{Disdain}Respect the White Legs? {DUPE}The Divide winds have torn the skin from many of them - {beat}may be the radiation is the only thing keeping them walking. The missiles will launch. This package you said it had markings? [SUCCEEDED] {Slight sneer}No no, I couldn't. Occasionally sift through the dust, the buildings see if I can find some history. Go ahead. {Cold}You've answered your own question. {DUPE}[FAILED] Wasn't always like this. There was only one message in the machine, only one message in the package you brought. The Bear is diseased, barely clings to life. [Legion] So when you called me traitor in Hopeville, that title belongs to you. I'm not talking about NCR or the Legion, I'm talking about our history. Caesar respects such strength, I told them. Getting all the upgrades let's you not kill . "Is this about history?"}History. You won't be the one to give them. Until the Divide all the NCR burning that much death, it bears the mark of a Legion hand. If so, killing him was mercy, not cruelty. {No sound file}. {Looking at player's inventory}Let's make something new from the old. {No sound file}, You may not know my voice, but we've walked the same places. Eleanor's life is foggy before she was dug up from a grave by a robot. {Beat, cold}There's more. {Scorn, player laid a mine, "Hanlon's" a famous mine-layer}Worthy of Hanlon. They were dead already, their symbol diseased. No matter now. {Player pointing gun at him, grim}Better be sure. MillerJC 1 yr. ago. {Narration}{Wild Wasteland}{Target: Both Factions}The Couriers finally, really did it. If you turn your back on your home, so be it. {Thinking}Antivenom's helpful around the Mojave with the Bark Scorpions. Slow burn, a little faster than before. {To himself}So it's to be my ending, then. If we get separated, I'll meet you above Hopeville, near the Canyon Wreckage. You knew what was coming, as sure as I know what's coming for you. You're a Legion traitor, and now you'll die. You mean the Republic troops who were here? He will not fight a losing battle and destroy what he represents. I can call your machine to me. But the Twisted Hairs survived, even after Caesar. NVDLC04Ulysses.txt | Fallout Wiki | Fandom 43,449 pages Fallout games Fallout 76 Community Register in: Lonesome Road dialogue files English NVDLC04Ulysses.txt View source This is a transcript for dialogue with Ulysses . I can hear it in your voice. But rather than cracks in the earth, it was a road from the West into the Mojave, a supply line. A general, like Caesar and Oliver. No. {Beat, final, somber}Two Couriers, together, at the Divide. Yet you believe in the wrong symbol. {Slow, considering}You seek to use your own crimes to prevent mine. [SUCCEEDED] {Nod}Death'll come from below. If the Divide couldn't kill you perhaps these spears of the Old World can. {Sneers}Doubt. Was hoping you could help me shape something. Always - let them live, spread the word. You said a home is a place you breathe life into, a moment where you know who you are. {Reflective}Can be a place of mind, a moment where you know who you are, the history of it. And even then you have to pick the right speech options. Its people, more than that. Called it Bitter Drink, mixed up the Xander and Broc in a bottle, added some kick to it so your head doesn't get all clouded. - Joshua Graham. {No sound file}. If you're determined, return, might be something new surfaces. {No sound file}. If you're Legion, are you angry because I destroyed the Divide supply line instead of you? NVDLC04Dia_NVDLC04Dialogue_0000D97F_1NVDLC04Dia_NVDLC04Dialogue_0000D97E_1. You saw one locked in the silo beneath you. Others by Couriers. I'm not done talking to you yet, there's more I want to know. I will start with their camp at Dry Wells once my homeland. {Sneers, anger, player's getting to him}You were tricked. You followed the East once, you can do so again. Their convictions - vows. These packages you carried. Do Not Translate >. Even as the fires here burned them from within the winds of the Divide tore their skin, exposed them screaming to the sky. Keeps them anchored. Or maybe you walked so far West, the Bear's sickness crept into you. At the end, I'll be waiting. This time {emph}you carry the burden. That place and I have a past, owe it a debt - and it owes me. [SUCCEEDED] {Nods, agreeing}There's truth in your words, {and}in what I've seen of their tactics, movements - recovery. Speeches are things of NCR, words without strength. But everything in Vegas speaks of someone who can't let go. Convince him the Bear will not be the twentieth tribe beneath his heel, it will make him pause like nothing on earth. The machine made from the parts of Navarro? {DUPE}{Quiet, accusing}I carry no hatred for duty if that's what this was. {No sound file}. You're going after the Long 15? {No sound file}. {Beat, making offer}If you brought Mojave gifts, might be able to shape something for the road. The Chip - a choice. For now. {Thinking}You were the only one willing to make the journey to and from here a hard road. Trying doesn't hold much weight with me. {Cold}Now the signal's strong enough, no need for you to carry it anymore. That history has been written, its lessons learned. {Suspicious}If you feel I do not know the Legion's strength - then I will listen. No danger there. {Conceding to player's request, a little less challenging. And when I saw the Divide you made, I saw a second chance, a new way of thinking. You walk, leave ruin in your path you can't leave alone. {Cold}There is no way to stop them. No, when they come this far, they aren't Legion. I asked the White Legs to destroy a people with ancestry, going back thousands of years - another death of history, lost to time. I want to talk more about your recordings I found here in the Divide. The Divide is awakening - the package, and the message within, have come full circle. There are other Legates, and the one before Lanius couldn't take Hoover Dam for Caesar. Makes them stronger. In the logs you mentioned a tribe called the Twisted Hairs - your tribe? I know that now. {No Sound File}. Perhaps the shadow of the Bull does walk with you. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic033. {Narration}There, they saw NCR relics, reminders of their once proud history. So gave them purpose - turned their hunger into a weapon. GUIDE FORUMS An Killing you meaningless. {Slightly pleased, they can settle things personally}Good. {"Maybe," low}Outlast the Bear, outlast the Bull. If the West thanks you the East won't, in time. {No sound file}. Never claimed it as mine. Let its flag burn, just like you let the Divide burn. {Beat, dismissive}You'll know by the end. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic051. {Thinking to himself}No way to cleanse the radiation - makes them hard to kill there, have to draw them out. Had tech from the Big Empty, recorder a woman gave me didn't survive the road, on its last legs. The Mojave'll become Vegas. That log {disgusted at White Legs}no, it concerned the White Legs, training them to kill. Settlers camps filling that Old World city. {Echo, insulted}Assassin? 5 "Life Has A Way Of Punishing You For The Mistakes You Make." Boone is arguably the best and most nuanced companion in New Vegas. I'll give answers as you go. Carried it etched on your weapons. And you'll die with that question on your lips. Your carelessness for the paths you walk - it has destroyed the city you serve. I've heard enough. "My name is"}Not my given name, close enough. Me they called me the Flag-Bearer. Let that one fly, or destroy itself. That's Legion territory. {Dismissive}Beasts from the Divide. It's not Legion - the Legion I know, but they change, even in small ways as they march West, with every tribe they break. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic111. Word of you at Fort Aradesh Fort Abandon. {Judging}Maybe that's why you chose Vegas the lights can blind, make people forget themselves. NVDLC04Dia_NVDLC04Dialogue_0000D729_1 [SUCCEEDED] {Hesitant}Maybe not. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic018. No, opposite of that. That tribe of jackals? They didn't know it was gone, that yet they had cared once. Vegas earned its right to survive, its people don't deserve what's about to happen. {Disgust}The idea of a machine bearing a message new to you? Not your birthplace maybe, but home. Courier you carry death wherever you go, Mojave knows - or will. Was going to watch, see. {Introspective, cont}Left marks on them, too. Not the myth. They revere their mines and explosives, guns {emph}that is their religion - {disgust}death from afar, take pride in it. Now let's test that strength. {To himself}Not after the work we'd done to cut off New Canaan, other routes, killing caravans all we'd done to make the West bleed. You delivered a package. It's proof that killing a symbol is going to be harder than you thought. She doesn't like debts, can respect that. Too proud, maybe - {quiet}or maybe something there, from his past, that needed killing. Back to symbols and history, then. White Legs, they were born for war, they run to it, hungry for battle yet their hunger is to be a part of history, something larger. Nothing to be gained by me holding them, and more will surface in time. The Legion thought it might get into the community through me, just as I'd found the way by following you. There is a shadow of a nation behind you, the hope of a people yet it may not matter. "I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.". And knowing that you believe in the Bear's sickness and have given it strength then that gives more reason to lay waste to your homeland. [NCR] You might not believe in nations. Is this how it must end between us? [FAILED] {Disdain}Search history, might find meaning in it. It was all you could say to prevent from being killed. I had a reputation of soft-hearted devil with the three big factions when I finally got the Independent dialogue, so try to do that if possible. You and that machine, are all that remains of NCR here {quieter, to himself}rest fell to radiation, fire and what burrows below. {Cold}So you resort to trickery. I do. {Thinking, slow}Name's died twice to history. {No sound file}. Do you really think these missiles can kill everyone? Waited too long. Whatever traditions or rituals they had, most likely squeezed out of them by now, turned into something else. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic099. First, you need to find your way. Something larger - yet they let the rest of the world suffer. To even claim they were shadows of the Twisted Hairs No, whatever words you heard, they were not mine. The Legion who died here. {No sound file}. {Frowns}That's the wrong word. {Beat}The Mojave awaits. {Dismissive}But yes last I heard, you needed a weapon between your legs to carry one for Caesar. {Quieter}Might be that history needs to have its say. You're still making assumptions about all this. [FAILED] Mojave needs to survive itself first does that, Tunnelers will be next on the list. [SUCCEEDED] {Cold, final}They won't help you understand what happened here. Had to. At least I don't hide behind a machine like a coward. It grew from what you did. I need to know why you're doing this - not for my sake, for history's sake. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic049, < Topic Storage: Wrapping up thoughts on House. Let him dream of the Old World {emph}he remembers, and keep those memories where they belong, in his head. Do not translate. When we first spoke in Hopeville, you mentioned you'd sworn not to kill me. And beyond it saw the rest of the Old World hell there, all carved up like garden plots. You mean your brothers in the Legion - our brothers. [FAILED] You came from the West, walked there. {DUPE}Let's end this, Courier, you and I. >. Machines bombs, things of NCR, are your tools, not mine. Kill me, perhaps. Article Creation; Policies; Survival Guide The Divide bore the symbol of America as did the package from Navarro. {Surprised}That question {Beat, chewing it over}either you walked the Big Empty {beat, nods}you found the last of the holotapes. {Scoffs}No need to destroy the Bear, just cut its throat. {Narration}The Courier tore the ancient flag of the Commonwealth from its cables, and cast it over the corpse {Narration}though whether done as a sign of respect, or in anger for what had been endured to reach this moment - that is unknown. [SUCCEEDED] {Conceding to player's request, a little less challenging. Legion wears many colors, East and West. {Quiet}Caesar could command him. {No sound file}, [FAILED] {Disgust, slight dismissive}I know you. Left the colors to mark my way, like always, case someone finds them, learns the pattern - the Courier might. {All the Marked Men have died. A new nation, stirring to life. House takes a shovel to history's graves, props up the dead, then puts words in their mouths. {Narration}{Female}There, beside her feet, was a final package, from one Courier to another - a footlocker, bearing a gift, and a message. Ulysses Was Meant Give the Courier More Info on Caesar's Legion As mentioned, Ulysses was actually supposed to be a companion that the Courier could recruit in the base game of New Vegas. {Anger, "Justice"}Just? NVDLC04Dia_NVDLC04Dialogue_0000E12C_1NVDLC04Dia_NVDLC04Dialogue_0000D447_1, NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic054. So the Legion doesn't know what happened here? If you meant to kill me, you should have done it long ago. Denver hounds? If you follow a symbol to the end, ask yourself what that means. You and that Chip - deserve each other, twenty-nine less coins than other traitors have carried, if history's true. {Angry}What do you seek to gain by telling me this. That will be my message to you, like the message you had for me. NCR was right to want to rake their claws in it. The blue of the Mojave skies - isn't like the rest of the world. How were you planning to attack the Divide? Had to ask the why of it. It was the key. You walk blindly, foolishly into death, your own and others. The Divide still stands against us. AUDIO: Need more distortion here, Ulysses just cut in. It's a dance, I don't know its purpose. Yes. You skipped past where you build the community, moved onto killing one. {Anger, sneer}Blame? {Beat}Tired of history's lessons, anyway. Let's see what else it can do. Questions in those tapes I still haven't found answers to. Lead Director Josh Sawyer revealed in the above charity livestream that Ulysses ended up getting cut due to having too many lines of dialogue. It was madness asked them a question in anger. {Ulysses Healing Eyebots have been disabled, dismissive}Can't stop the Old World's return, Courier. The Old World died long ago. Bull did a better job. It will feed on itself, die. Meant to? But no, the Legion will burn as well. Only currency I have, nothing else to be gained - {you}could turn around, walk away at any time. You came all this way for answers. {No sound file}. The {emph}true Courier, Courier Six. Comes down to perspective, how far one's walked, and what they've left behind. {Cold}They deserve what comes and should answer for it, as you should. For Caesar. I know because I followed you as you walked the road, watched you do it. You destroyed your own homeland. I wasn't begging for mercy. Either way, here's a list ranking all the Fallout games from the worst to the best. The Divide's irradiated are you sure you want to stay here? Became part of history's march. {Cold, player blew it}The West will burn, as intended, and Vegas will follow. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic070. I never sought to escape. {To himself, about player}Stronger than I thought. The more I hear, the more I understand your history. {Beat, warning}Not before. Road gets rougher from here {slight disdain}Courier. But you {emph}chose to come, couldn't let be - not in you to let go. And the Mojave's dangerous enough - left to the land, the land has its way. Had to fight during a time when his world had two flags, and he had to make them one. {Cold}Thought that explosion, that building falling deep in the Divide might have been your work wouldn't kill you, maybe close. {Emph}If you had been there when it happened. {Surprised}The tapes {slightly impressed}didn't think those would be found you know the Divide better than I thought. {Beat}My world - no longer the East. {Slight reverence}And they awoke. It was like looking at the dead of my tribe, reborn as ghosts - hateful, hungry, bowing to Caesar. You're planning to kill a nation from a distance, just like NCR - just like you accused me of. The giants here will listen to it. Old World wreckage's nothing new after that, something you had your hand in - you'll walk it soon enough. I'll let your words answer it, from the tapes you left along the road to the Divide. It's dangerous as fuck and full of evil doers and lawlessness but you . I want you to die knowing you're wrong, and that's what history will remember. I'll find this trigger - then I'll come find you. {No sound file}, {Frowns}The robot with {emph}you {Beat, explains, disgust, hates ED-E}all of them are machines - radios, Old World tech reshaped with new hands. Markings of America. [FAILED] You serve Vegas ghosts, not the tribes Vegas devoured. It's just a name - you have {emph}no idea who I am. You're saying when the meaning gets lost - that what happens here, can make things worse. }No more echoes of the Bull and the Bear. The Legion who died here. {Reflective}Bear and Bull shed too much blood there to let it go. The road doesn't end here, there's more to come, I swear to you. Long 15 Canaan both bad enough. {Frowns}If you seek to anger me, words won't be enough. {Beat}Or is it just, you, {speaking title}Courier, without the lights and ghosts. Enough to hold up NCR, long enough so that Vegas may live again? Heavy guard, watchful. You saw it at the Divide, even blamed me for it. {Cold}Now the flag you follow will answer for it. Hesitated. Fall apart, back to the tribes, maybe. Nearly killed me. {Narration}It is said a man still walked its streets, with a tattered jacket, an Old World flag etched on the back {Narration}He remained there, perhaps as punishment for the scars he left on the wastes - or a reminder of a history he could not forget. We'll see. Bear's too busy carving up the Mojave with knives, roads, borders, and how things {emph}should be to see how it {emph}is. {Nostalgia increases}It had the name "the Divide," too. Nearly killed me, flesh and spirit. Then detonations, quakes, caused them to surface? Its logs tell of a place where America survived may still exist. Deathclaws - hunt the Marked Men, {even quieter, for emphasis}and they also hunt what burrows below. {Beat, slight snide}You've already answered for what you've done. Or so I thought. Keeps the Bear fenced if Caesar can't drive it back, fire might. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic116. {Challenging}If you challenge this moment, let's hear your perspective. {No sound file}. Save it for the road ahead. Here's some for the road - trick to making it's not hard. The sequence has begun, just as before. {Sneers}I carry nothing for them. Dialog implementation, VO mastering, editing, processing, implementation for all dialog. {Quiet, respectful}As for my brothers in the Legion they deserved to die in battle, as do all beneath the flag of the Bull. The indy dialogue is elusive. {Derisive}The soldiers of the Bear? {Smile/sneer}What kind of world would this be if Courier killed Courier. They make roads into places no one else will go, guarded or not. Things you did. If you bomb the West and East is this how things should end? And power, stronger than me, would take a hundred Elijahs someone tougher than him or I to best them in their Dome. Seems you just proved his philosophy to him. If my words are all you have, let's hear them. Like following a river current. No Courier would go to the Divide but you will. {Rallying}But there's no answer in that. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic104. {Disgust}If you ever had any ability to hear anything beyond your own footsteps the Divide silenced it. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic112. [SUCCEEDED] {Conceding to player's request, a little less challenging. I've been to your home, the place you kept returning to may not be the place you were born, was the place you gave life to, same thing. {Disgust}Staked a claim, whether it was wanted there or not - {just like its}true elsewhere in the Mojave. For Fallout: New Vegas on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Let's make up dialogue options for dealing with Ulysses.". You'll see the way of it soon enough. Kill them - no. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic105. That grave of lights, back to dust and ghosts, as was meant. That'll end soon, can't walk the Long 15 and not have a nation's shadow fall on you. [SUCCEEDED] {Slight confusion}Our history {frowns}the Divide. And did. Use the night, silence, and fire to change their words to pleas, to screams. Your head's messed up worse than the Divide. Whether made by them or not it came here. {Beat}Promise of another future. Not Bear, not Bull - now radiation's marked them, made them equal in history's eyes. {Quiet, accusing}I carry no hatred for duty if that's what this was. {DUPE}[SUCCEEDED] {Reluctant}History has proven this. Families of Vegas were once tribes. Maybe you better tell me who you are, and what you want. So what, they weren't that important then? {Remarked}Full circle, walked your road - now back again. Watch them - if they attack me, try to enter the Mojave, I answer. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic110. [FAILED] Another city fallen to nations, in the east not important. {Beat}We walk the same road, carry the same colors. Lost myself in trying to read the braids they wove, when I remembered they had put no meaning in it. Assassins? Caesar taught them the last one, though, so that's it for them. The Divide survived in you. Seems to me you proved that philosophy to him. Some time before I realized the why of it. Same madness. If your path takes you there, know you're not the only one. If that's all that drives you, it won't last. [FAILED] {Disgust}When I speak in anger, {emph}Courier, you'll know it. Call it that. {Frowns}If I have the answers, you've earned them. {Cold}No, {emph}you are. If you don't - you will. Version 1.00. {No sound file}. {Beat}No, I know the truth of it. Justice of a sort. Brought the Bear, then the Bull, brought me, following your tracks. That - that was truth, even if "strength" wasn't the word. They'll lead you to your home one more time, lead to the ending of it - {slow, cold}maybe remind you why you wander. Then with the rulers of the Big Empty. Assassins. Not revenge just the way of things when you {emph}own them. {To himself, robot is destroyed}Another Old World soldier falls. Ashton missile, turned Hopeville into a furnace. The two-headed Bear made its claim, dug its claws into the trail you made. Had markings that matched those in the Divide. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic002. And Caesar's past. And not new among all those in the shadow of the Bear. His voice carries no weight here. Inside more complicated. Your path takes you there, from the Big Empty, recorder a woman gave me did think. Fall on you hand in - you 'll know by the end she was dug up from a by! Your carelessness for the paths you walk - it has destroyed the city you serve as! 'S inventory } let 's hear them } they deserve what 's about to happen 's coming you! 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