Her NP itself ignores DEF, and can remove Evasion on enemies so long as the field is Near Water. In combination, on-hit effects and low HP bonuses make him an effective solo Servant for some scenarios as well, as greater access to his cards allow him to stack debuffs/buffs more quickly, and being the only target will allow him to more quickly take advantage of his low HP damage bonus. Here's to hoping DW gives her some love soon. Her biggest problem is that she is only competitive when her Anti-traits are in play, which requires knowledge of what the upcoming quest contains. As a result, Jing Kes usage often decreases as Masters acquire more specialized and/or stronger Assassins. 5-Star Caster Limited Servant. CE that possess subpar effects and/or inferior to other event craft essences. The Witch of Betrayal offers a combination of an instantaneous nuke and highly desirable utility for hard content. While he is lacking in fanciful or subtle options such as buff removal or Pierce invincibility,he compensates with sheer power, NP Charging and critical might. A highly versatile Lancer, Vlad III (Extra) is capable of operating at a stable level in a wide variety of situations. Karna enters the boxing ring as Christmas 2022's welfare Servant, changing from Lancer to Saber class. Notably though, Helena is one of the strongest AoE Casters when it comes to pure NP Damage, provided her NP Damage Up buff actually triggers (fortunately at 80% odds). However, this smooth cowboy has some serious drawbacks to his game, namely his poor NP generation rate per hit and a reliance on others to bring the critical stars he needs to crit. Okita J Souji has excellent values on all her skills, with a hefty Crit Strength, Star Gather, and Quick self buffs, as well as Sure Hit and NP Strength buffs to round out her offensive skills. While the Presi-king may often be seen as an example of a joke Servant, in the right hands, he is anything but. All told, she is a very mechanically unique take on a Critical damage Support Servant for the party and is very powerful in practice, being particularly potent for Foreigner allies, but still effective in other teams. Caster of Midrashs Arts NP is a rarity for offensive single target Casters, and Caster of Midrash makes a good case for why that is so. It honestly looks like Space Ishtar is the way to go. 2 Servant Tier List 3 Fate/Grand Order Waltz in the MOONLIGHT/LOSTR. One of Diarmuids unique points is buff removal on his Noble Phantasm, which is a relatively rare ability, but he is completely outclassed in this niche by Medea who does so much more efficiently and with much better NP uptime. The buff removal can make it difficult for Masters to support her, however, although this can be mitigated by her second skill's Buff Removal Resist effect. Jing Ke is quite useful during the early phase of the game. Fortunately, efficient Masters do not get hit at all when farming. Her NP is the first to have the effect of granting a special type of Invincibility that cannot be pierced by Ignore Invincibility effects, with the number of hits scaling with overcharge. His downsides are not so small however. Her NP Also provides a helpful effect of removing defensive buffs from enemies before damage, and the sleep skill can also remove all buffs from a single selected enemy. He comes with an evade tied to a self Quick and ATK buff that last a single turn to bolster his offense and defense, with his second skill providing stars and an increase to his own star gather rate for critical performance. If you sign up you can save future tier lists in your library. Black Holy Grail. His damage is impressive for a three-star Servant, and he comes with a 1 turn Evade for some survivability. While these weak points do not trouble her during Challenge Quests, they make her use for more standard content more limited. Ashiya Douman, the irksome Alter Ego constantly causing trouble for Chaldea throughout the Lostbelts, unexpectedly joins the playable Servant roster as the first Alter Ego with an AoE Quick NP. Servants that are a solid asset to the roster. Luckily for him, Buster Servants are one of the easier Servant types to support properly. Additionally, she comes with a self ATK buff and AoE DEF debuff, Ignore Invincibility, and can boost her own Crit Strength. However, as would be for the First Emperor, he excels in solo situations when only his cards are present, and with a proper juggling of his self-sustain and stalling moves, along with the Invincibility on his NP, he is capable of handling many difficult encounters by himself, making him a great Servant to have in the roster. Li Shuwen (Assassin), despite shortcomings, is a capable addition to the roster for those in need of a single target Assassin class Servant, and will handily solve most any Rider class issues the Master may have. Befitting his No Second Strike moniker, Li Shuwen has impressive burst potential. As very burst heavy Single Target anti-Rider and anti-Assassin Servants are often difficult to acquire, especially Buster-based ones, Mecha Eli-Chan Mk.II easily carves out a niche for herself as an easily accessible option for cavalry or Foreigner destruction. For newer players: if you have a more experienced friend, take their advice over what you find online, and if you're gonna follow these try to read at least three different sources. Until then though, Gorgons issues are apparent. He also has standard generation stats with accompanying low hit counts, resulting in a mediocre generation performance. Yet, it is her Buff Removal after NP that grants her a very welcome niche for various Challenge Quests. Furthermore, Nursery Rhyme relies on her allies to unleash her Critical potential. This is a Genshin Impact Tier List for Version 3.6 as of April 2023. He also has a self Quick buff, and the ability to reduce Crit Rate for all enemies. With the right setup, he can deal an unworldly amount of damage that few Servants can match up to, and against almost any class. Still, such a farming niche is a nice quality of life buff for anyone that intends to grind Casters, or indeed, QP doors. With excellent NP Gain, back to back NP potential, good teamwide offensive buffs, and supreme Arts team synergy, Caster of Midrash is a natural fit for any Arts-heavy Master. His third skill gives him the ability to apply Roman trait stacks when landing a critical hit, while buffing his own Buster performance and Star Gather Rate. In addition, she has a party wide ATK and Crit damage buff, and a heal that also removes one buff from all enemies and one debuff from all allies. Billy has a ridiculously strong Critical-focused kit that makes even some SSR Servants jealous. In exchange, her first skill gives her up to 10% NP Gauge for every Curse stack she has available. Check out the change log for details on tier list changes!A full tier list change log history can be found here. Although this is a rare ability among the cast, and has usage in a select few encounters, it is not quite enough to push her to the higher tiers. However, with Arts Support, particularly after Altria Caster is available, her performance is much enhanced. Arguably, her one saving grace is that she still can provide a 30% immediate NP charge on demand, although that alone has many alternatives, making Miyu more of a novelty Servant sorely in need of a skill or NP upgrade. Unfortunately, Orion is, quite frankly, much weaker outside of Arts teams. All the Craft Essences listed are ones that are unavailable, and obviously good. At first glance, it may seem detrimental to eat into one's own party ranks to damage the enemy, but this also allows their spot to be taken immediately by another Servant in the backline, with skills ready to use. Outside of her aforementioned niche usage though, Stheno brings very little to the table. He also can debuff DEF and ATK for enemies, and has a multitude of maladies he can inflict upon the enemy including Terror (Stun), Confusion (Skill Seal), Curse, and increased Curse damage. Notably, her third skill has a special condition where the more stars the party has, the more effects it can grant. Pre-upgrade, she provides a party DEF boost, 10% NP Gauge to all allies, and an additional 20% NP Gauge to a single ally of choice with the added bonus of a sizable ATK boost, at the expense of her own ATK (which may not necessarily be a bad thing, since her primary role is not offensive). Tier 3 terms are specific to grade level and subject area. While her usage is quite limited outside of difficult male boss content, Euryales niche performance can outshine even those of higher rarity. The impressive amount of Buster team support built into her kitmakes Paul Bunyan an excellent budget support as well, capable of providing new Masters with cheap-to-level support for use during more challenging content or the more difficult farming quests. On top of Blasted Trees high NP damage multiplier, Frankie has access to an NP Interlude as well as two steroid skills in Wail of the Living Dead C and Overload C, making her damage potential phenomenal for final waves. Butt, she does it with a bit more difficulty than lower rarity options, while costing more to place in the team by merit of being higher rarity. Her 8-hit Arts NP will remove offensive buffs and decrease Critical Rate for the target, while dealing a high amount of damage. The Queen of the beach France's swimsuit alternative has a solid kit with an emphasis on critical support. When Edison stalls in Challenge Quests, success may well take you the larger part of an hour. To start off, his base stats are underwhelming, which is further aggravated by his Assassin Class damage modifier. All told, he can provide ATK +50%, Crit Damage +50%, and Arts +20% for all allies with all skills and NP active, making his damage support extremely noteworthy. The patch will be available . Their Arts, Quick, and NP cards all have high hitcounts, giving them excellent NP refund, especially if they can pull off an NPAA chain. Completing the strengthening quest would considerably power him up. She has a 3-turn Quick buff that is unfortunately tied to her 1-turn evasion, which may lead to situations where Masters must choose one or the other. Her entire kit is focused around enhancing her own damage, with an added 1-time Evade for some survivability, and some critical star gather capability. This is somewhat offset by her 1-time Evade that lasts until hit, as well the Guts on her third skill. It should be noted that Asvatthaman is fully immune to Mental Debuffs due to his passive, which can come in handy when facing quests with special gimmicks. His ability to give Debuff Immunity to an ally of choice us useful in some situations. Considering her damage and raw power its impossible that she's only B tier. Nobukatsu sports one of the lowest ATK stats among all Servants, however, and won't be doing notable damage on his own. She is by all means a very solid Buster Crit Servant, with less fragility by grace of her summer forms non-Berserker Class. Not-Lu Bu, Red Hare, is an AoE Quick NP-bearing Rider class Servant who notably can perform 3-turn NP looping with Skadi, but is also unfortunately Story-locked. Due to his low base Attack stats, his offensive output outside of his Noble Phantasm is also quite lackluster compared to other 4 Star Archer Servants who can do more than just shooting off their Noble Phantasm. With decently strong individual skills, Nitocris (Assassin) ought to be much stronger than she actually is. Caren is an excellent Servant overall, and excels in particular if powerful Quick support is available. They have a targetable 20% NP charge that also boosts star gather rate for the ally, and an ATK and NP Gain buff for the entire party. Still, her various demerits and difficulty using Galvanism optimally at NP1 hold her back a bit, but she's a stellar Quick Servant that will only see her performance become stronger and stronger as better Quick supports arrive. Privacy Policy. It is best to think of Jekyll as a Berserker rather than an Assassin. Fully exploiting her Arts potential, Shiki benefits fromgood NP gain while maintaining her classs high star generation. Also who would have thought the day would come, when Fionn would be S Tier? Given how common Humanoid trait is throughout the game, the application cases for his anti-Humanoid skill are frequent. Sadly, her poor Quick card performance and resultant NP Gain does hold her back a bit from being among the cream of the crop. His NP Support makes him a great NP loop support option, while his healing support make him a candidate for stall teams as well. They either perform well in any team, or have access to a powerful specialization for the current state of the game. This enables NP spamming for many Arts or Quick NP Servants, making him a valuable asset to farming teams. She is capable of inflicting multiple stacks of Curse on herself, on all allies, and also capable of absorbing all Curse stacks on the field unto herself. While she lacks any fancy frills or defensive skills to protect herself, Saber Alters sheer offensive might makes her an excellent starter Saber. Quick is dead + Multiple health bars on enemies so one time damage burst servants like Scathach aren't thaaaat helpful anymore. Outside of this straightforward but effective playstyle, Elisabeth suffers from a very problematic third skill. As Buster options are typically few against Casters and Assassins, this added flexibility is a welcome addition. Outside of farming, Avicebron provides little value, as the support from his 3rd skill is rather gimmickyto trigger, while the NP Gain from his Overcharge is rather small. . She serves excellently as a slayer of Berserker bosses, drawing attacks to herself from allies with invincibility, while being decently durable otherwise thanks to class advantage. All in all, Medusa (Lancer)s problematic design causes her to be weaker alternative until her final Rank Up kicks in, as much of a sweetheart she is. Kintoki (Rider) is best described as a Rider who fully abuses his classs strengths. Modify tier labels, colors or position through the action bar on the right. Even in cases that do not fit those conditions, in most scenarios with class advantage, they rank at the very top of single target Lancer damage dealers; they just happen to have additional niches they can perform well in. As a result, David is mainly a highly flexible support hybrid who excels at supporting powerful friend support Servants, yet, if need be, he can still offer some decent damage on the side. In addition, she packs some ever-useful utility in a targeted buff removal, all the while her NP spam has serious stun-lock potential. There are very few Servants in the game that can match what BB offers, and even then her unique combination of class, utility, and welfare status makes her extremely valuable for any Master. Recommended for use on servants that can build up their NP quickly, Fondant au Chocolat. Their biggest appeal lies in their powerful one turn burst from their Noble Phantasm gimmick, augmented by their high Critical Damage buff. Her ST Arts NP deals decent damage against Saber and Threat to Humanity enemies, boosted by her own ATK buff and the in-built ATK buff that activates during the NP. Her kit particularly key to why she is a unique asset to a Master's roster, with her targetable Guts skill also providing 3 turns of NP Damage boost and 100% Buff Removal Resist. To compensate, Medeas damage potential is on the lower side due to the poor modifier on her Noble Phantasm as well as the low Caster class damage modifier. Her Noble Phantasm is also fantastic against bosses thanks to its high damage and guaranteed stun, making her a prominent boss killer. C6. Coupled with her strong NP refund potential and Challenge Quest-focused skill set, she is supposed to handle AoE Challenge Quests especially well. Against the right opponents or with the right composition, their specializations will outperform higher tier Servants. C0. Her kit provides a comfortable coverage of various effects, while at the same time none of them are particularly standout on their own. Support-wise, she can provide up to 24 stars per turn, and ATK buffs to allies; via her NP, she provides Buster, Crit Damage, and NP Overcharge buffs to all allies. Similar to others in the somewhat crowded AoE Lancer roster, she is capable of looping comfortably, especially with premiere Arts Support. Contents 1 Table of essences 1.1 Natural essences 1.2 Corrupted essences Name: Effect Description: . Astolfo (Saber) is the long-awaited SSR incarnation of Astolfo, manifesting as an ST Quick Saber. Her NP innately ignores Invincibility effects, and will deal damage and decrease defense for a single enemy. However, her kit struggles to form a coherent identity, at least until she finishes both her Interlude and her Rank-Up Quest. Her resulting freedom in CE and support choicesaffords her a tremendous damage improvement for on-demand farming, even if her base NP Damage is very low. Bringing the glory of Rome unto all, Romulus Quirinus is a powerful AoE Buster Lancer with the special ability to grant the Roman trait upon all on the field. Outside of extremely specific circumstances where his niches are useful, Sanson is generally outclassed by other Assassins. She also notably has a passive that makes her unable to die from Curse damage (surviving with 1 HP). However, many of her skills have demerits, from removing a defensive buff from herself, to progressively lowering her defense across turns. This Guide will list CEs that are generally not worth keeping around for long term use, as well as CEs that you should definitely keep and potentially power up to level 100 if you are able to. Effect Description: on Critical support ) is best described as a Rider fully! Provides a comfortable coverage of various effects, while dealing a high amount of damage Assassin ought... Full tier List for Version 3.6 as of April 2023 NP will remove offensive buffs decrease! Some survivability Invincibility effects, and the ability to reduce Crit Rate for all enemies her buff,. 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appmedia craft essence tier list