Find information about Clackamas County, Oregon Delinquent Tax Sales & Auctions including tax liens for sale, property tax auctions, estate sales, tax lien, and and foreclosure lists. If using a check, please wait to write the check until we confirm the amount due and provide you with a permit number. Our complete permitting process is now online, and all of our building codes and development engineering permits are submitted and processed digitally using Development Direct. Public Property Records provide information on homes, land, or commercial properties, including titles, mortgages, property deeds, and a range of other documents. In the Respond and Resubmit window, select . As you begin your project, the Building Codes and Development Engineering webpages have resources to assist you. If fees are required for your project, they must be paid before your application is complete. Procedures Building Construction Hours Customer Self Service Portal Permit Activity Reports 'How To' Videos Contact Information 695 Warner Parrott Road Oregon City, OR 97045 Mailing Address: PO Box 3040 Oregon City, OR 97045 Phone: 503-722-3789 Fax: 503-722-3880 Inspection Line: 503-496-1551 Customer Service Hours: Monday-Thursday 9AM-4PM If you would prefer to give us your credit card information over the phone just put a note in your email with the proper contact information when you submit your permit. Terms and Conditions. Search Clackamas County's Surveyor Information System by address, tax lot, section, survey, plat number and subdivision name. What if I dont want to or am unable to use online services? View Clackamas County Sheriff's Office property sales, including sale date, property type and city. Note for all existing account holders: We recently updated our system, so when you log in to Accela to purchase a permit you will need to find and reconnect your CCB and other licenses. Once you have met all the submittal requirements, Prescreen Review is complete, and any necessary fees are paid, your application will be routed to all applicable reviewers and you will receive an email letting you know that the Plan Review process is underway. Electrical Permits need to be pulled with Clackamas County. Not sure what drawings or supporting documents are needed for us to review the application? For Development Engineering inspections, follow the instructions on your permit. Every link you see below was carefully hand-selected, vetted, and reviewed by a team of public record experts. Find Clackamas County, Oregon real estate and property deeds, including options for accessing records, types of records, and fees. Individual Permit Applications. View Clackamas County Sheriff's Office property sales, including sale date, property type and city. Instructions & Forms for Online Permit Submittals. The Tasks list for your project is displayed. The check needs to be made out to: Clackamas County. Research a Property Permit Status At this screen, enter the permit number or address of the property you are searching. . back to top Is your file taking too long to load? By phone Permits help protect your investment because you know the work is safe and meets current quality standards. You can view and respond to changemarks in the comments list. When you are ready to submit, enter Development Direct using the button below. If paying by check, make the check payable to Clackamas County and mail it to Clackamas County Development EngineeringSUBMITTAL, 150 - Beavercreek Rd, Oregon City, OR 97045. for changing the slope or grade of your property by backfill or excavation. Enter Development Direct Use Development Direct for. Building Permit Fee: 1: $1-2,000: $85: 2: $2,001-25,000: 3: $25,001-50,000: 4: $50,001-100,000: 5: Over $100,001: How does the county . Development Direct will be your go-to place to: Note: You can check the status of your project at any time, but all reviews must be completed for you to respond or upload documents to the system. Download and fill out theCredit Card Authorizationto allow us to charge your credit card for yourPermit Fees. Email: bldservice@clackamas.usPhone: 503-742-4240Still have questions? Visit our online permitting system toregister for an account. Search Clackamas County parcels and mapping by address, city, parcel number or street intersection. More information and additional reading. View Clackamas County, Oregon property tax exemption information, including homestead exemptions, low income assistance, senior and veteran exemptions, applications, and program details. Each sheet/page of a drawing must have the page orientation set to. Upload all documents as one complete document or packet, not as individual pages. between. While we no longer accept paper submittals, we are happy to help you with options. Erosion control plan permit required. Give us a call To help your project move through the process quickly, please make sure that you upload your project drawings and documents correctly. Emergency work although emergency work may initially be completed without a permit, but a Utility Permit is required soon as practicable and we ask that you contact us right away, Review of erosion control and stormwater impacts associated with utility work. Document file names should describe the contents of the file. As part of creating an application, the roles assigned to the project participants have specific meanings, with not all roles allowed to do the same tasks. After reviewing the comments, go to the Please enter your responses column (far-right of list) and enter a response for each comment in order to be able to keep the process moving forward. City of Portland Auditor's Office Property Records, Clackamas County Assessment and Taxation Department Tax Records, Clackamas County Assessment and Taxation Office Property Records, Clackamas County Assessment and Taxation Website, Clackamas County Delinquent Tax Sales & Auctions, Clackamas County Noise Ordinances & Codes, Clackamas County Property Forms & Applications, Clackamas County Property Records (Oregon), Clackamas County Sheriff's Office Property Records, Clackamas County Technology Services Department GIS Maps, Clackamas County Zoning Codes & Ordinances, Portland Office of Management & Finance Tax Records, Where to get free Clackamas County Property Records online, How to search for property titles and deeds, What property information is available for Clackamas County, OR records searches, Where to find Clackamas County Clerk, Tax Assessor & Recorder of Deeds records. Our User Guide provides full details on preparing your drawings and documents. Wednesday Reviews residential, commercial and industrial development land use permits, and develops long-range planning strategies. At this time, you must use the Chrome or Firefox browser to accessDevelopment Direct. This form can be used for New Homes, Remodels, Additions, New Commercial, Tenant Improvements, Multi-Family, Demolition and Grading projects. How do I find the information for the parcel after I searched and found it? Step 1: Prepare your drawings and documents Step 2: Create an Account Step 3: Login to Development Direct and Complete an Application Form Step 4: Upload Plans Step 5: Set Up Your Project Team (Optional) Step 6: Prescreen Review Step 7: Pay the Application Fee Step 8: Navigating the Site and Checking the Status of Your Projects Email the rest of your completed application forms to: New [TYPE OF APPLICATION] Application; YOUR ADDRESS (unless the site has no address), If you are unable to submit your plans electronically, please contact our staff for an alternative. Our complete permitting process is now online, and all of our building codes and development engineering permits are submitted and processed digitally using Development Direct. Find information about Clackamas County, Oregon Housing Resources including applying for affordable housing assistance, rental assistance programs and centers, utility assistance, and homeless services. How can I learn to use Development Direct? The permits available on this site do not require plans, calculations, other agency approval, or staff interaction. Youll need to submit project drawings and documents. 1- and 2-family dwelling Commercial/industrial Accessory building . About Us Contact Us If attachments bring the email size to . Fax:503-722-3880Inspection Line:503-496-1551 The uploaded files have been added to either the Drawings or Documents folder (displayed at the left of the window), depending on their file type. When all files have been added, and checked to make sure they are correct, select at the top of the dialog box. public health by properly treating and disposing of disease-causing human waste. All plans must be drawn to scale, with the scale clearly labeled on the drawing. Wednesday Search Clackamas County, Oregon building inspections, including safety reports, code violations, and liens. 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Procurement Process, Contracts and Grants, Civil Rights, Equity, and Workforce Character, County Assessor/Tax Collector Bronson Rueda, Building Codes, Code Enforcement, County Surveyor's Office, Development Engineering, Development Services, Planning and Zoning, Septic and Onsite Wastewater Systems, Sustainability, Garbage and Recycling, Why start your business in Clackamas County, Housing Affordability and Homelessness Task Force, Instructions & Forms for Online Permit Submittals, Land Use Application Information and Forms, Urban and Rural Reserves in Clackamas County, Z0571-22-F & Z0572-22-F (Virtual Meeting), Former Strowbridge-Benson Farmhouse proposed to be moved or demolished, Temporary change in public lobby hours begins Feb. 1. All utility work associated with a development must be completed to satisfy the requirements of a Development Permit. Information about Development Engineering Inspections, Schedule a Building, Plumbing, Mechanical, or Electrical Inspection. When naming drawings: Important: If you are asked to correct and resubmit a file, do not rename it (for example, add a version number). City of Portland Auditor's Office Property Records By location Resources BCD registration data file: All licenses download CCB license search Construction Contractors Board (CCB) Was this page helpful? 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Procurement Process, Contracts and Grants, Civil Rights, Equity, and Workforce Character, County Assessor/Tax Collector Bronson Rueda, Building Codes, Code Enforcement, County Surveyor's Office, Development Engineering, Development Services, Planning and Zoning, Septic and Onsite Wastewater Systems, Sustainability, Garbage and Recycling, Why start your business in Clackamas County, Housing Affordability and Homelessness Task Force, Apply for Building Codes and Development Engineering permits, Navigating in Development Direct and Checking Project Status, Step 1: Prepare your drawings and documents, Step 3: Login to Development Direct and Complete an Application Form, Step 5: Set Up Your Project Team (Optional), Step 8: Navigating the Site and Checking the Status of Your Projects. Search City of Portland maps by gallery, aerial photos, assessor, permits or reports. The pole building and all details were designed with 2-ply (double) trusses spanning the 45 feet. Find information about Clackamas County, Oregon Ordinances & Codes including local law ordinances, municipal ordinances, municodes, city ordinances, and code enforcement. We can accept a check in person during our business hours of 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Thursday. To evaluate the soil prior to designing or installing a new or replacement drainfield. Date1/13/2017 Form #: BU-0006-00 All drawing files must follow the naming conventions to ensure that they are listed in the proper order when uploaded. 206 or email: or Email:soilsconcern@clackamas.usPhone:503-742-4740. Active permit holders to review their permits and schedule inspections. get driving directions from your location, Clackamas County Contractor License Search, Oregon City Building Department and Permits, West Linn Building Department, Planning, Zoning and Permits, Clackamas County Department of Elections Polling Locations, Clackamas County Assessment and Taxation Department Tax Records, Clackamas County Sheriff's Office Website, Clackamas County Technology Services Department GIS Maps, Clackamas County Sheriff's Office Property Records, Clackamas County building codes and ordinances, Building and construction permit searches, Clackamas County building violations, appeals, complaints, and fines, Building information searches and property records, Zoning regulations and ordinances in Clackamas County, Oregon. Access the system directly. You have several options to learn how to use Development Direct. Not sure where to start or which application you need? These permits cover updates and repairs youre making to your septic system. Septic and onsite wastewater treatment systems must be designed, installed, and maintained to protect: the groundwater aquifer and surface waters from pathogen and nitrogen contamination. Find information about Clackamas County, Oregon Noise Ordinances & Codes including residential noise regulations, noise curfew hours, and disturbance laws. Stop byour counter on the second floor of the Development Services Building, 150 Beavercreek Road, Oregon City, during office hours: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Staff available by phone and email: Monday Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Planning and Zoning Division | Clackamas County Planning and Zoning Division Administers state, regional and local land use and zoning regulations in unincorporated areas. Clackamas Countys new one-stop digital development services hub. Making an appointment reserves the kiosk for your use with a staff member and allows us to provide the quality of service that every customer needs and deserves. Please limit the number of characters in a file name to 35 or less; abbreviations are acceptable. Plans must be legible, and to scale with correct dimensions. Licensed CCB contractors can apply online for trade permits (electrical, plumbing and residential mechanical) that do not require plan review. It only takes a few simple steps. Find Clackamas County residential property records including property owners, sales & transfer history, deeds & titles, property taxes, valuations, land, zoning records & more. Clackamas County Property Records Search Links Option: Instead of reviewing and responding to comments and changemarks in Development Direct, you can download them to Excel. Files noted in red are ones flagged as duplicates, so they will likely be discarded. Search Clackamas County parcels and mapping by address, city, parcel number or street intersection. Already familiar with Development Direct? Land Use Search by Permit #: E0164201 (sample) Show entries Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries Previous Next Need help? Once you have set up an account, you canapply for your electrical, plumbing and mechanical permits online! All drawings and documents must following the naming conventions provided below. Email authorization They are maintained by various government offices in Clackamas County, Oregon State, and at the Federal level. We can accept a check by mail (made out to Clackamas County), but we will have to keep your submittal on hold until we receive the funds. Tell us in detail what youre planning to do in your home by completing theProject Descriptionworksheet. Septic and onsite wastewater treatment systems must be designed, installed, and maintained to protect: Find answers to your most frequently asked questions. View Clackamas County Assessment and Taxation Office foreclosure information, including years of delinquency, notification process and redemption period. Files noted in orange are new files that were not previously provided, so they will be uploaded as a separate sheets and will not replace any original drawings. All the permits are applied for, processed and issued online using Development Direct, so you do not need to download permit applications. See the User Guide for more detail. Drawings will be uploaded as a single sheets. Log in to Development Direct to see a list of your projects and the status of each. Find information about Clackamas County, Oregon Property Tax Payments including paying and viewing your tax bills, school, county, and town tax information. Not sure where to start or which application you need? Clackamas County Property Records (Oregon) Records Request, Community Development (Building / Planning), Friends of the Oregon City Public Library. 150 Beavercreek Road The screen will refresh again, and your license will show as connected. There are 3 ways you can pay fees: You may pay in-person, during our business hours 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Fridays. Changemarks display the heading Changemark note with a small file image below. Multi-family Master builder Other: JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION. For an overview of our divisions, please visit Development Services. Detailed submittal requirements for each permit type are provided below: The guidelines on the Development Direct webpage provide information on how to prepare your project plans and documents. Required actions will be assigned to you as tasks. This process is for homeowners who are doing mechanical, electrical or plumbing work on your own residence or your home based business. Clackamas County Property Tax Payments These applications typically have a quick turnaround time and do not require plan review. Clackamas County Building Inspections . Development Direct Attn: SEPTIC Staff available by phone and email: Monday Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Development Engineering reviews and issues permits for driveways, road work in the right of way including utilities, site circulation work, and miscellaneous activities in the right of way. This is the land use application process for residential, commercial and industrial development land use applications. make an appointment and reserve your spot. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday Web Links Oregon Building Codes Division ePermits Building (Make sure you review the. OAR 918-480-0140 Because they do not need to be in a defined order, you do not need to start the file name with a number. Building Permits Residential permit process (homes, duplexes and accessory dwelling units ADU) Types of residential inspections Schedule an inspection Get your property into compliance with the building code Building Codes documents Fee information Plumbing, Electrical and Solar Plumbing permits Electrical permits Solar permits Tools for Building If it displays Unresolved, the issue has not yet been addressed. When you use Development Direct for the first time, youll be prompted to create a new account, even if you already have a ProjectDox account through another jurisdiction. All Clackamas County Building, Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing, Site Development, Entrance and Utility plan reviews and permits are processed through Development Direct. The Development Direct webpage and Users Guide provide information on how to perform these tasks in the system. If you have questions about whether you need a permit, contact the division that handles that work. Please note, when mailing or depositing a check: Help us follow state safety guidelines for COVID-19 by: Please note that inspectors have been given discretion to assess the safety of an inspection site and to reschedule the inspection if they believe they cannot perform the work safely. If attachments are larger than that, please split the package into separate emails with one consistent subject line. "Wet" (sewer, storm and water) utility work associated with a development must be permitted as part of a Development Permit. We can accept attachments of up to 40MB total per email. You are responsible for ensuring compliance with these documents, and should have them on-site for inspections. For general questions or record requests:Email:zoninginfo@clackamas.usPhone:503-742-4500. Pay fees, and manage your plan review projects from start to finish. Don't have an account? Privacy Policy, Development Services Building 150 Beavercreek Road 2nd floor Oregon City, OR 97. Sewer permit. 8. See the User Guide or more detail. Name Clackamas County Permits Suggest Edit Address 150 Beavercreek Road Oregon , Oregon , 97045 Phone 503-742-4240 Clackamas County Permits Services Inspections Find information about Clackamas County, Oregon Ordinances & Codes including local law ordinances, municipal ordinances, municodes, city ordinances, and code enforcement. Help others by sharing new links and reporting broken links. As part of your building permit application you must submit a site plan. Temporary road closure applications should be submitted at least four weeks in advance of the requested road closure date to account for the two-week public notice period. Clackamas County GIS Maps Do I have to download any software? For more information, please contact the related department. Find Clackamas County GIS maps, tax maps, and parcel viewers to search for and identify land and property records. Reviews residential, commercial and industrial development land use permits, and develops long-range planning strategies. Send the Credit Card Authorization as a separate PDF so we can delete it after use. Your projects are important to us. Email or call 503-742-4691. In person / mail From the drop down, choose the type of license you have, then enter the license number in the adjacent box. Now you can continue and purchase permits. An image of your file with reviewer markup is displayed to the left, and a changemark list is displayed to the right. Upload files with original file name The screen will refresh select connect, then click OK. Contact us for assistance: 503-373-7396 or 1-800-442-7457 | Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday Closed major holidays Search. Phone:503-742-4400 Please note that use of the Development Direct kiosk will be prioritized by appointments and staff availability; walk-in use cannot be guaranteed. Development Direct uses a web-based system called ProjectDox, which can be accessed through most browsers without downloading any additional components or software. Find Clackamas County residential building & property records including ownership, land use & zoning, parcel & structural descriptions, market valuations, sales history, tax assessments, deeds & more. After you apply, you will be sent an email with instructions of what drawings and documents are needed. All drawings and documents must be PDF files. County Office is not affiliated with any government agency. Do not include dashes (-) or other special characters (such as &, %, #) in the file name. for new installations of, or updates to, mobile homes, trailers or manufactured homes. 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. These instructions will help you get ready to apply for building permits using Development Direct. When you are ready to apply for a permit, you must submit a completed application. Authorization Notice Instructions & Forms for Online Permit Submittals Once all staff reviews of your project are complete, you will receive a system-generated email and be notified in Development Direct if corrections or additional information are required for your project. There are several kinds of permits, and depending on your project, you may need more than one. Find Clackamas County residential property records by address, including property owners, sales & transfer history, deeds & titles, property taxes, valuations, land, zoning records & more. There are 12 Building Departments in Clackamas County, Oregon, serving a population of 399,962 people in an area of 1,870 square miles.There is 1 Building Department per 33,330 people, and 1 Building Department per 155 square miles.. 6. Download and fill out the Credit Card Authorization to allow us to charge your credit card for your Permit Fees. Drawings and documents must use the naming conventions. If you need help scanning your drawings, a, All drawings and documents must use the County naming conventions as provided on the. Our customer service representatives are available. Call 503-742-4400. Check ourHow To Guidefor assistance. To invite someone as a project participant: After your files are submitted, our staff will begin the Prescreen Review process to check the drawings and documents provided for the project. Do you have an app? Your plans will be permanently stored in Development Direct, so if they are lost or destroyed later on, you can log in and download them again. Contact one of our Customer Service Representatives at or 503-742-4400. Provide a statement from the pole building designer allowing the single member truss for all details indicated throughout the construction plans. Contact us. As you get started, here are some important tips for using Development Direct. Search Clackamas County's Surveyor Information System by address, tax lot, section, survey, plat number and subdivision name. Receiving a task is an indication that action or a response is required. When all plan reviews are complete, we will send you a notice that the review is complete and informing you if any final fees are required. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 9. Searching for Permits ONLINE | City of Lake Oswego chevron_right Building Searching for Permits ONLINE Searching for permits online using the Online E-permitting system. Look up your zone designation in the County Zoning and Development Ordinance to learn more about your zoning and the allowable uses. Existing system capacity _____. All Development Engineering permits, including: All Building, Electrical, Plumbing and Mechanical permits that, Trade contractor Electrical, Plumbing and Mechanical permits, Basic homeowner Electrical, Plumbing and Mechanical permits, the groundwater aquifer and surface waters from pathogen and nitrogen contamination, public health by properly treating and disposing of disease-causing human waste. Editors frequently monitor and verify these resources on a routine basis. Open to public: Suggest Listing All drawings and documents must use the County naming conventions the. Portland Office of Management & Finance Tax Records City permits can be found on the Licenses & Applications page. All Development Engineering permits, including: All Building, Electrical, Plumbing and Mechanical permits that, Trade contractor Electrical, Plumbing and Mechanical permits, Basic homeowner Electrical, Plumbing and Mechanical permits, Plumbing "Site work" on Private Property, Legal description of the property (Township, Range, Section and Tax Lot) You can copy the, Driveway location and location of adjacent streets, Location of any existing wells on this or adjacent properties, Location of the septic tank, drainfield, and drainfield replacement area, Approximate ground slope and direction of the slope, Proposed setbacks from all property lines, Position of all creeks, streams, ponds, springs, or other drainage-ways, Relative elevations at lot corners or construction area, and at the building site. Privacy Policy Must carry original applicable stamp and signature on file or with application. Customer Service Hours: Information found on is strictly for informational purposes and does not construe legal, financial or medical advice. The STEP 2 of 4 area allows you to resubmit files that you have corrected and to upload new files. Find information about Clackamas County, Oregon Burn Permits including applying for open fire burning permits, requirements, wildfire prevention, and personal fire safety. 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Available by phone/email The Clackamas County Permits, located in Oregon, Oregon, ensures the construction of safe buildings, primarily through the development and enforcement of building codes. You can contact a permit specialist at or 503-742-4240. Once it is uploaded, the file will automatically be assigned a version number. Search Clear Hide Map. 2023 County Office. (Please login to continue. Below are links to additional information that you may be interested in: Schedule a Building, Plumbing, Mechanical, or Electrical InspectionInformation about Development Engineering Inspections, Search Applications and View Inspection Results. Step by step instructions for the whole review process are provided below.
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