Love these second grade writing prompts? Why was it scary and how did you overcome your fear? What are you going to do first? work? What would you like to tell the president or prime minister? What if a pig and his friends traveled to the moon? At this point, you can worry less about sentence structure, punctuation and grammar, and encourage your child to be free with their writing! What if your bedroom had no ceiling? Explain a time that someone made you feel really special. What if colors just stopped working? Creepy Castle Kris Bales is a long-time homeschool parent. For most, handwriting becomes automatic, so they can concentrate more on the content of . Out of 10 stars, how many stars would you give this movie? you get there? Look outside your window or find a picture of a tree. - There is a time to share and there are also times you don't want If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Asking questions, and giving as many prompts as possible could really help the child write down their ideas, thoughts and feelings. Writing Prompt-to-Standards Chart Where did the colors go? Who taught you this skill? (Want this entire set in one easy document? You and your dog see a floating UFO under a play structure at a park. Which one of these things is your favourite and why? High School How-To Prompt 1. Out of 10 stars, how many stars would you give this book? If your 2nd grader doesn't want to dive into those questions, that's fine. This Packet Includes - I hate it when he pulls that on me. 59+ 2nd Grade Writing Prompts (+ Free Worksheets), 15 Easter Writing Prompts to Get Your Kids Writing, 20 International Womens Day Writing Prompts for Kids, 30 June Writing Prompts + FREE Calendar Printable, free 2nd grade writing prompts worksheets PDF. :,=~5e3`oDO6R| R -1 1EQ3n((xv}cl1WWmM,SA/,-D~_CvfJf5jMD/]~aDv"dEVf+wU Additional writing prompts are available elsewhere on this site, such as on specific holiday pages. (accessed April 18, 2023). story ideas. Why or why not? What is something you love about yourself? Colors are everywhere. We also expect 2nd graders to be able to edit and proofread their work to a lesser degree. Hello! What is your favourite animal? And the propeller wound up the string. Try making a list of activities you do on the weekend, and pick your favourite to write about in detail. Why did you pick these words? What if you had a substitute teacher who was a dog? And then create your own party invites. Yes, even though we've listed our favorite prompts below, you can easily make your own. Write about what you would like to do for your next birthday. Terms of Use If you could have any home in the world, what would you choose? What happens next? televisions, tablets and game systems did not How does someone win in this game? How would class be different? Terms of Use Who gave you think gift? By continuing to use the service, you agree to our use of cookies. Each Month Includes: In this book, who was your favourite character? What if you and your family found a fairy treasure map on vacation? Suggestions for Use What made you cry? You can draw a picture of your house to go with your description. This Packet Includes What would you do? A curious bigfoot learns to like your music and decides to You are a pirate looking for treasure. "Z % Dwa0{"A[`5@L&wJWH2[s@y9'HfoJ "g\^`30j?SS T endstream endobj startxref 0 %%EOF 248 0 obj <>stream What did you do? Journaling is a rewarding activity for people of all ages and it's one of the best ways to show kids that writing can be fun and full of imagination! What would you do there? endstream endobj 29 0 obj <> endobj 30 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Type/Page>> endobj 31 0 obj <>stream Has someone done something kind for you lately? What happens when someone does not get enough sleep? What happens in a world of tacos and unicorns? Do you remember any sounds or voices? Access the 2nd Grade Writing Worksheets pdf, Grab your 2nd Grade Writing Prompts PDF, Get the Printable Journal Page for Second Graders, As promised, here is that list of writing prompts organized by grade level , Use these lists of prompts with your 2nd grade students as journaling inspiration or as daily writing prompts. Imagine in 20 years or so, what job do you want to be doing? The muffin mayor must prepare for the Bake City celebration. What is your favorite dessert and why? 2nd Grade Writing Prompt Worksheets Related ELA Standard: W.2.3. Imagine life on the moon. 3 Rubrics A baby tiger finds his brother trapped in a pit of onions. Can you research and write down five facts about this animal? Their writing should include describing details that indicate thoughts, actions, or feelings. Oh, and if you have at least five (5) silly prompts to share, wed be happy to post them to this list. 11 Opinion Writing Prompts The prompts, which are taken from the lists above, are enhanced with images. Airplane said. A cat steps on a mushroom and transforms into a pig. Terms of Use The Toys Are Alive! What questions would you ask this turtle? 11 Opinion Writing, This second grade writing prompts packet includes narrative, informational, and opinion writing prompts on November topics, themes, and holidays. 11 Narrative Writing Prompts 24 Journal Prompts for Creative Writing in the Elementary Classroom, Writing Prompts for Elementary School Students. What was your favourite part of the movie? At such a young age, developing a childs creativity and imagination is key. What happened? Suddenly, youre zapped into your favorite video game. What is your favorite thing about yourself. Common Core Standards What was it about? Terms of Use places for a day. What if a cute little alien knocked on your door? What if a smart rabbit was chosen to travel to the moon? 11 Narrative Writing Prompts Writing Prompt-to-Standards Chart All 33 writ, This second grade writing prompts packet includes narrative, informational, and opinion writing prompts on April topics, themes, and holidays. TPT empowers educators to teach at their best. ~tK,'&2Zk|bW0)N#I=8fTl;k4W What if you woke up in a bald eagles nest. Which character would you choose to be from a book? Suddenly, a tiny elf jumps out from it. 2023 LoveToKnow Media. Suggestions for Use I would also start to get students in the habit of re-reading their own completed work. These prompts will get your students' creative juices flowing and help them build their writing skills. , This second grade writing prompts packet includes narrative, informational, and opinion writing prompts on September topics, themes, and holidays. Complete the following sentence in three different ways: I feel sad when. inspire, learn and write, the Imagine Forest way! A fairy gives you one wish. We have included some of the prompts from the list above in this PDF, with images to help visualise each prompt: Did you find this list of 2nd grade writing prompts helpful? 101 JFK Parkway | Short Hills, NJ | 07078 | (973) 921-5500. There are enough prompts for you to use daily during each school day during these months. What part of the castle do 11 Informative/Explanatory Writing Prompts You can be Writing Prompt-to-Standards Chart More Free 2nd Grade Writing Resources. They are expected to use more descriptive words and tackle complex concepts. What is your dream job? Yes! Can you list three benefits of eating a good breakfast meal? Second grade writers typically understand the basics of creating words, sentences, and paragraphs. Each month can also be purchased individually: ), and moving from invented spelling to more accurate spelling. (creative writing journal) 2nd through 5th Grades View PDF Big Money FREE Pretend you had $100, but you weren't allowed to keep it for yourself. Write about the chores you have to do at home. Write about what you think it will be like. hWmSH+W>e{6~8P%lWy=A:+!53~isQs1`Fq7FIS>7}}FZ{\PQ r+5 have a favorite type of book? 3 Rubrics Write about a trick you would like to play on your mom. This September packet includes 33 Common Core aligned writing prompts targeted to second grade students. 0 Make a list of groceries that your parents need to buy every week. All 33, This second grade writing prompts packet includes narrative, informational, and opinion writing prompts on December, January, and February topics, themes, and holidays. Jochen nemetz from subject: 11 Informative/Explanatory Writing Prompts He can make cheese puffs appear. They usually return A wizard chooses you to lead a quest to find the golden donut. Tell why it is your favorite. Why didnt you like it? You just won $1,000,000. $35.00 Bundle Google Apps 1st and 2nd grade no-prep writing pages with engaging writing prompts allow for easy writing activities, centers, writing journals, or daily writing! Printable writing worksheets are fun for second grade students while also providing ready-made activities for teachers. Suggestions for Use You can take any of these prompts and add illustrations to the narratives to create an awesome classbook that tells a great story! This 315 page document contains 23 math journal prompts for each month of September through May. Love this! you? They all flew up. How would people celebrate? Peeg, Rabbit and Panda pulled Plane up. This set includes 10 months worth of math stations as well as enough journal prompts for every day of the school year! Complete this sentence in at least three ways: When I grow up, I will. Research and write down at least five fun facts about your own city or town. Finally, they tried a fishing pole. *Each slip is labeled with the standard so it is easy to see that the skills in the math journals are Common Core aligned! longer until summer hits, then the days are too short. Students become more independent at this level and can be free to approach all these writing prompts on their own. How did you feel? "Boy, I would like to visit the moon," he said. What was the most recent movie youve seen? Airplane was so excited he went super duper fast. Do you get scared in the dark? It doesn't have to be complicated. Writing Prompt-to-Standards Chart Standards are broken up into: READING | GRADE: 2nd, 3rd Print full size Skills I would also start to get students in the habit of re . 4^IJk.x4Y'GIb4J"gw/c`R;]iP$,TE_S)Bu|!Of@}) jZoe4AF^d66'd. Take a look at these excellent ideas now and enjoy! I hope you enjoyed this list of 2nd grade writing prompts. They provide space for students to write their stories directly on the page. Your second grader's story should describe an event or a series of events using details to describe the characters' actions, thoughts, and feelings. What kind of discussion would a happy elf have with an angry one? You have a younger sibling who hasn't started school yet. At 12 oclock, you turn into your favorite animal. At lunch time, youre about to bite into a cookie. Imagine that you meet a talking turtle at the seaside. What does it look like on the outside? Why is eating breakfast important? (2020, August 27). 11 Informative/Explanatory Writing Prompts Can you make a list of five ways to help someone who is sad? Make a list of five things in your house that begin with the letter, S. Stoicism: Practical Philosophy You Can Actually Use (pdf) Sun Tzu on the Art of War (pdf) 10th Grade - Narrative; Most Dangerous Game Part II (doc . - Who wouldn't have a blast up there? What could you do to cheer yourself up when you are upset? Why? , Ever so kindly, Jill Author and Creator of Journal Buddies. This February packet includes 33 Common Core aligned writing prompts targeted to second grade students. When it comes to the 2nd grade, we all know that learning new words, spelling and legible handwriting is all-important. Inside their little heads, they can tell great stories of fire-breathing dragons, superheroes and monsters. 46 2nd grade writing prompts + free writing prompts pdf a lovely reader named trina left a comment on one of. Creative Writing Prompts Lots of creative writing worksheets with prompts that spark students' imagination Bravery FREE Describe one time when you were brave. All, This second grade writing prompts packet includes narrative, informational, and opinion writing prompts on May topics, themes, and holidays. 11 Opinion Writing P, This is a collection of 186 open-ended math journal problems located on one PowerPoint PDF Presentation. 11 Opinion Writing Prompts Since 2009 she has reviewed homeschool curricula for providers like Alpha Omega, Apologia, and All About Learning Press. All 3, Math Journal Prompts for each of the Grade 2 Common Core Standards! The classroom guinea pig escapes into a kids backpack. This second grade writing bundle will include six sets to cover the standards that are included in the Common Core writing domain. 3 Rubrics What if you were adopted by a family of dinosaurs? Write a poem about a talkative hero who loses his wand. All rights reserved. What in the world is a Unitaco? ^$t9`dUDv{Qwf/}q8pyKQh^*XeJSbW!VJ] What do they say? Peeg, Rabbit and Panda threw the rope as hard as they could. If you were a flower fairy, mermaid, or merman, what would you do? You can use these projects and activities to build the creative writing skills of your students. 11 Narrative Writing Prompts you do with an unplugged day. Let them know that they are free to create characters, settings, and conflict. And what is the worst thing about school? 3 Rubrics 1P"*~)LPS'u All you have to do is pick the standard, copy, cut, and the students glue them into a spiral bound or composition notebook. My Nightmares! A baby T-Rex popped out of an Easter egg. This Packet Includes Going to use some of these to help prompt my reluctant writer to come out of his shell some , I hope these prompts will help unleash the joy of creative expression in your little guy! And the answer is yes. We use cookies for various purposes including analytics and personalized marketing. If not, then have you seen someone else be angry? These journal prompts would be a great resource if your district uses Math Investigations bu, This second grade writing prompts packet includes narrative, informational, and opinion writing prompts on March topics, themes, and holidays. The only problem is youre only 5 inches tall. What if cats could talk? 1st and 2nd grade no-prep writing pages with engaging writing prompts allow for easy writing activities, centers, writing journals, or daily writing! What if an egg in a refrigerator tries to escape before breakfast? Math Journals are a wonderful addition to ANY math program from grades K-12. Terms of Use 3 Rubrics, BARGAIN!!! 'J)K`0w`;;R.n'&FDm:>0bLY, -V| epw;0wn/9/}FO\EWqB`n5k\KCIn! V jGVkxNoq. Write a thank you note to a tuba-playing panda. What if you and a friend discovered a portal into a land of talking pickles? What are you most scared of, and why? Suddenly, you grow green ears. Can you remember a recent dream that you had? These 30 new 2 nd grade writing prompt starters are intended to get your students excited about writing by giving them the chance to discuss their favorite subjects or . 2D_V)$Nb[pJ7/eWh``@cq0t4 9D9hs O@Z: 8a2p1eb+X'Hfi{T)@^V0Ky.KO[Q2=`g[e.>}x M` eT0 Uu endstream endobj 188 0 obj <> endobj 189 0 obj <> endobj 190 0 obj <>stream How do you feel about it? Think about some things that you hate doing. Inspiration, activities and resources to improve your creative writing skills! 11 Narrative Writing Prompts 28 0 obj <> endobj Unicorns? - What country do you wish you were from? Imagine you find a secret door in your house. They fixed the spaceship together using all the tools in the spaceship. Second Grade Writing Prompts. The paper should include a conclusion sentence. Being Helpful Jobs I Would Pass On - This reminds How would you feel? __CONFIG_colors_palette__{"active_palette":0,"config":{"colors":{"921eb":{"name":"Main Accent","parent":-1}},"gradients":[]},"palettes":[{"name":"Default Palette","value":{"colors":{"921eb":{"val":"rgb(46, 159, 15)","hsl":{"h":107,"s":0.8276,"l":0.3412,"a":1}}},"gradients":[]},"original":{"colors":{"921eb":{"val":"rgb(19, 114, 211)","hsl":{"h":210,"s":0.83,"l":0.45,"a":1}}},"gradients":[]}}]}__CONFIG_colors_palette__, Magic forest vector by upklyak -, __CONFIG_colors_palette__{"active_palette":0,"config":{"colors":{"f3080":{"name":"Main Accent","parent":-1},"f2bba":{"name":"Main Light 10","parent":"f3080"},"trewq":{"name":"Main Light 30","parent":"f3080"},"poiuy":{"name":"Main Light 80","parent":"f3080"},"f83d7":{"name":"Main Light 80","parent":"f3080"},"frty6":{"name":"Main Light 45","parent":"f3080"},"flktr":{"name":"Main Light 80","parent":"f3080"}},"gradients":[]},"palettes":[{"name":"Default","value":{"colors":{"f3080":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.7)"},"f2bba":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.5)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"l":0.09,"s":0.02}},"trewq":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.7)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"l":0.09,"s":0.02}},"poiuy":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.35)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"l":0.09,"s":0.02}},"f83d7":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.4)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"l":0.09,"s":0.02}},"frty6":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.2)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"l":0.09,"s":0.02}},"flktr":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.8)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"l":0.09,"s":0.02}}},"gradients":[]},"original":{"colors":{"f3080":{"val":"rgb(23, 23, 22)","hsl":{"h":60,"s":0.02,"l":0.09}},"f2bba":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.5)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"s":0.02,"l":0.09,"a":0.5}},"trewq":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.7)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"s":0.02,"l":0.09,"a":0.7}},"poiuy":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.35)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"s":0.02,"l":0.09,"a":0.35}},"f83d7":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.4)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"s":0.02,"l":0.09,"a":0.4}},"frty6":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.2)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"s":0.02,"l":0.09,"a":0.2}},"flktr":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.8)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"s":0.02,"l":0.09,"a":0.8}}},"gradients":[]}}]}__CONFIG_colors_palette__, Our Recommended Youth Story & Essay Writing Contests, Silly Story Writing Prompts for 2nd Graders, Funny character vector created by jcomp -. Theyve learned a wide variety of foundational skills and are able to work independently. What if you could travel to the time of dinosaurs? Common Core Standards Explain your choice. They're designed to spark the imaginations of seven- and eight-year-olds so they'll be excited to get those pencils moving. What does he say and want? Each task is aligned with a common core standard. 11 Opinion Writing Prompts 3 Rubrics Writing Prompt-to-Standards Chart When you open this door, the first thing you see is. Only Gray - As long as their hero makes progress towards their goal, readers will be engaged and enjoy the ride! Describe your favorite animal that plays on your favorite sports team. H 5 Imagine Forest makes writing stories easy and fun. dinner. Where would you go to Why do you like it? %%EOF What would you do? What would you do for fun? If you could be a movie star, what movie would you be in? Let's go have some pixie sticks.". Have a family member write something about you today. It includes 99 Common Core aligned writing prompts targeted to second grade students. These second grade writing prompts capitalize on age-appropriate topics to spark students creativity and engage them in the writing process. Power Up Your Essays With Even Thoughs, TEDx Talk The Secret A Story Map Can Reveal. me of the show Dirty Jobs. How did you feel at the time? 11 Informative/Explanatory Writing Prompts This March packet includes 33 Common Core aligned writing prompts targeted to second grade students. Why? Write down at least three things that you love about your family. Here are several options ideally suited for 2nd grade writing activities. You could also use these ideas to support writing instruction in your lesson plans, to improve grammar and punctuation, or to further support your students writing process development. Your hero sandwich actually saves a famous person. Writing a narrative is essentially telling a story. The Dad Switch-er-roo! In this set of reading and writing worksheets, your children will first read two short stories for mechanics, then draw and label a diagram about those stories, answer prompts to create their own story, and finish by writing a complete story! Which part of the book was your favourite, and which part did you not like as much? Terms of Use Here are some of the creative writing projects for the second graders. All to help you write your own stories in no time. Included are prompts,rubrics and printables that will allow you to reinforce concepts in a Progressive Writing Journal for the whole year. Complete this sentence in three different ways: When I am bored, I like to. That is horrible considering what kind of website this is. white. *You c, Using these math writing prompts and math journal cover make it quick and easy to set up 2nd grade math journals or math notebooks in your classroom. Can you describe a dragon in detail? 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