Start about 25.5gr and go up. I have also used this load to kill several hogs and coyotes. So far my usual loading process consisted of two steps: find safe and accurate powder weight to suit a rifle and then find most accurate load by varying cartridge overall length. 2020 Sierra Bullets 100 gr. The bullet performs very well from any 6.5 mm cartridge with medium to large powder capacity, but it is at its absolute best from magnum rifles with maximum hunting loads. 150 gr. Regardless of the load data any manufacturer offers, it it always just a guide. Address:, Gartenweg 9, 83661 Lenggries, Germany. JHC Power Jacket Unlock Charge Details Add to wishlist Product number: xxLID_B5747_C135 Load Data / Description Manufacturer Reviews 135 gr. 300 gr. 300 gr. HP I've had real good luck with 748 and 55's. %PDF-1.4 % Copyright 2023. The 90 grain #1615 Hollow Point Boat Tail bullet was designed originally as a varmint bullet, but it has taken on an expanded role. 0.224 Bullets, Hunt, Rifle $ 28.33 Sold out .22 CALIBER 55 GR. Hodgdon's website has a load for .223 for the Sierra 63 grain SP. I like the the Sierra Gameking - mainly because they are cheap. HPBT 55 Gr. I am far from being a guru reloader and wont tell you whats right or wrong, however I followed some advice given to me and have reloaded using projectiles not specifically listed in the ADI load data. 1400 W Henry St HPBT MatchKing 80 gr. 170 gr. Powders include . SPT Much cheaper and easier to use than anything else I could find. This process produces jackets with maximum concentricity and uniformity together with uniform taper dimensions, resulting in bullets with extraordinary accuracy, dependable expansion, and deep penetration on medium game. In rifles, the semi-point design allows this style of bullet to expand faster than a spitzer style due to a generous amount of exposed lead at the tip and the slightly larger opening in the jacket. 168 gr. HPBT MatchKing 80 gr. In rifles chambering 22 caliber cartridges of moderate to large powder capacity, this famous bullet is perhaps the most efficient 22 caliber bullet available for varmints at long range or targets. Forum. The load: Sierra 55g HPBT GameKing Winchester 748 CCI Small Rifle Primers All cases trimmed to within 1/1000th of stated trim length COAL deviation was no more than 5/1000s across either batch. HPBT 60 gr. SHOWN ARE NOT RECOMMENDED. i've ordered and will soon get a stevens mod 200 in .223 thanks to the info from you guys on this forum. The Official Predator Masters Search Engine. HP It is an ideal choice for the trapper or pelt hunter with a handgun in a 22 centerfire caliber. 110 gr. 117 gr. Lol. Address:, Gartenweg 9, 83661 Lenggries, Germany. HPBT MatchKing HPBT The bullet is just a simple Soft Point so looking at what was available in local gun shops I decided to go for 55gr Sierra Game Kings SPBTs. As with the Pro-Hunter bullet, this GameKing bullet has a jacket produced by Sierra's unique four-station jacket draw process. If a boat tail bullet with extremely high accuracy fits your needs for target shooting, then this bullet should be your choice. HPBT MatchKing I have noticed a difference on coyotes with this bullet, compared to a Nosler BT. All rights reserved. 25.8gr - 3178 26.2gr - 3241 26.6gr - 3283 Not much presure when I got to 26.6gr H4895. HPBT MatchKing Hey new to reloading and have bought some ADI2206h powder along with 55gr Sierra SBT Gameking (#1365) projectiles and CCI BR4 primers, question is, in the ADI hand-loaders guide on their website that exact projectile is not listed so should I just use the info for the closest sounding one which is the 55gr SPR SP? Every time I was running out of factory ammunition I just went to the shop and bought what I thought to be the last box. .22 CALIBER 55 GR. FMJBT 55 Gr. 185 gr. 90 gr. The penalty is that a Semi-Pointed bullet has a lower ballistic coefficient than a Spitzer-pointed bullet of the same weight. 115 gr. 140 gr. I went to try my loads. 130 gr. SMP 55 gr. I shoot the 55 gr gameking over 25.6 gr of varget. This process produces jackets with maximum concentricity and uniformity together with uniform taper dimensions, resulting in bullets with extraordinary accuracy, dependable expansion, and deep penetration on medium game. Hornet, .224 Diameter Bullets I have not cronnoed it yet. The relevant differences between jacketed lead bullets are primarily the bearing surface, which dictates how much friction the bullet has to overcome in the bore, and the shape of the ogive, which is only really important to prevent jamming the bullet into the rifling. SBT $37.99 Out of stock SKU: A1455--09 Categories: Ammo, Prairie Enemy Additional information For handguns, the 100 grain #1560 Spitzer Boat Tail bullet is too "hard" for use in the field on game, because it will not expand adequately at the moderate velocities attainable from all cartridges except the largest wildcats. SPT 190 gr. ONLY TWO DEFINING FORCES HAVE GIVEN UP THEIR LIVES FOR YOU. HPBT It wasn't a real big dog either, bullets were passing right through with a small exit, I think I wasn't getting enough expansion, which is hard to believe with the large hp they have. Shooters using any rifle in the entire range of 6mm cartridges will find this to be an excellent bullet. Hornet The Semi-Point shape reduces bullet length for a given weight, making the bullet easier to stabilize. SBT SMP This bullet can also be used in modern rifles with faster twist rates. HPBT MatchKing 180 gr. I loaded 25 neck sized cases. FMJ I bought some CFE223 powder but cant find the load data for this combination. FMJ Match 107 gr. I am in the process of developing a load for my 223 with Super roo (55gr Sierra SBT Gameking (#1365) projectiles). The #1365 was introduced in 1980. SBT, .355 Diameter Bullets Come join the discussion about optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! This is an excellent bullet for hunting varmints and small game where pelts are to be preserved. Choose your caliber, bullet and bullet weight to find your desired Sierra load data. I am sure there were one or two fliers in some groups, but one group looked great at 0.5. 1228E3F4-91F1-4FA4-9CF4-7BD83FA18A7B.jpeg, A299BC58-D84F-46F9-AB7D-54B0EE1C378B.jpeg, The Ask the Pros & What's It Worth? 300 gr. I shot a lot of p. dogs with them out of an HBAR years ago. Accuracy Load H335 26.9 3300 1282 Sierra does not recommend MatchKing bullets for hunting applications. Not really looking for a frangible bullet though in the event that a get a shot at a real big one, I,m worried about lack of penetration. SMP 52 gr. I chacked randomly several cases and they never needed any trimming, so I just used Lee chamfer tool and cordless drill to prepare case mouth for loading. SPT The 117 grain #1630 Spitzer Boat Tail GameKing bullet has a jacket produced by Sierra's unique four-station jacket draw process. In handguns, because of the velocity constraints caused by short barrels, the primary usefulness of a semi-point bullet design is in cases where the twist rate may not be adequate to produce the best accuracy with a spitzer bullet. **Min: 20.1gr86.0%3299660%283194%270392%Max: *. But they also shoot accurately. 0000023969 00000 n 40 gr. [emailprotected]. SBT 0.224 Bullets, Hunt Specialty, Rifle $ 28.39 Sold out .22 CALIBER 62 GR. I would just use the reccomended powder charges for each powder that are listed in my Reloading publications to start. I am in the process of developing a load for my 223 with Super roo (55gr Sierra SBT Gameking (#1365) projectiles). Its a good load. HP MatchKing cells marked in yellow are not dangerous but indicate possible (but not necessary) suboptimal characteristics such as extensive muzzle flash or inaccurate loads. RN 165 gr. 140 gr. .223 Diameter Bullets 40 gr. Ive heard really good things about the CFE223 powder thats one of the reasons I went with it. In cartridges from the 6mm BR up to the larger wildcats chambered in the Remington XP-100 and other strong single-shot handguns, this may be the best single bullet. FMJBT HPBT Palma MatchKing 0.224 Bullets, Hunt, Rifle $ 30.46 - $ 150.28 1 2 3 0000001789 00000 n 45 gr. Liked it? Hb```"V>>~1C39Tp`K V}ttV)j6GN[7%E;&?R%57L Y;o_c`` `28(k$< H't(%hw`]`)a,f/.6yZNn| ` _mM} endstream endobj 91 0 obj 191 endobj 61 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 56 0 R /Resources 62 0 R /Contents [ 69 0 R 71 0 R 73 0 R 75 0 R 77 0 R 79 0 R 81 0 R 84 0 R ] /MediaBox [ 0 0 387 603 ] /CropBox [ 0 0 387 603 ] /Rotate 0 >> endobj 62 0 obj << /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text /ImageB ] /Font << /F1 64 0 R /F2 65 0 R >> /XObject << /Im1 82 0 R >> /ExtGState << /GS1 87 0 R /GS2 89 0 R >> /ColorSpace << /Cs6 63 0 R /Cs8 67 0 R >> >> endobj 63 0 obj [ /ICCBased 86 0 R ] endobj 64 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /FirstChar 32 /LastChar 151 /Widths [ 278 278 355 556 556 889 667 191 333 333 389 584 278 333 278 278 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 278 278 584 584 584 556 1015 667 667 722 722 667 611 778 722 278 500 667 556 833 722 778 667 778 722 667 611 722 667 944 667 667 611 278 278 278 469 556 333 556 556 500 556 556 278 556 556 222 222 500 222 833 556 556 556 556 333 500 278 556 500 722 500 500 500 334 260 334 584 350 0 350 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 350 0 350 350 0 222 333 333 350 0 1000 ] /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding /BaseFont /OKLPHC+Helvetica /FontDescriptor 66 0 R >> endobj 65 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding /BaseFont /Helvetica-Bold >> endobj 66 0 obj << /Type /FontDescriptor /Ascent 718 /CapHeight 718 /Descent -207 /Flags 32 /FontBBox [ -166 -225 1000 931 ] /FontName /OKLPHC+Helvetica /ItalicAngle 0 /StemV 88 /XHeight 523 /StemH 88 /CharSet (/one/eight/three/V/space/bullet/R/I/F/L/E/O/A/D/N/G/T/S/a/v/g/e/M/o/d/l/\ four/zero/two/quotedbl/x/six/W/i/n/c/h/s/t/r/period/nine/five/C/m/comma/\ H/f/b/u/quotedblleft/hyphen/quotedblright/w/parenleft/k/parenright/p/quo\ teright/y/exclam/seven/B/emdash/j/U/K/q/P/z/slash/Z/semicolon/X/asterisk\ /J/ampersand/Q/question/numbersign/colon) /FontFile3 85 0 R >> endobj 67 0 obj [ /Separation /PANTONE#20355#20C 63 0 R 88 0 R ] endobj 68 0 obj 1804 endobj 69 0 obj << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 68 0 R >> stream To be able to use the full range of Shopware 6, we recommend activating Javascript in your browser. Primer still nice and round. 215 gr. - PredatorMasters Forums Home About Admin ThePrey Techniques TechPage Reviews Sponsors Links Photos Free Stuff PM Gear Moon & Weather Members Articles The Forums Scholarships Welcome to the Predator Masters Forums Be sure to visit the main Predator Master website at Predator Masters.Com In handguns, the 85 grain #1530 Hollow Point Boat Tail bullet is nearly ideal for all shooting applications. I am going to try that exact bullet but use Vit133. SPT 100 gr. The AR15 and the Ruger 10/22 have something in common other than the fact that both are semiautomatics. SBT, .338 Diameter Bullets Sedalia, MO 65301 They were just some range pick ups. 0000006833 00000 n RN 150 gr. 120 gr. .204 Ruger || .204 | 32gr | Sierra BlitzKing, .204 Ruger || .204 | 39gr | Sierra Blitzking BT, .218 Bee || .223 | 40gr | Sierra SP HORNET, .218 Bee || .223 | 45gr | Sierra SP HORNET, .218 Bee || .224 | 40gr | Sierra Blitzking, .218 Bee || .224 | 40gr | Sierra HP Varminter, .218 Bee || .224 | 40gr | Sierra SP HORNET, .218 Bee || .224 | 45gr | Sierra SP HORNET, .218 Bee || .224 | 45gr | Sierra SP SemiSp, .218 Bee || .224 | 45gr | Sierra SPT Pro-Hunter, .218 Bee || .224 | 50gr | Sierra SP Blitz, .218 Bee || .224 | 50gr | Sierra SP SemiSp, .218 Bee || .224 | 50gr | Sierra SPT Pro-Hunter, .218 Bee || .224 | 52gr | Sierra HPBT MatchKing, .218 Bee || .224 | 53gr | Sierra HP MatchKing, .218 Bee || .224 | 55gr | Sierra FMJBT GameKing, .218 Bee || .224 | 55gr | Sierra HPBT GameKing, .218 Bee || .224 | 55gr | Sierra SBT GameKing, .218 Bee || .224 | 55gr | Sierra SP Blitz, .218 Bee || .224 | 55gr | Sierra SP BlitzKing, .218 Bee || .224 | 55gr | Sierra SP SemiSp, .218 Bee || .224 | 55gr | Sierra SPT Pro-Hunter, .219 Zipper || .224 | 50gr | Sierra SP Blitz, .219 Zipper || .224 | 50gr | Sierra SP SemiSp. 85 gr. JSP/158 gr. 69 gr. Please help us to improve and report any suggestions via our contact form. Hodgdon's H335, Winchester 748 and Reloader 7 are all top choices, generally giving good velocity and excellent accuracy. RN 55 gr. The 219 Continue reading , Sierra Bullets is excited to release load data for four of our newest bullets: the 22 caliber 95 gr HPBT MatchKing #1396, 6.5mm 150 gr HPBT MatchKing #1755, 30 caliber 200 gr HPBT MatchKing #2231, and 30 caliber 230 gr Continue reading , Test Specifications/Components Firearm Used: Universal Receiver Barrel Length: 16 Twist: 1-8 Case: Hornady Trim-to Length: 1.363 Primer: Winchester WSR Remarks: The 300 AAC Blackout (300 BLK, or 7.62x35mm) was created by Advanced Armament Corp. and Remington in order to provide Continue reading , Test Specifications/ Components Firearm Used: Universal Receiver Barrel Length: 24 Twist: 1-8 Case: Hornady Trim-to Length: 1.506 Primer: Winchester WSR Remarks: Appearing on the scene in 2002, under the development of Alexander Arms, the 6.5 Grendel was a new AR Continue reading , Test Specifications/ Components Firearm Used: Universal Receiver Barrel Length: 24 Twist: 1-8 Case: Hornady Trim-to Length: 1.910 Primer: Winchester WLR Remarks: As with almost all cartridge case designs, there is bound to be at least a few aspiring off-spring. This bullet will perform to outstanding levels in long-range target or silhouette competition from barrels with standard twist rates. Both can be transformed into precision . 0000001584 00000 n Exceptional accuracy, excellent ballistic shape, and adequate weight for medium and heavy game make this a truly exceptional bullet. JHC Power Jacket Ok so 5.56 vs. 223 cases. With the Sierra, I get better penetration, but the Nosler gives more dramatic kills. She looked back and I shot her aiming behind the shoulder. 40 gr. I've only used the SPBT #1365. 85 gr. JHC Power Jacket SPT It is nice little bullet with a boat-tail end that I think I paid 19 for. 120 gr. I shot her again and she dropped. 200 gr. SBT HPBT MatchKing . JavaScript is disabled. 2020 Sierra Bullets First shot hit the dog in the chest and put it down, but he quickly got back up and started walking away, hit him again in the neck which put him down again but I was still seeing lots of movement as if he was trying to get up again, so a third shot was required to anchor him for good. This website uses cookies to ensure the best experience possible. New customer? It is very interesting reading what various people do and choices they make. It was a mixture of 40, 50 and 55gr hollow points and BTs. FMJ, .357 Diameter Bullets All my shots are below 200m and 0.5 is very accurate in my book. JHC Power Jacket Blitz Meters better,temp stable and very clean burning. Sierra 55gr GameKing - PredatorMasters Forums Techniques TechPage Reviews Sponsors Free Stuff PM Gear Moon & Weather Members Articles Welcome to the Predator Masters Forums Be sure to visit the main Predator Master website at Predator Masters.Com The Official Predator Masters Search Engine Search Predator Masters 125 gr. Otherwise it is a guess with a homemade recipe for that specific bullet weight and powder. JHC Power Jacket Are the 60's as tough? Load data for 19 loads in caliber .223 Rem. JHC Power Jacket 150 gr. Click to view trajectory chart. JHP Power Jacket This website uses cookies to ensure the best experience possible. SPT BL-C(2), H322, AA2520, are all good choices I have used in both .223 and .204. gobblr addict. I'd use the Hodgdon data starting low and working up. 180 gr. FPJ Match, .4295 Diameter Bullets SBT SPT Sierra recommends a 6.5 twist barrel for the #9290 22 cal 90 gr HPBT bullet however for cartridges like the Valkyrie, that can push them over 2650 fps muzzle velocity, a 7 twist barrel will stabilize the bullet correctly. For over 70 years, Sierra Bullets has been dedicated to the manufacture of the most accurate bullets in the world. 220 gr. Can anyone shed some light on the subject, or at least point me in the right direction? I am new to reloading and take great interest in this thread. SPT Will do a accuracy test but unsure what MV to start at. I loaded 5 different loads, 5 rounds each. 200 gr. This commitment to performance has established a Tradition of Precision for which were known throughout the world. I thought I could skip second step if I copied Sakos COAL. If you do read the newspapers you are misinformed. 240 gr. HP 50 gr. You can also check in our bullet database for which Sierra bullets we offer load data. My first doe dropped on the spot as well as the second one. Sierra Load Data Sierra Load Data We offer Sierra reloading data with over 95.000 loads in our database, covering over 95 Sierra bullets in over 65 calibers with all suitable powders on the market. i'll be looking to build a load using the 55 gr sierra game king SBT.i've got some IMR4064 and win 748 and was thinking about using benchmark. 115 gr. I have both the 55 grain GK and the sierra 60 grain varminter loaded up for my .223 both are very accurate, which would you use for coyote? If you consider the large number of serious marksmen and hunters who use nothing but Sierra and their many accuracy records, we believe we accomplish our objective of a better bullet. Cool thanks! $28.39 Out of stock 175 gr. FPJ Match Choose your caliber, bullet and bullet weight to find your desired Sierra load data. 4th Edition Exterior Ballistics Tables Rifle 0000006855 00000 n 125 gr. SBT FN 140 gr. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. 0000001356 00000 n I measured all remaining Sako ammo to ogive using Sinclaire hex nut. Test Specifications/ Components Firearm Used: Universal Receiver Barrel Length: 24 Twist: 1-8 Case: Starline Brass for bullets 52-63 grain and Federal Premium for bullets 69-95 grains Trim-to Length: 1.590 Primer: Winchester WSR Remarks: The 224 Valkyrie, developed by Federal Cartridge Continue reading , Test Specifications/ Components Firearm Used: Universal Receiver Barrel Length: 24 Twist: 1-9 Case: Nosler Trim-to Length: 2.490 Primer: Winchester WLRM Remarks: The history of U.S. ordnance is full of examples of good cartridges that have passed into obsolescence. Hodgdon's website has a load for .223 for the Sierra 63 grain SP. I use 23g of 8208 with the super roo proj and from all the experience ive had with them for the price point there is very little that i can say is bad about the super roos, Sako Varmint 243,Marlin 917, Lithgow La101 .22 , 1917 BSA 303 (ted), Finnish Vkt 1944 M39,T3X Super Varmint 223, Marlin 1895 SBL 45-70 Howa 1500 308, BSA CF2 222, 1911 9mm, Adler 12G, Sako 7mm rem Mag,Ruger m77 mk1 22-250AI, Rem 700 17 Rem, BSA No 5 303, If they are the same weight just run them, especially if you are using minimum loads. HPBT MatchKing, .323 Diameter Bullets Sierra Bullets 7mm Remington Magnum LoadData, Sierra Bullets Load Data For 2018 New MatchKingBullets, Sierra Bullets 300 AAC Blackout LoadData, Sierras Newest Innovation TheGameChangers, Product Recall on Stock #1039 .204 39 gr. The #1355 was introduced in 1985. 200 gr. HPBT JSP/125 gr. Just e-mail Sierra and ask them what they would recommend. The thicker jacket promotes deep penetration, while the skives at the meplat provide reliable expansion. 45 gr. any suggestions will be appreciated though. It is best used at medium handgun velocities to prevent tumbling upon impact. HPBT MatchKing, .243 Diameter Bullets When used with smaller-capacity cases at close range it would be suitable for varmints. 110 gr. Does one handle higher pressures better? Subscribe to the free newsletter and do not miss any news or promotions. 1400 W Henry St You _may_ want to change the load for a VLD or a very blunt round nose (due to less and greater bearing surface), but the differences to the firearm will be almost unmeasurable. It features an exceptionally heavy full metal jacket with a cannelure properly located for crimping and positive feeding. 120 gr. 150 gr. SBT I really like my face and my rifle. It features excellent accuracy and dependable expansion at longer ranges in those game animals. This bullet is built with Sierra's high velocity design and is capable of extremely high accuracy. spike. HP MatchKing 69 gr. I run 25.5gr of AR2206H in ADI case. 180 gr. SBT That is the same bullet I shoot from my Stevens .223, 25.0grs H4895 is awesome if you don't get good results from your other powders. 0000009381 00000 n SPT 50 gr. Hodgdon offers more than a dozen different propellants for reloading 223/5.56 ammo. 220 gr. Blitz 55 gr. 160 gr. Good penetration to make up for the 223's lack of power. We are engineers, reloading enthusiasts and operate one of the most powerful ballistics calculators. It is the boat tail counterpart to the flatbase #1540 Pro-Hunter bullet, but when ranges exceed 300 yards, the #1560 bullet is the choice for best downrange performance. Have any of you guys used the Sierra 55gr GameKings HPBT #1390. Mark Twain. HPBT MatchKing The 100 grain #1625 GameKing can be used at all ranges but is best utilized when ranges of shots exceed 200 yards. It also is a very fine bullet for larger varmints at long ranges. 250 gr. I used my once fired Sako brass and only neck sized it with Lee collet die. FMJ 200 gr. 175 gr. Shellholders: Hornady #16 document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); For rifles, this 55 grain #1355 Full Metal Jacket Boat Tail bullet was designed specifically to duplicate the military M193 bullet, and it is intended for use in semi-automatic rifles, such as the AR-15, M16 and Ruger Mini 14. SMP My Tikka M595 really likes Sako ammo and would consistently shoot 0.5-1 groups with it. HPBT MatchKing 170 gr. My Tikka has very short 17.5 barrel and after some research I went for Vihtavuori N130 powder. 55 gr. 45 gr. Share your experiences with other customers. 150 gr. RN 80 gr. * All prices incl. SBT 150 gr. 0000001007 00000 n For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The #1390 was introduced in 1984. Several Hodgdon, IMR, and Winchester powders are appropriate for full-power 223 Rem. SMP 50 gr. 150 gr. 140 gr. I had selected the GK because it was known as a tough bullet, but maybe too tough on smaller dogs? SBT To err is human, to forgive is divine. Practice Strict Gun Control - Precision Counts! RN For over 70 years Sierra Bullets has been dedicated to the manufacture of the most accurate bullets in the world. The third made 10m. I know Vihtvuori changed their load data to be more conservative over the last couple of years, but if I could not find good load in the 20-23gr range I could still go up to 24.2gr if safe. HWMsFWt L>MY;p Mk/U)U0O9-NocwDwgLGe}:E~P#Ax\snl)k?q_NdKTV/]#) C?v)-7oK`"kv6&(b1vpyG$h"p?\>/"7^pxm=7Bc_g/y% & Gw']8;v\hS7LX|GPAI?q[Gkm*}cByP0JkVZ&&^[oc7Z5&F~4E:F=}whaGyy`vL:K4w:ym\o31n4$ 1!zcdobuV}]e!l;8AdpD~ IV ]:&8qt1@7__6d^Loy%Z @I8.?k|z[L~9V*"oE\A. It should be loaded to medium velocities for this purpose. My most accurate load with that powder and a 55 was doing 3628. RN In fact, Sierra now uses the 223 for accuracy testing in several of our 22 caliber MatchKings. 50 gr. 0000013903 00000 n . The laws of physics do not apply to politics. Weather was not great so I hid myself under a sitka tree and fired all 25 rounds checking spent cases for any pressure signs. I couldnt believe it. 0000008079 00000 n 0000012175 00000 n So generally you can use all load data given for a 55gn jacketed bullet of similar shape. Very accurate. Customers have been asking us for years to make a 6.5 mm and 7mm version of our very popular 30 caliber 165 grain HPBT GameKing and we are happy to say we have fulfilled that request. 59 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 61 /H [ 1080 297 ] /L 139043 /E 25154 /N 10 /T 137745 >> endobj xref 59 33 0000000016 00000 n The 55-grain bullet leaves the muzzle at 3,240 fps versus 2,790 fps in the larger projectile, but if you're looking for more penetration and greater energy on target at 100 yards, the 73-grain. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ). 0000005150 00000 n 55 gr. FMJBT 55 gr. I bought a box and it was shooting below 1 and I just needed to test it on roe. I scooped the powder and used RCBS powder trickler to measure accurate loads. 0000016209 00000 n 125 gr. I'm going to use .223REM as the example, loaded with Sierra 55gr soft point boat tail (AKA Sierra Super Roo load #1365) and ADI 2206H. SPT Load data for 16 loads in caliber .223 Rem. Not wishing to diss you, but were you aware that you flinch when shooting? 0000010670 00000 n To be able to use the full range of Shopware 6, we recommend activating Javascript in your browser. Sedalia, MO 65301 As changing the seating depth, changes the pressures in the case and the end results. 2. . It is nice little bullet with a boat-tail end that I think I paid 19 for. I loaded remaining 75 bullets and they should last for a while. HP Known for superior accuracy and devastating expansion, our 55 grain BlitzKing load will perform shot after shot. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. A lot of guys get good results from Varget as well, but a lot of guys dont. SPT I shoot Sierra 55 Gr Blitzkings in my .223 Savage Model 12, load 26.1 Gr Varget with either CCI Benchrest or Federal 205 Primers for good accuracy. JSP. It correlates very closely with ADI's 26gn of AR2206H (IMR4895 in the US) for 3315fps with the 55gn Speer SP - two _very_ different bullet designs. thanks guys, i really apreciate your input. This bullet delivers devastating expansion on varmints and small game, and in many rifles it routinely delivers match-grade accuracy, which are vital considerations for long-range varmint shooting. 0000003246 00000 n HPBT MatchKing, .284 Diameter Bullets Good Luck. 125 gr. Thanks in advance. .223 Remington - Published Manufacturer Loading Data. Then you can try adjusting seating depth, and different primers. It will perform as a varmint bullet at high velocities, but it may also be used on medium game from smaller-capacity cartridges, such as the 250-3000 Savage and 257 Roberts. 240 gr. I shot two targets on my cardboard, top 25.5, bottom 25.0. 130 gr. It is very interesting reading what various people do and choices they make. I never had any problems with CCI primers, so went for CCI400 small rifle primers. FN 210 gr. 60 gr. SPT Ok Ill see if that helps Im really just looking for a starting point and a max load. Hornet 0000001080 00000 n Subscribe to the free newsletter and do not miss any news or promotions. HPBT With 55 grain bullets in my AR I use 24 grains of benchmark. Fist thing I noticed was that Sakos COAL varied a lot I had only a few Sako ammo left so I just took an average as my target COAL for reloads and it was 2.835 measured to ogive with the hex nut. 120 gr. This is a fairly "hard" bullet when fired from a handgun but a good choice for most applications and conditions. 100 gr. Neither is Marine Corps policy. Sierra lists the 65 and 63 grain bullets together in the same table sharing the same data. It is one of the best all-around bullets for rifles chambered in 6mm Remington or 243 Winchester. 90 gr. Our 55 grain ammunition utilizes the same 55 grain Blitzking that has terrorized varmints for years. I've just started using these in front of 25 gr BM2. HPBT MatchKing HPBT FMJBT But VV135 will make those 55's sing like you won't believe. 90 gr. This bullet is at its best in country like the wide open western prairie where shots are long and conditions difficult. FMJ We are engineers, reloading enthusiasts and operate one of the most powerful ballistics calculators. SPT 50 gr. SPT Characteristics of .224 | 55gr | Sierra HPBT GameKing bullet and comprehensive load data for this projectile. 0000014580 00000 n Blitz Sure, there was some bruising occasionally, but not too bad. SMP What hasnt changed has been our focus on bullets. Thinking around 3250fps as thats a known accurate node for 224 cal bullets. SBT 45 gr. The spitzer boat tail design provides exceptional accuracy and a flat trajectory. 90 gr. Enter your email address to follow the Sierra Bullet's blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. 110 gr. 50 gr. Sierra lists the 65 and 63 grain bullets together in the same table sharing the same data. The #1395 was introduced in 2004. SPT The bullet is just a simple Soft Point so looking at what was available in local gun shops I decided to go for 55gr Sierra Game Kings SPBTs. 200 gr. As you can see now, the data listed for the monolithic copper TSX is 25.8gn of IMR4895 (AR2206H in Oz) making 3171fps (not the incorrect 22.6gn offered by ADI). Join the forum. I really like this bullet for my .223. hunter67wa Well-Known Member decavalcante crime family 2020,