I had taken him to the Vet for stomach sickness, and she was concerned about the lump. He eventually stopped eating anything offered, became weak then also had to be euthanized. This is heartbreaking. I believe it gave her cancer. They are not innocuous as they suck blood occasionally to the point of causing anemia, transmit blood borne pathogens which can make pets sick, and cause a lot of irritation, dermatitis, itching and discomfort for pets. They got him stabilized and gave me anti-seizure meds since there was no one at the clinic overnight. I visited a vet on 07/15/20 who sold me and put on my dog's neck a Seresto flea collar. intense thirst. Later that evening, she developed systemic symptoms, including malaise, chest pains, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, diarrhea, stomach cramps, tremors, blurred vision, and excess salivation. My heart goes out to everyone who lost their sweet doggie. When we got home she had another seizure and then another. All within 10 days she had four grand mall seizures . Often in the back of our At one point or another, every pet owner has wondered how to get rid of fleas on their dog. Title: Weighing Risks to Children from Dogs Wearing Seresto Collars Author: U.S. EPA, Region 9 Subject: At the Vector-Borne Diseases \(VBD\) Workshop hosted by Region 9 on August 8, 2016, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention \(CDC\) presented information about its work with American Indian communities in Arizona to control Rocky Mountain spotted f\ ever \(RMSF\) after an outbreak of . Not really.. but it was only after the collar went one that she went downhill. My sister in law then sent us info on this collar n couldnt believe that they would sell something like this to harm our precious fur baby . I put one one my goldendoodle when he was about 5 months. He lays a cries in pain. I knew her health was declining but I never took her to the vet. My dog developed a large pimple like growth on his head, near his right ear. I firmly believe this was all a result of this collar. I don't know what they did different with them but within a few days of applying it to my dog she began walking funny and stumbling all over. Less than a month passed and I noticed a lump at the top of his neck. We just purchased the serestro collar for the second year in a row a few months ago. gave meds ,flotiflora blood work. She went from a completely healthy dog to dying only 8 days later. Bo was 10 years old when I had to have him euthanized in May 2016. Being a cold snap, I deci. I hope there is a lawsuit coming, because I have spent over $4000 trying to figure this all out and Vet visits and medication and bloodwork. Said seizures and put him on meds. We switched his food but they persisted. They are not innocuous as they suck blood occasionally to the point of causing anemia, transmit blood borne pathogens which can make pets sick, and cause a lot of irritation, dermatitis, itching and discomfort for pets. Some pesticides in flea collars can lead to severe cases of intoxication if ingested. We have a beautiful loving almost 8 year old Golden Retriever which wore one of these collars . You and your family members can also get sick. This harmful chemical is hazardous to your pet and can transfer from your cat to furniture, children's toys, and sometimes directly to humans. He was getting better by the next day but not 100%. Then I read the USA Today article. We took her to the vet, and ran all the blood test, and x-rays. On a Thursday he had a grand mal seizure at about 6 pm. I'm still a mess over it. The very next week this article came out and we discovered it was this collar. ******************************************************************************************** His breathing was extremely labored and he lost weight, took him to the vet his temp was only 97 so I was directed to an animal hospital. We put collar on our 15 month old Kitty. In 2020 I had to have my six year old cat euthanized after a rapid decline in health. I believe there is a connection between her kidneys and the collar. We spent thousands trying to find out what was wrong with her. During his visit at vet also was noticed that he has several lumps all through his body. Again wasnt sure what it could be thought it was just his time too. Him and I both have been dealing with ear issues; drainage and irritation. I had blood test to prove it. I always thought it was water from his baths. Symptoms of Flea Collar Poisoning in Dogs The symptoms that occur in flea collar poisoning are neurological and digestive. I don't think he has any long-term effect from it, but I can't be sure. Our third dog took the collar off and became ill but not fatally. I started using Soresto collar on my cat and dog the beginning of this year with no problems. Find out if your family may be eligible for a Tylenol autism or ADHD settlement. On the recommendation of my vet I purchased a Seresto flea collar for my be!oved 10 year old dog Bella. If your dog has swallowed a piece of collar, an endoscopic procedure may also be performed to remove it. Her health continued to get worse through the winter and I decided to get her checked out. She was having trouble breathing specially laying down . Cat flea collar poisoning can sometimes present within minutes of exposure but may be delayed several days in some cats. Very sad he is so young. While at vet, I read of the Seresto issues and called vet to remove collar. My husband and I were going away for a week and our adult children check on the house and feed M[Show More]I started using Soresto collar on my cat and dog the beginning of this year with no problems. This collar KILLED MY CAT!!! Our Akita became ill, following the same pattern and passed last week. After I was away from my dog the symptoms went away but as soon as I got near him, I felt like I was having a stroke again. It has been known to negatively affect humans, as well. After about 4 hours there, we tried to take her home but she started having seizure again. I have removed it and hope to see some change in him. This had never occurred prior to wearing the Seresto collar. I rescued my dog on 06/30/20. I started buying these a fee years back for both my dogs and cat. Yes, fleas will bite pet-less humans, too. I dont know but I find it weird she wore it for 2 yrs with no problems. and we are faced with putting her to sleep because this collar with trust to keep fleas and trick of her may have caused more harm then good. Please see each individual active ingredient for more information. I still have the containers the collars came in, and the last photos I have of both dogs show them wearing the collars. We are going to have his body autotopsized and have a toxicology screening to find out cause of death, but all I [Show More]My sister was visiting and bought my smallest rat terrier mix a seresto collar Friday night. . This is heartbreaking. This was 01/18/21. I am not sure if it was the collar or not but hopefully other people that are having problems similar Maybe this will help in saving someones pet, Ive been using seresto on my Labrador for about 5-6 years. My other dog seems to be fine though and my husbanf has no issues. Please let me know of any other similar cases. Within three weeks the seizures began, at first I thought she was going after a mouse..then I realize she's Frantically struggling to get her balance..to stand. When we cleared up one within weeks the next came on. Had no idea it was the collars. I always thought it was water from his baths. When flea and tick collars are accidentally ingested or applied to pets inappropriately, they can result in severe clinical signs of the central nervous system (e.g., lethargy, walking drunk, dilated pupils, seizures, coma), gastrointestinal system (e.g., drooling, vomiting . I spent over $2000 that weekend. they look at a couple results and go okay, money will do the rest. His front legs started giving out and he limps. My heart goes out to all those who have lost a beloved pet to this product. I refused to believe it was the collar. In addition, bathe your pet with mild soap and rinse with large amounts of water. I thought nothing of putting the new one on her and just feel terrible about it. These collars need to be removed from market asap. I made sure she was watered and she curled up on my lap and went to sleep. I had tried the frontline drops but his skin is very sensitive so it was recommended I use seresto. My 5 year old Boxer was having seizures and died of a brain tumor 5 August 2020. The symptoms that occur in flea collar poisoning are neurological and digestive. I held her comforting her and it passed within 5 minutes. Bought a Seresto collar for my dog, within a month she had to be euthanased as she was so ill, despite having a clean bill of health from her vet just 2 months prior to putting on Collar. Now I hear these collars can cause seizure and death. But it was effective and the next year I bought it again. [Show More]Bought seresto collars for my 12 year old and 4 year old Rottweilers. This happened over and over until I made the connection that it was the collar and threw it away and after that I was fine. And I am pissed!!! We put collar on our 15 month old Kitty. I use Benedryl in conjunction with his medicine to calm the infection and ease the itch. I purchased this years from Chewy, as I have in the past. Philips DreamStation, CPAP and BiPAP machines sold in recent years may pose a risk of cancer, lung damage and other injuries. A couple of days later my Jack Russell Terrier developed a twitch in her left hind leg. All Rights Reserved. It was days. Symptoms of Flea and Tick Collar Poisoning in Dogs Amitraz Weakness Loss of bodily movement control High or low body temperature Depression Diarrhea Urinary incontinence Low blood pressure Obstruction of the intestines due to paralysis of intestines Dilation of pupils Gastric dilatation Vomiting Difficulty breathing Since March 1st Ive paid over 7,000 for hospitalization, blood transfusions, injections, medicines and just started chemo so I know for what little time I have left with my sweet boy I will have thousands more in treatment. My cat Twinkles has been diagnosed with kidney disease. Did n[Show More]I have a 14 year old dachshund that has worn the Seresto collar for the last few years, no issues. Did blood work and everything was looking ok but my dog had trouble walking was using the bathroom a lot.. Look like another 10 years was added on to his life he was deteriorating in front of me all of a sudden with no answers as to why. JavaScript appears to be disabled on this computer. 4 days after putting them on, my 4yr old suddenly started having seizures for the first time in his life. 2 years of Anxiety and not being able to leave him alone. Lady had a temperature of 101. Ive been trying to cleanse her insides with Pure Calcium Bentonite Clay and pushing fluids (chicken broth) trying to replenish her vitamins & minerals lost due to the excessive pesticide exposure of the collar. I don't think he has any long-term effect from it, but I can't be sure. We haven't been to a vet because we can't afford it. He stopped eating well but I didnt realize it was from collar. My dog seemed to be fine but within a few hours my face went numb and I thought I was having a stroke. Cut that collar off immediately. The very next week this article came out and we discovered it was this collar. Hes acting completely normal and doesnt seem bothered by the irritated skin and fur loss. We had to put him down the next day. Fleas prefer tall grass and shaded areas near . Bathed him in Dawn dish liquid to remove pesticides 3 times so far. I lost my beloved Bo. the collar was removed on 9/30/20 at the emergency room. My sweet and health Chevy will have to have surgery to remove the large lump to be sent off to see if its cancer. This happened over and over until I made the connection that it was the collar and threw it away and after t. I bought the collar for my Golden Retriever a few years back. She had it on for 2 days, before she stopped eating and drinking. He started to perk back up and now March 2021 he looks good for a 12 year old. Studies have shown that chemicals that are harmful to both your family pets and children can remain (and are accessible each time the collar is touched) for a few weeks after the collar has been . Over the next two and half months he saw two other Vets as well, for his eyes (we were at the Vet at leas. If your dog or cat is having a reaction to a flea and tick product, it may show some of the following symptoms. Another developed some unknown condition that caused him to ooze a foul smelling brown/black substance through his mouth. I attributed the problem to her aging since my other mixed breed showed no visible sign of concern and was fitted with the same brand collar. Im hoping for a class action suit on this terrible product from lying companies.This cat (named Ms Kitty ) was my best friend ever, and this saddens me terribly to this day. I called the vet she said it was probably due to the moon cycles. Was also going to bathroom in house even though he has been house trained for years. She had developed a gaping, bloody wound on her neck in the area where the collar was in contact wit[Show More]I've used Seresto collars on all my animals for the past few years. Vet. In 2020 I had to have my six year old cat euthanized after a rapid decline in health. Found scabbed sores around Kitty's neck.. Kitty vomited today 5 hours after eating. We decide that the humane thing to do was to say goodbye and have her put to sleep that same day. She was my fur baby and to think how many hearts are broken and this is still selling on store shelves for the greed of money ! What Cat Diseases Are Contagious to Dogs? Regarding generalized allergies, some dogs may be sensitive to one of the active substances, and their body can react to them through: If your dog shows any of the symptoms mentioned above after applying the flea collar, contact your veterinarian as soon as possible. On a Thursday he had a grand mal seizure at about 6 pm. I don't care old she was. Weve had the Seresto collar on her for the two years weve had her. I had blood test to prove it. He developed an ear infection about 3 years ago, he is six now. To prevent them, you have to apply antiparasitic substances every month or every few months, depending on the product. There are far too many adverse side effects, and literally thousands of reports on the harmful s[Show More]Bought Seresto Flea collar at Walmart. My Teddy has been wearing one since he was a puppy. When we went to the vet they gave him fluids for dehydration and again assured me it wasn't the collar. We have been using this collar for years. Millions of recalled Philips DreamStation, CPAP, BiPAP and ventilator machines may release toxic foam particles and chemicals into the air pathway. Many pets who have never been exposed to these products develop seizures, cancer, kidney failure and several other diseases. I genuinely believe that the Seresto collar caused these neurological issues. For flea and tick collars specifically, pet owners should remove the collar immediately if the pet is experiences any adverse reaction. The surviving cat and dog no longer wear the collars and, so far, have not shown any reactions. Some flea collars do contain ingredients that are toxic to humans. Ticks are horrible here in Pennsylvania. I bought Seresto collar for my 13 year old Yorkshire terrier, within hours she was having diarrhea and vomiting, she is very very ill, sees the vet in the am, I was doing my research bc my 12 year old dog Anna died 8/12/2021 a month after I put a Seresto collar on her, and only now am I realizing the poisoning she indured was from the collar, I only realized it bc this was the only thing that was. People, watch for the signs. How do you tell the Its always a worrying time when your cat is showing signs of illness. I bought Seresto collar for my 13 year old Yorkshire terrier, within hours she was having diarrhea and vomiting, she is very very ill, sees the vet in the am, I was doing my research bc my 12 year old dog Anna died 8/12/2021 a month after I put a Seresto collar on her, and only now am I realizing the poisoning she indured was from the collar, I only realized it bc this was the only thing that was different for my Yorkie, for offer a year we pondered his was Anna at the vet just 2 months earlier, had blood work and had a great report, to diarrhea vomiting and kidney failure one month after purchasing and putting the collar on her, I hope Trixie makes it through the night to get to the vet. I noticed my cat has been throwing up more as well. It sickens me that they killed my precious babies. Obtain medical attention or call a poison control centre at once. For example, we may recommend monthly oral preventatives such as NexGard or topical on-skin products such as Frontline or Advantage, which are safe and effective cat flea treatments. The first of this year I bought two Seresto flea collars and put one of them on my older dog, a Pomeranian Terrier Mix, @ 14 years old. The vet told me that I put it on incorrectly. This product was being advertised on tv here in the uk and i thought "sounds ok I'll look into it".Looked on Google and came across this article,so the question is "should i avoid this product? I glad something is finally happening to soresto flea collar.. my dog started having, Now that I look back. A week later, he developed ulcers on both eyes. For the first time in her life, she began to have seizures every two hours; we took her to a local animal emergency hospital after two days' stay she was stabilized. She had been wearing a Seresto collar. They were both young, healthy, and active. My 12 year old dog started to seem like he was having the same symptoms starting as my other dog. I bought this for my 11-year-old Keeshond to prevent tick and fleas purchasing it from Petco . I had blood test to prove it. They couldn't get me in until the next day. Ticks and fleas: As the weather warms up, ticks and fleas become more active. That collar had something to do with it, and I just want others to be aware. Then later that week another seizure..more tests. A week later, he developed ulcers on both eyes. Most flea collars for cats slowly expose your cat to toxic chemicals. Her liver enzymes had been elevated and 4 m. Ill never put one of those collars on my pets again. The two He was an indoor cat so I know he didn't get into anyth. He was lifeless; I bathed him twice to get all remnants of that collar off of him and washed his bed twice. We tore it off after a day and a half of Sire vomiting and pooping blood. Within 2 weeks both of my cats died from acute kidney failure. A lock (LockA locked padlock) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. It had been almost 8 months and I knew the collars had gotten wet at times so I purchased new ones. Just sickening I had to lose my pet over something that couldve been totally prevented ! That was my dad's best friend. I have been using Seresto collars since my vet recommended them over 5 years ago. Our vet never thought the problems were caused by the Seresto collars. My beloved 4-yr.-old shih tzu mix had a healthy annual checkup and a month later she acted a little dizzy and lay down at my feet and suddenly died. Her head was twitching, her eyes were twitching and she started whining. After about 4 hours there, we tried to take her home but she started having seizure again. Under a voluntary agreement, Sergeant's Pet Care Products, Inc. and Wellmark International have agreed to stop producing pet collars containing the pesticide propoxur. Took our previous Lady to the vets . This happened over and over until I made the connection that it was the collar and threw it away and after t[Show More]I bought the collar for my Golden Retriever a few years back. For the time being, the EPA maintains that Seresto collars are safe and the problems observed are of no concern. He kept getting worse so I took it off and washed around his neck. After a day at the vet who tried to treat him, he returned home only to lose all neurological function that night. The Techichi was believed to have mystical powers of foresight and were said to have guided their humans in the afterlife. Bathed him in Dawn dish liquid to remove pesticides 3 times so far. Removed and stopped using the[Show More]Medium size terrier-lab mix used the Seresto collar for several years since 3-years old. Within 2 weeks both of my cats died from acute kidney failure. I'm retired & out the 1500. Flea collar poisoning can be fatal if left untreated or treated too late in cats. this collar killed my cat, while using it, her skin wold become stuck to the collar like as if it was melting her hair and skin, we would remove it and it cleared up, we tried once more to make sure it was the Seresto flee collar and same result, we stopped using it fairly soon.Very soon after she started to choke and gasp on occasion, like asthma, but she didn't have any issues since i got her a. this collar killed my cat, while using it, her skin wold become stuck to the collar like as if it was melting her hair and skin, we would remove it and it cleared up, we tried once more to make sure it was the Seresto flee collar and same result, we stopped using it fairly soon.Very soon after she started to choke and gasp on occasion, like asthma, but she didn't have any issues since i got her about 4 years before? She's a big Labrador well over 100lbs and never had any issues. I really want to know if this collar killed my six year old baby (yes,I loved him like he was a family member. Thought it was allergies. For the first time in her life, she began to have seizures every two hours; we took her to a local animal emergency hospital after two days' stay she was stabilized. Needless to say I took off the collar n bathed her neck with Dawn soap. I had ask if it was covid and he said no. Chevy's blood count was 1800. We started treating her for that with antibiotics and steroids but within weeks her left eye bulged out of its socket. The manufacturer has defended the collars as safe and effective, and veterinary experts say they have seen no cause for alarm. Both cats became ill very soon after the collars were put on them. Myealthy untilonths after i put the Seresto flea and collar on her. Most cases can be treated without a visit to an emergency animal hospital. symptoms of flea collar poisoning in humans . The vet told me that I put it on incorrectly. 2023 Copyright AboutLawsuits.com. Medium size terrier-lab mix used the Seresto collar for several years since 3-years old. The only thing that has changed with me placing the collar on him the day before. We just lost our 4-1/2 year old labradoodle from this collar. He was lethargic and falling over not long after putting in on. She is not able to walk without falling or support. Then he said with all the glands being swelled is likely to be cancer. Finally figured out it was the collars before it killed my babies. We spent thousands trying to find out what was wrong with her. She was having trouble breathing specially laying down . These substances can be extremely powerful, with aggressive effects on a dogs body. I had not heard of problems with the collar and my vet was also unaware. I purchased two collars for each of my dogs. And now our pet is gone. She was fine for the first 8 months so I purchased a second collar for the next 8 month period but after wearing the 2nd collar for about 4 weeks her back legs started to buckle beneath her. There are probably thousands upon thousands that have not connected the dots and their pets are still wearing collars that are most likely causing health issues, with some to be fatal. Up untill using the collar he had no medical problems. About a week ago I bathed him (I took his collar off beforehand.) My Elderly Mother sleeps with her cat every night. Found scabbed sores around Kitty's neck.. Kitty vomited today 5 hours after eating. They were both young, healthy, and active. So, we left her overnight. She in perfect health. I often see some TERRIBLE problems when people are not using effective flea and tick products. She's a big Labrador well over 100lbs and never had any issues. Do not induce vomiting on your own unless instructed by your veterinarian. I removed this collar and took her to the vets. My 8 year old. Bought a seresto colar and placed it on his neck. I called the vet she said it was probably due to the moon cycles. Be aware of the toxic potential they have in dogs and humans, especially children if you decide to use these kinds of products. I started using the Seresto collar on my cat, shortly after he started throwing up a lot . Lawyers review cases nationwide. Friday Oct. 1, Then I read the USA Today article. I happened to come across this article about Seresto collars. They both were under the care of a veterinarian and not only are we dealing with their loss but the veterinarian bills were over $2500. Thank God I chose to not put her to sleep. Medium size terrier-lab mix used the Seresto collar for several years since 3-years old. I had just gotten a dog and didnt pay as much attention because the cat was staying out more. You should wash your hands after applying the flea collar or petting your dog in that area. I have ordered them on line and noticed that some were made in Germany, South Africa, Kansas, and China. We have lost two dogs to cancer and one cat, plus, a dog to what the vet thought was DM ( which is neurological problem). I never made the potential connection until recently. She quickly lost massive amounts of weight and appeared to suffer from a neurological problems as she became very unsteady on her feet, unable to jump onto furniture or walk a straight line. She in perfect health. Did nothing. My 5 year old was diagnosed with a Spleen tumor in July 2020 and died in September. Molly had a good life and we loved her. I lost my dog to intestinal lymphoma last year. We put her on pills, but she stopped eating and got to where she could barely get up and walk. Some flea collars do contain strong chemicals, and the residue can stay on the dog's skin for several days or even . I bought the collars in March, 2020. Wondering if this collars toxic chemicals had anything t. Mom bought Seresto flea collar for her cat Bella. Bloods and scans were done and he could find nothing wrong with her, within the next 5 days her white cell count had dropped and her liver enzymes were high. We rushed her to the vet where they examined her and discovered a large mass in her stomach. His head, near his right ear 100 % piece of collar, an procedure! Developed ulcers on both eyes thought i was having seizures and died in September than a month and... Over something that couldve been totally prevented 2020 and died of a brain 5... Recommendation of my cats died from acute kidney failure old Golden Retriever which one... And passed last week steroids but within a few hours my face numb! Terrible problems when people are not using effective flea and tick products and... Been using Seresto collars neck.. Kitty vomited today 5 hours after eating had! I often see some terrible problems when people are not using effective and! 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