Fleurit au milieu du printemps Fill out our mail order form and include a check or money order. Its stems are 3/8 inch in diameter, and it grows 12 to 14 feet each year. The cold hardy grass grows rapidly (C4 photosynthesis), has low nutrient requirements, has few pests or diseases and produces high yields. This product is currently out of stock and unavailable. Call for wholesale information 770-227-7962. It is being used in ethanol production and grants of up to 75% of seeding fields are available through the federal government. In Europe and the United States, M. giganteus is widely used as a biofuel feedstock for its high productivity, greater water and nutrient use efficiency, pest resistance, and perennial nature. OVER 200 NEW PLANTS IN STOCK! You must be within a short distance of a plant set up to process this type of ethanol to qualify. Shop Companion Plants That Compliment And Are Compatible With Miscanthus Grasses, Shop These Other Ornamental Grass Categories, Ornamental Grasses For Part Sun Or Part Shade, Ornamental Grasses For Wet Soil & Garden Ponds, Shop Ornamental Grasses By Your USDA Zone, Pink Muhly Grass - Cotton Candy Grass - 1 Gallon Pot, Fragrant Orange Tea Olive - Osmanthus fragrans aurantiacus - 3 Gallon Pot, Snow N Summer Asiatic Jasmine - 1 Gallon Pot, Major Wheeler Red Trumpet Honeysuckle - 1 Gallon Pot, Madison Confederate Jasmine - 1 Gallon Pot, Variegated Pink Winter Daphne - 1 Gallon Pot, Confederate Rose Hibiscus - Rose Mallow - 3 Gallon Pot, Peaches & Cream Fragrant Honeysuckle - Lonicera periclymenum - 2 Gallon Pot, Pink Perfection Camellia Japonica - 3 Gallon Pot, High Fragrance Camellia Hybrid - 3 Gallon Pot, Dwarf Mondo Grass - 18 Count Flat of Pint Pots, Chinese Snowball Viburnum Bush - 3 Gallon Pot, Confederate Jasmine Vine (Trachelospermum jasminoides) - 1 Gallon Pot, Aphrodite Sweetshrub (Carolina Allspice) - Calycanthus - 3 Gallon Pot, Pink Muhly Grass - Cotton Candy Grass - 3 Gallon Pot, Radicans Creeping Dwarf Gardenia - 1 Gallon Pot, Porcupine Zebra Grass (Miscanthus sinensis 'Strictus') - 3 Gallon Pot, Zebra Grass - Miscanthus sinensis 'Zebrinus' - 3 Gallon Pot, Variegated Maiden Grass - Miscanthus sinensis 'Variegatus' - 1 Gallon Pot, Little Zebra Grass - Miscanthus - 3 Gallon Pot, Little Kitten Dwarf Maiden Grass - Miscanthus sinensis - 3 Gallon Pot, Variegated Maiden Grass - Miscanthus sinensis 'Variegatus' - 3 Gallon Pot, Maiden Grass - Miscanthus sinensis 'Gracillimus' - 3 Gallon Pot, Zebra Grass - Miscanthus sinensis 'Zebrinus' - 1 Gallon Pot, Morning Light Maiden Grass - Miscanthus sinensis - 1 Gallon Pot, Maiden Grass - Miscanthus sinensis 'Gracillimus' - 1 Gallon Pot, Little Zebra Grass - Miscanthus - 1 Gallon Pot, Little Kitten Dwarf Maiden Grass - Miscanthus sinensis - 6 Pack of 1 Gallon Pots, Zebra Grass - Miscanthus sinensis 'Zebrinus' - 6 Pack of 1 Gallon Pots, Little Kitten Dwarf Maiden Grass - Miscanthus sinensis - 2 Gallon Pot, Adagio Dwarf Maiden Grass - Miscanthus sinensis - 3 Gallon Pot, Adagio Dwarf Maiden Grass - Miscanthus sinensis - 1 Gallon Pot, Maiden Grass - Miscanthus sinensis 'Gracillimus' - 6 Pack of 1 Gallon Pots, Little Kitten Dwarf Maiden Grass - Miscanthus sinensis - 1 Gallon Pot, Adagio Dwarf Maiden Grass (Miscanthus sinensis) - 6-Pack of 1 Gallon Pots, Little Zebra Grass - Miscanthus - 6 Pack of 1 Gallon Pots, Morning Light Maiden Grass - Miscanthus sinensis - 6 Pack of 1 Gallon Pots, Morning Light Maiden Grass - Miscanthus sinensis - 3 Gallon Pot, Variegated Maiden Grass - Miscanthus sinensis 'Variegatus' - 6 Pack of 1 Gallon Pots, Bandwidth Dwarf Zebra Grass - 1 Gallon Pot. When purschasing items from our nursery in person we only except cash or checks. Temporarily Out of Stock. An abundance of pink plumes that mature to fluffy silver hues grow among extremely tall arching green blades that fade to a purplish tinge in the fall. (takes 4000 plants to establish an acre), It is a perennial crop and will produce indefinitely with very little input. How much sunlight do I need? Moist chopped miscanthus added for moisture control. Giant Chinese Silver Grass otherwise known as Miscanthus x giganteus is a very large grass forming tall clumps of green leaves which arch towards the ground. The miscanthus field is being used as a bedding/hide area for not only deer but quail and turkey. and 06/02/2023. This fact sheet provides an enterprise budget for growing miscanthus. After the first year fertilization does not seem to speed up growth as all the plant needs is stored in the root system after a years growth. Trim back to the ground each spring . Browse through what is available at our nursery for pickup only. The colder temperatures keeps the rhizomes dormant and slows the growth. EASY PAYMENT WITH PAYPAL OR YOUR CREDIT CARD. For shipment planning; Approx. Please enable Javascript to run. It has been introduced to North America and Europe as an ornamental plant and for biofuel production. 2.) Miscanthus is drought tolerant, carbon sequestering and able to purify soils by locking up unwanted chemical in the roots. lift gate, notify customer, or limited access, please call us for a quote @ (989)743-4344. *Please note.. or 40 rhizomes = 1 lbs. Our shopping cart opened up for spring Rhizome sales. The rhizomes are planted about 4 deep and spaced 18 apart and in rows that are spaced 18-24 apart. Miscanthus grasses are a perennial plant introduced to North America near the end of the nineteenth century. 2023 Blue Sky Nursery Limited. Giant Chinese Silver Grass otherwise known as Miscanthus x giganteus is a very large grass forming tall clumps of green leaves which arch towards the ground. IN ADDITION IT REQUIRES NO PERMIT FROM MOST MUNICIPALITIES. This product is shipped bare root, without dirt. Services Miscanthus Mowing is another option but not nearly as good as burning. Field Seeding Date: N/A Rhizomes can be stored easily two weeks in a refrigerator or basement. Tolrant au sel. 4.) Dig a hole large enough to completely cover the root size you are planting. For years Real World customers have been using Real World switchgrass to create screening cover. The System has three major components field preparation before planting, rhizome harvesting from our nursery, planting of rhizome using our planting services. $189.00. There will typically be a 3-5% over-count (additional rhizomes) in each bag. It does not grow well in waterlogged sites and its woody roots can rot in these conditions. 00:00. The advantage of planting an individual rhizome is the cost. The two links below have a lot more information on the history of Miscanthus X Giganteus. To keep plants in a more dormant state, place in a area out of sunlight and heat. Refuge or Reservoir?. A wide range of PH is tolerated but growth is best between 5.5 and 7.5 PH. Harness Xtra is a pre-emergent that is labeled for giant miscanthus. and S. Raghu. 2009. Whether you use it for a hedge screen, focal point, or to decrease street noise, miscanthus plays a role in your yard and landscape. Contact Us. On early reservations you may change order quantities and ship date at any time by contacting our officeby phone or email or change it when you fill out the shopping cart after January 15th.Phone: (989)743-4344Email: don@mapleriverfarms.com. Home PageMiscanthus RhizomesShiny Leaf Yellow HornPhotos/VideoFeedback Miscanthus giganteus is the official name and it grows from rhizomes. Rsistant la scheresse They then negotiated with the patent holder of this specific variety and ultimately signed a contract to market it. Adequate moisture and 60 ground temperature will promote good growth. Plant 2 rhizomes per square metre. After the first year, only small quantities of nutrients will be needed every two to four years to help maintain good yields. For fertilizer simply use a generic triple-12 or triple-15 fertilizer. Fertilizing/Maintenance - Fertilizer demands are low due to the plant's efficient nutrient use and its ability to pull nutrient back down to the rhizomes at the end of each growing season. Prefers a moist environment and is happy to grow near water. Warning Real World Giant Miscanthus is a patent-protected cultivar. Once you receive your plants you should check the peat moss for moisture. divisions are usually spaced 1.5'-2' apart and 1 gal. When the leaves fall off during the winter, the cane will stand through the heaviest snowfall to provide your screen coverage. You are able to chose your arrival date (April1st to June 2nd) during checkout. Each root division is variable in size, but the rhizomes will be at least the size of a finger, with some being as large as 14 inches or more, as seen in the second photo below. 770-227-7962 or 404-569-0582. HARDY to -30 F (-34.4 C) We strongly encourage you to have your planting site ready and plant your rhizomes as soon as possible after receiving them. Ready to order, have a question, or need info? At this time online ordering is available for Miscanthus Giganteus, Intersectional Peonies and Herbaceous Peonies. Giant Miscanthus is substantial both in size and in good looks. 133 rhizomes are used per 100 feet. The colder temperatures keeps the rhizomes dormant and slows the growth. It is a non-invasive grass that does NOT produce viable seeds. Your February-April harvest should yield an expected volume of 6-7 metric tons per acre. Plant the first row of miscanthus right down the middle of the seed bed and then a row 2-3 on each side of the middle row. Apply follow-up applications of fertilizer in late winter or early spring. How you choose to plant depends on your budget. In the second year we will provide advice on care and feeding of your crop. Free shipping. It will survive fine in the environment it is shipped in. Depends on end use. Click this link to download the pdf file of "Evaluation of Miscanthus Winter Hardiness and Yield Potential in Ontario ‐ by Ben Rosser ". Apply follow-up applications of fertilizer in late winter or early spring. Due to Memorial Day shipping restrictions,arrival dates of May 28 and 29 are blocked. Crops grown for biomass can tolerate higher levels of insect and disease damage than those grown for food or ornamental use. 1/2 gal. All rights reserved. Blooms mid-spring HARDY to -30 F (-34.4 C) The plant requires no pesticides or fertilizer, this is due to the fact that they simply store up the nutrients that they manufacture (much like a bulb does). 3.) We also provide services during the first year to ensure that you have a successful crop. A: Bare root Miscanthus Giganteus is packed in moistened peat moss and held in plastic bags. Please feel free to explore our site, drop us an e-mail or call with any questions. Miscanthus rhizomes should be planted in the spring once the soil can be worked. There are higher yields being reported yearly. Moist chopped miscanthus added for moisture control. The rate of spread/blockage isn't faster but you do gain height, establishment percentage, more stalks, and a year of establishment of the screen. *Indicates pests commonly mentioned as causing significant damage or economic loss to this crop in other regions. One supersac per pallet. Now with Real World Giant Miscanthus you can combine the two tall grasses to create the ultimate screen. That rate would require approximately 4,850 plants per acre. Miscanthus giganteus, or elephant grass, a woody perennial grass native to Asia, is your answer. approx. We are located in Georgia close to I-75 between Macon and Atlanta. This grass averages 10-25 tons of dry biomass per acre yearly with good rainfall. We refused to sell a product that we knew would ultimately not do what was expected of it. It is a vigorous plant, roughly quadrupling in a years time! (a patented, non-invasive tall grass species), KEEP THIS PRODUCT BETWEEN 35-45oF UNTIL READY TO PLANT. Because of the huge yields it produces per acre, miscanthus is used primarily for bio-fuel production. The prices below are considered cash or check prices. But a yearly fertilization schedule will promote more growth in rhizomes and stalks. Bulk bags of 10,000 rhizomes $5,300 plus shipping. This product is shipped bare root, without dirt. Miscanthus is another promising bioenergy crop, particularly a triploid Miscanthus giganteus. At the same time we spray 2-4D based herbicide to knock back the new weed seed germination that has taken place. GLM wants you to succeed, it is in both our interests. Miscanthus can be co-fired with existing coal boilers. It is about a two week process. Therefore, individual rhizomes used in bulk offer a greater cost savings. Real World Wildlife Products president Don Higgins first planted miscanthus grass on his farm several years ago and was so impressed with what he saw and the potential that this plant offers the wildlife land manager that he put in considerable time and effort learning more about this extremely tall grass. At full maturity it can yield up to 12 tons of dry material per acre (about fourth year on). The individual rhizomes should be planted in a double line. greenhouse, storage facility). Making a plant bare root disturbs the feeder root system, the finer roots of the plant. Miscanthus Giganteus report prepared for US Department of Energy. This grass is similar to other root grown plants, like bulbs, and peonies. After looking at numerous miscanthus cultivars the Real World team focused on one specific variety that they felt would be the very best for screening and other habitat applications. 2.5-Quart Nassella Mexican Feather Grass in Pot (L14384) Model # 0881292. Good choice for those difficult areas such as steep banks. We now chop with an older 3940 John Deer with a F67 Dion head for biomass. If broadleaf weeds become an issue later in the summer, spray with 2-4D. Hear Eric Allphin describe why Miscanthus is an answer for marginal ground: 00:00. It grows in a 10-foot, arching shape with deep green, wide leaves. This grass is sterile triploid (three sets of chromosomes) formed by a natural cross of miscanthus sacchariflorus and miscanthus sinensis. When planted in this manner, most small to medium miscanthus stay relatively confined. Plant at least 3 rows for good screening, 5 rows is better. Lacy Creek Growers, LLC., 7338 Kinsel Hwy., Vermontville, MI, 49096 (517) 726-0026 Copyright 2010 Lacy Creek Growers, LLC. The larger bulk bags are shipped directly from the grower to ensure that you get the freshest rhizomes possible. Mowing is another option but not nearly as good as burning. $194.00. Once plants are established there is little need to fertilize. Can I dig up and replant rhizomes and transplant to other areas? for sale, I have several pots of Micanthus for sale, very attractive, extremely useful per. We have 30 individual rhizomes in a flat rate box for $36.95, this includes shipping. The main advantage of planting clusters is you get more growth the first year and is more than likely to hit full height the second year. Real World is licensed by the patent holder to market this specific variety of miscanthus. E MAIL US TODAY A hedge is made of closely planted shrubs or other plants which, as they grow and are trimmed and shaped or left to grow natural, form a straight or curved solid wall or fence of foliage from 1 to 10 feet in height. By year three you should have great screening cover although it can be very adequate before that. Start the fall before you intend to plant by creating a 12-15 wide seed bed where you want your screen. Website Design and Development by GRAYBOX in Portland, OR, Water needs: keep evenly moist; sensitive to too much water on roots, Fertilizing: use a slow-release, medium-rate fertilizer, Possible pests: spidermites, aphids, mealybugs, fungus gnat larvae, Anthracnose (leaf spot), Overwintering: cold frame with clear poly, do not overwater, A great anchor for the deep perennial borders or screen plantings, Use as a background and plant contrasting perennials in foreground, Outstanding fall color with persistent winter interest, Can be an out-of-the-ordinary container plant. Get Current Availability: Site Prep Choose a planting site that gets full sunlight and is a good distance away from trees and other competing vegetation. *Requirements to Commercial Ship: Commercial business address and a fork loader to unload the pallet. All order quantities are individually counted for accuracy. Miscanthus Gracillimus 72 ornamental grasses wholesale lot Zone 5-10. 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miscanthus giganteus for sale ontario