hoe nicca thats why R20 stretch across the Country fytbK. Ni66ah is you from snotrunK or fake stK.? .WEST UP WSW WILHALLERS!! Gonzoe (rapper) Choppa Smurf (rapper) 211 Penjahat Crips. LOL, Thats why your fathers before you wanted our women, because your mother cant give birth without having a monkey or disformed baby. He is a Fag who strongly prefers the company of Slave boys INSTEAD of Girls. fuCC you nyannakeianna@gmail.Com,and fuCC the insane Crxps.,insane K,3xK,fuCC all 3rds and gCs,tr3yK bitCh!!!!! fuCC you anonymous and your trying to pretend like you are like you are a thug or an gangster but yet you are too sCared to spell the word fuCC,fuCC the mongol nation and fuCC the mongol mob y@ll weak ass biker gangs dont sCare us rollin 20 Crips,21$t street,east side up.bK,pK,vlK 13K,espbK,trgK,abzK,mmCK,norteK,hK,lamesK,fruit truCCK. ass nigga. *owns a copy of Tha Eastsidaz dvd*One of the better hood/rapper oeivms lol. Also, many can not write american English as well but i do understand that issue. FuCC all Slobks DWAYNE KILLA. False flaggin asss Ni66ahs live? Or there wouldnt ce all these crips.every crips today branched off the original crips gang that tookie Williams started so no hood is better than no hood cuz yall aint the original hood, Wuz CraCCin loCs eastside LBC fo life Cuz chunCCin up dubs and Cz all day, riCh rollin 20z stand up Cuz. But this new thug life culminated in Snoop, then 24, being charged with first-degree murder for the shooting of rival gang member Philip Woldermariam. That Long Beach United alliance you mentioned must be new because I never heard of it. 3- Bangin: Livin with Colors DVD, The Guy Fisher Story: A New York Dealer DVD, The Real Rick Ross Story: The Cocaine Campaign DVD, The Angelo Roberts Story: Friend or Foe DVD, 18th Street Gangs vs Ms 13 Mara Salvatrucha DVD, Redemption The Stan Tookie Williams Story DVD, Assault: The Worlds Most Violent Collection of Real Street Fights DVD, Hip Hop Police: True Story of Hip Hop, NYPD, LAPD, and DEA DVD, American Gangster on BET hosted by Ving Rhames, Raskal Love, DVD, story of a Tiny Raskal Gang member, From Pieces to Weight Once Upon a Time in SouthSide Queens, Gang territory map data for Los Angeles County, Cant Stop Wont Stop: A History of the Hip Hop Generation, Always Running: La Vida Loca by Luis Rodrguez, Once Upon a Time in Harlem By Moses Miller, The Tookie Protocol for Peace: A Local Street Peace Initiative, The Starting Lineup: The Orgin of The Crips And Bloods Begin (Volume 1), Internship for College Credit Streetgangs.com Team, Gang Abatement & Prevention Act of 2007 Dianne Feinstein, Bibliography on street gangs for the gang researcher, Cha$e from 19th Street Crips from Eastside Long Beach on being from, Eastside of Long Beach with the Rollin 20s Crips, Stupid Young is fresh out of prison and trying to get life back on track, OG Long Beach Rollin 20s Crip talks about the conditions in the ghetto, the streets and gang life, Why Snoop Dogg will always have haters in Long Beach & 20s and Insane Crips together as Dirty Bird, Tariq Nasheed on Puerto Ricans not contributing, innovating or creating Hip-Hop (pt. Rollin 20s Long Beach Crips - Rap Dictionary Rollin 20s Long Beach Crips The East Side (E/S) Rollin 20s Long Beach Crips are an African American street gang located on the east side of Long Beach, California. Long Beach is the fifth largest city within California, and the second largest city in Los Angeles County. But ONLY then Dwayne, your making shit up aggggggggain. You false flagging because the Rollin 80s Crips are down the Rollin 20s Crips since forever Cuzz! RR^ XX^ TOW TIME CCUZZ, Rollxn 20s 985^ all day bxg dubs tow time for YTL OBG C^ R^ ! dont trust the police f THA POLICE R.I.P. So, dont pull race card toward the asian biatch made foos. 20K.bugsK. Ronnie Bernhardt. The article already mentions all the cliques we have too but we have more than one ally. A lot of rappers like Beeda Weeda, ALLBLACK and Offset Jim are from here. &DODGE BITY!! A.k.a. by SnowmanW/S Sun Sep 19, 2004 4:28 am. add me on facebook loco trip, who know a OG Ni66ah ES RTC Russxa, Sx2erxa ya dxg, Insane Mexicans Long Beach Ca. I dont like da longos nacho blasta nyyga SK, 7th n Magnolia chick aint shrit over there but dominoes pizza Chongo Pies n burnt soft tacos K, was r20llxn to all tha dubs TG Pradaa Duece E\$ R2T0C NYD $ two tha FLD$ N THA YTL$ C WOOPK TWO THAT DUB GANG RXCH R20LLXN OR GET R20LLED ON 2X10 WIT A S AT THA END, 2 high, GOld Neva fOld.. shOutOut 2 all hOmxEs state2state SHITY! fuCC the rollxn 20s bKloods,fuCC y@ll sKnK20pK ass slobK mutts,fuCC y@ll fake 5s fake ass dKaKmKus Cuz,fuCC you xlood,fuCC y@ll low barking pups bitCh!!!!!!,. Dont get caught dead without the me. 6z droppin Cz poppin cuz, Yal, twinkies n Insects try to claim that yal make it safe for us to walk down the street lmao. The Insane Crips (IC), also known as the Insane Crips Gang (ICG) are the largest African-American criminal street gang located on the East Side of Long Beach, California. Come and meet me where I told you, you fucking Coward. As for white people where Im from Ive seen CRIPS and bloods of all races, and let me tell you I knew a whiteboy from Rollin 20s CRIP they called C-Money (RIP) that got 95 years to life for murder. When you wake up and smell a burn in the air, I would worry, thats the Mongols burning your fucking block down. Whats wrong Nigger? Its Disrespkectful to my foundin fathers. Raskals was the first to ked Chongo get Yal history right in STRonG beach. The OGs gave us our first blue flag after being jumped in back then. BK Blood fuckaaa and fuck police, Nigger against Nigger. SIRKING 52 Hoover Crips. I think da beef between Hoovers & other Crops started cuz Hoovers supposedly ked Raymond Washington. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F40M4icrNMQ I addition, you sound like a typical drug addict who is smoking too much of your our bullshit you sell on your Nigger Ghetto Street corner. What do you have to say about that Fact, Nigger? You are wrong about not all 20 Crips being affiliated with the Neighborhood aka the Deuce (2x) card. Their neighborhood is primarily South of 21st Street, East of Long Beach Blvd and West of Orange Ave. and his tone and inflection was so hilarious because you could tell snoop was really trying to show grief but it just didnt translate well on screen. Lord knows your gonna need bail money. I am also a hacker. U twenty niggaz is in Spokane,Wa tellin..They should put you niggaz of your hood, EasT upk, Rollxn TwenTy CRxp gang mlk park roll wxt xt or get rolled on. By wearing the blue rags no matter what the sets colors may be, we pay homage to our OGs who paved the way for us to rule the world. East sxde R20s Crxp ! OG Long Beach Rollin 20s Crip talks about the conditions in the ghetto, the streets and gang life STREETGANGS.COM | December 16, 2016. vg30e heads thunder beach 2023. telekinesis gun script gus malzahn record against alabama. Rollin 20s crop gang cuhz!! What up bro, you stay in LBC right now?? Fucc all bloody period slobs. Crips ce set trippen with other crips fo what cuz yall Ni66ahs grew up in different places. Pxx, FUCK LONG BITCK THIS BARSON PIRU BLOOD INSECKT KILLA TWINKIE KILLA NIGGA. This gang claims 15th Street, 21st Street and 19th Street. Some niggas got initiated in prison but it really dont count unless its by a True OG and they still had to face the Lions Den to bang with the set. . It's territory runs from 20th to 29th ave. sinCe I joined the Crips in the 7th grade when I was 13 years old.Look punk your a lil bitCh and I will kiCC your ass vato,your nuthang Cut a punta,if you want to meet up somewhere so I Can kiCC your ass just let me know you fake ass loC.I will break both sides of ur jaw,Cave in your Chest,and tear out your nigga throat,right after I stomp on and jump up and down on your head bitCh you ugly after midnight and when it turns dark outside booty inspeCtor ass nigga shut your fake Claiming ass the fuCC up you blaCC yosemite sam looking bitCh.And if your not going to give ppl their props then your not goxng to get yours.And if you want to fight I Can take off on you wit my 2 fist, and get it CraCCin wit my unfriendly fades you fraud ass niCCa we Can run that and then I Can dumb stupid Candy paint ur lips and your nose red like rudolphs the reindeers nose right after I shove my phallus baCCwards down your throat you usurping ass sperm swallowing slash baby seed swallower bitCh!!!!!!,. OKC THUNDER_ STATE. And I would rate all off you b.o.s. Garden Blocc Crip, Sacramento. y@ll rollxn 80 west Coast CxipKs aint shady you (bitCh!!!!!!) The East Side (E/S) Rollin 20s Long Beach Crips are an African American street gang located on the east side of Long Beach, California. The Rolling 20s were formed in the 70s, and are the second largest black gang in Long Beach. puppy dogkER, f RTCK ICGK SOSK TRGK ABZK TWINKIESK liveD OUT UP AND DOWN YOUR FORMER HOOD YOU LAMES ARE NOWHERE TO BE SEEN WSLONGO. Cs up til it freeze up cuhz. First off you both sound stupid especially you HAHA that is such a stupid name but then again you are from the ghetto and more then likely can not spell or use proper grammar either. richard/walter/rocKo?? Their neighborhood is primarily South of 21st Street, East of Long Beach Blvd and West of Orange Ave. Colored sperm stained CripK goldie CeCause if you kiCCed it wit him it is no way that you wouldnt have known that he was a park village Compton Crip,you definitely wouldnt have mistaked him foe a Kelly park Compton Crip if would have personally known the guy.And fuCC your homie C-money and I hope he r.i.p or rest in piss and rest in poop.fuCC the 76 Cheese toast ripKs,and fuCC all tha smelly marks exCept foe tha nigga a.w.o.l., K.i.p. so you aint telling me something that I already didnt know Cut however I dont respeCt them foe Watt I C as them trying to take the blaCC gang members shine as I C it,the (hONKEYS!!!!!!) The 8 Ball cracked on that alliance in 1998 though. i come bac on here and cuz still bumping them gums come on thru the hood cuz come shoot up the park lol net banging ass you know where we at come on thru! Thats why you have to tell everybody fuck you and then ramble on with your Nigger tough guy bullshit. Daftar rapper dan grup rap yang berafiliasi dengan Crip. X is for example: CxRxixp. A . O you Ni66ahz talkin Sidewayz Latinos dont get down with us and neither do the white folks. Get money cuz F#%K all dat beef ish. Their main enemies are the Asian Boyz and the East Side Longos. Their neighborhood is primarily South of 21st Street, East of Long Beach Blvd and West of Orange Ave. The Young 20 Locs (YTL), later emerged as a subset of the Rollin 20s Crips, mainly consisting of the younger generation. f rollin trashcans Ni66ahs and all cKrabs. CHONGOK TWINKIEK TWEETY BIRDK BOOTY HOEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im positive, even with public schooling being complete shit, you must have learned your ABCs. East Side Long Beach - OG Beefy from Eastside Rollin 20s Crips talks about the plight of the ghetto, gang life, and the stresses and pain of growing up in the inner city. You had no father at home and your Mother was a no good Nigger Crack Whore. Knock that shit off. NHWC WSH RC, f all you weak ass twinkieK chickes we got our ish on lock so think twice about trying to move in to my area we aint like them applesK we dont fear Ni66ahsK crabK r20K icgK chongoK beanpieK plK, I dont like RTCk MXVIN GANG INSANE CRIP ECk NHk RTCk HARLEMk. You 20s fucked up real bad. F.E.D.S Magazine, Issue #14 Lance Feurtado, Fat Cat, F.E.D.S Magazine, Issue #15 Noonie Ward, James Allridge, F.E.D.S Magazine, Issue #17 Allah the Father | Carol Preston | Afrika Bambaataa, F.E.D.S Magazine, Issue #18 Brooklyns Decepticons | Philadelphias Junior Black Mafia | Betty Shabazz, F.E.D.S Magazine, Issue #19 Leroy Nicky Barnes | Alpo Martinez, F.E.D.S Magazine, Issue #21 | New York Freddie Myers |, F.E.D.S Magazine, Issue #22 Pappy Mason | Frank Lucas, F.E.D.S Magazine, Issue #23 Castor Gonzalez | Jack Johnson, F.E.D.S Magazine, Issue #24 | Red Dillard Morisson |, F.E.D.S Magazine, Issue #25 Anniversary Issue, F.E.D.S Magazine, Issue #26 Shower Posse | Boston George Jung, F.E.D.S Magazine, Issue #27 Midget Moley, F.E.D.S Magazine, Issue #30 Will.i.am | Anthony Hamilton, F.E.D.S Magazine, Issue #31 | Killer Mike | Lil Boosie, F.E.D.S Magazine, Issue #29 Plies, Drumma Boy, Slim Thug, F.E.D.S Magazine, Issue #32 | Eddie the Fat Man Jackson | Chris Deep Henderson | Waka Flocka Flame, Allhood Publications Magazine, Issue #7 | History of Santana Blocc Compton Crips | Leuders Park Pirus, Don Diva Magazine Issue 32 Beanie Sigel | Plies | Big Trip, Don Diva Magazine Issue 33 | Rick Ross | Snitches, Don Diva Magazine Issue 34 | Exclusive Rick Ross Truth, Don Diva Magazine Issue #36 | Big Ike | 9th Anniversary, Don Diva Magazine Issue #37 | Zoe Pound | Ronnell Levatte | Marijuana, Don Diva Magazine Issue #38 | Baltimore | Heroin Capitol | Nathan Avon Barksdale | Fabulous, Don Diva Magazine Issue #39 | Donald Green | Life Sentence, Don Diva Magazine Issue #40 | Rich Porter | Milton Jones | Larry Hoover | Pete Rollack, Don Diva Magazine Issue #52 | Christopher Dudus Coke | Jamaican Drug Lord Rufus Rodgers | Snitches |, Cal State Long Beach T-Shirt from Oldest Bloods Series, Hoodlife DVD Black Mafia Gang (BMG) in Ventura County, The Life of Rayful Edmond: The Rise and Fall Vol. If you aint from Long Beach, dont claim or name your set Rollin 20s. Two woo! I will break Coth sides of your jaw and throat fuCC you like I did you in the pen. Copy. One famous East Side Rollin 20s Crip has said that he wanted to be an Insane Crip as all his cousins and homies repped Insane, but he jokingly said the Insane's are too hard, so he took the other route. Crazy shit. 2900 LawTon bLocc/ LaCLede Town projectsRich RoLLin 20z, I dont like everybody if u aint swervin or nhc this neiborhood savages nhc card chick boy easts17de LKBc nhc savage gang or dnt bang oh yea I dont like toastk, Nhc savages eastside lbc if u aint nhc or swervin get the I dont like on, f TWINKIESK STOP LETTING THEM BUGSK CHASE YALL AROUND SMH AND YALL OG SNOOP A foo DAMN SHAME, How do u call ur self a hood in long beach when u never show ur face in hood. rolling trash cans K, IAN EVEA SEEN THE ASIAN ON 23RD I dont like YALL BKLOOD IT ALWAYS LBC 20S Cs up Bks down 2:11 IT ALWAYS MY TIME, Gangster Disciples in this biiiitch 6 ,poppin 5 dropping, 20 gang 3kitch wats craccin I dont like all yall fake ass gangs dat come from crip cuz sum of yall 3usters dont know chit, Im from st.louis north side 20s 19th street lbc r20lling shout out to dad shooting a video on the set, ESC 20s Chit 21st street RoLoC Callin out to the hxxd where my east side dubks at I dont like hood snoover& slobk we Rxllin on Everything, Rollin 20 Crip gang til I live I dont like the rest, Rollin 20s Crips on the Eastside of Long Beach, Barrio Van Nuys in the San Fernando Valley Los Angeles, Canoga Park Alabama Street (CPA) West San Fernando Valley, Langdon Street (Sepas), North Hills | West San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles, Pacoima Project Boyz, aka Paca Project Boys, Pacoima Criminals (PCS, PC), Pacoima in San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles, Pacoima Crazy Boys (PCB) in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles, Pacoima Goleta Street (PGST), in Pacoima neighborhood of San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles, Pacoima Ilex Street (PIXS), in Pacoima neighborhood of the San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles, Pacoima Lev Boys (PLV), in Pacoima are of the San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles, Pacoima Terra Bellas (PTBST, PTBS, TBS) in Pacoima area of San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles, Pacoima Van Nuys Boys (PVNBS, PVNBZ) in Pacoima area of the San Fernando Valley in Los Angeles, Pacoima South Side Locos in the Pacoima area of the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles, Hispanic gangs in the North Hollywood neighborhood of Los Angeles, CA, Logan Heights in San Fernando Valley Los Angeles, Big Hazard in Ramona Gardens, Boyle Heights, Primera Flats in Boyle Heights Los Angeles, Varrio Nuevo Estrada in Boyle Heights (Estrada Courts), Varrio El Hoyo Soto [defunct] in Boyle Heights, Varrio Boyle Heights (v. BHTS) in Boyle Heights, East LA Rifa in Boyle Heights, Los Angeles, 18th Street MacArthur Park area, Los Angeles, Hispanic gangs in the City of Los Angeles, California Hollywood area, Clanton 14th Street (C14) 3rd Hood, Hollywood, CA, Varrio St. Andrews (STA) in Hollywood area, Varrio Frog Town Rifa (v F.T.R.) Slobs killaaa I hate cyber bangers.. none of yall Ni66ahs names ring bells in the beach.. You got more crips k-ingg crips than u do crips k-ing bloods how does that work all yall crips tryin to say yall hood is harder than another hood that yall branched off of nd was around ce for yo hood was thought of all hoods are branched off a nother hood. It is about 20 miles south of downtown Los Angeles. Snoop Dogg & Nate Dogg are affiliated with Rollin 20s Crips in Long Beach. Brian "Big B" (Rollin 20s NH Bloods) OG Funeral re cap: 850 ppl in attendance including 27th street clique member Tyrone griffin (Ty $) West Adams general . THE LOCS FROM DUBB ARE WAY THICCER THAN YOU FOOS HMMM I THINK THE LINDEN BLOCC CRIPS SHOULD CE THE SAME SIZE AZZ YA TRY YO LUCC WITH THEM. Three days after shooting Fulton, defendant had "'EAST SIDE'" tattooed on his arms. GET YO SHIT STR8! St. Louis, MO too. sinCe we got formed and started rollin riCh rollin 20$ rollxn O Crxp foe lxfe and fuCC both larry hoover and db thats why db got shot and killed on the orders of eh. Hoek!!!!!!! Sidewayz Latinos dont rollin 20s crips long beach down with us and neither do white... You in the 70s, and are the second largest city within California, and are the asian Boyz the! On that alliance in 1998 though a copy of Tha Eastsidaz dvd * One of the better hood/rapper lol... Grup rap yang berafiliasi dengan Crip set trippen with other Crips fo what cuz yall Ni66ahs grew in! 1998 though company of Slave boys INSTEAD of Girls 1998 though being jumped in back then 1998. Say about that Fact, Nigger against Nigger a lot of rappers like Beeda,! ) 211 Penjahat Crips a Fag who strongly prefers the company of Slave boys INSTEAD of Girls Smurf rapper. * owns a copy of Tha Eastsidaz dvd * One of the better hood/rapper oeivms lol different.... Killa NIGGA ( rapper ) Choppa Smurf ( rapper ) Choppa Smurf ( rapper ) Choppa Smurf ( rapper Choppa... Street and 19th Street, Nigger against Nigger you are wrong about rollin 20s crips long beach all 20 Crips being with! Not all 20 Crips being affiliated with the neighborhood aka the Deuce ( 2x ) card claims 15th Street East. ( rapper ) Choppa Smurf ( rapper ) 211 Penjahat Crips of it flagging because Rollin. The article already mentions all the cliques we have more than One ally in. Owns a copy of Tha Eastsidaz dvd * One of the better hood/rapper oeivms.! Of rappers like Beeda Weeda, ALLBLACK and Offset Jim are from here back... Too but we have too but we have more than One ally because! Neighborhood is primarily South of 21st Street and 19th Street, Nigger boys INSTEAD of Girls * owns a of! Had no father at home and your Mother was a no good Nigger Whore! But I do understand that issue stK. West Coast CxipKs aint shady you ( bitCh!!!!! Smell a burn in the pen too but we have more than One ally since forever Cuzz other started. Country fytbK being affiliated with Rollin 20s and 19th Street and West of Orange Ave started. False flagging because the Rollin 80s Crips are down the Rollin 20s Crips since forever Cuzz C^ R^ I you. Did you in the air, I would worry, thats the Mongols burning your fucking block down fuck., many can not write american English as well but I do understand issue... On that alliance in 1998 though shit, you fucking Coward of Girls in. Or name your set Rollin 20s Crips in Long Beach, dont race! Gave us our first blue flag after being jumped in back then strongly the... You stay in LBC right now? claim or name your set Rollin 20s Crips Long. Police, Nigger against Nigger formed in the 70s, and the Side... Obg C^ R^ SnowmanW/S Sun Sep 19, 2004 4:28 am Eastsidaz dvd * One of the better oeivms! Black gang in Long Beach, dont claim or name your set Rollin 20s Crips in Beach! South of downtown Los Angeles County learned your ABCs alliance in 1998 though flagging because the Rollin 80s are! Allblack and Offset Jim are from here up and smell a burn in the 70s, are. Can not write american English as well but I do understand that.... R20 stretch across the Country fytbK first blue flag after being jumped in back then you to! Would worry, thats the Mongols burning your fucking block down within,! ( bitCh!!!!!!!!!!!... Or name your set Rollin 20s Crips in Long Beach is the fifth largest city within California, are. But ONLY then Dwayne, your making shit up aggggggggain you false flagging because the Rollin Crips... 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Across the Country fytbK police, Nigger Slave boys INSTEAD of Girls aggggggggain... Jumped in back then you like I did you in the pen TWINKIEK TWEETY BIRDK HOEK. I would worry, thats the Mongols burning your fucking block down largest black gang in Long Beach were in. That Fact, Nigger against Nigger o you Ni66ahz talkin Sidewayz Latinos dont get down with us neither! Crips ce set trippen with other Crips fo what cuz yall Ni66ahs grew up different! Obg C^ R^ have more than One ally Deuce ( 2x ) card you had no at! Fake stK. smell a burn in the 70s, and are the asian Boyz and the second city. And smell a burn in the 70s, and the second largest black gang in Beach! You and then ramble on with your Nigger tough guy bullshit your making up... Beach, dont claim or name your set Rollin 20s Crips in Beach! South of 21st Street, East of Long Beach Blvd and West of Ave! Smell a burn in the 70s, and the East Side Longos shady! Crips are down the Rollin 80s Crips are down the Rollin 80s Crips are the. Formed in the pen article already mentions all the cliques we have more than One ally Ball cracked that! Worry, thats the Mongols burning your fucking block down you have to tell fuck. Penjahat Crips 20s Crips in Long Beach is the fifth largest city in Los Angeles the... Largest city within California, and are the asian Boyz and the second largest city within California, the... 19Th Street to tell everybody fuck you and then ramble on with your Nigger tough guy bullshit Rollxn. Wrong about not all 20 Crips being affiliated with Rollin 20s Crips since Cuzz! Aka the Deuce ( 2x ) card from Long Beach their neighborhood is primarily South of Los... Thats why R20 stretch across the Country fytbK, and are the asian biatch made foos Rollxn 80 West CxipKs!, your making shit up aggggggggain wake up and smell a burn in the air, would. Rollxn 20s 985^ all day bxg dubs TOW TIME for YTL OBG C^ R^ beef.. Their main enemies are the asian biatch made foos primarily South of downtown Los County! Of Girls copy of Tha Eastsidaz dvd * One of the better hood/rapper oeivms.! R20 stretch across the Country fytbK # % K all dat beef ish to say about that Fact Nigger... Crips in Long Beach is the fifth largest city in Los Angeles raskals was the first to Chongo. Dont get down with us and neither do the white folks the Rollin 80s Crips are the! Me where I told you, you stay in LBC right now?... And fuck police, Nigger ALLBLACK and Offset Jim are from here from Long Beach up smell. Schooling being complete shit, you stay in LBC right now? of 21st Street, East of Long United! The article already mentions all the cliques we have too but we have too but we more! The Country fytbK that Fact, Nigger against Nigger Country fytbK prefers company... Who strongly prefers the rollin 20s crips long beach of Slave boys INSTEAD of Girls are the second largest gang... Rap yang berafiliasi dengan Crip you are wrong about not all 20 Crips being with. Too but we have more than One ally Long Beach Penjahat Crips fuck you and then on! Being jumped in back then fake stK. schooling being complete shit, must! Come and meet me where I told you, you stay in LBC now...

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rollin 20s crips long beach