I say this loosely but "usually" the tensioner is located behind the timing cover. I'm at 89k with no issues on my 2013. Next, use a 16mm socket and pull it to the drivers side of the engine bay to remove the tension from the accessory belt tensioner. IBREY4. Line up the new seal in the bore and tap it into place with a plastic or rubber mallet. Grab the valve cover by one of the camshaft solenoid holes and by where the vacuum pump sits at the back, and rock the cover back and forth until it is freed. Timing Chain Replacement Kit - N20/N26 - Genuine BMW Components - NOT for xDrive Models, var pricelevel1=""; var pricelevel2=pricelevel1.replace('+','');if(pricelevel1 != '' && pricelevel1 != 'Online Price' && pricelevel1 !='Racer Price') document.write(pricelevel2+' ');Price:$689.99. ;WTK[DjG-nmlCh2]t]zwAp0-VnXC~otv@U+y_b9(oW*WV4aB>c[lJ9mU(G$J%'l,\Lr*%^rxBMQK8I#n}% n >_FGc^X]~M
bmw n20 timing chain tensioner replacement
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