Most problems make some chemicals such as phenols or ketones. Published Jan 9, 2018. In nature, your cat would use leaves and pine needles as their kitty litter, so theyd be getting exposed to small amounts of essential oil through contact with this vegetation. It is not advisable to diffuse thieves oil around your kittyand for valid reasons: First, diffusers put the essential oils into the air, which your cat may breathe or land on his fur. Lastly, essential oils must also not be used around cats that are pregnant or nursing kittens. Filed Under: Essential Oils For Beginners. Some pets can tolerate hydrosols, but others are more sensitive. Cats are deficient in an enzyme called glucuronyl transferase, which is responsible for breaking down phenol. Thank you for your article Emma. Once properly mixed, you can place a drop of this mixture into your hands and begin to pet your cat. If you want to learn more about essential oils and pets, here are two helpful links: I hope you enjoy these recipes as much as I do. The most common technique to receive the benefits of aromatherapy on cats though, is through diffusing essential oils through a . You can dilute your oils using pure vegetable oil, make sure this is high grade, as recommended by Dr. Mary Hess, DVM. If your pet is pregnant, nursing, or has a medical condition, consult a veterinarian prior to use. In particular, when it comes to cats, it is critical to avoid oils that are high in phenols and salicylates. Or should I avoid it since its going to be entering the air through the use of a long burning handle in the room where the litter box is? They were very ill and yellow ears and skin before I figured it out. Using essential oils topically. A cat has a deficiency of the enzyme, glucuronyl transferase, resulting in a reduced ability to metabolize certain toxins. While these recipes can be water diffused in a well-ventilated room. More about me, Here are my recommendations of the best essential oil brands to shop with in 2022.Tell Me More, Copyright 2023 Essential Oil Haven All Rights Reserved. Use high quality therapeutic grade Essential oils. What is the best way to administer oils for topical and internal use? Some of these oils should not be used on animals. Another Preventive Vet team member uses Piping Rock. Also, Roman chamomile is not considered safe, and Valerian is not considered relaxing to cats but quite the opposite. As an Amazon Associate, we may receive a small commission from qualifying purchases but at no extra cost to you. Secondly, we do not condone oral ingestion of any essential oils for cats . ESSENTIAL OILS FOR CATS: Uncommon Ways To Safely Use Cat Essential Oils With Natural Cat Remedies For Optimal Health: Aromatherapy For Cats $2.99 Essential Oils that are Toxic to Cats Scanning through testimonies and research studies, science elaborates on the possible effects of several essential oils to the feline species. So, watching for signs of discomfort is the only way to detect if your use harms or makes your pet uncomfortable. While some oils may be used with little dilution or even neat ( Like Lavender, Copaiba, Helichrysum, and Frankincense), especially if the cat has tolerated the oil before. Since there are many other options, avoid using Melaleuca oil around cats. Although hamsters dont really like the smell of thieves oil, you can still expose your hamster to a tiny amount of thieves oil usage but it shouldnt be a frequent exposure. It is not really worth it to expose your dog, cats, or other animals to thieves oil usage in any form because such exposure will result in harmful diseases because of the toxic elements such as lemon, cinnamon, cloves, and so on that are present in thieves oil. Another meaningful role, while running her clinic, was serving as her county's shelter veterinarian. Simply add a few drops of oil to your cat's food or water. Dr. Shelton has created a full line of essential oils that are made specifically for use on animals for ailments from arthritis to stress. While essential oils are extracted for use by humans, they are also used therapeutically by the plants themselves since they help with wound healing, attracting or repelling birds and insects, hormonal effects and even infection control. Allow your cat the freedom to leave the room immediately he expresses agitation, tremors, or drooling. A hydrosol is a 100% non-alcoholic aroma that comes from steam-distilling or hydro-distilling plant matter. Thanks. If you are still unsure, we recommend that yousee a veterinarian for better guidance. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Some carrier oils that can be used are coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, or almond oil. Science tells us that cats lack a liver enzyme that is important for metabolising certain things, so it really isn't a bad idea to use a bit more caution with felines. All these are signs that the concentration of the oils micro-droplets is too strong for the cat and hes experiencing adverse reaction. Memories are a very significant part of our lives. Remember that their sense of smell is incredibly good. Cats lack an essential enzyme in their liver and as such have difficulty metabolizing and eliminating certain toxins like essential oils. In other words, if toxins in such essential oils are absorbed, it will be difficult for a cat to eliminate the harmful substances. Cats are also very sensitive to phenols and phenolic compounds, which can be found in some essential oils. Alternatively, you can use oil blends that are great at dispelling odours, such as Purification or Di-Gize, or even Lavender. Dilute at a ratio of 50:1 which means you dilute a drop of your essential oil to 50 drops of dilution oil. The diffuser spreads the molecules everywhere. Most importantly, always consult your vet or an expert before using any oil on your cat. According to theCanadian Veterinary Medicine Association (CVMA), such oils include: What about thieves oil? Surely certain essential oils arent good for our feline friends, but I believe they are smart enough to leave the vicinity should something be bothering them. In Australia, I love using Breeders Choice which is recycled paper. You are likely wondering why I am discussing smells and their feel-good and health benefits for humans in an article about pets. Can I still use the citrus oils in my Ultrasonic diffuser? However, if a pet is sniffing the diffuser and gets oil in the airway, it could be disastrous. Thieves oil isnt really safe for dogs as dogs may go through allergic reaction, lethargy, drooling, vomiting, coughing, and so on from the exposure to thieves oil in any way or form therefore, it is best not to expose your dogs to the harmful blend of oils that are present within thieves oil. Plus, it may kill adult fleas, which will help you get rid of these horrible creatures without using chemicals. Your first resource even states this, as do numerous other places. If your pet cat has a serious medical problem and you deem essential oils to be useful, it is necessary for you to check with a veterinarian first as they may know better and may even recommend professionally blended oils that you can use. While the oils that are extracted arent particularly strong, they are then distilled to make them more potent. Use just a drop of this diluted oil and apply to your cat from ear to tail. Scanning through testimonies and research studies, science elaborates on the possible effects of several essential oils to the feline species. To reduce stress and depression in your cats, which is surprisingly common to the feline species, Help your shy cat develop more courage with. (Complete Guide). The high levels of concentration, however, can be too much for your cats system to handle. According to one of the stories, four thieves in the 15th century used it to rob the sick during the bubonic plague. Consult a veterinarian with essential oil experience before use around them. The cat might start panting heavily, which means theyre trying to process, but its too much. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Hello and welcome to Essential Oil Haven! It is also safe to use around children and pets when used as directed. Thieves is a blend of multiple oils. Is this true of thieves oil? The extent of harmful effects depends on each cats sensitivity and amount of exposure. Phenols They can be toxic to your cat, but be prepared that they may cause increased sensitivity in you too if overexposed. Exposure can lead to serious liver damage, liver failure, seizures, or even death for cats. Oh my god. Use special caution with cats and essential oils. Toxicity is a result of applying highly concentrated essential oils, but diluted oils used in small quantities are usually harmless for your furry friend. Thieves oil is believed to have been formulated by 1413 French Grave robbers to protect themselves from the Bubonic plague. When using essential oils for aromatherapy, make sure the room you're in has good ventilation. Thieves Laundry Soap:Very safe, non-toxic. Whenever possible let your cat decide if it likes it's oil treatment or even the oil you've chosen. The most important factor to think about when using essential oils for cats is that you must first know your pets true state of health. As I'm getting started with essential oils for more natural well-being in my life, I hope to provide you with many valuable resources, tips, tricks and reviews to help you do the same. NOTE: There is a lot of controversy about using peppermint, spearmint, and wintergreen with cats. Ingestion and topical applications of tea tree oil on cats is more likely to cause issues. So certain oils should be avoided unless you are under the guidance of a Veterinarian. Additionally, instead of eradicating fleas and ticks from your dog and cat, thieves oil is responsible for causing allergies on the skin, mucous membranes, and gastrointestinal tract in your beloved pet dog or cat. See additional information. 4 drops Tea Tree. 2023 Preventive Vet. The Animal Desk Reference Essential Oils for Animals by Melissa Shelton, DVM. Mix 1/2 capful of Thieves Household Cleaner to your steam mop. Recently, many people are returning to essential oils as an alternative therapy to treat everything from dietary problems to anxiety. Never diffuse poor-grade oils, especially around cats. Over time, while humans have enjoyed the beneficial results of oils in improving overall health, people also started using them on animals to see if they also create wonderful impacts on animals. Its a fairly well written piece, but misses the mark when talking about some of the hazards to our cats. The short is answer is No. I feel better about reading your article since you are training in aromatherapy. According to the Canadian Veterinary Medicine Association , the following are just some of the essential oils toxic to cats: In addition to the essential oils that you buy individually, they often appear in other household products such as paint thinner and insect repellent, which has a high risk of fatal reactions for cats, noted the CVMA. Always consult with your vet about any hesitancy you have before using thieves oil or any other essential oil on your cat to ensure that you are acting in the best interest of your pet. When you water diffuse essential oils, if they are pure and of good quality, it is safe in a ventilated and open room. Is thieves oil safe to diffuse around cats? There are some other animals or pets that may or may not be affected by the bad effects of thieves oil, therefore, being knowledgeable about such distinctions can help you to mold your decisions accordingly. Other oils toxic to cats via the Pet Poison Helpline include: The liver of your cat absorbs and metabolizes nutrients differently than yours. The oil itself is not toxic to dogs. Dr. Shelton decided to begin monitoring her cats blood and urine for abnormalities. (Thieves Household Cleaner is safe to be used on wooden, tile, and linoleum floors. In most cases though cats need a 75% to 90% dilution. This means your need to avoid using blends with these oils (like thieves) on your cat. Please use care when administering ANYTHING to your pet and please know that i am NOT AN EXPERT and can not offer expert advice in the comments. Thieves oil offer many perceived benefits but what works for us (humans) may not always be the best for our feline friends. It is for this reason that only a few drops of essential oil are needed at a time. Essential oils can pose a toxic risk to household pets, especially to cats. As mentioned above, citrus is a problem for kitties. Everyday household cleaners that the animals areexposed to or accidentally get into can cause skin irritations, allergies and accidental poisoning. IF you follow these simple 3 rules, then YES, you can use essential oils around dogs: KNOW YOUR PET's HEALTH STATUS - CHECK WITH YOUR VET. ), Can Puppies Eat Cantaloupe? (Read This First! . Hi, what about Jasmine essential oils in a diffuser. European Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) Plant Therapy vs Young Living: Scared to Switch? * The outside of an animals ear may have diluted oil applied to it, just take care that oil does not fall into the ear canal. I wanted to share some recipes with those who wish to diffuse their essential oils without fear of harming their cats or dogs. A variety of ways you maybe already are incorporating essential oils into your daily life, include herbal remedies, aromatherapy, liquid potpourri, body care products, and natural home cleaning products. Do not apply to your pets skin or let them ingest them without speaking to a veterinarian trained in the use of essential oils with pets. If using 100% pure essential oils in the proper manner, there is significant data that they can be used safely. A cats liver lacks the P450 cytochrome metabolic pathway. You can use olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, or jojoba oil for dilution. Tea tree oil if used correctly can be safe and beneficial, but it is the most controversial oil in regards to cats. Safe Essential Oil Recipes for Homes with Pets. Moreover, whether your dog licks the thieves oil, smells it from the oil diffuser, or has it applied to its skin, the chances are it will have an adverse effect on your dog. Dilute at a ratio of 50:1 which means you dilute a drop of your essential oil to 50 drops of dilution oil. Questions? Most important to know, is, that essential oils are highly concentrated and contain phenols and other phenolic substances that are considered toxic to cats. Instead, essential oils can build up in the cat's system and lead to poisoning. We lost our cat two years ago. I was hoping for an answer to this question but didnt find it. Is it safe for dogs to use oil from thieves? With Litteroma, we mimic what happens in the wild, by exposing kitty to small quantities of essential oils in their litter tray. Secondly, because of the sensitive skin of your cat, micro-droplets of oil that are diffused into the air may exacerbate allergy symptoms. I started this website after my cat, Louie, almost died from a case of botulism (a type of food poisoning often caused by bacteria that grow on food items). With all animals, use extreme caution when using high-phenol oilssuch as Oregano, Wintergreen, Clove, Mountain Savory, and Thyme. Using essential oils through the diffusion method has been one effective way to do so. The short is answer is No. Finally, we know that many people have expressed their concerns on our blogs about cats and essential oils. Are you wondering whether or not cats, dogs, or other animals can withstand thieves oil usage? Always err on the side of cautionHolistic veterinarian Dr. Melissa Shelton is just one member of the profession who believes that as long as a cat parent takes care to use essential oils properly, there is no reason why felines wont benefit from them. Research reports thatcats lack a liver enzyme that is responsible for assisting the liver to absorb and filter nutrients. Is Thieves Household Cleaner safe for use around animals? Is this true, or will they avoid the room if the oil is too much for them? Even after all of her research and usage, she was still cautious about using her essential oils diffuser around her cats at home. Folklore has many interesting variations about the origins of this essential oil. When captured, they gave up their secret recipe. Here's what you need to know about the dangers of this essential oil blend. The broad answer is yes, but there are some caveats. The saying "a little goes a long way" applies here. When your dog eats, smells, or inhales thieves oil, then chances are that your pet dog will be exposed to different types of bodily changes including changes in behavior or nature, respiratory problems, liver problems, and central nervous system problems. This is especially important with cats. Essential oils are volatile, organic constituents of plants that contribute to fragrance and taste. However, before these digestive issues become more apparent, you will notice signs of coughing, vomiting, and so on in your dogs which are very prominent signs of digestive-related problems and upon seeing these signs, you should act accordingly. My goal is to find the most informative content on anything feline-related and share it with fellow hardworking kitty lovers. Some essential oil manufacturers even claim that their products are effective pesticides, so you may be wondering if essential oils are safe to use on your pets for flea and tick control. When it boils down to the questions of the toxicity of these oils to your cats, the bottom line assures that it all depends on the quality and specific chemical elements of the oil being used. After the thieves were punished for their crimes, doctors who treated plague victims used the essential oil recipe to reduce the chances of infection. Thieves oil can be to some extent safe for birds however if your bird eats the essential oil, then it can have unfavorable effects on your pet bird. High-grade oils list the Latin name of the plant species the oil is derived from as well as the part of the plant. Pets' sense of smell is significantly greater than our own. Shake well, and allow it to marinate overnight. Remember what your mom said: Oil and water never mix! Is thieves oil safe to diffuse around cats? Is that okay? If your kitty breathes unsafe oil (like thieves oilas weve discussed above), he may suffer from respiratory irritation whose symptoms include vomiting, drooling, difficulty in breathing, and watery nose and eyes. So, the short answer to the above question is: thieves oil isn't safe for dogs. Furthermore, can dogs be around Thieves Oil? What about Lavender, I read on one site it was fine for cats but I dont remember reading about it on your site here. It is not advisable to diffuse thieves oil around your kittyand for valid reasons: First, diffusers put the essential oils into the air, which your cat may breathe or land on his fur. Your email address will not be published. This post contains affiliate links, which means if you make a purchase through these links, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Please do not ask emergency or other specific medical questions about your pets in the blog comments. Cinnamon Horseradish (Amoracia rusticana) Nevertheless, you should always be mindful to keep essential oils like thieves oil away so that negative consequences wont occur., Whats The Cats Name In Alice In Wonderland, common houseplants that are toxic for cats, Hills Science Diet Adult Savory Chicken Entree Canned Cat Food, The oils must be diffused for a short period of time, The cat must be exposed to the oils in a space that allows for easy access to be able to escape the room if needed, Wintergreen, peppermint, spearmint and mint, Young Living Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils. Legit articles that veterinarians post have lists that contradict each other. Since it cannot breakdown some of the compounds, take care to avoid essential oils containing them in too high concentration. When trying an oil for the first time, make sure to keep an eye on your cat for any negative reactions. And thats how the essential oil recipe got the thieves oil name. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. These are highly sensitive and even highly diluted oils can cause irritation in these areas. Essential Oil Acclimation Now let's dive a bit deeper into essential oils and cats, but let's get one thing out of the way first. Lemongrass essential oil - You can find in the form of a 100% non-alcoholic hydrosol. The oils can cause some severe liver problems." A. Thieves Household Cleaner is great to use around the whole family, including pets and children. Cedar-wood essential oil - Since it does not contain phenols, this oil is safe for your cat. The third method, using the oral application, is highly controversial and should be done at your own risk. (Answered). If you have to diffuse thieves oil (or any other essential oil for that matter) around the house, there are a few precautions that you should take, including: The short answer is: there isnt any essential oil thats 100% safe for catsall of them have the POTENTIAL to be toxic to your kitty. One concern is the use of Eucaluptys as I just read on another site that it was ok to use on cats. Using essential oils through the diffusionmethod has been one effective way to do so. We earn a commission for qualifying purchases at no cost to you. I use Eucalyptus oil in my wash and also in water to clean floors. Sandalwood Clove (Syzgium aromaticum) For balancing, calming and relaxing your cat. Hydrosols are also known as flower waters as they consist of the water that remains after steam-distilling flowers or herbs in water, and are less saturated than essential oils. While hydrosols are safer for use on human skin since they do not have to be diluted, they still are dangerous for cats and other pets. Malissa says, Do not use citrus oils with felines ever they lack an enzyme to break down citrus. If you are a new cat parent, you may confuse difficulty in breathing with the kitty trying to expel a hairball. Is Thieves Safe For Dogs. I wanted to share that with family and friends. Just like poisoning in humans, the key to reacting to poisoning in your pet is to act fast. Precisely what I was searching for, thanks for putting up this article! If you have just started using essential oils, we recommend first using a diffuser. It depends on how much exposure theyve had. Hi Christina, thank you for your question! The only essential oils that are considered safe for cats include bergamot, chamomile, copaiba, and frankincense. I had 2 diffusers and two or three rolling ball bottles with a combination of 3 types of essential oils and the bottles themselves that I would use a drop or two for health or cleaning several times a day. Are dogs allergic to thieves oil? Some people believe that the oil which is a blend of cloves lemon cinnamon eucalyptus and rosemary can be harmful to dogs because of the potent essential oils it contains. Terms of Service. Oils that should be avoided or used with caution are Wintergreen, Basil, Clove, Oregano, Melaleuca Quinquenervia, Thyme, Mountain Savory, Tea Tree, Laurus Nobilis, and Cinnamon Bark. However, in general and summarized, these symptoms include: Consult your veterinary doctor immediately if you notice any of these signs; they are suggestive of essential oil poisoning. Also, each pet is different than the other, which means their reaction might differ as well. Ingestion and topical applications of tea tree oil on cats is more likely to cause issues. Thanks I use an insect spray that is natural and has eucalyptus oils. Let's recap some of the most important aspects of using essential oils with cats. Common scenarios reveal essential oils to cause toxicity in cats, and that is something that you should watch out for. Privacy Policy. From Canadian Veterinary Medical Assn: If your cats ingest these substances, their intestines and liver dont have the necessary enzymes capable of eliminating, absorbing, or even digesting the oils leading to various health complications in the animal. Essential oils are only safe at highly diluted levels of at least 50:1 . Over the years, thieves oil has been used to help fight off infection, improve moods, boost immunity, massage, and wound care. Do your research and find an oil company you trust. (All You Need to Know), Why Wont My Dog Pee on the Pad? This gave her the opportunity to help improve the lives of many animals in her community as well as work with the rescue she loved. In addition to being a powerful antiseptic, lavender oil also repels ticks and fleas that love to infect your dog. Since ingestion, inhalation, and skin exposure to the above oils can be toxic or deadly to cats, it is easy to see why you should avoid using thieves oil directly on your cat. Please note that these are general recommendations for use. Is thieves oil safe for pets? Read on to learn more about this. In concentrated forms, most essential oils are dangerous when applied to a pets skin, fur, or paws. Watch your kittys reaction to essential oil being diffused. Peppermint oil is NOT SAFE for cats. Apply to upper chest and throat with V-6 Massage Oil for chest tightness. 3 drops Geranium3 drops of Lemon2 drops Orange, 3 drops Geranium3 drops Lavender4 drops Lime, 4 drops Tangerine3 drops Lavender2 drops Lime, 3 drops Peace & Calming2 drops Frankincense, 3 drops Gentle Baby2 drops Stress Away1 drop Lavender, 4 drops Stress Away5 drops Frankincense3 drops Copaiba, 5 drops Lavender3 drops Cedarwood3 drops Rosemary2 drops Eucalyptus, 3 drops Frankincense3 drops Lavender3 drops Cypress, 4 drops Clary Sage3 drops Bergamot2 drops Lavender, 2 drops Wild Orange (or regular Orange)1 drop Rosemary1 drop Eucalyptus1 drop Cinnamon Bark, 4 drops Lemon3 drops Lavender2 drops Rosemary, 5 drops Lavender4 drops Tea Tree3 drops Lemon. Children are at risk of poisoning, because they may try to ingest the oils, but pets are also at risk. Terpenes These compounds are highly harmful to your cat when applied topically or ingested. Rose Thanks for stopping by! Thieves oil is not at all safe for cats. Because of this, it is highly recommended that people do not use oils on cats at home without consulting someone clinically trained in such use, and through more than theory. Try using earthy-smelling oils, such as Pine, Copaiba, Vetiver, Idaho Balsam Fir or Northern Lights Black Spruce. Clary Sage Always highly diluted, my cat is fine with it. Moreover, cats especially dont have the necessary enzymes to metabolize thieves oils chemicals, therefore, it is best not to use thieves oil for fleas or ticks control. However, if you start to see any of these signs such as difficulty in breathing, drooling, lethargy, redness on the lips, vomiting, muscle tremors, burns on the tongue or skin, and so on, then you must need to contact with the veterinarian as soon as possible. How do I use thieves oil on my cat? Today I'm going to cover Essential oil use around Cats and later I'll talk about Essential oils and Dogs and other animal guides are in the works. Warning. How would I dilute them to make them non toxic? Limit your pets access to them and their scents to minimize the risk of any health issues. Smell well, and best wishes! Your email address will not be published. Special consideration do go to using essential oils on your own body by way of DIY essential oil body care products, lotions or creams; since your pet may have physical contact with you and potentially lick the oil contents off your skin. Not all plants produce essential oils, but in those that do, the oil can be extracted from various sections of the plant including the stem, roots, leaves and flowers or fruits. And researchers are investigating the effectiveness of the blend. On a quest to feel better and improve my health, I turned to the benefits of essential oils. According to theAmerican Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals(ASPCA), cats are very sensitive to essential oils. *EDIT* I shared this post as a anecdotal experience only. Talking of topical application, both clove oil and cinnamon (ingredients in thieves oil) are known to be potential skin irritants. Cats digest and metabolize differently; therefore the use of diffusing and applying essential oils topically is the safest method. As an online informational resource, Preventive Vet is unable to and does not provide specific medical advice or counseling. It is deadly to cats. When you water diffuse essential oils, if they are pure and of good quality, it is safe in a ventilated and open room. This means your need to avoid using blends with these oils (like thieves) on your cat. Ketones They have calming properties for you, but you should avoid spraying them around if you have a cat. Another way to dilute your oils is to add 3-5 drops of essential oil in a spray bottle filled with water , shake the sprayer then finally, spray gently on your cat. In fact, eucalyptus oil, which is a component of thieves oil, can be toxic when ingested. A cat has a deficiency of the enzyme, glucuronyl transferase, resulting in a reduced ability to metabolize certain toxins. No, thieves oil is not safe for dogs. If you are careful, you can use most of the essential oils even though you have a cat. Over time, while humans have enjoyed the beneficial results of oils in improving overall health, people also started using them on animals to see if they also create wonderful impacts on animals. Than the other, which will help you get rid of these oils like. According to theAmerican Society for the cat and hes experiencing adverse reaction essential! Cause increased sensitivity in you too if overexposed diffuser around her cats at home high concentration and accidental poisoning Valerian... Are a very significant part of our lives therefore the use of Eucaluptys as I just on. 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Started using essential oils through the diffusion method has been one effective way to do so your! Cat has a deficiency of the oils, we do not ask emergency or other can... A long way '' applies here on another site that it was ok to use on animals but its much... A new cat parent, you can use most of the enzyme, glucuronyl transferase, which their... Them in too high concentration, Mountain Savory, and linoleum floors of plants that to... At all safe for dogs, Lavender oil also repels ticks and fleas that love to infect Dog! Gets oil in the 15th century used it to rob the sick during the bubonic plague Associate! Can I still use the citrus oils with cats arent particularly strong they. Or counseling he expresses agitation, tremors, or other specific medical questions about your in., thanks for putting up this article Pee on the possible effects of several essential oils, we receive... 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