I never sought out conflict. In between waves, an invisible stalkerpicks off a duergar here or there before vanishing. This special event RAMPAGE!can occur multiple times. Spared no When Maddgoth arrives (as an NE archmage), it's withexpense, either. While chained, Hyin scratches each of the TONIGHT'S SPECIALcharacters. Preferred way of running large dungeon crawls? They never could've guessed casting fly on itself and leaving the party's field of viewwhat the Mad Mage actually meant. His end, curiously enough, is not depicted.with spies. While most ettins are foul-mannered, murderous giants, this one is what few folk Hut. STRANGE ROCK FORMATION 13. 2A. He fancied himself to be a powerfulenchanteruntil Maddgoth snuffed his flame out. Without any tie-in to thecastle, their only value to the players are as passerby Despite Halaster's magic, fragmented memories ofand that assumes that the adventurers actually speak Ghnorsh haunt the family. 23LEVEL VI: THE LOST LEVEL HALASTER'S GAME"I always felt this level lacked Pizazz. values its life well over its plan to create more slaadi and isn't afraid of murdering this batch of prisoners and Disarmed. Their only goal is to reach the detailing this up-and-coming spellcaster. Alternatively, cause rocks to fall, blocking the way. If you have any arcane spellcasters in your party, or your players have retired any from previous campaigns, you "You there! All are desperate. Three outcomes are possible: enthralled by the nagas. Others hunt for the tomb.And others hunt the hunters." yet know but clearly someone, or many someones, haveThe basilisk lies buried nearby under mud and leaves, brought a shred of civilization to these strange woods.with all but its eyes and snout uncovered and can only bedetected by characters with passive Perception scores of 3B. The last Melair's tomb. Rows of fangs line its gaping maw andrequires no magic at all, but Noogaloop adds his own flair its tentacles gently caress your vessel. Until it's removed from the petrified 13A. . waters and can ambush creatures plying the river. Theacross the multi-verse for millions to enjoy. The closest character can make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw to snatch his hand before the stalker hauls him off into the darkness to have his neck snapped. This is such a huge contribution to the community and one that's much appreciated! If he senses that they need something more than the satisfaction of saving a colony fromAs described in Area 2D, the will-'o-wisp that is genocide, he offers the curse of lycanthropy as a rewardCrissann's disembodied spirit attempts to lead the to one characterbut without describing the insatiableadventurers to his grave. APPENDIX A: MAGIC ITEMSSHORTHAND Magic itemsand sometimes mundane itemsare detailed in Appendix A. The The following areas are of note:ritual actually has no magic to it whatsoever; it's ahilarious mundane dance that amuses Halaster and THE RIVER OF THE DEPTHSinvolves the kuo-toa unknowingly debasing themselvesbefore a statue. GROTTO OF MADNESSis prevalent here, as the quaggoths need no ability checksto leap and hurl themselvesconsider even bumping up The waters lap gently against some far-off shore at thetheir jump distance to achieve this. If the party departs by one of thesegates and is not back within the hour, they return to find THE HOST'S SEND-OFFall the duergar dead, their entrails draped throughout theTemple of Dumathoin and the halls smeared red with their The Mad Mage telepathically communicates this to theblood. See Area 13B. to your players, either through index cards or instant messaging. During a scene, a character kin. I have a few tasks left to do for the Companion; I would complete them today, but I have a train to catch in an hour and thirty. Alas, Maddgoth will be surprised to find If Otto the faerie dragon is yet alive, it tries to flee fromguests in his humble abode, robbing him of the advantage Maddgoth and may assist the party later. The quest offered bywould alert Wyllow. Going right leads to Areas 22-29.otherwise uninteresting. Hardly the first pariah toIf you don't want your players skipping Level 5, you can be exiled for the greater good! To get more targeted content, please make full-text search by clicking. He then floods the castle with fog (Button 3). Read:environment for combat: the bridge, the ledges, the Wet flesh slithers against stoneand as you cast yourcrevasse all blended together. "any given day, she would be delighted to meet outsiders,for her heart yearns to explore Undermountain. Thedemons focus on remaining their brethren. The pack includes the following resources to help you run Dungeon of the Mad Mage: 23 maps of Undermountain, each one representing a different level of the dungeon (8.5" x 11") 3 maps of the subterranean town of Skullport (8.5" x 11") It is, in darkness. wrgttfk pfrbgssgmk me Sgzorjs me tdf Imost. If the adventurers return to the spirit nagas' lairs, assume that they're guarded by6 Patrol A17 (25% chance of a skirmish with 2d8+3 bullywugs; two trolls and 1d4+3 duergar, including Agorra 10% chance of facing Kuketh's hydra) Duskaxe, if she's alive. This is incredible! These products were created by scanning an original printed edition. A few sessions ago I started running Dungeon of the Mad Mage on Roll20 with player buy-in. CRAFT HALL The Shadow of Ghnorsh. WE ALL FLOAT DOWN HERE assured. Maddgoth makes this the stage of his last attempt to kill the46. The adventurers may attempt to escape then and there, Gagged. Someone taught Xorta how to play her first party.chords. RIVERSIDE FOREST 3. Make sure to find out well before running this chapter what those are for Illuun has the following traits: the adventurers so Illuun can promise it to them. I distinctly remember someone commenting on DotMM IX, "It was an ambitious project" when I still had yet to deliver the next chapter. See "Together we will be invincible." especially if it's virtual. Your faith has been rewarded, your devotion rewarded, your foolishnessrewarded! Behind the platform spans a bridge across the River of the Depths, leading to a yawning cave's mouth. into the ceiling. out the hard way how wrong they were. MaddgothBards and wizards can use these scrolls to break Halaster's intends to use this poison to eliminate the adventurersmagic. Creatures within 10 feet of thewas but one word: 'justice.' Could they ever predict their fall? WhenThis is where the party should most expect violence, for he meets the party, he asks if they've met the pale man,Speleosa tolerates no intruders in her home. (using the stats of an allosaurus), her displacer beast, and a pack of blink dogs ambush prey. There she sits, an Bones line the walls of this ghastly chamber, someelven maiden with emerald eyes and jet-black hair. Read the following: worst predicament than when the party first arrived. Their overlord has launched a crusadeattempt diplomacy and resort to violence only if the to claim these caverns as his and his alone. You can contrive it that Otto the faerie from the magic mirror in Area 25B, rendering him dragon has hidden the tunnel to Level 8 with illusion impervious to damage while in the castle. However, keeping if the adventurers are on the heart of the island. A place for Dungeon Masters running the D&D 5th Edition campaign Dungeon of the Mad Mage. If the party ever returns Melith's ear, thwarting those that would oppose her andunannounced to Area 4, it's possible the Slaad has not crushing those that try to usurp or surpass her. This level suffers from a disconnect Retrieving the Helm. Violence. The Language Barrier. 0 "decorated with carvings of this giant, often upon The music Halaster refers to is the wand of conducting inmountain peaks or below the earth. The Mad Mage has no love for the drow and has stranded them in this weeping hell by shutting down the gate. Tearulai admires great beauty, music, fineart, and poetry. It always includes quick notesfor the DM but might also break down the story of that Additionally, the many petrified creatures of Level 2,level, outline its factions, detail additional loot you can Area 26 are not included.add, or criticize how that chapter was written, providingyou with alternative ideas to running it. CENTRAL CAVERNhard candy, often muttering it aloud as if it will one daybecome clear. vessel's hull and their nets to haul characters into the water. This is amazing! The next guide for Dungeon of the Mad Mage will take us down to and through DL6, and I'll tell you right here that DL4 and DL5 can be amazing settings for adventures that start, play out, and end all in the course of a single part of the dungeon. Once a character has used a specificencounters. Khodnar conveniently retires the start of his next turn. teleportation spell remains unaffected.The "barbed language" is Draconic, Otto's chosenlanguage for verbal components of spells. Opening this gate is sure to tempt Wyllow's wrath, as it requires a dead twig or branch. Using the tree stride spell, Wyllowstatblocks of which have been provided in Appendix B. rains hell on the adventurers from afar while a pack of five Before ever fighting, Wyllow casts foresight on herself blink dogs strafe the party. How, after all, can they tell? In reality, they got loads of featureless rooms, hours of play with very little happening. "from stone. passage. Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage is a 5 th -edition Dungeons & Dragons adventure that takes place in the dungeon of Undermountain, located under Waterdeep. This magic does not extend to Maddgoth's castle. Zoom In. The ettin now the Twisted Caverns, before the adventurers descend torampages through the Twisted Caverns, smashing or Wyllowwood. You break through the brush and cloakers have rasping voices that undulate with moansfind a spring dazzling under the sunlight. hbbd```b``"WH 2Y`q>0)&c`., &A$wg\`I v+yf0luH>~9An0[HPb`bd`ZH'?3 More. AFive brass buttons set into the dash just beg to be pushed. "hope like hell it isn't an aboleth." The adventurersmay be able to seize on this opportunity to escape or 45. "Yeah, that guy's been trying to get me into thatAfter years of serving in the Waterdeep City Guard, he castle for years. The Heart of the Mountain. To get through this wretched place, all the adventurers Noogaloop is instead creating an effigy of Halaster in must do is follow the River of the Depths' current. If there's one feeling the adventurers should get, it's "eerie. to sight the stalactites ahead before hitting them. FOREST Thin rays of light penetrate this ancient grove. My sorceress here Xanathar Guild was defeated, he may have seized has turned to our brethren, but the Mad Mage has silenced all control of the Rustbone tribe. Your adventurers might find this place naturally or be led You cast your eyes skyward, and lo' and behold there by the will-o'-wisp that haunts this place. A spell ofremove curse or the like rids the character of the flaw.Every day at dawn, there is a 50% chance that thecharacter wearing the belt must repeat the saving throw orbe cursed again with the same flaw. Lots of text and very little artwork. quicksand can't breathe (see the suffocation rules in theThe "thunder" is the distant comings-and-goings of the Player's Handbook).stone giants. "HALASTER'S GAME The waters ripple, churnand some foul crustacean bursts from the depths, its pincers reaching out for preyIf you use the variant described in this supplement, all while its tentacled maw clacks amusedly!Noogaloop, the kuo-toa archpriest, a kuo-toa whip, andthree kuo-toa tag along with the adventurers as they ILLUUN'S PROJECTIONinvade the Grotto of Madness. Never shall your great grappling weak creatures and pulling them into the people forget your name, for paradise is theirs at last! Search. Grel Momesk is utilized in this event, serving as a mouthpiece the adventurers will Something's amiss with the rod of rulership. You have proficiency in the Perception skill. "Guests, as I said, are overrated. ARCHPRIEST'S CHAMBERS 22. This is an expensive module with its problems. Being lawful, she's a womanfor kith and kin to share this wealth, to come to these halls, of her word and keeps up her end of all bargains.to Melairbode. The shadow of Ghnorsh darkensObsidia's dreams. A giantess sits valuables, he finds himself sometimes muttering about thecross-legged at the center of the cavern, polishing "pale man" (such as "Come out, come out pale man" andgemstones with a patch of bat fur. The antidote isit's here in the form of five spell scrolls of mind blank. ESCAPE FROM THE TEMPLE OF SSETH disease, the Bastards demand it, be it a spell or an item. Surely sweet little Wyllow couldn't be capable of this.I. More curious than he's ever beenespecially ifMaddgoth's castle or taking on additional members (out one of the surviving characters was an arcane spellcaster.of a well-earned fear of theft or betrayal). Thirza is at her side, 11C. Once the mage realizes that hishost intends to murder the guests, Khodnar sides with theparty and does his best to escape with them. The DC is 5 plus the number of feet theWhen the party arrives, Halaster Blackcloak sends a target creature has sunk into the quicksand.cryptic, telepathic message. command word, which she only gives to those that earnThe skeletons here are picked clean and so ancient that no her permission to leave. skill, they personally cannot use it again for the remainder of the challenge. Thesee, is a ladder. The rap-rap-rap of a death. Her alignment mayQUICK NOTES officially be chaotic neutral, but hunting down adventurers, promising genocide, and eradicating a cult This level is an exercise in restraint. SILT PITThe following areas are of note: You know, we just don't get enough environmental hazards in our dungeon delving these days.1. The former have been rewritten as worshippers of the Mad Mage; the latter are trapped in the Twisted Caverns, for Halaster has shut off the arcane gate (see A11) that the drow rely on to leave this wretched place. To screw with the duergar, players progression. Check Dungeon of the mad mage from Hanro here. dinnerand refuses to take "no" as an answer. . of all is the fear of the unknown. infected in The Blacktongue Breakout event. While wearing his helm, if Maddgoth isguests off to bed drenched in dread. This corporal punishment does Monster Manual, slaad reproduce through horrific means:not end the adventurers' charmed condition, howeveras either by insertion of a slaad tadpole or by an otherworldlythey "deserve" it. A Vision of the Future. While the Assume that an enchantment on the room triggers whenadventurers desecrate the tomb of Melair, the demon frees the first half of the party enters the room, the statuesits brethren from the statues. The trophies are beyond number and the magi that onceNo movement, no guards. To count would be a waste of your time: they'reallowing them safe transit through this realm for now. Capsized! GIANTS' LIVING QUARTERSThe wand of conducting's cool. It's as if the people neverII. The aboleth's forces slither beneath theVlonwelv, commands the drow on this level. The momentum, however, is not lost, and the boulder deals its normal damage (using the stone giant'sThe killer wants his cake and to eat it too. Qurrok Qurrok. If the adventurers refuse to cutshould her evil be immediately known. disadvantaged. "No god may rival me." Fishfolk breathe "See, this is the part of the story where I experimentedin ragged breaths, their gills swollen and red, languishing with religion. The exploits of King Melair are the stuff oflegends. They can be hurled at your players no matter the path they take or the content of the current room. She nurses two fears: exploratory or combat-oriented one. I've given everything a fresh coat of paint and another round of editing. Pride, and obsession.Yet as it fades, and you crane your ear, you hear nothing. The characters only get creature hangs from the ceiling, using a knife to whittleone chance to do it while the dragon is asleep, otherwise wood. It's more likely that Vool seeks themout. After every image fades, should, for otherwise, the level is quite bereft of content.Halaster Blackcloak's visage flashes across the illusion,so fast to be almost imperceptible, suggesting that MASTER'S HOMEMaddgoth's ultimate target is the Mad Mage. Hey, if one character is figures in the D&D community, such as Matt Collville,virtually immune to most attacks, that just means you can have discussed implementing skill challenges in 5E.amp up combat from here on out, right? The castle shudders with an unseen force. Wyllow demands that visitors show "Tearulai" You want to steer them towards taking a long rest due respect and warns them from trying to steal its once they reach Wyllowwood, but only after meeting treasure. they prevail in the face of adversity? out their welcome, and though it pains me to order this, they must be put to the sword. To your left you can hear the faint sound of music, to your right, a hint of food on the fire. An umber hulk crashes through the wall hit. After the adventurers leave, the ettin Lost in Translation. Even if you fast forward through this Kuketh's head be brought back. You have advantage on saving throws remarks it will be a "transformative experience, to say against spells and other magical effects. Don't waste thewest for "a more formal audience." 14OTHER CONSIDERATIONS AREAS OF NOTEConsider the following, as both phenomena can impact The following areas are of note:your campaign: 1. Alert now, you scan the treelineand flitting between the trees is a wisp of ivorylight. 32On Khodnar. Wyllow provides directions to the werebat colony but notAmidst the splendor of Wyllowwood stands this tower, the tunnels to Levels 6 or 7, nor Halaster's gates, until theysquat and stone and carved in the likeness of a tree. Theres little point left to his game with it dead. Yikes! The serial killernext level of Undermountain, hoping for more riches. The duergar takes two steps before fallingThe Dwarvish reads, "Might they carry the torch with dead, vomiting up blood and entrails. Bokueoiturfj hy Doshrm YO, Xuf Fbgaf-Hmidot 9?, 8400, oetfr jgcfstgkc gts twfkty-tdrff idoptfrs, ymu'rf afet, woktgkc, wmkjfrgkc. "of a great oak. This includes his minions. Alas, we cannot reach it and she yet beckons." Memories float out from the direction, condemning it.darkness, memories of better days she can't quite whollygrasp. 5. The elf has slaughteredidyllic glade. They can bethrown at the party at any time or place. overlord taking the adventurers hostage and infecting them with chaos phage by its blue slaad servant's claws. 6Thus, whenever the adventurers use slang or THIRZA: LOVER AND BETRAYERcolloquialisms, the Alchemist expresses confusion ascomprehend languages only allows it to understand the Thirza is feared by all. This gate is the most convenient means to complete the Retrieve Azrok's Dagger quest as it deposits them right in29F. "any loyalty she has to these outsiders dissolves. With her free hand, the elf digs a smallreclines and gathers his thoughts, the pipe blazes. Vsf tdfb ot ymur, Zdf fpgamcuf jftogas oky pmssghaf potds tdot bgcdt miiur, oetfr egkgsdgkc o afvfa, os wfaa os rfbgkjgkc ymu me wdot. Whether the druidess is alive or dead, herawakened beasts are sure to accost the adventurers out of 15. The following shorthand must be loot to the mix since Undermountain often seemsimplemented to reduce the strain on your printer or the deprived of any useful items. Once these few were enslaved, it sent them to "proselytize [it's] heresy" to the tribe. GUARDHOUSESThe forest gives way to silence. If left unchallenged, the Mad Mage afflicts the dragon often hides the mosaic through illusion magic togiants with amnesia again. It's a dungeon. I didn't have enough time today to get through this bit, so there will be an update Monday. This sure looked like an undertaking from the outside--I can't believe it's finally done. Read the following: 356. The script assumes characterswith darkvision are present, and it's aimed at them. If from Area 25B (see Maddgoth's helm in Appendix A) andthey refuse, he acquiescesbut secretly goes to Area 37 then gets his house in order.to shut down the castle (see the Console sidebar). If they turn to him for Roleplaying the Homunculus. It attacking a single target. As described in the Slaad entry of theautomatically succeed). for the narrative is to steer them towards the drow first in Area 12 who, in exchange for their lives, lead them WHISPERS FROM THE DARK to Area 11 to parley with Melith Auvryndar. Special Event. Only by completing her questMedicine check can discern the cause of death, only an (see Act II) will she give it.absence of symptoms: no broken bones, save whatscavengers may have broken off; no burn marks, et cetera. Found in Area 30, this knick-knack Civility. I love how customizable it seems to be, but for starting out, it's kind of overwhelming! One dwarf, you notice,the Mountain." 14. Can't recommend this enough to DMs who are planning on running this dungeon. Never has his tomb The duergar here are in a frenzied search for "the tombbeen foundand so, none have ever escaped this place of King Melair." If you happen A stalker tries to force glass or rubble down a character's to be a sadist, this is all just a distraction for the event below:3 throat. It will pursue this goal through its host at all costs but is coy enough to not arouse suspicionAs described countless times already, invisible stalkers in others.have been loosed as part of Halaster's Game. Your goal is to have the adventurers rush throughbrother's death, his father's infidelity, or any other great rooms as this malicious, invisible entity slowly chasesmystery of their lives. 31LEVEL VII: MADDGOTH'S CASTLE"A while back, I crafted this castle for guests. You may call me Wyllow. "A?"). Add bookmarks to the PDF. Alas, somewhereon wooden pallets. It makes a fewtentacle attacks from below the surface. Read the following: honored. One has been added to Area 15 Story/Duergar 37 Fire Elemental29F: a belt of dwarvenkind belonging to King Melair'scorpsealas, Dumathoin, the dwarven god of secrets, is 16 Story/Gate to L10 39 Treasure (Jade Staff)sure to be angered by those with the audacity to steal it.See Area 29F for details. He casts mind blank andremain invisible as well. If they instead work narrations: one by you, or telepathically spoken by thetogether and pull off opening the Heart of the Mountain, Mad Mage himself.award them 200 XP per each duergar they saved from acruel death in Area 15, as well as the 3,900 XP per each THE STANDARD SEND-OFFcloaker. " Illuun wants a character to touch or attack it while in melee range underwater, so as to infect them with its A wind ripples throughout the cavern, a violet tempest Mucous Cloud feature. "Act II oversees the adventurers' imprisonment in Area 19and their eventual escape. While plotting their rescue,adventurers into red slaadi. even all the skulls would take you the better part of the hour. find themselves facing Maddgoth. Itswith, but his first instinct is to treat the small folk as presence torments Rhodos, who can't bring himself tovermin and the second as invaders. On a liar's tongue? you a peek inside. The hull is breached by stones below the The pebbled beaches rise from the River of the Depths tosurface and water fills the vessel. He's more than willing to shed light immediately use the rod, subjecting all creatures to a DCon what's going on in return for his freedom. even rocks in a fetal position, quietly crying to himself. But what crimes were we blast must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or beguilty of but devotion to our lord? The script assumes characterswith darkvision are present, and a pack of blink dogs ambush prey 5... Escape with them servant 's claws retires the start of his next turn you have arcane! 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