactions between demographic factors such as age and misinformation. J Comp Policy Anal Res Pract 23(1):4150, DAlessandro DM, Kingsley P, Johnson-West J (2001) The readability of pediatric patient education materials on the world wide web. 6380, 2018). (1980). Not all misinformation is created equal. First differences of the multinominal logit modelSentiment. Why is the Empire the Bad Guys in Star Wars? J Commun 65(4):619638, Bovet A, Makse HA (2019) Influence of fake news in Twitter during the 2016 US presidential election. However, this study also has some limitations. Nearly 200,000 middle- and high-school students have completed those courses and the organizations newsletters reach about 40,000 people each week. Thats best achieved by warning people that a specific piece of information is false and explaining why a source might lie or be misinformed about it before they encounter the information organically, says Schwarz. Whats the whole story? Then, clickbait (p=155.07, [CI=154.57, 155.57]) and junk science (p=163.91, [CI=163.53, 164.30]) are the categories right below factual content (p=174.23, [CI = 172.99, 175.47]). For example, Chrysalis Wright, PhD, an associate lecturer and director of the Media and Migration Lab at the University of Central Florida, is studying how misinformation on COVID-19 affects anti-Asian sentiment. However, this procedure has a problem: the content is fact-checked once it has gone viral. Reputable fact-checking websites can also be helpful in seeking clarification. Soc Sci Comput Rev 32(2):132144, Scheufele DA, Krause NM (2019) Science audiences, misinformation, and fake news. Harvard sets date for Claudine Gay inauguration. When we hear new information, we often think about what it may mean, says Norbert Schwarz, PhD, a professor of psychology and marketing at the University of Southern California. Science, 359(6380), 10941096; Bovet, A., & Makse, H. A. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI 2019), Martel C, Pennycook G, Rand DG (2019) Reliance on emotion promotes belief in fake news. Determine if the info given actually supports the story. 7, No. Misleading content may package an opinion piece to make it sound like fact. The story included quotes from a made-up Halifax police officer, who warned that you may as well be chewing on a gun. That prompted the real Halifax police to call the CBC newsroom Step 3: Source Analysis. Afroz S, Brennan M, Greenstadt R (2012) Detecting hoaxes, frauds, and deception in writing style online. This is important because scientific-sounding misinformation is strongly associated with declines in vaccination intent (Loomba et al., 2021). This proposal is a highly scalable technique that relies on psychological theories and Natural Language Processing methods to discern between factual news and misinformation types of content. The dictionary contains 411 words like abomination, demon, honor, infidelity, patriot or wicked. Abrams, Z. PsycNET. This is also called clickbait. Deception spreads faster than truth on social media. 3. Detecting fake news using machine learning and deep learning algorithms. When stories shared online dont clearly show the source, satire can be mistaken for real news. - HEEHEEE ! Facebook and Twitter, launched respectively in 2004 and 2006, facilitated even faster and more efficient dissemination of material. Looking at the clustering resulting from these distances, one can see that there are two big clusters (height=24.90): rumors, hate speech, conspiracy theories and fake news on one side and factual content, clickbait, and junk science on the other. Somehow in-between, I find categories that employ moral language to a greater extent but without high values. Exp Syst Appl 37(9):61826191, Ragini JR, Anand PMR, Bhaskar V (2018) Big data analytics for disaster response and recovery through sentiment analysis. Ann Am Acad Polit Soc Sci 658(1):121133, Kramer ADI, Guillory JE, Hancock JT (2014) Experimental evidence of massive-scale emotional contagion through social networks. Internet Explorer). Misinformation is a type of fake news, which is false information reported by media outlets or shared by regular people. For this, I assess the importance of quantitative features grounded in psychological and behavioral sciences through an operationalization based on Natural Language Processing. 87, 2020 ). Sources that circulate news and information in a manner consistent with traditional and ethical practices in journalism. 8, 2017). Google Scholar, Chan MpuiS, Jones CR, Hall Jamieson K, Albarracn D (2017) Debunking: a meta-analysis of the psychological efficacy of messages countering misinformation. Disinformation: The creation and distribution of intentionally false information, usually for political ends (scams, hoaxes, forgeries). Sources that traffic in rumors, gossip, innuendo, and unverified claims. December. To the best of my knowledge, the findings presented in this paper are a compelling and impactful demonstration that not all misinformation is created equal. Fake news, fast and slow: deliberation reduces belief in false (but not true) news headlines. For each scenario, I calculate 100 simulations giving us predicted values (that I later average) and the uncertainty around the average (confidence intervals: 0.025, 0.975). online for other versions of the story. Websites ending in .edu are for registered universities or colleges, while official Government of Canada websites include the following suffixes: .gc.ca; .gc/en; .gc/fr; .ourcommons.ca; .canada.ca; .parl.ca. Google Scholar, Kietzmann J, Lee LW, McCarthy IP, Kietzmann TC (2020) Deepfakes: trick or treat? Comput Hum Behav 51:11981204, Monteiro RA, Santos RLS, Pardo TAS, de Almeida TA, Ruiz EES, Vale OA (2018) Contributions to the study of fake news in Portuguese: new corpus and automatic detection results. This is not an optical illusion, but rather color adaptation of the eye. Estimated Shipping. However, most of the existing research does . Hidden Colors The Film: Black History the Whole Story by SouLutions Beyond Limits Publication date 2011-05-21 Umar R. Abdullah-Johnson, blood Relative of Frederick Douglass is a Certified Psychologist and President of the NATIONAL MOVEMENT TO SAVE BLACK BOYS. 1, No. For nearly 80 years, the Harvard Study of Adult Development has been producing data and lessons on how to live longer, happier, and healthier lives. 263, 2020) and in June, a quarter believed the outbreak was intentionally planned by people in power (Pew Research Center, 2020). In 2018, the CBC in Prince Edward Island ran a local story about stricter punishments for drivers who illegally pass school buses. The fundamental problem with misinformation is that once people have heard it, they tend to believe and act on it, even after its been corrected, says Stephan Lewandowsky, PhD, a professor of psychology at the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom. CAS While the Flesch-Kincaid score measured the cognitive effort needed to process a text based on grammatical features (the number of words, sentences, and syllables), it does not account for another source of cognitive load: lexical features. Learning how to separate facts from misinformation or so-called fake news has become a critical modern skill as people Are they real? B Clustering results with more than two clusters. Next, I complement the results with predicted probabilities based on simulations for each category in four scenarios corresponding to the four variables using the previous multinominal logistic regression model. $50 USD. While extant research has been dedicated to differentiating between factual and fake news aiming at binary classification (Choudhary & Arora, 2021; de Souza et al., 2020), there is not much evidence regarding rumors, conspiracy theories, junk science or hate speech altogether. The results also highlight the importance of the efforts of public and private institutions to enhance media literacy (European Commission, 2018; Maksl et al., 2016). A short guide to the history of fake news and disinformation. But with news travelling fast, and often with few checks and balances to ensure accuracy, it can also be seen as the Misinformation More specifically, I employ the AFINN lexicon developed by Finn rup Nielsen (Nielsen, 2011) one of the most used lexicons for sentiment analysis (Akhtar et al., 2020; Chakraborty et al., 2020; Hee et al., 2018; Ragini et al., 2018). If it is too outlandish, it might be satire. Click on those links. ),Routledge, 2020. Here, it is important to note that I follow a similar approach as previous studies to classify sources (Broniatowski et al., 2022; Cinelli et al., 2020; Cox et al., 2020; Lazer et al., 2018; Singh et al., 2020). 3, 2014). From there, I extracted 30,000 random articles from each category, generating a dataset of 210,000 misinformation articles. For example, rumors split from hate speech, conspiracy theories and fake news at height=6.68. (Eds. Its Vis. PubMed However, looking at the resulting clusters for a lower height, factual content is the first category to be separated from the others (height 16.86). This result indicates that the misinformation categories that are more similar to reliable news are click bait and junk science. J Mod Res Engl Lang Stud 7(1):133161, Berger J (2011) Arousal increases social transmission of information. That pattern also holds in other countries. Explainability: Avoiding inmates running the asylum. Beyond the title and content for each item, the corpus also categorizes each new into one of the following categories: clickbait, conspiracy theories, fake news, hate speech, junk science, factual sources, and rumors. 47, No. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 39(6), 10371049; McGuire, W. J. Step 5: Esthetic Analysis. a story to its website saying that police in Nova Scotia were banning drivers from eating breakfast sandwiches. Not all misinformation is created equal. Information on how Harvard is structured, explore our long history, and discover our extended community. In this dictionary, 2,477 coded words have a score between minus five (negative) to plus five (positive). advertorial with the headline, Jagmeet Singh shows off his new mansion. Those who clicked would have had to go to the 145th page of the slideshow to see an image of the federal NDP leader next to photos of a mansion. PLoS ONE 12(9):117, Article We use this data to gauge whether something is true or false, but it is not often that we see this data in its raw form. However, this measure is extremely influenced by the denominator (text length). Step 6: Social Media Analysis. 12). To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. 17), Graham J, Haidt J, Nosek BA (2009) Liberals and conservatives rely on different sets of moral foundations. For example, this technique has been used to analyze movie reviews (Bai, 2011), to improve ad relevance (Qiu et al., 2010), to quantify consumers ad sharing intentions (Kulkarni et al., 2020), to explore customer satisfaction (Ju et al., 2019) or to predict election outcomes (Tumasjan et al., 2010). For each variable I performed 100 simulations with confidence intervals settled at 0.025 and 0.975. Preceding evidence shows that misinformation is more viral than factual news (Vosoughi et al., 2018). You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. And Cimex. Regarding cognitive effort, extant research in the human cognition and behavioral sciences can be leveraged to identify misinformation through quantitative measures. Media: Misinformation and Sensationalism. In Proceedings of the 2017 conference on empirical methods in natural language processing (pp. Google Scholar, Brady WJ, Crockett MJ, Van Bavel JJ (2020) The MAD model of moral contagion: the role of motivation, attention, and design in the spread of moralized content online. Ideas and assistance for your trip to our campus. Also, deceptive content can adopt different forms. Adam Gaudry, PhD, is Mtis and currently an assistant professor in the Department of Indigenous Studies at the University of Saskatchewan. The results of the multinominal logistic regression were used to get insights into the probabilities of categorizing content using a baseline category (factual news). This approach has two advantages. However, the polarity of these emotions varies across misinformation categories. Initial results may be promising, but van der Linden says his team hasnt yet tested their interventions on more skeptical groups, such as people who intentionally spread disinformation. Finally, fake news is the category with a lower cognitive effort needed to process the content in all the categories as measured by the readability score (FK=11.25, [CI=11.21, 11.29]). Imagine how the many rows and columns that consist of numbers can be very confusing to interpret, hence the need for data visualization . Perseverance of social theories: The role of explanation in the persistence of discredited information. J Person Soc Psychol 96(5):10291046, Griffiths TL, Steyvers M (2004) Finding scientific topics. More importantly, providing the differences of misinformation categories allows to focus on specific typologies, for example focusing on content targeting peoples beliefs or influence major events (like fake news) and not so much on content to attract network traffic (like clickbait) (Vosoughi et al., 2018). 58): First differences of the multinominal logit modelReadability. Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, ASONAM 2018, pp. A test of COVID-19 misinformation led by Pennycook and his colleagues found that a simple accuracy nudge increased participants ability to discern between real and fake news. FactsCan, launched in 2015, offers independent, non-partisan fact-checking of Canadian politicians and political news stories. 4, 2020 ). Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 118(26):e2024292118, Risdal M (2016) Getting real about fake news | Kaggle, Rosenquist JN, Fowler JH, Christakis NA (2011) Social network determinants of depression. Int J Res Pract Interpret 18(1):3456, Szpakowski M (2018) Fake news corpus. :), Trying to fully understand the world of bodybuilding is tough at first, especially since understanding, With just a few weeks until the Christmas holidays, now is a good time to, With a title likeDemon House, it's easy to think that this documentary on the Ammons. The field pursued research on dual process theory, which distinguishes between implicit and explicit cognitive processing, and perceptual fluency, which shows that people are more likely to accept false statements as true if they are easy to hear or read. 408419, Zhou X, Zafarani R (2020) A survey of fake news: fundamental theories, detection methods, and opportunities. This is aligned with the call for public interest algorithms to identify misinformation and protect consumers (Wheeler, 2017). videos on a site like YouTube should include sources in the video or the comments section. This is why I will employ a multinominal logistic regression, a technique suitable for mutually exclusive variables with multiple discrete outcomes. Banning drivers from eating breakfast sandwiches than factual news ( Vosoughi et,! Similar to reliable news are click bait and junk science once it has gone viral hoaxes, )! 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