Supreme Court Weighs Whether Postal Service Can Force Christian Employee To Work on Sundays, Taxes Are Not the Mark of Civilized Society, Debate: Despite the Welfare State, the U.S. Should Open Its Borders. Assuming you have the correct about of feet from peoples houses and adequate berm to protect rounds from going anywhere they shouldnt, if a neighbor calls the cops because of noise do you really LEGALLY HAVE to stop shooting? 2016 | Connecticut's Official State Website, regular Nov. 12, 2019. That's where we get the conventional formulation that you can't use deadly force just to defend property. You should have a solid backstop. The maximum penalty for this offense is a $3,000 fine and three years in jail. Of course, even if you are clear from any kind of criminal prosecution, it is important to keep the civil laws in mind. "), McDonald

ct gun laws shooting on property
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