var month = (now.getMonth() + 1); //--> Im glad it was helpful to you! Rabbit Due Date & Litter Chore Calculators. Of course, you could simply use our rabbit gestation calculator and save yourself a great deal of time . Using your middle finger and forefinger apply pressure to the vent to force the genitals to protrude just slightly. You cant tell a lot from a tiny, just weaned kit; look at the parents for further confirmation of health and vitality. She will also pull fur from her chest and abdomen to provide a soft, warm place for her babies. The rabbit color calculator is one of the places where you can learn more about the rabbit identification color chart. An Illustrated Guide to Rabbit Coat Colour Genetics ( with an emphasis on Rex Rabbits) Breeding True to Color by Diana Wiles - Oak Tree Rabbitry. Your buck will comfortably breed with up to 8 does (just not in the same day). Its important that you enter the 1st day your rabbit was bred for it to work properly. // return false; Observe the protuberance: Does have a narrow slit, lined with pink, while bucks have a tube. Thank you so much for these record sheets. Please comment below. Please direct any questions you may have to Does do not have a heat cycle. Mood changes also happen a lot when a pregnant rabbit is in or close to labor. We won't send you spam. $('#txtReturnDate').datepicker(); Hope you find these rabbitry records pages helpful. The rabbit pregnancy calculator above attempts to estimate the due date. Aggressive doe: If you have a doe that is out for blood every time you try to breed her, you may need to consider table breeding. Stay tuned for the first newsletter in the morning, straight to your inbox. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "gestcalc-20"; We like to see 3 fall-offs before we take the doe out and return her to her den. The struggle is real, let us help you with this Black Friday calculator! Rabbit Breeding Calculator. This means that they are not able to see the color red. Now, let's do an exercise. We garden and raise heritage-breed meat rabbits in central New York. Why would they be getting rid of her? Tipdont buy show animals. Ive had this happen and it is a horrible thing to witness. 2. For techies or those with larger herds, you can use Excel spreadsheets or a digital program or app (such as Hutch, Kintraks, or Evans). Pedigrees good to have to avoid inbreeding. I eat beef too. The C gene is responsible for the color of the himalayan rabbit. I keep hand-written rabbit records in a binder for our small rabbitry. This is the main topic of our dihybrid cross calculator and trihybrid cross calculator. So, prepare for that many to be proactive. I dont do it. Plus why would a rat just leave it behind? But a young doe is not usually the best mother. Or while cleaning the house? That is why most breeders breed 2 days in a row. Without any extra factors, it uses a 29 day gestation period for Rabbits. This is a gestation calculator meant to ease forward and backward date calculations from the convenience of your Android device. Rabbit is good meat. For techies or those with larger herds, you can use Excel spreadsheets or a digital program or app (such as Hutch, Kintraks, or Evans ). I choose to rebreed every 45 days, giving me 8 kindles per year. On this day, you should expect to see some signs that your rabbit is in labor, like missing fur, mood changes, loss of appetite, digging, and blood. You want her nest to be in a private place, where she feels safe. The rabbit is the least receptive to mating when the vulva is a pale pink or white color. Lay the rabbit upside down while supporting its back (cradle your rabbit in your arms). A rabbits pregnancy usually lasts a month. I have been trying to organize my rabbitrys records for a long time now! //--> Our rabbit gestation calendar is relatively easy to use. We are a closed-to-the-public farm. Be sure to check them out if you want to see such tables! The form below calculates your rabbits due date based on the date she was bred. If you hear vocalizations, then its time to check on her. Apart from the five primary genes we mentioned before, there are a lot of different additional genes. You pick which date is most ethical and convenient by your standards. This is the day you breed your rabbit. Our rabbit gestation calculator is extremely easy to use. The real date may be slightly different. If you are interested in breeding other types of animals, our dog pregnancy calculator may interest you too. Sometimes, we use the underscore symbol _ to represent the second allele if the first one is dominant. The Gestation Period for Rabbits is around 28-31 days from the first breeding. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; It is helpful to keep a calendar with the board to calculate dates. Select what you want to see: possible genes or possible . If present, the dominant trait will always be visible, i.e., in the following pairs: AA and Aa. The products assume an average of 8 kits per kindle, butchered at 5-5.5 pounds rendering 3 pounds of rabbit meat per butchered rabbit. Note: This rabbit gestation chart is based on the 31-day gestation period. As before, you can select "Include additional genes" to add many more genotypes. The more genes you include, the larger the number of possible outputs is. Also I would like anything you might have more of on illness or diseases for rabbits. Required fields are marked *. Here you can find more info on rabbit breeding. However, this calculator should not be considered a substitute for a veterinarian. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! month = "0" + month; Its best to give your rabbit peace and quiet at this time. How to get best deals on Black Friday? Down the side is the number of kindles per year, across the top is the number of does in the rabbitry. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; Any information provided is based on our own experience and recommendations by our veterinarians or government issued publications. jQuery(document).ready(function($) { Youll hear about breeders starting early, they may even get kits. Breeding meat rabbits isnt hard; but there are a few general tips I can offer for success and a strong herd. If not, you run the risk of her spooking and killing her entire litter. If you don't know them, you can simply select _ _ to include all combinations in the rabbit color genetics calculator. After 10 days, youll start seeing real signs of pregnancy, mainly her growing belly. The longest a rabbit pregnancy should be is 34 days. Your email address will not be published. Does should never never never share a cage. var today = month + '/' + day + '/' + now.getFullYear() ; Ps. Besides a buck will spend more time in her cage marking his territory than breeding you wont have to worry about in his bachelor pad. They can stay in heat, after that first mating, for several days. Yes, but not all of them. The person looking to buy meat needs to check what is legal in her state. This chart is also referred to as the rabbit gestation period calendar. I mean, they are rabbits! If your rabbit is white with black points (ears, nose, feet and tail) and in the 8- to 10-pound range, then you may be looking at a Californian. Additionally, for the health of the female, there is a need to allow a recovery period before mating again. Top 6 Natural Reasons Explained, The Best Guide to Goat Gestation & Pregnancy, Why Do Pregnant Women Crave Pickles? Oh that glorious invention making the desert much more livable. Coats healthy, meets standards (unless they are molting). I would give her a period of rest and evaluate the area that she is in because most does will kill their kits if they feel the area is unsafe. Choose between a 45-day cycle (8 Kindles per year), a 60-day cycle (6 Kindles per year), or a 90-day cycle (4 Kindles per year). American Pit Bull Pregnancy Calendar Calculator, German Shepherd Pregnancy Calendar Calculator, Golden Retriever Pregnancy Calendar Calculator, Labrador Retriever Pregnancy Calendar Calculator, Rabbit Pregnancy Calculator/Rabbit Gestation Calculator. Your pregnant rabbit should be kept away from male rabbits during the pregnancy and until the babies are weaned. However, the color of a rabbit's fur is not always an indication of its breed. I think people that love Jesus, as I do, should be very careful with name-calling as well. In the wild, rabbits can breed from spring to fall, producing up to 35 or more offspring in a year. The general rule of thumb is to wait until a doeis 6 months old. Whether youve bred your rabbit on purpose or it happened accidentally, youve only got a few weeks to prepare yourself for potentially 17 rabbits, including mom and dad. Rabbits will not always conceive after one breeding. Breeding and Reproduction of Rabbits. google_ad_slot = "1093505726"; Rabbits will not always conceive after one breeding. It can be hard to tell. These types of rabbit pregnancy calendars require you to count the days until your rabbits due date. You dont want in-breeding to compromise the health and vitality of your stock. Use our rabbit gestation calculator to find out. Dont give up the first time. You'll hear about breeders starting early, they may even get kits. The female rabbit is called a doe? This is normal; just remove the bloody bedding after they give birth to keep everything clean and sanitary. Additionally, a rabbit's pregnancy lasts approximately one month. This is for two reasons. I do like the line the bottom with newspaper but she might pull it out. van H acres is not a veterinarian. Just remember that you should wait until your rabbit is old enough before you breed them to have a higher success rate. Information and products suggested or recommended by van H acres have no guarantees and we disclaim any/all liability in connection with the use of the suggestion/recommendations of information and/or products. It is ok to breed son to mother or father to daughter. The general rule of thumb is to wait until a doe is 6 months old. 1. However, the last two digits will correctly reflect the year. Are you interested in becoming a rabbit breeder but have no idea what the gestation period entails? // } Always save important info in a permanent place. Love your site. Rabbits will generally mate multiple times in one cycle. Calculate Bred, Palpate and Kindling dates for your rabbits! google_ad_width = 234; Buck doesnt breed: You should first make sure the rabbit has testicles (no, Im not kidding). The animals are in tight quarters and YOURS could be exposed but not showing symptoms. Rabbitry records are the core of your operation. At Omni Calculators, we seek to make our calculators as accurate as possible. For example, if you were searching for a chicken incubation calculator, we have that here. Disclosure, New Video: Watch How My Seedlings Are Doing. Rabbit production is little exploited due to several reasons such as ignorance of the population about the nutritional value of rabbit meat, eating patterns and little information . Some of the larger breeds can take longer to mature and you may need to wait until 9 months. So take your time, have some fun, and enjoy bonding with your new furry friend. Your rabbit may start getting moodier and hungrier. Second, they can get pregnant again almost immediately after having kits. However, there are just a few things I want you to be aware of before you calculate your due dates. A rabbit is receptive to mating about 14 out of every 16 days. All Rights Reserved, Dog Gestation Calculator & Pregnancy Chart, 10 Worst Things About Pregnancy You Should Know, The Best Guide to Rabbit Gestation & Pregnancy, Why Are Pregnancy Farts So Smelly? Save your calculated dates by animal name and view them later! You will need to hold the doe in place and all the buck to do his job. This is the principle of our rabbit genetics calculator algorithm. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; Once a pregnant doe has prepared her box for her babies, she awaits the arrival of her kits. Does are very protective our their den/cage. Its okay to feed her more, so she has enough to feed her kits too. Give your girl a nest and lots of bedding on day 28. Thanks again. Its normal for pregnant rabbits to pull their fur a few hours before giving birth. . You can shorten the interval between kindling and breeding as you gain experience. I know that next time it may be different, but I'm wondering if we should just cull her. For female rabbits (does), sexual intercourse triggers ovulation rather than hormones, as in some other types of animals. You have a few possibilities to determine rabbit color: Set the above parameter to "yes" if you want to include steel, harlequin, broken, etc., genes. Sorry. Allow her to build the nest by leaving her straw andshredded newspaper. I recommend Hostile Hare Cages for Your Meat Rabbits. We do not sell rabbit meat. Breeding Meat Rabbits - Age. The next number will be the earliest your rabbit will potentially go into labor. Tan. van H acres is not a veterinarian. document.getElementById('txtReturnDate').value = someFormattedDate; Digital records should be backed up periodically. A bunny with a self coat will have one clear color all over - such as black, brown, or violet - and a lack of differentiation on the underside, with the color literally encompassing the entire coat. This takes into account the average rabbit gestation period of 28 to 34 days. steveandmarie@vanhacres.comFlower Stand Hours, 16 232 Street*Langley, BCCash / E-transfer(*This is an address, not a cross street. For example, A is the most dominant, then a(t), and a is recessive. Copyright 2010-2018 - How long is a gestation period for rabbits. It comes as handy if you want to calculate the genotypic ratio, the phenotypic ratio, or if you're looking for a simple, ready-to-go, dominant and recessive traits chart. I am a big believer in giving them 3 tries before a cull. There could be complications, which will need an experienced rabbit vet to induce your rabbit or perform a C-section. February 10, 2016 by Tiffany Davis 10 Comments. You may also have to remove stillborns from the nest after the mother has cleaned and left it. She's not the nicest rabbit I have ever met either. We are attempting a very small breeding program and have probably made some mistakes. Animallama is a pet care blog educating new and existing small pet owners on how to properly care for their pets. Look at the kits dam and sire whenever possible. Rabbit production must be sustainable. Our rabbit gestation calendar is relatively easy to use. amzn_assoc_linkid = "6f41821a09c645e1b902574552eb44b0"; You can keep rabbit records in a binder or on a device such as a computer or smartphone. var now = new Date(); I choose to rebreed every 45 days, giving me 8 kindles per year. I have several databases (rabbits, pigeons,etc) A rabbit can become pregnant 72 hours after delivery. However, intensive breeding programs may increase the number of does culled (put down) annually due to "burn out". Planting and Seed Starting Calculator. When choosing your breeding pair, never breed full siblings! Simply click on the calendar object to select the date of conception and our calculator will return the information on the date of palpation (when to check for a pregnancy), the date to add the nest box, and the expected delivery date. This is normal. Most of my "rabbit math" is based on that cycle. Welcome to our rabbit gestation calculator. amzn_assoc_title = ""; Thats just my experience. This Rabbit Breeding Calculator Gives 3 "rebreed" defaults of 45, 60 and 90 day intervals. var dd = newdate.getDate(); Teeth properly aligned (Misaligned teeth will lead to overgrown teeth because the rabbit is unable to grind them down). Domestic rabbits breed all year round and can produce even more than their wild cousins, with a larger litter average. You can palpate (feel the abdomen for babies) but I dont recommend it. I assume you are a vegan and I appreciate your position; even if I do not agree. This would make it easier for you to print them and use them as a reference. Some of the larger breeds can take longer to mature and you may need to wait until 9 months. An adult buck is more reasonable because you need fewer males to females; but a good doe is worth her weight in gold. I raise Dutch, and English Angora, and breed three times a year, four at the most, giving mine the summer off here in Tennessee. Each line on the chart contains one color family. Do not use the medications listed or dates provided without consulting with your veterinarian. I appreciate the time you are putting into this website. Be sure to provide extra food and water for a nursing mother and even more when the babies start eating pellets. (You can also download our printable gestation calendar chart for offline use.). While youre at it, you should also clean and sanitize your rabbitscage. You can use thisdiet portion calculatorto accurately measure the amount of food you need to feed your rabbits. The exact process on how to manage your rabbits pregnancy from start to finish. Oh and plants too!! They are also available in the rabbit color calculator, but for convenience, only if you select the desired genes. Thanks for the easy to understand information. You can feel babies when you gently palpate her abdomen, She has gained weight (weigh her before she is bred and 2 weeks after), She starts nesting about a week before kindling. Rabbits are dichromats, which means that they can see two colors. Here are some of the things you need to know about rabbit labor. She would not care for the remaining kit. The most popular color is probably white, but you can also find black, brown, gray, and even blue rabbits. By using the tools and information provided, you are acknowledging that we have no responsibility as to your own care of your animals or results of any treatments that you should choose to give them. Heres a great video on how to prepare your rabbits nest box: And heres a great video on how to clip your rabbits nails safely: Day 31 is when your rabbit gives birth. We also made a rabbit gestation calendar chart for you if you dont want to access the internet every time you want to be reminded of your rabbits due date. google_ad_client = "pub-6027037844042676"; Rabbit breeders usually palpitate their rabbits to increase the production and efficiency of their rabbits and to see if the doe is in gestation or not. You can erase the board with nail polish remover or a Magic Eraser once the info has been recorded. amzn_assoc_default_search_phrase = "rabbit"; On day 21, you can remove your rabbits nestbox. Also, I very seriously did chuckle out loud at Camp Kenmore. One of the best things about rabbits is that they come in so many different colors! Check out 9 similar animal pregnancy calculators . On this day, you should expect to see some signs that your rabbit is in labor, like missing fur, mood changes, loss of appetite, digging, and blood. Tri Color is a combination of Black/Orange, Chocolate/Orange, Blue/Fawn and Lilac/Fawn with White. Bunny gestation calendar. var someFormattedDate = mm + '/' + dd + '/' + y; A female rabbit receptive to mating will bounce around or flatten herself on the ground. The doe that attacked her kits probably feels very stressed - either by people or animals coming around too much. How to know when a female rabbit is pregnant. All Rights Reserved. She sustained a bad bite which I was caring for, now, the doe is continuing to make it worse by too much licking and biting at herself. We are at the northeast corner of 0 Avenue & 232 St, NOT 16th Ave). Then add the nest box and due date dates to your calendar so you wont forget! Your rabbit would pull their fur, usually from their legs and stomach, to use as insulation for the nest. She adamantly refuses to breed the 2nd time or anytime after. How do you like Kintrax? I have just used a spreadsheet but I keep a small amount of rabbits so it isn't hard to keep up. I will continue to give her a little bedding material until she kindles only fully clean it if she really messes it up. Since we dont keep our Record Binder in the rabbitry, we write breedings on a breeding board, then transfer the info to our binder once a month. Good records are essential to raising quality rabbits. I learned, the hard way, that breeders dont generally sell a doe that is producing well. Bedding after they give birth to keep everything clean and sanitary about 14 out every... Its important that you should also clean and sanitize your rabbitscage around too much can breed from spring fall... Keep up of before you calculate your due dates rabbit has testicles ( no, Im not kidding ) and! Raise heritage-breed meat rabbits isnt hard ; but there are just a hours. 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