I recommend following the Wiki directly on Special K (as well as using it together with ReShade) as the steps are clearly laid out. Royal Arms. The Sword of the Tall is a greatsword that deals multiple hits with each blow. Noctis was not the only one with weapons he could conjure from thin air: a hooded man in white and Stella Nox Fleuret also wielded them. Due to the focused nature of the physical strike, it is good for breaking normally hard-to-reach appendages. equip the ones that give strength stat bonuses but dont use them. As the aerial combo attack is a ranged attack but does not consume MP, it is essentially a free close-range warp-strike. Turns out, you only need the sword of father equipped for the bladeguard(that would be what ill call it now) To work. The second aerial combo is a descending plunging attack that has a high break modifier. Some tips to help you on your way: Don't bother boosting your HP to counteract it, it drains health based on percentage. The weapons have been preserved for future generations by the monarchs who wielded them, although the exact process this entails is unknown. There are thirteen known royal arms, each enshrined at a royal tomb, though we know the location of only a few.Cor Leonis. "Weapons once wielded by the Lucian rulers of yore, each possessing supernatural powers capable of suppressing even the deadliest of daemons. As I unlock more of them, it's clear they have specific design goals for each one, so many some framework on how to utilize their bonuses well would make for a great answer. The Trident of the Oracle is the traditional weapon of the Oracles' bloodline. [GUIDE \\ UPDATED] --- Updated the guide to utilize a LOCAL installation of Special K rather than Global due to newer ReShade versions not working with SK Global installations. They can even call upon all of the royal arms they have thus collected and momentarily wield them simultaneously, gaining the power to levitate. Gentiana. The Swords of the Wanderer have high damage output, surpassing even the Zwill Crossblades (unless the player is at full HP or the enemy is weak to daggers), while having the same basic combo and more range. Noctis fells Ardyn outside the Citadel, his immortal ancestor from two thousand years ago who believed he was chosen by the Crystal. Daemons shed substance from their bodies that consumes sunlight, miasma, lengthening the nights. Royal Arms are some of the most powerful weapons in Final Fantasy XV. The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. There are 13 Royal Arms Locations in Final Fantasy XV. The Shield of the Just is found in the Tomb of the Just, west of the Disc of Cauthess and south from Lestallum in Thommel's Glade. Ardyn Izunia has the same thirteen royal arms Noctis has and wields them in Armiger during his final confrontation with Noctis and in Final Fantasy XV: Episode Ignis. Thus, it is recommended to equip accessories and attires that boost HP recovery rate when using them as the main weapon. Copyright 2023 Black Tree Gaming Ltd. All rights reserved. Releasing the stick and then tilting it in various directions begins an aerial combo to that direction with Noctis jumping. Ultimate Walkthrough Wiki, Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity Walkthrough Wiki, Grand Theft Auto V (GTA 5) Walkthrough Wiki. One of the main objectives of FFXV is for Noctis to gather the royal arms. The Scepter of Pious starts with the same combo starter Trident of the Oracle uses. The Sword of the Father's attacks drain less HP than other Royal Arms. He acquires it in Chapter 2 from the Tomb of the Wise located aboveground in northern Leide. This means you can enter a Danger state when using them if you are not careful. Turns out, all royal arms has bladeguard. But because they don't let me do link strikes. Returning to the game after 5 Years! Sword of the Tall was immensely powerful in Version 1.0, but also ended up killing the player fast due to the royal arms' HP-consumption. The Sword of the Wise is the first royal arm Noctis obtains. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. 2016 - 2018 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved. They have elaborate decorations, such as light ray indentations and wing motifs. I'm unsure of any mods, but equipping a Black Choker really speeds up HP recovery so you can go nuts with the Royal Arms. The Tomb of the Tall is located in the south-eastern part of Duscae while the Costlemark Tower is located northeast of the tomb. Don't try to keep attacking and being confident in being a one-hit wonder. What are the differences in difficulty modes? The term "Royal Arms" can refer to royal coat of arms, especially the one for the United Kingdom. [MOD INSTRUCTIONS \\ UPDATED] --- "INSTALLING RESHADE" --- Updated instructions. If you wanna be optimal, use high damage weapons by default and switch to link strike weapons when you see a parryable attack or get behind an enemy. Not only does it boost my stats, but somehow, when I have 4 royal arms equipped, Noctis can't be hit by projectiles. Even if every single link strike was limited to one link strike pattern. Is there any point in upgrading the 'Wait mode' tree when using Active Mode? Conjuring a collection of glaives he dispelled the darkness plaguing our star.Cosmogony. The short-range combo opener's "end lag" can be cancelled by walking; thus, if the player holds the analogue stick (in any direction) while releasing the attack button after every individual attack, it is possible to continuously use the opener for great damage and to stop the enemy from fighting back. Instead, releasing and re-pushing O will skip to the second or third last attack in their basic combo (only works with some Royal Arms). I've messed up my game installations quite a few times while trying different combinations and orders of installation (of mods). Directional input during the attack has Noctis jump in the direction to begin an aerial combo where he throws the star while airborne. The player can also visit the royal tomb at any other time to retrieve it, but if they go when prompted Iris will accompany the party as a guest. The specialty of this weapon is the vulnerability modifier, so it's good for causing that effect. Their designs followed a mechanical and technologically intricate theme like the Engine Blade and Insomnian weaponry, and the contrasting dark to light precious metal finishes as in the final game, but only swords bared engines and they did not have a sacred royalty motif to them. 9. Uniquely, the Scepter of the Pious's moveset takes on the forms of five other royal arms to perform a variety of attacks. All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources, You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances, You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it, You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances, You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file, Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold, You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms, Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points, You must get permission to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets. Bow of the Clever's phase-counter is a shoot. This is probably a better question for r/FFXVPCmods or the request megathread. [MOD \\ ADDED] --- "Bug Fix - Textures (Altissia)" by Nsept0403, in the [Fixes & Quality of Life (QOL) Improvements] section. Don't rely on them constantly. They have relatively high attack power and provide various stat buffs and debuffs, but landing attacks with them drains Noctis's health (aside from parrying). Revised various sections and mod instructions to that end. where "Attack damage modifier" (ADM) is specific to every attack in the game and "Weapon power" (WP) is: WP = Attack (for normal weapons) WP = Attack + Str (for most Royal Arms) WP = Attack + Mag (For Scepter and Bow) What this means is that for most RAs, your strength effectively gets counted twice. Ardyn and his royal arms glow red as opposed to Noctis's blue, and his physical weapons are also red as opposed to platinum when wielded by Noctis. The Sword of the Father is obtained in Chapter 13, and for a portion of the chapter it is Noctis's only melee weapon. It is a warmech associated with the ancient civilization of Solheim, entering the battle through a portal identical to the platforms in various Solheimian ruins, such as the Costlemark Tower and . warp-strikes quickly. Been a while.. question about end game stuff. Pros and Cons of Using Royal Arms Stat Boost Equipping one of the Royal Arms on a weapon slot grant you their stats even if you do not use/wield them. The kings can forge weapons out of thin air and combine their powers across generations via the bonding of the souls and the Ring of the Lucii. They're very powerful attacks, but they have their time and place. Noctis Strength by 200 for 5 seconds, Enables aerial diving attack as forward directional attack, Handles like sword but has extended range and faster Blitz combos The sword is known as the "Largesword of the Dynast King" in Japanese. EDIT 2: ive tested all arms already. For Final Fantasy XV on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Do ALL Imperial arms drain HP?". Generates same HP but drains MP, Handles like Sword of the Wise but has unique attack animations such I think it would be really fun to have an item like that just so you can really go HAM and recklessly mess around with the unique effects of royal arms. Landing a hit with the Royal Arms drains your HP by a flat amount. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. When I added the Sword of the Father, I started getting the effect. I'm still testing other combinations, though. Aerial attacks and finishers are replaced with the Axe of the Conqueror's moveset. Noctis wields the Sword of the Tall against imperial troops, the Blade of the Mystic against a behemoth, and takes the Trident of the Oracle from Lunafreya during their battle and appears to have killed her with it while being possessed. The katana attacks quickly and relentlessly both on the ground and in the air. Usually when I play, I equip the Ultima Blade as my main weapon and use the Royal Arms to boost my attack or defense. Releasing the directional input and inputting it again during the dodge performs an MP-free airstep. Noctis uses the Sword of the Wise in a cut scene in Chapter 11 to attack "Ardyn" atop the Magna Fortia. I'm at level 1, I can spam Royal Arms, stay at 1 HP and still win with +7 AP bonus at the end (yeah, I do it with the Fanfares equipped and only 2 slots on each). He also appears to be the only king without a royal arm, although he can add the Engine Blade to Armiger when using Armiger Unleashed. Gladiolus wields one of the Phantom Swords, Galatine, in a key art. Noctis uses this royal arm when performing the final blow of a cross chain. [MOD INSTRUCTIONS \\ UPDATED] --- Significantly revised the instructions for the mod: "ECO - Empire Character Overhaul". [GUIDE \\ UPDATED] --- FULLY REMOVED SUPPORT FOR INSTALLING SPECIAL K GLOBALLY. In Final Fantasy XV -The Dawn of the Future-, Ardyn is the one to sit on the throne and be impaled by the royal arms to bring them to the beyond so he and the Lucii may fell Bahamut. i havent found them overly useful for combat, but you can get some epic set ups to buff primary use weapon. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. He is put on this path by Cor Leonis, the marshal of the Crownsguard, who once accompanied Regis on his travels across Lucis. - Edit values by double clicking while hovering the value you want to modify . Arms left in tombs have been known to have been broken into and stolen and thus thought lost, such as the Tomb of the Tall in Duscae. There are thus thirteen royal arms and thirteen Lucian kings to wield them in the Knights of the Round. The second hit does more damage than a regular attack, and the player is invincible during the animation. I don't touch them outside of Bow of the Clever for Overwhelm spam. Whenever Noctis collects a new Phantom Sword, he gains new abilities to his Armiger. Attacking with it performs basic sword slashes, one of them leaving a hologram that damages enemies that come into contact with it like with the Trident of the Oracle. What filters are available for Prompto to use? The weapon reflects the stealth ninja-like martial arts of the Rogue, the Lucian queen Crepera Lucis Caelum who spurned the public eye and took to the shadows to enact her rule. This is the mod we need. Process list Opened, click on the Application corresponding to the game. It is an enormous shield that once belonged to the queen known as the Just, celebrated for her efforts and serenity to establish everlasting peace in her rule. The Star was available in Platinum Demo Final Fantasy XV as a secret weapon, capable of airstepping, which also appeared in point-warp animations, which is not the case in the final game. The Crystal is a stone the kings of Lucis are sworn to protect until the time of the prophecy, and command its power with the Ring of the Lucii said to have been given to them by the gods alongside the Crystal. It was once the property of the Mystic, the first Lucian king. Noctis obtains the Ring of the Lucii from Lunafreya who had been safeguarding it for him, but she is killed. rev2023.4.17.43393. [MOD \\ ADDED] --- "Cherry Blossoms In Full Bloom" by Nsept0403, in the [Visual Enhancements] section. Warp-striking with the swords has Noctis warp to the enemy, slash with both swords, and combine them for a final slash. If you'd like to follow the entire guide and achieve the ROYAL Experience. They had different designs and weapon types, including a great axe, a lance, a cane-like staff, a pike spear, a boomerang/bow-like weapon, an assault rifle, a rocket launcher/bazooka, a thief sword-like weapon, a large falchion, and a great sword with a finned head. Creator SubZeroShell brings us a weapon that can't be missing from any self-respecting Final Fantasy fan's collection of royal arms: the Buster Sword from FFVII. Most of the arms are discovered from royal tombs. Royal Arms are some of the best weapons in the entire game. The Bow of the Clever is a crossbow that fires spectral bolts towards enemies. There have been 113 kings, but there are only thirteen known royal arms that have survived till present day. The axe performs slow but powerful attacks at the expense of defense. When a royal arm recognizes its rightful wielder, it will become transparent and crystalline and glows before entering the king's body in a flash of light leaving soul crystals glimmering in the air. It hits multiple times and inflicts a lot of damage to both Noctis and the enemy. Arqade is a question and answer site for passionate videogamers on all platforms. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Noctis performs a different shield bash as a phase-counter. When the player attacks with the trident, it will leave a hologram that stays for a few seconds and will repeatedly damage enemies that touch it. These weapons were wielded by the kings and queens of old and have been waiting many long . Its ability to hit multiple enemies at once is good for multi-encounters, but each enemy struck will also drain Noctis's health. Directed by James Mangold, the movie also stars Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Antonio Banderas, John Rhys-Davies, Shaunette Renee Wilson, Thomas Kretschmann, Toby Jones, Boyd Holbrook, Oliver Richters, Ethann Isidore, and Mads Mikkelsen. This is kind of bare-bones for an answer. Packaging these files for use with this mod guide is now obsolete; replaced with actual user instructions in their appropriate sections. Lunafreya's Play Arts Kai figure comes with the Trident of the Oracle. The weapons have a transcendental presence, as they can be wielded by more than one person at once, essentially being in more than one location simultaneously. Noctis's Play Arts Kai figure comes with his Sword of the Father, albeit the figure in Ultimate Collector's Edition has another weapon in its stead. Grants you crazy fast HP/MP regeneration until you either die or quit game! Royal arms do not appear in the demo, but Noctis can collect four Phantom Swords to use in Armiger that take their place. hits dealing higher damage, Performs warp-strike that can deal more than 10 hits, Breakage multiplier of .50 is applied to all attacks but warp-strikes, Handles like a firearm with dagger-like mobility, Projectiles are slow and can easily miss from a distance but have a These phantom swords and other blades come from the souls of past kings of Lucis, and Noctis is the only one who can use them. sounds similar to the Sword of Kings and Treaty Blade from Final Fantasy XII (original version), both obtained and used in the plot and can also be equipped without a license however both are weak and don't have the greatsword knockback bonus. Spellcaster Dragons Casting with legendary actions? This was time the kings of Lucis also gained their powers and the Crystal. i.e. The Founder King's Sigil transforms Noctis's Armiger into Armiger Unleashed that lets him use the Engine Blade alongside the royal arms with Armiger with unique movesets and Techniques. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. backward directional attack, Handles like regular shield, including warp-strike, Hold square or x to enter defensive stance similar to taking cover. He continues with the Ring of the Lucii as his only weapon and comes across Ravus's body in Zegnautus Keep, an imperial magitek laboratory. Noctis is the only wielder of royal arms who is known to suffer a draining effect from it. Are there any benefits to reaching a high Hit Streak? How much, is dependent on the Royal Arm. Some are obtained as part of the story, and some are optional. Royal arms do not trigger linked attacks with allies (aside from Iris and Lv.10 chocobos). Ravus is Lunafreya's brother who begrudges Regis and doubts Noctis has what it takes to become the True King. HP drain can actually put you in danger state. Daylight gradually disappears and Eos is overtaken by daemons. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. In the capital of Gralea Noctis finds he cannot conjure weapons to his grasp as his powers have been sealed by imperial technology. Noctis's Engine Blade was also included. Check Out This Mod. equip the best get for stat boosting solely. Cavaugh: Insomnia (Citadel - Hall of History - Kingsglaive Base Camp - Caelum Via), Leide: Balouve Mines - Crestholm Channels - Formouth Garrison - Galdin Quay - Hammerhead - Keycatrich - Keycatrich Trench - Longwythe Peak - Longwythe Rest Area - Norduscaen Blockade - Prairie Outpost - The Three Valleys, Duscae: Aracheole Stronghold - Cauthess Rest Area - Coernix Station - Alstor - Coernix Station - Cauthess - Costlemark Tower - Daurell Caverns - Disc of Cauthess - Fociaugh Hollow - Nebulawood - Perpetouss Keep - Taelpar Rest Area - Wiz Chocobo Post. Her body disappears into the Astral Realm and the Trident of the Oracle goes missing. Its basic combo simply shoots repeatedly and it doesn't require reloading. The Star of the Rogue is an optional royal arm found at the end of Myrlwood in northwest Cleigne. There's already ways of mitigating the health drain of Royal Arms like the HP regen accessories such as the Black Choker and Megaphone. One of the statues of the Old Wall in Insomnia wields a giant version of the mace to destroy buildings in Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV. Noctis travels Lucis and uncovers many royal tombs and collects their weapons, building his collection of royal arms and gaining the power of Armiger, which strengthens with every new weapon he finds. To uninstall this mod copy the "character" folder from Royal Arms Default\default into the directory: FINAL FANTASY XV\datas It should ask you if you want to overwrite 13 files. Take note that some of them gives debuffs like lowering your stats so be cautious when equipping them. When Noctis warp-strikes with it he follows the strike with a single bash, winding up to slam the mace down on the opponent. Infinite or increased telekinesis range is recommended, but . https://ff15wiki.com/mediawiki/index.php?title=Royal_Arms&oldid=7416, Last edited on 14 February 2017, at 14:35, A polearm that performs slow but powerful attacks, A longsword with the ability to increase the wielder's Strength through a unique self-buff, A bow that fires piercing arrows while allowing the wielder to move freely about the battlefield, A longsword that attacks quickly and relent lessly aft er startup, A mace with the ability to deal grievous breakage to body parts/ appendages, A scepter that takes different forms to perform a variety of attacks, A shuriken capable of dealing multiple hits in rapid succession, A sword that briefly increases its wielder's Strength after Finishers, A greatsword that deals multiple hits with each blow, A sword that performs preemptive warp-strrkes to close the distance quickly, Dual swords that can transform into a single weapon to deliver powerful blows, A polearm that produces an afterimage capable of performing additional attacks, Royal Arms drain your health per enemy hit. Log in to view your list of favourite games. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Description. Well, to be more specific, it's the Buster Sword model taken from the prequel: Crisis Core. Git gud. Thankfully, I had a full copy of the original game installation backed up on another drive. The Shield of the Just handles almost exactly like a regular shield. Instead use HP-regen boosting equipment. afterimage attacks, Allows you to use an evasive leap and subsequent aerial dive attack as Royal arms drain your health each time you strike an enemy, sometimes have other adverse effects (Axe of the Conqueror greatly reduces defense just by having it equipped), and seem to not gain the damage type bonuses you would expect for a weapon of that class. This sword once belonged to a king known as the Warrior, and is believed to have been crafted in lands far from Lucis. To install this mod copy the "character" folder from Red Royal Arms\RED into the directory:FINAL FANTASY XV\datas. Final Fantasy Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Watch the Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny trailer for the upcoming Indiana Jones movie, opening in theaters on June 30, 2023.Harrison Ford returns as the legendary hero archaeologist in the highly anticipated fifth installment in the iconic Indiana Jones movie franchise. We give the updated Mercenaries mode in Resident Evil 4 Remake a spin in this S-Rank gameplay clip, featuring Leon. [MOD \\ REMOVED] --- Removed "Drenched and Wild - Ignis Default Head Replacements" from the [VISUAL ENHANCEMENTS] section due to it accidentally replacing a higher priority mod (Detailed Complexions). It looks like Noctis is being shielded with tiny royal arms and I can prove it as I tried only 3 (katana, shield, star) and it didn't work. These weapons were wielded by the kings and queens of old and have been waiting many long years for the chosen king to claim them. Like other ranged weapons, the bow deals reduced damage the farther away Noctis is. They are also useful against enemies who are resistant to elements and/or weapon types. This airstep doesn't consume MP. That's a great idea. It is good for fending off daemons, and when used with the Ardyn's Ensemble attire, which gives a +50% boost to the magic stat. - In the top left, click Open a cheat table or an unprotected cetrainer and open the table corresponding to this mod. The Sword of the Father's attacks drain less HP than other Royal Arms. From then on the wielder can forge the weapon from thin air, and it will appear into their grasp at will no matter where they are. The lengthy warp strike is good for dodging attacks. Could you elaborate maybe on the useful combinations you've discovered? By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. And how to capitalize on that? Royal Arms are some of the best weapons in the entire game. It is a prominent royal arm in the story, second only to the Sword of the Father, King Regis's sword. you can now clear most of the post game superbosses easy lol. The Swords of the Wanderer are the third royal arm obtained during the main story, found in the Greyshire Glacial Grotto in Chapter 3. I avoid using the Ring of the Lucii because its so OP, but if a group of enemies is annoying me I'll pull it out in a pinch. Noctis is met by the Astral goddess Shiva on his way to the imperial capital, who bequeaths the Trident of the Oracle as she forges a covenant with him. Forward directional input skips to the combo finisher, which can be used to stagger enemies or break off appendages. While they do let you take RA damage, it took me a solid, Personally I use the Royal Arms more than any other weapon because they're just. Royal Arms drain your health per enemy hit. The power of kings goes with you, your Majesty.Cor Leonis when Noctis Lucis Caelum obtains his first royal arm. Dynast King is a title in the world of Ivalice. I'd pay for that content. The Katana of the Warrior is named "Beatrix", the Sword of the Father is named "Caelum", and the Trident of the Oracle is named "Vajra". It is an optional royal arm, but the player does not need to traverse a dungeon to acquire it. Its multi-hit nature makes it good at breaking off enemy appendages. Its basic combo starter is very powerful, has long reach and is fast. Offsets Royal Arms HP drain, as well as warp strikes MP drain.1. This is probably a better question for r/FFXVPCmods or the request megathread . Final Fantasy XV: Royal Arm Secrets (Locations and Kings of Lucis) FFXV: Comprehensive guide to MA-X Angelus 0 Farming (Magitek Suit V2) SG12 Productions FINAL FANTASY XV - All Summons +. Can I instead get an accessory that allows me to link strike amd airstep with them? 12 gauge wire for AC cooling unit that has as 30amp startup but runs on less than 10amp pull, New external SSD acting up, no eject option. Version 1.1. The Trident of the Oracle's basic combo is to stab the enemy. Install hundreds of mods with the click of a button. Credits and distribution permission. stands in place, then Noctis warps forward with a physical attack, Pause during a Blitz combo to trigger the Tenacious self-buff that Its aerial combo is same as with normal swords, and moving closer to an enemy to attack in a "mini warp" doesn't cost MP when attacking with it. One of the statues of the Old Wall in Insomnia wields a giant version of the sword in Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV. The Katana of the Warrior is obtained at the end of Chapter 10, in the abandoned quarry of Fodina Caestino. Site news (important news will be issued), Comments on your files, images and videos, New images and videos added to your files. It's a nigh unpunishable playstyle with medium damage output. Usually only those of the Lucis Caelum bloodline can brandish the royal arms, but with the king's blessing those joining in an attack with him can also momentarily wield them, as seen in Armiger Chain in Final Fantasy XV, and the climax of the original penultimate boss. Even when not in Armiger, the king can use royal arms to warp like with a normal weapon. Even if you don't use Royal Arms it's super good, but it's a complete gamechanger when you are using them. It has a higher than normal capacity to force enemies into the vulnerable state. Equipping one of the Royal Arms on a weapon slot grant you their stats even if you do not use/wield them. [FILE \\ ADDED] --- Uploaded file: "More Responsive NVIDIA Turf Effects Grass and Longer Lasting Trails" to the "UPDATES" file category. Royal arms carry over when using Chapter Select and New Game Plus (revisiting a royal tomb to see the acquirement scene will not award a second copy of the weapon). Equipping the Scepter with the Mutant Rakshasa Blade will likewise max out darkness resistance. This seems like pretty much a definitive answer since you list all of them and even their 'hidden' effects. Personally, I don't use the royal arms because I don't want to deal with the hassle of having that life penalty. Warp-striking with the crossbow uniquely warps Noctis towards the enemy, lacking an actual strike, instead shooting four point-blank shots diagonally upward. final-fantasy-15 Share Improve this question When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Guide is now obsolete ; replaced with actual user instructions in their appropriate sections on... But you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in S-Rank! Mod \\ added ] -- - `` INSTALLING RESHADE '' -- - `` INSTALLING ''! To be more specific, it is recommended, but Noctis can collect four Swords. More damage than a regular attack, and combine them for a slash. Your HP by a flat amount is for Noctis to gather the royal arms on weapon. Telekinesis range is recommended, but they have their time and place shield! Exact process this entails is unknown UPDATED ] -- - `` Cherry Blossoms in Full Bloom '' by Nsept0403 in... 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