Why is it Always On? Your settings will undoubtedly depend on the factors that we have discussed. Update: Ecobee disabled the function allowing users to change the heat dissipation time. about 2-3 cycles per hour Why is my fan constantly running? See It (Opens in a new window) Honeywell Home T9 Smart Thermostat With Sensor. As I knew, the Ecobee fan takes control of the HVAC system, including the fan. However, the data collection window is every 5 minutes. For instance, when I am home have the fan run automatically for five minutes every hour to filter/circulate the air. By pressing Hold, your thermostat will lock in the temperature its currently at until you change it again. What is this? Either way this isn't matching the documented behavior. During the summer parts of my house differ in temperature approximately 8 degrees. Check out their article here. I've been conducting professional home inspections since 2002. But if you have a heat pump or a two-stage furnace, you may want to customize your threshold settings. If you have unknowingly selected this option, then that is why it is running continuously. If you determined it was the Ecobee causing the problem, and these steps did not fix it, you may have a defective Ecobee. You can set the minimum fan runtime for comfort, but it is not required. and our For many people, deciding whether to run the HVAC fan continuously or on auto is not easy. There are several causes of long cycles. ecobee thermostats require a constant 24VAC . This can be set from 0 to 55 minutes every hour, with 0 meaning that your fan will remain off until the next heating or cooling cycle begins. +1 This would be very nice to automate. Hence, if you switch it on by mistake, your fan may run indefinitely. They're still working on fixing the other one. Ideally, it would be best if you allowed the air conditioner to run for approximately 15-20 minutes in an hour. Hey, Im JV! Here is a summary of the topics covered in this article. I discovered several users who had recommended that setting too. Nonetheless, you must ensure that the air passes through UV filtration so that all the microorganisms are destroyed prior to being circulated in the house. When the fan runtime is set for 15 minutes or less, the fan will turn on twice each hour. I found that the particular setting will be helpful to you if you wish to circulate air in the home. When you switch between Auto and ON in fan control, the . This is important to do, because the other option is Cancel. A preset is an override of the target temperature defined in the currently active climate. The hold button on the thermostat allows you to key in the desired temperature, different from your normal programming. I am going to monitor the homeiq with variable speeds and assess. Hence, it is imperative to be guided by the prevailing weather. Leave it on continuously and youre likely to see less dust around. If you see _minFanOnTime's value change from 10 to 0 at the ecobee portal, and your fan is still running on its own (as the fan will still run when your HVAC is heating or cooling even if you set this parameter to 0), then there must be a problem with the way your fan is . Your fan is also helpful in circulating warm air when the heater is one in the winter. On the thermostat screen, tap the Main Menu icon and then tap System. However, there are advantages to that as well. To open the Main Menu, you will need to tap on the icon that looks like three parallel lines, located in the lower left corner. HectoSeer. The minimum fan run time for the Ecobee Thermostat depends on what environment you live in and what temperature you prefer to keep your house at. What is actually happening is the fan is running for two blocks of 5 minutes. If the runtime is set to 55min/hour, the fan runs 4 times 13:45 min in the hour. What happens if you dont refrigerate macarons? var cid='9642248853';var pid='ca-pub-7986969687947359';var slotId='div-gpt-ad-brainyhousing_com-medrectangle-3-0';var ffid=1;var alS=1021%1000;var container=document.getElementById(slotId);container.style.width='100%';var ins=document.createElement('ins');ins.id=slotId+'-asloaded';ins.className='adsbygoogle ezasloaded';ins.dataset.adClient=pid;ins.dataset.adChannel=cid;if(ffid==2){ins.dataset.fullWidthResponsive='true';} Fan minimum run time 3. In short, its a personal preference that you have to choose. Programmable thermostats are a great technological innovation. On the thermostat: Select Main Menu > Settings > Preferences. It will remit the cooling or heating cycle time from the fan run time. Another theory I have is the "Compressor minimum run time" value or "Minimum heat run time" value is being applied against the fan. The other thing that you need to check out is the heat dissipation settings of your HVAC system. It is compatible with some standard smart home devices and will work with almost all HVAC systems. Most systems should run about 2-3 cycles per hour. An HVAC expert will aid in identifying if there could have been a problem with the wiring. ecobee has a provision for that. It is possible the system is running two back-to-back 2:30s run times, but the first one crosses the data boundary and makes it appear as 1:15 and 3:45. The lowest possible range in Auto mode the ecobee can maintain is 2F/1.1C. 9. Unfortunately, that also means I cant recommend you check the Ecobee Support page on this topic, as it does not have updated information. It allows the fan to run for at least 30 seconds after the HVAC has gone off. The temperature stays pretty even throughout the house. Twice per hour.). Your home will not have any cold spots in Winter. You can call, chat, or e-mail and they will get back to you. Why Is Ecobee Not Cooling or Heating? Note : You can schedule the fan for 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, or until you turn it off. If the outside temperature is too high, consider increasing the runtime. You can control such an occurrence from ecobees thermostat. Its segmentation is based primarily on the length of duration that you set. Typically 10-15 minutes in mild weather. The AC must remain on for long at such temperatures to maintain a constant temperature. How do I stop my toilet flapper from closing too fast? 4. ecobee Minimum Fan Runtime Since the fan is always running, it will constantly keep introducing hot air into the house. You can add or remove comfort settings as desired. When you are ready for your normal schedule to resume, simply press the Run button and return to your typical programming. Can Ring Cameras and Other Ring Devices Be on Different Networks? Related Content: Help! Here are some of them: Better circulation of heated and cooled air. To avoid this, it may be best to leave the fan on. The property is only available to ecobees with a multi-fan speed configuration. If that is in fact being applied to when only the fan is run it would sort of make sense why I'm only seeing two five minute blocks because it cannot run any shorter. In fact, theres no need to worry about the fan wearing out or breaking down because its designed to run continuously, and theres an array of benefits connected to this. If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ. Since the heat has to be sent out of the home, the fan will work more. Jump To Details $189.99 . After getting in control of the HVAC fan using ecobee, I wanted to know whether I can keep the fan only in the HVAC system. This isn't what I am seeing. But how exactly does it work? Potential other problems include a breakdown in the fan motors and relay switch. This will open a drop-down menu where you can select the time. Running the fan for that 15 minutes helps even out the temperature in the office with the rest of the house. The property is one of the new changes to the ecobee software and is called Fan Holds.. It isn't spacing the time out equally over the hour as documented. It will only run during the heating and cooling cycles in such a case. Simply press the Run button when you are ready to return to your normal schedule. Ecobees sets the HVAC fan to auto by default. The ability to set a specified fan speed if your ecobee is configured for multi-speed fan support (for more information on multi-speed fan installations, please see this article). The significance of the minimum fan runtime is that it also supports the cooling and heating cycles. If you dont select ok, the fan runtime will not be updated. For instance, if the time now is 7.40 pm, and you have set the Fan Hold for 30 minutes, it will indicate Fan on until 8.10 pm.. Plus, they can help you out if the Ecobee is defective and still under warranty. Tap on the round "+" button in the top-right corner of the screen. Instead of following your set schedule, your thermostat will hold the temperature youve selected until someone in the home cancels it or until the Hold expires. Since the Ecobee is connected to an app, the user will always stay in control and get updates. It did, but not in a good way. This means that the fan will turn on when Ecobee determines the HVAC system needs it on, which is during heating and cooling cycles. Have too many phones. I set my fan runtime to 15 minutes an hour during the summer because my I work from home a lot, and my office gets hotter than the rest of the house. The ecobee will determine the runtime bouts by considering the duration for each hour. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Public Mobile $34 15GB, $11 250MB, 2x $5 50min/50text, $0 FPL home phone, Ideally, the maximum fan runtime for dissipation is 900 seconds. Over time, this may cause more frequent breakdowns. Dr H. T. D. S. Madusankais an electronic expert with 10 years of experience, involved in the research and development of SMART HOME systems. Another upside of using ecobee is that some of their models feature sensors. The coldness will increase as the air temperature is similar to the air outside. Auto You will turn on the HVAC fan for the heating or cooling requirements. You can set Fan Hold for different time frames. But you might find that youre okay with the regular cooling and heating cycles. But, you will get one bigger setback, heating cooler air through the air vents after turning it on. The maintenance cost will increase as the furnace filter will have to be replaced. There is no need to control the humidity in such areas. By pressing Hold, your thermostat will lock in the temperature its currently at until you change it again. It will be set to run for the particular time you set only that it does not indicate the duration. The ecobee fan runtime is a property related to controlling the period that the fan will be on. How does that one work? Once we have those settings available, we will notify you.. Hence, you may often have the fan running for extended periods while in the house. Note that your fan relies on the commands that it receives from the ecobee thermostat. It is important, especially for people with allergies such as asthma. I've dropped both of those to 1 minute temporarily (and set my temp higher than it'll get today to avoid compressor issues) to see if any behaviors change. A few questions; what do people have their minimum fan runtime set to? Quick Changes Menu That is pretty darn close to all the time, so I thought I would include this in the list of things to check. It has a bunch of windows that get direct sunlight on top of having a bunch of computer equipment running in there. Starlink Internet Coverage Map 2023: 50 States Reviewed! Your Smart Recovery options will also play a part in this. It is not intended to debug why the fan keeps running for a few minutes after the heat turns off (That is heat dissipation setting, which Ecobee no longer allows users to change). In the days before I had an Ecobee, I was without the fan runtime feature. Otherwise, you would waste it. @larryllix to follow-up on the Ecobee fan runtime, looking at the System Monitor page I can confirm that my Ecobee is true to the set fan runtime. After you turn on the Thermostat fan, you set the cooling and heating to 100% effective through the even distribution. This one is kind of a stretch because this setting cant actually make your fan run all the time, but it can make your fan run 55 minutes out of an hour. Ecobee comes with three comfort settings by default: Home, Away, and Sleep. Its those days where the AC isnt really needed except maybe a few times during the day. Until the next scheduled activity (default value) Until you change it. For a lot of people, fan runtime is an option they need to adjust seasonally. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. What is a Hold? Use the tab to change the heat dissipation period to the time of choice. The ecobee app or ecobee Web Portal frequently display a temperature value of -500F or "N/A", indicating temperature readings are invalid because the ecobee is calibrating its temperature sensor. The thermostat will then react by switching on the heater or bringing in a gush of cold air depending on the temperatures. It is 05 minutes per hour. Is anyone else out there using the fan minimum runtime per hour and seeing similar unexpected results? They will diagnose if the HVAC problem is or if it stems from another cause. How to Check Fan Mode in Ecobees Quick Settings? Therefore, having it running for long spans will be wasteful on electricity. In this state, it will only run when prompted by the HVAC, probably to waft cool air during a cooling cycle or hot air during a heating cycle. That ended up making the rest of the house chilly and also cost me a lot more money. The recommended minimum fan runtime every hour is approximately 5-20 minutes. (You must use an air Filter unit). Therefore, consider each of the insights provided above when deciding on your HVAC fan runtime. 8. The amount of time that the fan runs for after the heater turns off is known as the Heat Dissipation Time. What are the most dangerous parts of Baltimore? Sometimes the fan will spoil the air circulation, especially if you have the ideal conditions. Once I bought my own house, I naturally wanted to start adding technology to my house. The recommended fan runtime is approximately 5-20 minutes. The hold function basically lets you override the pre-set temperature and thermostat setting if your schedule changes. But as it turns out, the only real pro to keeping your thermostat one temperature is convenience. I have an Ecobee3 Lite without humidifier control. The range that you can select for fan runtime on the Ecobee is between 0 to 55 minutes, and increases in 5-minute increments. This is the second menu option on the firmware version I have. The closer you get to the max design temperature in heating (0 Degrees) or cooling (90 Degrees) the longer the run cycle will be. When the fan runtime is set for 20 minutes or higher, the fan will run four times each hour. The starts and stops are not healthy for the lifespan of the fan. Should I set a Minimum Fan Runtime? Another cause could be a wiring issue or a short circuit preventing the system from recognizing the on and off signals. I found there are 05 ways for you to access the settings of the HVAC fan. If this causes the fan to turn off, it is an indication that the PEK was not installed correctly. ins.style.display='block';ins.style.minWidth=container.attributes.ezaw.value+'px';ins.style.width='100%';ins.style.height=container.attributes.ezah.value+'px';container.appendChild(ins);(adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({});window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'stat_source_id',44);window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'adsensetype',1);var lo=new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent);lo.observe(document.getElementById(slotId+'-asloaded'),{attributes:true});Recently I noticed that the HVAC fan kept working without stopping, and it seemed strange to me. On the other hand, if you set it for 20 minutes or more, the fan will switch on in four parts within an hour. 4) Setting your ecobee climate/program at a given time. You can check if Ecobee is at fault for keeping your HVAC fan running by removing the Ecobee from the wall. But the rule of thumb is that the ecobee fan should not stay on for an extensive period. Thus, from the above-provided insights, you probably now know better about the ecobee runtime. You can, therefore, at times have your ecobee fan running continuously. As a result, the HVAC will have to keep running to bring the temperatures down. The least time segment is 15 minutes. at Amazon. Ideally, the furnace and furnace fan should cycle anywhere from 3 to 8 times per hour. Last night I changed the unit to be 5 minutes of minimum run time per hour to see if anything changed. However, an ecobee Thermostat features other properties, such as the ability to control the runtime of your fan. The recommended minimum fan runtime every hour is approximately 5-20 minutes. A subreddit for ecobee and all their smart home products. 10 Ways to Hide Your Return Vent Without Blocking Airflow Home Inspection Insider, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fkCT9-82Qg, Ecobee 6 Tips and Tricks to getting more out of your device (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fkCT9-82Qg), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1sy9KaeNKQ, Is it OK to run HVAC fan continuously? The fan only needs to run while heating or cooling the house. It may remain on after the heating or cooling cycle is over. The office starts to get uncomfortable and becomes noticeably hotter than the rest of the house. Also, Ecobee support is very responsive. The essence of this is to ensure that the fan will not run longer than you set it at no time. If you have any unsolved issues, contact Ecobee customer assistance. If it runs short cycles many times in an hour, consider calling a technician to check if everything is alright. You can select in 30 second increments, or let Ecobee do it for you. Welcome to My Intelligent House. Comfort settings are the different modes, or activities as Ecobee calls them, that you place into your schedule. Is there any possibility of setting the "Minimum Fan Run Time"? The significance of the minimum fan runtime is that it also supports the cooling and heating cycles. Consequently, the fan will recirculate the air. Such cycles could damage the compressor, which will result in the ultimate breakdown of the AC. What is actually happening is the fan is running for two blocks of 5 minutes. Best Affordable Model for Siri Fans. There are a few reasons why homeowners would want to keep their fans running without having the rest of the HVAC system on. IT would be about the same price as having a HVAC service technician come out. Humidifier, Dehumidifier, or Ventilator: If your ecobee is configured to be able to control an HVAC accessory (Humidifier, Dehumidifier, or Ventilator), you will see options for the installed HVAC accessory here. What do I do if FedEx delivered someone elses package? Cookie Notice Using the horizontal dial, select a preferred time duration for the fan to run in ON mode. Ecobee Smart Thermostats have advanced features allowing users to control number of minutes that the fan can run per hour. Does Ecobee Automatically Update? There wont be continuous filtration of air which will prolong the lifespan of the furnace filter. This setting prevents your equipment from short cycling. The possible cause of the issue could be that you have not set your ecobee Fan on Auto mode. Their documentation and examples state if the heating/cooling doesn't run during the hour the ecobee should run the fan for four equal 2:30s blocks every fifteen minutes. Depending on how long you set the fan runtime for, there Ecobee will respond slightly different. The recommended minimum fan runtime every hour is approximately 5-20 minutes. My humidifier runs when the furnace fan is on. Related Content: Help! (5-minute run time + 25 minutes off = 30 minutes. If you set 05 minutes as the Ecobee minimum fan runtime summer, you will feel an evenly spread temperature around the home. However, the duration of the extension will depend on your fans dissipation settings. Im an electrical engineer by trade. Among the Fan Hold settings, there is an option of having the fan running for an indefinite period. On the thermostat screen, navigate to Main Menu > Settings > Installation Settings > Thresholds Depending on how your ecobee is configured, the thresholds you can adjust to reduce aux heat usage will differ depending on whether the Configure Staging threshold is set to Automatically or Manually. choose No if you are using a standalone dehumidification system that independently controls the system fan. If you choose auto, Ecobee will turn off the HVAC system after running the fan for 30 to 45 seconds. Hence, you can only control the fan runtime from this setting for a maximum of this time. I did not find any setting on the Thermostat Interface and App either. The gear symbol indicates it at the bottom end of the screen. It saves you from manually switching the fan on and off as the temperature changes between cycles. Hit Comfort Settings. All of these are symptoms of the ecobee thermostat frequently losing power on heating or cooling calls. However, you should be guided by the prevailing weather in your area. What You Can Check, Is Onn a Good TV? Hence, it would be best to set it at the recommended span of approximately 5-20 minutes. An ecobee thermostat is one of the smart devices in every house. This means the fan will run for 5 minutes every hour or whatever number you set it to. Having the fan on during winter will distribute air from the vents into the house. Ecobee Fan Settings (Set Up And Optimize), Setting a specific speed for the HVAC fan (Your HVAC system must multi-speed fan), On You will turn on the HVAC fan for the entire duration of the Comfort Setting. They also have the power to check certain parts of software that we dont have access to. The Truth About Features and Problems. Help! Wordfence is a security plugin installed on over 4 million WordPress sites. Select the hold action from the list: 2 hours. A typical thermostat will only prompt the switching of the fan, and thats all. What are the most dangerous parts of Baltimore? Problems can arise if the settings arent just right, or if you forgot about one. The minimum fan run time for the Ecobee Thermostat depends on what environment you live in and what temperature you prefer to keep your house at. For example, if you set it up for 15 minutes or less, the fan will switch on in two parts within the hour. Recommended Settings & Minimum Runtime, How to Uninstall & Remove the Ecobee Thermostat & Sensors from The Wall, Help! For example, when its switching from Away mode to Home mode, the air might turn on a little bit before Home mode is actually scheduled. Click the Quick Settings option on the main menu. This is the site where I share everything I have learned. Sometimes, the air conditioner will misbehave and run for shorter or longer cycles than usual. The thermostat controls the fans movement. In addition to temperature, having the fan on also helps distribute the humidity more evenly within the house. Ive been using and adding smart devices for several years now, and I have learned a lot! Some ecobee users have issues where the wires are connected wrong during the installation step. Related Content: How to Update Ecobee Firmware? Since the fan continuously works, the air temperature will get low despite the heating process. Hence, it facilitates a supply of fresh air throughout irrespective of the cycles. The Truth About Features and Problems. The length of time you run the fan depends on your environment. But in situations that you feel that having it on a minimum number of times will help the temperature regulation, you are obliged to set it up. You will then receive an email that helps you regain access. Hence, the humidity of your environment should determine the run time of your ecobee. The feature is available on the latest ecobee firmware version 4.6.25. At the bottom of your Thermostat home screen under the large numbers displaying the current temperature, you will see a bubble indicating the currently held temperature and how long the Hold is active. What You Can Check, Here is how you get to this comfort setting screen. Best Air Purifier for 1200 sq ft: 7 Top Models, Tap on Fan Runtime to change the fan runtime. Running the fan can help make the house more comfortable during the winter, and keep condensation off windows. You can set the HVAC fan to keep running 24 hours a day all the time. You can set 0 for the exact setting as well. Hence, the ecobee features a heat dissipation setting to control the residual heat. A fan circulates air in the room. For example, if your heater runs for 5 minutes and your fan runtime is set to 15 minutes, those 5 minutes will be deducted from the fan runtime for that hour. The significance of the minimum fan runtime is that it also supports the cooling and heating cycles. On the other hand, the auto mode means that the AC will switch the AC fan on and off when necessary. If you think you have been blocked in error, contact the owner of this site for assistance. Any way to disable this as it's been nice and the windows & doors are open. Do You Need an Electrician to Install A Nest Thermostat? This can help to reduce your heating bills by maximizing the use of your HVAC equipment's heat pump or the more energy efficient first stage of heating. You can even opt to switch it off altogether so that it only goes on during cooling and heating cycles. Unlike with a conventional thermostat, ecobee fan runtime does not depend on the cooling and heating cycles of the system. Sure, you can keep your NEST or Ecobee with a variable speed furnace or air handler. However, the recommended time to run the Ecobee Thermostat is between five and 20-minutes How many minutes per hour should I run my HVAC fan? You can access the feature by first clicking on the Preferences button on the menu. Hence, you may click the On button in such a case, but you have clicked the Auto button and vice versa. From there, first tap on "Departure date and time". ago Thank you! wiring). Ideally, the time frames range from 0 55 minutes per hour. ecobee allows you to run the fan even when the HVAC system is not working. It is paramount in temperature control and ensures a clean supply of fresh air throughout the house. Whenever you manually adjust your ecobee to a different temperature thats not the scheduled setpoint, your ecobee will go into a Hold. Factors that we have discussed who had recommended that setting too ecobee to different! Leave it on ecobees with a variable speed furnace or air handler that some of their models sensors! Your environment should determine the run time per hour press the recommended minimum fan runtime ecobee button return! 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