It needs practice to learn to take out the magazine. Recently purchased a Glock 44; had not the time to fire it. It seems like the issues have all been worked out in the 14+ months since this piece was published. That's directly underneath the "port" in the top of the slide in front of the rear iron sight, correct? Make sure to purchase a Glock 44 with a serial number prefix greater than AEHK. Daniel holds instructor certifications from Rangemaster, Agile Training & Consulting, and the NRA. The panel included myself,, Back during the COVID craze of 2021, I decided to start a new gun project., 2023 is a year of strange gun changes for me. Purchase a reduced power safety plunger spring, a 4 lb. While such ammunition may be fine in a revolver or a manually-operated firearm such as a lever-action or a pump-action, low-velocity .22 LRammotends to perform poorlyin a semi-automatic action. However, youll save a lot more shooting the G44. It will not cycle reliably. Most reputable brands of .22 LR ammunition typically feature an advertised velocity of. If I went higher in the FPS, say 1200 or more, I had no issues. Once you know the correct way, the problem disappears. However, considering you are getting a second firearm for about $100 more. I like its feel and smooth functioning but I find the magazine release at the bottom of the grip uncomfortable as I habitually want to go to the side of the frame for the mag release. It is also problematic to chamber the round using the slide release. Combating propaganda: Information warfare in the sea services, Watch issues led to near-collision in San Diego, report finds, US, allies stage drills as North Korea warns of security crisis, US sails warship through Taiwan Strait after Chinas drills. Since then I've seen posts from multiple sources with multiple instances of issues. The G44 features an adjustable rear sight that can account for elevation and windage. As if you are pushing through the dirt. Cartridges usually get jammed inside the chamber. On the downside, Aquila's Standard/Super Extra and Remington's Golden Bullet loads were the crankiest, producing a stoppage sometimes every other mag or so. The G44 should feel comfortable in almost any size hand. I dont reckon I have any really strong feelings about the Glock 44. The G44 enables training and plinking with.22LR in a true-to-life simulation. In OP. At my local range, I have had personal experience with three different G44s. Unfortunately, every Glock G44 is different. I would imagine the round touched off slightly out of battery. [2023], Wilson Combat EDC X9 First Impressions [2023], Citizens Safety Academy Effective Assistant Instructor Webinar Review, The 10-8 Drill | Skills and Drills [2023], My Top Five "If I Could Only Have One" Handguns. ! On Mine And Hickok45s Defective Colt Python: Possible Human Error?? The plating comes in handy as it enables the gun to function in any conditions you throw at it. Glock 44 Specs Operating System Semi-auto Recoil Operated Caliber 22 LR Weight 12.6oz/16.4oz Capacity 10 rounds Barrel Length 4.02 Overall Length 7.28 Glock 44 Background Glock makes the most popular handguns in America - there are more Glock pistols in the market than from any other manufacturer. The G44 was one of Glocks first pistols in recent times to be received poorly. Despite this, shooting is undoubtedly one of the most enjoyable activities. At the end of the testing period, I bought it and have gone on to drop at least that many rounds through it since then. I was using 30gr .22 WMR CCI rounds. The PPQ .22 is about 1/2 an lb heavier than the Glock. Weve pulled together the top features you need to know about, as well as the pros and cons. We could shoot this gun all day without breaking the bank on ammo, or our wrist from excessive recoil. Your email address will not be published. ? Quietly Recalls 100 New 2020 Pythons From Distributors Answers What Was Wrong With My Python: Is It Fixable? To Colt It Goes! This non-fixed barrel rimfire is a truly innovative feature. However, the gun seemingly began to steadily carve out a niche for itself among recreational shooters (i.e. Subscribe to our monthly Newsletter to receive firearm news, product discounts from your favorite Industry Partners, and more. We found it reliable, smooth, and up to the traditional Glock standards. Edward GodicBryantRUNE SLEMDALWould you like to support our troops and veterans while getting some killer soap? They arenot representativeof a poorly designed or unreliable firearm; these problems are simplypart of the inherent limitationsseen in all self-loading rimfire systems. Youll save an absolute fortune over time using the G44 as your training gun. Now, like many shooters, we expected a higher magazine capacity. I first came across the issue from a post by the Military Arms Channel earlier today. Sure, with outstanding shot placement and a little luck it *could* achieve the desired outcome, but there are other configurations that would increase those odds many times over. Holy shizz. The G44 is lighter, has a smaller magazine capacity, and fires smaller-caliber rounds than the much-loved G19. From hunters and military members, to competition shooters and general firearm enthusiasts, we welcome anyone who values and respects the way of the firearm. Plenty of opportunity for bells and whistles. Mag. Brady is a passionate firearm owner from Omaha, Nebraska. I typically expect that from 22 LR. It can eat up Remington Gold no problem, but I really started running into problems with Federal ammo. Written to be, Over the past several years I have attended a variety of instructor development courses, firearms, With getting into 1911s in 2023, the path lead me to the gurus. This is largely due to the massive inconsistencies with inexpensive bulk pack rimfire ammo and not the Glock. Maybe I just don't get out enough. 113. In my experience.22 lr is by far the kaboom king! Original Reporting. The Walther P22 functions better with federal ammo compared to the Glock 44, and similar to it, you can easily conceal it. bad reloads obviously. jk op. Though the truth-be-told, you should clean every .22LR after each use. It also has a better trigger. Discussing the recent problems with the new 22lr Glock 44. I would also say that it can from time to time have some light primer striker issues say 1 in every 200 rounds. This is again the same as on the Glock G19. S&W 15/22 has had issues with OOB and loosing extractors. The majority of the slide is made of polymer. I tend to avoid first generation cars, electronics and guns. I dug through online forums and found a lot of, on the Glock 44. Is it bad metallurgy with the slides? First, there are various claims along the lines of The Glock 44 is a compact pistol that is perfect for self-defense. and The G44 is an excellent choice for concealed carry or home defense. The opposite is true. It has some features that make it an excellent choice for young shooters. Been shooting over 45 years I'm 52. Edward GodicLike to send us fan mail or something to feature on the channel? This is the same much-loved barrel found on other Gen5 Glocks. I didn't realize until these pictures that part is polymer. Most reviewers were amazed at the. However, uncharacteristically for Glocks, the Glock 44 appears not to be as reliable as the companys other pistols. This would seem to suggest the new extractor doesn't completely resolve the issue. In recent weeks, however, issues with the G44 have surfaced on social media, stirring up concerns that the pistol might not function or be as safe as advertised. Your email address will not be published. Even though there are ammo inconsistency problems with the Glock 44, I know of a few brands and specs that work great and make the Glock 44 just as good if not better than anything else, including the Mark IV and Walther P22. Due to the guns and recoils lightweight, the trigger feels terrible. This is partly why Glock considers the G44 the best Glock for new shooters, sport shooters, and everyone in between. One new winner* is announced every week! How can a .22lr get kaboomed.? However, at least for me, I had issues with jams depending on the ammo. That translates to only 12.63 ounces with an empty magazine. The Glock 44 includes additional serrations added to the front of the slide on the Glock 44. Most reviewers were amazed at the reliability of this gun with a particular ammo. However, Glock, as always, have engineered this for reliability, even if that does sacrifice a high-capacity clip. This has allowed Glock to keep the materials thinner, and thus made for a lighter firearm. Its not a huge deal. God Bless!Back The BlueJohn 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.Matthew 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Proverbs 15:1 A soft answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger.John 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Romans 13:4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good. I have a dumb question were you inside or out? First gun I have ever had this happen to. Glock 44 .22LR: A 5 Minute Review: Having owned Glock firearms for many years, I was excited to hear about the release of the Glock 44. Many of the features on the G44 match other Glock Gen5 pistols. It is not uncommon to loose the extractor on blow back 22's with an OOB if the extractor is held only by a spring. Glock recalls recoil spring assemblies on Gen4 handguns. We found this setup to bevery shooter friendly and highly accurate. They replaced the barrel for $125 and they replaced the extractor depressor plunger assembly for free. Especially for those that may wish to upgrade to the G19. I've had a few kabooms in a marlin 60 that results in me having to clean out brass. .99 Cents for the first month! His service included operation Restore Hope in Somalia and Desert Storm in Kuwait. Accurate enough to maintain decent groups even in offhand fire, it is ready for "pop can" style informal shooting and other purposes that a .22 LR pistol is pressed into service with. The suit alleges that, due to the failure to warn, consumers were harmed by Glock gun "kaboom", an effect caused by the alleged defect. Screw-adjustable for elevation and windage, it allows for compensation for the variety of .22 Long. Just a few weeks ago Glock released their first pistol in .22LR, it looks like the Glock 44 problems are already cropping up. If you are a Glock lover, as most of us are, and want to explore more great pistols, then check out our in-depth review ofthe Glock 19. Forget the F-35: Was the IAI Kfir Israels Best Fighter Ever? The G44 is equipped with the same rear sight that Glock installs on its competition models. The G44 includes the Glock Marksman Barrel. After loading all ten rounds into the magazine, pay attention tothe angle of the topmost round. The G44 is a compact pistol that you can adjust to fit practically any hand size, thanks to the several interchangeable backstraps that go with it. Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. We know that gun geeks rule the roost, and so we will begin with some numbers. I have used my glock 44 recently and noticed major extractor problems what looks to be a bent extracting pin which lead to a cartridge being caught between my slide and extrating pin. Like you have to break a wall or a stick of plastic. UPDATE 11/14/2022: Not all owners of the Glock 44 are happy owners. All Rights Reserved. These differ from other Glock models because they are attached to the hybrid slide. This makes itboth lightweight and have less recoil than other Glock models. This means it is not only compact, but its also exceptionally lightweight. From what I can tell, these pistols are supposed to shoot everything on the market, and obviously, mine isnt. The only criticism is that Glock could have made the weights more comparable in some way. Most Glock 44 owners hate the trigger. About the worst I can say about it is that the manufacturer, for whatever reason, did not make the G44 standard with a threaded barrel as many other makers have done with their rimfire semi-auto pistols. Also see:Sig P220 Legion 10mm SAO Review. Thanks, I have a 9 mm Taurus but have trouble concealing it under my nursing scrubs when I go to clients homes. The G44 has many similarities with the G19. I can think of a ton of 22 rimfire pistols that have run a metric shit ton of rounds down range with zero problems. Also, The only downside to the Glock 19 is that it isnt small enough for concealed carry. Thats just bonkers. It was one of Glock's first pistols in recent times to be received poorly. Thank you to everyone who supports the channel and helps make these videos possible for me to make!Follow me on Instagram @1Shot_TVhttps://www.instagram.1shot_tv/ Thanks for Viewing! And with the G44, its related to cleaning. A good gun all around! It has a nice, smooth trigger pull and is very accurate. It is also essential to distinguish betweenactual damage and design features. It is the first polymer gun Kimber had. On 2 of the 5 I had failure to feed on the 1st shot. New Micro Red Dot From Vortex: The Defender-CCW [ARCHIVED THREAD] - Glock 44 kaboom. Considering all the above, you can see why we call this the best rimfire pistol for the price. But mostly due to a flawed extractor. SIG M17 Review - A P320 Worth Buying? . While it isnt a complicated or even an inaccurate handgun, theGlock 44s problemsare mainly reliability issues, to the point that some industry commentators and experts refer to the G44 asthe worst pistol Glock has ever released. Something that isnt an issue is the recoil. Although many shooters initially believed the issue to berelated to magazine geometry, in reality, this is acommon problemfound onmany other typesof single-stack box magazine designs. I've definitely see 22 KBs before, and the polymer slide on your G44 actually looks better than I thought it would have in such a situation but it's obviously still toast. This makes it one of the cheapest Glock pistols you can own, and that price slightly undercuts the cost of a new Ruger Mark IV, although the Ruger has an arguably better reputation. You also fail to position the bullets correctly in the magazines. The G44 is a great deal of fun to shoot. Brady is a passionate firearm owner from Omaha, Nebraska. As you can see from our review of the Glock G44, this is designed for new shooters. Ian DCosta is a correspondent with Gear Scout whose work has been featured with We Are The Mighty, The Aviationist, and Business Insider. Most other 22 ammo is jammomatic dirty filthy crap. His work is also published by AmmoLand, Recoil Concealment, and Air Force Times. Here's What You Need to Know:The G44 canrun flawlesslyat times and with certain ammunition. When it comes to ammunition, the G44 is extremely picky. This design contributes to the Glock 44sexceptionally lightweight construction; even with a loaded magazine inserted, the G44 weighs only16.4 oz. I can hold it on target and release the 30 rounds into a kill zone easily. Although these problems are well-known on the internet, they arevery sporadic. Buyers have chimed in on various channels, especially Instagram, to document their various G44 woes. However, there is one crucial difference with the G44. Any use of this content without express written consent is prohibited. plinkers) and enthusiasts, and generated a decent amount of interest at this years SHOT Show industry conference. It has an innovative design and hybrid construction. Very informative and I appreciate your Pros and Cons section. What more can you say? But this happens to new and unused guns too, where dirt cannot be an issue. Crime Against Humanity: Ukraine is Now a Giant Minefield, OH-58 Kiowa: The Forgotten U.S. Army Helicopter. Tell, these pistols are supposed to shoot everything on the Glock 44 any. On Mine and Hickok45s Defective Colt Python: Possible Human Error? crime Against Humanity: Ukraine is a. Slide is made of polymer 44 ; had not the time to time have some light primer striker say. A ton of 22 rimfire pistols that have run a metric shit ton of rounds range... Of the topmost round inconsistencies with inexpensive bulk pack rimfire ammo and not time... The recent problems with the same much-loved barrel found on other Gen5 Glocks to receive firearm news product! To distinguish betweenactual damage and design features one crucial difference with the is. Choice for young shooters and guns new extractor doesn & # x27 ; s first pistols in times. Other Gen5 Glocks for those that may wish to upgrade to the hybrid slide fan mail or to! 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