Required for controlled text areas. A good example of a use case for textarea is an address field. Disable automatic spelling correction and text substitutions. Both can be By default, the text length is unlimited. React will force the text area to always have the value you passed. label is not recommended either it disappears once user makes their choice. Stateful checkbox with multiple selection. Renders a textarea component with a word limit. How can I insert a line break into a component in React Native? Why hasn't the Attorney General investigated Justice Thomas? Remember that the cols and rows HTML attributes do not limit on how many characters the user can enter. The HTML <Textarea>maxlength attribute is used to specify the maximum number of characters enters into the Textarea element. If you set the autoResizeEnabled property to true, the TextArea automatically resizes its height to fit the text.. You can also specify the maxLength property to . The size of a text area is specified by the cols and rows attributes . ; Create a method setFormattedContent, which trims the content down to limit characters and memoize it, using the useCallback() hook. maxLength: long: Returns / Sets the element's maxlength attribute, indicating the maximum number of characters the user can enter. Fires when the text selection in a