The heaviest blooming occurs in early summer, but you can expect flushes of flowers to recur throughout the summer and into fall in USDA growing zones 5 through 9. Noted for its excellent branching and short With its luminous spiny collar of silvery-white One of the top ten border plants! Bred and introduced by Steve Eggleton of New Zealand. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. tall (30-45 cm) and 16-20 in. Gently push the cuttings into the soil about 1 inch deep. Clay soils hold moisture longer than sandy soils, so expect to water more frequently in sandy settings.Different plants have different water needs. She has more than 20 years of experience caring for flowers and plants. tall, 20 in. Vining plants require vertical space to grow, so provide a trellis, fence, wall or other structure that allows the plant to grow freely and spread.Finish up with a 2 (5cm) layer of mulch such as shredded bark or compost to make the garden look tidy, reduce weeds, and retain soil moisture. Heres how its done: You can start gaura from seed in cell flats indoors or direct seed them in the garden. You can spread a 2- to 3-inch layer of clean straw mulch around the plants to protect the roots in colder climates, but it's typically not necessary in milder areas. Had to pick them off, yuck! I suggest planting it between other hostas. Another benefit to deadheading is that it keeps the plant more tidy. Additionally, participates in various other affiliate programs, and we sometimes get a commission through purchases made through our links. Provides slender stems of blooms that resemble butterflies. For the potting medium, use an all-purpose potting mix. Keep in mind that the long taproot that makes gaura so drought-tolerant also makes it difficult to transplant successfully, so choose your planting site carefully. Division is tricky due to the long taproot, and plants do not need dividing to stay vigorous. Cookies, This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, Gaura lindheimeri 'Whirling Butterflies' (Beeblossom), Gaura lindheimeri 'Siskiyou Pink' (Beeblossom), Gaura lindheimeri 'Rosy Jane' (Beeblossom), Gaura lindheimeri BELLEZA Compact Light Pink (Beeblossom), Gaura lindheimeri BELLEZA White (Beeblossom), Veronicastrum virginicum 'Fascination' (Culver's Root), Aster x frikartii 'Monch' (Frikart's Aster), Want Garden Inspiration? Its not choosy on the kind of soil, but loam and sandy are highly recommended. Height . Make sure to plant it along with other sun lover hostas. If you provide us with your name, email address and the payment of a modest $25 annual membership fee, you will become a full member, enabling you to design and save up to 25 of your garden design ideas. Each flower has four, white petals that turn pink as they age. A trio ofbutterfly weed, globe thistle, and gaura is a stunning combination in a dry garden that will bring the pollinators by the score. In the garden, only water your gaura if it doesn't rain. You can divide them every three to five years or when their growth and vigor start to decline. Find out . ). Get daily tips & tricks to help make your best home, How to Grow and Care for Mexican Hat Flower (Prairie Coneflower), How to Grow and Care for Mexican Bush Sage, How to Grow and Care for Coreopsis (Tickseed), How to Grow and Care for Hens and Chicks (House Leek), Better Homes and Gardens Perennial Gardening, Georgia Getting Started Garden Guide: Grow the Best Flowers, Shrubs, Trees, Vines & Groundcovers, Wandflower, whirling butterfly, bee blossom. Gaura (Gaura lindheimeri), a perennial flower, is also known as beeblossom, whirling butterfly or wandflower. We're always closed Mondays, but will be back on Tuesday. Wands of small silky blooms appear for months on end, in a lovely combination of soft-pink and white. is a participant in the AmazonServices LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to I am very surprised all 6 of them survived our extreme weather. Its best to install cages early in the spring, or at planting time, before the foliage gets bushy. Combines beautifully with small ornamental grasses. To create an idea board, sign in or create an account. I lived in Zone 5b Ontario Canada. Stunning in small groups or large drifts. Gaura is heat and drought tolerant and can handle high humidity with ease. These rooted starter plants will arrive ready to be transplanted in to your final container. This cultivar offers a compact, mounding habit of 18-20" tall and 20" wide, with light pink flowers blooming from spring to fall. Nevertheless, it grows best on dry ground. Only plants will be removed from the collection. If the garden area is large, and a sprinkler is necessary, try to water in the morning so that plant foliage has time to dry through the day. Perfect for all kinds of containers. Water at the base of the plant rather than from overhead, because moisture on the foliage is tied to the development of powdery mildew and other fungal issues. Add organic matter such as manure, peat moss or garden compost until the soil is loose and easy to work. It has survived many Canadian winters. Isn't this a very desirable coastal cottage garden? Species: lindheimeri. Shearing back the plant removes the spent blossoms and encourages another flush of delicate white-and-pink flowers just a few weeks after pruning. This plant can be prone to root rot in wet or humid conditions. This may help your gaura "refocus" on producing flowers instead of new foliage to produce more flowers sooner. You will find this plant along with other perennials in the mass plantation, not only in containers but also in clusters on the ground. Best in fertile, well-drained soil. Depending on the flowering habit, snip off faded blooms individually, or wait until the blooming period is over and remove entire flower stalk down to the base of the plant. Foliage can be pruned freely through the season to remove damaged or discolored leaves, or to maintain plant size. The seeds are reddish-brown in color. Established plants should be fed in early spring, then again halfway through the growing season. A showy and easy care perennial which produces masses of tall stems of 1inch soft pink blooms from early spring, right through until the first frosts. It is also called the butterfly bush, as its four-petaled flowers move with the wind like hovering butterflies. Steffi Series 'Blush Pink' The Steffi series from Danziger offers first year flowering and abundant flowers all summer long. Debra is a member of The Spruce Gardening andPlant Care Review Board. Pink gaura plants can develop root issues in waterlogged soil, so always check the soil moisture level before watering. Caring for a garden required focus, time and effort. Cut off wilted flowers right from the base of its stalk. Gaura lindheimeri Gaura Grace This Gaura has large Pink flowers, on compact flower stems, and dense compact foliage. Prefers full sun and loamy well-drained soils. To use the website as intended please Early morning or evening are perfect to reduce evaporation. After the flower blooms, it naturally drops off leaving the stalk clean. What Makes Gaura Belleza A Gardeners Favorite? According to, flowering will begin again shortly after pruning. Steffi Blush Pink. You can root them from stems that have been harvested from pruning. Cart: (0 Items) . Germination at 70 degrees F will take 21 to 35 days. Gaura is a native North American wildflower. I purchased this plant blooming on June 6, now Aug. 18 has 100's of blooms. This summer garden idea combines easy-to-grow annuals and An original and ideal mix with which to catch the attention Use our interactive toolsto design your dream garden. Effective for naturalized areas, mass plantings and mixed borders. Cover the cuttings with plastic wrap to keep the humidity high, and change the water every couple of days.'block';'px';'100%';'px';container.appendChild(ins);(adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({});window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'stat_source_id',44);window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'adsensetype',1);var lo=new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent);lo.observe(document.getElementById(slotId+'-asloaded'),{attributes:true}); What makes this Gaura Belleza Dark Pink more interesting? Gaura flowers native to California include scarlet bee blossom (Gaura coccinea), Drummonds bee blossom (Gaura drummondii), velvet weed (Gaura mollis), woolly bee blossom (Gaura villosa) and wavy leaf bee blossom (Gaura sinuata). A more compact form of Gaura which makes it a very hardy and versatile plant. glauca 'Spring Gold') Gaura ( Oenothera lindheimeri Steffi Blush Pink) (aka Steffi Blush Pink) Accept Whatever variety you choose, you will be able to enjoy a low maintenance flower that gives you blooms for many months. wide., Red stems and large blush-pink blooms grace this. Gaura Gaura. Be sure to keep the compost 1 inch or 2 inches away from the base of the plant to prevent stem rot. Once it starts to bloom, it produces nectar-rich pink flowers that butterflies and bees love to feast. Compact and eye-catching, Gaura 'Siskiyou Pink' (Gaura lindheimeri) features airy-looking,4-petaledpink flowers fluttering along thin stems and resembling clouds of butterflies. Wands of pink flowers hover like butterflies over dark green foliage May through September; heat and drought tolerant Heat Tolerant Deadheading Not Necessary Drought Tolerant Attracts: Butterflies Characteristics Plant Type: Annual Height Category: Medium Garden Height: 12 - 24 Inches Spacing: 8 - 12 Inches Spread: 8 - 12 Inches Flower Colors: Pink The optimum amount of sun or shade each plant needs to thrive: Full Sun (6+ hours), Part Sun (4-6 hours), Full Shade (up to 4 hours). Gaura is one of the most graceful, longest-blooming flowers in the garden. This plant is perennial in zone 5-10, flourishing in full sun and heat with little water. Debra LaGattuta is a gardening expert with three decades of experience in perennial and flowering plants, container gardening, and raised bed vegetable gardening. One of the best features ofgaura plantsis the long bloom time, much longer than most perennials. Excellent heat and drought tolerance. This spring I found a beautiful pink bush called Steffi Blush Pink Gaura. Align your plant choices to your lifestyle and availability. Steffi Blush Pink, also known asGaura lindheimeriorWand Flower, is a perennial flower native to the southern United States. Gaura (Oenothera lindheimeri, formerly Gaura lindheimeri) is a low-maintenance perennial that may give coneflower a run for its money in the cultivated wildflower popularity contest. Jamie McIntosh has written about gardening and special occasion flowers for the Spruce since 2011. Because of its short stems, Gaura Belleza is an ideal plant in small pots preferably 12 deep and 10 wide for enough space. Only plants will be removed from the collection. She was a feature writer for Organic Gardening at Suite101, where she won awards for her writing. Although deadheading is not necessary for continued blooming, you may want to trim back some flowering stems in midsummer. We live in Zone 5 and they have survived the winters. STEFFI White STEFFI series. After that, depending on the weather and soil type, watering may be adjusted to every two or three days. Gaura Steffi Blush Pink Gaura Grace Compact Pink Gaura Steffi Dark Rose Gaura Steffi White Gypsophila Festival Pink Lady Gypsophila Festival White Gypsophila Festival . A location with full sun, rich soil and good drainage is ideal for gaura according to Fine Gardening. A more compact form of Gaura which makes it a very hardy and versatile plant, perfect in pots, in the border or just to add a splash of colour to the shrub . Gaura flower clumps are usually difficult to divide because of the long taproot. If they are to be used in a landscape application, you will need to establish them in a 4 inch pot or an 1801 before planting outside. It attracts hummingbirds too. The Spruce uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Grown it within the strong wind area. To describe, the leaves are lobed and narrow. The four-petaled flowers are borne on. The plants will be small at first but should grow to full size in several months. The deer-resistant plants grow 2 to 3 feet tall. 800-436-6248 Trustpilot. Pink gaura plants can develop root issues in waterlogged soil, so always check the soil moisture level before watering. NEW 2022-23 Catalog. What is so amazing with this plant that it ranks high for landscapers and gardeners? The description of these plants has been written based on numerous outside resources. A breathtaking specimen plant. Propagation Divide in spring. There are about 20 species of gaura so it's a good idea to research different ones to be sure they fit your garden needs. This summer garden idea combines easy-to-grow annuals and An original and ideal mix with which to catch the attention Use our interactive toolsto design your dream garden. Pruning stimulates tender new growth that will damage easily when the first frosts arrive. Deer and rabbit resistant, Gaura attract butterflies and hummingbirds. As a plant that is native to North America, Oenothera lindheimeri is not considered invasive. (='SME-2') This compact selection has both attractive foliage and flowers. So while you don't have to deadhead to get more flowers, you may choose to in order to get the look you want for your garden. To help gardeners through these dry times, we curated a list of our favorite drought-tolerant plants for gardens in the dry West and Southwest. VIEW THE FULL STEFFI series . Cut the plant back to half its size with a pair of hand pruners. The description of these plants has been written based on numerous outside resources. A soaker hose is a great investment for keeping plants healthy and reducing water lost through evaporation. They are best planted in the spring or fall. Butterfly Flower. It will respond to a Paclobutrazol drench. If these conditions can be met, but you're still not seeing blooms, trytrimming off any fresh leavesthat form around the central stem. Space plants 15" apart in well-drained soil in full sun. One of the best features of gaura plants is the long bloom time, much longer than most perennials. Propagate Gaura by planting seeds or planting stem cuttings in an appropriate type of soil. Zones : 6, 7, 8, 9. Still, it needs an occasional removal of spent flower stalks to have a better rebloom and prevents self-seeding. When in a pot, it's important to water as soon as the soil is dry at the surface. Place the potted seedlings in your greenhouse or inside when winter arrives, and keep the temperature stable at 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius). This will encourage new flowering stems to emerge. Pink gaura plants also can be divided in spring to improve their vigor. . Prevent infection by watering at the base of each plant in the morning, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings, providing good airflow in your greenhouse, and spacing containers so sunlight can penetrate to the soil level of each plant. How to Prune a Pink Pandorea Jasminoides Rosea Plant, University of Wisconsin-Madison Extension, University of Wisconsin-Madison Extension: Gaura, Missouri Botanical Garden: Gaura lindheimeri, University of Florida IFAS Extension: Disinfecting Your Garden Tools, How to grow your own herb garden in any indoor or outdoor space. Sunlight Exposure: Plant Attributes: Attracts: Plant Type (s): Perennial Color (s): Pink Plant Height: 14" - 18" Plant Width: 18" - 20" Hardy Zones: 5 - 9 Spring/Summer Care: No maintenance needed. This stimulates new growth that can be easily damaged by early frosts. J. Wiley, 2010. Gaura plants don't suffer from many pests, but can be vulnerable to aphids in the early summer, which you can spray with a hose or insecticidal soap. Lends a light, airy appearance to the garden. Not sure which Gaura to pick?Compare All Gaura, Buy Gaura lindheimeri BELLEZA Dark Pink (Beeblossom). USPP#17293: unlicensed propagation prohibited. , is a perennial flower native to the southern United States. New plantings should be watered daily for a couple of weeks to get them well established.Plan ahead, for plants that get tall and require staking or support cages. Removing the spent flowers also helps keep this vigorous grower from setting seed and self-sowing in the garden. Most An excellent border idea for the sunny landscape. A third possibility is that not enough light is available for proper flowering to occur. It will respond to a Paclobutrazol drench. Series: Steffi Trade Name: Blush Pink Cultivar name: 'Steffi Blush Pink' Common names. Note this is the default cart. 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