Reports occasional chest tightness I think were pretty special, the way we all get along. Shadow Health Comprehensive Assessment Guide Help Health (Just Now) WebThe Shadow Health Comprehensive Assessment (SHCA) is an online assessment tool that is used by nursing students to measure their knowledge and Category: Health Show Health Right knee: 2+ She is the primary source of the history. Reports eye itching associated with exposure to cats. . estradiol (Yaz) PCOS symptoms Pro Tip: Follow up questions about Tinas medication history and timeline will help you to understand her treatment plan and recent health history. Genitourinary: Reports no dysuria, nocturia, polyuria, hematuria, flank pain, vaginal discharge or itching. Pro Tip: The medication a patient takes indicates their health literacy, treatment plan, and access to healthcare. Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript, Subjective, Objective & Documentation. General fatigue due to lack of sleep. SOAP Note Template (14) The process of creating your own SHCA can be time-consuming and frustrating. Throat and Neck: Denies sore throat, dysphagia, and changes to voice quality. Occasional cannabis use from age 15 to age 21. How often do you take medication for your menstrual cycle? How long ago did you start taking birth control? Experts selected these topics as essential components of a strong, thorough interview with this patient. Right leg: no edema, Inspected abdomen Abdomen protuberant, symmetric, no visible Confirming the name of Tinas birth control pill will solicit information about her health history and current treatment plan. Denies coughing, Asked about review of systems for cardiovascular Denies cardiovascular issues, Asked review of systems for gastrointestinal Denies gastrointestinal issues, Asked review of systems for genitourinary Denies genitourinary issues, Asked review of systems for musculoskeletal Denies musculoskeletal issues, Asked review of systems for neurological Denies neurological issues, Asked review of systems for skin, hair and nails Denies integumentary issues. SOAP Note Examples (45) Patient has tried ibuprofen, but reports it does not work well. Asking Tina if she has a rescue inhaler for her asthma will indicate her treatment plan and the degree to which she complies with it. Left dorsalis pedis pulse: 2+, Auscultated arteries in the head and neck Right carotid artery: no bruit Ill be helping a more experienced accountant with her clients, and then eventually Ill get more responsibility, and build my own client list. masses SHADOW HEALTH comprehensive assessment results turned in health assess spring 2020, 322301 return to assignment your results lab pass subjective data Skip to document Ask an Expert Sign inRegister Sign inRegister Home Ask an ExpertNew My Library Discovery Institutions University of Massachusetts Lowell Western Governors University Denies changes to breasts Left arm proximal dull pain sensation intact Asking Tina if she still has her inhaler will indicate her treatment plan and the degree to which she is following it. 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Skin, Hair, and Nails: Reports acne since puberty and occasional dry skin. Left femoral pulse: 2+ Denies recent flu shot. he had some blood pressure and cholesterol issues when he was alive, too. Right arm distal sharp pain sensation intact Right lower quadrant: soft, no tenderness or I came in because Im required to have a recent physical exam for the health insurance at my new job. Auscultated aortic area with the bell: no S3, S Pro Tip: Palpating the liver identifies enlargement, displacement, tenderness, and consistency, which can indicate important health problems. Left flank: none reported, Percussed organs Spleen percussion: no dullness Denies generalized weakness. . walking four or five times a week Inspecting the scalp and hair for texture, distribution, and quantity helps to identify lesions or masses. Left leg distal dull pain sensation intact, Tested ability to sense sharp pain in upper How many times a day do you take metformin? Im taking good care of my health these days. tetracycline, I think, back in high school. Right kidney: not palpable, no masses Shadow Health - HEENT Tina Jones. Left femoral artery: no bruit, Performed Capillary Refill Capillary Refill < 3 sec, Inspected for edema Left leg: no edema Pro Tip: Discerning whether anything is making Tinas asthma worse can point to possible triggers like environmental factors, bodily positions, or movements that may have a bearing on Tinas breathing. asthmatic patients is particularly Chamberlain University (85) For further assistance: Pro Tip: The medication a patient takes indicates their health literacy, treatment plan, and access to healthcare. Dull and constant ache. Gather information about your patients health history, including information about current medical conditions. ShadowHealth Abdominal Pain Esther Park. Pro Tip: Healthy kidneys are not usually palpable. Pro Tip: Performing deep palpation determines the shape, consistency, tenderness, and pulsations of abdominal masses. I havent had any problems with diarrhea. I havent had a full asthma attack in years, though. She receives basic health insurance from work, but is deterred from healthcare due to out-of-pocket costs. Im going to be an Accounting Clerk at this really nice accounting firm. What medications do you take when you come in contact with is animal? When did you most recently use the flovent inhaler? Left upper quadrant: tympanic, Palpated abdomen - light Right upper quadrant: soft, no tenderness or deformity About five months ago, I came in here for a check-up, and the nurse practitioner got me on metformin. Im hoping Ill learn a lot in that position, and within a couple years, Ill get promoted and be given new responsibilities. (Clarified to if my younger sister has health problems. . Reports taking prescription birth control pills, Followed up about diabetes medication Reports diabetes medication is metformin Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health From age 23 to age 26 took oral contraceptives as only source of birth control, no condom use. Shadow Health Assignments for virtual clinical hours University University of North Carolina Wilmington Course Adv Hlth Assess/Diagnostic Rea (NSG 510) Academic year:2020/2021 Helpful? but I dont do that anymore. Use the Code 'Delegate', 2023 - Online Nursing Writers -Nursing Study | All rights reserved, Shadow Health Comprehensive Assessment Guide | Help, A Guide to the Shadow Health Comprehensive Assessment Process Nursing Study. She maintains eye contact throughout the interview. months ago She uses her albuterol inhaler when she experiences exacerbations, such as from dust or cats; she never uses it more than twice a week. . Reports checking sugar in the morning Describes cough as watery and gurgly. Reports occasional wheezing EOMs intact bilaterally, no nystagmus, Tested peripheral vision Peripheral vision intact in both eyes, all fields, Inspected interior eyes with ophthalmoscope Mild retinopathic changes on right Position sense intact in fingers, Tested stereognosis Identified coin in right hand within 5 seconds Pro Tip: When inspecting the pupils for size, shape, symmetry, and reaction to light, unequal or unreactive pupils can indicate significant underlying health problems. Offers information without hesitation. Shadow health assessments can help nursing students develop an understanding of patient safety issues. Increasing knowledge and understanding of healthcare concepts. Auscultated Erb's point with the diaphragm: Hover over thePatient Dataitems below to reveal important information, includingPro TipsandExample Questions. I get it, but just so you know, you're asking a lot of me. Reports using inhaler no more than 2 times per Reports cat allergy Her pain is a 9 when she tries to ambulate. Right femoral artery: no bruit Type 2 diabetes, diagnosed at age 24. Nursingstudy.orghas the top and most qualified writers to help with your shadow health assessments. Do you have any family history of mental illness? . Write a one-sentence answer to each question. Lower eyelids: conjunctiva pink, no lesions, Decreased sensation to monofilament in bilateral plantar surfaces. Ms. Jones reports that she recently obtained employment at Smith, Stevens, Stewart, Silver & Company. I had a little when I first started metformin, but I found out I could eat yogurt to help it, and it seems to have worked. Enjoy the convenience of having a reliable Writer to do your paper at an Affordable Price. . Mom has high cholesterol and blood pressure, I think. Just coming in and talking to someone here about it helped a little because I felt like I was doing something. 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(800) 860-3241 | Help Desk (support.shadowhealth/) | Terms of Service (/static/terms_of_service) | Privacy Policy (/static/privacy_policy) | Patents Any medical history for your paternal grandmother? Are you having any pain in your mouth? The injury occurred about one week ago. Pro Tip: Palpating the maxillary sinuses checks for sinusitis. rebound, Palpated organs Liver: palpable 1 cm below right costal margin She drinks four caffeinated drinks/day (diet soda). She uses her albuterol inhaler when she is around cats. No, Im actually feeling really good these days. Never married, no children. DTRs 2+ and equal bilaterally in upper and lower extremities. Right biceps: 2+ Reports a typical dinner is vegetables with a protein and brown rice or quinoa No. This is especially important to assess in your patient because diabetics are at risk for peripheral vascular disease. of a strong, thorough interview with this patient. Asthma diagnosed at age 2 1/2. Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript, Subjective, Objective & Documentation. Pro Tip: The medication a patient takes indicates their health literacy, treatment plan, and access to healthcare. First sexual encounter at age 18, sex with men, identifies as heterosexual. She has not been eating much and has been staying in bed the last few days, per patient report. She reports diarrhea overnight. Normal graphesthesia, stereognosis, and rapid alternating movements bilaterally. Identified paperclip in right hand within 5 Liver span: 7 cm MCL on percussion, Percussed abdomen Right upper quadrant: tympanic Shadow health assessments lead to: If you have a pending shadow health comprehensive health assessment assignment, you should consider using a writing service. (Clarified to if I have ear drainage.). . For the past four months (after initiating Yaz) cycles regular (every 4 weeks) with moderate bleeding lasting 5 days. If your instructor provides individual feedback on this assignment, it will appear here. All you need to do isplace an orderwith us. This includes an assessment of past medical history, including any symptoms that may indicate an illness or disease. ", Asked about last visit to a healthcare provider, Reports last visit to a healthcare provider was 4 months ago, Asked about current prescription medications, Reports asthma medication has not changed, Followed up about birth control prescription, Reports starting birth control 4 months ago, Asked about current non-prescription medications, Asked about diabetes management through lifestyle, Reports recently beginning dieting to manage diabetes, Reports checking blood sugar once a day . rebound . Asking Tina why she saw a healthcare provider might indicate any recent health concerns or problems. Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript, Subjective, Objective & Documentation Transcript All Lines (645) Interview Questions (210) Statements (41) Exam Actions (394) Subjective Data Collection: 50 of 50 (100.0%) Hover To Reveal (800) 860-3241 | Help Desk (support.shadowhealth/) | Terms of Service (/static/terms_of_service) | Privacy Policy (/static/privacy_policy) | Patents Genitourinary: Denies flank pain, dysuria, urgency, and cloudy urine. How often do you perform oral hygiene? She provided the health information freely during the interview. Experts selected these examinations as essential components of objective data collection for this patient. That is great. She hurt the ball of her right foot by scraping it on the edge of a metal step while changing a light bulb. Reports blood sugar number is usually around 90 not since I came in with those allergies a while ago. Not currently in an intimate relationship, ended a three-year serious monogamous relationship two years ago. Terms of Use Left lower quadrant: no masses, guarding or Reports only caffeine is diet Coke . She doesn't monitor her blood sugar. Reports asthma, Asked about last visit to a healthcare provider Reports last visit to a healthcare provider was 4 Sign In | Shadow Health Digital Clinical Experiences from Elsevier Email Password Login with Elsevier Evolve Forgot your password? The headache lasts a few hours and is relieved with acetaminophen and sleep. Reports that side effects of diabetes medication Why do you take this over-the-counter medication? picot question examples emergency nursing (12) Pro Tip: Asthma exacerbation can result in increased wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. Sign in for direct access to Shadow Health's Digital Clinical Experiences, state-of-the-art simulations that put the patient at the forefront of the learning experience. I havent had any eye problems latelyI went to the eye doctor a few months ago and got these glasses, and she checked everything out and said it looked good. Reports that a typical walk is thirty or forty minutes Reports improved acne due to oral contraceptives. Please I need help with interview questions/answers for shadow health for week 4 (health history Tina, Jones). Experts selected these topics as essential components When was your last dentist visit? allergic to dust?" Asked about HEENT Denies general HEENT issues, Asked about review of systems for respiratory Denies current breathing problems Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript, Subjective, Objective & Documentation. information, including Pro Tips and Example Questions. Denies current asthma symptoms When she is exposed to allergens she states that she has runny nose, itchy and swollen eyes, and increased asthma symptoms. Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript, Subjective, Objective & Documentation. Right iliac artery: no bruit Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript, Subjective, Objective & Documentation Transcript All Lines (645) Interview Questions (210) Statements (41) Exam Actions (394) Hello, my name is Tammy. What is the name of your diabetes medication? DETECCIN PRECOZ DE LOS PRINCIPALE, Shadow Health- Tina Jones- Musculoskeletal, Shadow Health- Tina Jones- Hair, Skin, Nails, NR 565 Week 4 Study questions Chapters 15, 29, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing,Thinking, Carol Jago, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses. Denies back and neck pain and trauma. Reports diabetes medication dose is 850 mg Right leg distal sharp pain sensation intact Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The nurse is preparing a diet plan for a pregnant client with preeclampsia. How could you determine if two streets converge? Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Asthma is one of the most prevalent chronic illnesses in children, but it may also affect adults. Since then Ive just washed my face, I havent used anything special. 6/12/2018 Comprehensive Assessment | Completed | Shadow Health 7/10Musculoskeletal Inspected neck Neck without swelling, masses, or deformity Inspected upper extremities Right shoulder without swelling, masses, or deformity Right arm without swelling, masses, or deformity Right elbow without swelling, masses, or deformity Right wrist and hand I havent smoked pot since I was twenty or twenty-one. Subjective Data Collection: 50 of 50 (100.0%), Objective Data Collection: 70 of 73 (95.9%), Comprehensive Assessment Tina Jones Shadow Health Transcript, Subjective, Objective & Documentation, Nursing Capstone Project Writing Services, Nursing Annotated Bibliography by Professional, Online Nursing Research Paper writing service. . Shadow health comprehensive health assessment of Tina Jones subjective and objective data. Left brachial pulse: 2+ Shadow Health 2012 - 2021 Has a car, cell phone, and computer. rebound . Creating your own SHCA can be tricky, but using a. Right dorsalis pedis pulse: 2+ Shadow. Herzing University (83) But that hasnt happened since I got my daily inhaler. No surgeries. How does interviewing a heathy patient differ from interviewing a patient with a known health condition? Shadow health assessments give nursing students the opportunity to build confidence in their ability to deliver. extremities, Right arm proximal dull pain sensation intact Has your mouth been drier than normal? Left knee: 2+ every day . Asked about asthma medication Reports asthma medication has not changed Start studying Shadow Health Cough Assessment. Are you taking any contraceptive medications? (c) Why are these senses most appropriate in a poem about evening? Alternating movements bilaterally flovent inhaler & Company shadow health comprehensive assessment quizlet of abdominal masses masses Shadow health - HEENT Tina Jones she not..., including any symptoms that may indicate an illness or disease she recently obtained employment at,. These topics as essential components of Objective data it may also affect adults, interview. Since then Ive just washed my face, I think: no dullness Denies generalized.! 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