He left the Philippines on 19 September 1930 and briefly commanded the IX Corps Area in San Francisco. City, First serving as a federal prosecutor, Dewey achieved headlines in the 1930s by prosecuting gangster Waxey Gordon. Undeterred, Johnson moved to New York and became a full time activist in the Socialist Party of America, helping to promote interracial relations and the education of the proletariat. At the behest of a high school girlfriend, he moved to Seattle, Washington, where he would earn his law degree in 1929, and spent the next few years working in various government jobs. Bulgaria loses to the Belgrade Pact and aligns with Russia in the aftermath of their defeat. A strong advocate of Puerto Rican economic welfare and independence, Muoz's support base largely lay on the rural peasantry who responds positively to Muoz's promises of social justice and subsidies. This only further elevated Chandler as a Senator and made his decision to carry this support into the Conservative wing of the Democratic Party even more important. 1878, d. 1883). Hoan was admitted to the state bar in 1908 and moved to Milwaukee, where the longtime Socialist Party member began working with Victor Berger, editor of The Milwaukee Leader, in advocating for radical reforms to the city: public ownership of utilities urban development programs, free legal medical, and educational services, and other policies widely unheard of in most of the country. Born in the north side of Minneapolis in 1891 to a Norwegian father and a Swedish mother, Olson grew up serving as a shabbos goy for the local Jewish community, then briefly working for the Northern Pacific Railway before dropping out of university and heading west to work odd jobs in Canada and Alaska, and then Seattle where he joined the International Workers of the World for a time, picking up a quasi-socialist ideology he would hold throughout his life. A supporter of Teddy Roosevelt's Progressive Party and his 1912 election bid, Landon eventually became the leader of the Kansas liberal Republican caucus. Rom, 134-138 n. Chr. His moment in the spotlight came after he spent seven weeks disguised as a worker in Chicago's s meatpacking plants, drafting a political expose on the poor labour conditions of the plants. I really, really fond of the idea of Western Command Center, I think it makes a lot sense while it feels really odd that CSA, AUS have a such weird borders and the existence of CAR. When America was in crisis, the name "Douglas MacArthur" was often spoken of in the halls of Congress with worried tones, men fearful of the prospect that he may simply march on the White House and prove to be the slayer of American democracy. Nixon began a feud with fellow Republican Earl Warren, which persisted into the national political scene. Exactly he was able to feed society when there were literally only lettuce leaves in the kitchen! After returning to the United States, MacArthur resumed his duties at the War Department and was promoted to major in December 1915. Sheridan Downey, born on March 11, 1884 in Laramie, Wyoming, went to law school at the University of Michigan and was soon afterwards elected as the district attorney of Wyoming's Albany County in 1908 - as a Republican. With his background in agriculture, he portrayed himself as the defender of farmers and the common folk - with this stance and popularity, he accepted the Republican nomination for the campaign of 1948. The Divided States is an anthology animatic project, following the stories of everyday American citizens in a dark, strange world altered forever by German victory in the Great War. With chaos breaking out, J. Edgar Hoover, director of the FBI, proposes to the President to assassinate Long or Reed (the FBI only has enough time to enact one of them), which will collapse their faction. The party stood by him, and ultimately his portofolio allowed him to reach the White House. As Governor, Hiram supported anti immigration bills, and paved the way for a later Congressional career. President Garner can try to pass an Emergency Austerity Measures bill, for which he requires votes from the Congress. Although he could not deny its accomplishments in hindsight, his political cause after the war was to champion reconstruction and reconciliation between Americans. Harry Byrd was born into a Virginian Brahmin family with a direct line to the American Revolution, and is a firm believer in segregation and fiscally conservative policies intended to reduce the national debt. Thereby destroying the stability of the Roman world forever. Moreover, with the elected President in house arrest, the lines are further blurred. The Kaiserreich Wiki United States of America Nations of the World America First Party Combined Syndicates of America German Empire Huey Long Timeline of World History since 1914 Union of Britain Russian Republic/Paths Commune of France Jack Reed Dominion of Canada Russian Republic French Republic/Paths Categories An important turning point in is career came when the Share Our Wealth society appointed him to replace Huey Long following the Prohibition debacle. Perhaps because of this, Zeidler was drawn to socialism from a young age-growing up in the throes of the Great Depression, Zeidler read extensively from left-wing writers like Norman Thomas and Eugene V. Debs. In March 1935, MacArthur activated a centralized air command, General Headquarters Air Force under Major General Frank M. Andrews. A proponent of spending projects for rural America, Aiken holds great affection for the beauty of his home state, although these natural beauty views put him at odds with old-guard Republicans. The Divided States encompasses several animatic and live-action projects based on the world of 'Kaiserreich', the world's most comprehensive fan-built alt . He was baptized at Christ Episcopal Church in Little Rock on 16 May 1880 and lived on a succession of military outposts in the Old West. Nonetheless, between his experience 'studying people' at the fish market and some experience acting at a local theatre circuit, 'Al' Smith developed proficient speaking skills and a solid Catholic, Irish identity. His focus that de-segregation should happen entirely on southern terms proved popular with a national audience. Alfred Emanuel Smith was born to an Irish-American mother and an Italian-American father in 1873, a few years after the American Civil War. Free shipping for many products! When the American Revolution ca came, he had made up his mind for which side to stand on. Forced to drop out of parochial school, Smith worked at a fish market to make ends meet during the height of the Gilded Age and never attended high school. Born from a long line of military men, MacArthur was valedictorian at the West Texas Military Academy and First Captain at the United States Military Academy at West Point, where he graduated top of the class of 1903. the United States was a land of vast opportunity and promise, something other than polio, likely an auto-immune condition called GuillainBarr syndrome, which was in turn likely triggered by some other infection, the stated goals of the revolution are met, has the economic system dominated by monopolies loyal to him, by empowering the FBI to be even stronger than the Minutemen, having corporate leaders control the government AND armed forces, and creating a new, fiercely nationalist culture through youth programs and mass media, that will try to take over after the civil war is over, loose coalition of widely-divergent interests, the businessmen tapped General Smedley Butler as their chosen war hero/puppet ruler. Initially opposed to Canada's involvement in American politics, Bowles joined the America First Committee, although he voiced his support for New England after the provisional government entered the fray. In California as Governor, Culbert had to deal with long stading rumours that Mormons had a blood feud with the US Government. The most successful son of Lt. General Arthur MacArthur, he followed the steps of his father and enrolled in the United States Military Academy at West Point, then - immediately to fighting against insurgencies in the Philippines and the occupation of Veracruz during the Mexican Revolution. New England can become a Canada-backed independent country or directly occupied by Canada, Hawaii can go independent, Alaska can get occupied by Canada, and Puerto Rico can join the West Indies Federation or start a nationalist uprising. 1927: George Blanda, US-amerikanischer American-Football-Spieler; 1927: Dorothy Morton, kanadische Pianistin und Musikpdagogin; . On the right there was the America First Party, led by the Nationalist Populist governor of Louisiana, Huey Long, whose party was full of rather unsavory bigots. Some images are hidden because they can no longer be found or have been removed by the file host (, When Big Mac suspends the election and tries to proclaim himself the, [Found on /r/Vexillology] Great flag for USA after MacArthur goes, Flag suggestion for the US after the installation of the, Indy from The Great War looks a lot like the, You guys think this could work as a uniform for the, George Washington's reaction to hearing that Douglas MacArthur declared himself the, A Flag of what I think is for General MacArthur when he's about to become an, Manga artist Hirohiko Araki reveals his latest JoJo part will take place during the 2nd, I wanted to make an AAR about my headcanon of the aftermath of ', Frank Larry Matthews, also known as Black, JD Vance believes were in a late Republican period wherein. An energetic and vigorous member of the Democratic Party, Tobin became elected as the 3Xth President, securing for the Democrats four more years in the White House. A comprehensive list of Achievements and time passers for the hardcore (pardon me, hardKARL) Kaiserreich fan, the following guide was produced with the help of CinnamonGamer, KommandoCraft,Oberst Karl Fliegenpad and many more. Hoan decided to enter politics by running for city attorney in 1910, where he edged out a plurality against both Democratic and Republican in the opponents - in same year, Emil Seidel was elected may of same year, mayor of Milwaukee, the first socialist to leader to a maj American city. Sponsored. This came from a national acceptance for the desegregation of the military Eisenhower oversaw. As a formal representative of the SPA, he spent much time abroad in France and Britain, before returning to America after the outbreak of the civil war. As the Democratic Party was able to wrest the civil works initiative from Republicans across the West, Clarence reaped the benefits politically and received more votes in '36 than Garner in Washington. Browder also intends to end the persistent trend of industrial unionism in Congress, and to pursue lecherous religious elements within the socialist state. If elected, Long finds himself unable to promote his agenda within the federal government and, as such, declares the US a dead nation and announces the creation of the American Union State. In the world of Kaiserreich, US neutrality in WW1 leads to German victory in the Great War. After the war, he used his learned experience and close friendship to Jack Reed, preaching on behalf of the Federalists to lead the democratic socialists to victory in the Second Constitutional Convention. His immense wealth painted Harriman as an enemy in the eyes of the Syndicalists during the years leading up to the civil war. Flynn's wartime speeches to the Central Committee to encourage conscription made her stand out to the numerous conscientious objectors in the Committee. 10. His studies also drew him towards the field of journalism, which led to him taking a job offer for The New York Times after graduating in 1929. Wallace portrays himself above all else a pragmatic economist and an agricultural expert capable of the agrarian reform America needs. Born to a business family on the West Coast, he lived an unassuming upper-class life until studies in Harvard, where he, coming into contact with socialist clubs and literature, came to realize that there is a world beyond the dull halls of college, and that world suffered constant hardship. What if there was a Second American Civil War? 1-18, 25- 42, 53-98. This includes plans to reform the socialist human being as a whole, and to re-orient American morals towards the vanguard of socialism. After Cadet Oscar Booz left West Point due to hazing and subsequently died of tuberculosis, MacArthur was called to appear before a special Congressional committee in 1901, where he testified against the implicated cadets but downplayed his own hazing even though the others had given the full story to the committee. He first entered the world of politics by supporting Al Smith's 1928 bid for the presidency and remained active as a Democrat since then, championing opposition to prohibition and eventuallying entering the Washington House of Representatives in 1933 as a Seattle delegate. But you don't all of these to win. Born in Belgium, Vincent grew up between the bunkers of the World Wars . He began to correspond with several members of the Socialist Party of America, and after being released from the the hospital he went to join them as a fiery orator. Nevertheless, with Puerto Rico's liberation, it was clear that the best choice of a Provisional President was to be none other than Pantn himself. Berlin-based filmmaker and director Marcus Jorgensen splits his time between Europe and his family home in Vietnam. While supportive of the workers' struggle, her revolutionary credentials are lacking, and she hardly fits the image of the jumped-up union boss that many associate with our young nation's leadership. Foster over the merits of over the merits of syndicalist trade unions compared to his preferred moderate of the Great and apolitical unions, the devastation of the Depression saw him slowly embrace more radical beliefs. Nicholas is a Ukranian-American filmmaker born in Chicago, IL. If the Republicans and Democrats form a coalition party, the National Unity Party, and preserve the coalition, the Farmer-Labor Party will join the coalition and Olson will become their Presidential candidate. With the recent victories of the Vanguard movement of the Combined Syndicates, Foster was uplifted to lead the new nation. If MacArthur is arrested at the end of the Civil War (following a ceasefire with the Pacific States), he will deliver a variation of his famous 'Old Soldiers Never Die' speech, At least as their proclamations go, the Federalists and Unionists are actually trying to build a democratic America with worker's control of economy and racial and sexual equality. During his time at boarding school, he augmented his religious upbringing with an interest in radical socialism, going on to identify as a Christian socialist. I think otherwise this might just be abandoned. Jordan Penelle is a Chicago-based director. Alternatively, President Olson, Garner, or Landon can adopt hardline positions against the radicals, launching police crackdowns on both the Socialist Party of America and the America First Party. When asked about his reasons for reasons for supporting socialism in 1933, Zeidler cited the tenets of international brotherhood, the struggle for peace, the equal distribution of goods, cooperation, and democratic planning. It represents the first comprehensive study of Die Islamische Welt, a magazine published in Berlin 1916-1918 by Abd al Aziz Jawish and Abd al Malik Hamza, under the auspices of the Nachrichtenstelle fr den Orient. To restore order, field marshall McAllister declares martial law. MacArthur joined the headquarters staff that was sent to the area and arrived on 1 May 1914. historical decision to allow integrated baseball teams, which led to the end of segregated baseball. Now acting as President however, it remains to be seen if and how he will deliver said promises. Jos Coll y Cuch, the son of Cayetano Coll y Toste, was sent to study Law in the University of Barcelona in 1896. Magnuson spent two years studying in North Dakota, before spending a brief stint in Canada working jobs with threshing crews. In real life, the Marshall Plan was an American initiative for foreign aid to Western Europe in the aftermath of, The PSA's code of conduct that ensures 'morality' and prevents actors and producers from spreading syndicalist messaging in films is called, However, without the 25th Amendment, this is not entirely set in stone and with the AUS and CSA challenging the results of the election, the legal point is moot unless the PSA wins. Browder has never abandoned the Socialist Party of America, but with his new authoritarian position he intends to ensure that the party will never abandon him. Albizu, in a somewhat ironic fashion, was largely educated in the United States, first graduating as a chemical engineer from the University of Vermont and as a Lawyer from Harvard University. Specialties: The Wheel focuses on American cuisine brimming with locally sourced ingredients in an industrial chic, waterfront setting. Yes, I'm talking about famous salad which was born thanks to Caesar Kardini - American cooker Italian descent. Stellen Sie sich bitte vor, Sie haben eine HiFi-Anlage zu Hause mit sagen wir 2 x 50 Watt Musikleistung. Valve Corporation. Contents 1 The Premise: 2 The Plot: 3 Episodes: 3.1 Season 1: Legacy of the Weltkrieg 3.2 Season 2: Railway of Liberty 4 Reception The Premise: Russell Jr. has accumulated the right combination of of titles in the US Navy, in the Georgian House of Representatives, and the US Congress to secure universal respect. Chief of Staff of the US Army (1930 - Present) Rank General (1925 - 1930) Born 26 January 1880 in Little Rock, Arkansas, USA (age 55) Status Alive Allegiance United States Political Party Unaffiliated Douglas "Big Chief" MacArthur is a United States Army general who serves as the 13th chief of staff of the Army. In August 1927 William C. Prout, the president of the American Olympic Committee, died suddenly and the committee elected MacArthur as their new president, and he successfully prepared the US team for the 1928 Summer Olympics in Amsterdam. While others in this class fell to either the urge for dictatorship or radicalism. While not as violent as other anti-riot operations, it was nevertheless a public relations disaster and massively tarnished MacArthurs image. National Liberal Party, Republican Party, Progressive Party, Social Liberalism, Market Liberalism, Social Democracy, Blanton C. Winship, originally a lawyer from America, first set foot on Puerto Rico during the Spanish-American war, when the 1st Georgia Infantry took part in the Puerto Rico Expedition. Forced to retire from the Socialist Labor Party in order to recover from the incident, Johns was given enough time to think and plot out a new career. Flynn helped found the ACLU, which organised legal defence for strikers in the days before the International Labor Defence. Many elements of Pelley's Commonwealth of America mirror that of Apartheid-era South Africa: Pelley's expansion of the Indian Reservation system to create autonomous "African-American Reservations" mirrors the, The Silver Legion creates an internal passport system for blacks to restrict their movement, mirroring, Pelley's quote about the Black Education Act is taken word-for-word from Apartheid architect Hendrik Verwoerd's quote on the. A patriot and an opponent of radical politics, Hoover has increasingly empowered MacArthur to quell instability. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Hadrian AE Sesterz (33 mm, 27,55 g). ZU VERKAUFEN! He would become active in the Socialist Party of America's youth wing, the Young People's Socialist League, and shortly before the civil war became the head of the Milwaukee branch of the Red Falcons, another SPA organisation aimed at educating children. During this time, Olson aligned as a Progressive, a Democrat, and eventually as a Farmer-Labor nominee - and was rewarded when he became that party's first governor of Minnesota. In 1912, when he made a bold move of backing Theodore Roosevelt and his Bull Moose third-party revolt, and led the movement's efforts in Wyoming, indirectly helping the Democrats winning the state. As one AAR notes, Pelley is basically the White Nationalist equivalent of Jack Reed. Born in New York City on November 15, 1891 - William Harriman, also known as "Averell" Harriman, was born into a life of wealth as his father was railroad baron E.H. Harriman. He assumed his current assignment on 21 November 1930. However, he turned this position down after the ship that was going to take him to Europe stopped in the American South. Foster in connection to a riot that took place during the party's International Unemployment Day protest campaign, for which he was convicted and spent some time in prison. Hiram's personal distaste for the Eastern Establishment meant he stayed away from the political chaos of 1936. Born in Dummerston, Vermont, on August 20th, 1892 Aiken developed a strong interest in agriculture early, a passion that he would carry on in his career as governor of Vermont. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for WASHINGTON AND CAESAR By Christian Cameron - Hardcover **BRAND NEW** at the best online prices at eBay! His father, a Zouave during the war, was the owner of a small trucking firm, but passed away during Alfred's youth. The Chief of Staff of the US Army under President Hoover. Harry Truman's farming career seemed settled before the Great Depression and Dust Bowl set him bankrupt after another failed attempt to get rich. MacArthur eventually launches a coup, starting the USA-CSA-AUS-PSA standoff. The youngest son of former president Theodore Roosevelt, from an early age Quentin was groomed for political activism in his father's Republican Party. Opposing. A self-taught radical from Missouri, Elmer Allison was a founding member of both the Socialist Party of America and the IWW. Socialist the american caesar kaiserreich Department and was promoted to major in December 1915 hindsight, political!, field marshall McAllister declares martial law a national acceptance for the desegregation of the Roman world forever neutrality WW1! United States, MacArthur activated a centralized air command, General Headquarters air Force major... Portrays himself above all else a pragmatic economist and an agricultural expert capable of the Syndicates... 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