Only buy what you need if you want to keep your 2nd Amendment, this is a time we need to band together and spread the wealth. To God be the Glory!! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Bob Northrup. I agree so maney new shooters and our fair share of hoarders makes it difacult for a real to keep up. This new company doesnt appear to be vaporware. Its kinda like the old caps we had for our cap gunms, the harder I hit the cap( with a hammer) the louder the crack. Capitalism is dead and we fall victim to 1 supply chain breaking a link. When i retired 18 years ago i started to stock up on anything i thought i might need so i am pretty well supplied. Rise up put God first! Social unrest led to a huge uptick in gun and ammunition purchases, leading to gun and ammo shortages. I find it interesting that youre here looking for shotshell primers yet you consider our article on why there is a primer shortage and subsequent follow up to be engaging in unethical commerce. Jack#9. Sometimes can find a random bag in a Bass Pro/Cabelas in the Florida-North Carolina stretch but I have only seen 2 of them in 3 years. Wait, um. November 20, 2021 at 10:38 pm #388407. glennsevert. When the economy shut down, so did mining operations for everything from copper, to lead, and most other raw . I might not be able to reload, but I will have a clean butt for the next 5 to 10 years!! 99 $ 2. Greetings Bryan, Wonderful article. As demand for primers by ammunition manufacturers shot through the roof, less were available for reloaders. STOP! Rifle,Pistol,Shotgun formed a co-op of manufacturing of primers where the employees got paid and goods sold at cost how much we all could shoot??? probably going to a military order recently placed before they loose there funding for at least four years. Now, should you save every one of those 9mm brass casings, the rest of the components - bullets, powder and primers - would still run around $295, which means you'd save only about $65 to do the reloading. Why? As an individual, as of right now, theres little you can do in the face of the reloading equipment supplies shortage. I was doing well at both until a contact at Federal said to save my primers! Kinda like when a winter storm is coming, you have people buy up a bunch of generators and when lowes or home depot sells out, they sit out in the parking lots and sell them for a large profit.. Prospects of anti 2nd amendment president? Thanks for the insight. My last purchase of 5,000 CCI small pistol primers was in March 2020. The items came quicker than expected and in good condition. I am thankful that most responsible gun owners do not see things the same as you and fully understand the threat that is on our doorstep. Personally and as a nation, Vince, so true. I believe most of us old timers have done this and the issue now is partially from a large influx of new loaders. Reactions: KZP. These things lack all good common sense. The platform Biden-Harris ran on openly stated they have the desire to shut down interstate commerce for firearms and firearm related purchases. You can I rest assured that folks like me, lifelong passionate hunter and guide, environmentalist, progressive, and Second supporter will never support anyone that is anti-2nd. Either way, we will win, as it should be , all they have to do is sell theirs cheaper than the start-up, and they put them out of business . Refine by Primer Style: 209 In-Line 209M. This is to abolish the Constitution by leftist-interpretation that the Constitution is obsolete and needs to be abolished. Major manufactures are just catching up(some) and some, like LC were 2 1/2 years behind before their distributors shut off the order switch last year. Have not bought any since then. . leaders. Gander Outdoors in Kenosha, WI reader-submitted photo on We all need to keep praying!! The article is informative. I wont turn on my fellow American, but Ill have to defend my family. Now ammunition is drying up. Elections have consequences. The Remington bankruptcy has had a large impact on the shortage of ammo and primers. HRC made a statement in 1998 that the 2nd amendment doesnt mention ammo or components. Another result of this madness is the lack of availability of rimfire ammunition. I wonder if possibly, there is an intentional shortage being perpetraed on us? Vista Outdoors will offer them double or triple their price and buy their entire production output, to prevent reloaders from getting them. I think you are spot on. That is usually their mode of operation. Im probably going to use whatever I have left and just throw in the towel. Minuteman. Overall a good article. Type: Large Pistol Match. Exactly. I will have check for more recent prices. Assault weapons should have been classed with machine gun status when they first hit the market. only take what you need, If you have 20K rounds and 20K primers, I think you are more than good for a war. Available funds never allowed me to stock up so I didnt. Amazing how a virus with a 99% survival rate has brought our economy to its knees. Unless you have less than 100 rounds for your various calibers. 3.3 (3) Winchester Triple Se7en 209 Muzzleloading Primers . As you know, our Second Amendment is settled law. The political landscape is more volatile and explosive than ever. I suggest the rest of the reloaders reading this forum quietly build up their own stock pile when the current shortage is over. It can be done. Great article! Tired of waiting for 300 Blackout ammo, brass, or primers to become available. I am not skilled or talented enough to be that guy, but I am certainly willing to make efforts to help in this idea. Really, Im a lily white snowflake liberal. If I could find a Cap Gun, I would get one! It is gun control that they couldnt get done in the courts. A$20 hazmat fee is not worth it when your competitors have 5k limits. Available. Maybe they should be knocking on or kicking-in your door, first. What Happened To All The Primers & Ammo 2021? I like doing business with you. Thanks for this information. Vince, thanks for the pragmatic approach to our countrys CANCER! We the people, the voters on either side, are all in the same boat. A: While Hodgdon will continue to ship powder as rapidly as possible, we have a significant backlog in demand. Therefore we would never pay that price for primers. Im surprised that the Chinese havent taken advantage of this situation and flood the market over here. To make more money. Along with Vista, Winchester ( Olin) is revving up the Lake City arsenal. I believe there is favoritism also, in addition to the points you have cited above that prevent the average Joe from getting primers. It is obvious that the left has driven us to this point. Learn how to throw the knitting needleslol, If youre going to approach knitting as youd approach reloading youre going to need some sheep. Anyhow all the best to you and your company and for a brighter 2021. wrist rockets require no bullet powder or primers, ant wrist rocket ammo can be found for free on the ground if need be. Ah, shoot now I wont be able to find my favorite yarns in stock thanks to the primer shortage! $12.99. But Im still on the hunt. We all know home land and the other armed forces have put in orders for ammo that will keep all manufacturers tied up for 3 to 4 years in the wake there might be a round 2 of a civil war to speek. I am one of those people, started reloading late 2018. Has the up arming of the Military had an effect on the availability of primers ? Thank you for this very well thought out article. 1. 3. Over the last several years, I have purchasing a sleeve (5,000) primers a year, whether I needed them or not. Thanks for the update. I appreciate the time Powder Valley took to print this because I was wondering where the Wolf primers were. I search your site every couple hours about 6-8 times a day for primers, most specifically small pistol primers. Ive been wondering about the reloading supply chain.Thank you for the timely and well though out article. A quick look at places like Gunbroker show plenty of primers are available - unfortunately, they are often 2 to 5 times normal MSRP. There are definitely some profiteers who buy primers and then sell them on auction sites or other multi list sites. Some modifications and restrictions in gun ownership is necessary over time to keep us safe from misuse. 25 years later, still no problems. There is nothing common sense about banning firearms. I believe the use of the word stockpile is to be prepared for short or long term shortages. I suppose one could make it cheaper but he wouldnt be doing so with variety and precision. The use of stockpile does not lend itself to a negative implication. This is all about supply and demand. Keep up the good work you all are greatly appreciated. Are you actually getting and selling any at all? As it takes about a minute per round to reload, you're looking at spending at least 16 hours to produce . I think it is a quiet way to disarm US gun owners. Vince, you absolutely correct!! Whisky said: Midsouth has had CCI SRM for the past week and Federal LP have shown up once or twice in the last couple of weeks. 2023? GOD help us all. You cant hunt ducks with more than 3 shells in your shotgun but assault weapon owners complain about not being able to able to load 50 rounds with a silenced report. Our President said that He was told We have no ammunition . We are seeing the definition of spiritual warfare taking place before our very eyes. CCI and the other primer manufacturers have a lot of public explaining to do. However I can never walk through a gun shop without buying somethinggood shootin. The ultra-popular H4198, H4895, Varget, H4350, and H4831 family of powders are produced by ADI in Australia **. First you call people Hoarders, then you tell them to Stock up in times of plentiful supply. I guess the main thing that causes me to question the validity of this primer shortage and/or ammo shortage in general is that you can go to a website like bullseye north and see that theres plenty available in Canada. I ask, where do they get their primers? Someone poked themself with a knitting needle, so Congress banned them to protect us all. Put him first and he will lead us to where we need to be! Our country is on the brink. My guns are just expensive paperweights now. Very good analysis! However, I did find your comment stating the possibility of an anti-Second Amendment President and Senate concerning. As a SASS member I shoot and reload all my match ammo. Very informative article and greatly appreciated! I just find the misinformation counter productive. Its a business, plain and simple. There is a quantum leap difference between the two. Havent manufacturers realized this isnt a temporary bump but a new level of demand? I need SP, which No one seems to have. Any chance of Powder Valley starting a back order list so it isnt just by chance of looking at your site when you have a supply? A large government contract and were all screwed again. If anything it may get worse. So we are getting ready to do our part to help out with that issue.. AKA tin horn dictators Bwhaha bwhaha bwhaha, Great explanation of the circumstances. If Powder Valley is going to restrict primer purchases to 1k, I think you shouldnt charge a hazmat fee. Oboma was elected no 22s Biden was elected no reloading supplies seems odd. Feb 15, 2022. drgondog said: Conversation with Gene Sears Supply yesterday. So disheartening as I send a press to Dillon for repairs. Not resonable to pay shipping and hazmat on 2000 primers. However, I disagree. There was a surplus of AR-15s last year at $800. In the past, i normally would buy primers 10k at a time in order to spread out the Haz Mat surcharge. Im tempted to go through the exercise of disassembling loaded 62 grain 5.56, resizing and reforming at least 500 rounds to 300 Blackout. Well, we are in a proverbial monsoon downpour right now. Remember the Clinton primer shortage where they wanted primers that degrade over time so people wouldnt want to stockpile ammunition and the shortage of military ammo cans? I passed on your in stock primers last week for this reason. These price increases are from capitalism and whatever the market will bear for those not prepared when there is a shortage and will have to pay a substantial price increase for their needed product. This is a grim time to say the least but I am hoping for the best for all of us and that the skudel but is wrong Sorry if your profits cant include California but hiding that loss behind a statement of effectively end businesses is unfounded. Thats great news. Lets see I need shotgun, small and larger rifle and pistol. Mark. I understand why you limit a 1000 primers per person when you have the primers in stock. Full Member. I could see direct to market beong viable these days as well as small players who are Willing to catch that ire. Ive been reloading for 46 years and Im just not used to seeing such a thing as this happening. Cost Range. Or RCBS ? Bidens policy on assault weapons is to register them. Hopefully theyll be close to either the Winchester or the Federal 209a. Thanks for the explanation but dont call them our leaders. Not sure if you noticed but we do have W209 shotshell primers in stock at this time. Evil has been here since the fall in the Garden of Eden, but it is becoming so blatant because Satan knows his time is short. Under what reason? WaltHer Felipe Forevuh. FREE SHIPPING. VOTING change is what will make a difference! See link below. Its hoarders more than any single factor. NO GOD, NO HOPE. Most of the time I do not put a whole lot of weight on what a politician says but when a politician issues a campaign promise to End the online sale of firearms and ammunitions. I wish Powder Valley would devise a backorder system where we could have an order in place when primers and other items become available. I mean what could possibly go wrong? No limit,happy to help and friendliest people youll ever meet! Yikes. Canadian vendors have primers in stock. No matter who is elected! There are too many people wanting their way and not Gods way and God is tired of the disrespect and is letting it be known!! The issue with rimfire, at least during the previous shortage, was that the companies put all their resources in materials, machinery, and staff into production of the most popular rounds. Fortunately, I ordered 2000 primer from Powder Valley before the SHTF. with the zestful glee I think we can anticipate from the new administration coming in I would think they would be trying to sabotage any and all efforts to re-establish this primer supply line I will never forget watching Teddy Kennedy, as he was boarding a jet and was asked by a reporter about the latest Brady Bill defeat saying we have learned that if we can stifle the supplies of ammunition then gun control with become a mute point .. that has echoed in my memory ever since. I am completely aware of law and the fight that us 2nd Amendment supporters put up every year. Cant find one single primer locally due to out of staters buying & hoarding local stocks. When there is a primer shortage the first thing people normally point to is consumer hoarding. See images (2) and (3) above; When will ammunition be more available and cheaper? Overpriced, but at least available. I dont care which so long as its a known. I call it.saving for a rainy day. If you have nothing to sell, how do you stay in business? We all need to learn from the past so it wont happen in the future. If I ration what I have, for example, planning on attending several majors and club matches forces me to eliminate all live fire practice until spring. the fly in that ointment is my fellow competitors did not so i either share {not} or compete with myself? Come, Lord Jesus, come! The new administration is definitely anti gun and anti 2A, and right now they have the ability to really hurt that community with the current situation. However, Ive recently seen .22 LR (if you can find it) going for up to 30 cents per round! Cut the supply of ammo, where we can shoot & when, who can shoot, and everything (including our Rights & ways of life) slowly erodes to nothing. Thank you, Bryan R., for this very informative and comprehensive message. If I remove my firing pin and drill out my primer pocket, could cannon fuse be used in place of primers? I have expanded to casting and sizing bullets for myself, scavenging used brass even in calibers that can be converted. There are a lot of rumors going around about the shortages of reloading supplies . When so, they could ship automatically or maybe trigger an automatically generated email notice that would need to be responded to within X amount of time to complete the sale and shipment. I will be watching for your news that you have some inventory in, will order primers, powder and a few thousand bullets. Thank you folks at Powder Valley for taking the time to give a detailed explanation of what is going on. Hell, they can just send a semi full to a regional gun show . With primer prices approaching U$.10 cent each, they now cost the same as most 9mm bullets. Joe toes the party line of gun bans, magazine bans, ect. If they can get prices sane I will buy a couple cases on principle. Conservatives play dumb and are slow to act. He boasted he would sell them at Gun Shows for100$-150$ a box.. and more. Why? People getting sick, missing work to take care of their kids, and self-quarantining from factory workers to delivery drivers, and all throughout the supply chain caused a lull in manufacturing this spring. Even at that, with the shortages I guess the sensible thing to do is avoid any major shootouts. Its frustrating and actually sometimes infuriating to see out of stock hundreds of times a day. When supply does improve, remember folks.stack it high and stack it deep. Primers were available at a large sporting good, and gun shop near me as of last week. 1. This has happened before and I decided the last time I would buy a little every other month until I felt I had enough. , Recently went on a roadtrip to find primersstopped in a small reloading supply shop,and found shelves stocked with everything from primers to powder to bullets Definately worth getting 5k to make the HazMat and shipping palletable. Ill wonder where these will fall in the heat range. Great civilizations, societies, empires, etc. What do you read into, Stacking the Supreme Court? Were losing right now because of speculation. As with previous surges in ammunition sales, primers are the current weak link in the . Canada has an abundance of primers, cannot be shipped to US. A firearms enthusiast with a $200 hand press and other tools like a $150 electric case prepper can assemble the raw components - bullets, primers, powder, brass cases - and make them into live . Most important statement of this article is the last words. Thanks for the info. Gosh??? I believe that many Americans would be. Everyone wants to know in one sentence why there has been a primer shortage over the last 18 months or so. They are a great company to deal with. I f you could up it to 3000 per person, the hazmat and shipping fees will not be so painful. No disrespect to ammo buyers, but if he big four are diverting the components to ammo manufacturing at the expense of the personal ammo makers, thats wrong. Although, a few of the main reasons will be condensed into a few (over . For 46 years and im just not used to seeing such a thing this! Use whatever i have left and just throw in the same boat a SASS member i shoot and all... My last purchase of 5,000 CCI small pistol primers down, so true or compete with myself have. Can do in the heat range believe the use of the word stockpile is to be abolished had... Press to Dillon for repairs see direct to market beong viable these days as well small. 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