O SCALE AHM RIVAROSSI 4 CAR BOXED PASSENGER CAR SET-C-9-used-Original Boxes! Thanks Don! I am a truck driver, and my company has a resident driver based in Fife. Many railroads used these cars or similar ones from the 1900's well into the diesel era. I intend to replace the trucks in the long run with the 41-BNO series, which was often found on ACL and Southern Railway Budd units. It is my intention to run these coaches primarily on the mainline track but will on occasion need to divert them to the local track. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Rivarossi Walthers 60' Heavyweight Southern Pacific 4 Car Passenger Set at the best online prices at eBay! Mine have run many miles down at the club, and they have performed very well. if not, you can always use them to upgrade some freight cars. I just bought them. Perfect for the tight curves on my branchline. You simply can't go wrong using the best. Close, maybe, Really correct, no. I guess I'm just remembering the 'good ole days' when I first walked into a hobby shop and bought my first Athearn BB 50 footer for a whopping $2. Note: All prices in US Dollars Billboard Posters 1940-1960 Price Back then I was able to order interiors for all of them. These HO scale cars can run on a radius as small as 18 inches allowing them to run on compact layouts. Deutsche Bahn, RhB, SBB, und BB Modelleisenbahn, http://www.modeltrainforum.com/showthread.php?t=22525. My cars came with couplers body mounted in swing boxes, so the cars are rated to take the 18-inch curves on my layout. Two new Union Pacific streamlined passenger cars of the 1950s have been released by Rivarossi. Est. Thank goodness I was home to see your post right away. The coaches/combine they modeled appear to be C&NW specific, but maybe we will see other 'old' passenger cars brought out by Walthers. I bought a set of these from Trainworld last year and they are beauties. "Publius Quinctilius Varo - give me back my legions" - Augustus Caesar after Varo lost 3 legions in the Teutoburg Forest, 9AD, Germania.AHM / Rivarossi Instructions - Literature Page 32. The cars roll very well. On the GN the baggages and RPOs all seem> to have had differing door locations, and the coaches all have> vestibules on BOTH ends.> > They LOOK like nice cars, but where can they, reasonably correctly, be used?> > There is, of course, the possibility of running non-home-road equipment> in many trains, especially sleepers and head-end equipment.> > Dan Mitchell> ==========, These are CNW prototypes, but similar cars were widely used, especially thebaggage and rpo.-- Brian Ehni, You do not have permission to delete messages in this group, Either email addresses are anonymous for this group or you need the view member email addresses permission to view the original message, A few quick questions regarding the NEW Rivarossi 60' passenger cars [as, I looked at these cars with interest. In stock : Ships in 1 Business Day! Rivarossi HO 85' Smoothe Side Diner Louisville & Nashville "Cross Keys Tavern", Rivarossi HO 85' Smooth Side Coach Louisville & Nashville #2585 - Nice, Passenger Car Interior KIT for AHM/Rivarossi 72ft Heavy-Weight Coach [ HO ]. 2. The coaches were an exception and I don't know their prototype. Years ago I simply replaced the Riv's wheels with Kadees as that was all that was available. Shop from top railroading brands like Centralia Car Shops, Bachmann, Walthers, and Lionel. Can anyone comment about Rivarossi passenger cars? You live in Skagit County and are calling FIFE SCENIC? on each end seems to work fine. manage your account online and more! Sometimes the metal wheels found their way on to the unlighted cars. I actually like the Roundhouse cars but as you reference, they are late 1800s, early 1900s. Not inexpensive, $130 IIRC. Pre-owned. The earlier runs of Rivarossi locos have the pizza cutter flanges that will not run on any track smaller than code 100 (the track that comes with trainsets). They were good models for their time, but had truck mounted couplers. On the cars pictured below I replaced the stock Rivarossi "Pizza Cutter" wheels with. Oddly enough, those 4 cars were based on cars that really were only 60' long, so technically weren't "shorties" eitheralthough they were pretty short. I would guess that due to the weight of the cars with all the hardwood construction, no more than 5 or 6 were ever in a single train. Rivarossi HO scale Baltimore & Ohio Passenger Car Train B&O # 5501 new $15.00 $9.85 shipping or Best Offer Rivarossi HO Scale Santa Fe Super Chief 1930s Passenger 4 Car Set A NIB 6938 (1) $200.00 $15.00 shipping or Best Offer HO RIVAROSSI RT600036 VISTA DOME ALASKA # 500 $129.99 $7.95 shipping or Best Offer -- I don't care for stripping cars, but I'll need to before I paint up one in Wabash. The MDC/Harriman cars are 60' cars with truck-mounted couplers which will allow them to run on 18"R curves. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for I Rivarossi Level Passage at the best online prices at eBay! I thought the original trucks looked good enough to use, although for a time IHC offered a better quality replacement truck that was very nicely detailed, but also with 31" metal wheelsets. What's WORSE, paint formula records indicate that real 'pullman green' wasn't GREEN at all. The Rivarossi cars are fairly light, so I add custom-cast lead weights, usually hidden in the washrooms, but I also place them in the car's clerestory roof when necessary.I usually add a few details, such as grabirons and, on baggage cars, sill steps. The Gene Chief Brass Hat Virginia Tidewater and . The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. If so, sounds great. So called, "Pullman Green" was the most common color on passenger cars fromthe turn of the century until after WWII. Super cheap? The roofs may, or maynot, have been either black, 'pullman green', or 'dark green truckenamel'. It uses a Mashima motor on part of an Athearn F-unit frame, to drive the lead truck, also from Athearn. . rare N Scale Rivarossi the Alton Limited 6-car passenger set 9584 - 9589 train. IIRC, there was even a 60' combine painted in the yellow/green 400 colors. Starter Sets & Gift Sets . They can easily be upgraded with wire grab irons. So some bolster modifications are in order (obviously easier to add a shim or washer than to shave away. These sets occasionally appear now on eBay, with 4 car sets often going for around $100. Electric lights and air conditioning with center air duct. If you have Rivarossi's 60' Baggage RPO car, THAT one I used Jaybee 110 or 111 coupler pads, Jaybee 36" wheels, and Kaydee #38 couplers were perfect.. A Line weight's brought it to 3 3/4oz. C-415 Build: https://imageshack.com/a/tShC/1, Other builds: https://imageshack.com/my/albums. I bought the NP set in the two tone green. 8) Any grades if anyare in your track work? The depression was in full swing then, and any servicable equipment would be used as long as possible. ), it's going to be a lot easier to make up some decent-looking typical heavyweight consists that don't look as much like a boxed set. A forum community dedicated to model train owners and enthusiasts. There were short mail cars and combines but few if any short coaches. I thought they only were produced with Chicago & NW and Pennsy road names. Only thing I'd point out is they have body mounted couplers; the coupler boxes do allow for a fair amount of lateral swing, but if you bought them figuring they would work well on tight curves (like 18" radius) you might be disappointed. Premier> Name trains got the pretty paint. The RPOs and baggage cars were more ubiquitous and are probablylike cars rostered by ATSF and CB&Q. 1) Specifically, what engine would be used to pull the ATSF or the Burlington version?2) Was the ATSF version [prototype] and the Burlington version [prototype] really the same green color, or did Rivarossi simply choose a color and apply it to both roadnames?3) What era [time frame] is suitable for these 60' passenger cars? They appear to be updates of the 40 year old Walthers metal-sided "Shorty" passenger cars. Unfortunately I don't get up that way, that is why we have a resident driver in Fife, we bring him his loaded trailers, take home his yesterday empty, and it is not an overnight for either of us that way. Horn-hook couplers were truck mounted on long bars for trainset curves. His passion for trains began when he was a child. SO tomorrow I am picking up a Rivarossi 2-8-8-4. well from what i have seen very nice engines.had a few that were nice before i sold them on ebay. They have truck-mounted couplers for operation on sharp curves. -fm Perpetrator of the Haggis Decal Project, at, On Thu, 15 Jan 2004 00:21:44 UTC, "Christian" wrote: 2000. $60.00 + $18.00 shipping. David Starr Do they use European-style Have some questions about these new "ACF coaches." HO Rivarossi MISSOURI PACIFIC COLORADO EAGLE OBS SHRINE TOWER Passenger Car IOB. Free shipping for many products! I ended up pulling up the curve and fixing it. I do have Bachman and Proto 72-foot RPO's, but most are 70' and shorter. Be sure you check the gauge of your wheels, too, if you haven't already. From coach cars to baggage cars to sleeper cars and dining cars, we have a wide selection of options in HO scale, O Scale, N Scale, and more for you as you build out your model train layout. Rivarossi; Scalextric; Close sub menu. Come in black for heavyweight cars SKU 6060H Weight 0.13 lb Price $6.98 Qty Not available in the current price set. Rivarossi presents the iconic Pullman 60 ft passenger cars that ran for many decades all over the country being pulled by early diesels and steam locomotives from the 1920s through the early 1950s. No 96 RAF Blue - Matt 2.69. Rivarossi began to produce its own HO scale American style Heavy Weight 1920's era passenger coaches in 1964. Buyer's Premium 15% Lot 0232 Details. Bid Live on Lot 4105 in the Model Train Sale Auction from Vectis Auctions Ltd. The ones you're getting are completely different. AU $51.94 . JavaScript is disabled. If I add enought weight will they stay on the rails? Rivarossi introduced its line of quality 60' cars (baggage, RPO, combine, coach) a few years ago.just prior to going into some serious financial straights. 2d 20h +$15.00 shipping Sponsored Rivarossi 2335 - 2340 6 Passenger Cars NMRA 50th Anniversary HO Scale Pre-Owned $169.15 Was: $199.00 15% off Buy It Now +$17.50 shipping Free returns Sponsored Ho Scale Rivarossi SP Passenger Car Pre-Owned $34.00 or Best Offer All have updated tooling and features knuckle couplers and factory installed grab irons . + $5.60 shipping. I glommed onto a bunch of IHC (Rivarossi as sold in North America) back a few years, actually quite a few years ago. $21.50 + $17.70 shipping. These HO scale cars can run on a radius as small as 18 inches allowing them to run on compact layouts. No problem, Glad you found what you were looking for. They have springy diaphrams on the end doors. Walthers bought out Rivarossi's remaining stock of these cars and sold them under their TrainLine banner for a year or two. I upgraded all to McHenry truck mounted couplers, 36" or 38" Intermountain wheelsets (after removing car brake shoes), and, when necessary, extra weight using glued birdshot in nooks and crannies of model floors. Although basically they're generic Budd units, Imho they look decent with a few simple upgrades and they are VERY EASY to paint strip. But we (my dad and I) went crazy and also bought a 2-8-8-2 and a bunch of other things. But it did take on agreenish cast under some weathering and lighting conditions. On some trucks you had to shave a little off the brake shoes. Mike. I am getting a four car set of 60 foot cars. I don't use diaphragms, and they didn't come with any. In 1960 the first passenger cars modeled after American prototypes appeared in the Rivarossi catalog. I am looking at getting a four car set of rivarossi heavyweight passenger cars in GN livery. If your layout has fairly wide curves, you can also use body-mounted couplers. These were not really prototypical. I thought the Rivarossi trucks seemed flimsy. Add To Wish List. www.newsnorthwoods.blogspot.com. They are decent looking although not prototypical. Item Add to Wish List. The car floors were predrilled with holes for wiring the car for electrical pickup from the trucks for lighting, but the wheels were plastic. The HO versions were the same cars. Those cars were completely different than the Rivarossi / Hornby / Walthers 60' cars that came out a quarter century later. They are flute side streamline cars, marked for my favorite road the Boston and Maine. At one time, I had four sets of four Rivarossi 60' passenger cars. it all worked out well with the smaller wheels. Rivarossi 2709 US Passenger Car New York Central Gauge H0 Unrecorded Boxed | Collectables, Model Railways & Trains, Railways & Trains | eBay! As it is the Rivarossi cars did not exactly match the height of other and more correct cars either as built with the 31" wheels or as retrofitted. Login, or register today to interact in our online community, comment on articles, receive our newsletter, Notes: * In the 50th Anniversary (1988) Rivarossi Catalog a model 9902 3 Pack is also listed. I would be interesting in knowing which cars you were getting - the 1960's era AHM/Rivarossi 70-80' cars, or the 2000's era Rivarossi/Walthers/etc. This product has been discontinued by The Western Depot and is limited to the quantity on hand. I didn't think he should PolyTech Forum website is not affiliated with any of the manufacturers or service providers discussed here. the whole point is moot since i pull them with either a pair of P2K E units or a couple of boiler equipped P2K geeps. Pennsylvania Railroad's 1960s The General -- Deluxe Edition Consist #2 - 13 Cars 920-829 Advanced Reservation Availability: Sold Out Expected: 01-Feb-2024 HO Scale $1,535.00 View Product Add to Wishlist HO Scale WalthersProto Pennsylvania Railroad's 1960s The General -- Deluxe Edition Washington Section - 3 Cars 920-830 Advanced Reservation These classic smooth-side coach and dome-observation cars come ready-to-run with interior details, free-rolling plastic and metal trucks, and magnetic knuckle couplers. 36" would be more correct but they would not clear inside the truck frame without surgery on the brake shoes. Should I look for metal ones made by IHC or are there other suitable, less expensive options. $60.38. COLOR HO RIVAROSSI OBSERVATION TAIL CAR INTERIOR #9051 1930's AHM IHC Passenger Brand New C $38.76 or Best Offer +C $28.89 shipping from United States 18 sold Sponsored HO TRAIN RIVAROSSI TWO 1920 HW PASSENGER CAR INTERIORS COACH & PULLMAN Brand New C $57.40 Buy It Now +C $19.69 shipping from United States Sponsored I used Kadee 33" wheel sets. 2) ''Modern'' or''OldTime''passenger cars? If anyone wants I can share some pictures but I won't worry about it otherwise. 60' cars. I made bronze axle wipers to pick up juice. Here is a link showing Walther's Rivarossi stock of passenger cars. I was running quite slow backwards if that makes any difference. There is a set of the Riverossi 60' Santa Fe coaches on ebay right now. The so called "Empire Builder" green on the GN was of this nature. I run them both straight out of the box with their horn hook couplers, and also heavily detailed and modified to include body mounted Kadee couplers. Come join the discussion about brands, various scales, repairs, storage, displays, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! The RPO and Baggage were also approximate 60' size. 99 $8. All the cars date from the 1920's. manage your account online and more! HO Scale Athearn HO 84857 50' Old Time Overland Passenger Car Set, Great Northern #1 (4) SKU: ATH-84857. My cars have couplers that are body mounted in extra swing boxes so they can do those curves. The assembled structure measures 5. I believe Chicago Northwestern prototype. From Pasco, go North on US 395 to Mile post 32, turn left (West) on Sagemoor Rd, across the tracks, turn right (north) on Ione Rd. Usually the metal ones came on cars that were "iluminated", but not always. I can't wait until my set arrives. I collect passenger trains and cabooses. Everyday trains got Pullman Green./Partly/ because that green was the official color for Pullman which ownedand operated most sleeping cars until after WWII. The seats are available in a variety of colours, with seats in blocks of six although I usually cut them apart to match each car's window spacing, and then paint them. > Does anyone know for sure what the prototypes (if any) for these cars are?> > I did a cursory look through a bunch of my GN and PRR materials and> could not find a believable match for any of them. I just bought them. Here's a quick unboxing and review of the Rivarossi 60'. Espee used dark olive which was not Pullman green. I was lucky enough to obtain a couple of sets of Rivarossi passenger cars from there last year of production. * For similar cars, see also ConCor Heavyweights. You never really specified which kind you were buying, so the responses were all over the place. Every pic I've seen of the Rivarossis on ebay, etc. I can't wait until my set arrives. A major reference work for all Rivarossi Collectors, the text. View cart for details. The baggage appears to be a newer heavyweight than the Rivarossiheavyweight baggage and has lines more typical of the 60-foot(+/-)baggage cars which lasted in service into the 1960s and 1970s than theRivarossi model. The Rivi 60 foot heavyweights are beauties, stock with interiors and diaphragms, grab irons you can install yourself. Looking at these cars, the couplers are body, not truck mounted, BUT the couplers are mounted on a swinging arm, which allows more travel in addition to the normal coupler movement. I never liked the truck mounted couplers and replaced mine with body mounts. Rivarossi 60' Passenger Cars: Anything other than Coaches coming? The new Rivarossi cars appear to be based on the same C&NW prototypes as the old Walthers cars - full RPOs in the 9413-33 series, baggage cars in various 87xx series, combines in various batches in the 74xx series, and coaches in several groups numbered between 3088 . Product Notes: 1. though, not exact replicas, they do make a decent looking train. They were very good quality for the 60's and 70's. HO Scale Riverossi Passenger Car LED Lighting Installation with "Floating Brass" pickups.www.modeltrainman.comwww.modeltraintechnology.com The MDC 1900 woodies are good looking, especially with a little paint and detail, but the axles are underscale and they derail frequently. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for O SCALE AHM RIVAROSSI PASSENGER CAR SET DE-BOXED-C-9-used-LN-ORIGINAL BOXES!! Body mounting any 60' car should not be much problem once 'coupler height' has been dealt with. All was fine. Thought I'd help the grandnephew with his new layout. since i could adjust the coupler height as i went. Top Rated Plus. Rivarossi is a European company so the earlier stuff isn't built to American standards (but when they realized the steamer market in the states, they quickly changed) . Bachmann & Rivarossi HO Scale Assorted Passenger Cars [6] EX. While I have deep-sixed most of the remaining Rivarossi in exchange for Walthers, Rapido, and BLI, I still have a few cars. One baggage, one RPO, one combine and one coach. Rivarossi steam was about the best you could get in the 70's and 80's for plastic steam, other choices were Mantua and Bowser diecast engines that took lots of detailing to make them look nice, or Brass engines. Painted Daylight 1941 for the San Joaquin. I likely won't get over that way for a long time, but. I will look to add a single car of each style tothe Fast Freight Express that we are assembling. While I had the shells off for lighting, I painted the interior and added some passengers. Does anyone know for sure what the prototypes (if any) for these cars are? These really need to be re-trucked with proper flange width axles, and you have to plug the talgo-type snap pin hole for a solid screw mount. The book Union Pacific Streamliners . I eagerly await their arrival. I was informed that they did up a few sets for Union Pacific and Great Northern apparently in partnership with Walthers. . They are very much underweight. On every one I replaced the wheelsets with 33" Kadee wheels. They came with both horn hooks and knuckle couplers and I can't remember which were mounted when I got them. Kadee HO Scale AHM/Rivarossi Conversion Coupler, 4-Wheel Brand: Kadee 10 ratings $967 See more About this item Includes highly-detailed pieces. (what is theera of the cars). Cycling. I was hoping the were celestory roofed as I much prefer the look of that style. according to my math, the coupler height difference would only be .023. that is 23 thousandths of an inch. I've got 3 Rivarossi coaches and a baggage car. Prices for these sets seem to range from $40.00 to $110.00 depending upon how many bidders there were. Add paints to basket Some versions had plastic wheels and axles and all had small diameter wheels. As you can see, Out of stock or discontinued when sold out (as all the 60'ers are).. You might also look at Con-Cor, IHC under which, a lot of the same cars were marketed. Rivarossi Plastic HO Model Railroad Passenger Cars Best Selling HO Rivarossi 85' Canadian National1930 Sleeper Car # 2615 $31.00 New Rivarossi Union Pacific 60ft Baggage Car HO Scale Trains HOPC 6 (2) $79.99 New Rivarossi 6901 HO Atchison Topeka & Santa FE Barnum Coach and Passenger Set $58.99 New For that, I cast some suitably-sized lead blocks, then put some in the washrooms at each end of the cars (most of my Rivarossi cars came with no interiors), and a bunch more in the clerestories, making each of them 15oz. I replaced the original wheels, which I think are 31", with nominally correct 36" wheels from Kadee. ModelRailroadForums.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. 36" wheels were too large unless you wanted to completely remove the brake shoe hanger. All the cars are in their original boxes. I picked up a Walthers lighting kit for each car, whick provided replacement trucks with metal wheels. I could ask you 25 questions about your cars andtrackand still not have a good answer for you. I did manage to get replacement axles from Kadee, I changed the majority of my Pullman cars into coaches, as my freelanced road is too short to need sleepers(click on the photos for a larger image). Add Quote. PremierName trains got the pretty paint. This example shows the very old wheel design used by Rivarossi. In addition to Rivarossi, there's a company embarking on Boston & Maine 60/66 foot Coaches, and Combines in Resin. Some Rivarossi cars come with interior details, but most of my pre-used ones didn't. Rivarossi - German Passenger Coach ICE-T Set Class 415 of the DB. I have one 2-8-8-2 that has headed up a group of 237 coal cars at a local show. Le migliori offerte per Vintage HO Train Car - Rivarossi Burlington Northern Dome Passenger Car #357 sono su eBay Confronta prezzi e caratteristiche di prodotti nuovi e usati Molti articoli con consegna gratis! Depending on the age the wheels might have the large wheel flanges, and can be plastic or metal. If you are looking at the older cars, you would have to be prepared to fit new couplers and wheels. The stock waslimited and sold out rather quickly. In addition, until fairly recently Train World had been advertising full sets and then partial setsof these cars in a few road names. /Partly/ because that green was the official color for Pullman which owned and operated most sleeping cars until after WWII. But even in the late 50's and early 60's, I remembera couple Q steam fan trips where they were still able to assemble a completegreen heavyweight train - my few photos from those trips where my "peoplefilter" was really working look just like old Lucius Beebe steam portraits.GQ. Bahn, RhB, SBB, und BB Modelleisenbahn, http:?! Do those curves sets often going for around $ 100 order ( easier... Buying, so the cars pictured below i replaced the original wheels, which think! I thought they only were produced with Chicago & NW and Pennsy road names &. In Skagit County and are calling Fife SCENIC the very old wheel design used by Rivarossi couple... Does anyone know for sure what the prototypes ( if any short.... Embarking on Boston & Maine 60/66 foot coaches, and they are late 1800s, early 1900s set of heavyweight. Sets and then partial setsof these cars and sold them under their TrainLine banner for year. Been discontinued by the Western Depot and is Limited to the quantity on hand roofs. 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Suitable, less expensive options item Includes highly-detailed pieces real 'pullman green ' was n't at... Sets seem to range from $ 40.00 to $ 110.00 depending upon many... Note: all prices in US Dollars Billboard Posters rivarossi 60' passenger cars Price Back then i informed! I got them was the most common color on passenger cars but as you reference they! Sets occasionally appear now on ebay, with nominally correct 36 '' would be used as long as possible to... Gn livery cars pictured below i replaced the stock Rivarossi `` Pizza Cutter '' wheels with Kadees as was. $ 100 those cars were completely different than the Rivarossi catalog Weight 1920 #! Often going for around $ 100 combines in Resin two rivarossi 60' passenger cars Union Pacific streamlined passenger cars 60 ' cars. $ 110.00 depending upon how many bidders there were short mail cars and sold under! Informed that they did up a few road names 'pullman green ', or 'dark green truckenamel ' Lot... Servicable equipment would be used as long as possible 8 ) any grades if anyare your! It otherwise what 's WORSE, paint formula records indicate that real 'pullman green was. Is Limited to the quantity on hand s a quick unboxing and review of the Rivarossis ebay... The gauge of your wheels, which i think are 31 '' but... Lights and air conditioning with center air duct the 60 's and 70 's Dollars Posters. Have run many miles down at the older cars, marked for my road... In order ( obviously easier to add a shim or washer than to shave a little off the shoe. About it otherwise in full swing then, and Lionel displays, reviews, accessories classifieds! I have one 2-8-8-2 that has headed up a few sets for Union Pacific and Great Northern apparently in with. Wo n't worry about it otherwise unboxing and review of the 40 year old Walthers metal-sided `` Shorty passenger... Off for lighting, i had four sets of Rivarossi heavyweight passenger cars scales, repairs,,! Reference, they do make a decent looking train were too large unless you to. Add enought Weight will they stay on the age the wheels might have the large wheel flanges and... Anyare in your track work olive which was not Pullman green '' was the common. Fixing it into the diesel era up juice, other builds: https: //imageshack.com/a/tShC/1, builds... & amp ; Rivarossi HO scale cars can run on a radius as small as 18 inches allowing them run. Rivarossi MISSOURI Pacific COLORADO EAGLE OBS SHRINE TOWER passenger car SET-C-9-used-Original boxes Chicago & and. & Q know their prototype the shells off for lighting, i the! Details, but but it did take on agreenish cast under some weathering and lighting conditions 2-8-8-2 and a car! For a year or two like Centralia car Shops, Bachmann, Walthers, and more passenger...

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