Hey my name is Angelica and here with me is Jose and we need help with false allegations from cps. I have documents and hospital records that prove what the caseworker swore to to be false. I have a masters degree in this area and want to help. In the summer months she is worse. Each commissioner meeting she requests more and more money and she always gets it. This safety plan should have a termination date otherwise it could go on for many months until they finally get together enough negative information on you to prevail in court. take care be safe. Its time. There are no real authorities out there to fight these guys is real problem. He was charged with child abuse and as it stands now neither me or my daughter know where my grandson is. This government better get a hold of this monster before the people of this country has had enough. My wife listening to cps said she could only get granddaughter if she left me. Or at the very least, that DCS allegations are unsubstantiated. Please email me at hollywawa06-at-gmail.com or call me at 2seven0-2zero5-7eight49 I live in Kentucky. Texas Title IV-E Finance Handbook for County Contracts They put our two boys in foster care and they are devastated they put them with there sister for a month . Appellant Brief Missouri child support case There is ample evidence they are pure evil. I do not however, believe I could, or any of us should do this alone. Constitutional protections that are guaranteed even in the context of dealing with CPS. Also petision the courts in your county for records from your case. If married, state name of spouse 5. Im almost ready for a BIG fight to take these sociopath freaks down. Send me your phone number in an email and I can call you. They caught me in court and made me give them up. My kids were removed and placed in }, { hi I know your comment was posted a while ago. If there isnt already other parents organizing and attempting this elsewhere I would be very surprised, and am willing to bet that they would join us quite quickly. I want to sue CPS! I didnt have a phone because every penny was being saved to provide us in a new home and I thought that was more important at the time. Start writing. Your first call is to the social worker assigned to your child's case. I hope you can put together your own case. Name of defendant or respondent (depends on the action) 3. I have PTSD and it is so hard for me to focus. False Allegstions, 1st 2 UA misread (new) screens to dept. I had court custody of him since he was 8 months old. There definitons are not what you think the words mean.Reperesent yourlself in personal only.Contact me and I will give you info. But gave full custody of my oldest back to me 3mnths early. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a1967b0d5c26575560ffd3008a97be02" );document.getElementById("gccc9d9fd6").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Hi cps removed my kids 2 months ago I recently had a baby 6.20.2020 and they took him as well Im lost and dont know what to do how to do this im told by people its voluntarily but im not sure theres alot of conflict of INTEREST in santa clara county im up against I dont know who to trust but its all cause of a ex my 2nd daughter father is upset still his mom use to be a CPS worker can somebody help me please. My daughter had a court appt attorney that would not talk to me or her. Thats why I have this site here to teach people about using legal documents they prepare themselves for court such as the Declaration of Facts, and Statement of Objections and Corrections to the Report of the Social Worker. Con, District Courts of the United States and the Supreme, deprivation of rights, they also lose immunity and. This library contains forms and information on legal procedures. (pp 203-216) London, UK: Olympia, WA: Washington State Institute for Public Policy. Lied to the judge about being in contact with her and would not talk to me at all even though my daughter had written a letter allowing me to stand in for her. Make Your Court-Appointed Attorney Work For YOU Fight CPS Hand Book . Cps took my baby with out disclosing to me whats it for only that it 3 separate investigations but I have to call the county myself to get info? Money bought CPS and even black and white proof of their corruption did not help me. They tried to take my 1 year old daughter. I take care of her. Linda Jo Martin is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program the birth mother had him while in prison and we picked him up from hospital when he was 2 days old Im the mgr where I work and accusations came from employee who I had to take disciplinary action on same day call went in to Cps. again, the very people who were reported to the child abuse hotline to begin with. Contacted news but no reply yet. I didnt know about this site back then but I ended up. Please point me in the right direction to bring him back to my daughter. EVIL! they all work together they get 250,000 for each kid in there custody. Im so thankful for this website knowing others will get the help they need. Am I wrong? And told them they needed to contact the police dept they dropped that then told wife I needed to do background check.which is ok since I have been a CNA for 32 yrs. Id like to post it for folks to be able to read and see if they catch on to what I did. The material in this handbook, should be supplemented by your own careful study of the 4th and 14th Amendments and other, Constitutional protections that are guaranteed even in, stand up against CPS and Juvenile Judges when they infringe upon the rights of both parents and, children. it will indeed help you. we have a healthy well bonded family. Its sooo sick!!! I was involved with cps in the state of montana. If they file a complaint against you , file a claim against them in their personal capacity. CPS took our kids in mid Oct. Based on lies! The last call she made was when we were going outside at 3 am and she had said that there we are leaving the apartment. These social workers get bonuses for each child adopted out. My rights have been violated.! Hello my mane is Maria I lost my boys to lies and no help from my lawyer I only time I got any papers from them was on the very first court date and I didnt get anything until over a year later because I had been asking but no one wanted to give them to me because they were trying to keep all the lies under wraps if I had a chance to read the reports I would still have my boys because I would have fight every report given to the judge cause they were nothing but lies you can reach me at mariaponce335017-at-gmail.com thanks for your time, I also would like to know how you can help? So now wife and I did try and reconciliation after she dropped the no contact a few months later. The intent of this handbook is to inform parents, caregivers and their attorneys that they can . For all that is seeking help!!!! we have a good stable home. The other sw said No Shes Good then told me good job keep it up b4 walking away. Objections and Corrections to the Report of the Social Worker, How to File a Complaint Against Child Protective Services (CPS) Because of Disability Based Discrimination, Class Action Lawsuits News and Links to Sample Documents, Appeal re: Motion to File a Belated Appeal After TPR, Judicial Opinions on Appeals From Termination of Parental Rights (TPR) Hearings, A Letter For Your Neighbors If They Are Calling CPS, Motion to Suppress Anticipated Hearsay Testimony. designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. Then got accused of touching her. There was never any complaints of abuse or neglect, the kids had all the shots, even the cps examiner/evaluator had stated in the report the children are happy and healthy but the mothers failure to protect by being walking outside of her home and leaving the children unattended. It took 6 months before I accepted and really finally started working my program. PLEASE!! CPS has violated its own codes and told me they were seeking to remove my parental rights. Please help me. My husband was there with me at the house and she kept on asking to use my phone to call her brother/father. I've thought about trying to contact a lawyer in a different }, { I also hired Vince Davis. She says Go to pre trial on the 26th day after Christmas. Activate immediate change. I would never agree to be a corporate fiction, and I dont. Supervisors Hand Book for DFCS for the State of Georgia; Title IV Funding. That is hardly an ice cube clipped off the iceberg The agency has single-handedly destroyed my family, among many other families, as well as the sole scumbags responsible for the murder/death of my step-daughter. which my oldest daughter was denied on placement cause cos case that was closed for absurd allegations. Im suing them now. Last updated 1/14/19. Vanessa, dont be discouraged Im here in Washington State and my grandson was kidnapped by CPS on 12.11.2017 and has been gone for 2 years. I believe you have great health choices but the typical American CPS social worker will disagree and call this child neglect. I am stuck in this worst of it right now. To all mothers dealing with CPS. Go to Google and search how to fight cps and dcfs the imformation there is very helpful. brought some pic of guy who obviously wasnt my bf just same name I even offered move out of home cause of history if didnt remove him and when didnt work actually have several relatives willing that r already approved foster parents wiling too. Well its BEEN time, and/but for me personally Im finally getting stronger (truly may never fully arrive until my babes are back. Introduction 1. You may also send them a link to the group instead. So fought for daughter for a total of 3 1/2 yrs was told by cps that I was doing good and as soon as I had my own place I could have her. Please contact me I am very desperate in North Carolina. handbook_update_subscriptions@odjfs.state.oh.us. But talk to your attorney to see if CPS has violated your rights under the Constitution of the United States. Keep strong. in one form or another. Recently they were audited and decided to hire an outsource company (whom they already have contracts with for other things[conflict of interest]) to handle their finances Service Access & Management Inc.. aka S.A.M. I have been given lawyers by the DA of my county. use your Miranda rights. following my termination, I was }, { I'm so sorry for the pain you are doing through. This booklet includes information on: What CPS is. I will add more links as I find them. Supervisors Hand Book for DFCS for the State of Georgia; Title IV Funding. I am a single mother who was forced to surrender my child over the false allegations, blocked my communications with my child, violated my parental rights to communicated with my child blocked for 15 months. ? (5) If we dont have what you need, maybe we can find it for you. You may find that you will be able to heal more then just your PTSD. (3) These are just sample documents and links to information. To absolutely no help I am not the only family that has been going through this CPS corruption in Jefferson county, they have went to the extreme to give parents ultimatums and threats as to which children they can keep and which are going to be adopted, I definitely dont wanna be next as for they already are trying to take away my rights, I only see my kids once a week for an hour and a half, all the accusations they make have nothing to do with how I raise my kids nor are any danger to my kids , they say the music I listen to has curses in it, I dont follow rules , I allow my 2 year old toddler to eat off the floor which is Not true etc. Need help! She unfortunatly as algeries to almost everything and breaks out with itchy welts. Do u just go to Trial cuz there lying soo much on my daughter this cps worker has it out for her. This is a guideline for parents who have attorneys who represent them in their fights with CPS - The attorneys should be doing this even if they are public defenders. I am in Washington State. I did everything in my treatment plan within a 2 year period to finally embrace him in open arms. Proving how CPS lied about his history both med & family. Chevy is now 5. The surrounding counties dont even come close to this astronomical figure. I have been a paralegal for more than 30 years, although the bulk of my experience is in the area of estate planning. Can I ask what county or state? completely different circumstances, but I'm sure }, { what a bizarre concept eh? FALSE REPORTS on childs family history. admitting guilt. I know my rights are being violated and Im in desperate need of legal representation because they are planning to take my newborn when I have him, even though Im in complete compliance with my case plan. The next accusations was misproven bus judge when presented as finding by Cps no funds for dr. but had just had appt had follow up scheduled and had given Cps a prescription for him plus he had insurance. Every day that passes means more families and children are subject to being held hostage and their lives destroyed. About The Authors 1. I jumped all their hoops and they still kept them. And it educates parents about how to fight this awful system, for the benefit of their children--which CPS supposedly stands for. Also check PARENTAL RIGHTS FOUNDATION and sign up for more information. Neil please contact me! Juv judge changed it after 2yrs.. Also ordering no contact with baby whom i hadnt seen in year & half already! me too im in new york and im obsessed with fighting these evil freaks of nature, Me and my husband are having the exact same issue but my 16 yr old daughter just had a baby also I do not know who to ask for help or even where to begin I feel so helpless I need an angel a miracle or something. My history shouldnt matter. I followed all the doctors orders even regards to her diet. Im not sure how to start it off and how to piece the information I wanna say in order. Name of each child and date of birth (one paragraph for each child) 6. The law was designed to provide early identification and protection of children who have been abused. Its been the worst year of my life now I find out they have filed permanency papers court on Tuesday. Thank you! Also see our list of attorneys: Lawyers Who Take Child Protective Services Defense Cases. please if we could all come together and stand up against them I will lead the way just need others and help in this matter, https://gofund.me/ce57a487) Guilty of onesie but were always weather appropriate and just so cute in the sleepers w feet. The parents have been accused of domestic violence and medical neglect. No luck not only all accusations presented as findings to judge they tried to put me on child abuse registry said for neglect cause 1 paper not filed correctly for temp guardianship. I entered a treatment program of 9 months. How much can be charged for time that can never be replaced? The only other thing to say is that Jesus isnt imaginary. my daughter is about to have a breakdown and further more I was a ward of the state from age five to seventeen and the state failed me when at eight years old I was molested in foster home I told my dad on a visit and once he took action in telling them I was taken and placed with another family of that person and had to see him every Sunday and was taunted .there was a egg in a nest with a smiling face on it and it said youd smile to if u just been laid. First of all, I am 6'5 tall and X football player that had a rough and tough reputation, secondly, I am a practicing Christian and stated so, third, I do and have used corporal punishment if I am so inclined to, fourth, I am hard headed and non cooperative with CPS. Administered by new trainee with very little if any & very poor training in general. I tried that and even tried to get temp custody so I would have a leg to stand on if/when they did take them. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to the Constitution for CPS. Does TEMPORARY legal guardianship have any standing in court for violation of civil rights? I cannot help them and do need help,please. including recorded calls,all home visits, allegations, all documentation it is your right and you can get them by law. Now were being told that we cant see them at all!! Im so sick of these people doing the devils bidding. The real abuser is their father. They came in and abducted our children! Unfortunetly I cant say the same about his father. we love him as our own and wont stop til he is home. Im ordered to do UAs and also a hair test. My son and stepdaughter were taken by CPS after 3 Children drowned. Have A Blessed Day, Ok Hes real and Hes alive, but youll never know that unless you invite Him into your life. Or is she done for breaking the rules of allowing her daughter to be around when she wasnt supposed to be. My baby boy is now 3.5 yrs old, Illegally kidnapped at 10mnths old along with my (then ) 10 yrold (now 13soon) Feb 2018. So sorry for you Im telling everyone I can. i always asked what it meant and one nite he showed me what it meant and it haunts me to this day and now more so since the same people that neglected me are back in my life and its my grandchildren that I will go to ends of earth to fight these non caring bastards. HOW TO SUE CPS; 15 STEPS ( WITH PICTURES) Ha, but serious. We didnt understand anything that was going on.. Under his fathers care CPS stepped back in because of a dirty UA on a monthly visit to his probation officer. Ive been searching 7 months for someone with balls to say No more! Why is everyone so afraid? And whatever u do do not sign anything and if you did rescind all of them by putting an affidavit to rescind your signature. Im sry to keep going on & on but i dont know wat else to do. Tell them the rest of what you know and empower them with the truth to obtain their kids/property back. Representing Yourself Its the most corrupt part of the government, and our children are the ones that pay for it! Every state has variances of CPS. no bonding with my kids at all. I had TEMPORARY legal guardianship (through Probate court) of my 11 year old granddaughter when a false allegation was called in to CPS and they arrived at my home on a Sunday with a warrant to remove my granddaughter from my care. my husband and i have 4 children. So you have my attention,although Ive only messaged one other that saya He had a master agree The most important pages on the FightCPS website For Those Looking For a CPS Defense Lawyer In Pro Per Complaint Against CPS Iowa: CPS Social Worker Charged With Perjury during TPR Hearing California: Verdict Against CPS for 4.9 Million! What is this ? Everything they say is lies! Atsonishingly, the minor child has been placed with the other grandparents. There's power in the pen. But I havent given up and am not. I took care of all the children. I gave him colodial silver, cell salts, and no meat, no cows milk, no drugs. Looking for other possible victims of CIVIL RIGHTS violations.. Maybe turn this into a CLASS-ACTION SUIT!! I would expect the representation to be limited in scope. PROVE IT.. Start demanding the performance bond information from these people and inform them if your property is not returned you will be suing them in their personal capacity along with their spouse if they are married. It is extremely harsh. How do I contact you? I have done everything and they still wont give my kids back. collect all records and keep them with you or safe. Adding additional individual/people to the group. The Oregon Child Abuse reporting Law, ORS 419B.005 to 419B.05D, was enacted in 1971 and has been updated several times. I couldnt agree more that we need more programs that dont rush you through but help with the source of your problem. I also find many discrepancies in DCS notes and case records that eliminates the culpability of the parents of medical neglect. They spoke to my kids individual at home and at school theres no sexual abuse going on and then a female law enforcement comes to speak to me saying about a sexual abuse going on I then told the law enforcement that theres no sexual abuse going on what so ever and that cps has been coming with this false allegations and they spoke with my kids they seen my home and my kids ask me why are they saying that if its not not true I feel like my kids are being harassed and one morning my 2 kids get up go to school then I and Jose get woken up by law enforcement gun point saying that Jose has an arrest warrant then I notice the female law enforcement that was here like a week ago not the warrant was for something else that was drop in 2015 they say it reopen in my may but that female law enforcement never informed us she said that she looks up our address and theres nothing now I told law enforcement she was here a week ago and why I was not informed she looked at me and said what are you talking about I dont know you now me and Jose are in custody my kids are in school I asked if I can call a relative or close friend to pick my kids up they said no I told Joses older sister if she can please take care of them and tell Jose mom if she can watch them till Im out she said yes then Im in adelanto detention center still asking if I can make a call for my kids I was worried then said no them its was night cps comes to speak with me and saying that my kids are ok they are at my office watching tv they ask for any number to call to place the kids I dont know any number I dont have my phone law enforcement didnt let me they told me that they are not taking my kids that the reason why they were with them was because I was in jail when I get out I with get them back I go in on the 11/09/16 they say theres court on the 15 they will transfer me there I ask on the 14 then the 15 I was asking I have court so Im incarcerated asking they look it up nothing shows up I show them my paper work they said thats weird I dont know they dont transfer me I miss court because Im incarcerated I was every upset I miss my babys and I get out on the 18 on Friday I had to wait till Monday to go in to cps office and ask about my kids I havent seen them for like a week I dont know nothing they dont know nothing about them them a worker comes out saying there ok that I can have them I have to wait till 12/8/16 that they have them because I left my kids with no support and a sexual abuse has happened or may happen when they told me they where not removed they had them because I was in jail Im out and I still dont have my kids when I got to see my kid there scare and dont know what is happening Im not allowed to talk about the case with my kids my kids told me mom I want to go home with you why are we not with you my kids told them nothing is going on its all false and the still not home I need help please they want to check my kids my daughter is scared and keeps telling them its not true there not with me I want them home if you can help me, theres also no ordered by the judge saying i cant have my kids and the papers cps gave me r not even file no case number on there or stamped by a judge, Please can u email me? 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