Without it repose is but idleness, labour but trouble; therefore, I beseech you, cleave steadily to it, and never forsake it (91). He goes on to also discuss how one can become spiritually dry, and strategies to combat that dryness. How to make a General Confession. We are gradually being formed by our desires and resolutions. While the letters are addressed to "Philothea" (Lover of God), they include the substance of correspondence with others as well as Marie de Charmoisy. Search the history of over 804 billion CHAPTER V. Examination of your Condition as regards yourself. The historical record suggests that her name was Louise, but somewhere around 2015, scholars start referring to her as Marie) The correspondence began when Madame de Charmoisy, in Annecy, confided to Francis her desire for piety amidst the struggles and distractions associated with life at court. When I saw in the Life of St. Catherine of Sienna her many raptures and elevations of spirit, her many words of wisdom, nay, even sermons uttered by her, I doubted not but that, with the eye of contemplation, she had ravished the heart of her Heavenly Spouse. You will always find His eyes fixed upon you with unchangeable love (84). We must develop a spirit of resistance, strengthened by continual prayer, participation in the Sacraments, and trust in God. He died in 1622 on December 28, and was canonized by Pope Alexander VII in 1665. This book was like having a saint as your personal spiritual director. We are not always able to banish the temptation but we can take no pleasure in the sin and refuse consent. (4) Holy submission to God Abandon yourself entirely to Gods Providence, willing that He should do what He will with you amidst your thorns and your desires (286). Of Temptations, and the difference between experiencing them and consenting to them. Privacy. His feast is celebrated on January 24. CHAPTER IX. "Ogden O.S.F.S., Edward. If charity be milk, devotion is the cream; if charity be a plant, devotion is its flowers; if charity be a precious stone, devotion is its lustre; if charity be a rich balm, devotion is its odour: yea, the odour of sweetness, which comforts men and rejoices angels (8). We will keep fighting for all libraries - stand with us! ), PRAY WITH CATHOLICS EVERYWHERE TO SAVE AMERICA. I found this edition the most authentic one: February 4, 2012: Finished it today and it has renewed my enthusiasm to reread all the spiritual classics and not just read them, but live them. YOU aim at a devout life, dear child, because as a Christian you know that such devotion is most acceptable to God's Divine Majesty. Description of True Devotion 1 II. We must attend to the Business of Life carefully, but without Eagerness or Over-anxiety. The "Introduction" is composed of five parts or "books", each pertaining to a stage in the Christian's spiritual journey. Let your speech be gentle, frank, sincere, clear, simple, and truthful. For example, boldly acknowledge that you would rather die than commit amortal sin. It is. web pages Have you voluntarily brought on the sin yourself? Strive to extract holy thoughts and pious aspirations from all the varying circumstances of our mortal life. Let us reflect upon all He has done for us, and all we have done against Him; and as we count over our sins in detail, even so let us count over His mercies (131). CHAPTER II. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. CHAPTER I. By St. Francis de Sales Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V Part First. Is living a holy life possible for those called to a vocation other than the religious life? #firstvideoonyoutube #newcatholicchannel #catholicbookreviewSummary and review of the book Introduction to the devout life by St. Francis de Sales.You can buy the book here: https://tanbooks.com/products/books/saints/books-by-saints/an-introduction-to-the-devout-life/?rfsn=7080582.365fbeOr on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3M47lv7By using the link above you support my channel as I get paid a small percentage of your purchase. His feast is celebrated on January 24. It has led many to devotion and, as literature, has contributed to the French language. CHAPTER IV. Make contrary acts above all, acts of the love of God (*best way to overcome the enemy because the love of God contains the perfection of all virtues*). In doing so, any loss will not deprive us of composure or tranquility. Jenkins examine St. Francis de Sales' Philothea, or An Introduction to the Devout Life: How a double-minded man is also a double. Advice to married persons there is no union so precious and so fruitful between husband and wife as that of holy devotion, in which they should mutually lead each and sustain each other it is truly a blessed state in which the faithful husband and wife sanctify one another in the sincere fear of the Lord (235). St. Francis de Sales explains how to turn that desire for sanctity into resolutions that yield grace-filled results. Join the movement! Never omit this exercise any more than that of the morning, for as by the latter you open the windows of your soul to the sun of righteousness, so by these evening devotions you close them against the darkness of Hell (83). Sketch of the Life of St. Francis of Sales v A Dedicatory Prayer xiii The Author's Preface xv PART THE FIRST CONTAINING THE COUNSELS AND EXERCISES NECESSARY FOR CONDUCTING THE SOUL FROM ITS FIRST DESIRE FOR THE DEVOUT LIFE TO A FULL RESOLUTION TO EMBRACE IT I. Introduction to the Devout Life is one of the great religious and devotional masterpieces. He offers exercises to strengthen ones resolution to the devout life, an annual personal examination to assess one's status, progress, or backsliding, and finally offers concluding counsels. It is well yearly to renew Good Resolutions by means of the following Exercises. A message from theCatholic Classics podcast hosts:St. to whom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be all honor and glory, now and throughout the endless ages of eternity. CONTAINING NEEDFUL COUNSELS CONCERNING SOME ORDINARY TEMPTATIONS. But, all things in moderation, and in careful consideration of consequences to the soul. The Impressions which should remain after this Exercise. Written over 400 years ago, the Introduction to the Devout Life is still one of the most popular books for those pursuing holiness. Saint Frances de Sales, great saint that he is and patron saint of writers, leads you through a purification of the soul, the purging of sin in ones life and, indeed, in the cleansing of ones soul. . Consolation must encourage us to humility and good works. The Sanctity of the Marriage Bed. When Madame de Charmoisy returned to Paris, she showed the letters to her confessor, Jesuit Father Jean Fourier, who encouraged De Sales to publish them. If we persevere, we shall gradually, by the help of His grace, learn to speak, to act and will like Him (61). COUNSELS AND PRACTICES SUITABLE FOR THE SOUL'S GUIDANCE FROM THE FIRST ASPIRATION AFTER A DEVOUT LIFE TO THE POINT WHEN IT ATTAINS A CONFIRMED RESOLUTION TO FOLLOW THE SAME. Amen. Classic Catholic book by St. Francis de Sales on how to grow in devotion and holiness in everyday life while living in the world Addeddate 2021-05-25 17:26:06 Identifier an-introduction-to-the-devout-life Pray 12 minutes a day to help God save America. CHAPTER XI. This book was written for people with desire to be closer to God, a desire DeSales found on all levels of society, and the reason he wrote this book. The classic handbook for ordinary people who want to live spiritually devout lives continues, with advice on how to resist temptations and constantly renew your commitment to loving and serving God. We must purify ourselves from all venial sins and evil inclinations and have adetachment from all useless activities. Let St. Francis de Sales illumine the path to holiness and strengthen your desire to walk that road with the Lord. Growing in virtue Saint Francis de Sales. Search Introduction to the Devout Life: Preface by the Author Part I: Attaining a Firm Resolution to the Devout Life CHAPTER IX. CHAPTER XVII. It was. CHAPTER X. The Need of a Guide for those who would enter upon and advance in the Devout Life. "[5] "It is an error, or rather a heresy, to wish to banish the devout life from the regiment of soldiers, the mechanic's shop, the court of princes, or the home of married people. Free shipping for many products! Things that I did not recall reading before were powerful this time around. $1.99; $1.99; Publisher Description. I did find I had to seep up Gregory and Jacob, but even with that it was great to listen to their commentary each day, and read their commentary before the different sections of the book. something w lots depth and wisdom that would challenge and shake me up a bit. During his lifetime, Francis de Sales gave spiritual direction to many individuals. Chastity has its origin in the heart and its substance in the body. CHAPTER XXII. Use utmost care and diligence in resisting these. Examination of the Soul's Condition as regards our Neighbour. 4 ways to do this (only choose 1 and keep it short and simple): (2) Invocation Humble yourself before God and ask for thegrace to serve and worship Him in your meditation. CHAPTER II. This is a Lenten reading of the spiritual classic, Introduction to the Devout Life, authored by Saint Francis de Sales, and read by Father Rob Ketcham. CHAPTER XXXVIII. CHAPTER XVIII. CHAPTER VIII. Faithfully render'd into English. True devotion is suitable to all vocations and professions True devotion hinders no one, but rather it perfects everything. True devotion is the love of God in the highest form. clifforddham. CHAPTER XIII. The final edition was published in 1619, prior to the death of Francis in 1622. Learn how the Bible, theCatechism, and Narnia are connected! I've seen some translations online that honestly are hard to read and boring due to all the old expressions (they seem to just drag on and on - rather than crisply conveying what they are meant to convey). I have produced this example, Philothea, in order that you may know of what importance it is to direct all your actions, be they ever so mean, with a pure intent to the service of Gods Divine Majesty. Making spiritual progress through daily, monthly, and yearly exercises The final edition was published in 1619, prior to the death of Francis in 1622. How to resist Minor Temptations. Join the movement! On Gentleness towards Ourselves. CHAPTER VI. General Affections which should result from these Considerations, and Conclusion of the Exercise. CHAPTER VI. not only is it 400 years old but sometimes each sentence demands serious contemplation for a few days. Resolutions You must not rest satisfied with general desires and aspirations, but rather turn them into special resolutions for your individual correction and amendment to proceed to some practical resolutions [because] mere desires will have but few and tardy results (71-2). A keen and attentive realizing of Gods omnipresence. He contends that devotion is not a state necessarily relegated to monks in cloisters, but can be a quality of life to which everyone can aspire. Spiritual Retreat During the Day As often as you can through your day, recall your mind to the presence of God by some one of the 4 methods. We must hate sin with a hearty, vigorous contrition and detest every affection, circumstance, and inducement which tends towards it. To be purified from all affections of sin, we must have a clear and hearty consciousness of the exceeding evil of sin, by which means we attain deep and earnest contrition (20). PART II. Declared a Doctor of the Church by Pope Pius IX in 1877, St. Francis is still helping to form saints through his many writings, of which Introduction to the Devout Life is the most famous. Things that spoke to me in the past did not this time. Preaching during the Counter-Reformation, he is estimated to have converted 70,000 Calvinists in his lifetime. Show more Ratings Friends Following to discover what your friends think of this book! Summary. Conclusion of this First Purification. 0 Ratings 10 Want to read; 0 Currently reading; 0 Have read The book speaks to what is devotion and why we need devotion. CHAPTER VI. Themes include: Pursuing a devout life whole-heartedly Pray 12-minutes a day to help God save America. ", A good translation is so important*. The Conclusion and Spiritual Bouquet. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. A continued habitual temperance is far better than occasional, rigid abstinence alternating with great relaxation. A testament to the spirit of Catholicism, namely, that monasticism and prayer are the heart of the church and that application of such practices can be reconciled with societal life, further proving that the so-called dark ages were an age of deep monasticism and it is only viewed cynically in the modern day through the Enlightenment ideals of societal progress as a means to salvation. Jacob Bertrand Janczyk, O.P. This should be fitting in regards to the state of life to which God has called you. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Pray 12-minutes a day to help God save America. Second Consideration--on the Excellence of Virtue. THE DESCRIPTION OF TRUE DEVOTION. This took me almost all year to read, because I read it a bit at a time, but it was amazing. He was a fervent proponent of the universal call to holiness and spent much of his time guiding lay people on the road to sanctity. Awareness that God dwells in your heart and spirit. The devout life is faithfully represented by Jacobs ladder, True devotion is suitable to all vocations and professions, The necessity of a spiritual guide for progress in the devout life, Part 2: Counsels Concerning the Souls Approach to God in Prayer and the Sacraments, Aspirations, Ejaculatory Prayers, and Holy Thoughts, Pick one virtue to cultivate or vice to crush, Part Fourth: Some Needful Remedies Against Ordinary Temptations, Part Fifth: Counsels and Exercises for the Renewing of the Soul, and Her Confirmation in Devotion, Summary of The Rules for Discernment of Spirits by St. Ignatius of Loyola, click here for the PDF of the 10 meditations, 9 Practical Tips from Dubays FireWithin, 7 things I learnt from Catechesi Tradendae byJP2, The Magician's Twin: C.S. (3) A composition of place use your imagination to place yourself in the Gospel scene (if possible). Examination of the Soul as to its Progress in the Devout Life. Written as a letter to St. Francis lay cousin, this classic yet relevant text features advice on the questions that members of the Catholic laity often ask themselves, such as: Written by Doctor of the Church St. Francis de Sales to offer sound preaching and clear instruction for Catholics and translated by Matthew K. Minerd to renew Catholics understanding and appreciation of this classic Catholic work,Introduction to the Devout Life promises that it is possible to have an intimate and personal relationship with Jesus, regardless of the demands of everyday life.. Uploaded by It's written to an imagined devout woman, but really it's written to anyone who is interested in this subject, and even non-Catholic people will find plenty of useful hints in here. How the Saints are united to us. CHAPTER XIII. Highly recommend for anyone looking for concrete advice on the spiritual life! **. CHAPTER XXII. St. Francis de Sales (15671622) was the Bishop of Geneva and a renowned spiritual director. Introduction to the Devout Life is a compilation of letters and notes. The NEW and EXPANDED Edition of the best-selling Deluxe Then and Now Bible Maps! But there is a great difference. Gentleness towards others and Remedies against Anger. CHAPTER VIII. How to Hear and Read God's Word. Tip: Devote 1 hour daily to mental prayer if you can, let it be early in the morning. How to resist temptations Immediately fly to God and seek His mercy and His help. sdegutis CHAPTER X. An introduction to the devout life Franois de Sales (st.) 1885 2 Reviews Reviews aren't verified, but Google checks for and removes fake content when it's identified Preview this book What. Anxiety anxiety is the souls greatest enemy, sin only excepted. Written over 400 years ago, Introduction to the Devout Life is still one of the most popular books for those pursuing holiness. Obedience consecrates our heart, chastity our body, and poverty our means to the love and service of God. Make concrete resolution and specify the exact means of carrying it out. These three branches of the spiritual cross are grounded on a fourth, viz., humility. When Temptation and Delectation are Sin. "Reading Your Way to Heaven" Introduction to the Devout Life - Introduction: Part 1 - Chapter 10 (Podcast Episode 2019) - Plot summary, synopsis, and more. He presents spirituality in simple, ordinary French with references to images from daily life and popular and natural history. An Introduction to the Devout Life, his best-loved work, is based on notes he wrote for a cousin for marriage, stressing that sanctity is possible in everyday life. Let us be firm in our plans and unchanging in our resolutions. Without it you cannot follow the contemplative life well, nor the active life without danger. Incorporating prayer and sacraments into a busy. Invocation, the Second Point of Preparation. Read Full Description Details SKU: 9781954881587 ISBN: 9781954881587 Weight: 1.821 lb Persevere in this blessed undertaking of a devout life . The Affections to be excited after such Examination. Gather your spirit into the oratory of your heart and lay open your soul and speak face to face with God (84). Have a quiet, calm, and persevering repentance. Aspirations, Ejaculatory Prayers, and Holy Thoughts Do not fail to long frequently for God by short but ardent efforts of your heart (87). Examination of the Exercise no pleasure in the Devout life whole-heartedly PRAY 12-minutes a day to God. Lots depth and wisdom that would challenge and shake me up a bit but sometimes each sentence demands contemplation... The love of God in the Sacraments, and trust in God its origin in Devout... 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