I've planted ajuga among some groups of ferns. Frederik Meijer Gardens In addition, cut off the flower spikes in late summer after the flowers have faded. It has been very dry here in Ohio lately, but I have been giving it good water at night when the sun is setting. This is best done in spring or fall when there is no chance of frost. When you're looking for something attractive to quickly fill in a large area, then you can't really go wrong with ajuga. It's just gone. I would like to plant something in front of my stone wall next to the road that doesn't need to be mowed and hopefully will choke out some of the stuff up there that does need to be mowed/weedwhacked. Manage Settings It tastes very bitter and bad to most animals, except the muskrat, which likes to nibble on the roots. In this article we will go over How to Grow Ajuga | Everything You Need to Know. In the fall, thoroughly soak the plant with the solution. the leaves are simple (i.e., lobed or unlobed but not separated into leaflets) Leaf arrangement opposite: there are two leaves per node along the stem . Can I Change the Color of My Lucky Bamboo Plant? It forms a dense mat that will displace weeds. Insects can harm ajuga plants, particularly ash leaf curl aphids and crown rots. When a plant gets a virus, you'll notice the plant leaves curling inward. During and after the process, disinfect your tools using a one-part bleach to nine-part water solution. With the right plants and techniques, you can create a pollinator-friendly container garden that adds beauty to your space while providing essential nourishment for bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, and other pollinators. More information:Thinning groundcover plantings every few years or before they become overloaded reduces the danger of crown rot to healthy plantings. For bedding plants, aim for one to two feet of drainage. Each growing point on the plant is actually a little rosette of foliage. Ajuga is typically grown in shady locations but will thrive just as well in the sun, albeit more slowly, making it much easier to control. This low-maintenance plant grows well in light shade, making it a great candidate to grow indoors as a houseplant. document.write('